" WEATHER lr|" ’ IWt cloudy Thursday Friday ~ VOLUME SpL; NUMBER M t * _ ... f/' i !■■■■ - .JL.Li . . " " UNDY ABSOLVES NAVY AIR STAHON FOR BLAME WARRENTON MAN IS RADL Y INJURED *&} A UTO ACCIDENT Controversy Had Risen On Account Plane Not Bang In Shape To Fly To New York I WmOm Which Micht Have Arisen at Any ytnii; Praises Naval -Cot Mitchell Had Blamed Navhl Ah Station Men for MU (f * hap.- NSW TOSS. last ClttilM A. Lindbergh In • statement '. > to th# Associated Pr#»s tonight »k solved th* personnel of Anaoowlg Na vel Air Button of Bay Mum lor tell ur# of Uio "Spirit or ih Lo»to” to hr ta firing condition last Hoofer m : ■ la Mb Btotoßßßßt (ol tiadhorgh said* “I kgvs heard of tha costrovoray •itotUi ovrr the soadhton of my motor bb4 I wish to Blki tho follow til statement. Ob arrival at tho all •tattoo Monday morning. my mo tot !; Altar runaina tar ■somottnm dortour * a slight crack ta a coat which la t«ra CBBOOA a tol lower tostick (a thr * * a*- yAOlp'lSta held tho valve open aaA la terforod with proper running of mo t too. Ttaetrtwhto' won not serious tr t-ay. way an! *»• oaally aaA qickly rotoattaad whoa located It In n. raaMMa Nfcy coo HI hart boo* oausof by carotossaees of aay ones part hot developed ha Aa atM minor trouble* I wloh to partlcalarty ooayllant U»< aa*al air station of tho high aatihre o Its personnel aaA to uyrttr bis atocoro approoiatloa tar tho proaip ; aaA efficient planner la which the cara lor ay piano - . Chortoo A. Undborgb " In. Lindbergh To Bt. Loot* -■ NSW YORK. Jubo 15— — Mr* Evangeline Lodge\jadb*rgb, mpthn of Americas air boro loft boro (o Bt. Lonlt at 4:« oa tho aowl; chrlotoaod Pennsylvania train “Hplr it Os Bt IjohU" accomranl.d by an of Itoioi delegating from tho Mlsoour City. i 44 4 r •' 1 ’ IdoMsia* CooMbooa NR# tho awot of Ita cbanco* to Idotlr rhartoa Lindbergh today. Tho cits I, *» had several chance* to aoo tho yonnr man from tba mlddl. waat, for hi laiaglUhli took him to aoma o tha business Alatrieta. Crowd* path trod all along bit routoa aad aa h< paaa with hla *acort. tho haary traf fir both vehicular and psdostriah '■)> aloof otill aad acclaimed him. Weotbor Bad For Plight TRW I 1 YORK - OPt -Command. Richard Byrd la oapactod hack tr Now York tomorrow roady to fly t< Fraaco but tho wmtbor man sayi bo will not bo ahlo to fly th*n. nor 01 Friday, aor probably Saturday either w V. “Atmospheric conditions above th< Bm/ North Atlantic could hardly b* wore than they ar* right now. - Jam* •aare of dm wttafitof Mraw told tin Aaaorlatcd Prc»e late today 'Thar# ar* vartoin atorm center Bad there are ao Indication* of ar tarly clearing. Thor* Is ao chanc. of a Irans-Allanfl* flight by Friday« +*'* W. twaa pewdAto sedately for later f «* u a iMFiipai hay »*• Mjeoa ta m • good- * • r » F.LECTi*crr» NEW BERN. Jaao U<AV ja<h Waal, ala* wae electrocuted eerly tb'i morning near Uranttboro. wbilt Mlemptlaa to remove a 'llvo“ wire which had fallen to the pademeat. The boy and hla mother wipe# bom* lv la Walldoo. Duplin county, were viaitiag with Mr. aad Mra. John B. Keel at Uraataborh. The child waa fouad ahortly after the aoaldaal aad medical old abm mooed hut raauaelUUoa waa adpoo- tJ&ji ’ k » * at a«ah * ■Aoo . i* ifhil i Vii i THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINBB ARE FREBH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. m-s. , ■■■ ~m.■ .