PAGE TWO Mua MM fcaaa, of Vkyatuailla at* w Sunday Mr* with her parai»ta. Mr. m44l»*> W. r. Ba*a. fc 'ifine tew Braeycatt, of *a*t MM. .11 mnltt —« >f« *Wt Mr •uni far*. ttiTTtr MoPinii. ~ .* ft JtfM to lalntiva* In Cfcftr fatt*. H ;tr iad Mr*. H. P. farlnaon. of Cfc a,a etaWsg ta-tM ktm of 31 r »»4 m « » W«r *nJr Mr*. Mvatd *lthi and of • ijaartssr- * Prlc* HBHard *M UtUa d. a r. of Balaigh. ara Mra. pbreat*, Mr. and M* C *i. tLIU. V ' % " nd Mra. B W Thompson. of Oii nw. rlaltad ta tha hotao of Mr Tu- ...*oaa krotku. Mr S. A, Thom pjmr Sum4*T iln Paul Oarrtaoa and ohildren U# < . debora, ara rtaHln* Ira Uar rtaoa.'* yaaktft, Mr. fM Mr*. W. R. I tft. , U s lOokb. aa optametry *to drut, la at koaa* from Chicago for tj.iutr vacation tptankli tfKfc Baadftf Thru mm a ■■wltlrrahl* oraah and i,«.a«l4araW* dam*** don* to oara aiMifad ala* a totord driven by Uoyi Cobb. aagro. and a Jawatt. Brifff» Iff ter. * p. Woat. of tkta cHy «mdad at tk* rurnar of Mala and Cheauiht atraata Th* Mdaw araa aaaaptetotp taomlUhad and Ua *e«- au >om a whaet. Tka manr*l of tk* •(ary kovarar. ip tkat ae ana waft kflSad m tka aadaa ♦ivaa by Cot* •faded ala* paaaeagftrf «»d wa» tamed arbnkd eomplataly and (kaa A araall eklld in thla car **•• %».*. tllghftjy. k* aad Mra. Wait pum la tkalr home war* aaaraly a> *» » np apd b aiaad altgbt y Dr W. C. Btaat* atta»d*d to tk* kfererJHt ~ - tafiauMi Wraak Haaday Tli* Mlanlonnry Society of tka Me thuaiaf rkarck MU Ua monthly baai » *■> *ad aaclal Keating la tka church H u «a traalon and chi*la*r up of lha of iha pa*, angrier the hn»l#»a Cirota pr**#BMi I»a anjofakia rmifteai and lUamn rpwwrail. Ttuirartoua aumbar* wan ft I nil ky Mra U R Ring. Mlaa HatUa Ungimb. M aa Louie* Jonaa aad Mr*. - Ah’ u turn. a doMMofca aatad %«k lc*d Ua. . aandwMkaa and wMaao W«f»ra wak *n»ud -ot tko oaaclualoa of the pro fram. TT-iOT. Mteaea «4 Mary W* pet) eutartnl»*d about fifty of ualr tTtaudH at « deU«b«r* ta nradk concern during tk« K ntod Igpunar naion* tka poul uiaa who mice n few tarkey*. a* to amd haw to teed for badt rdWta.-tko Utowiftf n« » wnra made, by n « a who ha* 'bi’4 raialMl turkey* tar years and Mm bo ai mm fit to tarbay rataar* as Wfcpna ooanty % Ib* aptnion of th* man manttonad akora l* tkat H ta not ao much you faod M how you f*ed„ »inn«> It i« /cry anay to klTf or weaken your tKurit* ky dm-TawMag Tk«y do ao' bar* tto* Mat as dtrwttra orpanr ant! I rtnid aMnd aonr-faadlag X be (o> lewing ta tka pinna uaad by tbla man ta Mediae poult* for a««*ral year* •nd kn* Man foond oncocaafui. ~ know tka pa*tt* to ramaln quictl) ta lha noct for tko first twenty' .four Uoara, baring ftm yeaned out and Tur broad to a pan made fat thur. Cinfln* tka head U a coon Whr!b kaa Man tkorougkiLr cleaned out On tka atoraing of tb* ••cam!' Jm_**.*» ~‘ s m fr i thaw a Hoed of atala light br.«3 rt litaaMt bread, jtavo taeba* aguara for rcry tewaty poolta. Th* breed PW-.