r. ■ aATUMUT UOUUW. HJW U. IM7 ~ ', - . -—'. —* • —- f a/1 iUpfttM** ®Hoßhßja .EE' *1 >4> |T "Itn- r“, ?» ~BBb HBgB E®p Rhßp» *to *rtrt(!lJPN —mu art *c BtolfaMu. «w m fort bw by tataptaootog tmu item* lump m mm ruaat I——. > I fetoe wbu* my thtag *ll g*. , Th*y ho*p m» huattog Ugh ‘■’to*. I*» W* I ftrw B| sweater Iter# Ah' M« aaywharat .Mg^pHßp flfe IW** # wfora T** paMt ah-* Vtfoa-I hut m ill, MM »ara nj&Trjgt ~ Or th* slutY — — z*,, —John J. Eterhardt. In Brattkwatte’a Anthology of Magatoaa Toroot tor ISM m T m T* r - % Oo IbirOt; mdag at right o'* rtort Ur. a m Mr*. J. W. Wort *M giro* o ivfrtH party us ah*w * Ip eatobratioa of tholr fifteaapi wrtdtag aartvaraary hjr i aumb*> « tholr M«rt* ui aoighhoro. Th* gooou assembled ot th* hoot* of Mr. pad Mr*, t. L. Thompson and wut to o group to th* teaatifal a*w MM of Mr. oag Mr*. Wort ot th* oorapr of Art o*4 LJomI itrnU. (to* of th* *«tob*r, Mr*. I B. Matoaa, dipguiart M • negro waabu- WQfrt* haoefcrt at th* 4oor sad whoa Mr*. Wort oaoworoA totonart ter that ah* had hroaght th* warttog goto*. Sha th** oortirt th* hash at in th* Itvtog room, aot tt in tha floor af4 t*)4 hor boaa-lady, “Taka out dla warttog an lot -»• gat oa hook arid dla bosk*, I’m to a Mg harry*' Th* t]jw4 thuja thorrt aroand to a** to# woahiag tokha art. Instead of balng filled with ciothiag tha baahat wu Qllo4 with many and aaofal gift* of hath crystal aad Uam which ottaotrt to aad aotoaai with which l|r. aad Mrs. Wort or* hold hy tholr Mud* and neighbors M« B. C. Hpwall had oharg* of tte aatertalnmeat for th* uoning aad • a*voral laterutiag coataat war* h**d, Th* nrta* for th* first, a pie t#r# gasaamg contaat, wo* awarded to Mr*. T. D. Hnator. After th* ooo taot*. games war* played aad Jok*s wor* read stood hr each oa* prasaat. Tha party wu brfcn fall of fas aad toaghtor tram atari to finish and at eryoaa hod a delightful ttom. A deltciooe too coura* aad eaka war* aerred io th* following gaaat at Mr. aad Mirt. C. Howell, Mr. gad . Mr*. 0. ■. Juts. Mr. aad Mrs. Bd gar Marwick. *Mr. aad Mrs. O. H. Ptpkte, Mr. ud Mr*. J. B. JUpor. . Hr. aad Mr*. William Whitley, Mr. f' -4M Mrs. B. r. Carr. Mr. aad Mrs. * Albert jronghtoa. Mr. aad Mrs B. L. flpoll. Mr. aad Mr*. Ed Taw/Tfr. aad Mrs. *. L. Thomjmoa, Mr. aad Mrs. B. H. Bpeso*. Mr. aid Mrs. MoßHia, Mr aid MT*. B.T. Adam, A, HU, 8. M. M*toa*. W. D. Hna tor. W. j. Wraaa. H. C. Browa. ' L. Jf. Marrtters. of Wlhotagtoo. H. C. Howell, and L. A. Adam*, aad Mloaes Nora Adam*, Hath Thomp- M*. aad Annie Whitley Th* Mtowtag soagi h**a ha*a •dopdrt by lh* local B*alo**> aad Profusion*) Woman’s rlnb art era •nag at aoch meeting Th* atoglng M l*d hy Mia* Olndys Karri*, chair man of tha “p*p" committee ~ I There are cloba