WEATHER V yr * T Uttl Thundershower* Saturday. Sunday Fair. % c ~ VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 101 JAPS TO ASK LASTING PEACE PACT WITH D. I YARD CAMPAIGN COMES TO AN END Mr*. Arthur Bell of Smith Chap el Win* Flint Price Over 27 Contestant* - i _ ' The Yard Improvement contest was brought to l close yesterday at the horns of J R Bast, J tel fast Commun ity rtmltijT "Aoapcii |iou, Goldsboro N. C.. Route 2, when at ths regular monthly pouLry meet lug prises wars presented to Itfe winners In tbs catd raign, '' - The first prise offered by Thomas H. Norwood wan ’presented to Mrs.. Arthur Bell of Smith* Chapel. Ml Olive, Route Jt. Hbe had improved botii her back and from y*rd The front yard was covered with grass. A rurved walk of cement stopping •■tones, which she had made herself leads up to tba front door. The and • ■ pinning of tbs' house hud been „ ro. 1 real oil by ahrsbbery. Going to the bark yard yon became Inspirited In carrying ont her Idea too There you found hollyhocks, agalnat u back proa ad of white lattice Tehee, h per gola made of teg from the rlrer. a bird bath of cement, ateo made by Mrs. Bell, the whole making a litUtff formal garden which Airs Bell says rhi-t her a bright nhferful greeting W hats been done for |9.U ami for what ulae could that amount bate been used to kite more pleasure to all members of the family. Each member of the Bell family la prood of their home with its prise winning kitchen and Wdi - --'v- With M &O Mr aad Mrs Roscoe Job a son of Rosewood. ' Goldsboro. Rou'e 1, have dons wonders The yard bus Ttedl titled lit with good soil which la retained by" a pretty clone wall made by Mr Johnson and outlined by Iris. A curved flag stone walk leads up to tbe house '■round which w 0 cap shrubs and folwers. On tbe terrace at the front. Verdure grows at will The recent rains hlzv# broig btllfe to the Jotnl grass so that the lawn Is also preen It la a |»pce you would like to spend the day. To Mr. and Mrs Johnson goea tbe second mite of sl3 offered by Mr A. H. Kdgertou. Mrs. Br;ejMi Bissell fyo of Hiuith t'hapct waa among the winners hav ing received the thlsd prize* of flu ..given by Mr. Kdgertou She had a bard probleih but Iha results are ’(ratifying The Old Parker home stead again comes into Its beauty* with the Improvements made during the rpmlest. Grass adds much to' tbe aatnral beauty of the large trees and with the flowers. sh{nh* and other Improvement*. It all makes jp a lovely scene. Honorable mention goes to Mrs. I. F. Smith of Rosewood. Goldsboro. Route 1. and Mrs. K L. Peele, Ida bunts. TikeVUle. Bouts 3. MAY BUY FEED - ON (Xl-0P RLAN \ .. . ■ - Announcement Made bv Poultry Agent Brown at Meeting ' Ywtwdiy v Members of GJV Wayne county poultry association may this fall apt the cooperative system of pur- chasing poultry feeds, It was indicat ed Agent T. T. Brown tn announcements mad* yoeterday at the June meetiug of tbe club with Mr and Mrs J ft Deal or t|><; It* I The prtnlrlpal addreyi of the day -was made by l)r A If? Kerr of the coonty health department Mo nrg im wm’.iit • • rfmrsni.U*.. t- 'ijJ. i tfliTw I: o ed an adequate, poultry- fMb k and dairy cattle for .every tarin in the ' coun'y, declaring that the cow and tbe hen conht be used for ttetter health and for more money. W. M Ginn, recent iHfluafr of State College and a poultry specialist was Introduced at- the meeting and made. a wro remarks. The meeting was started w illi th>- sprymd of a bounteous picnic dinner it noon Tbs business session was held after ths dinner.. i IMPROVING PLANT r. (I ASTON JA. UPf- The .Gw»tvala Weavtqg Company, manufacturfrg of wovea lahols Is spending between $lO o*o and |M>,ouu for Improving Be THE GOLDSBORO NEWS HEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. DAWSON RESIGNS CHAIRMANSHIP DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE J June 24.