■HMMMIMIIftStaMM WRAffUR «lendy IMtfi W»tan<*| <w««m toitowef * t\‘i * ■ * ——■ ■ " 11 —r- -m ■ ■ mUMB MX; NUMHBItt * '"',»■ - '■*.'* * : • .... ~r—=•■—- ■ ,-- , JAP DELEGATES CABLE FOR NEW INSTRUCTIONS To Organize Stock Company Bidd Needed Prize Houses For Goldsboro Weed Market - WMmmpmmb* ' Stock Selling Cam* paigii Perm .SIO,OOO Be Begun Morning; Krr *New Directors Chamber of Com merce Are Named; Elect President Fri day. A HO r ft*o stock company will b* or- S»M to Ik* city to assure the eon- SrtOtioa of adequate prto# howsaw for O* OhMsboro tobacco market If plans toraralated st • meeting of th* Choa.- ksr 0t Commerce last evening taka <SMt Decision to organise such • company sad slactloa. of flee sew momtafci *f tbs board of directors of tfcs orgMhftloti faatarad tbs meeting. -A cammttta* Will begin promptly at M a'rloot Wednesday morning to call •pan I ami business and professional fMO »«4 la request them tb subscribe far Modi la tie prise bouse company. It was said at tie meeting last »ven ibg that aaaatlan of tba houas. would prsotlcally sacuro a groat Impetus ip tba Ooldaboro tobacco market thin yadr. In that a number of, additional buyers oould be provided with stor age Apace. One hundred Cltlsedh will be asked Is co-operate In the organization of tie e#wphto# ban been completed, n meet ing of ftt&at baria* Subscribed WITT be called. aa organisation perfected frith tba election of' a board of direc tor* abd tb# baaaaaarv omern, sad a site for tba aractlaa of the prise Tbs following vara named as di rectors for tb# Chamber of Commerce: C. B Miller. L. ML Moss. XL J. Jeffries, t. T. Brow*, sad Paul Yelrertou. These with Dr. T. B. Henderson. Joa. B. Williamson. R. E. Bt evens. U A. Banay. and gttwtu Borden will com prise tb* board of dim-torn. Retiring directors of tb* organisation nre: John Noiwood. K A. Origin, w. P. Creech. John R. Crnwford. T. R. Boblneba and william Roysll. The newly elected board held a dbart session Immediately after the coaclusioa of the meeting and rt* elected Wpltor Denmark sa awrotary of the body Jos. R. yuiliamson wse homed first rice president and Paul Yelrertos second vice prenldeiit. Elec tiontloo of a president will*be made at meeting of tb» board Friday, July 1. . Consideration of th* proposition of suiting a movement to secure an air port for Goldsboro and of raising n publicity budget for the elyt were b«ld over until the nest meeting, of the board of directors A special com mute. coo.po**d of Pool Yelvsrton. C. B. Millar aad L. A. Runey was aam*d to nominate a president of th* organisation. REYNARDS ARE >• BEING TAMED Twa flevw Springs Boyp «*▼« Three Yours Faiw Each. According Report n IbmV* as plentiful ne kittens tp the Boren Springe section, sccdrd. lag to stories brought to Goldsboro -By B. W. Wbtia. Yrtwr cwttewpow »W residents ol tin section regwlnrly In cooeciion with hi* bJ*tn«*» “I saw • fox cross the road In of me aad not *6 tb* other day.”’ b* b**an and contin ued In tba y*ln for *er*ra! minute* Six Reynard* sro sow being b*ld In capltlrity by boy* of the section Mr. Smith said Will Whitfield. Jr., baa three about Us slxa of kiUens. and Waltar Barwick ha* three a lit tle larger. ” W IM 'While TV* font* Ut VF/TOury Grady's hope# wej* feeding the chickens one* Morning, p fpx rushed out of • tkicVet, grabbed a Mg fat hen and rfkh*d off with her Mr Grady got hi* gnn and shot a eonpta of tlmaa, tba tot dropped tbs h*R, hat *ks disd ntow Mlnutas latpr. fajrseW * THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH- READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY ‘ d • JO 4 ! ' £ ® INSANITY IS PREVENTABLE 0 ' 'J Hib Ib StatoßMßt Made by Dr Alborf Ar derma |a