WEATHER r v Fair Wednesday and Thireday. VOLUME 81X; NUMBER 101 ARMY PLANE IS FAR OUT OVER PACIFIC IN FLIGHT Appropriate Exercises At Uying Os Corner Stone Os New Woman’s Club Home Here • • ■ * a- ■ ' Mrs. Thomas O’Berryl Presides. in Absence of Miss Florence* White; Miss Devane 1 Reviews Efforts Lead-, ing to Home; Col. Robinson Makes Im promptu Speech Capt| O’Berry Lays Stone. .. 11 > With Mr*. Thottti|« OTterry. state Federation presiding a* flr-« vie"-president of th,- torsi club \ the rorntr stone' of tin* now »30.i*0ft 'tump of the G( Iflsboru Wirnnn’w Club aw* placed yesterday. Mr* ■O'Berry , presid'd in the nb*euce cl Mt»« Flor ence White. preMdcnt of the-club. Two' hundred and flF»> local ritiaen* yttDfw*<l Itjp brief ceremonies which - auconipauliri the wrnt The stone VOf sorted by Captain Nathatr OTlorry. en honorary memluzr-iif the • lob ami one why ha* rendered much rcryieu fn j (dividing fund* -for the tu‘m • and continu' d intern, t and tovottr. \ O’Berry presented M<h> M«r<i| 'W m Ik? Vane. pa*' president of the i ini) and for many year* chairman of Ui* > building ectnmJtte Mi is Oa vauf reviewed the htstorV of the rnoveTetu tor a home which eutipL -•Nted tn the exercise* of’ jesterday. The eftort was officially begun. tn . i*s2- /—•— - In • few impromptu remarks Cot opei Jo»tph It RoWnnair. beloved edt- T tor of she fiddsboro Du tty xrgn»: chaenrteriged the event a* “a laag'hlc expression' of nn achieve. eirnf brownfea bof she principle* of she urnm'O' Motherhood of man nnd •h* r«therhpc-i of God ” Colonel nnhin*on I* 41*o an honorary mem her df the club, ArHfle* of Hterrrt n* »rd‘o\ra were deposits In the corneratone- by itro. J. T. Jerome, correarondlne Were • o-a Ht«y»ry of the Hub building r nrep-«ot u’enxwd hv Mi’s DeVane: history .of the Hold shore 11 Woman’* r toh a*g- rtt ci, i,r Mrs. N. A. Ed _ sftrd» for the Sliver Jubilee tele, brat lon on its twenty fifth snnlver i\ry‘: list of charier member*: ||*t of g»J .im*t president-*; II t of prer ent officers, chairman nnd alt mem |,er« ft »br Huh: the. name* of the original i,<illd)nr committee nnd of •he building rsmmHit" elected fast Aprlt,-of whh-h Mis* Gertrude Well )* chairman: last report of the Golds- Imro rubllc Library, which Is » child of the club; ccplcs, of current issue* of the two 1 local daily pspern. Mm. George llutler poke the in .— vocation J1 ?or the ceremonies She said In rv»rC May this btllldlnt; be a monument t> clrlc betterment, brotherly love »nd consecrated service >< titering to *be whole rolnmunity.i "We aske It In Jcsu* name.—. Amen,” f Mrs O'lterfy made a graclojg pro viding officer "Today mark* a Joyous ocdislon Ip rh* life of the Goldsboro • Woman'* riub. for It 4s th“ fulfilling of our ambition f»r 'yeirs pant, as we se» om Huh building fa«t be coming, * reality instead of a dream. v O Ctelt “'nemher should If able t.i •r*»Ht '«te t-ftfi **r*s- ,thf by 4«e ; wUbottt ■ theft I nf «ntt*fartloii in a , Hg thina being accompHabcd. and a JW-ld common ysrnt-rshlp of oir aiiijyfc'jdljfeh t*tem*ut that to Iter the building •*as "mlfnlllcenl of the potential „ powers ft organisation” liras in* upon her experience a* iTaMdent aud as chairman of the building committee for a uumber of y «ara. Mies tuVaiy,- *avr a tft) tallad rutt.mary of th.