PAGE TWO &' , , ' ' ■ ■.'■■y. * ■! - " SSL "V IMT, Wuur Uio« Pictur**, In*. “IRItH M«y MeAvoy, I* a Warn**- Bro*. picturlietian ‘ *1 tin* naval. V“ STXOrMJM j Mmmttt IferfonpA. a roUtcrlng I him «hm as gmtmm* at « ui/.jpr ta rt* v««( oaa*< */ Jratent mot r * nark hat kamm, heart tAt «*««/[ A merle*. He U «• lav tcith the.,a AlMnr*. dwngbtrr a# Ot# *#•*>'» 1 dor*. «cte let h*t farm po to whtt* h« -talked foliticf H h Mmmttt and Sheila pint tha * m > teihwfno .Ffllr n*d haca-Xhau. ~r («mi I«r# •** J»Xa Aairtters. *k#re nenOtto* m* u mtm*' - -W~W- ' - Gagga?*!® tor fn*t "A» r HM. ft X MU Mr*? Fitaghfe au good au«t sway on charms aa' ItrMM tollluf t Bad « CWM to to flirt! to It rich ws »r* w,li ° w irtiMw tv Im»» • “Pather. tout to hart Ml" -Hurt to I will." Old Tom. tot wife Bgaar. iMrud angrily. “Wtot'» ttot fa flayat 4 locket! An' What wfll ye to dwtag with a toek •ts Cfem fee old woman flock tor trinket no’ jet back ysr monoy." --, ✓ TnthflT. ft * flood lu<* tt'e a ihsmiad* a# I moat keep It Al " Otto H hack. I ear'" "Ha, to!” Stoito wraaud tor •otf from the oW Mil flrtoP tort wife 0 quirk gusturs dropp.-d the proctow 1 charm Into tor bodtaa. Drtaalertor fe> w»MMt. o*d Tom Bbafia took bla am to guld« hi. etUMMim toomepe whlta toPgrum Mod had acoldod tor for tor a* "Aof dtd to mM tto pig, tattorr ”1 Jclkdead.- to toasted prodd ■'-’*-- !y. ® T rt »to prloe.~ “ic* wtoreTi fee money," Bhella * -What •h'S&d I ho aatwertafl I waTavar loom handed la a t#rert> wton (tore plenty of toll I tafla ta hla pockst And. parhaps a tolt a* too ow tto ra roe had tahoa a ahara Tto money naa to tore pprahaMd tto mithag* lor the potato patch,; Now they moat ' Watt and perhape min the beet him Bor piaatinc Old Tadl beaked alone and Bhcll* boas her tohd ia toame. lor there wmy.aio maay than at is* Kno- k Jhir from Klfianmaul way aafl tto floaatpa would be busy aboet Tam KHare and hi* damrk tor lamerrnr A* tear* an*d Her pretty area fltoUa (pacbed the praiitiu* locket biaa. u near her - breast at»d murmured |o herfelf: T huV% the ringing heart and nothing naa eeer hurt ate now!- Gavel Os White House Timber k Presented To Aaron Peek WAJUUNOTON. Jan« iMw *•.-* tor flag •ouvenir* of tbvir iMi to' Washington w»r* proit-uttfil on fVJj 4»y, lose 17, te t|M *ieab«rt of tit* ; National i-U Club Crjuj? who *r.-' j, CHAPTER TWO. OR far Amarlaal Tte (air at Knockbothnrum waa a fuiiuiabt *w>y and tb* Murtongh waa It* bla element H« bad mate bta peace with Pwtar IlkfHgan, bla . njataroal uncle and bad won blm over not only to tha great ad van lur* acroaa the eea but bad actually argued- the old waa, who waa kaoam throughout the Klllanmaol country a* a ml»*rty one. Into pro vKH&( pgflfltgE tnouay to New York. The ' illagera were not particularly Impressed with tUU. however They did not ettraoote the gift eo much to Kamett** £*,*<- r* or pereaastoa “A locby man la Pater.” they eaid ta tte Widow utensils ton "Sure in' tte boy would amount to aothlß’ at aN. Ct all. bore la Klliaa maul, aa*e to got htoooll mlied up With too many girl* for hi* own good. An' who caa tall but that U might coot the old Harrigan a penny or two." Hot Emmett gave so heed to these wiseacre* who knew too much. Indeed, he walked on feath