WEATHER Mr uri slightly warmer Wed of* dsy. Thumday partly eloudr VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 109 BALLOON DOWN NEAR HERE SETS WORLD RECORD •c * °• ■ • 4i %il ' . " • * NEW BERN MAN HELD AFTER LOADED RUM CAR WRECKS Pilot Sleeps Unmindful That He Has Won Race; Shattered Many Records Covered 580 Miles From Detroit to Hookerton bj Air in Rudderless Craft; In Air 25 Hours 45 Minutes; Repre sentative This Paper Makes Record Run to Hookerton. (Hr HIWKT BKI.K * Stuff Correspondent At IS'3O thin morning at Jiomr of Kr«l Taylor of Hookertom A. U. Rntinu -hi n. Detroit balloonist *»* sleeping off t Jb* effect* of hie 580 mile balloon Jounl from Detroit un mindful of tlie fact that be had #*- tnbllahad a new word’* record flight lor halloas' of the third category, un mindful of the fact that he bad tgon the third annual race of the Detroit Newa. unmindful of the fact that he Mad poaatbtr **talfHsb«d a new world* record for endurance— Resmaesra. left Detroit In hi* bal loon, Detroit Second, nt S o'clock Monday afternoon, one of fire con teataaU for the Iftwi trophic*. Hi* craft settled to earth In n field -at- Moftkertou at 4'45 yesterday after bom . And tbif rooming he slept, too weary to grant an Interview to tb* representutire of The Goldsboro New* who had rushed, with Dr 1.. W. Corbett, liioiing the car, to Hooker. t< n. arriving within forty mlnutee af ter news of the record-breaking flight was received in Ooldaboro. And Hookerton slept with the pilot, all unmindful of thy fact the big *!lk bag which had aettled to rarth In a nearby field had set half the wires of the United State, hum ming with the new* of new feat* in the air. (h»ly the sound of the hark ing of many doc* from avery quar ter of the town answered loud knock ing* nt the first resident in the town The dog* only harked the loud er when ballon* were added to the knocking, hit no one ca,m*. The headlight* of a ford picked cut the street, and a negro ret timing from "curing tobacco” solved the question. He knew where Mr. Taylor lived and agreed to lead the way. Two knock*, five minute*, and Mr. Taylor was at the door. “The ballpoint I* spending the night with you." he was asked. “Ye*, but he Ik **leep.” Much prompting persauded him to go to the room of Mr. Rasmussen iltfl ask for an interview far the News representative*. In a moment he was bgek. ' He sqys he is Jo»t too tired." re ported the Hookerton man.. But before the Dteroit man. hold, er of a number of balloon trophies had dropped off to sleep. be hnd sup per with Mr. Taylor and had relatei’ In part his experiences. The Detroit Second with Unstnu" Ford airport ni Detroit at IT o’clock Monday" afternoon. A strong wind from Jhe North took It in its grasp almost imemdlately and held the man , v*§>U{* i* m i iacrlH -for the,next twenty.flve hours. Not a storm was hit, no trouble of any aort. the balloon simply follow ing the* wind's will and being -hunted • ut of the state of Michigan and Into the south, finally across Virginia and into North Cssshas. The whole trip v»« mm* are sari «r speed about I!t.S miles per honr. But It la well that the Detroit man Dn/tsd when he„did. for In a short tine more the wind would bar* whisked him in btif rudderless ship over the ocean and at a point some times referred to by Sailor men an the "graveyard of the Atlantic". Mr. Taylor reported that his gueat k (Continued on Page Five) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. « Sets Ud Flight Record For\ Balloons of Third Class , .. Li v . DETROIT. A Jnly 4.—(A*) —The ar rival of tb* Detroit Recond the bal-, loon entered In the Detroit Newa tro phy rac* and piloted by A. U. Rno muaueu of Detroit, ner Kinston. N. C., tonight baa establish'd a new world’s long distance record for balloon* of the third category and possibly and endurance record. . v—- - The present world's record Is about 50« mil.