■" ’ M ■■ ... ■ - - . . )- Starting Today yi "IRISH 1 I By MollM Malone |ll A novel of love and adventure | ,|| with the gayest, most light-1 ■|| hearted people of the world | r | typically represented. ■ I First Installment on Page 5 1 UNINJURED IN ~ ; AUTO ACCIDENT • 1 Two Cars Damaged 1n CaUalaa On Number la Wcat as ' City r , ■ L. - No oao wae Injured hut iwo auto -1 mobile* War# badly damaged yo*t*r ' day aftaraoou la aa automoMl* acd tidal hoar tho rating atathm t» Wgb -1 way laaber IP, Jaat w**l of Ihe elty. h H Murphy, aogro. of Magooi.a. drove htoa the highway frma"’a aMo ood aad aMeavrlrad with hia For<l 1 Buk h automobile driven-by J . B. CoakUag and occupied by four other *oa of Virginia. The Ford waa dom> itbhad and tb* Butch badly wrecked. Murphy had hla curtalaa up at the Cm* of th* accident, ami It la thought that b* was preventod from towing :h# approaching car by tha mlat on •he curtain*. Deputy Halos lavasti gated the occurence aad reported U ta unavoidable accident. Murphy ar aagod to tahe care of tha damage. The party of Virginia g«B wars cm their way to Now Bern on a fish ing tnp. . •Two Raleigh men who cam* uron ho scene escaped an accident Thalr •nr skidded and aMtda- a complete torn In tho road when the brake* «*re applied to bring it to n atop. Jury Deadlocks in Trial Mra. Mitchell XSmmtfß; Jnv HHIFH- fto •Ign of an on n verdict was aeon bar* tonight* when a Jury n the case of Mra. Mildred Mitchell, Vahevill* nurse charged with killing Ur*. Sue ( lay were looked up for the tight after deliberating aluc* 10:26 hb morning. The verdict will be •ecolVod tonight if R I* reached. Indication thgl n mistrial might be he reoalt waa seen. The delay cam* ** n surprise aa a great many p*o »le wore cone trad from hearing the oatimony that Mia Mitchell would he acquitted without delay. This wa* 'argely because of the character of, •T.'lf. Muir’s testimony upon which the state la asking tb* Jury to con* .let tha nurse. ■, Wayne Boy To Be Honored In Washington Encampment ■ .1 > IJUH *Mk Washington honored I Otd Char lee A , Untllwrik Thl» r *»li VOW »» »uo*U»* hewer ' .4r .uiitoaJl taw. a 8 UfcwTf Mrfi. aMI amoaa Ihe number Will Ik a county boy, A mod Peele, You*« Peele |«(i yesterday lor Wssb ngton and will return Friday waah 1 H* la o*a of two North Carolina 1 boy*, baiai entertained by siecutlvsi * ihla week Hack aUt* of tba union • plcke tha two bant laadara In boy'a • club actltrHloa In tha rural dtatrlcta * and aaadi theht to Washington. * It will ba on* complete round of • righteeelag for Aaron while ha la In Washington. Ha will ba taken for r trip* to all tha landing muaeuma. to p tha Hall of Coogres, Congressional 6 library, Washington Monument depart man tat baUding*. nmd will bn < ** V" bo* *' * * •ft Mss6t frfi. Vsr* I SIDE DRESSING COTTON URGED NT County Agmnt Rikartgin UffOß Fingyn to Produce More c*— **" [ /cotton Grower* should strive to make daah aero pr>dac< a bale of C “Uo!eUfSS toritt ludlcaU that cotton c«M ha AAoducod «pc Ite* ton to twolv* iMoata. par pound, when a yield of a . bale or more to produced. Most ol | our aoU rogairo apogtol forilliaalion to' I] prodnoa such ytoda.” bo Mated. I Tpf the ooptpa (daat to prodneo liberal amounts of I Aitflag tha growing^#** on." Mr, Rob M sAsAO oootlnued A good afto wdfE Ihwaat bo produced early tg secuamJßj | ksto or atora per acre Enpoctottf W thla this In aoctioa* wh* l * th^hoft MA . a iY ' ~ - ---stA-- • — --JIZ? i J *■ • ■ *F*Tn£j| •Iffy whop a liberal amount of a * quick-acting reodily soluble source ’ to naed. Three-foertka -of this nltio I*l should hd applied whan tho i plant to \mb thirty to forty dpya «M. according to axporUnenUl resgltd, or