-V ba aonkad In aonr atllk and *3 u>'(“*#d partly dry. ao It will crum b>- If tko broad la tod dampen** In thla way at tko atart, do an rfcxbga ta dry hraod. Add to thr brtM.d on*-third of a taaapooafui to rf**g ahirp nbd and a aprinkl* of |rtK.l poaHry ragalntor -y* Gira tka faad to th* po«Ks five Um* a day tar tko ftr*t Ua'tays. Oira tM load oa a oloan board but «#r» l« fc«mple!e * skatmtM; iputlir* whan «orb with the lint ‘ jtaruui chttfaiJi end yjjcet a('4tc*-uc..' itrurk*. Ther* U no .other typ* of | b*J ihat *o hvcomtn*lV .half* th« | If*.* of add* lha collect Mnuh to' i tko print ad gown* that ut ao much in aatdanoo. Tko largo hat la iwally a hoaa* any Tkalr ahada la ao desirable and tholr crown* of light weight w..i»lr*w* ara cool *ud not 100 clo*a dttrtng raafty w*h w 4*j» -nnd ih*} ara *oll*ll*® whm» drooping ot brim. £ Tbora kaa >*r*r*l lnt*r**tlng f*a turoa of (b« new laffa k»tT. Tkty • often tataraatlngly *li»tnpl both In crown and brhn. Many of them arc faced aad often moat h*w>m ingly with >**h colored *ilk or any flattering akad* tkat may al*o be u*od aa a trimming In a bow or toral decoration, too ' Often the line* on the** lact* 'hate nra broken Thw-i/ront* are 'apt to M cut Jo*t a* the barli* are ‘traotad. Odd notch** al*o appear aad Mwa acrooa the front are not aacoaimon. Trtmfialn** tn geaeinl, art laoa parara than aapd laat aaa I parasttaa and dUease goon* may bo lacked up in this way. After the (Irat tan daya feed only thrpe tiling a day, giving aa mich in three throe j feed* as given tn the five Aftsr the poult* are tour weeks old feed only twice a day, night and morning, and fncreaae the amount of bread a* the j*>«lts grew, but be careful not to overfeed The poults ahpnM he fit ■ lowed free accea* to some groeu feed; cr he given chopped rahbage In email. amount* Da nor feed any mouldy J bread ov allow an) to remain la for* the pojlts all day, but keep He* feed ! lng board* washed clean. j, Thia poultrymun Could rod Kvt/ff ault* by feedlna hulled egg*. ydlon*, dandelion leare*. oat inowl' / *ir tVu- i tape cboese. but tnuU*ad > RRt with heavy loose* on *urh feed* MAYTAG BODY HONORS CITY N«*t I'tinreuiion I* Held And Oocal Mnn Made Offim AdMKiatton — • Hod•burp t "nr 1« tor a Dill iharv es honors at the ska: slats nuivcu . iton ot Maytan dealer* at thetr two-, ’ day v4itven|puiUtliei of the j’ various y>.va** arVucfc* tlv-omrh j * ont the state., Tha *es ’on was tboi[ ».in ’ Hit u~>u i* most oftaa aaadT' Uut the cXaulMtf hade* »*lected ■ . and *oftno** afythir *llk doer puich ni eofi-n lha out line* of ih* bow. <• rawgraln, »attn, tageri and aelvet ara pH tired ancCesafttUy In baedm iu| tlutv Brag lace "appear* on go at trim ‘ intogt are frcu'ietiwy »e.7i banding .'w.^lcrful-as*s ufLractive sea- I lure. ° ! All v>rt* of •* ara o*ed for Hi., tiirye hat* from the heavier, Milan* Td Ihd yedd* and crocheted j .irate* and th« hemp, l»t*. *ma ; mat and taghcim. The aoml large hat* aro much a**d, alia. They appear In line* ■ that ara aultabl* for aporta and 10*9.. appear*am*. 