* and the air 'line distance from Detroit to Kinston Is approal mately 580 milen. ’’ In addition, the landing of the De troit third at Mount Vale, twenty! milts east of Roanoke, at 7:45 o'clock tonight ha* brokeu th* world's en-' durance record of 33 ami Ik', minutes in the atr.' v The Doffott third owned and pilot cd by K. J. Hill and A, U. Hdoasi-r o( Detroit was th ■ Aral of live balloons to levve Uu> ulr|M>rt (tare at S o’cLOtk Monday afternoon. The ywwre In the air ito Mo ira gnd| 45 ipjuutra. .• ■« POLICE PROTECT U. S. BUILDING Mexican Reds Had Matched Upon Consulate in Protent MaxMtchuHeitH Caae ■ t' - MEXICO CITY. July 6 -DP)~ Drompt police action protected the D. 8. Con«ulate general at noon to. day when 200 luiborite* of the Be en! led 'Red" unions marched upon the building in a demonontrathm mgmtnat the execution of Bacco.Rartolo Itar tholomo'in Massachusetts. No dam age waa done and the police dispers ed the crowd without the trouble. The United State* embassy has re ceived several- letter* and call* from luibor leaders protesting against the sentencing of the two me.n to death, and today’s demonstration presum ably would have continued on to the embassy If they had:not been dir versed at the consuls**. Makes Defense British Attitude on Naval Cuts GENEVA. July 5 (4*l In an infor-i mnl talk with the pfe*s correspond- . ants this evening. W. C. Brldgemen.l • Irat. lord of the British admiralty, \ made a detailed defense of the Brit ish attitude a* to it* naval require. 1 men's He put special emphasis on the .atstement that while Great Rrtt-. rtt . of the war In I*l4 na 114 crnl«er*, In- j c'lidlng those under const net mu. and ut the Uinc of tluv nruiifltic \‘l6. it bad »t ffgiir# Including a Mill Idle* rrogmm of uine. Mr. Rridaeniwii’distributed a docu. ,"ient which declared that in March' 1*23 the British Empire was being, nit* built because although Greet Britain since the armistice had laid > itowii rnty H wardlfps of all type*, 'he four other principal naval power* had laid down a total of 310'. i. > . "Due to thr special geographical '/Milton of the British Empire and the-jiece ally of defending communi cations vital aa regard* food supplies, i say* the statement, a certain num-i tier of rrnlkers in essential Thi* numlier fraiula'ed Into eigkt lacb gun cruisers would represent an taunanae oflanslve tore*: brae* w* f i But one balloon apparently remain, ed In the air, th* Good Year 5. en tered by the Good Year Tlr* and Rubber Co,, land piloted, by J, A. Hoettner, of Akron. Ohio, 'Both Rasmussen usd Hoettner have w%n previous races ukd there was considerable rivalry betwveu the ttjto pilkts Raamuaaen could not have railed much farther without ertdan Kerlkg hi* III* over the Atlantic * He holds the trophy race r*c. ord With 234 tulles in the 1»23 event. Two other balloons lauded within distances of 115 and 7« mile* .re spectively of DeUrtiit. \ . DETROIT. July 5. (4*l Two us the liullooris entered In tike third annual Ih-trolU New* race had landed to n'ghl Jtft1 ling near here t*4ay. Five persona are dead, A »e*re of the more or l*«« »erlon»ly Injur . ed ner* ra«b*d I* heslplnl* In th* siriuil). Thr wreck occurred when lb* freight train was getting rat *f th* way *f a Moutkbonml Yen Y*rh and Western Fxpras-. Than* killed were riding In the front 4 passenger crack, nhtcll na* telle -coped into the baggage ear ahead. He) Scrad from a nearby camp, Mariam from th* IT. H. Naval dr pit and pns-ing Iraf iat* r««bcd |u the scene. They had t* chap angy t|e wreckage te free *eme *f the injured pas senger*. ROTARY CLUB (COMMITTEES Dr. W- 11. a* ‘gn kJk -a M i w v i(H(iNnorv. Huh Tlr. W, li.. Bmdth wgs sen id kg president of the tueaJ Notary at Ita regular m*etiag at the Hotel Gold -boro last evening. ‘ A report from the retiring president A- A r Joseph. *n Nttendnaop report, for the yesr hy Hccretsry R-,. E Stevens the naming -of x£oi>tmlttee* by Dr Rmith. and a short talk from Rahul