WRATHSR VOLUME SIX; NUMBER IST WRECKED FLIERS RODE SAFER ON RUBBER RAFT GOLDSBORO GETS 1928 EASTERN CAROLINA EXPOSITION Story How Byrd And His Mates Cheated Death Alter A Night Lost In Bad Storm Is Related Big Plant Smashed in Crash Into Sea at 3:30 Yesterday Morning, Paris Time; Compass *Was Out of Order; Po’esight of Comman der in Providing Raft Saved Their Lives. PARIS. July I——Battered by Morm aad blinded by fog. with com r«M oat of order and oat of gasoline, the giant trans-Atlantic monoplane of Commander Richard Byrd apod awtftly to Ibo aoo at Vor-Sor-Mcr on tbo coaat of Normandy sarly thl* morning, v slightly completing Ha groat trans-ocoßßlc bop— but 17b mitoa weat of ttg goal. Paris. The time of tbo America 1 * lenditt —3:M a. m.— waw e*abllshed by tbo stopping of • watch Lt. Neville's watch was smashed by the shook of tbo plane striking tho water and then drenched by the Hooding of tha cabin. ,lt stopped at IS* , Tuoticed a fbw minutes before grp first caught sight of the revoivtng beam of tha Ughthouae that It waa a HI tie as er I o’Hook." Novllle said ‘We fiddled arouad a early bait an %«Br after thit b#fbra landing gpT I am anro tha time arm hare been «:a*.- * This would make tha duration of tha flight ft hours. Not until rlrtually the last, drop of ganollne waa gone, did the Airver- up tta determined groping tn tbo Impenetrable fog for the landing Held at La Bourgrt —a Held that lay waiting eagerly for their atrlrali “We had ao choice but to seek a landing," Commander Byrd said. “T sent down n Hare and then followed with tha plana.’ But (hero was more than that. The grant plana, which bad leaped with each power from the runway at Roosevelt Held In the early dawn of Wednesday, waa atilt mighty In H* final swoop to earth. .Landing in shallow water.* It tore tha wheels from the fuselage' and plunged about 200 yards off the beach aad than sank to tha top of Its wing la tha booming surf. It waa then that Commander Byrds painstaking foresight came Into play nod tha rubber life raft that be had been ao careful to teat before hop ing off prosed its service. Clinging to their now helpless ship, the four American airmen eucr.eded In launch ing their raft and manning It. row ing quickly to shore. PARIS. July I—<*)—Lost in n dense low hanging fog that envelop ed them virtually from the moment they pspigid from the ocean into France, and with their compass out of order. Commander Richard C. Byrd and bis craw of three brought the monoplane America down in the sen early today at Ver4tur-Mer Ebr cry body aboard is safe and . ilssplag sM tbs affasle as a II toss -y. Ifk fVg U . lltil# cottage at tha aeealde resort hamlet 171 miles from Parts dispatches say. The America. Its landing gear brok otftetWfhe ¥ tMnfkifiMf. Ti TTh* chored to a boat too yards off the . bench awaiting law tide that French - pave I officials may endeavor to bring bar ashore. Just bow bedlp damaged the gram monoptsae t« cam not he' ||lll m I—l illn|t uelll Ad in hftiughl urwvvv • vv -- - tvt wwyi wt in. « Advices that the great explorer and his tat rapid baud wire safe brought relief after as anxious night, during which the heavens appeared- to he trying te literally embrace the earth aad rain fell In torrents. It waa indicated that they landed In the ' ooean at 6 45 o'clock. IS hours and II minutes from the time they left (C—Untied a* gage dt) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ* IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY ' BUY. Four Acres Spuds Net Almost SIOO WINDSOR. July I—(4V- The Griffin brothers of WoodvHle. In Bsrtie county. bars