J—— ** ° - - WEATHER v~ 1 ■ Increasing cloudiness Tuesday fol lowed by showers Tuesday night or W—pJ. VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 97 CITY EXPECTS BIG DEFICIT NEXT FISCAL YEAR GENE HEAD SERIOUSLY INJURED BY HIT AND RUN DRIVER Tentative Budget Talked By City Fathers Inflated As To Actual Revenues Expected Either Adopt Inflation! Plan or Raise Tax Rate : 15 Cents, Alderman Daniels Reports; Ex peut Expenditures To Total $164,000; South ern Protests Water Rate la the Ihral jrar lirylmilni July I* Ihk Goldsboro r'ly gat vraaimt *III operate :tl uu ar-e *' that defkM of S2A.OU ito dut*t.i»«Mi It was hrwuirht out ta<tt nrslsir by the board us aldermen nho tats tenia t|»r enit*lib-rVi( len to th* budget ur nr-t year ut thrir rev alar aild-mwalh Ttm budget In actiialily owlll show that expenditures timl revstuc* Iml* a nee, Frank Daniels report* I for the budget committee, but in res* Itv 'll" revctttic ft«u e* have hern inflated 325.000 to $20.0(H) above ecill >1 »unvs wh'tch will be follet tcd. ti *«» etUt-.f »r follow this scheme of operating! on s deficit or to Inerase lu tax rats. 1% cants. Mr. Dun'cte declared Hc totit The tKißTtt tnat hc waitetfT llteiii to reullgc the eon din >n wnlcnj actually existed slid to loo'< ntmad j lit order to be able to to. It Eatlnjuml egpaditurvs for iioxl| year ss given Jn the tentative budget read -hp Orty Mntmgei HoHwwcil ewR for a lotni of im.»37. ' xwif. 1«IL -v'lusinfc. a *in ed out. thu city bilancod it* bud*-. Ct by tubing some pavin£ s«et» no uU and applying them to ih • .gene ral fund.; Under this ay tcin tin? year la ending with about lu tlic treasury as u suiplus, S''~* y**ti. Its was said, there will tie h* con siderable amount of piivmx »**'*»• Hauls which • < t , :in Ik- upplkd to the general fund Mr Ihuiiela was of the opinion that assessment payments should *n the t«ttire b« distributed over u pc nod of 20 years linjlc.i 5 years j as lu the past, amt this sag test lon received pp'pioval, lie pointed out that bonds issued against the work extruded generally for nlionl twenty years. TJ)e city’* revenue the past year fril off Ifcause water rates t first decided upon.Jittd to be lower'd and th qf' t F&c; aaacd revenue front tii'd"Source wud not as greut as the bmfjjet adopted had estimated, Again 317,000 had been ifltpeetei from the Hales tax lu force for tbe first time this year Aetunlly only 17.0(H) was received front (Ills source. ‘The board npptoved the appoint ment of g finance committee which should he a permanent ronimlttee uud at* upon and recommend as to all Aldernb u D lels, Howe and Robinson wete named on this Committee. t~ A letter fropf the usslxTUUt super tnteudeui of the Soutljern .. Hallway had been read protesting at tin wa ter not* cluwgcd the Southern for Its engines lu 4 (tol lsboro The rate here is W«h« 4hhn ’«ny point In the dltixhah tin.', b'ti' r totaled. '.i’i.n>'.tt Os mhli'bwml ■ *t4.-w«iV pav.itig In Ho- 'lr.liilM ot tin High • rliool wus voted,and then the bourd w *»Y o , «w.ilu U. *. - KHIH POISING IS s BABIES SITiINUFIELD. 