Meyer, of Bt. Joheph, Mo., occupied the Rotarlan*. Upon iinsiilmou* approval hy the club it wa* decided to Invite the con ference of Rotary a»afcutlrea~of t>s district to meat In the city. This meet Ing will be held Ist* In August or early In tteptember. The cldb will he notified Inter a* to whslher or not she Invitation l* accepted. An attendance record of 82 6 wa* ■ etstillshed during the yonr Just clou ed, Secretary Btevena reported. Rabbi Meyer, in a *hort address, ■ I“lined the purpose* of Rotary. Rah rrf Meyer impressed the ehth as a posher of ability on flra for the thing he o talked ntmut. That lntere*t In Hotary work and ggtlTitles may be ailmulatad in th* city, it wa* deHdnd that the council. roiupo«cd of the chairmen of all com. It) It tee* nliould me.-K one* * mon'M to make plan* for the club. Prfeideak Hmlth called the first nie*tlng> tot Thursday evening at the Hotel, The fulinwlng commltteee were rained .for th# year: Hatary ( lab I «mm It lee Attendance and feilowahip—H, H Jenkins, rhnltcunnk Dr. T. B Hen. rteraog. WTn Royalt Hoya Wort l.fbnel Well, chairman, Henry Hulk," vice < bulrutaa, J. « M Daniel*, W \\ Itivera, Dr. D Uobb. John Norwood v I'ubih- (ACfsirw X T. Brown, (hairman J»e A. I’arker, W K*. Stroud . ehalmsn .An A w iUoaall, K 4 i-\. lor Itotarv Kdueallon l> liurtehorn, chairman. I.e-lie Well, A, H Veaa. Health and Happiness- H A Ptke, M. E H'rgent-at-ariws Hplcer Holme*, chairman. ~ Publicity Henry Helk. rhairuian. Ilahbl I.'Freund. t’lmalficallun tluo. 8- Dc-acajc, chair. muii-.Uco.-W: Watera, A, -Ai -loaeph. Music W I. Frederick, clisiruian, J T. Jerome, Wm. Itoynll, Kiilertainment or Droit mm— W. L . hTederlrk. I Freund. Vick Drlllmun, W W. River*. W. E Mtroa^. I.Uheheon George Waters, chMlr man Hi Well, Auditing -John D Gillette, chair- Voeo. KpWr Holmes. Wuy- and Means A. A. Joseph, cbalnoian, it. .E. Stevens, CITY BUDGET IS ADOPTED o Airport for City N*ar With Ap pointment of Air Commit , tee by Hoard An airport for Goldsboro cam* a Utep nearer lari evening when the city aldermen at their regular meet, log appointed committee to confer with a commute from the 'chamber s>f commerce on this prupb*%k>4i Appoinment of this commute, to con fer with Houthern Hallway officials shout the Vine and Center street rroaring. and adoption of th* city tir'get occupied the city father* at ttirlr regular meeting. On the airport commission were named W. 8 Leroy. Ham Bridgers. ami D Honey. Tlie budget was adopted upon mo tion hy Alderman Frank Daniel* and wl:»>tmt discussion. - M C Glenn, of Greensboro, assis tant sruperintandent of the Southern railway was present and rtqurated ‘lst the nldsfman oonstder a request f . r th# repeal of aa ordinac* re qni- ing that a watchman ha graiaUtln Paulino Uaeudun waa reinstated today by 'he Hfbie Athletic ('ommiaaioa, which itlmulalaneo u*ly approved a It round match tha Bpanlah hewrywelght and Harry Witl* at Ebhett Field, July 13.' . u;ri> ikntom bikn ' AT HONE IN WILHOX W’IUK)N July 5 (4N>- Ftineral service for Dr. W. 8 Anderson, pro minent physician, who died her* laat night wa* arranged for this afternoon from Wilson Methodist church , Never a Dull Moment in Rally Rehekahs Staged Here Mon. With addresses by Grand Master*. W I. Whitley. liy Grand Secretary II '• "i. and by W. F. Gran* cr Ral*i*h. rhaiinyni of the hoard of 'ruateea ar the Horn*, flier* waa never n dull moment In the rally day pro ffsm "laged by the state chanter of air.