qmmmammmmfpmm-mmmrnmmmm WEATHER local ni'misHßin ruut AMD UItUAT VOLUME SIX; STORM AGAIN FORCES BYRD TO POSTPONE FLIGHT <*■ , } . •* , ' # • Two Comprnies Soldiers Are Ordered To Scene Ot Burke Co. Tragedy And Hunt Continues 15-Year Old Victim of; Cruel Clubber at Mor gran ton la Buried; As - feeling Scenes; Num erous False Reports Are Received During Day* Soldiers Patrol Streets j ■ r * MOROANTON, N 11,. June !HW —Under leadcu skies »ud with ■* ll«b; mist fining. Htirkr county's traredvj or recent years today weal Arward I to Mu lit 1 1<* churrh at Cntawlm Vnl - J c Icy L'ciuetsry. There autld simple cer*-- ntonir* la»t rltcawsrere h'ld over th» body or ils-year wd w Kincsld. victim or an attack by a negro laic Tucsdiy. During service* Wonfeu wept and strong m*u. lorn bciwc u grief and auger. utond with board head*. silent and motionless. Outside far nor« than au huur. grimy band.- or men trudged tirelessly throuab the woods am| rtrtd* •<eking Rroadus Miller, n«gio charged* with the tatal attack, and outlawed by official dec res with a price of 1600 OB Ins bead. ♦ ad VI alive. Tonight the etrOeUnf the Httb; to*u . wara patrolled by soldier* Trooper* from Company B Monk Carolina Ns tloaal Guard llnad the streets upcm oiW «r t#r*xfcgUm o«rm vm» uulho: l/.fd tbalr pr**snce In rmnonsn to a riot <->ll saimd d by r«l*»na. Today and tonight the' unrelenting search developed Into a serle*. of raise , alarms. Rep'*te4iy rumor* cams that, the negro had h*«n ,aaah In » ccr cin Upot H»*Mly troopers ami 0 m med [ bands would race to the lodafiiy only to retina empty banded, RALEIGH. June «• <A’> Company (> lonib Cavalry *»» tonight order*d to proceed from Hickory to Morgan ton ! by Adjutant Oanenal Van Matt*, com-1 maad< r. “The situation Is not con- ( aide red serious eoungh for a riot call" lam Inform'd the general tdild Hut ,W la a precautionary moye. I efu ‘swatting turtbar report*.'' DECOMPOSED BODY FOUND • r> «v A»he?Ufc*4fllll» In Believed to Have Knded l.ifc Suicide ASHEVILLE. Jrftw **—</P>- Tba partly decomposed body or M. C. Nalll, reaMsla'e man accoclnted with the TB. W. Grove Interest* In Ash"- vltle was found this afternoon by the nheriff and coroner at the man's resi dence The officers.had *aar_tooths houae to make an Investigation after tiring informed by Mr NulU'a friends that he bad not be« n aeon since Sat urday. According to officer*. Mr, Nail! * death must have occurred Sunday or Sunday night A Sunday morning newspaper was found in Ills lied In the mall bo« on the front porch • were found .newspaper for Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday vt» ***• *» «*- —-- ' -; 5 ■ IreniiipoHlUoa fit.lA* hody made tt Impossible jfor him '« determine whether Uiy man ~lmd mmuted * ** i- • *4 A ray* ter buys u«tc found on , the table near the bed. however, pointed to n *uteMe^bl*»'y. oform * u ‘ d - T*» note feed: “Dr, Batemau (IJapllrl minister beret, fViends I have hud prayer meat Ins. B*e Mr. Ballrx, about re.- mirk made breeklug one here, "C»!l M M at 13:15 There the wtrked cease fro mtro’ibling: there the weare are at rest Jtd> 5:17 "[ • <1 LVIItS M»LTH*ISI < KtIWM i’HAIUX)TTK, Country Club, June jS—DP) —tinmen Hpker Memphis linn.. lo*t hie championship cyowp cf the Sojthera Amateur Molt links fa the animal Southern Molf Aseoe iatiou tournatneut today iwwlng to T«« Whitt. Jr.. Wa t —‘------- ’ ■■*. . i: . . Tuaadiy. