WEATHER ■PMMf ra VOLUME 81X; NUMBER 1«2 ARMY PLANE MAKES READY TO TRY PACIFIC FLIGHT EASTERN IRAK BALANCE EXCEED MUItMS Survey Shows Rk Prospects hTMtlnllM Tank bti Ammhil 11 la Tfcfc « A recent Nfm Md« by Nit **•»- *n CinltH f'bam her of Corns area, •OewidUst 11 of t)M latdini kulu of Ehtitra North Carolina, in Kina* ton, Greenville, Goldsboro Rocky Manat. Mount Olivo and Wallace. bod o depoalt aboutJua* 16th. f1f.441.53.- 77 as compared with |16.969,1*3. »7 about tba mum Uni loot year, or • folk of IHKhU fe am tba pro fl*e» root Tba Mirror at so. accord too to Secretory Hawaii 0. Bartlett, abovod that seven of thoM aamo tanks, (oil of thorn did not |t*o figure*) abovod total ioana of W.- nm.t« a* againpt 9CJBZJ7».fI Os. about lbo ihm date loot year, or a decrease la loona of 9371.477. Id Add tba docrooM in loona to the mrreese In dapssh* and not trade balance In favor of thin roar as con pared With laa* roar la. 91A99.417.9h. If the other fonr bo aha that did not ftva their lonM have the seine cor roe pond ia« deoeraoe ft will oooiljr figure that the' differ once w|l ho 91,- dM.dM.M la favor of thto year. In tho opinion of the official a of the sec tional orfaaiaatlon this la no bad sigh for baotoaoa la Eastern North Ouroltu* those 11 haata showed a verv decided decree** of Bllla Pay able aa compared with rest year, had the olpaoßt wwfvoraol comment of tho honkoro woe “There has not bora os much donnad for loans to make «/ene this roar no unel. “ truck croon about over having prodneed big yields and sat isfactory prices, and tho tobacco aa*- *cn jut la the futnro. with ovary prospect of good rrtcoe Mild .-ic-lleut yields; cotton la better oondltion then tt .eny previous time with the puet few year's, and prices easing up avery •hceh; fanners taking tntereat la growing mors live Block, poultry and rt V*r prod ieta all over the section, there ie ho room for puaatmisai, so •by the officials of the regional org anisation. Potato growers and truck growers of all kind* this year raal iged mors actual cash than they ex* pitted. What more could there be to jnrect. In summing It up Hsc rotary Rnrtlett said North Coro- H»d safe and sound.* BRUMMITT MAY FOLLOW DAWSON ■ - , . *. : * n . mmiimwmmmmmm " CoL John D. Langston Men IlMwf for Rtate Party Chairmanship RALEIGH. Jnne 16.—(JP)—Attorney General D. O. Brummltt may ancceed Joha Da whoa, resigned, •< chairman vs the. State _ Democra Executive Committee it was tudloied today Wkm two of the atate'a ouuunding petty leaders endorsed and recom mends him tor he poet and Mr. Brum mltt eiprosaod Mks sllngneae to ne wme the paoltion John D. Langs ton. Goldsboro and Prank Hancock. Oxford, had boon mentioned for the pl4Cf. * ”trm* 04*lh#r of WDIK/ iff -JT B. Simmons of New Bern, while de ploring the lose of Mr. Dawson from the chairmanship and lauding him for Hn mivam a urn*. >».-^aa..naavad Ike party during his term of office. Joined In the belief that the executive committee could make no better •*- Ictlou then Attorney General Brum-, mitt Mr. Dnwaon gave the press of pri vate business affairs aa the reason for rsllaquishteg iha office “Os course I am uot a candidal* tor the position, but if the puny feels I am the proper Bum for the place. I shell feel not to mack honored by the petty not to yield to Its wishes.” •eld Mr. Brummltt. No date as boon set for the meet ing »f the committee which will ihpooo Mr. Dnwnon’s successor. TOE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. . .. . : BYRD AGAIN HAS PUT OFF FLIGHT Rhla AflMßßttef Abml U» nwftwit flfppdi Final PkM Take-Off ROOSEVELT FIELD. 3:14 A. M.