111... J.tne 2U-U > i' 1 —Three babies are dead, another i*! believed tp be dying and five others j sty seriously Til of food poiusonlng r‘ tbe Bpilugfiold redemption home so Insti.utiou for Infants under ,th" c.Tp-bf the courts. Kood served at tbe Sunday morulas siutl was blamed for tty* illness, vt,;. b affected half tbe ehTldrcn ut the homo Sample* of the ftSMI havhj THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MOHNrat; WHILE MINDS ARE FRKSII READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY, t VP . .-I —l * a r vj _ _ _ . . . *» ... DR THOMPSON TO MAKE TALK i Expect Over 15,WW at Tri ( wun ty Sinking; Contest al Henson Sunday BENSON, June 2tl— According to a statement glvetf out today by Mr. M. T. Britt. I’resiihmt at the Trl (Vninty convention composed of choir* from Johnston. Hnrnvtl and Sampson, and adjoining CbunUas, Dr ryruH Thompson of Jaehsonvllle, lormer Secretary of State of North Carolina, and noted for bln oratory | will he preaenl ttntl deliver an ad dress before tbe annual meeting here > on the fouth S.itrday in June, the ?t»th Dr Thompsou i* well knodn over North Carolina, and especially in Daslem North Carolina where die has’ been liicutiflod with every for ward movement In tbe pvsl years plr. Britt i* especially pleowd to si) I nounce that Dr. Tlw>'« > '! on will lie . present for the exercise* j A not belt, feature of the day will I" rwe-ndd rms by < Vr tr -vrrrfrc-ytr Kayettevllle. wgU and fa ot.ilil) j kit own" To'all the singer* In thl* <n | tire section. The-eonxention feel* it- I self fort«nate in seegrln* both thMe rpcaker* for this occasion. K1 S bn rut i- pjion* are being made for tbe most Munessful f ingidg ebTivgrr-' t»on held' during ils seven years hT»- '*' rv ('botes from Fayetevllle. trjwens t orn, Henderson'as well as trnni all the rcuutlcs eompesing the member .*lil|t will be on hand A feature of Die dnv will t>c the famous Higgins ■ i'-lej-s us Drcci(stio r o The reeord crowd of fifteen thouxand last yenr o' expected to lie augmented by sev ••nl Ibonsainl this year, if IhcNsetlh ei Is permlssnhle Ringing will begin at 10 p m The tontest for the yllvcr I voting Cup now !ti possession,o( the Orseit/bore choir " ill lake place “ immediately af{er luneb beur, \ ’ NEWSENSATWION FOR LINDBERGH Drives New Automobile and Folks lawk at <’ar instead of Hint 8T . Mtl'l.d, Col. I'has l.imlbi egh | had a Oew and pleasant experleoce loflay when he drove odwntowu froth the residence of lla ir Knight. In Rt l.oiii* county where he f* visiting, and parked his new roadster, a gift In the husiue.s section, without re* t'lvlag public acclaim. A crowd gathered about. car. which i* a sllrer gray, matching the color of his orenn m ,ioUju<'airplanef The heip of tbe week end homc-eoil - Ing erlehiatlou diweoveret, UpW'Ver. thur the speel»lor* were not looking at him but nt tHe niitotnohlle None seemed to iccoguli b in us 111*' world bein » . *CoJ_ IJndhelgli utllpcd tb> first dut ot 'my ’irttmt in proa*, w. . IAS over numerous hus'-ntss, oiTwiw made him since his fttgbl a< iuc the AlUiutU. I lie i rip ‘ d,rwrHsswT» wsr- or> bushes- eirsiulw It) 111 fl.lt I 111 lit H *. WASHINGTON June </l*) jOroilfki will b* ocrokcn Sutldvy lor a I new church buildhog to Ih hullt here I by of (he Southern I’reshy terlan eh tire It at a cost of ISSO.OM), . nrom fbrn a Wadhpicpl- . on: ritHiDd. .The Kef, Hubei t Caiuph<<|| model a tor,of the general assembly of the church al Aahevllla. ,V C. will turn the (hat shu'cl of dirt The ehurcli w f| be lueated ui 72 and I* -IreeU. | North West, ibicjp IdicW- Tfivip tbe LEADERS WILL PASS THROUGH fii|( Men in Nation's Business on Way lo Morehcad For I Tolmtco Meet Many Icadjng tboacco manufactur ers financier*, and iddu* riali*t« of the United tJtjflc'' will visit C.olila boro uu lb«i< way to Marehcad . ( It) to tvltend Ih^lwent)-seventh an tin. I coiivi ntlon of the Tobaycn Aa mlniiou of the United Slate* The i onvet't ion WWav tomoi row ml lasts thi cngli FYnlay, ,Goldsboro tob '.