ert. aa tha saying is. and bla eh In notated high as be (toasted to hie comrade* of whet be would do In America and tte rldtet that wyuld be bla. Uataaere were tow, how dver. tor thy Murtough waa uoae too popular with the fallow* of bla own ego; he wee 100 worh of a ladles’ man to be takeo eerleusly by thuoa young stalwart* who bray ed the eea nr who bent thetr beck* o»*r flourishing farms. Shull* Kil dare was bis beat audience For Shell* dreamed, too and while ste loved KlUaumeal, and bar love lor It novor woa to »nd until ter last breath, atm her fresh Imagination mucked from tte baaaOulasas at fwne-tt a hope near to her owa "Shafts, darling. It's a great maa #H te «nr there, where every tet . v lot kit hla chance an there are none to acofl an' *p#ra tto wtola day through., Who could do any thing at all here tn'KHUamaul; the dirty UlOo vinagst Aa' with theae people who look at ya aa If ye were aa familiar to tto hare# as' gig of Doctor Carmody. aa' no more. Just becauae they have aeea ya atoat eiaca tto ttwie ya ana a email ecut they think ye'll amount to nothing at all. at all. Why. down In Knock botherum didn't they tall me about Tim O'Malley who went from there a docan year* ago aa' now he'* on tile police force ia New York aa‘ he wears a uniform an'‘geU a tre maadnue notary every month. H'e a politician he is, too." "Ok. Emmett. I do hope every thing tarns out w#M," Bhella cried WfiWuny “-881 K'e witch a king way* over there; mlltis an' mile* acroaa the waterman' everybody'll to a stranger to ye!" -Old Mother O'ReiUy told me I'd do Wall among stranger*” gad then Emmett remembered tto admoa lab meat of tfle fortune taller. -An', Bhella. she said I should have a wife to Moll) me daws aa" to kelp make me aucceaefut " i~ "Emaett!- -Td to asking ye to ga with me bow, Btolia. darling, but I want to get started an’ to have something to bring ya to when the time comes 4 An' will ye wait tor ttoatr Aa' how Will I be knowing ya want me." Sheila answered. There was ao coquetry in her voice. Thla girt looked on life gravely in spile of her toyeae spirit, and tha soil of the Kllianmau! country gripped her . ‘through the fletoerations of fore fathers who had paseed their Uvm fear*. "Ah. Bhella. ya know I'va bees wanting yo all these years, ' Em melt insisted "Aye. but ye played fast and loose with mapy a glrl.M've heard . "Vfeil. I've, done me bit of phi landering." tto Murtough admitted, and not without pride. “fm wondering If I had been as easy as the other girls If ye would have asked me to have the gag." "Sure. bow. Sheila. If a man stops by Ike iuadilde tome night to chia with a broth as i~IHV l«"bw few wont! for Itr . • cr. (To be continued) ' uinrtulin* » Ve*k In teiiti oft tlw ground* of tflb Untlrtf St»ifH De j jxiriiui'ut of Agrlcjlttfre. Auiou l’i> U jof Plk*rtll«*. Wayn* County wa» among those who re/cired the rur or At a brief i*remoujr Ih tlt-nl tornoon A large gavtl wa» |T«>d it morr tlieu 10<» yrer* old. It wet put In af ter the »ur of 111* when the Whttk IhipiM.