WRATHtt VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 88 POSTGRADUATE COURSE TO CITY PM dmmm far PlnkiiM Ua dar Carlo taa Auspices Hare , ; . IhiJ-i rnaagr Tki poet inUMto Men* of pkgwl cians orlnglually scheduled to be h*td in Kluoiott u*d*r the auspice* at th* Extension division of th* Uel miltgr Os North CorollM her boon cfchafMl to OoMoboro us the tint clasaes will bo bo|4 ot tho hoottk do* port moot boro Friday moraine TIM tbirty-sis members of tho Wayao poanty Mod teal society wore yester day mailed aotlcoo of tho scheduling Os the poet rraduato coaroo for this •tty. " «•*: Ton o'clock la tho aoraiag la tho hoar for Ibe claaooo hero aad eaeh • l M s will aaoot anas a wookfor twoiro worts. frrrENpHß Fwl. a ImSfla Uaafatdha nf Ql 1 tills Im AltlfV nlnWifl. WW' A -w ’** * a ill bo la charge of tho first aoctloa Os too course Dr. Hartmann wll| take up tho auhioct of podlatrcls to a yonafat way. Dr. Chart** Leonard ftrowa of Sostca will bo in charge cf the second aoctloa which will deal «lth gone rat modiclao. Tho course to bo offered her* la In connection wth the annual post grad uate courao provided hy the Halver ally at what oaator* of (ho stale* Other cities sheer couraoo are belag given are Wtladaftoa. Himlrt. Fay otter ills. Party Moaat aad Oreoa vtlle. a RAILWAY MEN HONOR NEWELL Fifty-Year Employe* Presented * With Gold-Filled Silver * ROCKY MOUNT. Juno M il an Mtpr*»sty« cormmmy. attend** v hy ■aaaf high official* of tho Atlantic former general superintendent M (hat railroad today wa* preeouted with a banditsoo allrer loving cup. ftDed ekb laa faUtr goM pUcm. by bis associates on the Atsntk Coaal LIB* In Virginia and the Carolina* The preseataMda wan mad* by R. B Mare, of Flaronc#. 8. C, x ouperta tnpdont of tbe Columbia division. The high regard la which Mr Ne well la bold by hi* former associates I* evidenced by lb* Inscription on tbe clip which reads-“To William Henry . Hawaii TUU tokea embadtaa thr tthf sited love and good will of thp men and women aanoeiated with you. who. ia their dqjiy work aad conversatioa v. • rr wm ias i VTT“II' t (1 ' ” >1 'X. T " ’ thought* and endeavor by yowr Mfe ' aad example—J tae I, IMggP Utoder the Coast Uturm pci|ton plan Mr Newall. who la oue of the o**l add moat favorably" -known rail toaT men In she southeast, bavin*. 6 ' reached the age of 7ft. retired from active service on Jane I. after being employed hy the Atlantic.,Coast Line lor more than fifty yaar*. Beginning as a telegraph operator it Rocky Poll*. N C, he worked hi* way to on* of the high**! and most important position* tn the Coast Lin* organisation Far 10 year* be _ waa general superintendent of the first division of the Atlantic Coast Una and ha* the distinction among others, of having bald this poetttow - longer than anyone else' who hge - i.ver served the Atlantic ('oast Lint iu a similar capacity. " During his fifty years of service fqrj the railroad, Mr. NaWell has gained au enviable reputation for efficiency In performing his duties, and tor fair dealing In hi* relations with the pub lie He baa many close personal triends la every community In Vlr i ginla agd the Carolina* served by the r Coaiel Une and 1 la known every where a* a uiau "whose word is at good g* hit baud " , DEMOCRATS ARE , GIVEN OFFICES Conta By Governor'll Appoint ment to Jobe Expected 18 Month* Ago RALEIGH. June 11.