Talk At St. Paul Chart* I time when man will as thor oughly under.land th* diseases of the inlad as bo now underfunds tba di* **•*• of the body was looked forward lo by Dr. Albert Anderson, supertn tsadem of lb* Bute Hoepiul for the Insaaa I# the course of a talk on •Ttmjth- at St Paul Methodist Church Bn nosy morning. Dr Andemon Blled the pulpit In the absence of Rev. J. M. Daniel who was at Jnnninnkn in attendance at the layman’s confer eoce. “ - insanity I* n mlahott.er. said Dr , Anderson, for people who are said to be Insene are merely people of dis eased brains. Medical science baa for hundreds of years given Its whole at tention to conquering (be diseases of the body and now it begins to turn to winning the battle over the diseases of lb* mind. ‘ Insanity, which means sickness or the mind, is preventable. Just as phy sical disease la prevenUble." sal-' Dr Anderson. Dr. Anderson stated < that to- wse glad that be entered the medical pro tMafeb nearly four decodes pgo. *1 it had sires hist tba ipgarinalty. of seelak in his lifetime a greater prog ress la the profession than had taken place In centuriea b fore. He stated that be himself was preaeat In Wash ington in time to sea tbs bleeding of the Aral borne In America for earum for diphtheria. This experiment was In charge of a North Carolinian. “Now you me so surprised or thrill ed. You sre it, hod taka thane serums and believe In them, thus rob bing contagious dteenees of tbelr vic tims. You oo - longer have to se* what 1 saw In my early life, the child choking with diphtheria or the typhoid patient lingering and dying with the disease “Mental sickness may aleo be pre vented. A movement for mental hy giene hue been started, and I would like bo see it geriuto the minds of nil North Carolinians.’* NEGRO TO KNOW HIS FATE TODAY Pleads Inaaaity in Attack or Tkree Year OM Fraaklin County Girl . RALEIGH. June *7.—<*>>- Pleading Insanity after conviction t* attack ing a tkree year old Franklin county girl, Joa Andrews, negro, will learn tomorrow whether he will die in the BUle prison electric chair this sum *** Pardon comral*sloner Bridgers stated lo make hie final report Bn the negro’s case to governor McLean In the morning Three Planes Tune Up For Attempt To Span Pacific OAKtAxn. r*nf’. June 'Hi. Two plane* her* ami one in Honolulu mri reported ready toulnbt 10 hop v *im nonr*< p fltfcbln over the I'aciHc ba iwwn Ran . Krandwo' and Honolulu. The Riant trt-motored army l-\>kkrr and a almilar civilian ittonoplan* here were •* per ted to take the air early tomorrow for fllkhtn weatward orer the Pacific toward the Haw* Man Ulaada ' ' r ' Report* received from Honolulu utaied that the apecialiy conetructed mr way for the Burkina Hand* near Muaa an the (aland of Kauai waa i completed for the take-off of the Srd plana, piloted by Richard Orara. who plana to win* eastward toward the American continent at an early ua detamiaad hoof. j s*? ’V" - MONKEY MOTOR INJURIES BABY Mad Hecßßßt Young Moak Ate Uninspected Food, She Gives Him Bad Wallop 1m f W Sidney Rose, while mad. of Beuts c«n townehlp. Is under bond, pend ing a preliminary hearing In' court here Thursday morning on charge* of trespass and cruelly to animals Rose was arrested Sunday morning s' Herman Park, when It was reporter 1 to the police that he was torment Inr the occupaots of the monkey depart moat at the soo. According to eye’ witnesses wh< raw the spectacle. Roe* together with « companion, first amused them cplves hy poking at the monkeys With sticks aad piece* es wire ThP •oon becoming monotonous, they de tided nroa a more rigorous and In. lereatlag “sport”. A large baboon t.nd her baby, recent additions to the