that mak* a* snappy, Thu* are dab* that mak* ■* fra*, Thu* art dab* that make u lad*- Than ar# rlnha (hat Oil our h**rU with gto*. ■ Thus ar* rtato tort rt*u aa whu w**r* lonely. Thu* ar* dab* that bdp u gat ' toe ftob ibu goto tha "W* hr • rt-*fo *Vdb MB’ pmi tofft»a**r Tha m*r* w* g*t togdhu * Together together. *• Th* hlpptu well ha, Par yoar frterta are ay frirads " Apd ay frUada era your Mart* Tha sure wet get together Th* happiu wall ha. auy deightfully at WtlHaa atrset Thuraday aftomaau at Baato* ***** Brtd*a towers art p*ttod|| I awarded, tha high wm patoa, a bu of daatiag.pmrd*r. Th* |«ut of boa or. Mias wu preseated * lovely l i*c# of )U|*a . !aa warn IrtOtoAMOH, M. a, June U~On* of 'h# moat delightful social aveuta of ih* aeaaoa wag a alacallaasoa* rt«w er-gtora hy Mrs. W. D. Mawhoraa ad daughters, Mlaaes Jan* aad lime, 'fra. C. H. giuson aad Mrs. Monto m* E. Hardy at th* hem* of Mr. >rt Mrs. Montagu* B. Hardy at k* uttu village of Joaaat, oa Wrt tartay avwtog. oompMasautory to dr. aad Mrs. Norama A. Button, a *«ut hr id* aad groui. Th* btld* te ar* her awrrtag* Jm S. wu Mia* Bleaur Whitfield of BotersoavHl*. N. C. fk* gust war* greeted hy Mr* Mootogue Hardy aad HUS Ilona Mewborn. la the liviag room, which wu decorated .to apriug flowers, aaoh art gaaat >w*a registered art pro mated a miulatjre bouauet of white nad piak rarbeua or Ivoy leaves by Miss Jus Mewhorn. to a wort cutest Mrs. Mutags* Hardy wu prise, a tea of candy which ah* graufuiiy prnartod to tha bride. Mr. Hobart Buttoa wu booby prise, a tea. After the cutest, th* go eat wor* ottered la to tha dials* room which wu tesatifhUy decorated la ertu scheme of piak. grua aad whit*, wteu they wue served brick cream ud cak*. At 10:)* o’clock a tell rang at tk* float door, Mrs. It. Daa Hardy iu warrt th* call, which Wba a tottor t* Ik* brM* aad groom. AUacted to tk* totter wu a piak cord which! wu followed out u tk* bock puck ipto a couoealed oorau. Thu* they round assay nice nod useful praamta, whidh wu wry mart of a surprise, Mm. Eaunetto Sugg art Mrs. Carl Hardy, mot bride* et tte week were •art presented with a ge**t towel. A large number of th* aocial a*t •stored th* charming raoopUu la this boa pi table horn*. 0 Mk. did Hm. "fc ti. - r • ‘ My. aad Mrs. B. O. Thompson U 'ertolaed at a barb sen* supper og tte teaatiful lawa of tkahr horn* tost uaolii| at six o'clock hoaoriag Miss Dcrotky Allen who win bo married o» June th* tSrt. to Mr. John Dnu e«a. of Halaigb. • M.—! «_ - & ***** ®***® RtvHi|i vii boitNi St a lovely Bridge Party at hu horn* aftaruoou In honor of Mias ttiaateth Bawling*, of Norfolk, Va. Thu# were thru table* ad players *rt Mias Mary Alice Powey wu high “* “* ■ PURITY FOREMOST “•■ *. > u 11,1 f .fy *««M*tl TMt» an a hundred kt rnw rhb7!um» I - * - * Hlmb uppltw tkc product tn mil uy iitml Bf*‘* Bpndfy J|4 - ' .