— UR—ibr the second Unas in two days, rain amounting almost to a cloudburst caused a last minute postponement today of the Richard B. Byrd flglht to Prance. ROOSEVELT FIELD. New York City. June 19—OR—Repents of tev crehie weather oooditloas tor a flight tc- Paris received here iff: 10 o’clock tonight caused Comm seder Richard E. Byrd to instruct his shipmates la the glut monoplane America to gS to bed aad get nom* sleep and ta cane It should he decided to take off for Parte at dawn tomorrow; • « - , ROOCTYELT FIELD-GR Pallors of ships at see to report weather rondlttoos today rendered the weath er bureau unable to edvtse either for or aflaiaet the traas-Atlaatlc flight of (he monoplane Aaeerioh. James H. Kimball, bureau meterol cgist expected to bo able to tell Commander Byrd by mid-afternoon whether or not the flight should Jg begun at dawn tomorrow. The foggy condition between 0 her* and Nawfonadtnad which prevailed tor several days cleared up during the day, hut nothing was known of roadltioaa over the Ornnd Banka end beyond. Without this knowledge Kimball did not fed that he anted advise to lake off and he had no way of knowaig when the reports wwuta come In. I don’t know what the trouble Is. he said, But the ships haven’t sent '■any today or at least we kiffl’t |IV TVnw jndv COVIffB during the aiukt, bat wt ban no way to tall whether they wIU or not. In the meantime all we can do If wait. The regular week end crowd began arrivia;, daring the afternoon end by 4 o'clock the roped off 1)0011000 of the field Whre filled with cure had hundreds of spectators wandered about the hanger and gaaed across the police lluee at the monoplane perched on the mound at the run. wgy’e start flYir CLUBS AID • A a HENDERSON. June S9—oß—Civic organisattous In Vance county ape baching up the iocai club market' In fine shape, says Mrs. Hattie P. Plum mer, home agent. The local Kiwanis club has erected a large sign at the market sad other civic bodies are haying shelving and uecebgery equip ments. Representatives .of these bod- Ivs were entrained £y~'W— H. Ayscue of Heanderudu, route I. C( y Manager Refuses To • Allow News Copy Os Budget Although copies w*r# being printed end another ropy could have been se cured at practically ad trouble, al though The News offered to pay any •xtrn expense which might be Incurred In printing tb* copy desired, Zeno Hollbwell. city mnnnger for Goldsboro, be* refused to provide The New* with e copy of the city budget to be voted wpow “by the Hoard wf Aldermen ow g -mma Request for a ropy of the ‘budget was Ural made' to .Mr, Hollowell by ffirgTT THU tswing ‘illWli t» to* afternoon of Jua* 11. At that time Mr. Hollowhll replied that the budget ’would be print**! In full In tb* after- Con -paper, and said that he would oxide The News a copy of the docu ment if the paper would agree to print It In full- Mr. Belk replied that he could not agree to print It In full as he did not think ell of It would be of Intereet to the renders of tb# paper, but desired to give readers of the paper the “glet’’ of the facts. Mr. Hollowell wanted It plaiA that be did not think a summary as the budget weald be fair. j.a One could take the budget, ho told and make out a cate tor tha city | LAW REQUIRES LIGHT TESTS V ■ T-r ; r,: i_- Goldsboro Hot tery Company Is Appointed Official Hep rwtnUlive ~ The ' Goldsboro Battery company has been appointed official automo. b||e light teeter lor Goldsboro Hi vicinity, It wan announced yester day. The new state automobile law re quires that all automobiles must he tested to determine whether or not their (hendUgh* are properly, adjust ed .no Is to 0 rant glare on ap proaching. care. This law goes into effect July 1. so that all cars should he tested and any defect corrected not later than that date. The appointment of the local tatt ing station follows a headlight auto 1 mobile clinic for automobile dealer* end mechanics held here recently at yrhlch time officials from the state highway commission gave Instruc tions In the rroper adjustment of au tomobile headlights. It has been estimated that approxi mately 7.MS automobiles In the Im mediate vicinity of Goldsboro will call at the local official station for testing and correction where correc tion Is found necessary. Each of these ears will require about M min. "tee e*cb so that one or more me chanics will be kept constantly busy working on haadligkts during the next few dbya. according to plana. -1 A nominal fee of 76 cents for an «40-nobile has been agreed upon hr the sine. All head lights testing 'ete-1 fious will charge the seme amount to I as tp have all car owntos subject to the ram* conditions, A windshield stickers and tag will point out the ears which have been ioated by the official station. 