when the plant boa developed a good loot, system “In addition to tho fertiliser ap plied at planting thus.’' h* said, “on* to two hundred pounds of NUratr of Mods per daxe should be appibd at the aocond cultlvattoo after chop , plug. Kxpeilmonts show that the >* P*am will lake up MP pounds of Nit i; teto of Mmja rag pefa uh two to thruo I weOWv ir applied when the plant to from six to eight weeks old. This •loes not mean that the crop doas not benefit from tha Nit rata after—-tool time.” Mr Robertson explained. * Af ter the Nitrate to .boorbed. the plan w))l as# U In making growth for som< time. If the aPPlicutloii la small, •ha crop stay totpr show tha naed tor more Nitrata. Tha length of time the Nitrate to effective in Increasing growth aad yield on the nmonnt of NHrat* absorbed and not qn tha rat* of ahaorptlda. "You still have a chance to make a bale per acre." he stated. "Side dress your cotton. It does two thing* —R cut* the cost* of production and It Inerenaes tha yield. Increase your proflu by reducing the coat of pro duction. - Critically Hurt In Auto Accident BUZABPrtf dfy. June tl-CST —Aubrey Bawyar, . la. of Elisabeth City, wa* in n critical condition to night with lajwriee aUdUmed Uilh afternoon when a hicyole on which ha and Jamas Johnson wars riding col lided with an antomobile operated by DennJa Hawygr IT. Aubrey Sawyer, sustained a frac tured ahull and little bope for his recovery Is bald. The Johnson hoy suffered body brulaea although there wa« still some fear by reiatlvaa that ha waos Injured Internally Dennis Sawyer to und tj )>M for uppenmnee at a hearing Monday. Witness.* said the accident seemed unavoidable. . 1 graafnd personally’by department of > ugrlmllare executive* 1 kpgpx A M *Maartgon h Iprytwrw, wwnfit .of r 'vatmg paata ; | --r? Aaron Praia wan born Nowembor S9tUl IPOI, in Hurk Hwamp lownahip uaar Plkavlla, N. (V Wayne county ,1 He la the aon of ifr. d f. naJ , Mrs. kffle (Kerman nt«le, both of i whom are nntlrea of WaV«e county I Aaron's father, Mr. Poole, i l»ew bean a landing cltiaen of Bln com munltyl«4nra a young man anXhs* r airan of hithtlma and aarrieon to i»l* i local cuomaalty as a member of Ik* r local arbool board and aa a member > of tha Board of County ( ourailaatoa I era. Mr. Paata koo always bean Intor . anted In whatever would promote the (Cohtffcaod g« Pig, Tvw| TtwllilMio; M. CTHUIMPAY MORNING, JUNE 1«, IM7 FALSE REIURTS l ARE (IIKOjUTKI) ■ Call iM NiMicsuwßAdd Been Reported KouMgiiKcl*et B UUEBUr. JuT. wave of I ldlsnae rxcJuißent f sWe* this coun * lt l aftemoo* when £ep.,i t came * 'Btimtm River RemnLtir Inter I ior of the provides tfcgflM French * Aviators Nnngesser uifjßli had l)«eii i 'ogpd. With IncreAMmL swiftness I th* report spread but lime wav soon > JlapaMad when OowrqßjMM officials nd lumber aFftolato cq(P itof corn * fjnptt. j I An employee of a h|i eorpora I ' north of the Hapifc river wa* JtjnMlble for tb. >*g|rt which h. I lu “ •••*Pm>a« masaag' rasldtaa in Quebec [Mpfcd®Rivcr Hen it iabmpewhat oul STrUt* Mya where the dih* were r. * ?i Mr^ ll • t,M *• • dXtln whsr • viators could have toad.d and rvkiklßad unround for weeks Immediately Quebec Ml korities and* lumbermen initialed search.