•«» HINES Ice Cream M HkM. Iro Ctmm C*. Kinston. N. C. H. C. Hinds, Pros. rt. .^V'.nvJbfc., Tbxk* .*^ II -•»- - . i -"• •'»--• • ■ i.i ■ " m ; - - r~- " score prtoe. Mia* Margaret Wall w*a awarded aacoad high score prise and Mias Rowling*, honor guest, wu pro muted u attractive gift.' Alter tha. gam* d*Hc|ou re fresh aaeuta eulHiug of u ic% course uad pfhdi wu# aorved the guuts. PERSONAL MENTION Mr*. B. B. Warrick and daugh ter, Ml a* Anal# Rath, left yutertay •or Norfolk, Va.', to visit relative* a a a 4h Charlotte Tjylor, of Ml.' Oliva 4a viatiag Miss Julia hUaly at hu bust an Park avuua. « * O. Mrs. E. C. Denmark aad ehtl4r«ji toft yutuday tor a visit to Mra. Denmark* mother la Parktoa, N. C. _i a..*..g Ml*a Spicer hu returned from a nalt to frtoads is Richmond, ▼a. a a a Cadet Thomas Ortffla, of West Point. N. T.. la oa a thro* mouths’ furlough whtoh he to spending with hM parenu, Mr. art lira. B. R. Orflfla. • o'* Suotor P. M. Bimmoaa, of Wash- Inglon. D. 0., ud Mr. Paal C. Humphrey, of New York City, war* tte dinner guests of o*l. and Mrs. Jo»*rb B. Roblnaon at th* Hotel Ooldaborc yesterday, guotu Blm- b- ‘ » You've Put Your Finger On the Very Thing On Father’* Day dry eicsß ud tprau thorn up for hiu. _ WdH mM them buck looking Ukt mw thou west ho bo owpriood .. THE KIRKLAND METHOD 18 BETTER . 'w* Kirkland Dry Cleaning C& CLBANEEM AND DYERS Now Royoll BMg. W. Waknrt 81. nr* cir u r / ty* -aaa noensnono anws •sons was so routs to his home in New Bara after A thr** worts’ s*- kturn In Otnteavflto. ” • • . »T '• Him Annie BUtto tettler tuft Thurs day sight tor N*w York City ta tote a party of rrlsada who with Mrs. Frank Harrold. of Amartoaa. 00., u chap*roue will sail Saturday u 'The Celtic” at sou for o two month* tour of EuropoT* ,<s> • o o • Mr. aad Mra. H. R. Mason ar# to N*w York City on butnus can i Mr. Walter D Craart, Jr., and . Mtaa Sudto Creech bav# returned tram Chapel Hill where ttey have teea vialtiag their seat, Mrs. A. A- Klatn a o o Rev W. P. Watktaa hu retarsed ' Irom the Pastor'* Bummer Brteol at Duk* ialveratty art will fill tte pal pit at Bt. John’# M. E. Charch at amentna and aaamlna aw •EWMW brtl“ . TTT j* NL. ' 1 j 1 vice# Buaday, " ' • * * o Mra. P. L. Dorrtty left this morn ing tor a visit to hu daughters. Miss es Mary ud Carrie Dorrtty to Oreeaa boro, o*o Mtoa Loots# Oraham. et Hamilton. Oa,, who hap teu riaUtog bu slater. Msp. «. #. Whtktaa tor mvarat weeks hu gob* to Oraaurllto. N. C„ to attud tte sammu school at K. C. T. C. AO* Mr. art Mrs. B. M. Whttloy ud chlldr*a. of SUatoaburg, will apud lh* wart ud with Mr. art