- work so the club toward she rrsllzatto’ of It* dream i for a new home. Site »ald: ’ Thin I* Indeed a nt' mumltle day tor u*. There l* no more important' ersnt in the life of an' Individual, or tn organisatlou. ttuui the bjlldlag . of a liomu. Anmnd a local habitation J -r.ry activity, tffort. and settlement iMng*. It la the concrete symbol of ) all the aspiration*, the dream*, the 1 urpoae* of the Indlrldnal or the (ConllßtKd UD I’atie rh*) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THK MORNING WHILE MINDS ARK FRESH -RKAJ) BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. IROTARY HEARS - r_’ • • if" LESUE WEIL I T ' New Method of AtmiifninK l*ro | KrtimM Id SuKjfented by Green*boro Vl*itor t*■ ■ ■ | flyport'of the audltiug connultte* J made ut the inct'ling of the Itotary club at the Hotel (*old*boro last ev Vning shewed the local asaociuliou 'n a Hound financial 'condition nn>! a till a surplus of asms) h indeed eollaia. Le*lle Wail, delivering tk« /'clsi# 'iratlon" talk, reviewed the activi ties of rt Weil aud Brother* In Golds -1 I drv ' "Our store a something us an evolution of a country store,” ho wild pointing put the various mien‘ton* which have been made in th« busi im-ss u* the grew h of th” city, "At one time, I believe. Weil's even sold yoffin* nn«t, whiskey,’* he remarked, and the Kotarlan* laughed. .'' ~Vpw the store I* concentrating or u rapid turnover of a^stock made up cf standard goods and sold by. a personnel wblrh lakes a vital Interest iu the work. " Hob flendslcy of Crfcnsh. ro. a vis dntelng frogram* lit that membem whose birthday * occut during » i-ai ftrtitar nffIFTT) be named a* a prw-itam committee. * _ Thai club cjnf»r«ed the ■■ry»(u<.l.tfor o( for-rtng n |lo,ooo atock rttmpauy Tor the purpose erecting prtge hrmses for the local tobacco market:— BASEBALL American . . WgihJurtun 4; ItoslonQ. Bt. I*tuia 3-3. Ihstroit Cleveland 7: Chlcaco >. Philadelphia Mi New York 9. YaMenal l‘4tl»burgh U Ht, I/JttU & *—< Philadelphia 7: New York 3 c Chicago 1.: Cincinnatiß Pledmonl Jlurhutu 4; Raleigh 7. 0 Wl.nston-Holem 3; llrutky Mount U. High- Potni 11; Ballghary 2 11 nr la id ivtr'rsbura 7: Norfolk 8 PitriMßMtnih 4: Wittoi fi. Kinston Y-3: Richnrend 1-4 Rally Charlotte 1 Tj: Macon S- to inning* Oftenrllle 2; Knoivlllr 7 Spartanburg I; Asheville 3 Columbia 3; Augu ta 4 Hll.l. WOW AH M 140 RKFISFN TO WAHtT HIM IIOGAUTtU. \m. June 27. t/PI J. J ttln mop*, potnpiug "station .-In ptoyee. shot Mr*. H. O. F,*st to death wmtnd'-d her dancht-r and sent a bul let through hß* own heart here to disy after Mrs Kant y.-fined to marry him. r j. . —; * “ Plans For Enlargement Os , Post Office Being Drawn I’lsn* for the .Dlarg*nc lit .'of the (Jolttaboro pot'office wre now h-ini drawn b>- submitted within iv<a 4*m> a&awhnw t».4l.i|iai>lise wu* n intcics rotate a vm vblcli Gouartai j lipm Ah* rjiejil* l*a4J to . the p.p.t'.fflce Apartment relnttvc to the matter t * fv/s. 4g -* jNF 8M tt 1 •tired by the postoffice dcpiitm sonic time ago, that an enlargement of tit* local station to give the ►'iindard of cubic fe< t space per man ■ mploy *'-d wo.ilfl he recommended. Word out Wt-AksshlTl glut, Tl'l Tto.