■’CCjrtnrtr wttl take- port +n ttr iw* sion*. ' ■ r - AtVrong the prominent raitrpad and -leamahtp officials who will attend the meeting are K H Whrelan, tiaffig manager. Kerr Steamship - itam tiany. New York: J J Hn'derTck, Place Line. Furness Whlty and Com pany. I.'d-. New_ York , Harry A ’ Kceltx.manager wJlfrtd Sehuile and ( ompaay. Newpovt -New-*; ft cUoiw V ifull, assistant so vice president In rbarge of, traffic Clicsaperkr and Ohio Hallway. Richmond: W. L. Dlvlitp? foreign ftdght agchi'. Cbc*. Upeaks and Ohio Hallway. New York and Newport News; Charles F. O'boivmll, assistant foreign frieght agent, Chesapeake ami Ohio 'Hallway. Richmond. C» M Suydef.j manager *T\* rr Steamship Companv, hoods, and P W lllden. tllden Rtor- I -nil Cor* aiding Cumpany, N*W> ooriNtws In adcltlon a.Hunt her ot )i. mint at ftiehnsnul tubaecuiiista 'll ntt"i"t the Ihrec-da? meet mg prograjji h*gi_ Iwcn • "flaptrut Arming the speaker* s«ha- I'uletl to address the ccnvcution ar# United 'Rtntes SeuotAr Fitrnlfold M. .j'lmnum*. us Nonli (Trrollna an autli ■ irliy on Fedeial taxation, and J V- Y*u,*- us tip" Mu i- biran \ tp,,na| 1 ' ■ \ II L ;P««alit..ih .luxaidcnt. 1 of (he utgHtilsatlon. and T M (-a.- 1 'lngtha. i>f Hlchmond. chairman of the board of governors ■■ A iron a the roaMers to )»■' decided 1 by the donvHtllun i« the opening ■ -dale -of the various auction sale* in the producing hells An £iitertulnnicnl program tn In clude golf matches, u fog hutit, a hall anme nad n cruise of the Atlantic, 1 has also been prepared r v NAVAL PARLEY I IS UNDER WAY [ Jo |»in Virtually Uctomnu*nd» L . Prohibition Building New Warwhips I Ibvkv Hwtlxnlund, June 3H ilh Naval problems vitally- a(fect lil'g the fMtuif- security of the United Start-* were raised by Japan and Great Britain et Hie Naval confer • nee whirl) opened here today. France and Italy have o bserveis at I the rotlfhrenee AlthuUgl) caic'ally . avoiding allkilng terms uud figures, la) mu vlituaJlv ici onun.-aded * the nidiiHcbaue,.- of (he atatu* t|u« In , cuiii.ers, di-*tra>ers and submarines, with prohibition an ttje btoldtog -'f "ldtU r uti4l wainhltrs l(c-upeuliig tbe Wasltington eiln | ference decision*. (Irvat Hi-itoln urg* , ed, reducxnr: Lite size of battleships. I • r tigers und air craft < arrlr<-s . and 1 «l.*o tbe tii.' of their gpus (i-cat ‘ lirltam aurg'Md <hut the llrlti-ti pro _ : pua ;tz a "isrstyu- a aumms rs dtrctlon of aTtnameni * and bring gregl economies. Tin ilrM Amci-le.ui li-.n ll'iu t u the - rwMWtuncndathin* of Japan i» that it would strangle •fulufc American free d'-tu ill huvul construction, and to the recommenda'iutt -of- (ireaL IDft alw-tUat-D-w-n lid al b lal-be difficult to tunr trrre -rirmrtritv or accepting * ilo-n It- i- admitted that l • I'm - D|i siigg*■-lion menu limitation down ward. nut- upward. Ilut h«1(|, from 1 the idijcctloij «A lcco'iividertng the Ua-tiingtua trcaiiy. »i h F'Btrre and Italy absrent, tbr Afucrlckaa aruxeJy ” doubt the wisduTii df de. reasiiiv the 11 e tty bar* and air craft carrier* and 4 especially ■ miser gun* wlibh was i. find at Wushtugt n alter •!