*, th. Canadian railway telegraph and tele phone service* Issued Instructions to nrohe all reports to th* bottom; searching parties wer* ergs nixed and tha district tot many miles around will be thoroughly combed within th* east few days. . ® v- w#rd WhJMlttr to! Wraad with startling awtftneaA It was thm thef -had keen toupd Ist by sooth PH4* Bt, John. AOhMy of Quebec Uity >*aa • reJlted wHTbUring bad h U'lephona row vemat lon with her son rmployvd at River Bnd. He to said to have Informed her that both avia tors ware alive and aafe. 1 The entire district has been con vetted into a camp of willing watch era and searchers and nothing will Im» left undone to trsce the source of th* flares and the reports today Bits FOLLOWING A LONG ILLNESS _____ •* ' Fuifhral Service For Miw Don Biiiell at 4 OViock Thin Afternoon '■ » 1 a Mlsa Dora Biasetl died at II a'cloch tost evening at Uw home of her nop hew R. w. Moye. no South •treat, with whom she had been mak •T her kuma tor tbw yaW-Mto. months Mtoii Btsxell had been In da rling health for many mouths and relatives and friends had steeled them selves for the end Kueeeal will be held from th* home nf Mr. Moye. a n.phew. at 4 o’clock ibis afternoon,.with Rev. A. J .Smith, pastor.of First Baptist churCh In charge. Final serrice will he helil •t the grave la tall range about 4:34 this afternoon George U Biasell. of Goldaboyo. ,J J Bisaoll of Klnstou. C R Blssell of Goldsboro, and William B. Bissel of Allantar-uee brother* of tb* deceased Mr*. W. C. Moy. of Guldaboro and MtoA Nan Hlsaell of F.iyetlrvtlia ar* of lb* deceased Mlsl Bisaoll had made bar home In Klnaton and came to liv* with rela fives here only about a year ago, ’■ • 8W Tvrriit Rrie* m Count and Wing Bout mmssvwm»«w Atato CMSri um K- V.Jhu* ta **e chin that hid Juki .j him Tor a count of n.uv. Hid Tsrris. crack New Vbrk light weighs, knocked out Ruby Goldstein, also of N*w York With a single right to the chin in th* • rat rewind of their f.iilured als round nwuh toalgkt. Raiumy Bak« r , abld|«r welter weight from Mitchell Field. N T, acor*d a Henaatkmal seven round technical Knockout over Ac* Hudkins. Nebras •Aa wildcat. Jtist before tb* feature bout an aw togreph pb.dogiaph of rhartoa Lind bergh waa nucilonod og to tha crowd. 4 was bought tor lI.MQ by Edward n "“*- i WAYNE TO SHARE > IN SCHOOL FUND i Altolment of Three Million Equalizing Fuad Waa Start ed Yruterday 1 RALEWH, Jja* 16 (4*l Allot monts of tb* school aqualf ,u ** d b *'*S" !«da.l the - Mate Ifourd ol KouaiiimUiua lti.l tor » ih* pu tpoaa of diatjibuUng tho bug. » fuud. Ninety cuuntlaa, wUI probably • be recognised before tho clops qf th. • >*aalon. vfhlch wUI continue through » lan «r tony. k Tentative valuations, while iadical *ng that only ninety percent of tho .•0. titles will share to tho fund, may " Is* rearranged before ih* soealon to • 1 oncludod, allowing Additional courts h *•“» to come in for a share of tms isbuisetuenls Ftfteau counties will i probably be added lo those already participating In th* fund, r Thf rtndtnga of the hoard tndteate rhat ih* following counties will not 1 bar* in the fund, which pill ha 4to tritmted to help run th* achootat •'tuncombe. Wake t’abarrns. Ujcham, 'nrayih. Gaston. Ou Ilf ford, Maekloa- Imrg and New llanov.r, u to thought Ih* following counties will ho addad to those benefiting by th* fund: Cra ven, Rdaaoomh*. Green*. Halites, Jloks, Lenoir. McDowell. Badquotvak, I’ft, Rockingham, Heotland. StAnly, Yatoo. Wsyne and Wilson Laray Mania. ta ration hoard, ban compiled figure* -h jwinr that com* of qp<watlaq -,>orta la ih* otata art aa.teq tor ccoave, (he figure* ter tha last year ' vcsllng that operating costs war* 16 pafroni gfsator than of th* rr«- <*edlßF year. Estimate* mads by l card member* pl*«v th* valuation of '•sable property la th* state A too t