PAGE EIGHT LOCAL NEWS m itu envoi . nf YORK, June 30 |4*) -Cotton ftitjPM rimed (Ini HUM kiikw. •put atrvad; Middlnu IJ.Pk, Jaauarf If 4*. flaw* H.ifc JaUf »«n, 0* f ■--fahr 17 14. I>< frlBL V . _ tiiLiXmi , y VMRfe UilTfjPjft# in»T i«i bicwur W. H. -Bill-' Lungnton Jr., will irnhimt imormhat fur Haifa Crunk where he *lll jafa Prat, Brandon of I Campbell College. and iltr two will drira through to Ann Arbor. Michi-1 gaa. At Am Harbor they will re*later for gpaclal ooarww m the Cvrtvwratty as Michigan finding H. Yoat. fam eu caacli. direct* a course is foot bait roachtof? at Iba rummer •••union at MkAigao. and young Laugvloa hope* to bo able to attend lc< turua aador hint. v„ . Y cum mm MMRET I.KIT TulMi) wap a light day for dodge Bland h» County Overt. The Ml owing caaea wore diapoAud of: fUdfe ATHliatuf. receiving i>dd Uav whlukey for a*l" aubn.tbutnn, fSt pad coot* and snnpundvd of Nf aioaUw la Jail, D c. tamer, twnaportUu whiskey Billie tfvmfeiwon aaoault with a deadly wiPMa. rahanlpoloa. costs and Odataao# aqhpwßad for coot) behavior ot f*o year*. J U Jiolmao. giving worths. check ‘ ■ole m ali tin ' t W. B Mints, failing to abut np dag fop okaptlo ilon after animal Is gain Os course, the rates on station-to-sta- • ‘ <•}*** * uin 3648, • • tion long distance calls are reduced sti 11 *) HJK ' STtdtlphiNW^TlM- o r«i?_is th»«. in mite of all the ejtrn facilities we pm till 10 ihc v . £eaKffcr 44 85 , ! l T *pstvs«a.. Jo avoid this crowded hour, try plac- ■ g your calls between 7 and 8:30 P. M. . % '•„• ‘TT'if ' r * . e » Southern Beil Telephone 4mjv telegraph Company merwmio ciste; Oeprge Carnrway. veeaivtas »ai*ka». hbund to ctrjhty rawn, Hen ry Lewie. disorderly, diunJgasd; Park rede, .hut, «ests ■ohm: rnrewn REMARKABLE I.XTELI.IGEJU't* The hundred* of children and, grown-ups who saw Silver King, the wonder bqrte in ‘Silver Cones Thru*' at the North State Tbeatr* yesterday and la»t night will no doubt help spread the news that the picture Is ■nml delightful and t-nterialplng. Th<- -children should be latcrented In hav - M|f pa ma|ty to see a hum with thr InlMUgvorc of s college *tu ° • each, it was icportyd heir yesterday If Wayne dhllnqMcuu should be ar raigned they would run >ll to the bml dreds. Ifmuoii l*ow»H y>»t,rduy re. ported that In the Ural period JIM) failed to Hut in (loldsborv township atone. Htnr-e that time about 175 have come In and mad< tbdr rdurtia. ■ r 7 AurrAih o-nut mi KSJttTN THE HEW* Writing front Sanitar ium and Hoaphai. Tacoma Park, Wuxhlngont; D. Captain Nathan o,‘Berry nays :"I received the daily < opy of your pc l*-r. atm It baa kaH me posted, on 4^! hat has been going on in Uoldaboi o. -1 have snjloyad ft 1 immensely Captain O'Horry eapec4n to rrtnrn to the city the latter pari . of thi* week, and bis many friends will be glad to learn that bu is much Improved hi health. in "' ',., v '~_, M ,' ", ’o' . ; ... •: _•** Ct- - - MIBB* BALES UOIM 4IS THKOI Nil Jr*E The prfird Clinin Pale will not end tonight as wh« atatedThrough an er i »r in The News Monday inorQ||ig but will continue on throigh June and until July 2nd. The June Male Is sn anuual eyent with Rflrd’s atore and Is elwsys looked forward to with an Ilcipalkti by the jieoplr in |htp •rade tcrrllory, - r r . "» r* ; t r* - BAM4IE PICTIBP. ' PLEASES 4 BOWI4 | Colleen Moote In Orchids and Erj I mine at tbe Mason yesterday was k tboroughy enjoyable The clean" 1 r coayedy of it, tbe syncopated slang. the liivniods phh ph'vtsc ..everyone Os tbe audience. The name picture ! will b« there today. : -"-t 1 LIYIfHSTBSE Qi JBTET HIRE THIS KTEHIfG The (Jyingstoo College Male Quar tet. repivacating Livingston Colics*, for negroes, etallubury will present a program <»f iwrro splrituala and work aonga al tbe IXHard High e<'boo| this evening at I o'clock Thr sing ers hare a wtdr reputation for excel lence and should d aw a large rrowd A speclgl wet lon of the acbool wilb be rwKirvnl for white i»cople. ItoHeu. a native of Itoldeboro. Is one ' of the meiubvrs of the quartette. A M £. Zion church la In charge of ad vance work for the quartet, i —s*-t i — , ?: MXB PART STILL it ( AN BARSH The , ,mit w. t S Remember Y our Credit is Good At* h-UH J ISAACS I “* v Over 50 Years on Center St * I I dying”, and went home while he re tarnrrt to tbe vctoCrvllvWgtdt and re rdtortap* rntatii. dt ofo came i*a ddy> gttmr the ftrvt fight with Kell) which the etnte (barge* prodnoed n fatal woiad. : ' ropnael for Him Hnckoy said he wouid »hvrw that thw net Man did nut know oi brr hn-band'* death WtrtJl Id cvetork thnr morning Th* HWfW brought this out in an effon to prove that Mia* Aiorkaye did not coa*rire •Vllb Dr W J Bullivan, charged. Jointly with her to rover up fact* in the cnae. Should Submit Needs In BuOding to Board HALEIOH* June 8* UP>—Conatr •h®oM *m*J pur* a statement of the total tmm«-j dlaw building needa in the vartoni cowntte* for eonalderiitton Os the.conn-; ly commiaaiooem. A. T Alien, alat* auperlntendcnt of pabile Inatrat^tou The Studehaker Custom I Sedan is a real performer I on the highway—a marked value m a Imy^y. i t •

~ • Studehaker bodies are built of aleel <> « . J for safety, with full vision for drH- n ” in a qomfort. Expect a lot from this Studehaker Custom Sedau brcauMt it is rated tbe most power ful car of Its star and weight h» the world. It sets the pace In ,W ; ' appearance and maintains it hi performance. STUDEBAKER CUSTOM SEDAN *1335 equipment*! m>e« traces*. Otl-rStmd*. bmkmr amt &•!<*#• modsfa 9H* tS I*ol. »■; ■ ? C. J. Carroll 77“~"C‘: ' * ~ '' STUDEBAKER THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 21. 1M? ‘ <«lt today ta a letter to •apsOatWi j-rats. - ‘t; ”As i • ». the dmtaiea of Us So prsaw oaort me reawewt oas of Um fratest dlffkiiltte* la way of asttteg Jlf aa edtaata eehael sysM|B ts' U t _ Carolina oa aa eooaoaUeai sad sttt cirnt basts.’ Mr Altss fiM i —■ -"jr 1 .7 ; J —s-TsTjir* _ A barber stags etargs I CSfiMR Li_* <£. .