«* rc " card for Ui* need* of American ns- GOLDBBORO, N. C. II ESI)\T( MORNING. JUNE .1. 1*27 WILL ANNOUNCE ; [ PRIZEWINNERS - i Poultry Meeting Friday Be M*|de Occanion Naming Yard • Msuy atixh|n* eonteslauta of the f House Yard anprovemabt Campaign - j Icing ec,nductUtl In the county will | «aii»fi d vrHen Do H-H.illf of tin* ■ I <on tent 111 be I mole kll"wti ut tha ygulpr nioHtlfl) meeting ks tha • ! ft'ayhe - * county poultn a*»mluiion U® wbJrb-will be held Fulda) June 2t • at thu home of Mr. J U flvst on the «oKh.laMo-»Ah(jvWe btgbway H* Aha RvM.xat eommdnii) I Thirty-one Jards were entered in | the contest twenty seven were , fudged whet, lira -Estelle T Hnutb i Diattl't Agcnf ts Hb'ue Work, did [ ths final wearing Ma) Jo and 31. The rratilt-. have been kept s«?rH and will l*e until Friday. June 21c I when the r t w|ll be «»ii iVI Much iiitpnivhtitoin .bun been made i ind in some ch 't'k home »ltc* were | Improved to *4gb an extent that the ■ oxtiK* were almost unbelicvaldv in spite ot the dry season fn nearly every case :hla content has inspired tbe members us the campaign lo go t t''U Instead j < stopping when the ron lt-»l was clowed June, Ist The rig; - * ult* -II is will make a still i In Iter -bowtug-in a >eur or two. CITY FIRE EOSS , Six Firtw in Goldtfbnro Did Dam aire of Only $17,952. Report Smwa p tIALKIC.U. Jub* 20—iA*> C"k|H>- XaTldns of tire Msy Tire H»>t TDT I North Coroluta ly tlw «t«t» ta*ar». . ante d-paiumuL officially announced f It Hitt)', illsclt o ipiothef decrease In bblldlß • fir*' * a unities, a* compared I with the same month la*t ' yenrr j CiHlstwiro hud six tin s, doing a total i I a mage of 11.7*5. The total was 15M.220 a* against . M7tS.‘»r,« for May HIM I "It ts most encouraging”, said Commissioner \\ ade. ‘‘w hen vou eon »bl*r I but for every one of the five nicnths of thl* year there ha* been such a substantial fire lose redur i ‘on until tin- aggregate decrease for the first five mouths of the year !« r exactly ft.Hn.Bs9. nil average ot over |2oo.tU)n per month and a -Ifi pereettl. f-nlllng off in fire damage. According to the May statistical re cord. there were 18!» damage flics lu tbe towns with h»* of 1228.555 mid 77 rural fire*. lans ftCi.tigfi o Of\iheae lot were lawn dw.ektWg*. w-Tth tn«* of and 23 wrery rural dwell log- 1.. *Jt*r I4ptir.-An unusual I feature is tbl" In-nvy dwelling loss in 1"» i pre-sitnimt-r. month of May e*-, ding .’ > far inpr'pTcViiittia Mbj. re-' ord Fspccialh does this apply to Dip liefter class of r teal -dw-elllßg* t vwiii (fHMNNi • toning in the ffi.'au) and, y over cla**. ' —- i. n. -te w< -e of Hie Inajor fi"- * f fp-i «Im<*, le'.iltng f293,2X4 with an , »vc .fr-'- hnp'i f JtTTTI each, mid 2t*f other fjres with losws of *!»n.''3g an ,)fe f Hvccogr of "uw-h. n record low uvernge, » The licuvfesf siulitv Ime-es were: t.iimlnii phiint in Ciimtn*>itnnd count). JI Fi.nim bitaliic.ss tdo< k In | Whiii. svillo, J I'Mimi towel taefory t In Saluda. t27,mic host ital for hub b-s «l \\ nglii-vlllc Bench 52.V000 de* =v ta.ituit.iiz m pmaga gg; - g —-Strtt; store and nfero dwetlftig* in (Jlbson 12').b00. alert and prewolug 1 lab ii. K : 1 -i •It *I, , and t brr'cl factory al Aurora. 