'They lend ahpta. hat il|7tawwigfi 141 urc*«rv« an air of informality that Oi* .Vary large bat iackw- They are aean In thv **me airawa that create the larger kata and alto add fait to j ;h. tr variety Trlwmlng* are more I uifoted In general. The grosgratn ribbon Is parhap* moot often u»nl. i but thla. 100, may be adapted In odd treatment* to create tniareet. Th# *• ini larg* hat I* *tv> seen In strict ly formal appearance whan It U»e* lac* for Its trimming Lace I* one [ of lha nawe*t featurae of the *um- j mar hat In Ijoth email and Urge ‘ • hapa* It I* very smartly com j blued with bpth taffeta gnd relrel* i aud l*dp*cldedly ffiltterlng. i Boult ahape* ar« by u‘> mean* first of il* kind ever to he held b). a Maytag croup, and although Ih* ftrat 1 aesson btwt yust bt-cu cumjictfd th<* I pHihcrliit; la • ajccca* In rrery raa >* U , S logan of Iho convention la more power for the M a y'»S (trgauiutoimi| •nd acrordliig to the spirit drsplno ! ad the dealers have a rtet*imlnallt-tinrT«M4 for the name c-f their! Ur. Slade Smith, of th’S 'Vllinlnj:-; ■ i'll! ■lll '■■ ll|. . . ill— ...1.. Ao • ‘>TTi Ml 11 TO IKHTfIHM uto fxepdirs / f —. | ‘‘lf yonr engine I* acting hadljr mid j*u I cniwrtt locate lb* trouble, do not / //J/j waste lime or energy, bat lei •* hare j/I a Idbh al It aud rare tha Irenbla. |/ h^Thera are a cood many Ihintrs that go i \ wrong wlUi an engine. Home of Ikes* x S d nre Irhlal uud run )n> lived la a few k; 7 mtnnfes. All of oar repairmen nr* «. k iiwmS’s <;ar.\(;k dM&SUftttU&UfiiM W W MMU'i 1,1 rv JM artirnte jam—* * al *t.^ A sr c / , „ Seasonable Grocenes ■ UPTON AND lUNQPIT THAI > FULL LINK OF FRUITS A romplrfe assortment of Cold meats, ready to serve In our delicatessen department. H. H. JENKINS FHONKS 700-701 , m mms w anum* ,e~r __. • 1 ■ Tn OOIaDSBOBO N*n _ nag|*cl*d Th«y po«»e*a »n impor Unt u*e In sport* a* watTus TOb lomo nfternoon appearance*. jThpy' u:» Indlipcnaabte for traveling ga-l should *l*o he seen In th* weetf^ •nd wardrobe. For atiiomoWllnitr, jachllng. golßog. hlkliiK and ojl ih* oih*r outdoor *port* tholr place ;t» e*t«bttvhH They have ar« tlnos tb make them diß- !mi Th 1* brims hr* turned up or down ut will. Their crowns arc >tltchalrcb satin appear* to.advr..; *e with flower.-d chiffon* wt*H m thu black frockt | Ikal wttt hat »o -murlr worn even, during aummer w*ath*r < Hand b toe tod tinen wit! ba used | for many of tha naw kata In both 1 small. i*ml larg* and large hats , It 1* quite flattering and it* alnh pile Ky exert* a atronft appeal Colleen Moore, *#ett In bar new-! , a*t rir*t National Hrtura. “Nau*hty j But Nlca,“ wear* »*r#ral new and t becoming hat* . One. closely fltted | to th* head and decorated with lustra, marks a new tn rntl I Unary Ml** Moorsi also wear* *cv ] *ral larg*JWta of drooping brim ton MMyta* Company, and vice - presidcivt of the nssotiaCo'? wa: •ne of thr IriMUog lighU of lb* ion vention He prrndad an. toactma*ter nod kept the tisuanibtoge tn arf* up roar with hi* niaiU* witty remarks The banquej. was ou« of*the Itv liavt affairs «r Its kind *rar held on Wr*rhtsv+lt'‘ lUau h, and certainly. In the Mnytaa aonga. sunr to popular tuiftti. addon color to o ib* program, vihldi, was featured ailh •ddraases. dJacnkalaa*. nolltng points, Maytag minstcrH and sundif other happrnine*^of Interest Althoiiilt a little late in getting alnricd the ao*gion waa highly pleasing to the delegaiel and their wives. Address* were deltwerey fc*j vnfor TtjaphK n. Bhrtr «< SMWOag-t too, who aiinVdad to ti»« eiattorj a, cu (Hal weicoSte to the city; J . J. Albrlrh*. hreory manager in charge of southern tfmtory: W. H. Kubl , rrann. Charlotte diet a lop Manager: C 8 Snyder, of Atlanta, rretlli Managar of th« orrveteaUva and Mr. Kobert »ou feprtAenttag the General ou>- Uortr Advertising company. The ad dressee wave of a technical nature, s dealing arith tt»o operations of the company ■ - . 