11 7—* . Pmier&J Vnr Mr*. Mary Hu ares This Afternoon A — 1 " , * ... _ „ ; ._ - * * Funeral M»rvict« fo r Mr* Mmry V* Hughes, prominently connected wom in who yesterday fell a sleep, will he conducted from the borne on east Walnut Street this afternoon at e o'- clock. Rev. A. J. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist church, will be in charge of the funeral, and interment wIU if la Willow Dale cemetery, . Surviving ere one brother. L. O. Ponvlt lie, end e Dumb*, uophows end nieces. Her nephews wIU act aa active pallbearer* at the funeral thin afternoon. The following have been selected aa honorary pallbearers: E. M. Davis. Don C. Humphrey. James Kyi*. J. H, Hill. W. 8 Lamm. Wyatt Blake, Dr , W H. Smith,'fir. A H. Zealey and Col. Joseph E. Rob lnson. government or one could take the bud get and make out a case against to* government Mr. Bilk replied that there was no Intention to make out a oan« for or against anyone, bat simply to give the news. In words attempting to substantiate the assertion that one could take the bfUget and make out a case against towefly. terrltnlluwell Ttotnrevt trrflygr cahtam trf tb»-*ror»* wtiteh gives new salary paid the city manager. People would think that too high If figure* ter i£b«rr ywent .**re .wtrg In e»*cf the word# of Mr. Hollowell. Upon returning to the office Mfr Bwlk wrote the following letter to Mr. Hollowell; Qolteboro, N. C. J«ns *». 1997 Zeno Hollowell City Manager, r 7 Ooldsboro. N. C. Deer Mr. Hollowell: I shall appreciate It very much If you will supply us with a copy of tb* city budget to he acted upon at • near matting of your board of aider men. The News will he glad to pay any additional coat which printing (Continued OR Pngs Twoj GOLDBBOBO, N. C SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 26, 1927 PEACE ENVOYS i TAKE HOLIDAY Wnafc’n Conference Has Thus Par PRIM to Product j, Rttußt ,> • , GENEVA. Switserlend. June >t-» UPJ—Thc trl-partlte naval c-mfervnei declared u oavat holiday Ibis after noca. to |ermlt the oslegnte* to wit nea< Genera's flower festival. This exceeded In beauty and previous as fairs and made Admiral Salto think of hi* land of flowera aa the cortAg> lavished In exquisite flower combine, ttou pnaqed dewn the lake front. Tb delegates were delighted to get till chance momentarily to forget tb* cohference which after the first week of negotinttona, kas brougkl forth no accords on any subject justlfyngt the convocation of a plenary publtr session. The British have been pressing tor a pubHr meeting sr they wish an op portqntty to proclaim pjbllcly their r* aeons for requesting an examiaa. tion of the clause# of Ike Washing ton treaty, but the Americana and Jeranese think It futile to come to nether merely to air differences of opinions and favor furtbsre efforts to reach an agreement on soma of thf fundamental points In private con versation. .» The Japanese tonight refused fr discuss the mooted Japanese-Amort H houve. President Coot ;dge that this emblem rave as*urance of :"best occupation cf Job on earth * “That Is what the American, flag ■ - mbs ns - -ha- luld nunihari if Jthe. ytewdi -Hnhten jpuhigtea* and., thntr families who bad left their work at the Capital city of Pierre to bring him. an official welcome vn IW»V*V; I a*.. s -, y Killed Instantly in Automobile Mishap r* - . DURHAM. Jane 26 OP) John In ge uld. 35, While, we* .lusts id I J hilled this afternoon about two miles nest of