bar rested •MO worth of Irish potatoes from a field of 4.1 acre*, reporta Coun ty Agent B. K. Grant. Two hun dred and sixteen barrels were dug last week, of which 200 bar rels graded No. 1 and sold for •4 60 per barrel. Fertiliser and seed for this crop will not exceed •100 tn coat, Mr. Grant report a, leaving a net profit of M6O. A crop of corn and soybeans baa been planted In alternate rows and this crop will be barrelled by boge this fall. PLAN LANDING PLAGES IN SEA Coolldge Suggest h International Responsibility In New Men ’ For Air Service RAPID rmv M. Ik, July L UP)—RsUbßsgmeat es a lead lag place aad \eac«n la Ibe sea .VI warn tr»R* • wfiii t« nim fkeea prepesed by IsL Cbarlea l.lndbargb. pioneer Hew York te Paris flyer U President Cee*- tMs an taternnHonnl preposition. Shewing eeosMerahle Interest la the new accomplishments Vef America's aria tegs In recent week’s, the president tWtenlMl today that the proposal far sen bunting places bad keen placed before him by I.Mhergh end while the gerernment has taken ne action there, are indications that Mr. t'oolldge will listen to proposals to International nego- 4 * tint lens jp this regards. The record of the Batten's fliers In recent years was pointed ant at Urn tinner W hite House as Indicative that experience and knowledge was being gained which should prove of andenbted henefH t# the science es flying aad anviagttea. The flight* of Commando!’ Byrd ever the Teeth fob es well ns across the 'Atlantic, es tfi army reend the wort* flier, the army pnn-Ampahnn good will aviators, es low mender - John Rodgers toward Hawaii and es the two ether recent . trans oceanic and one Hawaiian eipOdthtos wkee frees lied todafy by the president. #uw plans are nnderwny te receive any es the more recent ; air heroes es the nation by Nr. ( solidg« here. Clayton Plans Big u 1 y CLATTON. July 1. -Clayton 1* mek fhg extenoive prdpa: nitons to take TSTFeTfT aTUg celebration bn ’Monttify' My 4UI. enfl thv town t* preparing for a record crowd of visitors who have been Invited from all points sfttAwdMlio WRE* «w.vnUa» Jk program to e Richmond. Vn., was selected today aa next yesra’ meeting place of the mys tic order of relied proph«ta of the en chanted realm. GOLDSBORO, N. C SATURDAY MORNING. JULY 2 BOLL WEEVIL NOW THREATENS CmL Rainy Spall Mlphl Rrlai Heal Menace to Colton Crop of State RALEIGft. July I. W*> With southern Robeson and Scotland coun ties having repotted the presence of the boll weevil In sufficient quantities to call for their control by poisoning, the principal need now for the cot ! ton crop h a period of hot. dry wrath. I er. agricultural experts say. It is point'd out by entomologist J of the Btste Department of Agrlcui 1 ture that 76 female weevils are ,»p- ! able of producing 7,690 by July 16. un * der farorable conditions, that la. cool. o rainy weather, while hot dry weather curtail their output to. maybe. 7io for each prospective mother of them. 1 While there Is no need for any ea-1 peels 1 alarm, yet. the winter’s survival waa said to he high and the etirly up pea ranee of. the pent on cotton Indl entaa that It must be combated. "It was hoped." says a statisti cal report from the Department of Agriculture, “that the acreage In cot-' ton In North Carolina would cut htavlly this season, but It now seems "rather doubtful that the actual re duction la aa heavy as It waa itrst re ported to be. I “The stand of cotton is reported aa good. The seeds were slow in i ep outing, due to the early drouth, hut tnta Ms evidently b«an advantageous ■ to the crop aa the plants an- de*p. rooted, strong