WEATHER Partly cloudy probably scattered khunile*ahOw«r* Sunday Slightly cotter fluuday night Monday Ulr with moderate temperature. VOLUME SIX,; NUMBSR 16* _ ■ . T BRITISH DEMANDS MAY WRECK NAVY CONFERENCE Plan Adoption City Budget At Meeting Tuesday Night Adoption Os English Plan Would Force U. S. To Spend Many Millions Each Year Great Britain Wants to Retain ••Fleet of 15 Cruisers of 10,0 00 Tons \ Each and 60 Cruisers of 7,500 Tons —This is Twice as Much as Proposed by American Envoys? Anxiety Is Felt d , o GENEVA, July J--<4*i -Great uu-1 inxtiteas? exialta tonigljt In American mill Jiiiwrtcgr-rliFcle* concerning the proapiil* at HHtMI, of 'be naval cohfervnce. Thl* it due to further In’oruw*'on,, which appear* to be con firmed relative »v Great irritinn’* (lcmaiid for incrsusfrd cruiser 'trench. /* Grcate-Ylrltalh want* the right to re a!n a fleet of 15 cruiser* iftf lO.tKKI •or* each and no fewer thau W crulseri- ot *.500 ton* each TUI' would make the total tonuage iKib.OW ur SOO.OOO more than the niuxltowtn contained In the American | TUvnc figures whirl* are ruttard.'l j d;‘penrtnow» hr the American* j and Ju>aiicne have so discouraged them apparently, that uule** the f Ik ure- arc ahaved down Very vduald erablv. |lt‘lr (rood, In thole opinion, would be ucbleved by signing a so called limitation treaty. A'cmir Americans and Japanese there I* no altemtp to con'-eal the eonietkm that the adoption so the rrpofted Brltlah project would no' ottly J S»T» , ee a great drrrptinn on the" purt of public orJnlon of their coun trie* hnt also would put a promt iin on a new more feverish armamelft/ purl In thin type of wnrcrafj According to opr odlmutPthe adop • ton of the British plan would .lit volve Increased naval\expi*iidTturcc~ er almost $ 1 OtMMKMltUj—regrlV hy the : American government iN^jirAiuaxi-J o l _• § ran rrnlner strength were.—Ul Tp'j brought up tq that parity elilrh nijs, British delegation publicly ha* pro | claimed the United Sta'e* assuredly . hat the right to maintain. SOUTH POLE IS THE NEXT GOAL Ngvy Film* May Try Circle. World’* Kqtutlor in Stu penduou* Flight yl WAUHINGTON. inly 2v t/l'i When] time determine* the final place the | airplane i* to ocfcnpy In the life Os man. the historian of the atr muat turn, away from one of hit brightest chapter*'-io tb" *urces*lon of achieve ment* that Amerlehn filers have per-„ formed In the last *l* week* Air official* of the government r«- •:ard' the recent distant flight* a* marktiHt> o an epoch la the hl*tory of elr development tyn,l II I* predicted thnf the development wtli give an TMPOTS7 ItVfct WnT” spur marl” for war J lo ■.oI 1.L.1 4r«*Wdl*kMWf u/ .(.!•« tsip S fe - ” WHS In lesatbap IS hour* the Itine. Commander Richard Hyrd mark-' »>d the tlilrd recent sranntne of ..the uonneed that lu* «*■ coa*idering the advlaahility of a fliirfn by igivtil plane* around the equator of tho earth, while the commander hlm*elf ad* kites* U* pl*aar Apt «, tUahl • e*t winter to the barren f*Vlotf» of Hit iWtHi: gale. —-"- —- BOVIMX lIIBTKFK.W XKW YORK. July 2. |/P>—KOur fishing boat* with almat eighteen per. son* on hoard »«re In" distrr*.* laic today about •>" mile* Mont beast of Ambrose Lighthouse. coast guard headquarter* announced A coast guard outlay «h emit to tbrjr ahL I THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Jury Finds Moye Guilty Receiving is pedal Jo The Now*) KNOW HILL, Jut) 2 -Prank Moya:, of tlollfr l*nd Amo* Hullhun F f SutWsion kownsltip, Wayne county, were this afternoon (ouud guilty of receiving good* knowing them to he stolen They were sentenced to 15 month* each on the county Toad* by Judge ("ranincr and noted appeal to Supreme court. Th*4ury got the case at i;M In the afternoon and It •*«*' after H o'clock