Hillsboro on the chapel Hill rued when his car turned turtle when struck by a car driven by E. M. Dawkins. Durhsm negro, in attempt ing to pass him. according to Infor. mat lon received here. Ingould was thrown from the car. erv wits*»»e* •Aid and the ear tnraad over upon him crushing hU skull and /Editing J him instantly. | FOUR KILLED IN A TRAIN WRECK Fifteen Injured and Fatalities May Mount Hiflter; Trains Telescoped Rack Other DAYTON. Ohio. June 99 UP) r'our persona are knows to ha dead and 16 are reported Injured fa • bead-on coiliaoa between a local and limited traction car here near Mc- Cook field tonight. Additions may be mgd* to the list of dead when reports are received from local hospital*, where the injiroo were token, The majority of the dead aad lh jurod were -taken. Tb# majority of the dead apd li jureu were from Doytoq, Tippecanoe City. Pique, aad small towns In the Mis mis Valle*. The north bound limited was in * barge of Tippecaaoa man. rnotqrmen Covert. Kessler, and t ondaetor Hob art 1 , Stephens. They are hot on tho Injured list, Gustier, wife cf the motorman Is In a hospital Mrs with Injuries The cars stayed up right on the tracks but wore badly splintered after the crash. Witness e* say that more than 600-th !rd of the Inelde of the local ear woo en gulfed by the northbound limited. The cars telescoped when thejjah 11*4 care, wfftch had dieohyad In st ructions, according to officials of tba Dayton and Troy teUbtloa 00., crashed head on Into the local Tba northbound limited failed to hoed In struction that two cere should poa* a “number 199” and passed that point. John Remberton. motorman of tie south bond ear, won tnstanly killed. MRS. HOOKS IS CALLED BEYOND O«- . . Burial Snrvicnn for Batoanad Woman Held Y enter day Afternoon Mr*. J. crlstopher Hooks, aeteem ed rltlsea of head Fr-roont, died Friday night nt II o’clock. A week ago abe suffered a stroke of paraly sis and gradually grow worse until the end cam* Friday night- Funeral service was held yesterday afternooa and interment took place la tha family burying ground near the home. Mrs, Hooks wee the wtf* of J, n Hooks. Primitive Raptlst minister end was about slsty.sevea years old. Hhe was on* «d the most widely known women of the Fremont section. " The hu*band and seven children survive The children are Fred, o*- ear. antT Reuben Hooks. Min* Julia and Loin Hook*. Mr*. Tilton Hooka of Fremont, and Mrs. J. H. Barn## of Wilson county. Airport For Goldsboro Is* Object Movement Started Plans tor an air part tor Goldsboro, aubmlHHloo of recommendations con. rrrtatng tin •fcurin* of additional prin hoam for tbit Wti election of five director* and dlacusalon of a publicity campaign fur tbt city art item* outlined at to be touched upon at the membership meeting of the i hatnber of commerct Monday erta ■A 4 4—r . m Tin t ham her, ad JmmMm . tfWi potea to appoint a committee a bleb i h*ll act In conjunction with a com. ..jmttice.. tote. J|f !te. »«•»<.ffc aldermen fdt lie p U r| *<»e of I,l****»«" cut plana for an air port for the city .Enquiries a* to landing field* far planes, near the city are already being received it It ttld. tnd map* thowln landing field* of the country will aauß.br n"bll*he«i '' ('oncemlng the tobacco market *H uatlon Walfer Denmark, secretary of the chamber of leeued she following *tal.emenft-: “The special committee appointed to give consideration to Ooldsboiufs need* for Tobacco prlte houeea have mvde a thorough Inveatigatlom and have compiled recommendation which they will submit to tha bnsinaaa ta t»T**t* at a membership . meeting Tri-Motored Monoplane At San Francisco For Start To Honolulu After Find Teals SCOUT CAMP IS TO OPEN MONDAY Flral Toucbeu Prepared fur Cum ing us Boy a pi Tuueurura Council Tuecardpa Camp, Ml. Oliva, Juan 16—Everything ta rend In***, tens ram’s now camp awaited the coming of the Boosts of Ooldsboro, Ml. Ottra and other towns tn the county an Monday. It