~ * thtit tlic work oil Up bulldhtr here w ould ■ (-present ho inv > tiu Yit of np pru*ln.utcly ItU.oOO , v . . Th« 'story from Waahlurton is a* follows' Rcprrm-ni. il<ivc Ab rmdhy Is In Waetinlgton* for several dny*. gotfiß | over vniioos mutter* at the depart ment*. Today Mr Ab rnetby call ’d on the *npcrv king' architect of the ircasory department, Mr. Wetmorc. relative to the enlargement of th« Uoldsboro postofftce l’lan» are being ANNOUNCE NEW STOCK SERIES CUuen* Huildinu and I amid Am* social ion Has Ansel* of 1137.000 •' " • v Notice of the opening of a new cries of Hock of the Citltaps Build ing and Ia»»u A*o«’talion on July I was made ys«l«rtl»y by official- ol the association Since the taking ov er of the Home riulldlug and Loan AascM’latiou. the ('Hisens uow has re source* totutlng $137,000. “Wockhold er- of onr old company and of 'lt.' association |akcn_ovcr ” .aid un oifi rial of the littßcn* yesterday,“ ar, well pleased with the uuh u •fleeted The Cittsen* nulldtug and l.ugn Avsoclatiou has mortgage loan* of 1120.0A0. stock loan* of s7,Wkt. anil • aiMi $9 .Ttk On the HuhiUey side of the ledger there ts in*tallmeht slock otsllng $55,000, paid up -took of tlti.- ttOO. bills payable of SIB,OOO aud pro ' fits or SS-.000 There are a total of 35<«l install men! shi’.rcs oulstandliiu and Hit' voTfT u p share* ~j> Before the Home H lildltiK and Loan ' ■l* taken artr. total a«sou and tig bllitle* were $82,000. MRS. ]VI()[STAC;i e IS FOUND GUILTY WoqsMr~ Srnlrnri«d 12 lo 20 Yearn »♦ Hard Labor For T - Crime ... .*■ <.,-■■ V 'HHKViI.u:” June -’8 - tAA- Anna K. Montague, 45“ year* old trained nurse eimvivliwl —pf m trdcr tir the • econd degrye 'ln Superior cunrt here this afferno< n. tonight Hn* *en tettred to serve from twelve to twen •y years In state pri*on at had labor by Judge Thotnn* Shew. \ > Joie was i barged with the killing of Mia. Mary i U>of«r, whose body wm found In n vgcnnt lot ne«l her home near here on the morning of May 1" The verdict of guiltv was rendered after the’ lory had <tHlberct**d for three hour* and SA minute* returning at 4:50 o’elork thl* afternoon. % Three (Jarapres Are Testing: Ijßrhtw Here Mechanic* st three local garages teating lights tn accordance with the ’tw motor law of the state were! kept busy yesterday. Official test* arc being made at t tic I (arris Garage. Jos. R Williamson, and the Colds, 'boro Battery Company. Teat* may he made at any garage which tnecls' thc requlrcnvents of di State High way department, but the three listed have been officially named for Golds boro Light* must In- t>*te,| ttbd certified to aa nieellng the slate law reijuiro nteuU by July 1. It ia announced. draVn at this time for th* enlarge ; Tccjlt of this office and will be *nh mltted about 10 days or two weeks [wtoMnjrfkMKjp i UIPIW.IS swisN nisrunssnsmi —nrrr ■ ' war dcpnrtmrnt relative io VHmrc's t rek battl gruend, with reference to certain questions that h»v* niisotr 4n«*w*d .;sb'*:=i«Jsw. te, :«»»..46W,'u I that these matter* will be adjusted ut an early dAt* - i I Mr. AfNjrnethy also called at the imstoftlce departmcni rotative to llie ! yrOPOWhd ‘-tmaoltdatUxe nt- the Naar • to»~Ttrove and Dunu rural rpnies. Thl matter h>g engaged th • nttMi Hon of the d' partmontr Tor quit* a 1 whiles and snniiy time ngo mi order i was Ir wip'd that ibis ' , on**olldatiili : should go Into .ffei-t on Jn ly I. There i have he* n so many- v igorous protests M« this consolidation lhat Mr Ab«r • nethv made a s|He’nl trip to .the d9e I partun ul. and «tt his Ul 4*‘Ul request i the consoltdiitiou haw Inch deferred . uutll th'pten b.