—(AP)—John G. Dawson, of Kinston, tonight announced ly* renignatloß of the chairmanahip nl th« State Democratic Executive Committee. He served four years. "The one reason prompting nay resignation is” Mr. Dawson said "that my personal and professional matters need attention sorely. ■> , a "It does not seem that I should longer neglect them as to retain the chairmanship would necessarily mean. “At an early date I shall cßll the committee together to uc cept my resignation and name my duressor.” Equalization Board May Be - Asked Explain Its Course ♦ w—*- ..llWI* ' RALBIGH. Juan 24 - (NN Reaurt to court* to rocure u more equitable dlx trlbullo* of the $3,125,000 school equalisation fund threti'enod to- P'fht by Senator Pnt Wlllisin* of .KH zahoth City, who represented the first «U4rlct eompoaad of seven nurtheaet ern eounUes tn the last l.egtelattire Serstor Williams here today at tended a meeting of tfireotors of the .Mlantlc Joint Stock I-and Bank Oth era eii-restlng themaglves today aa ■ pposed to the proposed distrlh tHon of fund* under the Woltg act Included PRISON MUTINY HASGOMETOEND Thuste lfettirlng Surrender B»V tlcd Thone Wishing Still to Hold Out • LAKHKNG. Kan.. Jane -’1

- £ short furious Ini tile within the rank*-at Abe 22* atuttoiou* iinivlctai in the Kannust jrriwn coal rnlip re-1 suited In viriory la*c today for the forces favoring aurrender and ended j the uprising. Ip the battle, about 370 men. driven t v tear and hunger after seveoty-aev . n hours of self Imposed In earcera lon 730 feet below ground allied them i elves the 30 strike leader* aud ov erpowered them. Shortly before the men announced their willingness to come to the top. Dr Charles Huffman, chairman f the Mate board of hdmliKriration. bad .assured a spokesmen for the eonvlrta over the telephone that “W« can't promise you anything ezeept that your demands will be considered fairly and Impartially. The con vie'a last night had served an ultimatum on the board, demand lug more consideration for patrol and privileges under the rules. PRINTING PRICK* IN CAROLINA TOO HK*I, GOVERNOR HAT* RALEIGH. June 24—UP) Costa of public prlntiug items iu maujl other stoles are much lower than costa quoted by North Carolina printer* In bids on the public printing tor the »er| biennium, according to Gover nor McLean and Secretary of State JCvertt. who based their statement to day on Information recently reculv itL, the basis of the Information we Whvo received the prices qioted tn rertint bids seem entirely unjusti fleld,” said Governor McLean |He ■mid mhny other states got “IBRer prices than North Carolina not only on compensation hut on binding. Meeting todav; the state printing ■ owymlmdon wnthorided Department of 1/1 bor and printing to go ahead -vriVf)-' srrrfi tn-httrog • for 'hr -'rnthnrt" Iwo vesr period Two sets’ of bids on the ■'tale’s printing hare hren I'rtee.LvesL. The Jtlild UlDkf J••jf.iIuMF'IUB-JN.iHttit'mfcewl t. first was rejected Crank tJrlrl. commissioner of |.a lK*r and Priming, has not ?»ft re turned from- a trip through several Other states where he Is Inspecting method* of 'telling * oU'trnrt for pub He printing. ... . .-- r . - T „- j I HE** CHAMP HENERTKU IHiHTON M»«s 1/ml* Handersi wanted to see the world, hut Joined | the anny Instead of lh*> navy. He conceived the Idea of deserting and j re-enltstlng elsewhere for a change of scenery. Kinally arrested id l*ort Andrews. Sanders is said by yrnty officials to have enlUt and rone A. W. O. L « times la the p*»t two days 9 _ i U—H- Aleiandu. Jv . of tka*Lgnd Neck. Mr. Alesatider aald he w«a at a lo*» to understand how the for dtatrlbulion were arrived at. Paaquotank and Halifax, two of ike lorgyr agricultural counties re ceived It.Otltr and $ t.'hm rr-'perttvely •tnder llie l>oard’s dl*trftnilk>n for thl* year. J Otlier count leu not heri’tofore re ceived any nioney„ under the fund re ceived imne than s2h.tHtu, those pro tecting pointed out. DIRECTORS ARE 70 BE SELECTED MdverHl Hems of lht*ine*H be Trßnsneled by ('ommercc Bodly Monday Kveninjr Election of five director*, a report from the prise house qppimlttee and l nthur htialnaao-will ho teanaaalad at a rnemburxhlp meeting of the rhufiber |tf Cotntuoree Moudhy evening at 3 o'clock Coincident with the Monday meet . S 1 n tail " alter Denmark yes terday I gened teller* lo a number of the hu*tn**s and profe**i«nal men of the city asking, them to become mem tum. qf. the assoelallonJ A totul paid nieml*cri)ilp of Inn *1 tbe goal wlilcji has been »et Al present there are 255 member* of the organisation “We hcllvt* you know that our aole , purpoae ip to promote the growth of our etty and do thl* sueee**futly with