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. City Budget Filed In Clerk’s Office r Announcement of the filing tor public of the budget city of Moldsboro for the *isßl year which started June T was made yesterday by J A\- Hpence-, city clerk. is on file In The office of Mr Jtpen.'e, jnd Is open to Inspection by cttlsena, Tentative discussion of the documept was «iade at (he ia>t meeting of the Hoard of AD deeuien Frank Daniels, In tuak ing th« report' of live dtmmlttee .charged with preparlirg the es timates. ata'ed that at present It appr’an-d the city would operate under a deficit of 125.000 to 130,* 000 this rear. A public hearing on Ike budge' will be hetd bv the aldemen on Tuesday evening. July 5. at whtrb tflne final vote on the matter will he taken. \ STATEMENT ON CARTER SIIRVI.Y MbH Weil Sajw He lit itorlH He Hau Lnrriad Ogl i>*m h* ‘ tlen Efflrienflr Miss pitmldotit m ID<> Morth Carollna l.eagne of U Oman ; Voters, Inst evening issu'd the fol lowing •tart’tuant giving lu r views of , the survey of women lu Industry as • made by E F ratter, e*centivf of* f« er of the Child Welfare Conanis rlom , ’ , “Concerning the Industrial survey ihiO has recently hern annwuumd as , made by Mr K. V. Carter, esecutlve j »eeret#ry of the Child Welfare f'om- I mission, there seenif nothing more to i say than was said Mast July whou protest was made Tgsinat , the sp roinlment of Mr. as director of such a snrrry The agio r vensons that were urged against hts making the survey at that time dpstioy the value cf* lb* survey now “The pre"enf.*n-ralled survey from the newspaper sn-ouat of It (I have not seen a copy of rhe dnr rment ic rolf> to be a report of the effirtenry with which Mr Cartin' ha-* discharged his duty of carrying out certain regu tsttom concerning condition In ”li '.-jstry tspeh «’s sanitary conditions, hours of iubor. etc.l. Nsturally Mr. Carter retuirt* ttwt In the main he '<-» carried ont thase »oTsrnment regulations efficiently and Well." * OITJ.AW (M'rnßT MCBKOOEK. Ok la,, June Matthew Rimes, notorious Oklahoma o£Uaw,'hiU fthei ttrre»tett-tn Arl««»na and Is now In Jail at tTugataff. chtef, of police CoUiplou announced here Expect That Exposition Will Come To Goldsboro Belief that lh" next Kkstern Caro-J fkan «t(PMrkmsa miU to* hold %M t/oH-y : boro was exprcfed yesterday N tt. Rarttmt, scrrelaey »f the| Eastern Oarrtllda‘fhamber of Com-I innrcfj which > i*ino<r* the B»positton | j.ghin ylsIL-d Goldsboro onq i-epnate.r hi* assertion that directors of htr organ tat* lion would like to «£B th''.! city stage th'' next show. Onc-huif of ll.c H4M g turantm needed to hi Ing. the Expo*l|liiu to Goldsboro have hes-n secured through. I%a efforts, of VVllli.inv Ror all. snd j i I'M story i* in chant** *•". j -curing the . j-man:mu guarantee. Mr Vanstory was In Mortln-ad City: In-t evening and coulil no) be reseh • d for Information ax to h r ogrcss In re.-uring additional gnarnntors since the list tins been turned ‘over to him “it would m«an »' deal to our city to hare the rexfL Expdsttton here." said Mr Uoyall Je'-terday af lernotMt It twiM bring thousands of the people of this section and of other. aectlon* here, sad Wt would * 1 I n TALK NEED OF DAY NURSERY Mm. Doak. Former Secretary of Governor Bickett. Talks at Meeting Here •- . < At a meeting In the St James A. M R..