—(4*7 —Through habeas corpus proceedings bm first legal weapon Ik attempt to prevent eat rad if lon from Ohio to Haleigb where be I* wanted hi cwnnectlrm wttTi the recent police scandal Investiga tion J, E. Dedrick tdday was sucoesa ful In having hh bond lowered iron i&.ooft to time chief of Police Bryan will go to Cleveland lor tha prisoner at sdeu as ornp-r pap.-, can b* prep*red «nd J. ± THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MOftNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. . United States Not To Agree ♦TL - j , ,f * Build Small Sized Cruisers Onsoitabie For Her Defense __ •-.-- - r* 9 "-T-.-- IT -''- .. - _ +/-' .£ '- Tl1T -'™ v ~' ■ - 5 _ Wide Divergent Plans Submitted for Consid eration of fi ene v t; Naval Limitation Arm amen tSi Confer- j ence; Admiral Saito Clears Up Japanese Position GBNBViv June 21 UP) -dtevbr will the United Bute* b« farced Into building sms'll sited cruisers unsuit able for the ne#d*. s os her nations) de fease- that la Is understood is the answer which American delegate* will make to the British proposal at the naval conference far the evsa tuat abolishment of the ten thO|*ki<L ton cruiser* authorised by the Wash ington parleys. The close of the second day of tbe Conference has permitted the « pen* to ncfflrm tberr earner Judg ment that the three plana prevented the American. British aad Japanese ere to divergent as to be utterly Ir reconcilable aad are oortaln la make a treaty impossible unless some oar ’receives from his original position. Ad mist Saito, however In a state ment tonight In Which he explained t|e purport ot the Jaap** proposals threw an entirely new light on awe of. Tokoyn's Intentions aad Justified the belief of tbe American delega tor that as agreement would be more totsible on a basis of the Japanese plan than the British. He mad# it cleaP that in America's future, cruiser building program she could under the Jit panes* project, scrap some of tbe numerous Ameri cas destroyer* airtt--par thus saved Into cruiser#. Aj> any „ low limltalion icstyr would undonbledlv Involve scrapg tag of American dealVoyera because of tbelr superior numSersT Ibe head at the Japanaae delegation declared that by transfer of destroyer ton nage, American cruiser power could t>e brought up to meet any American requirement*. * • SAID BEER WAS HIS HOG FEED Demonstrated Assertion to Dep uties But HogsjGot Dead' Drußk Daniel Hodges, negro living on the ntantatlon of Junluff Hot**, two mix a from Fremopf. late yesterday yunted to demonstrate to Wayne de puties that a bard of beer found Ja his smokehouse was feed for bis bogs ffe tnstgied iu demonstrating the fact to deputies. He gave l baekwts iX thr alnff U> three hogs in • JML In fifteen minutes the animals ware so drunk they couldn't stand n#. Then Hodges confessed, efflcers said, that be bad been operating a still Iu the HOiokebou'e, but operating it for a Johnston county man whose Barne he did not know. The deputies had found a part of III* dill aad a gallon and a half of v blrVey. Hodges was bound to coun ty cmrt under.