WEATHER ’ Uml UMMMrefcmgera Thursday ial Friday C*' :’! VOLUME SIX; NUMBER If: Japan Objects To Ratio That Would Place Her Below Ofe Nations k Number Battleships -:.' .j-t... '.-'sa—:: ,:i ■: ■ ti.'sr:; 11 ■ Delegates, Sensitive Ov er Position of Country --Refuse Positively to Talk Ratio* About Battleships; Cruiser Question Expected be Ironed Out Easily. "QCNWU. Jaa# ll—<4V-'HR natal C«Bf«r*BM to believed to kw« SOM tar enough to indict that to* Atomr\- Cs»k *XP*St mo ifMtrpMMßtaMo 411- itcuiUea to setakUahlag • roosoosMo i roportioMt* erutaor strength ti between tki United State* sad JSP»o n* JtfUtM poetivriy •brink from talking to wrnu of a ratio, which in WaabUgto* iris Hied tor bottle •bits ss Sirs tor tb* United Stotts * and tbrso for JOfM- Japanese emaltiveaee* on the ques tion ot inter-nation superiority U ♦arcing Mr* delegation to debt against putting ratio figures to tbs projectlag treaty (bat would *Uoe Japan la a position ot inferiority, Japan to expected to accept erufs *r tonnage, however, which would place her in only ellgbtly better pro portion of SI. namely ( for the United State* 1.4 for Japan. *. ' f ont tbaaa* American Plans WASHINGTON—UPI-The Amert <*n proposal to Orest Britain and Japan at Geneva for timitation of naval auxiliary erafi waa described today at tb* state D#rartm**» a* nepraeeij tag tbe minimum serai l.eoda of tbe United State* aad not •cacepClMe to radieai ebaage. Worbed <»«, 4b detail Umt ranee will darofb! tfbtoidenUio* «*»- t n by Prseld—t Cootldt* and etata and abry department official*, lie plan for attending to cntlsers. dea !foyers and aubnrlne* the 1-5-J ratio wa* heirt to <*mbod> virtually >i„- bpitie oa Which the United State* is * willing to negrotlate a treaty. It described by official* as elastic only to a degree, but to what extent AmbaMador Ottfson leading the JUnerican delegation end President j if .Sm threo-power conference. Is ruthorlaed to revise It. baa not been ; ■ »fcToeor —~.-..J : WEATHERYET HOLDS PLANE Byrd WU) Nat Bo Able to Tnko OS la European Flight To day. la Report 1 ' ROOBRVBLT IgELiO, June 33 UPI-Jdot today nor yet tomorrow, tbe remotaplee* rtf rein that baa been lamed rrotn tbe weather bureau eta#, since commander Richard Byrd waa first ready to fly to Prance, was repeated by the weather tßu%ft°day Winds, fog, low prennore moaAevery tort of uafetorable etmob-1 pksrif condtion* that can he regia-1 tered on the' laa4 ram eats of the weather department were cited as • eaaone why no take off could be taben tonight tomorrw morning or (asnombr afternoon. DEMPSEYWHJL fvMEETSHARKEY jVily If Nansod aa Time Ex- Champion Hapaa Stage Pomahark in Ring i■" mm JmSo,Jfm. Dempsey, browsed and hardened hf ten weeks of conditioning iu the anruataifia 'Of*4M4Wo*eßo eom* > *♦ • Mom ■ *aa h„ today-, and,, JOthlft ~ reached a complete agreement with Tek Rickard for his comeback cam paign . Tbe fooler champion defin itely accepted terms for an ellmlne fh* T 8 round match with ' Jack Sharkey, to be fought at tbe Yankee Stadium July 11 and reached a com promise understanding oa terms -for a possible return fight with dene Tunttey in Heptembef 1 »<ao.'i r n'— BIT INITIATOR LINCOLNTGN June It.