tlie many opport unities that we have, we need your *itppor(t." aald a letter mailed yeater -0..V % * A uotninntlon commlUee will today be named by President Steven* of the Chamber of Comnierre to nominate rtviv director* to lie elected at the Meeting Monday. KORKIGN TROOP* IN CI.tHH ’ WITH CHINKHK HOI.IHKRS SHANGHAI. June 21 lamding trikip* front foreign war*hlp( and Nath naltst* have clashed at Chink litn k accorilluji Ui di*pati-he« received here Nationallat* numlp'rlug fifty, qn der a Chlnexe officer, raided ths Jar dine at Chlnkland ini Thur*dtty and fired upon the party from the warship which came to drive Tfia. foreign sailor* replied the MJkUuyroJpVOhnu' firing Htltough one foreign officer wa* slightly wounded by Chinese fir«_ < in lAJSKB w h i it it B isl tn NfctV YORK. Jufte 24--tfl’) The racing d»y**of Crusader, great son of Man O’Wsr are not over as was tearrq when the rraelr row atlffprcfl ,fWH» MStsJliitm net IJ, Riddle deelnrod loda) that thought of! danger to the lio tse uow ha* t»* s seil .v. .. .0 a v NKLIIO KAf TI RE* tNOTHKIfN "hill WITH MM.I.irREK ELIZABETH CdTY. June 24 (i$N III.' skull split open by a blew 1 iom * heavy .Inali-tri.c, WiuLad Tuqr lor, cidored. emphtyed on the fartn of T t: Sawyer dt llelcross, Camden tounty, lay near death In the Eltsa heih City Hospital today. Taylor wa* hrunghl to lbs hospital by Kay Sawyer, at. Belcroa* toother of T. f. Sayer He blow was sltuik by John Morrisnfte another ns >-ro employed on hi* brother* tut v# who have hern gent to the school have been truants Brea use of that fact the school l* being ran on the “project ptno’’ nnd /-very piece of work Is aU"PC«I b> tip; '’’oye who inettlrotsUy find lltat hooks are uweful By italng half of tbo boys'the outside during the tnocn ‘•ig session, ltd the Hber half daring the afternoon, the farm and house ■ ••Cr-H are kept up along with the school work. tow-fa yn .- 1 elslMiM the school Olid the boy* ns Its own. and tbe state l*»erd says Glare seam* to he no end to lb* 1 kindness shown to them The hoys hsve a vletrola. a rndio and a piano which were given- to the •('hoot A small library la growing oy means of the Intereat of variou* Individuals and organisation* flues* wbat tbe boy* wnitjj now: 'an old-fashioned swimming U/fv The r plum I* ttmlik one nesr a spring. b TiI.DEN' JsflVE* I P A NOTH EH HTKP IN TENNJN TOI RN lN> NT WUtHLEDON, Kng . June 34 —Wlltlaiii T TUden advanced an other step in CD march toward the ring lea final . of tbo Wimbledon tournament tdoay by a straight set victory nvi*r CbrHlaii Bbussus, a young ■ Krcm h player - Mr. Taylor Thinks Outlook For Market Here Is Bright Grrtrfrtroro will this *ea*op enter upon n new era in h<-r history as » lolmcco market, according to Iran W Taylor." for four years in -tire ware house business at Wilson. Mr Tay lor has leased ths Cuyrln Wnrehouae here for a period of five yearn and he did #o. he told The Nfw * cause h< believes that r man); year* I have cloMl tol -1 hirty ago Goltlslmro had * ' lienee’ to become n great market The t,| K companies w-atiUql to' make thie city a big market, but *omn of the folks did. nut take In thf Idea an i.iudi—lotiaceo was- * new ei;oj» then Now it la dlffeient "For the last few- Wt< toltace’i bcut/bt on the iffarkel here has had to be shipped out for final purposes, OtH now with the Ardsth Tobacco company of n% at Drlilan haring purchased the re-dryiug plant, that will be changed We will do tbe ro drylug right here, ami that means lhaj Goldsboro will be peylug the top price for top-price tobacco.'ltov the Ardath |* the Im at ion of one of these men and R<’%. Mr. 8 B Buther, dh A.. • H graduate" of the class of 19$j and n member of ihe.fjret year class In the new IHiJie ftchool of Religion Mr Buther will arrive lu UoMaboro lhd> 2nd of July. A sacred concert by the Methodlat Orphanage Binging Ciaaa will ‘ be ;ilvcu Thursday ui«kt e» ■»♦** at Dew* Ida Chapel July 7. Tbo public it cordially Invited to n’tTOd this con cert A. S Burnt-* will Rb“tp r »- *ent and present to hi* native county, Wayne, the hoy* ai|d girls of the Methodist Home of which be la sop erintendent The Daniels Chapel msStidg wIH la-gln on Hecond Sunday In July, Her W P Watkins pastor of St John Mi-’hodlst Cliiirch In Gold*boor will t o the