-r 1, and aipuber -4JI t i j veaUgstion ha* I wen ordered by Hie' f' lnspvtor W'—lll*ll ■IS I R ■ 3* s« ■»— I «W »- " — I ,h, JZ GOUIBBORO, N. C.WEDNESDAY MORNING- JUNE 2D, 1927 - Flying Through Fog And Rain Giant FokkJr \verujfeti Ito “ Mil«h H%r on First Mlw Journey SAN J-'rAtTSCO. Jutlk 98. (AP)-*Thijpy Hnwmi tliybt plane vvmh minir tliroujfh lißhl rain. throii|f| .*lO mile and houi wind NowiiK from the noith «a*t when U p«h»<hl over the atea'miir Solemn, approximately 750 mil(k* from the mainland at 2:45 oVktt lc Han Frandaeo limv thia al(entot,)n. Tlh* follow injf me*H*KT war receiv'd from the nulio optratoi on the Httiamer: “Wbathnr when plane paaiud Was cteufls : tkTßMiornllitrhl rniu -tuuall*: Noith Noreast thirtv milen an hour; plane came uu lot' on homtto fioarlv dead ahead. Dining room’crowded when blow: ,ste\Mti*tH dropped trays Pilots waved to passenyera a*- plane p'otsetijon tjtftrlyoard eiij,^" OAKI AN'|. Calif. June 28 (API Raeiifir jveatward over the Pjtciftc Avab with the set tinir sun. thJaix ton U. S.-army flight olanejwith two-aiimen aboard wa.* roaring on to Hono lulu late tfalav. The big tr}-motored plane had averaged ahi'Ut Iflfl mtlea an hour up untf the time it f>oarcxl <tver the Sogegnu and diaanpear ed Into Almut one third <tf the 2,407 mifea to Hono lulu had been covertol The army the airport hrrtr 7:00 A. M. today. TIONOLTH Tt, June 2«—(APT —Still cherlahing u hope lh»l he may Iw* able to take off. June 28 on hla projfstecl flignt to the mainland. Rirhard Grace. Call frttn'a aviator wan preparing to* Uoftltenvpt t*v riae ill a trial flight from Ford Island. With a load equal to what Ida {Jane would cany on ita tong ocean hem. ..' ” Should he b«> auceeanfuL he intended to take off for the. mainland of the United Staten at g jj, nt. Honolulu time which if* 8:30 San Franciaco time, with out gping to the Inland of Kauai, where a special runway ItHpdtcen built. WOMAN Alffs MEN TO ROB A BANK V’ ' • V ” H •’,* . f ' V Part's Thought To Have ’Had Auto Wreck After Knee ing With Loot 5 ■' • = lIAVKNUGHT, lUtlu , June ZK jA’) -A womnn ami »»" nw* mbi»<l <h*’ figvenport Hut* Bank here this trif hihKHtfi »f -tn atnottttf t-trtT«H» ! e4 at between f 1 -(Hi ami SI6OO. The' trW;_ escaped iu an automobile. The wont. :tn stoiHl aatcli at Ihe doer a hilt, lh<* fucu forced t»o hiutjt officials arid ■ customer into iite v* - Jlt. A nod r tr.tveiling «l a high rale of span and believed to ftpvc con Ralston. Gkla , Utsight and *»• hurl ed iuto a-dflch. orcrturnlng The «- • uts aptutri tuly only atlghtly In cAM* :M( 'lsMbp.-Qi' ’K other inotoi i*t «i Hie tmlnt ot a l>t"- tol to drive them In the dire* lion of the Osage hlHk. C~ ' /.t over the ed Into ’ 4, * • /* Liirpre Meteor Fails Near Owensboro, Ky. OWBNfttllHtO. Ky , Junk 38 j/D A meteor fell from till, eastern wkle* a fefe miles from here a' 7:15 o cbx'k tonight. r«r««ua wbc* arUnc**«*d the fall safd the met.