— rtoulturgl etofent* sf fbe itKrk Spring high school in Vdacolfr ebuntV hare paid in full far* a ttft-agg inrub.tor with money rsogfVbd try hatching egg* for people of md-ddwhnmUr daring tbe lmt anrlnx. “ r hr---,-'-... (• • THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. •■< r . * V Ci. .. .. * O - -1 SCHEDULE FOR PRESS MEETING ArrhbJ Convention to be HeM Ir Marehead City July 20tli to 22nd A program for the convention of tbe North Carolina Proas Associa tion, which menu, at Morobead City July M. to U. baa boon prepared by the executive committee of the stale organisation. Tbe schedule of •venu for tbe three-day session wee e- rraaged at a meeting ia Charlotte Saturday aad contatna a number of (nteroetlng festurea. i The program calls for a meeting at tbe executive committee .oa tbe ofteraoon of July 10. with the eaa vention to be celled to order by the president. A C. Honeycutt Os Aba marlr. that evening at I o’clock niles Me bane, of Beaufort, will wake ke address of welcome; Don Elian, o* (be Asheville Times, tbe reapoaae, -nd Robert iAtham, at the Asheville Cllieen. will make and addrwee. Thursday coorning. July 11, Baa lord Miriiii editor of Wlu*tou-Salem Journal, aad Roy Parker will lead > diacuaaioo on , ‘ncws. H B Arp Law crrnce, field aedreury, will rerort and W. r. Corbin, of the Orecnabora News, and H. P. Oeiatou, of tha Vlmr visvitte Enterprise, will lend a dto cuasion of circulation. The after-, noon will be giren to recreation. The' evening e bsaguet will be held. The speaker ha* not yet hgen ariec ted. Manta will be pert of the pro gram. PTtdag jgpralitg. Jalj 31. J««C|»hue Pntol»!of the Raleigh New* aad Oheerver, dill make aa adpreea. Mate legislation and newnpaper* will be discussed by B. Arp Law rence and sdrertUlug will be the topic of J. K. Hurley, at the Balia '’barr Poetr x»d L S. l.oadoa. of Roe Ingham Post-Dispatch. Offi cer* wilt be elected following 'the Cf*aue*ion, dommlSteea will report, prise* bi awarded and a*y other j remaining business will Be £borlu d«d Thai afternoon will be given Jo ’recreation and In the evening a ■nKrtTJTaBIc 3lifffS3|»r wITT » The Aaeoctatad Press Hub of North Carolina will bold ita meeting a luncheon affair. MRS.DOAK TO . TALK TONIGHT ’ i Inlay Racial QuwaOona He Dis cuaaed M Meeting at " P. M. Mrs. Cagrlen O. Doak of Raleigh, a woman pr&nttneot throughout the •tate In welfare and civic work and a member of the Inter-racial Cop tni**ion', will be In Ooidaboro tonight 10 addrees. a mac* ' meeting at tbe 8t E. Zion church on Elm jwr"3aine* etreeta. , Mrs. Dock come* to the city tia dep the »u«pities of the Woman'* ‘‘lvic club. Thl* Orgpnlßatlon of Negro women (lan* to open In the city, with the reopening of ichool. a day nursery that shall care for the pre-school children of working mothers Mr* Dock. wPh other white women, wa* largely responsi ble for tbe opening of the colored day nursery In Raleigh and in coming to Goldsboro it la hoped she will be able tr interest and Inspire tbe ettiaeary. ooth white and oolbred. In tbe need of such a project Mrs. lioak wßi'fark"iron* ffiSrlßMeiP riiitl cooperation. ’ ' ■ Aiewwujw M. tend. It je ilncerely hoped tbat-a <urge group of cltlsen* of both riices will be on hend to-greet Mr* Dunk for her mes’Sre will he of Interest to M The Ooldsboro Male Quartet will furnish music for tbe occaseiuiT PITOWTS IM NORTH CAROLINA ON INf REAME RALinGH, June 31 -GPI-Divorce Idills In North Carolina are oyeratlng rn full time, figure* compiled by the United State* Department of Com merce show Tbe percentage of Increase In di vorcee la North Carolina In 1935 was J? times the percentage of Increase In marriages ad compared with ligane far I*M. * , , -... *wye*- **-; ,W- GARDNER IS NOT RESALES TAX Vakw Vi.y>t OffpgdMow at MtoUag of PharßMcibU Ut ORECNSBORO, June Jt , itP) Ex pressing “vigorous disapprovsT' to tb* proposed eelee tax aa a state Max Gardner. Sbelby at torney, add reaving tbe North Caro lina Pharmaceutical association In tension