and vigorous. "tUpe* tha ratas tn early. J um» the crops hre growing fine. Several far-i mars hare reported the beat -crop In | Yir tear three yvnra. ft ha* been] good boll weevil weather, 100. Watch out for these.” u STOCK SCANDAL TRIAL PUT OFF Big Oil Firm in Bankruptcy Result Issuance Too Much Stock Mil ANGKIXB, June <**) —* Bankers, brokers and motion picture magnates ware arraigned here today on criminal charges In, ednneetton with tha Julian Petroleum Corpora tion stock scandal. From among the surging perspir ing army of lawyer*, outnumbering thetr half a'hundred cltente. nearly two to one. earn# the shouted mo tion to postpone the date of plea to July 11. After a discussion which everyone tried to talk at once. Judge -’Albert Stephen* agreed to the post pomnent. ® The men were Indicted by the grand Jury last week after two moighs investigation tnto the # taw evens* over iasuo of Julian stock, which precipitated the big oil con cern Into financial oblivion. Charges tange from l ,0 ~ Secretary Bartlett grew myst«rfo|fc when discussing thr date over the telephone lest evening "Wc are after a celebrity and will stage the Exposi tion on the date we can arrange to have her come,’ he said. Goldsboro business Interests ar« understood to have un Irewrllten the expodltlon to the sum of 11.100 In order to bring the affair here. A • ampaigu to get « tninil||) of the folks to sign up guarhnletrox certain amounts had been carried ou la the city for several days “Goldsboro met all the j-equlr*^ .mints" pal'd Mr Bartlett over the telephone lost evening, frobi his bom* In Kinston where lie had been called by The N*wa4pr .infcwjantloo Ing the award of (he Kxposltlon. “The coming season will be the Itihf tins fn the histor y of the Eapos tlon. that Goldaborn has been (hs spot y soring city, and ih 1 re are those who belteva that the KxiMaltlon will be the greatest in .the history of the show. Mr. Bartlett la well plrnsefe lhat Goldsboro selected as the Kxposltlon elty. The central location, he pointed out. should bring a great attendance record to the Exposition. BASEBALL' American Bt Louts 14. Chicago IS Cleveland 6, Detroit 10. Waahingrton2, Philadelphia 1. New York 7, Bo*boo 4. National Boston 7-1, New York 6 4. Philadelphia 7, Brooklyn 4. Chicago 4, Bt. Louis .. Pittsburg 6. Cinclnnlatl 1. Virginia Norfolk 3. Wilson 4. Richmond 6. Portsmouth 3 r Petersburg Kinston 8. Piedmont Wlrwton-Ralem 7, Durham 3. High Point 3. Raleigh 8. Rocky Mount. 2. Haltsburg 6 Rally Charlotte 8. August Ift. Columbia 7. Macon 14. Knoxville 4. Spartanburg J. Asheville 9. Greenville 4. JsnnMßWii wwwmwif lawnßmsvw WMh R profit of | - night talked of foo as a goal for which , to work. They* believe that with thsi i'Anawks m,* swtea* ■ i*r.y.u ? . j ganlxationa being perfected for vsrl - ous ptofessions and Interests in the | city- -will stlmulale Interest In the * Chamber and sd«l lo Us memhern c j . Th* fcdfowm* —mesttlMe-v —were l. e.lectitd:... i.. :; Industrial (enamltlee HerniSu Well, chairman; K. C. Roy r, nil, T. H W. Fl-Btroud. Geo r «. DeWey. FK. Hordcri, Joe Ro**n- I tbal, Geo. C, Koyall. G. A. Norwood Finance 1 omwiitlee s L. A. Raney. Chairman; G. K, Free x | man. J.. A Parker, C F Btrosnlder, II John Norwood. ■ Memhwrship Cammlftra. [ C. B. Millar, Lhalrman; W_ p. Tay VANDERBILT CO. ACQUIRES MINE Out put of I’yrophVilHe in North ' ( nrolinn Will Be IncrenNMi Now RALEIGH, July I. OP> North Carullna, claimed by mineralogist*-to have a monopoly on commsrclal de posits of pyrophyillie, la soon to In-, crwise the-output of this material. ar-» cording to word