too. occupy a .cage together, being -sparated from the others by n par tition. The mother baboon has been described ns being ‘‘almost human’ in the *u ahe lakes case of hei babe, at times taking It up In her arms Just an a human mother would and rocking It to 'oleep At the*- limes, happiness aad proud content meat would be written la the look on Her face. Just sack n pathetic scene an this rudely Interruptef by Hose and his companion Sunday morning, when they, tiring of tort-iring the other monkeys, turned their attention to the mother and her little one. It era* *sld that one of the man took Hold of the chain attached to the targe monkey and held her np agnlaet the wire, while the other man ted tppie ecren, PM art*. *6*. to tMe Ditto one. » According to frequent visitors to the sob the mother had been scene. ’omM to eaamining and Inspecting nil the baby's food before It was al lowed to eat. and this violation or her self-made rule, must have enrag “d her. When she *sw p total stran ger feeding her young on -things which might be disastrous to It's di gestion ahe wrenched her self loose from the restraining hands of her raptor and leaped forward to Inter fere. O n reaching the batty monk she took hold of it, and threw It rtown on the floor of the rage, with the evident intention of only punish Ing it for disobeying her, but the mother did not quite realise her strength, and sea result, the Rttte monk is in n quite serious condition FINANCIER IS DEAD NEW YORK Henry Clay Pierce Had Been Active la OIL Coal, and Finance Intercut a NEW YORK. June 27.-GFV-Henry flay Pierce, financier and oil mag nate of Bt. I-ouia and Ne.w York led at his Fifth avenue home here today after a long Illness. lintll his retirement three year* ago a* a result or 111 h -silk. Pierce 0 was active in oil. rsilwa, steam'hip. coal and finance interest*. He was chairman of the board of th* Pierce pOil Corporation and alto Identified v.ith the New York Board of the Ns tional Railways of Mexico and the Tennessee Railroad Company. asnmaw-'v.n jWS»tv at*-', J <-FV Following *u unofficial Inspection by Maior General Mason paxrick, ol the plane to be flown by Lt«. Lee nHJis YtoMAtoV hrA per, asaistant secretary Davison Os the war department announced iu Wash 'ngton that the army plane was ready | end weather permitting, the atari | was planned tor tomorrow morning The government forecaster said to- I day that conditions were ‘ exreptotn -1 nllv <»vorable’ , .for_ jfllera hupping att i from, the "riifnral* hat ntt ff*- I vorabie for flight in th* other tltrec tloo. Worm Held* Byrd Rt)GBEVLT riEU). June 27 — OP) -The atorm that set thla flying field awash Bunday morning and promoted Continued oa page f've • x ■ 'i- 4j-f r '* ' ' I— M. CL TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 2H. 1927 Their Work Together Brought Success 11 ■■■ * Sheriff E. A- Steven*, and Wife Rone From Leak) Tenant Do tine to State Dint lari km; TW Story of How They Did It. A Story Which Can Be Re produced In Other Live*. UyV 1. NEWMAN Ki-Hheriff K A. 81 -.vena, of n , » , Wayne (canty ltu« Jus' been swanlcd the XorUi Cgroling 81 at*’ f’olleye of Agriculture ’Cer tificate .of Merit” along wllb W. D On ha m. of Rows n county. , These two honored farmers have the ***** reclis- far suc cess Mr. (irabaai expreassd it In eight words: "lick your .Job. go to It. gad stick” , lioth a arted with little snd hare enlarged their acr.