bet* tonight, declared, the sale* tax can never be justified ex cept wheu nil other resources of ab tlty u» pay have been reasonably ex baaetod. A general or special sale* tax, be declared. l» r ' a pervereiou of tbe accepted bast* of equity lu taxa- Ron. Tbe full text of Mr. Gardner's speech follow* “It teems to me that tj» greeeei economic problem of our state today to tbe impo**tant problem or sus taining the pace of prog res* we have set in o«r service to tbe aisle wi bout causing tax burdens that would ham per and retard agricultural pursuit*, business development and Industrial expansion This important problem demands the wisest, soundest and most statesmanlike consideration. * - “Every progressive citlsea reeliau that wa must keep on "the move iu North Carolina and continue to cui tlvmte tb* practice of moving togeth er. In our motion w* must unselfish ly remember ,th*t no progress which doe* not mow all ever permanently moved any. We ha*# gone pretty far tswarda the heights that lead to the rinai uplands, but *» are traveling on an endless road. There mJit be no taming back. We skall not recede, yet me must never forger that it Is sometimes more difficult to hold a every stage of human progress the inevitable tendency to towards a per iod of repot too. but tbe public eon science of our state is not reaction pry. I cove* for North Carolina » •»«- tained pragrus, Em* peewraes dtroet rd by genuine patriotism and con trolled by intelligent caution. "The progress of any state to ee sen'tally dependent upon the pre vailing policy of pbMUc 4a*e|ion J One of the greatest Impulses ever rendered to progress to North Caro lina came from the adoption of the income tax '"amendment in 1930. Prior to 18*1 Income taxes could not be levied upon any income derived from property already taxed. Aa a eoaaequeane our revenue from In come pjnounted to pract*rally noth "Thg. Yoday'Fhe^uft"colfecta from.’ Income taxea nearly half of tbe to tal revenue of the state, with the ex ception of the highway fund. W# have collected from income ta;e» thl« rear six aad a quarter million dol lar#. Tb# income tax haa therefor# become the heed of the corner of the program of progress hi our state North Caroline would he in the shad ow today had It not bepn 'or the In come tax and tb*'highway teglalatkm “In recent years there has been suggestef from time to time a new source ot revenue, namely the sales tax. ,TO the exclusion of the general then e of taxation, including solvent credits or intangtbl# personal prop erty*! propose to discus* the subject of s sale* tax and to give expression lo my vigorous disapproval of Ita adpotloh In North Carolina as a state policy. I believe you will be In terested in this subject for the rea son that under the provisions of a sake* tax your drug store would promptly "become on* of tha inalu reservoirs for the collection of thto new revenue, • ‘tA sales tax would not greatly in -cr»as# your tax burden. The pennies collected by you would b# paid by the consumer and bo paid by him w thout regard to hie ajbillty to pay. I can See oa* additional expense you would have to incur If v.e were to gdoph,b'sale* tax. Van couldiloubt toaa h*v» stork,. —"l*® 1 WTo *** .c,.