from the alat* de partment of conservation and devel opment ’ The mine al Hemp, the largest .pro ducer of this mlpsisl for several years has been over by tha R. T. Vanderbilt company of Naw York, arcoidtug to Information received by «Ute' Geologist H. J. BrysoirUjStt Is IndicaUd the output will be greaftE Incieased over the previous produc tion „ . The Vanderbilt Arm 1* one of the largest of Its kind In tke country, aud Its ewtry In tke Moore county Held Is expected to stimulate Interest, in tke deposit*. Already, full page s4«r tlscnieuta of the matertal are sppejsr ing in aom*-< of the national ceramic publications Mr. Bryson has also been not lied of the Installation of more modern machinery at.the plant, of the United Talc aud .Crayon Company at Glen don. by Ma new owners who this w*wk shipped the first carload of powdered mstFrtst from the i "modeled -pleat. The mane gemsu< of thla firm s*- peem to have a capaAty of 40 tona of powdered pynjphylllte daily * or , paper and rubber tmduu, and tartwerif 10 and 30 for the rooltng Industry;, The plant has a capacity us 300 gross of pencils and crayons dally. TEN THOUSAND VERDICT GIVEN GoMaboro Man P«y SIO,OOO ia ('aunlng Daath of Little Girl J W Ellis, adminislrstor of the estate of Beriha Kill*, deesaued. wss awarded a rirdlct of flO.ftftO In dam* i.galnst Max Ball. Goldsboro man. aad his Insurance companies In a •14.00® damage action brought In Wilson rornrty superior court wRh Judge R A Nunn of New Bern, presiding. The case was opened when court convened this morning ants eerly In dications were lhat it would consnm* the balance of the week. ” 4 However. It took a sudden turn at the afternoon seaetrfrf and a verdict das returned within an hour after the Jury began R* deliberations. - The plaintiff in the action was rep resented by W. A. l-uca». Troy Barnes'and John Jennings, while the defendant wss represented by H. O, Connor snd Benatoc Kenneth Royal! r.f Goldsboro. An»mrr action by El lis against Ball for •Ift.OOft damage* f<*r the loss of the services of th# girl who was seven years old. was non *oited while a third taking ft# ••,- Cftft for peraonal Injuries and ••00 for damage to an automobile and a suit brought by Mrs Ellis for »6.000 personal Injuries were continued. •< •. ~*r mavnahr «<• r— immgiwi x a jjTgjliA, Jkr 1 ■ ■ KsWllngs t . . v b Executive CammltNe la the*Hoard iJM I WWiw Yelverton. The shove will ,»e standing cotr inltlee# ,n serve during the present yar The following special ctHiiralt •■eeir seers naiwaU Ttref- rswfWnSßfßß .ties . ccaalug ju. yon *a LU*U> woek hss been accomplished. Tobacco Market L M Itoas, Chairman; J. (\ Van story. n L. Meade, a A. Joseph. Geo Water* Jr. l anding Field le'slle Well, Chairman; Joe A. Barker, Dr. William >lmitb, H. A. Flk*. W. A Koyall. 7 State’s Witness Gives His Version Robberies Stores Within Faison And Calypso Joint Meeting Talks Dunn Road Proposal A joint moating of the Wayne County Highway Cou—lislon and the Bauipouw eounty highway commlaaioa waa hold before Commissioner Wheatley la Kins ton ysotsrday for the purpose of dUcussing the proposed taking over of tho rood from Goldsboro to Dunn hy the State Highway Do ' part moat. Mr. Wheat lay listonsd to whst tho various commtssiougr* hod to any on tho subject end tbs mooting adjourned wRh no de fin It* decisions reached Anoth er meeting will, be held in Ral eight on 7, to taho up the uuUtor. it wag said. WRECKED PUNE RESTS ON BE ACH n’ c " > Joy Rent Tiity Kssort YU* YMR BUH MKR. Prust, My l-u —This tiny seaside village sprung Into today hecauas 'uZ!