before a verdict wav rB turned. ' Supreme court. The .jury got the caaa at i: W In the afternoon and It *»> after ft o’c.Au k before a vardlct ww» ro turned. DESCENT M ADE DELIBERATELY '• Byrd I'uts Question io Rest in : Answer to I'residfnl of F ranee i —$ c **~ I PARIS, July 2 today and halted the former world title holder » training for hia comeback with Jack Shark*) July 21. ftempter had Ju*» returned from two strenuo.i* hour* l on the road till* morning when word J came to the camp that John t>enip"ey. I hi* TtK year old brother, had *bot I himself to death in Schenotudy after j killing hi* 21 yeur old w ife in their ! apartment there. '* The fighter rushed by automobile so the scene where lie Identified, the hodlea and inadu urrangemente for the funeral* - - John, several year* older than .luck, always had been the favorite of the liuakv younger man. friend* • said, dud Ifad l>een cared fur altttOgt entirely by the former title holder during a receftf protracted IHnea* About three month* ago Mr* \ Dent pipy generated from her hta hnud and want t' Scheneqtady On . Uw; ..aiMiilaaßLia. < hooting occurred, Mrs. I*nnp*ey waa .■ .■PMWme* te neasn tow en*< nwtwr' *'*» was. ttefying to (.S. p .nil irf Hie wa> •>f ui) litiMlmnd ' slid, tliiil hi had ago J«.hn followed her there with the expected ,iurpu«e of opening a quarrel 1 lie met hi* wife oU'stde th« home.' After n violent argument In'the pre- L ■ *en, who -at* tee - J Teuip'-ry .app* ai ed to have ts i-n drH*k i?g Tii iiviT). Jiifili etiti-reiT fTie and wit* follow'-ti shortly Mr* Lcmpaey. * Almost at once three shot* souiul id fired three times and died IntmcfHately frern it liullW ' tiiroigh 'he right temple Mr* Dem t pvey. wounded to the head, and aide, t wa alive when pottre arrtved twit 1 1 died before medical aid could be aum- I , WILL OBSERVE . PARENTS DAY SluntN Arranged for Parvota on I'iayuroundM Tuesday _ From 3 to 6 Tinvidu). July S, will be Parent’s Day ou the dty playground* w.tth *pe clal program* and uuti|ue *tuuU put on for theni. aei-ording to an uunoiibce*' rip lit emanating fioin the office of the supervisor. Every parent In the city I* urged to pick out any of the four playground* and pay them u visit sometime during the afternoon to 1 - tween the hoars of 2 and a The. object of the program will he Io what 1* being (ton > for the child vii t h, ‘ playground. The games he play* during his regular dally at tendance. the activities li;- cpgaf* In, Hiieli a* the irfriklng of bird house*, singing, and story telling, all will to* made apart of this special program. In Hdiliitou. there will be othei more spectacular e\*>nl* for the visitor’s entertainment i The children that stariisr attend tug the ptaygi ouud In th* beginning with tew exception*, have coißiunetl. according l<> the dlr ctor* In charge The playground tUblf hits been form 'd, Now' the directors want to get the fa rents In the hubil of (bopping by. Their co-operation will go a long i» i nsluu.dly to se.' what* going on. mid will make the educative end Os wa) toward building up nttendam-e tiu i work easier to handle, \ c* ( tUf Al'D H HI tV I 1* . MJU'IT HI. Il k HI NT UHH’Aftrt. July 2 f/H) (KSctng tha crltlcal.p' riod of growing fn the spring crop region, wlih blhck rust tsora of a hazard than usual, wheat mlues are lending upward. Chi the other baud the corn market Is affected by Indica tion* that although th« corn crop outlook Is about the poorest ever known, the prices now current dis count tho pituufton In at leant a large IpcaNUre. M’COY IS NAMED AS SUPERVISOR WiH Direct Election ' ’ snr>ed-lii the Philip; ihe* and More canipaign* and World War and more recently has ben staff of Ihe fla bord MllbtM to AllUeiila. Rehekahs of North Carolina Gather