Mtfon dollar* greater than tha vali ttlon made hy th* atot* hoard of • •aesstnent. Tentative valuation of the prop *t*' tv In a L count tot which art generallv - * period tp share to the fund to »t,- "Tf.MS.IST »v,il* th* valuation of tie cmvinlnr nine counties.'tha richest 'n the otata, to at »l^)M Mi - TAf. \ Graham Youth Given-' A ( hange of Venue lIOHHSNHVIIXE, June lA-UV- Change to veouo waa granted to Fit .Tanking and Richard WtUianw. td year old Graham county youths held in connection with Ih* hold up and »h*4t mt 44,606 smoto pnpmll sl a am •tou.-tlon company lot* Hauu*day. When th* case waa catted before th* mayor her* today. th* court aet tb* hearing for f o'clock tomorrow to omtor that tha* might be allowed for the defense and rosM-utlou to summon additional wit "sasen.^ HORRY.IN "ROUGH" OAK MONT. Pa., June 16.—<4>) Bol.h#r Jones, starting th* second round In d*f*ne* of hla national gulf champion ship, an otherwise coud ou t hy mPlakes on tho «wq short hoi** The sixth and eighth, making th* turn when his 18 hoi* total.wag Ti. Women Saves Husband From Being Captured At Stiß it s A liKklal wilt r«y«r4«| prr- Wr ki'kMk I rum balng , w>p»|Wl< npwrtdlllt * M|U kg Rayn. run at* at Mo* •“ «*•* «1m »»>«top <a t»* ywr** * Korargay. Rwltb. and Uarda*r Os s b*rlff liraut'a fore# took adraatag* •if the «t*ady downpour to maka a Juki In rork townablp Tbty bad lip and war* making, atralkkt* way to ih* point brliar.d a .till to bo In op*Mlloa \ 1 Tb*y had jaat pa*«ad a 1 hnuaa whan a woniaa ru-ibnl to j£- door aad fired a .hoigun. Than fta hullowad loudly raouab to hard tak ra flrat honor a la aay hag calling roaloat in North Carolina. 5 Ktva iigata** latar tka dapnflaa > warn al tka atill, Jaat bagiaaiag to i kubbla. but not a aoul was In tight U • ' "/I ~ 7 . * w w ▼ «d , —p— ! Three Have Narrow Escape ■ Death As Loaded Log Trick And Car Crash Near Bedfast * _ r fl ILI 1 noiiicuiinx N6w tt r Way Auto Mishapsll 9 a ' Botnolhing now In the wap of I autwiMihil* accident* happened lu t ßau|t(oa township yesterday i Luka Hill, driving J. A Tgylors autontobiia, ran Into g now bo- II longing to sol. Loggstt, aogro I. Tha cow austataod n brokOn toil and had to h* shot. Tha autamo- II hli* was only slightly damaged. It Taylor drove th* automobile away II from thr scene far ropeirm Ho to I held .iiidf-r | ion bond for bis I ap| ear sue* in county court to I answer to a charge of driving an I nutomoblle while drunk. Hlil .wss I recognised for his appanrano* la I court Thar# to tm whiskey charge H t against tha totter. . ■ 1 * - r yj, I| PAMUCOSUPT. VISHING HERE 1 ’■ ■’ > H. C. Bonita WIU tec met T. B. Atttawro •• H emit Pl» ttm Hxblom I ." U' .. . H O. Baakf recently aioctad sup orintondent of Fnmltoo county anfeoota to succeed T. B. Attonors. who for 14 yo«rs headed th* system, to rtsittec in Wayne county. Mra. Banks la ao companylng him. Mr Banks com** to bin position In FasnJtoo after a period of yearn as teachar and aa principal” of schools In tha Eastern part of tho stats Be seonrod his freshman training ai th* i University of North Carolina, and 5 • otndeat la Waks For sot Cot tage when hs enlisted In tho Itavy to L»7 At th* end *4 tha World . war he resumed bit teaching and has attended summer schools at Wgho Forest for several saaalona. Ha wßs rwardad his dbgra* at the last WaJto ■ Forest commencement. In an examine!lua of distinction I Mr. Banks had boon awarded a prta i ifet‘l certificate by the BtaU Depart i U’snt of Education oovtml years ago. - -Mo th* poet gam poos* ho ha* Aeon princlral of th* Brinson Memorial » school, one of lho larger schools of f raveo county ’ . fn an editor is I which appeared In The New#: rgceatly, Mr. Bank* was confused, with hi* hro<hr*. ▼. C.' 