«.r broke tan. 4k*e part« übmlt 3»U feet from earth The noise made by the fall was I ttoscrlbvd a* sitnHar *o that of a .J fa*t travellnlg airplane P. & N. HEARING WILL END TODAY .. ' 1 ■,<* 4- Inter Mltile Commerce Examin er Held Night Stnwion in j Charlotte I-uat Evening CHARLOTTE. Jimu> Is.-44*>-Th*l hearing on the petition of ihe'L' aml! N. u> egtenri ltd elchgk' lines in, North f aroliua and South ('aroltua w||l coble to a plotte toinowrow At Bhe ,close of tonight’s session I all the intrvrveiilng romls hud com . I'leted fhutr ie#tltu<my. Rvntii|incr Ik.vis roiresenting Hie liiter sUle I eiHumnrvc com mission ibatj he was prcparotl *‘i hear the rehut. | ta! by the I*, and N whose j assured the examiner that they will j ic able to present, the remainder of' their evidence before I o'clock to-j .iiororw afternoon. Rxamlner Davis said wmgTTt that ‘ “if H e testimony had not been e*4n- 1 •dete.l hv tomorrow night thW'Wi drnce In tile ease would be sdnt to, Washington The hearing was begun in Hie f ederal building 4iere on Monday of ’.,*t week. Tonight for Ihe flrof. time • night scdston was held a* A; p»rt of ihp plan to expedite troll*! Piony mid close thn < n-. ■ FATHER MANLEY ; GOES TO WILSON i I Popular Goldnlmro Cilixefi Nam •d Pawtor fa Newly Formed Ml. Thrrwes Pariah At to Mary's Church Mundgy moru iug arifiouneement Was n ad* by the assistant has been appointed by Tffg hop William J. Ha fry a* pastor of the mrwrty formed pnrtett «*f i* Thro esc’ii In Wtlaou. Father Manley will lenve In a f«w days for a mouth’s vucathiu. taking up bis new duties'August tat. lie baa he* ii located In Goto shorn for the past five i '.virs and liaa attained gopntar Ity hi wid< clinics Hi ough hta plena-, lug personality and activity, ,Jjt B(hto--{ Tte sports Muny" frtklMM wflt regret | tits departure Rev ITHIIp J O.Maia. ordained to* the prtenihood two week* ago at HI. Patrick’* Cathedral. New York City, will siicce'd' 1 Father Manley h«rav r Herrick Slayers Must Serve THeir Sentences I F 1 **""* VA • h s'UM ANGKMOH, 'June jfß Flve men and woweu. tour them member* of she movie colony lt*rc, today were denied probwtton on their cun victim of manslaugh'er In eo»- ‘nt'cHon with the doatb of Tom Kef r'ck. ftHn eiiwlmy last April during a i wild liquor partg ,I'ntge Hardy, deaj.lle approval rtu- si ale’s atwrnay of their plea tor probuilon. decided they niu*t serve term- of voi" to ii'ti year* fn^pris on. ■ , - ' Campaign To Form A Prize ~ House Corporation Today This: i* not thi> i-lmmln r of c®tn ■mcc'i proposition; il 1* Goldsboro’* j ropo-tthm, »u» llii' cli ti 1 1*’ nk *: sliich If T, Strv<n«. president'of.lhc f'bttn»l»<T * r t'ginuH'rt v pusatil out Last Vycplnx a* h<- orJ<« <1 a full **»i*oi ble of buxinvuH men ut the office* sssfcs •’ ii.'irniuK to begin *» i|iU:h*lV*, cam paign for the Immediate rule of *toch* In a company 10 ,>p f 4 f nied to btllltl price hott'en for the tobacco market. .’TUnlLuhot*- -dofo *■!