Here -For Jially-Monday f Grand-Master tg Speuk M «day morning the Heliekali boats’ from every pnrt of the state w ill I :*»» ttelr fwcwa tawwed tin id shore where an all day rally with s bur brrqrl - gfuner 1* Pfdrrrr irTTnntrert frrr S'feral ho lid red who sro e*peet;-d to aiteud thj; canglfFatfon Wn*. Maude TkitAs, of the a-semhfy, states that grand master W. L. Whitley of Plymouth, grand Secretary. H. A. Holstead and quite a number of past president and pi,*! grand .master* of tho order and •varwl notable* from |Ather et Mtee I will be present for the occasion. GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNIN^JULY 3, 1937. ACOSTA HAS A BROKEN BONK i May Have Su itnliirH Injnrv in Crush of G'nit Wi-lrunu* ' (>iven Party , PARIB. July 2 I.Vi After undar golllg lie ifhtlet, «l"»ek «* Fkeilch I jo)’ that succeeded a night "f angjistt ea- to their fate. Vomiutmtir Hyrd f and Id* comrades cf tlie tran*-Allan , He plane AmerUa begutt taking slbok , this afternoon It wua fAuud that tin ! victory over the tidVerse oiaoonl* hud not been gained without uOtisiderabN damage to the rn**d. llrrl'Aci't* had suffe-ed a broken , collar bone, which wi>* let ai thu ->merjy ho-pltal whfl* CoinmaniK er Hyrd alter * careful t xsmlflattou hy a unroll, Wail onlrre*.' Io tiike n ' (umplete rest The onh* egreptlon the d ctor wiuld allow wa* attend-j twice at the reception l*Te*ldcnt lk*uu,-rgue this afternoon The Comma after, at retch -1 cd U»i* in favor of Ut‘> I'l'eneh and l&wrlmn hew ajapt rro*n It* whom] he talked of tpa fliKht s few minute** *" after he returned I« hi* hotel ami • of hi* future pbm*. " It i* prohalilt that Acosta's collar bone wa* fraetaiud when thy A inert ' i a landed In tho water st Ver Bur r - Mer, but he cannot vouch for It a* 1 he professes to have been unaware Os ■ this until the ' orgcoii diaroyew-d the 1 Uijurx, thU afterqnon It- h*—Valla pn**ttde that some of the damage clight hswgFbe'-n done st Mm station today when a-crowd of lo.AAO ttenpla risked crush tug Byrd and his cotn- I nPiotis 111 1 heir tel ernes* Io got a P • Ight of them aid go Taint them. The Cotmiutiidcr and hla colleague ran 3 hottaf that-they ire the onty group f " four person* ever bottled up ini f The Rt Lngare l tAttln The eom : , niunigt* did It once *ct«ral year* ago, I Init (her were K.tdm titgbsTiiore num erou- and n good many i'lm«iH- more t violent ' - v f, Thi-artator* and Itwir frtefcJ|* were f illed., pushed and h.iulad ai>*pt anyl , "Ply w-Mli the greatest dl. r fi< ult\ oiild they make thdr »ny to writing motor cars. In crush much glass Was brok en and a piece of ft gjt Into the sye‘ of Mr* Richard Hlie, wits, of the American nsvul ultache. • GtOFMMHi PAROUS LOCK LEAK _ ■ | RALEIGH. McLean toduv partdrd Andiew I/ock ' b ar. glin* - Huddle* IxK'klear eonvlcl ed "t February term. 1927, Robeson Superior Court, and sentenced to ten luouih* In county mil > ; w fill It E POSTPONES HOP OFF "• r MANA. Island of* Kauai, July 2 14*1 -Richard Grace, aviator f oni tli"j * Holly wood modes. postponed UgtllJ i tomor ow Ills flight to the Caliform.^ mainland nftxwite—w . There will nn open meeting ini 1 the Jacobi audttorluui a* the Orphan] Twswat ii-aww’ 'w w*teartae'Hkwnv Al oiitslaniliiiK, Kiseak'iw lie*hbs, tin rrHr>'T*cs hv grand muster .'WfliTtgy • Promptly *1 one o'clock tb* IwtrAe cue dinner will he .served heil'-aHt I the oak* on the *nactoui camp us at the Orphan's home her*. At 2:20 a model lodge session wIM be ex amplified til Neu-sy i**dgv halt by Ilia state assembly officer*. This ’ ill he tip* fir*t time such an treat Ilia* evern been staged in North t-'aro-. Ilna. and It yxoialtes a larg.