*:'•*! bond 1* Forty minutes later the deputies searched (he premise# of Walter Fort negro, In the same Here they found n complete still rigged up In kls kAmicco ham odd showed digits "of reshlyr use. Two barrels of beer for the n-*t run and (here wet* two empty ' Wrreils u»oir liy F&rt Su hOlhd tt county court under $260 bond. Participating In the raid at the Hedges hon«e were deputing Korac [ guy. Rinlth and Oardner. and oftL 'V >.... ? ... .;;r:,-rr . -.y ! putle* took par' In Iks search of the Port premises. Thevenow Sustains Bad i Ankle Fracture in Game I r i r. 1 BT. Uiris. June 21 <4*l Tommy 1 Thevenow. (’grdinal short atop and V -AurM * ed' a fractured right ankle when he * slid Into second base In the fourth 'nnlng of the second game between St. Lonls aad Cbtaago her# today. > He bed to he carried off the field * SAd it > possible thfet he may be out 1 ,r,t fb» gam* far tha remainder of lhr J IMAM. • I| -‘ ’J’ ", , :~7- • ■ ' —.—l - r j-w ►'seven springs ; WINS BIG PRIZE a.:-..-"V ! 20,000 Attended 100 M««tlfi|pt f Held by 11 Clubs in Five , Mon Hut 4 Seven Sprlugs W>mniuuity club ea labllshed the highest record In thr • ommuHlty club attendance coutesi just closed and will be awarded the «m*l frtae «f fW. Frank Joue* of the leptral committee announced yes trrdvy. Tha .Seven Spring* club maintained the highest average In the mo.-e thou 100 meetings which were hel l by eD*y*H < lob* rttntnrtfng fir the prise.* In the <«*i<e*t as a whole, the attendance approached 2ft.OOQ Mr. June* declare*. The Seven Springs club had an average attendance of JOO at each meeting. ” t'pr contest gut under way January I.ihd continued through May. Two getheringa war* held each juuiuh by "tha dabs, bovine pictures being sbMsr at one rf£e»«4ovi and n< regular < ommitnity club program being c.ar rltd out at thr other. The Ontral ('otnmtttee. which dir ected the contest, is now working out details ngdar which It hopes to he able to eontinna the club meetings on a competitive ba>ig thle-summer The community club program was sponsored hy the copnty educational department, farm demon stratloi agent, Home denu>i»*trsaion agent, pcultry aaaoctatlou. cotton asaocis tiou, health department and the w«l fare - dor artmeut. and endorsed and supporttd by the Oelal>oro chamber o' commerce. Rotary club, KtwauU -ciult. and ;tßp finutil) MlfeN tffTMHT nil'sionefa, was * great success, «I Irb wilt be noted by the Interest m at lew dance stated above — : —"Fbr (h* reports v nt the people liv ing In the rural districts.** said Mr. * greater community spirtty in the res pective communities and has in spec ilk- instances enabled several coap munitiea to put acruse projects for the benefit of the cMnmunlty, which lx attributed directly to the commun- Itv fnlrtl wtilph ww«ft the nit growth I of tbolr community ornaniuitlan. **— New Mtit Murkft to , Open Thursday Morn it. O. Johnson, weH known in ■Goldsboro, 6* opening the Heoples iMarkot on North John street to morrow morning The bulldlug lo« sl ed next door to Dovta' Urotary has been refltuslu-d Inside and out for the new Ttasluess. The Hgtsaown (fooler and display caae equipped with Frlgiastre vrHl Insure the last word in food sanl luslalled hy the Dillon Mlntrlc Ber- Gce ' ompany Mr. Johnson stated yesterday thpl he was give the people of Goldsboro and vicinity the opportun ity of securing the heat fresh meats UitalMble, with quick efficient ser vice, and with strictest observation of sanitation. , -r- Flood Refugee Seeks A New Home Here In Wayne Co. ' Hoping to atage ■ romoback In the , face *£ M<wr* dealt film T»y fate re t swum m Todfefrnw* Miaa . yeaterday arrived In <iold>t boro. Vein ago Mr. Corley wu» a Raptlat mftiiater