'tanks and the foregoing fact# 1 are . rifau la fairness to him. TOBRUK f’OSFEDERATE magnolia, mi*#., June 16-<4V ! o*n W. W. Wrolen, former com mender rhlof of the United Oan ■j f-redat* veterans wa* much wort* l today and death was sapaotad mom • upterily. * * H# I* suffering from a eomhiaatioa •* todlgealtoo and^orysigmlag. —.■!■ m I'ert of iba 75 gallon outfit warn dlv dad among tuambara of tba party aad lb*, trip haab ia <Jald»k—a Uaaa . **t Ihiu tdoMMd tn.ank. tkg *Mp At Aid xkiMOdru ip« «kouw» •nd why aha bad abontad ao loudly r **l waa Juat Bearing tba kawkr , away from my biddlaa." aba told Da i r oly Bui k Oardnar. >'• I *'Wbara ara your bldlaar I>*put> ■ tiardnar aak<d i “Out Ihara la tba oattou pal ah.' >b* rapllad. n ' Thar* war* two of tb*m. i l-*iar la tb* aftaraoon tba dvpatW* rougbt In flat gallon* of win# and I poo rad out an additional twanty fl*« gallon* la a raid la Broggan tow a i rblp Tba win* vna prima daw born >| product «nd bad baan a tor ad la a I tobaooo kora. id ■ ■fr*. *. *"# Member of | The Associated I ™ Press ~ nr .T * 4 '¥'* ’ *•"■:• i#SM' - r '• -T' v *"' 1 •-"•""■•M-MMaMwanMaaMBaaatBMmtoaMtotoMBMfeMMPl * pucu mn auns - ‘siwsot •,, JiniW .■■'-■i ■» jf Scrapped; Netrft Driver Planed in AAg B gn * Car Skidded "*s^ • ... r • f. sh raa «*i veaw'laiuraf. <M pWrft or laa> aartpaaiy. a ttwdMhkar dggah badly vc»1« urfilai (fMk tora*' pad in an automahtla ■ Inti tod OB Highway aaathar M aim Mptol |*A >«ni*rdty aftaraooti TIM Mak. tltH •**>••« »• «*• i<d|SL ikkMad into (ha ~«»a of to* Hath h. a. mdmmt. «c Immm Mrar at the fdahjiar, •togM#* fcrokaa coliartaaa, aayerat Apts - gjg <ha right am aad aatwglldfc t*M» .»• eaad. Pnr » ataad M htor Mtihd •hai ha hM aattordi food vaasat la KoaHtal to whiah ha m lf waa *<atod last aaaaiaj thto.l»Jpi. reatiag aa aaay a* aoald h# MgaatM' hot that tha fan axtagd ip t§ tariae could aot ha da«iino|*fM“# uuaahar at haaai. . rrgiaUrad at tha Hatal *•!**»*. SdfeOMyto* ihml* o§ raalad that ha had all fmwtm it •hat ba had haaa aMa ha wdth «Ms Nikrr Hipped att «• f mdMltoto h« *ofi aarth at tha aid* lltoMtoMt Mr Mosalajr palled II M|k r. ; . gvomrai and •« h» dM,ydgarto tNM, ha raar part ahtddad IM • rga lac a ‘ Tha froat gait at tha tMOMpM c»* badly »Bit*il ag, tha Ml P** tar tptlatarai, tha tdh talh MM iron tha ahaarta, aad tha MM ffttt badly daiaagA. Tha aar waa ta* Itof •n« in aaaotly tha Og»aAto‘lfcwMf 'r<»m whiah it had haaa bfMdMi/ Tha tnwh.’lt ttot pidt Mi *ui wiatad apart la tha eiMdle t» 4| Mow aad the Mdry toga aa»«|hHd '-reward. craaMag tha tlNrt 4Mah nd itoartag whapi, Tha hwl (UNO wr maadwied toe awwdfihpto FMmuada tha drtoar, ton at haMhtoh *b«uiicad Uto tha atr. lK M V® lafi •••tad oa top at tha laaa hhdM •hr «'«t had haaa wMh hM iA •apat awtwath thm aa* 111 . i.i ih# drhahhd MMh ' jMI : maatt raaidaata Os (hi who had harrtod to tha M M cra-> aidad ia prlalag ap tha togtdJK frartag him . *1 HALTOnSB MiW H> | IULTIMOM; M 4 laaa U (j»p> Tb. Park board today Mat a Ihl to " « HU hard. Naw Turk qgpg| x.otar to tUaa tha IMM|lmMmspp ,1 ruiki aabadutod tor /|(iy H.' ta tha local atadtaM. ” r '' lTri , Tha prwpoaal Mid tha atadhpat «M|| ba had tar I rmpal as It* gala I* oalpta aad tha HMM*! giflto P •.’7*..*!*’ ■- *—dfc '*• 'V; .wA -j J.'

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