* attond MISSES DEATH BY FEW FEET • Up hi Mint! YeNtcrday MjyrnfoK Struck T*m» Honicn in (irern icuf Section iK-nlh iiihowd Mrs. Tolio Dean* of Oreenleaf yesterday morning by only a few steps when lightning gc ciiupaayinH the heavy storm of tho early morning str.iclf her' home, fcn.vkltig out a window, and smashing a kitchen safe and u>o dishes In It. The same holt of llgbuiwiu hit tho iuMiie of PaifF HrltL nearby, knocking oft the door facing and ripping UR v part of the floor of ihe kitchen • All fuse plug* eOntrollng oloctrtc light* In the vicinity of the Doan* niid Hritt homes were knocked ■ out hy the "holt. ’ V 111 'inch! llefi I e the vlkld flash tore out the wjTudow at the Dean* borne, leaped inside mid struck 1 kitchen safe, shattering the dishes. Mrs Dean had heeu to tha safe to tet a dish Had *h» waited on* min ute ia'vr lo get the dish, "he would probably have been killed. At It waa vne aim was slightly burned and numbed from the shock. •* • ”7* ■ Juniors Stage Big Picnic At Pinkney "Clllseuship” wa* the topic which M*4itn of fiflliiguiilH itinuim •nnrrjy, wt itiu" r “‘ r * *»"" cd before e rrj*wd of seven Uundted tits snmdrflfttUnr orMF RtCnlr tSC fflnliney yeetowtay Pinkney JMnlote tf* seveml years have followed the |."uuk.jii at Mag lag a mammoth pV hic and celehrallon in obeerVanca ot the Jdmirth of July and yesterday’* i eleliratlon eclipsed all previous Oc casion* . _____ Mr Kliarp pu«l state oonnclllor, whs Introduced hy D. IV. Uohh of Golds bo rs). a ntomher of the board of lontrol of the order. Mr. Hharp spoke of the pert which the Junior ’Order is f Jaylng, in sponsoring batter cltl >enship today. .U one-thirty a picnic dinner was served. «nd In the afterVoou there was a doirtilr-hcader baseball gam* lu*!wen uifikygf} and the Battery l*lnkn«y t TFn(mtTeri.-,. Torre* (Tin-’ t-tir htur. Ihe Udltm of Ifotm llol>akah l-odur are leaving nothin* undone t< cire those Htieuriio? a splendid -*1 ■•p!| .Veil**- l/kln tall, Mil) All i/Uirfuoi in the Jtuold 'BuIUIIuk and the Orplmuaxi - grounds are rasplaud <-»t In holiday derorolwas making a 1-ViKihy address of wHromn by »oine speaker (luita uumeaaaarv. v ■ General Summary Expected Expenditures And Revenues Os City For Year 1927-’2B News to Skip Issue Following: Fourth la sersrdaare with Ms regalar polte). Th# Ndw* will keep closed shop "B the FoarTh of Jil), There wttl he wo Issh* o» Toes day, Jaly A. M edar-da) the paper wilt iy pear as usual. W« Make this ex- Ida list lon that there my he ao esufasiou. THREE KILLED IN TRAIN WRECK Southern Freight Trnln Turps Over On Trudtle Near Gilkey, N. C. HOC K HILL, 8. C,. July 2 (JPh 1 -, ' Threw Irainimn were killed aud threw others Injured, two of ih*m no 1 ously that they ere not expected to ' recd**r when Hoalhero railway Ireight L tr H* /ta*mg|rr it •» 1 uear the Herth en* of the Cath**« 1 Creek trestle ner (Whey. H, (!., title * afternoon r A wrecking rwr 101 l lew* tot the scene ands hoped lo hare the track denied late today The WToehed Iralp rone from Both Hill to Marlon. A re port to the dispatcher** office her* | said (he engine ia lying on it* aide I and that a gondola end four hox cnj» ‘ of merchandise were epUnUr*d. : TO HOM» CAPT 1 KCTHSKytHUrrOK July 1- agent. A ratal* died bJfiV.t'eo at ruction ""engineers Um horn affhred for use. Permanent kitciymswatm. 