but foiling haaring wAenoeffahed.. Jjlaa wmfiHiu Uut* to poultry farming The flood of lb* Century rolled upon W* farm amt _ 1-‘ft film, with many tfinu***#* ~or |i other, homrleaa. with i IWU money, and no capital or credit on which to ! moke, a tiaw etgrt, Mr. Corlay wrote to the., State pe : r partir.ani of Agriculture in Raleigh i and nyhed for Information aboit * ti.Mel| and poultry paaalbUitle* in the. r Stiff Th# raply referred him lo it Warn# county, and yeeterday \he » ranch* rlat County Arrnt A." K. H*d> . erteon. - J ' IMerearea from hia county a rent In t Mtatlealppl and from man who had t _ bee n rmterwi, la bnilnm Jtfgn v tba flood ranrod itaalf and boro tba —■ n *7- 7*- ~~ *i r ;> A .\" 1 ' '--.f, -- - --t, - N. C WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE 22. 1827 BYRD PLANS TO FLY NEW PATH ■ ■ ■■■— WW Deviate StgUOlv From Palh Which LindlxsiKh Took in Ocenn Bop ROQEEV LLT FI FJ4), , New York. June tl, -(4*l Commander Ricbant Byrd will deviate ihr greg* etr ole course to France in order that he ~*k may get such atmospheric advantages' aa are to.be had to th» south of the , noitheru route sudaptbat at least the last of he mmi trip will be 1 over the steamer Un«a He announced tete today that ht* will be slightly "lUuer'' than the great circle, all the way acinar being at to* degree* i uguetb. as th. great circle ia pot rei ty a circle hut merely looks wmui lobe. Hyrd will actually be following i curve Iu "Hat telling" tha apparent treje. Although be will t! us leave th* coutwe Undbergh folio' *d. be will bop over the.ocean at itu same spot tn New Fuunrtland mid »t Ike laud agalu at the same spot tn Ireland. Aft*r returning tomorrow from New Haven where Yale Itnhleratty will eon fe r upon him Ihe honorary degree of Master of Art*. Byrd will go hack to tha Arid and tteefi tn-coustuui loud, with the weather hnragM — _ " .. . --4- DERELICT SHIP DRIFTS TO SEA CroNH-Tlc lamulH Schooner Menaces Shipphtg Os Coait N. jt. |- 0 * u i j a WILMWGTGN, Juosjjl- Lood e,t with 16,ft® water soUked cross tie*, the schooner CUns, liean, which grounded recently off Fryin°g Fan and The heavily laden craft slipped off the bar and was swert In the direc tion of Mvrtle Heart. », in shtpplof lone* She I* considered a serious mftnaco to navigation. /No lumou lwuMl U ahoanl L« guide the craft as she drift* helplessly In the darkness, crew was taken off when the vessel grounded. First report* '*• garbing departure of the crew waa that a mutiny took place aboard the ctafl twit It .was definitely aatabllsh cd later that ouch never occawsd, DOCTORS ARE ~ GIVEN UCENSE " /> Trunwferring to North Carolina Under IVoviuiona of Stale Law . StALKKIII. June 21\LPI Seven teen physicians from stoles tonight were llceu*e<l to practice “Norm" Carolina when their creden tial* were endorsed hy the new state hoard so medical examiners In sea? sion here, » J - ■ Applicants weye required to show they had been licensed In state's em ploying Rockefeller foundation! system of grading, had practiced five yearn aud could meet all require ments In North Carolina T~: "* ■ 11 •C‘-S'l nwiumiami'ia ay riclieai_BWi-y- tesilfled trr lU*' giWraf worth nr.d character and praise^ 4d. a mwmi of- U# Ihe references yegterda y "I am tired of doing nothin* I am willing to anything that wlfT even biWfr me of making v bread for the t **"we*C k» rsi' l --ir * Mi- '• <YV"v