- was burned. lie hiuidlev are made frem u bickofy tree which fetl in a stonu u Hi* Vcruou The guv i-lc are to h« retained always in the families ft liioM: who r«;eivr them. preeeaiad to. Secretary sardine w*< n-ote freon CO Tariellel of wood., eai-h ty|ll< at of the comwerctal wood in u different /Steto and In Alas ka The handle If of aacatyptis. Th» eocoiid aoilvepir, u ronehush from I he* 1 uyi Ic-lfurel greenhouse* tip be’ sept Vi the home address of - «.cli'dub nu mber, slum it would hr ilttpusolble to k»«p u plant alltfo under nmp conditions., . , surly *tiie« un; ana! renresentod at the camp There are 75 clut) girls. 73 club buyu. 3H wen and 32 women exeats, rtrreernUiiß the vflrio"ir steles. Muny i f the d< lefletes have driven all the jsay to the capital. One buy spd one KS-rl from the state of Wasblniitoii with thetr adult lead erg represent the most distant stain i Ttio second ilay iu camp heaps with | .a bird tour for ih-m* »h<* wished to* -p« out at 630 a m inter* pr# termed to take » cut off aven ues of sctlvtles that would endanger the lie** nr rigid* of others -tew le like a signpost, wurhlim you off on ‘desirable road*" The le*d*re rea- MHHgMmgaBHMHMHifIBMMtoI , JL H. Outlaw, Outlaw A Bast, l', 0. Best Lawyers, tinier*: Handley t.uldskyro, N. C. North State <3 Monday -Tuesday jr* —V" ■■■ ~• •. " 9 JRSkM H ■ JRg k mm 1 lour Varerltr ( Hestrrn Mih! f e | “l imanhtng dream of ! Sagehru-b and I urlus, khot with !hriil* <>l the old j time west. sptcAd with the 1 roar of gun* and the flask j es flying feel". ' I .iL* T,o3«fl» r Added Comedy— “A SWEET PICKLE'’ | Admission | A dulls (all seals) 25c Children 10c r THB GOLDSBORO NVWB ponsihillty In a <«tnm~jaity with res pect to law eheervanc* was emphasis Th* mwrnlng educadlawsl tpnr lw i ludcd a visit ot the Bureau of Home Economics and to tte agtienlijral green houses. Os espedal interest was the original navel arengg tVee £r«m which the Immrn** nevel orange Industry ha* beea der»+op*d Bollow ing the gavel cerstsowy la th* -.non, the «4nh member* vidled Mount Hf. Alvan's CMhedral, snd saw-rh* tombs of FrewWent WU*te »"d Ad idlal Oeoqt* Dewey, I-argc basses were provided for this trip sad for going to Rock Creek park, to visit the ton sad have a piraic supper. Tte evening was marked hi a il«m oaairatk-n of tte «type of council, rye*ting ' tbnt I, to te n pad ® f club practice. The prerediag evening (ouncil fire ceremonies were rOa ducted by Nlr« Btronghc*|rt, e full btood Vskims indies, who i* helping • slsbllsh lhe correct ceremonial and an understanding of it* meaning a mong club metnixtr* sll over the country. Attired In full Indian cos tume, with the boys and girls seated In a ring about lh«v camp (ire, Mr Ptrongbkart again showed these lesd c|» how tte cefemowles should te (inducted. *-• —~. -. . nsj ....i i. gnt 11 in cat n t •... ||lkii BCiTier nuts nwpcratiun wetr ittr general themes of Thursday’s ami Friday's conferences for club mem bers in tbe early Afternoon. The delegations Were grouped in k -mull units for discussion. A esmp daily newspaper Is being ."isinlained. T) nt . boy or glirl St each Session la responsible for turning in a news story so that Interesting camp incidents will te reported promptly Saturday's plans include an address by Dr W M Mann us tte Binitbsou- ■ i i ■■ THE NEW POUOV IBSI E1) BV THE MUTUAL UFK INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK * .... . • A slo,oo# POLICY >'er Death, aa tarsi euanse, Tto Hnlaai Life pay* ...IMAM lor Death, by accident. The Nalaal Life pays IMM if )ou an tetaily sad pimaaeaflTy disabled hefere aga fe premiama crane, sad Tto Mataal Life pay* yea IIM sack moalh far the Brat 1 year* of sack disability t SIM sack muaik far tto seeead I yean es saek disability; IMP each month of »erb disability thereafter. lad,la addttlea, toaebciary receives at year death IfeßM If yoa live, yea Insure eomfert la year old age. The qaeetien is “C an I Afford not to Adopt It?T yei.verton Room 303 Borden Buildin K , Goldsboro. N. C. ■ *'" * ——V—— I ■ I II " j ~~ r r - - ■ ' ’ „ t - , , ANNOUNCING I *! e » W ' • 4 I - j ; 0--7 —— “ ‘ | THE OPENING OF THE Peoples Market ON NORTH JOUN-STREET 1 w A • I’ (NEXT DOOR TO E. M. DAW3sktiCERY) • I *•• ‘‘ w,. * ’* .. ... ' I > ■ .> . r : . ■ , The Peoples Market will open its doors this week date to be announced later) for the purpose of dispensing -r K ml „ • I r-. w High Grade Meats J I 'only. Watch for this opening; then visit our place, where you will u find )u«t what you have been waiting ideal meat market. I j .. We are equipped with a Hussman Electric Refrigerating System. Peoples Market A NORTH JOHN ST. M. D. JOHNSON. PROP. I >"v ■ a tsa Institution a visit to tte office of r xhlbito of tb* department, and • uif to Mosel Vernon, Is Hu flftfrhflflM there will be a tew* planting cwre n.ony op tb* departmeat ground*- presided over by t'oj. Creeiey. phtw* of th* Forest Service of tte -depart ment. eter f vi»Mt to th* Italy Ta»d wifi end in a boat trip- on Ibe Fwta-‘ mat with supper on tbe boat. On Sunday each club member will ligv* an opportunity to attend tte church he or she prefers, gad in tbe afternoon to se* Arlington farm- and Arlington cemetery. A wreath cere mony ar Ite tomb of tte Unknown Ho filler wilt be eoadocled by the Hon THE STORY OF LINDBERGH THE “LONE EAGLE” NOW IN BOOK FORM Showing* development of aviation epoch mak ing flights and historic effort s to bridge she dis tance between the old and new worlds. Place orders now for this won derful record. Price $1.50. ROBT. L. DENMARK PO. BOX 418 GOLDSBORO, N. C. : SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE I* , —-W- M ■" Hanford MscNlder, A**letaat Secre tory at Miae^J - —Lii v rVi - - Li ' FtHUtoA *I- flkltTHH Mrs Mary V rd and J|ya T D Warren, of New Hern, were shops*r» to sh» etly yn tsitflaj, . Mr. and Mr*. Much terrier Mias .Ulnae terrier, and Mr* Marshall Ragan, are upend (Us they day witb relatives at Hue* Hill. | Farmers / ■ are always welcome at “The National* v W 1 ' t You wiU And here an understanding of ,- I , | your problems, a coppplete financial iOfx V vice and a willingness to co-operate ll \-; ' r J ! everything that- iv ill “advance the interests of our friends on the farm. i We are here to serve you and Invite yon to use our fully. ' .v . ■ i* • ' - ■. • t '-'!r The National Bank Ot Goldsboro | >- C orner Walnut and John Sin. H,. ijjyaaoa D**toU. nil IHV 9t th* M«rtt Shoe tte. M »P««»*to« Mjh d«y ta OrtowtoC 1_ Mi*se* Fremw. *ad tel 11* Uwrwtep # Norfulh. Va., ar* U*4r aunt. Mis* tellto «»«** __ Mr. and- Mr».‘ a Tampa- «•'..*« »rri*e today »• visit Mrs C. H Burrouflh* o« Moflth | , , ,^ r