£ irv^f as evar was eut through the air in th# history of avtsttoo Commander Byrd and his throe companion* In hciontiflc aerial ad venture were compledd* to land here thl» morning, bringing the America down ou( of a pitch black, rainy night onto the. shore lino in water which ihey could not see. Shaken up. aad bruised the four airmen. Byrd. Novtlle. Acosta dad Balchea- -quickly jumped up the air raft carried for such an emergency snd msds their woy to shore Rtfl yards distant. Tonight thetr three-motored plans* rested <*> the bench Ilk* a *nqMPk.'iMiEMEBHBMMhFmm Ihsunwu’c. wk» has ‘'fgqiß !>■ iin ~> hulldn of the 1027 fund, amounting In $39.21012. among 122 miinlclpallu*« dm ring In the rnnd this year. * the'nAAey. tfiroigh VoVl^- llons on Are insurance premiums sold in the participating towns, one-half of one percent of th» premiums of which I* .set aside for the fund, ts used by fhV various towns sharHlg Hi' ft." tn tube- tire iff ' f7rs»nr dtllhT#3 W llo» of dnty, Goldsboro received $99303. KILI.N WIFE GHKKNHDGRO. July 1--GP)—A mid night quarrel lasi night rsnultad la th# tatal Injury of Mary Bhnlor. ne gresa. by. her huahand Liu lua Shuler and bis subsequent probably fatal Injury to himself by swnllawiag ua* quantity of ly*. < MMMMMHpppMppiBE A Member of * The Aaeod&ted Press -A ‘rr prick FIYI aum John Lancaster, Duplin Man, Says Drove From Saolston With Frank Moye a*d Amec Sullivan to Hookerton —Moye Makes Abso lute Deni’); Mrs, Moye Says Httteai at Home at Night hi Question bVopooat ndtMWM to m*nl rok- NHm In tkrao iMrtf twaei. hi- ° ■m. Calypso, a*d Jfooksrtoa wars mUh la Um ohih of tka trial «C rruk Mora, Moot n| owl ' amoo Hallivan ia Orooaa CMtlf SapOiar court la Iteow Hill yaoterday. UMMUT of Duptlt akajft wbo via aloe a IHWIIS k lit »e --thw taboo by tka MU, bat tka ak*a uaaUtrt U« waa oMared ao| yriM>< by tba court wboa tka oat Hrflf - ••tato’a ertdonco LMMMkar TantHba nUbT'of H. t^We!T MH^SI ka.jO^lblMwokiM 4r®»a a p£r> was Oi imm* 0 Sullivan. ta ffookartok, at wktak tola btai to gat oador tka otSl apd drlro on down tka iwad acroM a hrM*r ana watt tar a taw aktatat. lighted nitifh heM ikHfi.. igpiplir «atd: ka waa tp drtro kaek into lava ana tkay ««M ka watttap tar Mat tie "Muss iem me fSfifwßi'mPVw* tiome sag that after ha hii tiksf tor aaarlr m boar ka aaw tka dr nal aa4 trow kaek Ma ItWI. Hay# . taa Salllran wara than* with a pita of marchaadtao coaaiattap «• (Mar. <*»*ar, *alt. lara. mm, AMp «a>la saita of etathee, repo, akaaHaa aad or bar mstoriate. Lapodotar MM. Thor tkaa laalaf tka Jeotaa tt* noaga Ml prawadad 1 t» AMUtran’c booaa on tk» sane of J. i. Mkwoo»« ta ftoetatoa U*n*f*. Ml mm tM Moa« Wt atrMaa. waa tka ta*t O’oar gtiop. l«ancaaior Mm taatMM Met Bolt' l iaa ta CalypM Mid lUtta N 4 t*n* mu tka Mfckary * Alhrttta«ta Moral r+iypma Snllivaa craakaA tka ptara wlnaow wMla a fratgkt Mhl MM naaalag throurt tba toww. So otatai I hat oa aaotbar trig ta €olf|au» he waa aecoropanlad by Ittttae Ml Moya ana that nlcM tkay sD partial wlM tn tka rnbbory el Dtr—*■ atera tkora. Tba *tat* roatod ttta rata altar St testimony of Dapaty Pkarltf Korte «ay of Wayna ooanty hi wktak ooaaty tb* toot waa hMdak. HP. Hrraipny told Os ftadfsp tba aoeda ta a Mbo* yf woodw naar tka kaaa es AaUlvaa. Tba Wara# datwty tka» taM of tba arraat of Mr. Mora and aa at tain pt or Mara ka Mad hflf ta*tba itolaa roods hlddaa la tip wall,. Ha 4100 •uud that ka aMtahoA Serai joua la OoMahottt Ski IfcW ka taped rood, »tol*m variaea pUaaa. rice and coffsa. and Hurt ka kMtaS la Muye'i bodrooai a pair wf akoM Audi' nmm> f .'tpa *2k •m&slluGr,t had baan dyad blank wblek wara pbM