'lining helta with running Md ( a targe paritlon on the grouudki-' These conveofeoee*. however. effll not interfere with the regular pro gram, Ihoae In charge ear. > , q , J “" n ' r .IF I* ' - 1- ' '■"*-* . » J CANADA HONORS' COLLINDBEISJH Hero l/ookti to l)i»v When Air Truinporlation Will M«ke Whole World Kin OTTAtyA Can.. July 3—JAV-Cot. I Charles A tJrnlherge’e official visit to the Canaiain capital today was fllleil wi'h cull* at earlon* eport* i lilifn where the people celebrated Hie jubilee of lonfederallou The turnon* American flier came here at the Invitation or the Canadian goe * rnmetit and wa* the guest of honor at a luncheon at the reeidenc* of .iiw ig,wtMtfjU aflat ~-taaalhg ihroiirh lance of cbeeriag. in ruuwic- u> the uafrioiM, #*~ . ordod ioi Lindbergh, th* pottag lirni eatrt “t -wwof to eapee** apprno. latlnn of the welcome I have re “ fn-ivw tmt idw» m y country I fwwl very I'lghly honored to have been Invited to visit Canada, and It bring* to mind Very clearly the reception which I AktUft Lun4o» a ten *«k« ago. "In riyiug here from Detroit, which . ..?«• the In*' atop,. I noUMfU-b* nec <«*ltv of air transportation in Can aorta and f hctlve that in a very *bort time there will lie air tinea from the t'nitwd HtAta* to qaaadn, It-la tran*- poria'hm that has hound the world < lower together, and in the future It will U- trauMMirlatlon. fer morn ■ I'ttpul ffrhn in the pnet. which wilt bring ration* and countries closer together ne Canada and the United State* should bs. ’ ' ■■ : - Member o| The Associated Press ’; PRIOR PIV* CWII — -v- 4 - City Manager Hollowell Persists in Ref usi’g to Allow News Cosy of Budget* and Repre sentative Has * Copy on File for Pub lic Generally ; T o Spend $35,000 Improv ing Water Plant f . KdiWr’s Natoi r*y lanagrc Iran ffellswsU ha* perei«tad 1% 1 Ufa r«fs*at te alia* *ke haws h cepy bf the city hgiget, thsagh man printed'beidw M Push '« restd be made In * cereery ex amkaatiee as the anpy MfaiMecd at on file tn the aity afurt's office hut la reality kdpt hi •# aa Naylllt aad aa lliHi|Ut. i The Suwe was HI hafe haau #• 1.. fa make had Mr. Hoffewe* aWOt- 1 Total general fund f expend^arad provided for In the rtty hugMJp* peered to he adopted ft the meeting of tue board of Aldermen TafAay evening art fak- Ing fund ro*jjlremeuta are* flTyt- total general fui tXPMMITia »B estimated tor tho eaaultiu yeaiare approximately It,OOP laaa thaa “last year Btahtag hM wiutweatf Hh h.m in axaeao at tk«ee of iaut raar for expaa'aa uadar tha M «C hoard of aidomaa thara wag avgrag rlated In IBM-17 |IAW. Thara waa expended * 1.*37 41. ehtfwlog aa W ereaae of 1(12.41 o*rar tho aamaat provided for. Um 1037-21 hoAgot i pproprUlea lIJH under thfa head. Tor miseeUaaaeda expoudttorpa there w»a appropriated Ifat yaac l>r »84. Thar* waa espatfad M.SM.M, not nuho double the aatouat approp* rioted. Tho new hadggt- -nprofrioief T:»70 uadar this ha# " For the mayor tha/ ft" 'isted last year Hi®* "wee expended HJM-hi balance of altaodt fid The new budget a*» *1 7>i& for tha mayor. rot the clerk—trod * W« appropriated; jg£jZ r ~ "■ jiKiprmifHi. p " Kor the tax-collacfUr la 710 Aaa oat aside; fi.* rpent Tor thla year M-ltO k . rd. For tha rlty manager f»* ratlmatrd for laat year, and l * | waa need. this year 11.3 l provided RvCky Woasger c ran*hath received IMW a yet on at leaat one occasion a box • tl.ooe was voted, cky Manager low ell I* to receive fl.Md a waa given aa aatoomhUe valued IW ... .JBss JhotfbL..rntwn,. »i7tL»lv. wa* appropriated;! 14.624.13 brad -acnV. Th» Aaw lgill>pMifd-Ai*d»ih' Wl 73 tor this pupate. Tor' thd etreft auperintawdent. Jd_.7M* h-wed for laat year and f4.UT.It wig Wtapw nomad. For street maintenance last year fß.ifO waa set drido aad f7,- 101.3* was used. TM* year f7.3M.4g* waa set aside Street clashing hag appropriated $11,610 aad apauf fit,* A*.»,M The n.w httigw traacnov fh.-* t&T for thl* purpose. Tha gauaraf iuani noth ant jrao aDowhg W.7M.1 it epent $7.641.06. Tho sear hodges prorldw* f7.M7.4f tar this Hup. in 11*26-27 |646 waa aaomd SMI bridge- and flit M waa asog. Thlg year |3O« la expected to ho spent ! lAst year 1711 waa allowed tar park-* ways and fkM.M wa* spout, Thid .’ear »*Rrt f* albiwwd. Kepaire of uihl* Ury sewers last year had haa* fm*