la expected that up wards or reo win M b ittawtanm at tha aamp. The Mt Oliva Rotary club m hoot to tha camp iaadars loot alfht and from ths welcome given ns w* •re certain that eeoutteg la uppac moot in the minds of RoterUna nt too t>resent time. * Henry Well had to leave ns yester. to attend a treasure hunt tf> in Goldaboro. Dick, the eoofe says that ha caanot andaratand why they had to pick out a place neat door. to a gram yard for a Scout camp, especially when the night* get ns dork ns they do thin time of the peer. From all Indications this I* one tainly going to be to* hast comp ever held by Tu sea roc* ooumeil, ea*> telnly tha location la Wml pml from tb* looks of to* program on eua will got tonaeonw looking ter thing* 1 to do while nt samp. Bill Ron* discovered that his Olnsop bottle was empty ,W1 - *- g -,-fg Gloeop having boon iiid te «IHB xp a hunch of nappy hoods that havtmt **#■ n comb In several days. AH *f »t* w*« eansnd by to* tgrttoMug to attend the Rotary Innchaon. To tho** who do nqt uqdorstend Spanish, the nom* of the camp land, ere patrol Is "The Four Horaemen”. The secret I* there nr* three harera end it> Hank Mies being toe latter. T r ~ ' Believe Woman Wat Strangled to Death PORTLAND. Ora. Jan* ft—OP)— Her half clad body stretehad oat on bar bad. her hoods tied behind her back had her feet bound together, Mrs Zell Stebbns. 93, was found • trangled to death la her welLfar otnhed. apartment In * raeidentiel die trtet here today. It woe believed the crime was committed yesterday. A man’s Kanderchief wadded up. lad been stuffed tn the womaa'a mouth no a gag. No ovtdanl motive for the murder had boon discovered tonight. ■. called for Monday evening JIM tTtk, at • o’clock. Tha committee la their fnveafigattoff have foaafUMrtb Mu thueiaam a* to the posslbluiy of a«r I*l7 market aad believe that wa could take step# Immediately to pro cure adequate prise house and'gradtng room facilities. . , “Goldsboro ha* throe of the largest rrtdrying p 1 arrtit in the atgte. . nammtr *ha impartial TMbaeca Oa*m paay. J P Taylor Tobacco Company and the Exhort Loaf Tobacco Com pany which haa been sublet to the JtttimiU Company. , t«ytdUbdrti 1 ha# three modern tobacco aalea houses with a floor apace of over dug hun dred thousand square feat with ex. pert tobacco men la charge. “Wayne county aloaa due to all IndicMtloas will produce this year wft less Qiao nrt*en mfTltoa pounds of tobacco. Many of tha small mar ket* south of Goldsboro la tha heart of the tobacco halt have been dis continued Goldsboro with adequate facilities will attract not oaly buy* ere from all' of the largo compaalaa but will attract many independent buyers It la believed that wa will handle this vaar fifteen mlUoa pauada cf tobacco.* Member ol The Associated jf Preea % p«j» pmea Fiva taufig Chief of Array Air Crop* On Haag to laagait Vesael and Check In strument*; Then By*a WIU Turn to Weatbir Man for Signal to Go Sf ,£“ W ' Kuato* Hia Plane to Cmplt. **» :,i Ml nuiciic* im* J OfMB tot van CiMlortfa «y by afct Mo C. I. to, j rf iurt*" mrjw^ STamSh r*. Hpoeuftatloi yftuk ctft "A** bar • rtral h iJ& i ’*“• Ma« mM |a ' tor w l*o Jkm*m *- of Ibo anay afctp **w r w*U bo tanr4 to tttoTwlSSV *M» *MI to ito Tha MV “•** •% at •* «4 Irgoahto— la Mr ST nuTof abtoT AM* • ' Tbo trip took ft Ml M l Maalaai ' AmM« tM Mmo at .Crtov ' toi.yoe^nOi- WAYNE CO-OPS * TOGETOffiCIS %Tooo ** Wayoo Comity Mto I lib of tM North Corolla* CoUoa Orotrooo Oa> optrathr* Arooctattoa toort nilirlaf maIUA chookr lor (Mr teal aottto woo* rMob oomoc tbo Wapao aMm lb tbo rotor* of tbo voo*rro fua4 prorte •4 tor rrroat ■ooWag ofMobrbrri of diroetora. Qao *n oral MBMMB for a ru«m Ml tir Mo prof far roofr to thu. boiag pall toMfcto Mb mom bora oad oror lb* rtato og a wbolo totala a boat a half aiUMa ioi larn. ' lotoroot bar bora pa 14 to ■laftirj on tbto foa4 F*r* dtotrtbattoa of th« xptev* jUU JM JMMMKi*- »m- lobatoatoaiMMitob bMMMt ~