Mrs. H. gar via Sbuard l • • • Mr. Urey Bpears to vtolttpg W* mad pareute. Mr. art Mr* J, M. Puckett to Attests, (to. aaa Mra. L. H. Marsh burn, of WUmiW toa. to vialtiag fcu atoter, Mra. B. C. Hawaii, „ a • o’*’ Mr. Prad B. Crowao* potentate of Pudaa tempi#, bu rrtarsrt from Attoatic City, N. J., where b* at teadod th* Imperial Council Bhrtun. • • * 'V Mtoua Loasio Bimmoaa. Paulina Crowaoa, Ann* Turner. M***ra.> • # « Mr*. B. L. Balk. Mr. aad Mra. Ob°rg# Belk. Mtoa War* Balk, art Master Da way B*lk. all of Mura*, ar* rtrtlag Mr. art Mr*. Bury B*lk on East Walnut strut. North State I# * 20c 1 Loot Ttteoa Tartly ART MIX IN - ** ‘‘THE CACTUS TERROR" A drama of the Naw Wart —g;. ■ Mr*m PRrt ~. A asr --, Aauapa FrUu TjkNMBBB “SILVER COMEB THRU** —-— —^ mn ■ 1 m mi-. «*'^ ■ MIDSUMMER I Clearance Sale! SOLLY KALEEL I 131 East Walnut St. Goldsboro, N. C. - ■ | Mid-Summer Clearance Sale Start* I I Saturday Morning, June 18th 1927 a I Every item in the store is marked down to its lowest price—noth* I in# is rooerved. * * * > ■HH • ,im !Ti m■■ ‘“ r ' . “ . ■*■ r. vp . fJSi HH A new line of roods, consisting of Ladies’Jleautiful Dresses* Hots*, ft I and Slippers are placed for your approval Also a great ssoaitmsnt of Men's Suita, Trousers, Straw Hats, Shoes and other thing!. i This merchandise is of the latest style and design, and Rla placed iff before you at a very reduced price. I | Don’t fail to attend this sale and get your share of these bargain!. §1 Below is a partial list of the many bargains which await you: : 1— —* ’ ■ B Ladiea* Silk Dreasea |UI up 1 [ Ladies'Gingham Dresses 'PJg M I Ijfcdifn Silk Hone i m -■*•* .’it # *rm» *# , B’.’wr Apron Ginghams, per yard ...... . .. 5c ■ ■ 9* H (5 Yards to a Customer) I I Men’s'Straw Hats /... . $1.48 up I DON’T FORGET THE DATE-SATURDAY, JUNE 18 I Solly Kaleel’s Department Store I || 131 East Walnut St. Goldsboro. N. C, I ifl* • f in n 5 iV-B Charles Barham Hugh Daria, ud Mrp. Ruth Bpicar, wu* a mug thou from OoMahoro, who atteadrt tte I Announcement of our f' pß|f I 3-DAY SPECIALS I I I I Dresses and Hats I ; '" • ■’■•■«■■■ «r »W- - I ■ ■ Useful Gifts FREE on I I the first day of the Sale. jB , I Neil Joseph’s I "•y— ’•—~ ■'■- =s= -.-- ■""' •■•* Will' ' *»N JmiM* W** 2 ARUNGTON HOTEL IDCAL DOWNTOWN LOCATION /|JJ| ftwytto+MXmti t fimuin •> |||M|K |y|luu xr V...... ... ~, . —:,^!S*r.£T»7 M>M jV wun w* aay cprr op siVs wgau* saw h»op nosw—ii . *■■" |M ' , I ,J ■ —.ii... ■■■ —■> l "■ * m,m * PAGE THREE ~"-~ i - ■■* ■, t-arsa .• 'ja» Ja»« Owmi i»MMNI by lb* (UU CotHNoa cl4b, which via UW lb Him k> Mcmat lib (iblH. f |j •.. r; ■■■ j 1 -*■ ■■- ■ f »i'g ." -li!i 11 *l'* P* » ■ -rr-

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