- Zt«u church fcQtendt. tf»f night. Mrs. Charles Dunk of Raleigh made a most inivrestlug and lumpin'| -lug talk. Thu pt*rpose of the mcet- I tag was to Interest the people of I the ctimmunUy lu the D«y N irsery that tbs Negro Womens Civic club plans to open in the fall. Mrs Oowh iu her talk told of the rucvcssful opening ontl operation of the Raleigh f)ay Nursery of which uhr is rhatrman of the Board of Dlredlorx. fkiiik duntrlbutes her Interest In Nergo welfare work to twjy-'tblng*. The first of these is tier usdnclaylm ,M secretary for fi/f years to the late Governor Af cock who always had a v«ry keen Interest lu the progress.add welfare of the negro Ano her thing that In fluences Mrs Doak hayipened when i,he Was qnlet s.child. “The rtght ol a IMUe colored girl who was burned to desth while iher mother was away at work bs* always had a last ing effect ip'*d her,’* she »ay» And while the opportunity cam* h*. Raleigh to help provide s shelter for the little ones while their mothers were at work, she wa« glad to help Mrs. DtosTt Lild very tnterestlnglr how the nursery has improved health i dnrtitlonsoln Raleigh and prevented in several Instances of dlsnase. Young Woman Die* From Pcrttonitfy ! ..._L: 1 _r.__.__. Miss But a Hare. M, daughler of at:. and Mrs. Stanford Hare of Ftvueyr Crtclf towiiablp. died In a !c, si Hoe pits I last evening of peritott ill*.' K<mr day's- ago she waa taken i.,ildenly 111 with appendicitis. An operation was performed but perl t **>‘tO** M *’ iu causing her death. Fuuernl will be held from the home at two o’rloek this afternoon Fun eral service will he in. charge of Rev. Jerry Howell of the Peutaeostill Holiness churrh will tie In the family plot near Belfast Surviving Miss Hare are her father and pin her and fottr brothers: Ivv, tWtT; —ttnbrrt. and —bevy—Hare **f fitoney Cr*ck township. M HOEOXB OPERATING BITH ELECTRIC KMIT. BALTIMORE. June « ; l—(A*) —A (needle carrying a high Irequcncy etertricnl current. • k*t»d of "Surglesl nreiylene torch" known a* the ac cusetPr, is being deveh»ped by Inves tigation and experiment In Baltimore hospitals r_ This little instrumaat. which opens an witho it touching the flush, by means of a thin blue stream of electrical energy, already Is aup- I (anting the scalpel in the hands of prominent surgeons, Opening a elean Incision without dragging infection from one part of ttie wound to another, automatic easrtfcry- -and. lha~ lin media la slapping i of the flow of blocd are ad coinage* claimed for the electrical knife I hove m ebsnee of showing them Jus i ivNrt: .WW.JMWT- H “Must of the other larger o!ti*s !of the East have sponsored the ICx posit Inn during previous years, and It lock* to me as ‘i’f Goldsboro could T*i?o Inucii*' V.WW ifrwftt-wr mt* he expressed. * .» Others Interested Hi seeing the Eg | |K>s|tlon come tn the city pointed oul Gist a cash dcuatloii or subscription wps not being asked for. Atl that lx required, ,it wus declared, to .bring the Ex|we»Rlnn to the city, I* for Ute j business and professional men to un j derwrlte the affair if tliey will gu*r r .antne the sum of |1,30©--over half of which he« already been slgued for tt» lie paid in rase the F.xpoaltion t' does not break eveq. Goldsboro will i Ka-<tern t'arolinn Interested in the matter r easy uccest to the t Ekatwdh itcME would lassutp* a l (Conti#tWNm Tage Two) 60L11680R0. N. C. HUD AY MORNING* JUNE- 2L 1927 OPENING DATES * WEED MARTS SET; September 8 tot Time Decided Upon for Startiatc Sale* in KarteniCarolina MORKHKHt CITY, Jfcne « The t t wtteW HRMm Tnhmeew Aw hkliUh ronvratlou here lhl» si- I ternoon vet the follsw In* dates for the openlg of the markets In the toboeeo prodnclng Mate. Georgia will -open August 4. Hoath Corollna and the border markets of Rpk state August Mb Eastern f ifolliw uhirk lu elude« Hllswu, September Mb. Middle Belt, -wJMeh Include. Durban', Neplepi tier 2»lh. V • Tb| DM Belt Oglaber the' tlh. Durk Ytnflnhi Nhsember * fitjr dclspdtes nr* enjoying them- fin hunts, bonting. hath* Ing uod fishing On account of I" I lay in arrival PlfcliMl Carrington not delivering his address until tb‘s morn rug ~ Col John F HnrtW, of Wilson dj ttvered 4 