**• ■fy ‘a Ag ■MH'tnlion-, anil the other elvie or .. nii^B ■ Kart iip i UtMf infm i>er* lb he present Ar this morning** meeting The etly will be divided into die • r4<l* aod »*arb district will be can ti) 11 Pliuii of men Ci!U*mt still l>e «-*ed to subscribe to stock to the earn of ltd,PdO und with ’he ST* 0: tie stock an orgaitisailob meeting will b« .railed, u ccuipaey neitfected a cite selected for the price bottaoa and work begun on tfiom at ‘ 1 nee. It It proposed to erect two or ' three bouse* tu order to provide tbe .... Boildiog For SIG Be Ready I INFORMATION ! FOR VETERANS Only Four (tay« Ufl In MTOdl to Tonveri litxuruncc lo ’ Permanent Policy Wnync county veteran* have four ' duya in which tn convert ihrlr war time insurance Into permanent gov | eminent luaitranee The secretary nf ; the local Red Croat unit at tpc Oom iiiunity Hulldlug will be to alvc i Informaltoh concerning Hu- steps n*c essaty tor ronv.-rtlng lasuranoe,. " World War Veteran* »hou|d be reminded that no appltcatlonh for thla insurance will Ma cooshbred after July 2. lHsf7'' nay* J 8. Mttnap. of Charlotte, rex lon a I director M r I'll I man suites, futberuiore, ! that where s World War Vstertßl forward* bla application by U la netwtsay that the enr: lope In whlofc thu application la received In the hu rt at .'trice, bear pmtmarked date prior lo midnight of July 2. 1H27 Announcement ta mad* that In sr i der lo at-cummodate vetemda who de sire to make application direct through I (h* Charlotte Office of the buieou I that office will remain open from l:$A Monday Juna 27. to Friday July 1. both inclusive and from ■«:$• A. % tu 12 mtdolcht July S. -a*** Th# dual notice l* that Cougrro* adjourned on Morch 4. 1027 without having imneded the time limit, end for those who aie late ranted to re instating th»4r‘ LnanfftnOe. It la lm perollve that appllcatlona tor rotfir statement -and oonveroton he m odp within the tin e limit specified Mr Pittman atalea that full parU eulam may h. obtaftted upon applica tion lo the Charlotte polfee or through any American L*gtoa Post or An*d e»« Red C-ro** ehopter wtthta the ; stale. [• 0 ■*: : FARM COLONY BOARD FORMED Kinnltm Man Named Chnirman I of Temporary Orgwthmtkm; ! ? To Pieyilte j * . RALEIGH. June A*. —<B*l —<l rownd• work tor tho egtablislimcnt of e farm colony tor delinquent women was laid here today at a meeting of ihe board with Governor McLean. R F Churehlll. of Ktnattu, was i i Mined temporary chairman us the ! board and Mr* W. T. Htwre. .one, secrelary. It was,, that Hie first duty be to InvestlgOle carcfultyjall of avoll ppopeftief suitable fOk tho locotton of the term mto»y. e " . • pace for storage tbat additional buy* < rs may be' placed 00 the weed mur ket till* year. . 1 . Mam ; i Jwiimt, Associate u. yesterday Issued the feist towinx appeal for member*, or the association to support the more 1 vtovUtemMi- mnmsat: mm-wm. The etitlrii nfvnibdrship of Ud ‘ GohUlwnr Merchant's Association i* hereby requested to meet la the room Os the association Wednesday tnora. tits, ai Xu-takt' m paign for the tobacco fxtae houses 'Mils is a matter tbat we believe oetr entire tnemberahlp la iatarested la lend we re.a show oar interest In ojr local tobacco market by taking part In this campaign. : Tbe followlag have offered their ‘•ervice* for the campaign: Wat. Hoy- Nonrood. J