14V.1L VAMLt\ IhlhlUK KAV j (( onttnjwt from page one) (tonal safety and with tM upr rural of the five perl let pal tug .power*. 7} Today’a entire proceedings war* business like with the delegate* and alike leaning forward In rupt : Kirmion aa if realising pcifoettyj that mighty thing* depend npon-*h>- weighty worjdr which fell from the. pealterr W ASH 1 NOTON —iA > ) — A message Ofj erecting and respect w#s tfAjwnutied, to President Coolidgc today front the conference for h miration of naval armament nt Geneva hy Hugh R Wilson. American minister to Sw it • iFrigidaire is automatic —nothing to remember or forget ™ 1 j Care-free refrigeration the year ’round WTHFN Frigidairc comes in- serfs in Frigidairc self-scaling ™to your home, refrigeration freezing trays. And these same problems vanish. Frigidairc ends trays quickly freeze an abun forever the annoyance and in- dance of crystal ice cubes from convenience that go with old- your own pure drinking water fashioned refrigeration methods. —more icc than you can use J It demands none of your time or ordinarily, is ' jfl attention. Yet it gives you unfail- -r j f . * . , Note the amazing values,' * ing refrigeration service —day . n . . . * , made possible by tremendous ! and night —year in and year out. 4 J , . production and General Motors direct frost-coil cool- purchasing power. A small de-, 4 ing and hydrolcnc-treated insu- posit puts Frigidairc in your lation, Frigidairc maintains a home. Then pay a little each constant, cold-storage tempera- month under liberal General * . turc in the loAd compartment Motors terms. —a temperature 12° colder tlian 'A * . , , Gall at our salesrooms to- . you ever thought possible. > day. f>r write or phone for an. It’s easy to make an endless interesting illustrated booklet variety of frozen salads and des- —sent free- j .FRIGIiAXRE product of '>gi{ln z.: . x t - m&m • •. \ - 1 • *ri i • 1 t 1 (Mrtfil* Dillon Electric Service Co. j v - » '-jji * ——• • * . • ■. _ ... ‘ - berUod aad secretary general of the | coofareac*. ***roftundly ami cordially apprer i.Ueg the Wti inHiai)te of preeidoat of the Mot«« to ( »aveu*ng the coaferen.» wrlih a vtew 1 1 — ~ 'i 11 11 . • Straws by 011 ArA. JOSEPH 1 u - in II If you’re food of comfort-- v v»ilh all Ihc niceties of' our Hen ,« nils, flat and import- 1 Veddos that I $2.00, $2.5043.00;;; 1 I $4.00, $5.00 1 I A. A. JOSEPH I My Outfitter ||| "■" : 7 r ~-* H ?tf *' ?• J! - -rac- ■'i tei, ii —■ r ' -•-»=: rTj^^Saiaartagggß^BHf^ ■ ■* ———" " l>,n 11 " ————— Tt 'ESHAY MORNIWG, JUNE th lt»T to a farther rwdectloa of UM WrHe «*hl the mc&*age read "Th* Jelegataa 4p tird to leader to Mai title egprw*— M ififetr high ret rr>pe