-age from - earning* (above a gmul, Urinal made by cottstotent labor «4»h thrift"iwn he ml* on their own land. These . men love work, picked their Jhb. and stuck There ere lltyii>aa<l* of farm boys in our r Bout blend today “standing with rtluclent feet” a* Graham and Rtevens stood, but with far bet ter advantages than farm boy* 1 - h*d M or « year* ago when these two young men fared their unknown future on the farm. 1 E. A. Stevens, affectionately called “Hherirf" by a host of friend*, was oarn nearly 70 yean ago les* than k mil* from where be now live*: and. it !• jnore thaw a mile from oar to ,the other end of bis present SOO cere Wayne connty farm. Mr. Stevens' Drat venture In farm ing was on.'bottom land' near the treacherous Neus* riypr. Disastrous flood* depiroyed the rSB# three years rwt of ffva. DurifkMbaae . ywarv be bed accumulated obligations, finan cial and othar, aad the fifth yaar found him .worn* than brake Mr nnd Mrs, Stevens then tended a one bora* farm hut later bought 1M acre* and moved. Seasoned by to-**, hardship and din appointment, but gathering evtteri. once, they lourht on and prosper ed. Buying land here and there, hi* ’<lo acres, all paid for, gradually In creased to hia present farm of almost n quarter section of land I Brave Recovery Freni Earl) Dis aster The early three-room house ha* grown I® • 10-rooni twostory home i.nd three pantriea, with electric lights, flowing watef, and telephone. Mr. Stevena swung the axe that felled the trees, hauling the log* to the saw mill, and- hauled the lumber back to bin home. Aa he told xa: “TWben w* were married we at*Tied off -well—lt looked like we would evewtuelly become Teal folks—but at the end of seven year*. *fk weye Hrope nod my wife and I tended a one-liorUH crop I felt ruined apd would have been but for my wife* courage When everything was lost, my wife wa* my mainstay-She Jnat wouldn’t 'he downhearted When w* were married, to* lived fn a three room tenant ~thr<M» leaky rooms. 1 heger even dreefned of r.nytklng that good, hut she had her tight*-set high She deserves most rs the eredll I ran se* her now over the ..stove with the baby on one arm and tlje skillet in her other - ‘ and doing the cooking for ns. hut ’ keeping her faith In the future.” Hi* Three Rato* *# Barren* 'On, what fcstndatlon principles have vun run your farm7" we asked Sheriff Steven*? “Make a llvin*. feed your stock home-grown feed, and of course ton orovs the land.’’ said he. To fhj* ‘MWa> Btoeens- iddetf,"'**MMv hd I #' never 1 Souvht but cue tub .of-lard and that wr* the rear when the cholera kitt ed nearir *ll our hogs.” •» M-' I'VB'criusillelr' " oldest son ws* then a st ident In the • rriotVUrirwl college and came to ‘heir r**cu» hv bringing serum home hnd Incculstine th* remaininr hoes "nd thetr Increase nirstns 4 cholera Th's son. N H Steypns. Is now the uo'nlar and useful connty agent of < rfmtwrtsnif njimtT 1 GwwA rvamnto «f x Wstf MW»t fled Fast**" V-rih TaroHna Farm Os tb* *OO acre* In the Steven* eras*, teko-deaa end Hermud* n**- *nrn *n the naqt. Ml., acre* b«ve hweti devoted to cotton hut when toe call tor a reduction fn cottoA * • Continued on Pag* Six) GOLDSBORO IS GIVEN PRAISE r. ( omintaNty Providmt Unißßff Social igonlnclH- WritCH Repraaentalivg Gold*boro In lauded for her work *r providing a recrealton center lot l-oth Ibe county and the chy'by Wil li* A. Parker, dlmrici representative of the Playground and Her rest lan Association of America in bis annual report. -Concerning the city Mr Parker wrote: t “ • Goldaboro is eiperianclqg the ad edvantagea of the uniqu* social eon tact* between city nnd u country peo ple. made possible by th* Wayne county Community House City aid county shar*. equally la the support <lf the activities that center In the kynasium and social rooms of Utla beautiful memorial butiding. A wad ing pool a’ Hrrnrin l*nrk and a sum mer playground program sponsored hy'ihe local PTA group, and paid for by the chy. sfforiL-to--fto(dshoro an almoff complete reoreatlonaJ pro gram. D.