nad rriiiiK'u id net' father'? In Michigan the flood and until sqc|i time ns her hu»huud could get op.,hi# feet SgilA ‘‘Yon havc\ )jo concept ion of the tragic fate »\h\cb wn* ours In th# floodsd area,sold Mr. Corley ' We might’gel started again if" aiyon* could get cVedlt. hut everything tm» been sw((tit 4 way and men whp had now have' nothing and coudltlotia are pitahle. I V!ott‘t how Ihe folk* gre going ia along.” Mr. Corley was quoted as -Viringr \ The Misy(»dppl mail is jljg first flood refo*«e to a**-* a new li»m* tn Wavne county, but a mtmbsr have - wrlften powntr officerg, it waa laarn ed yesterday. , ■ >■ • Piedmont And Northern Plan For Direct Connection With Virginia Coal Field Is Told WOOTEN CLAN TO MEET SOON Fantouh Family to Gather at Seven SyrinEH, Jun SO. - “ 1 • t ifntr—g 1 ’ . •.-jZK, Loaders of the Wboten clan estl ti'ute tin t perkeen 2M mem kora of tha fatally, from at hmat a d<«en countie* in this aecUop and oth er part* e( th# country wJHMfflend t*>«> annual meeting of Wooten "association" or Seven Bprlba Jun* 30. Au elaborate program, ft# being art anged for th# nfhtir, to b* half reunion and half couvtfallou. Th* Wrg»*» are one of the most prumincu! families ip the eastern part of North Carolina. They are Tibm» r«'«s In Lenoir. Wayne, Duplin P:lt and other co intlea. Among them are inrrry lapyen,; minUlars. edudi tora, hauher* and diM-tor*. A (ton sldernhlc rfumber of Wooleaa Mar* • •g*r cnted. ( Eastern Carolina coutt lle» in the LegJgla.Lu*. The'tide Km mdfl Wooten, of Kinston, wo# speak er rs tho House. 1h» Wooten* have their own jaia hand It I* comprised of member* of the family of IJpyd K.* Wooten, Klnsun Uuflness man. at oa# time a widely known baseball player, The hand grill play at th# reaniqn. Pragnu On the program nr* Ret. John V' Wooten, of New Bern. Methe olst presiding elder; Prof. M. N \vuN.cn. Duplin county school man; Dal F. Woolep. Kinston banker, and, others. Judge Frank M. Wooten, of JirsMJ*, pjjakiawt gs. jbw jgaaela- Con. wilt have charge of the exer cises. Kinston offialdom will be rapre seoled by J. Frank Waoten, Ixmotr County solicitor. Th* best known Ot the Wootens will be n "delegate ah large-’'. He Isr the Hon. GotnwH B. Wooten, octogenarinn resident of Mt. Olive He has been tha crony of scores us the nation's grgat. It I* not know dfiketber . Preston Woolen. IT. H. A., will be present. He i* held in esteem by the clan. Col Wooten headed one of the flraf regiment* to land In France during the world war. 7 . / a wy— -1r ■*** ■■■ ——— Robinson Talks to Rotary Club Here The Goldsboro Rotary club at it# regular meeting tn the Hotel Golds boro last evening took mnkiug p«»»lble ibe atlendane* of three Boy Remits of the Rotary troop at Ihe camp which open* on next Monday. W E Koblnaon In a 'Massificatlon"’ talk before the club declared that the tfme wn* paastng when mttlwofk con tracts on import tint Jobs went only to Richmond' knd Atlanta firms, lie • eviewed the various steps necessary l erorr slffimlsaiau of bid* on work. President A.. Joseph reported 'HHl'emlng ejections at the Osli>fed International conven'.ion and named le'slie Well to make the clSaalficatlon talk for next meeting Next Tuesday will end‘tha term of office of Mr. Joseph, and Dr. W. If Bmlth, will be 'nstslied as the club’s new president at the Tuesday week meeting NEGROmTE ISINJALANCE Man Who Axnaulted Three Year Old Giri Relieved •: : / N i'2 \ tt y RALEIGH. June H.