11 2Mhi fn claesc ; of property d;.tnnrod nr u dwellings headed the ll«t with T. t tinM'-'id n.ilo- *nd luicks I 11. store-. 12 . ganiges !». factories, t W'e rellotWMf k »;icll • I’iliuipal causes, "f fires. were; . ' htngle r'mf* ami dcfvctlJa Iflie- II - . . 111)1**11 Kll fN iif it; i -1 ■ -; > , NfjW YORK, rrrie ;b ileluc. of c potvonnua liquor struck New York il ('in ov-r lb>- ,i k -ml ti'klnr a toll a of three and eleven eiitleully HI Tie ti, .ut ar. Fr. di lik Marlin '>.* - John Iteßly IS, and Mrs, Hapnali __ i«., -iJ- i a ... * ... - ■ ITHCRI7 Jm. k. • MANVUTCHURCH DEBATE SUNDAY) . - -... : I Rev. Mr. FilZßerald and R. 0. Maxwell DLsrutw Catholic uewljon | Many people from Kluvton. Golds- U.ro. Mount tilivr. C.ilpau, and many .iieel pWrfi. uu Sunday gathered at ')utlaw « Bridge to, he-u tbe deba'* ' WomW tbr Klectfon of « Human l aihultc to the peetddwtM-y «-f the I Hitt d Stale- Ih 1 Dattgerotts to Altt fieitn I pat It ltlo»«, , ‘ '' 11..', t?..,. Maxwell speaker for the ■ tvHiiwvatire sa+rf m |^nTt r, TBw Ho p*.in Cal bo I (tn claim la falltbiltty for the I'ope They say that the spiritual "power Is superior to the temporal Wc dare not trust a man of that faith in Hie Vv'hitr Htmne The i ui holies arc iipiosed lu Deiuueracy . ud pupuJw education They deny the right of frt»e speech ThrCr history i* one of preaeeut+dn ..oif slaughter. ttev John T FttXgerald, for flu i.trikivc sold in port: There la a r.rent deal of groundleaa fear of tbe ( nthotic- Tdiese f.ars are tin* to - * v**r ul cnoaes 1. False assumption* in regard to out Catholic citlgeua (al ‘ (fie nsuinsllon that nil Catholics think alike on so many uueation thi the usMumptiou that all Caibo ,: r* are opposed lo the of i hnreh and state; |c) tbe asaump t+on that the Top* commands The Catholics In all d.ejvartmnnta of Rfe. The H-- tuan Uatholies are auppoagd to opey the Hope" In roltgkms iiuilters “ (inly —-.f U> fear I lie I'uthulics because of :• one sidisl view of history. Histor ian* have euiphuslsed Too much thi* i.ii-iukc* and too little ike magnifh tieut achievement*- < I this greil • h irclt. * • wtji'ii-' upon the pS-estdeiil. The Eeualc must ratify «ll hi* arpoint mvnts. hr may be Impeached and re moved from «rflee, he can make no treafv nnlras two third* of the ««mi tors concur. We can count on Tom Heffltn and thirty-two othets to 'iolik*9TTinhollc presidwtif lu check Ti Is un-American, to vote againat a man on arc not of hia religious (•.ith The audience listened y*ry eagerly, end -the order was lot) per cent, HOPES TO MAKE SCOUT RECORD * tv Kiwanis (’lull Hears Rivont and Report of DeletCßt* C’hiui. B. Miller * ■■ 0 . Kugle Hctut David IJies la now Working' ro ohtitn five additional i 'To*'- 1 il badges by August And If he .pic. hit. will Ih- one of six ' Boy borputs n 'he world bolding all #o 1 merit, badgT* front 1,. Hct iit Executive W.- V W ■ Rivers told iltc tloldslMiro Klwanlf Club at Ms regutgr session ln»t evenmy A dis r i-rimi of thu lortbv ooung Buy Scout camp uud u report fr‘*tn Cbas 1 11 AtiTler. delegate of the club al the "i cent iiiteruathui il convention „In Memphis, occupied the Klwanians. Young Liles hus been secured aa ,n I* ta nt for the forthcoming trip i .My River* reported: The Seoul Kxe i iitlve Invltd the club to hold a co-Hlng wt the site at stone time V bile the hov* are In camp Tha rr r; .