\ Parker *pe*k* of “new aad en conraaing development* of the recra ullcw work In a number of North Car olina elite*," and continue*. Asheville, a* you hnnw, began two years ago with a definite approprta. Hon of $3400 and the indaftait* pro dulse lo budget the work aa H mt|ht t.eed. From time to time th* budgat haa been IncreSeed until now a de finite annual sum of 911,0aa la pro. rided. and three year-round em ployee* serve tb* city, supplroented by nine person* giving part time to the work, maintaining ton piny %aa tarn, ana field house, and the soopq oi tba werik la bring eariritod.«Mr. Abntl) Probably the new ftoM aad wark shop built for the hand craft and art actlriftea Mr asfoa Parir at a coat of liaod la the moat distinctive ''Map tanen by the Asheville Commissioners In lime other buildings ace to be constructed Including a children’s theater. The recent election fn Chariot ta. . authorising a tea levy of two mills for recreation, Is a real triumph which must affect the recreation movement la th# entire eonth Tb*' sum to be realised will remove Char iot** from the llgt of laggard cities, and enable ‘he work there to rival the best. Probably not lea* than $30,000 annually will be available for park and recreation p irpoees In Char lotte. It but remains for yon and (/'Hers interested to Bee that the** fund*~hre Invested 1% real leadership for the leisure life of all the peo ple to pUoe CMarlott* among 1 th* iltie* of th* nation IB this important respect. Miss Wills Flutly Refuses Prof. Offer BERKLEY, Calif . June 37,—UP)— I Helen Will* would not tarn prof**- 1 rinoal for ssoo,ooo her father Dr. C. I A. Wills declared today w-hrn told of| the $40,000 contract awaiting bU daughter’' signature in England. j “Helen would not accept the of-1 Ter.' Dr WHIM «|d. “Bhe turned' down a $210,00 movie offer lasi year 1 and she would do the earns If offer ed $500,000. ' : stt: , - ■ j -a-?' r. ..MSS * • a Lay Corner Stone Women*s Club Home At llk3oLTtoday ' ■ • w ‘ ~ The laying of the ee#w*r atone I ~ thla morning es th* Reman’* ' - at th* corner of Mnlborry nnd Mllllam street* promisee to be an Interesting occasion. The cxeC rlees will be >b*rt, roneieltog es brief addressee, song aad prayer, aad lb* depositing of rertaia r*- cords of the Dob to the corner "~WH*T""' -- - EFs. Tbohtoe MUnr- *•» ' vlce-preoldest es the f'lah. will preside In the abeeaee from the city of Hl«e Florence White, pree- Ideal es the wemon’e nrgwnlaa ftowt Mrs. o’Berry ole* , gfeal dent es the Mato Federal lon of flabs. Th* record* which will be 4a- French Observers Hope For Ends More Tangible Than The t Reduction Naval Armament* —— ■■■"' ..I . i jf BLAND GIVES STIFF FINES Tfcra* TaxafMUOO naff Cali Givaa fiaaaaniid SmUrcw Far UffHtr Vlakllmw " ' _ «; Three SIOO tna* and One $lO fta* %ero taxed agAluai defrwshiati la co«n|y f"«rt yesterday morning hy Judge Bland nnd at the cam* sitting he resorted to an experiment In owe reettng a juvsntt* d.*Unqu*acy by al lowing S yottng man a chance at refer* motion. Th# young fallow w# refrain from giving his ts*m«—ln about sixteen yonra old, and was found guilty of stealing chickens Judge Bland or- him to pay sl# to the proe-cat Ing wlinesa. and aenteaead him t# nerve four manth* In Jail. Upon th* etpl ration of tea days of th* aeatoao*. however, the young man la to-be al lowed to go free puder the super vision of B*v. Peter Mclatyfn. John L4nd#ey was sentenced t.