-- The fat* of Joe Andrews, negro aenumwd to die in Ihe state pi Ison electric chair, July L for attneking a three year-old white girl lit Frsuklin county, reals In the report of Dr. J. K. Adams, stale hospital dllenlst * The Jicgro has shown signs of be ing mentally unbalanced and Dr, Adam* was requested hy Pardon CommteuJon* r Bridge, to observe th* condemned mao In efforts to drt«r --1 mine'hi* kaalty. follow lag • a pies by lb* negro’s attorney. June 26 1* th* ] Sat* sci tha famai aagffki. I • t William Gibbs McAdoo Presents Intervention of Georgia and Fkwr . Ida Railroad On JB** half of Petitioners; Cy Thompson Reveals Plans for Connection With Virginia Mines. CHARLOTTE, June SI Rev* 1 lation of piano for a physical connac -0«* wfth tbs Norton %nd Western Railway, providing a direct Um from 'be Carolina* to thb Virginia Coal 'iatda aad of Aka atnrka hold by tka HJ. 000,000 (Hike aadownmnt ramti rbout today In tka hearing being hold l»r ihe Interatata I'-ouvmwTce Commit- 1 Into tka petition of tka Plad-1 mom agd Northern raft way seeking tka right to fgOnd its ttnaa. Tka path ton soaks to salts tka two d!vl*lon» Ip' Norik and ttouth Caro lina extending tka trarkaga is Winston Salem. Ambit ion of tka officals of tee al (itrir llna, expairfoi of Which * Is opposed by tka Southern Railway gad ithara. were disclosed for officials by Kd Tkomaon. of Charlotte, visa prf idant and general managar of tka P. and N. \ Ha aaid thnt tka Norfolk and West ern Had promtasd a physical conaac tton at Wtn«toa-Balsm and that plana tor such a connection bad baan draws Ha Mid al*o ikat tka haary to crease la Iha una of fsal bad a bokP> Ing on tka subject aad that h waa hoped to kora a lisa direct lo Iks VlifttnU o> lda to ns IMMSM sms fissa of the two HaraHaaa ~ Ckirlßß tka aftar saas aaaalos, Wil liam Oifeha MrAdoo. ftwstsr aaere tirf of tka Traaexry, fnrsially ft lad the Intervention Os tka Oaarnfs aad Florida railway 1s favor of antasaion of tka electric One. „ NEGRO IS GIVEN DE ATH VERDICT Jiint OiT MiSuts gad wrif L Murder Mid Rap# Hearing !■ MbtalwtipiH jackroh. jw».,ibaßE Welter Harley. wggTß slayer of two woman, waa toalgbl balsg trsnafSr rad to an unaanouacad point to k* bald until Jaly St whan ka will bang for crimuialy aaaauting osa of tka women. - U Burley, convicted la crart cirentt kara today. Bftar oaa minute sad thirty seconds of deliberation by tka Jury, wax brought to trial la a coart -oom around which national guard*- .nan had bask thrown, while machine nun* frowned down upon tka carloa* from nearby points of raktage. Tan wtihaaaaa, Including tka kus twnd, of one of the alala woman, and the brother of tka other, testified in Ibw trial, from which not only the taaerst rohllr hatArawapapermaa ■»are barred. . _ Hadar tka taws of Mississippi. Judge Poller said, the public may be excluded from tka trial of wrists caaaa, Ha decfloed to dlaruaa hi* ex clusion* of newspaper man after the trial other than aaaertlag thal hf look this action because hr did not want la Inflame 4he puhHw nr hr WMlWf ad the nawnpaper* a part of tka puk t '**• NATIONALISTS t WKEJSICTORT Surrender of Sun to Southerners ■ Is Momentarily Expected , Ig-CHas— .kHANGHUI, June 21 ‘Tka l«- t portent port of Tslagtae in tka pro • fiber of dkantuai hag bean occupied , t t.y n detachment of nationalistic