very etod tent »ddr«se* of welijmid calling to North Carolina's esptrlsty east or i NortSk CaroDna's »ln the Industry Col T M (Wrrington dsllverb I itn Interesting talk mi tobacco tudus try. Mr: II D. HUI. of the Department of Com mi'rvc. of Washlagtnn «»vn some Illuminating nnd luterestlag figures on tebared Industry The sal ient points of hk talk wnre that he •OMBtCt tttstev p odoees *** third of the tnkiTo' raised In the world. During trt3B this brought -v trtllion doDiirs mors tnoney To this c'uiitry or twice as much as in This hr due tp the greatly Increased consumption of cigarettes. The country la now producing ft i million jMUiT'd-t annually wheih Is an hvrragr increase of twenty five mil- IVn pounds s hut Ftfly tw** per . cent of this goes mlo inanutactur* ied thirty percent of the crop Into expurt The export* are lncreas s ng at the rule of sly nittllon pounds s year snd the eoiftumptlon at the rate of nine million pounds, s s? ( fiACKERSFUSS ABOUT FLIGHT * ti fed Smith Planning AUemtK to Win 53n.000 for Hop to s Horolutu BAN FRANCfHOtj, Jony 23 - Tlu> controvery between the, backers trf Hrttert Btulth who plans to hop eff on a iron-stop flight to Honolulu , rlutt week and MHn Kent, chairman of -the local fUghyjJ-c-ummlttee over the ‘"suicide "hip’’ j% Kent teif'ied l*. that Smith I* fixed v u*>. wns stimu lated tielxy by the report that assis tant secretary of Cracken Instructed a i\ Inspection <jf the airplane __ __ BmiUi's hackers Usued i*«i staie rients rhnrgiug K'Mit with playing policies and other'avtator* with com bining to prevent Bmlib from flying lefore August 12, the date set for 1/ . c the contest sponsored by James Dot.e who ha* offered 136,000 In priges for the frlel avtistor 10-fly from the T’n ited Btate* t»i Honolulu after that flute. KTLLEI) SPOIISF. ISCHARGEMADE South (jmilinH Wotting Held for Techniciri Arrewt in Denlh - of ShrrifT tiRKKNV lI.LK. (B C l , June. 23. '(A*) Vlrs Ethel Wlllt- war placed under •eel r teal arrest tmlay «n charges of b Ing Involved In tho slaying of her husband, the late aherlff Bam W'Hlls iftlurday midnight, June 11, When the warrant wan ae ; veiK Mrs. Wl'le cried and protested her lutioc ence As she- I* the mother *if four little children, she wag not taken to Jail this afternoon fin-put' ’will remain at the home. iJcpnty Bherlff Townsend was ar retted last w-vik for th* murder. He k no* tb the dtMb prlaOU, CORNERSTONE LAYING TI'ES. Brief Kjrerclnen to Mark D*4i ettlion of Woouui’n ( lull Home Her* with brief, uppropclst* ceremop les, the cornerstone of 'the new home of the XJoWsboro Woman's club at Wiitiam and Mulberry streets will t>* laid at 10:30 next Tuesday n orniu# Decision ns to th» date for the futnial ceremonies was reached! at a meeting of the council or the' rjpb yeelenday afleruoofr. * >ts, Thonute O'Bnrry will pre side at the occasion in the absence wr Mks-Whtte. president of the cl#*,-' Mrs O'Berry k first yb:« p'estdent( ■»f the local ciuh and Is president j SI the Slate Federation / As planned at the cpuuwil meeting j yesterday afternoon, two brief, • peer ha* will b* made, and It waa emphasised tbst the cxAtmonie* would consume only a* short time. J Woman's club tifflcials are desirous' til having s Isrge attendance of • Otar ns at the laying of the stone, ronsfrurtton work on Hie hosne l» now well iuder way. with RN Taylor, local contractor in charge. The home will eogt slightly morn ‘ban >W.