- pay 1100 for vlolaUoa of the prohibßiM law and to aorta four amalßa on W road*, capias for th* read aewteaco not to laeue until further oMar of Ute court. Judgment In th* can* of Mam Junes, charged with violating the prohibition law, wa* oowttoaad. ro*4* tor currying a oowoaotod wen. poo Robert Htrhor, laroany. four months; Bam Barit nod tMlvta Maoh. tone* hrid In abeyance for It n.oalh* grown of near Fremoat. way* each found guilty of viriiaM th* prwhthl tloa tow and seateaend to pay a SIM ftn«- nnd th* curia, and girra snipead . ed sentences These had hex taken by Wayne deputies to raids coadaeted last "week. Bias ate Braawril or Bdmundeon. ' skipping bond, six montbs oa tb* roada: Tom Willtoma, prayer for Judgment continued for 13 pmaMtot Georgs Cpußiuu. operating car while dntnk, ss«r and coats, and four months on the road, capias for the road #**- tone* not to lasus daring good be haviour aad as topx an defendant re trains JLrom driving an automobile ex cept to Hue of duty. " ROB A BANK AND KTONAP TELLER Four Youthful Uanraakad Mm Gwt fII.OOO in Caakaaff Encapc in Anto KINHIALY, Kaa., Juu* H—— 1 Four youthful robbeny held up- th* National Bank here" thin afternoon, kidnapped the oaehler aad escaped In | a motor rpr with between $11,4*0 apd $12,000 in cneb. : (The enabler returned her* about a half an hour later, explaining th* robbers bad taken him two mils* out Into the country where they told him .lb walk back. Non# of the robbers were meshed. [posited Ja th* corner atone wUI sorely be of Interest when tbe - 90 fr yean from now. perhaps, by a . handsomer an* First «■! gw In - llri of it* rinb members, then a history of th* rinb aad of the Movement for a rinb bnlMlng. Tbe latest issues of Ute two t. elds here papers will be placet In the etqwc and tbe tori rapeeg-ef t ,h * JBlSfi.JiMeD- TBn -He Itrary rppert wIH Wtttogly rant with the archives (hel seem amr* Immediately to roaeera the rinh ne the M henry Is the child es the elah. ‘ln the early day* It wn* kept open hy vetontfer services es rinb ' members, and beak re cap. . Hens hrid by the Woman** CYab gnvq many velnm** to Me »Mv«fl. 1 —mama—mnamn Member cf Ja'i The Associated §. -.0 • ' PRIGS nVI CHR Concentrate Attest ion On Reports That Ja pan May Prop*** Peace Pact With U. B. SI miliar to One Pro posed la Brian?* Mes mge; CaHafar New Instructions Offer. Hop*. <JF) Suddenly laktog aa aai X aagto the naval caafereaoe was farad W B new situation Metght wh«h th# Ap dtitpftUoM vitti comii4fvrtit§ wileawlty atraouaced that alas* th* Br ush .-oncernlag cagMgl "ru imt paMtahal At Ueaova aad Parts pradtoto that the iSTdritritTalSw rtoattapMi^ », be retained hy - nation* which act oaly nH|Btotlmm •o not to resort to MmfllK clearly prohlhß war. B‘wc. th* dap* at IB* drituri 9o n#v* prdtoool Mm Freaeh bom haaa advocating a plea if attofr aariMr aaaa agnlaet aa >g<rn«lvßbaMia at -be only aßaatagl way at preveuttog war Bpt daahti ara vataad aa la whether Aawrit| waaM adnaant ta snob a otoaae eMherjp thd prafariad ->hn American past la vtaw ft Ml failure of the agreement et the Paßhd States, Great Brttato and Fraaaa pro- PO! *d by Woodrow Wtlao* at M* <Aada of th* war. The existing arhHrwttoa treaty ho tweoa th* DaMad State* wad Japan excludes from arbitration matlari dk. fwring vital iniaeaat* and antinaal honor aad iraaamaMy tba Jgpaaiga would want p pari which would pa much farther than to* M thoy laaa- Curate aagoftottane far a mow lair a , ment* sealing Japaaaai -hßaripaa friendship L^YmJMS Conf errncai Ahwt ■ FfchsßP 1 CaandrifftW'"I'* 1 '*’ v - Aviation ** NEW YORK, Jan* 37——Oat rhap Lindbergh will remain la esote ric u with frteada la New Tfffe tavwt tog hlaeeolt ta confereaeaa artth a T to attend Rl dtomoadl jtojatMam oetatoaMaa at Mpa July I. gMtei^Hb store bin arrival treat •

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