troop*, reports said this detachment entered the city by boat asd preened »d - along the railroad toward tka • .capital of the province. " The Northern General, Kan at ««* a time defender of Bhaagbat, fa axpect u ed to surrender la the 'Southerners 1 momstaarlly, tgtus further opeaiag • tka road to Pekiag to tko NsUonnllxtle ~ ~wwm. ; ~— —- —~~ — S' *. o 1 cs • —. . . .m*. i -- Member of . The Associated Free* jf* puck mi * ' ' ■ W—amen—RW HIGH HONOR FOR Win* Hritefatrsklp te Hiliiigrt Over Hundred* of my StadMte Having bean awarded a teiiswaMp is Heldatbarg Uatvendty aadar sdhW> maa-Amartraa exehaaga * datlite. William t'arey MaaWell, rrXBd»W fi of Mr. sad Mm. H. «. Maxwell, taateg Thursday for N«a Yark Cttj aed A Haturday urtll nail for Ormaay Tka fellowship was won by tka ’ yamm Goldsboro ua te cempatltioa wt& kaaditeU of —‘ “r America. :. ------ J flftaae fsltanakipa rnrtitgg itejt and other major »»pya H TlfheM unireraiUes are awarded nfn tMh t'uundatloa. sad It I* haltsaad tgkt dflrna German «t«daats will noma to Amertte aadar the wasto srraegMiM Bpna nrrtvtgg yssag Mh twall mill Shwatd naMaai *_ man wait Wt|l tpwMM VV|g travelling i B tka couatry aad te tka ‘jinn will aatar HaM»fWyg|. M* kw Here, that tk* roatact akk Qartegk {Ufa toymstty smK lag upon tka couraag at (Wramstw did aulvarsity - ‘ Ur. apacteligat la fltMl at Duke uaivaralty aad VM gradtUMd with koaora, yasr ' ' aad rawfvad hta Itoatflg ,?jggtM| i again wHh kaeSH. . _ ■ | IIIL 13U| if yDD f«Y| SPEAK FOR SOOH . ’"XK&ttttß; Aiftlat I RAIJtIOH. June tL-UPK-kr W: nlag tka Matkshi OrtesiMd ml held la A aba villa. H. ft <lkttf|lgaf t «f Orpaas Mag mm ******* M AM kk. JL ■ trymjt nrn taftf* wwmam OV la owtortai digit Si tig aatfgpal rflflldit Wf ll gag li« || | _ ' w“•» w uva w ka " ( a roll I,a Mate f'allaga at Law kaMtfjK Jana ». Okerkoltar has IWt -gT'fljTffbii'at ha Tk. America* •dgd. k Two N. 0. Stats nglhteg atea M •Blared in tka Bgllgkgt Titltr. ..Ugato la «• other oolleae or aalfVMtty te ika aatton that caa boaat of this raaarC Ijiat weak or so Jm M. Pap df Raleigh, studaat at NoHkWMtlia »at wasalfw . AO.A *_ . a-s i_ ■ XCTTJJXiXh ,^r "" woo by North lhrstto*ffe|Mp «||l. tk* Cant ml Ragtoaal Qgaitgt ketdta Detroit. Mich., whlck IklPll hfe. d| S "IRddr a farmer Stele '' 00l*S» man. won tka state chategleteMp teg- a Illinois, aad sate rad tka ImJ* Ml l) (f ,| k Iwalmiad teoAtf 1 • rou ■ Woaivai raci««<f iMw wsep' ' * •ruddy" wkßa at Stele qgftfg kMjp' men recalted their traiatag Md*t fte <-«». >WWs Mt>. MT lie speaking daps rite m | In MMRa MM \ Mls» Jrau P.tlU. of tka OMIIM M' , Ckottaaooga, aad Mae Mtet Waa am McDaarataa of tea MgSljtetl Caltaga The orators teat eote»ate^te^||g . North Carolina, Virginia, Oiwgte, . Alabama aad Tsaa»gte».~ •-"■<!!>►*>• ; | —'SI ■*r.M BAPTCT YOUNG PEOPLE MEET PifttemHsMMjUt. F. « •. a ...l .y**. ;* the words "ka mast ratga, ’JM Hat yoaag people trap sU gteMpte ad , <ke Btat» gather ad kara toaigktttt Sts m M«foa Utetllk ateMMS ,1 Baptist Ywaag Paaplak tfateg SMteMk c Mte» d Presldaat ft N, Oardkar, df flMteMPt |. villa, gave a brief raaap# as the fcjQK e y** T '» work, the gyrate* te htetteg • of the organimttog.' wip|. mova. dtete'. *« , t.MS aataao aegakiH a%d SMM tekr - te «M • '•great “~‘sis di'r'k tlug ini g Han work 1- be said. « Beastoa* at tea Oitemftepte Mflk'

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