~nmr t*'gmm' Mifwnttt tint r-wetaxy us ihe Mi Olive cud ti try club iiusiness -ucu of MtOlive have ex -1 i'» idiat Ah<'>" in making place, shlpshapt jor (1m Buys v Mr Rivi i« reported * . i 'ltors of . th* rlub ineludvd .. 8. ' i-< l.t Clift bit. W W Rivera. U V IfDtk*. nftd C. It Bodwrell, tbe lultW . I Werrenton I. 51 Ross was in barge of the program Mr Millet. in ,hts report lold how tbe 1 ehson > S (’.» club bad accoin !>'. .1 oio.tl in agrlm|lora.} dtyVelop ■ ti,- A for lu section and «>i uwardud .1 (•rouge tlldel. ( the meeting, |‘he [ ecpO ‘ t* 111 slitler wns jn | art a* I IV.B t:v* ; . •' ISlerelah llelailaa- During the last two year* liitvrcluh i relations Inis beau developod vary “ u onttirattl Op t**g» J Otr«») Struck By Lightless Car *on | Highway Number 10 And Car Speeds Away kteJarkiMi REFRIGERATOR HEARING SOON Carolina Mhippgra Say Slat* Chanced Unfair!} for Car ii Servlet ;v: ' ~ .: — - • • ncfriimlor ear shipment* of lr**h H-hWabtea ffottt Kona furotin* 18 New York imi an average nr* |IB pas i«i above rvu -on-rlile charge, accord i»N to M L Thornton, secretary mid narrifc Manager of i'»niiiu» Shipper*; in... with haedq i after* in Wtlwi (truntntu -on deli Igi ration darted in AtUai* several -waeha ago »111 In* continued ill wnmmgfu. oa| dune II »i«t Mr Thatntoo hope* that tbe remit* trttl be a reduction el rate* tor Carolina trucker*, a re duction which will mean thousand* ct dollar* to the eectiva. "At tlie i reecut time, the regfijlaer i tion rhui'Kee from point* In North Carolina ore higher to New York City. u« nmre*enu6r» then ilmitar charge* from point* in Mouth Caro lina." •aid Mr Thornlo* "Obvtou»ly tin* should not be the cn*« •• Ho ith nieiropolis,” At the hume time Vlrgfnln hn* n ch a rue of (in per rtir leu* than North ( mnlina Virginia's charge being *r, 1* r ,O uu imulnui I*2 .M for North On rattan The Henth inrottaa ra» tr only »r.i M. The Ueokgia rair hi |T2.So and the Florida rale 17#. These lad- develoned at the he r.*t*tii«g of Ihe heurtng the lute rat if"- ce ('iiaualMtoa i examine! in Minatn.’ continued III* traffic egeooileh And truck and fruit hlpper* who ui * iii*inh*r« of thl* A MMK'iation Are up in arm* oter the sltiialton. A iiuiiih* i of then may he in personal aitmitence when Ilia hearing I* re*aned tn KTmtagiou pcjrt week At the WllmtnisUui hearing thn jelieial evidence relating to foh •nimmienl are marketing of Ihe vnr i< is fruit* and vegetable* that move 'n refrigerator can will be Intro duced n PRESIDENT HAS A DINNER GUEST u - - Chamber of Commerce Secre tary Planned to Exprem Hitt Admiration RAPID CITY. M U.. June 24C-4/PI J President Coolidge worked al hi* I desk here for neveral hour* today i hiiii I lieu invited a South liakotan to the SuniH’nr White House a* hi* fint t •!lih—** guest •''-iiiliig lo' the H’ rk IlilU Tlic sueai wu* Ople Chamber*. »ec i i i tuij of the el, amber of cotameree who In 1k24 took * prominent iiart la i Mr, Coolldge'* primary campaign in tilt* elate, which *M loal to Hiram ■oliuHon h> a little more than I.ihhi i rot<t* i • Toiilghl Mr Coolidge made It plain 'I, ■ i f vii.ln be iio politic* discHML r cd at the' Hummer Wtifre Moor* wird ilmr- the -visit »** purely soclul "I mn going to tell Mr anil Mr*. „ctmliiL*w. tv «#*,..x*/ Chamber™ > before leaving Ituplii City that hiuee ’ A they have cornu here the poo- I* nt I'Hllh Hukutu hare det eloped a «*u uine «diiilr.ill.ni for them H HIM, IKK HBKHUMi ICUCiL.LU'KMt ll tlllCH June 10-W*. - The North I’aM.linn state Iniard lJf Biedl cni examiner* met her*, today to make :du.!n tor eotiducHug an examination tomorrow es uhout Ilu men who are •id lying for license to practice aied *»ine in Ihe stale. i I»r J VV MurConncl. secretary r ir-iumrr suhl U»- uwe will coal lane four Gnyi; } f * * IIInil" |#MU< | I ■ Member of p Tbe Associated $ Press . : > IT i price nnflMl ■ . : _ - yfu- tm Thu Sections of SftiiUd v ojumn • fftCuii*ccif o Rib* fractured, and teg Broken; Was Attempt ing to Cross Highway * Officers Have Vtiw Little Clues on WM* Work - ■a ■ Geke Head, white naa about M years old of the Bbeu««*r *< >iloa gs Fork township. Is in tpa OtipMk hospital lb « aerlotrt OobdHtW- AftMT b*hßg rrtmek by I hb-Md'YW Mr. Head wa« b ought to the hopfltal Sunday night at tk* adrtbe D. J. Row Offkwm have A* a* lo Um dftter oth«* Uma-S WSUp - posed to hove been * Ford abd *M iravelllag without’ IfgtMi. X-ray esauiiMiimi veatarday ra ve* led tract a re* or |wa or thipa ag»- lioa* of th* *p aat mlunut fnatftff§ of thrw rtb* and fadim i l| <f«ki lag- tmt** th* fraetarod rib* l*»d p-aetmlad lung*. Hi«d fram On hdra>m |fS caanlMh-MM t%ra #rrfh* II will b* aaSarii dbg* b*fai#. U» outcome of the Ihldrtw «» M daldr* nilaad. gathered by The Hew*, dpa^ralhlpg mile* from th# oily B*m*dey night .. lie started to erraa the bßWiwnr nnd j was struck rM ltat*d <f« fTp enr which had *P*d out of the *a*A nca* without light* The driver UM not ahifi One *tory wa» the* anotfifaf m* - lug a moment Mar had «hfM< to aid thW tafarad Man. aad S*y apod away la mat h*fk*. U thought at flrat Suit datapNMSHg'- ihcootf ear speeded away la pmaitll of th* kit and-ran marhln*. *' Mhertrf or«oi hha tasuai tadtrac* Mon to hi* i-ruii-* to leave a# toy unturned m an ef|W« W.jHMPgP gallty gaitr- # ' . '.' ADD MEMBERS J TO COMMITTEE Membcraltip Magte BmPW mend# AdAltoml Mr St j I*riie Hmm QmsUh Pact ■nilsra that jh. i .omraittee of the rhaathbr df^ara* i 're niah* farther IB»**Ug*UOM In to ihe coat of building prtaa Uf > i roelde storago *pa«o **v • t tobacco market this year wan a*S i* Na4giier*lrip mooting of t»o «» yanlaatloa la*t *»*aia*. Frank Way tor am. A T. Urltfta w*r» addgd ■ to th* eommttteo poraraadl. mmk ' hud orlylwily comprised H. W*U,X ' R. Crawford, Thoo Norwood, Wlltha I 'toy ail aad /. ». I«M*. Ak««Nr * n cetiag will be called U •#*» 10 th* * omni'tte* has an addttigU l r^*T 's ' * The proposal of W. Pl^Hd— f yi; 4 j jtfixe hoQMS lSteV r: ir : lteM t 7inm-rT was ipmdhtM armrmSkr iuf Uxmt M buxlava* M* *»IM t •* res*lon I * it-was w-jantedTdfct ikhoagh J*je r i-ccl* for the of Ik* t Web .ilk mill fa OoldtMfo mfc il* - *• udy h-ea algaed. oat MdU U d H-h l ave yet to be sold. CmatttM# Wl'l go oat Wednesday ta got th* va raining amount it wag piaaaod tt l the waotina ■■ ■» iy in..Ai.r ‘ fp| l- u roaoßii.K HKi.it Ah B«t»tT «nnM F I IXIifANKTH CITY. Jan* * An enioutoblte wa* dagaad an. *l/ draulr - capon l U th* hadftefjjps. today of iieanit Saaryar, dhadgaH with lojjrtag An bray lawyer, ajpa, Sgf * an lulcmioWle-hlvycl# M#H ||Bi m . ...aXudlß

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