« *. ,! integrity and consm^|^^QUoca- HOEARN DR. BATTLE RALEIGH, June 21—<4*)-—Adjutant General J. Van B. Mrtta cbaracfttoß es as “a true friend of the Nations* Guard, - Dr. Samuel Wastry Hattie. AsheviU*. Brigadier General, -Medical corps, who died here April 29, In the general order, Just Issued the adjutant general ear* “General Battle; who many ***** ego wax retried from the United B i for physical disability due tb an in i Jury In 14s* oh duty in 4884, borivme »’ i resident of Asheville, where be prad* tic*d WSBUaa *• ' -*»#■' - • • GOLDS BOKO, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 23. !»27 POULTRY BODY MEETS FRIDAY Dr. A. H. Kerr Lfcietf as l kief Speaker For Aaweciatton P refrain cw The program for the meetlag of the Wayne County Poultry Associa tion. which to fa be held Friday or this week, of unusual eat Dr. A. W Kerr. fi»od iaapector of the Health Department, will be the chief sfP*h*r of the occasion Dr. Korit baa a real message to- grim fja and the program will be en Joyed by evei y msn and wotnau who to the leant i»lt lilettkiri ip th> wealth aad health' of our peoidi. iajni Agent Brown. •The farmer should first feed hint-, 'eelf ana family and hi* livestock end then feed the other fellow with hi* surplus. To-do this be should d* pead not on any <mt> chip, hut depend cn tbe cow. sow ami h* it, in addition to the truck and field crops grown “The purrbse of thi# meeting to to bring out the relation between the poultry and the other branches ot livestock and give the beat and im»t profitable methods of combining them on the averagjt Wayne comt) farms with special reference to s the poultry. The relation and importance of poultry In the dive reified system of taming will be dearly discussed Eve farmer should beep at least 5G purebred chtdt*ns on the fern, nnd by attending this meeting you twt how to keep them uvoet profitably. dS-A-^atej^^kusawssaama An noowt Tp*tun* of tin* profrain will be the awarding of the pri*< to the winners la the "Home Yen! improvement ( onteef Tbe winner* ir this contest have been kept sec >et and will he until the prises sr<* swarderf el thtm omettuf " The meet iitg .will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, fh, Rest, <*n the OoldelMiro-Pikerlil# road In the Belfaat romtiittXlty ou Friday of thto wdrir-Jax* U. beginning at 13 tstnluto ustolww plipfO—Wt up i'sad by those attending, bhsfie to the meeting and bring your neighbors who have not been attending, with you and let* take advantage»of thto splendid op wi tuwlty. T~ LINDBERGH NOW PLANSyTJTURE Or Way to Waahinfton to Cor for “With Offlclalu About MM PM— BTOTT FiELI/. 111., June 33 (AP> -Gsl. Lindbcrgn took off in a single ,*#at army pursuit plane at 4 p. m. today for Dayton, Ohio, on hi* way to ' D. C. Lindbergh said ha had “no idea" whai be would do In the national carital except that he would try to complete Ills plans for the future. His Lackers have withheld announcement aa to the pulpoee of Lindbergh's, con ferences at Washington with govern ment officials And privet* Individual*. “I am going tu VShmhiniguin on business, - ' Lindbergh said “I don't know where I am going from there or when ITI get away. Blit I expect to get back to; St. Louie in the near future." The filer said be wee still consid ering the various Invitation* to visit cttle# hut had not decided which he would aecept ANNOUNCEMENT OF BASS SEASON .y. rr.2 ,J 3 . * rr ".' l ' Slate Department of Conserva tion Hopes for Statewide Law for ThiH Fiah RAMCIGH. June 22 (4*) An. nouneem it of o|>ening the season for Jtoil Sm-’Sm rhrtment of <Vmeervatlon and D#- AiiMfwi JB'filMMifl .o*l, api*ii 16. becauae of the spawning, (•aeon, Although #e»#«u»# for haas 'totting yire not uniform at present, a special commltt* of the department wilt r«6mmend*to the next meettng of the board at Morehead (’tty. July •jtS. regulations~fnr irntTnrm agteii. jHChe season opens .In the **ate July TO MINI H OS FEKITG - PRKtMG. Juae 33- Gen. Feng Yu