preaching. eWTON ACHK4UK IN TI T ONLY TER PERCENT GALLIC li. June 24 *nr ago. Bond price* again declined ns itdbpared with the prevteu* weak, tool were higher than !o*t year, SLmh price#, tfirtvfcd mile change. Interest rates on null tease, al though higher than In the same week of 1926, were lowor than In tbe pre ceding week Loans to broker* aad dealers by federal reserve member banka In New Toth.Oily, secured by stock* and bonds, continued to ex pand. The federal frnarv* rajton, however, although slightly lower than In the preceding week, VM hither than in the corr**pending week of last year. Basinaae failures were leas numerous than in UMyfrr*- cedlag wqpk a ltd were practically the asm* ns In theaam* week of laat : ** r ' ' Productlou of bltumlnuu* coal dur ing that week ending June LI. wa* I Igher than ,in 'he prevtoua week but less than In the same week D .lqat The output of lumber dur ing the same week showed like com partsons wltli btgh prior periods. Beehive coke output waa lower than during either the preceding week or • year ago. The production of crude :n gates closed on the three de AUtrvuuiKL here today at. they started nerving .Ilf* s«'utenu*a lor soup iuigrdera comtfuued iu a wm-** as rmdyr m* - While thep were being put throngh prtaou routine and given their prison *** 4i. cy wT7 VWLWiP'r.i A»hlahd. not far from the scene of the crime which each of the hrolhers confesaod. Popular feeling at Ashland. Horae of a Houtheen Pacific breaknian one MI the four men killed In the hpld t p. stirred several hundred cttlaeaa to participate In the hanging bee. |p which diimtnlea labelled ‘'Ray. Roy and Hugh” were strung up. Ashland p«ople were indignant because tbe brother* bad escaped death senteac o# . ,0 w IIINTKA4T LBT BURLINGTON OTE-Oosf rU<* lor erection of tho boiler house at the Nstlooat Dye,Work has been let lo j Potter and Sobackleford, Oreeavill*. ... • i SiSfin ~******1 I ?L ■— ■ »■■■— iiei- Member ol r Hie Associated 1 o PRICK rtvztmim Think Japan Would UIM United States To Lei, It Be Known WMMUr Or Not Pact Might Be ( onHidered; ProiWent Coolidge Pleaacd WitS Start of Novel LintL tations Parley OWfBVA, J6l* »•*» lib lilt) that ths American SstMHh meal and people may eoou ham to uudfdc whether they wink to ■tgtullaih a perpeuwl pesos pact with JapM H now looming aa aa ojlireotl of Urn . naval eoaftrMeo tent- - ' - The Japanese delegates t# tlse «$•• fere,ice deay that they hgga 'Rd«e my overtnree ua this gpPli Hugh Uiheea, heed of lb* AAurfrha ttclegatkm hat mad* a stmiHgr Ante! tut the Impreaslon, aavettheiegn,' fro delogatloa. and a cioee coupgafiOr tnjrtwvi atott" the am Franco-American kragty, mHm‘ 11-i mead, for a higher pirawUga, In Wfe illary warsklga limn (El HbtTgfig* ' . rapid t'ITY, a. d. Jane 3^mA lapau aad too United EUtoeM the Coolidge, entered the gieethlt wEh ts sincere desire to farther limit naval woffer* craft. - H was uld today at Otfn ratttf White House that Mr. Coolidge lx welching tk* coatoraaM aH kdSi threat and that ha noaaldori R asm mcnccd under aaapteloaa alream ■tancei, While the conforonMi In In pro vrvs*. however, the PreeldJtft dontrea t.i mnliitnin silehce s* to Ilf|Ha at the Geneva t ransagtfoa, hacaatt hi la* found that -riir'Tnat M* lafoto mal expressions nr* tomwa abroad. The visit her* «C Til son of Connecticut koao* laador, ha* left the situation ngMtA special aessioa of Cwagteaq dncjtoMe ed jatli there la a fowaal (adtontau from the White O'** tfe*XQPI sesaida Is under roasideratioa, gs. coolidge was repreeoated as hOtlsritfg ft safe to my that aoa« woufi ho «tfß> H xd RECALL MORE J . j* , m 9 te*. dkdi jl mu m m amm mj =? ts. S. MARINES - ■Sit*’ w vf Vrwri Oitcw And Ofhen. Wifl Fd*. low to Time W AKHINOTOM. Jane 24—(d>-4gH mediate recall UCM Maria** Its MU* arflgae io Jlaf with the plan log wHfb draws! of the American nysfUtflliy •wee* there was ordered Midp Egg (he navy departamat. The sahmarlao tender, AI«|EM wIU bring hte mea to tfs thiMtt. Virginia Maria* bM*. Tho vMM| Jo cheduled to retars to M»—«m «| •toe aad If condltlmu than wtfmtfh a second force of 466 aMEfIMSk token to Baa Diego, Ogttf. If Mg|. nous are still tovorghtaTtf ilitol tM ur.w.i of 400 Marine* i* oeoteoMiatf. ed This would rodam thatfjßtftorx# Hartae* la Nicaragua to g)s«to JUM