R. f'rawford, I>auk Tay lor. li M. Hoss.’J C. Vanatory. IC. C.'Royall. L A. Raney. K J. Jeffries, 0, R. Miller. Paul Yelrertoa. John Norwood,. D. R Hartshorn sad JL J. Porter. * . . . «• Member of The Associated Press '*•. prick WBcnra Ik Mill To iy Middle Os J 4 40 Looms Be InsUllid In Plant at First; May Move Entire New Hampshire Manufac tory Here Later: Ma chinery Already Be ing Crated Jor Ship ment to City; Con struction Work Rash* ' ed. ' ; ' With tip wail* airway an high M the wind#*. aMI rt«lag rapidly tt* ojildlns which will housa lb* Qaida boro Artistic Weaving Company wilt be ready by ilia mtddls ot July aad vary *ooit altar that asst ofi»a< ail ing OMicUiaury for the city 4 * final ailk nittwlllbegan, It «m ti>ira«4 y«- lerday. Th* UoMabuyp AWatir W*artog iviMpaar all W • da Wham branek of tb« Arttatk Narrow Web Company cf Kmu, N. I*, and- If plana now t daratop. Ufa , Saw HampeUire riant war ba i mat badly ba moved to the city F. beets and bon ar« tba «pn baa* of tho. o*w>- iway and tor many y«M» . b»f» : aafc < . -fully manufactured «o silk novat iy Una tor Ua trada. , tin- i 4 i pa ay baa jnat t*«n •*«d)a daUJb and * tt» "TE tirifnb k tn|Lrp« el«»- »t ruction work tor toe*** +4 ta ruahiac tba coiutmctia* 00 bm rata, Tba building will ba TfxtM fad of atanitofd Mlawt oejn rtractioo. wftb skylights aad atoal t indowa. It wtli kb aaaipped wfik p two water way apHnhlar »ytw. and will, wttlr tba art*, raptitot ha ‘uraatmant o t approsimotaly flf.Nl ft la located on N—:h flawn •»*P» • •■joining Um rroparty «t flto Wtyaa Bonded Warehouse corporation. • torty "Ilk loom* will ba tnotiHod to the baltdiag Vka.gMMfttaagf «W ba wored from tba Raw Jtempehtrb plant and crating of ttatn nyaghtaWry r>-r «bipni«nt ba* alradtoy ad. It war *ald bora. Tba plait w#» at tba *tart employ botwoon M aad 1» people t ' If. howevor, tba plana, fay maat as th« satire plaaMd ouldaboQa -r,a —*rlcwn* Parollna omsr -rzsrizz ilmt, wrot* tba local Ckaarboc as • ooimrrc* concerning tt— I—lll% ••t locating tba will hem aadtka I*»_ i-al chamber of ' ooounoreo ■ Ike—•* 'u Induatrial rowaatttaa brougM ft* affair to a calwlaaH - VICE CRUSADER REPORTED GONE Had l-od Kckmtkdn War A|ihn< PHlsbunr Vie* C-e / . diUona ZZ-- * r- I'iwpdwwftHi liiii-W* IS'd* 1 ■> malaad,-*—ka At -. „tol*alr,»»rd>Oftis > county and ct»? offtcera as wait d* ' pl iant* agencies garlktpatgd. woe «a --• dcr way soaight tor iVtUlom L. Kly> jj r; g; yv.mxwwfi.&iQ&'t'T; -'*fW » itgbt yesterday aft*moan aftar Itok ' lag tala hotel nfld telling a wiwbad ' of his. body guard that be woold MM • turn within an boor. - Tnr aanresm w*in oawtolit MMt underworld, where. Otftelnla tot tkd Itlsoos’ league balteMd. mom taawd ' « the nUwUig man wo*li ba food. King, chief of tba «M|«m wkiali i claimed u improra to wad aad oMd conditions had waged * thwtooa war r ukm i net all rio> aiaco bo cante bard ■ iron Kanaaa City, Ma. ahL to—*(M • ago. He wa* at mtda wttk' a charging that aopw ttea roaoihjto—• operating under poliaa preiaedaw. Be «hfr| fleered taaay ligaap aad g—to* i bllng raida aad broagkk witol—tod prosacntlons. no me now poadkld fc«a!aat ttollop utkim ert Iptnuy

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