«tk and wa* planned to Moot ell the requirement* of the dab The building will he «f Southern rolmilal architecture with entrances r.n William and Mulberry streets Laying of the cornestose tor their nwn home le an event which the mgmbere of the club have looked for ward to with much «h»t>ea almost viipm the ormsnltntlnn nf the club twenty-eight yenr# ago Excitement Caused by Racing Automobiles *■*»—_- .. -- p- wwnwnewwws*#** Much cgdlement wee caused In the rlty and on the outskln* toward Mi. URve and lokprd Klpstoo by reported wild, racing of « group of automobiles n|MMit 9:30 last night. Dnf report that as many aa It high “prtwcrni automobiles went tn —the group and inaknlg - from M to <8 mile* «n hour?-tfiria Chtrdon report id meeting the cars Jnet outside the rlty on the Mt Olive hlghwny, nod declared he left the pavement an «*crount of the reckless manner In which they wwre travelling. He eatd there wgs only four in the group, one about tdn mrde MMBTISi~fI!fKZ Ihe car* are reported lu hava agr ItroachMl from the direction of Mt Olive end to heve left Goldsboro In the directhni of Kinston. Police had heard of the occurence hut were un able to account for It. William Cosgrrave Is Re-Named by Irish * DUBLIN. Ireland. June Vt A/h - Critical hours is the life of th« Irish Street Slate were passed today ad newly elected Dali Klreann convened tinder Ihrea* of poeeible trouble from hr Republicans. But the peace of the capital, remained unbrokea and tonight William Coagrave. was rd rtrrH —president of Hie e sucUttve council by a vote of B# to 22 snd Is again head of the government. Has 17-Year Locust Been Seen In Co. This Spring? Ha* anybody tn Wayne county seep g spring? If so lel'g hear.about It?' : AC'-orfllug to inh rmuUon • ■* out by the department of etniu'jJogr 1 «i-ro*A«* vls-»-se.a*...tAue Insect Is due to make a return tri,» and Just about now the time The predlcUcn t* made that tbs inssui will appear in lilt numbers, hut y r-rotiably do. Ilttlj .damage except In place* where It wa* ahuudaril - IT years ago, —.. ,“Tht<t. insect always. <Featce *♦ great deal of fntesrst bcfau«« h appear* In such enonaog* numliers and because tt oernr* only-every J J years," **>* Dr Z P Metcalf hsad of the department of entomolngy At Ptnle Golles*. "lu splta of th* CP oimon* number. liowever. the Insect dfw’s little damsure because It lives prlmsrUy In the forest* snd lays Its fggs in forest trees Occasionally. It ntay do damage to i TWlil OWbAfd where the tree* have been p'aateJ Had Planned To Set Sal At Dawn Today h Plane Manned By Crew Os Three And HocK Thinks West Favors Farm Aid («m pro mine KAPIfD HTY. ft D. *».— (Ab-irhe west le ta a comprunil#- Ing u.ood regarding farm relief tegtstathm und-hr wDHag to accept a bill providing Improved facilities for cootwratlvs marketing In plane of the McNary-llaugen hill, iwtP seataiive Win tars. Rep WywhUog, told President Coulidge today. He suggest'd a new sad mod I ied farm relief Mil aa aaa likely U win tnproval v from both th* government end the papple. HUNT IS NAMED BATTERY SGT. Unitary A Now Turn* Al|ao* (ton to Prgporißic for Aooual Comp at Bragv . Annouacewiynt of the appointment or Lee lie Hunt aa First Sergeant In Battery ”A, and ot beglnaiag of Baal plans tin - entraining for Me annual encampment was made last tvewtaE by Cant. R. SHU,; . ailPtOftitt Haul in IS ltd to rIU a vsranacy left Ih tka death of young william Tudur la an iiimAßl Actfaevt. Vfhroißt Rnot pM member of Urn Battery for severs! year* aa AiTnaiabUsltml ai aaaallootl recorf . ‘-'♦V'U Thw battery want through prelim inary nistol firing at Mm rang* as the Bonlen Brick and Tile Fomfjanjf north ot ib« clly yaiatarday afternoon, and Culluln Blfft sngouncsd thnt cog ran firing would bo bold sometlma next week He hopoa that hi* Pmw paay'will ho able to establish th* highest