Hataag and. Uhiahg Kai Bbek bev ■ tedded to launch, a triple offensive sgajln* Peking on July 1, according to reports from Heuehow The often rive will b* along the Tinan Pu, Kln haa iti nailrmd lines. - 1,500 Grim Sleepless Search For Negro Who Killed Young Girl Father Of i Complaining Witness Shoot* Accused DR. STEINER HAS RESIGNED Uftm to Accept PrefeaeOMklp In SocUktKy Bt Tu kuM ( HAI'EL HILL. Juae 22 The re signation of Dr. Jesse If. Btelner, Professor of Bodgl Technology Ir the University of Nwrth Carolina, waa announced today by Dr. H W. Odum* Id lector of the University school of Vnhhc Welfare Dr Steiner to toerv* ing the university to accept profs* * urn hip of sociology at Tui*a* t'nl versity iu Naw Orleans. Dr Btelner. who bee been profes sor of sociology at the University for the past six years, trill assume lie new f't.tie* In September. He to at I eaeht teaching la the University of rhlcago. thiring the last three yean Dr/; ‘ttelner has hsd maoy rail* to <Nh*r - unlvernßtog including the Ufciv*r*K ty of Illinois, New York University, the entering Into the Tulha* change are the availaMUty of the ( aruegte pension for profesoors, til* heading up of sped*) research and graduate work I* which he to Intar oUt, ahd a fhtrty-tlrree peiweni Ut* creaae in salary. Dr. Btelner leaves an exrellelß P9* cord. B*»id## being the author of several works on sociology, he has been, for two years, president Os finr American Association at Traiaiag nhoots for aoetot workers, and to k member of the executive committee of the National Conference of Bocial Worker*. The appointment of a successor to Dr, Steiner wilt be made after a care ful study of the men available. * g„ /,r -i . , , -, ! STARTED OLD WINE TO COBB But Two, Bottlco Broke and Now ißvcutgiatkm J, Is Or GALVESTON, Tex.. June 31—UP) —Aa odor of bygone days Is eman ating from a box labeled “etoctrieni appartus" and consigned to Ty Uobb, csre Philadelphia American Leogne (hub, Phtladeirhlai aroused - suspi cion* of custom men her# todsy. lja. veottgat ion revealed a trickle of moisture from the fnnocetit appearing package Aas vqpßvd and II l-ottle* of white Wine. twrKtywhlrh were broken, was found within. The box wa« shlpt>ed hy Wilson I/übricat hg Company of Han Francisco and wn* lo go by water to New York. The was seised and an inven tlgatlon taetltuted „ MOVIES LAUNCH ECONOMY MOVE PiftßUMt Reduces Salnrieu 10 *•-•*. ' *■**«*'■ ■nnkaMtium v mmmmm F>»dß*'Ml’e-»tkßl|iett.! tßifhvdOmwtxddf.. tIREh - vr.a.UKt'UfMvt LGB ANOELEB. June 23 -GPJ- The flrat eceoDOtny move in the mo- 1 lion pictx •* todutery which to pre dicted to have ' far—recebthg effect ranie today In the form of a 10 1-3 rent cut in all aala-rie* which exceed ~ISS a Week, announced by the Para mount Famous players organisation “A serious situation has arisen.,. IR the motion picture luduatry,*'. > the , latement said “And we might as well face the facta. Then* are that the net income from picture* is not sufficient because roete have mount ed too high Tbs intlqstry as a whole ben been spending too much for. what It has been getting aad as far as Paramount to concerned wa eaa ft on thto way no longer.*’ .. ■„ „.aimMmr«RMMi|Hh* * IitJItAK, Mlik, Jim M UP) Arp* Cttbreteh, tatlMr «( a romptsiaiag hi | Mia* lul UTiIH MUM. »hot Old htisd B. vTvmlm tin district mil. I'm wte n trill charged wMt OJMiDWIIJGtO flu ff y£WMOf WIM *|| April H. warn tan. Hi *l*o was waitod *a atel-',,, Ur rlui*. U Im alter Ml*- Mm town. ttMilißrndM' nJ BMauo^ltA Jinn wia ateat I# begin sad il Bit M tte UUm; wnII pwnin adght wish u leave tte AM. CM drOpped to tte Milt. "J-IttoMtb mUmma U* Mk nlnr * • nut atieodaat and „ wi* irruW. Cm wm MlrM by M ai|lJ ' lute ■■ H fniM IN with attoffc* m tteer partite al rterftol With Urihi thm yong <> HMMW MMI MamslUm flkoif M’PHAIL HAS Mu CWriml WIUi HUbAlng Prteo OwTOipteWl^tt mmmmmmmrnmqp. ■ f ■■!