record In pistol ua at tka Hrpgg encampment. From twelve to fifteen moa are roeded by tho BatUry to bring It lo full slrVngth before tho entrainment iar ran. Bragg Istg la July A# enlistment campaign will ho corrkd r.n to secure—the required hillbhwr. Those who are Interested In lolnlhg *bc«ld confer with some off!ear of th* Battery —- V - *> x , « V Burned to Death A« Plane Hits Wires BCHMOND, Did June 23 Wlillsm Murphy was burned to death and Clifford Helms wa* perliaps fat ally Injured Into today when the plane In which thoy were taking off near bar* struck high Daslon wires and (ell. Murphy wan piloting th* plane, Tb* ehip In.mediately caught fire, ft was not known whether Heidis waa thrown cl*ar of thy wreckage or tnan *«ed to erdwf <&. In a place where th* locust was abu|r.- - : -aww-tafnHi 3»«s»»a " "" "«?■ YdfciiliriWSFFlTk age hy. killing the small briuichss in which H laya lu egga. Farmers having young truos la such eltuatlons a* do ll • uoeiW, Ypa fflw, MkuMAlt* ant advtt'ik > lo watch carefully and If the locusts i srpoar .In abundance to proUct th* 1 jn«H)g trs«* by moequlto netting or l tobacco canvas This can be removed as voon a* th* Tpcuet* disappear. Dr Metcalf slates that the 17 wear klusU am djing oal but. thoy. vtfry will perhaps bo sbnndaat la tho. Upper, Piedmont and mountain coun i tics this season. Thos# who ftnd th* i R*,.uau on their farms will render 1. I service to the entomololy worker* E by sending specimen* to State Col ■ lege. > Thor* 1* a common *uper*Ututio» i tha* the stinr of this Intent I* daao > trout or fatal to man. This Is pot I true, riplain* Dr. Metcalf recans* [ tb* W;i*t has no sting and cannot I Injure man Member oi J|| llie Associated f Press IT -• * . si paica fits Him At 9 O’clock Last Nipt* “America” Had Ban Taxied Up Loaf Him* Way and Word of Starting of FlMit at gvl w » U r , n< /Wishkß uawn &e»i Weather Man leaned Warnings and Flight Postponed. \ juxjMßVEur ptsui, Am a (*K TW an* •i (0 Aw MS'jtfnßPO'’' * |Wt—»WMI <M *’ AS * T - ■ ' * 17*"‘ “ or During. -.y,-, *j«t wbm i aMjeiaMs- B«i tk!r« bHHTX wnjwl we«Uer »4 »* ehall lure to «• M ud MW* tot s£a* lu* tnllrtlj >. C*^' rtotnc -Mfetort » *>M JTIMWMMr morning - - ■ •■— t^gg^r 2 KoossnaiT nsun, k. ,‘i ni«ht tord, Ike BlwylM *» n toe waa raady toadfht to Ms. «0 for Porto at CM flrft Mml H tet»* ru healed ant of tM hpify TM* . t*4tto<Mo the to* dftia l Iff own powgg«. nMH|Hp. to tM Mown* «*a PtoM til ***• ed, bat tM-woWht «•• a* ■«>* public. d| After eeeteC the pteM IB loMMon, iJiutrander Byrd mad Ik* fteTBB BMPM hm of Mo •*» WbAS •* AOP hotel to gal • tenrteWpß A* liter* inn hop-off whtoh fel pltM *» 4 e m tomorrow. .«r Vhen the loot-'fSjtflMjF Apart to received from thd Mlltlir %MMB> final decision to «Urtrtl#^tßirßt«W will record the dorotteo vlll bo InetalteS nod Mated. d Gehrig Gets Thfe* Homers in Hg^GamS BOSTON. June M |SV~ -TBiAl borne rone by Loa OehH* marked Mm TtiMb victory *ft» Mt IS M talar 11 to i. tm Vbahabt'dr* baao ma. Soma within ham* «,*■« the amjor loa«na reooriln ttgntvw■ svdi Haatlsy sd • Oehjrtf now ban tl item* AwfrW hie credit tor the yaar. ' • •£ V’S®k HUVTHVIULX,Teaa.. 'IjM Sjd who cecapod from, the Targnw NW •ob tarn a oar hara Teeadaj nSM (ai>4ured. guarda and rolaataam IN dar CMUp«io^to^qtlo^ag#^g| ixittoms In nn eftort to **M# WMBM other*, erldenoe of the gW||dMhS > ncoentered by tM U**S by the mud • pattered pro*? i|WM lac hero with tka otevaa flddld Thor told of Mara eyeot t» thf aassM tiumbo” aoti wh«oh taxai thd •trenfth of doc* 00 Wgll a»JteMS the elerea mob WOW 1 I llftSWt teSfco

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