■ ** - i* —AI ~1.- - • "*. "vrßNtt, I wim s'sbblu* Hobart I’nee, yoetig a AH# mu several weeks mo. la it lltertr pending a hearing untlar SI,OOO ball, tend wm supplied tor McPtetl by Jo# Ha*»«r and Richard Hlmmons, Ba rron of Goldsboro. T^~ps ' —Wm la atuwly reeoveelai it tbw aojOaboro Hospital after having Ul fared on the brink of death for M* era! day* ror a time friend* dee paired that he would lire. He waa rtabbed la the right bream aid the knife pierced hie ling, cauetag U ternal betnorrkage. The rutting la eetd to hare taken f*toce when Mr. Prtcf, started to #■- ur a < »r», cut aside a lighted elgar ukd accidentally struck MePhall. There was an exchange of words, aid Price la alleged to hire hit the aegn la the tycii Mae wae stabbed. Officer* Rhode* aid Lancaster cap tured McPhetl, who had fled after yth* ftaht. after a loan search of •house* Hi Hsippsou county. JU —«----■■ - -**■, - TWO KILLED AS SEAPLANE FALLS One Bcdy. Washes Anbore an HMines aitd Bmw ei Bull Search Sens I.AOUNA BEACH, Calif., June M Id*)—Whit* planes and soorea of bonis including two des.royer* searched the water* off here today tor two men passenger* of a sea • Ktawu • (% u r ~/)»g i jrtfj3r’ retv. - -raw - iw■■■ k MW& > Tji-w’ 'SrSSsa-, .77 TnSSnL,, /TJuNNFIx, flfr mile* off shore last night, tte ■ JR* »■£■« sshore at. Newport Beach. j ! L.. Commander William Hast or, Barai officer wis the mlasing raa reitner of tte seaplane, whose pilot. Lt Tb<>mas fisher, also ot the uar- SUMMJLJkm Ptego- swam, ashore. brlnrUg new* of the sinking of tke atr craft. Search waa continued for Hsrtor with slight hope that he would ha found alive. The fact that ha wore a life belt when he etruek oat from the plane led to the bettor that be may hare been iMe to .arrive tte sea*. The body pf Robbins we* Idnntt field by a belt Wkle bearing tte Mi 1 tiala R There waa a deep cut oi the foreteft. _ _ - - -- - - " • • r ** “ pwcb rrm cUM -• MMP 'Twser •/ • «. « era Are NotAMcJMh It Arauaed Man Away side Wltii Sluiil Wnk* MOROANTON, ». C., Jute thlVPt. *t ofll mr «U Otadys KUteld * Morganton, «M MU it hicfa tphlght with a piles of )6M on or .lire He has tent '■tUmpd by off Vial dacrae U North CnrlltM Inf • may be killed If he resists irr^t. Ai orderly groip of lAdf 'ljgn, gtoi • Me| eteaislMe mhiitn #mw the imA .. '•' fu oiwepwii, C.*JW P|Mr> v .|. iiiw Imhtiß m ' . r H?w|| ID tPIm« fVIMiII 110 . 4(001* E Pc veral an ■ teea ■■ hppn arrflhgd. but aa if to last tte ituw M tte mob at.d imm it eihtselimtFemMlt.- i.. ««« eaMt4 iwiiiyii, n. ywy Xflp fvmbwr* * ■' «**■?*s ' T '~ T ' Mn * . TpWywaUgfl togfyt m ufg UPBOliloill dDm* |im Mlftlfc M WM BPIfiDWW MUM*, m kite dMlf^Sl^ip* hoar today, daetaew NMBO, N. C.. lips' imad crowd if imp,' i>lhiHi| at -troaid 2AM at mow MdUp. hPi slaying aaldy* old Burba Coaity girl. t » Officers said Mtay hind . they ' could eoatrsl tte erppp It tte negri Ms captirod. ed with suilrral Hflae and workers frees mills snd>MpiMtM, no men from the town Imr ~Hti m tlnr The let ti which jCy tep* to ad fnm Nate to BfW|Nialir, • dte> toaoe of toa mllsa Jljp wMfc MM ■amhUiee of order, U tetog^gnteris.- *r. Official*, however, esid tte tut report boro ski of tte. ddHMo|'Ps a itbenticity. . ~ rte tends Mom BHdgewater —H an ... .‘* *" 1 —*

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