* . U. a A W ■ rVN ‘WW» ter order of the Odd Fellows, had iirraaged tlUi -program -end M>» P, U Thomas. paaf president, acted aa /nwtwYar iw'ww* *»». u The nddresaca were delivered at a morn In* acaslon held do the apactou* linen ut the Odd Fallows Home With flare flyin* and red, white and bin# ' uiiilna deeoratln* the plaee, there "esta patriotic no'e mlniiii the cere »-wiWr* bellitiaE its tar After' the adrtrr-wr«-a--picnic din Per -waa the heard to at toad th* state meetlag of cnaaty coamtsaoiaers at GhimouF it/*' k ua Ate not K. Th* a un*r hjdgot to be ppovtdoJ under the e nnty government not waa net biought np ia IBM dritiU of prcparlnr tha hudgal have uM been oompletad. New Chapter In Probe Georgia Flogging Caae TOCCOiA. On., July 4—(AFY—An other chapter In its biveetlgntion of recent activities of hooded and robed floggers In this county wns written by the grand Jury her# late., today when it returned seven ladictraenta "gainst five ineifc, charging them with the administering a whipping to n farmer on March 11. Ten indictment! aininst 4 men wer# returead veeter- th ronneettm with the flogging 1 of a woman and her IS year old aou ui Jim# 11. r. '-S Two oihmr raaoo in wbloh women were vtctfma of hands of ftoggeni an to be Investigated. ( HMIMTIAX KXDRITOR TO «f*T It KANMAM (ITT ti ? rUEVRI-AND, July 5 -UP) Kansas City. Mo . was awarded the "I»th meeting of the International Chris tian Endeavor society hi convention here today * Spiritually He staled that the prill ctplea of the order of Odd Fellow* are: visiting the alch. burying the had; relief of diatreaa mid mutt im portant of all, the eduoation of the orphan. “let at not forget that the rreateat thin* I* the hiitldtn* of rflHMitar The (trVUtfet Miicf rtf tnwrefi v*wrntt*H tiidnr-MfWetr itfNdrnn,- The Rreateat heritage that God has rtmn to pi|rept it fpielr chlMren ,'nd God will hold mo reaponalbl# -;r VAM'W+WiV WWhf f to*- lion cun endure unleaa the children receive an education along aplrltunl aa well u« material line*. We aa Odd Fellows see that such opportunities >re given to these boya and girls ut this splendid institution* *W*i‘td WM, Odd TVttowahip ' waa the nrhjcrr iif a hrter «dtire«a da livereil bv Grand Secretary Halstead, • rlgurlly of New York, hut for eight years a North Carolinian. Mr. Hal 'iead emphasised the three grant fundamental principles of Odd Fel lowship- Friendship, l/ove and Truth. “Get us live,’* said he “Ihet o«tr 'rienda pnd others WIN recognise these prialnlptea ia m. Lit aelfleh nau and critic tana be drleen out, (CoaUaued On Page Five) Member o| The Associated Press - Vrii'k fivb cam ■ e i*s’- * Mr. Oglesby Claims Cur Wm Stolen From Him Several Hours Before Being Wrecked Here; Officers Making In vestigation; Thirty. Gallons in Car and Twenty Spilled on Highway Who were ih« man, womb *nd bop , wlw aecupted • heavily leaded ru» car wrecked oa high way.aamitr i* - "The Mg fMaai**- dto Milan «M ot the city Sunday erealngf That to the q-teotton which ettr o*d oowtr oath oritiw nr* Mw- tohartop to BWtoMVf W.. L Qpleeby. New Sara *mm who «ai to th* city mtoiir *h> claim Uw'car—reporting that It-had imb stolen (ran him It tb* Cnaeaa city nwil hoara hatat tt to» wrach haaa am held under fedOO h*? wtbi 44er making waat at a great ratoef Andrew*, local «Mm, waa ******* Reeei wiredto th* other aMa *f the read to paaa Mr. Andrew*, hat past on th* alia of th* road. Marine a feadfr behind A ditch hy th* aMa of tS mad finally .lopped tha machine. Mr. And raw* waa at oaoa hailad hy ih* oocapaata ot tha aar— 4 man, wn. man pad boy aad askad to tahn fltoto to OaMahara aad a hoapltal. Mto ia« aatom mambar sf tha pdftr MpUy Injured, ha eompltod aad raah*d than* to th* aatraao* ot th* Ppiaar Paaatar lam. They got oat of th* car jad madras It, It la toamad, to antaf tlhn hospital. Bat they a*r*r did flanaly officer* who harrtod ha Ih# scene ot th* wroth found thaa< » anllan* ot liquor to th* aar. Thfera «m a (real quantity ot hvokaai glad* (.bout tha'opr. aad It i* thought that twenty nr more galtaaa gnat tow h*«n npillad In tha araah. Wltaaaaaa reported that dytown ot NfMt Hto mobile* which raaaad baton th* «£> there arrlvad atappad aad Mpai IH earn* tee* to a quart *r to*** #C th* "tuff aad rod* op their wap. p,* Tb* accideat happened ahead Ir~ o'clock la th* attaraaaa. Latar Suit evening. palto# bar* raaatoad • toto> i.hone call Iron* f. It. Maaatap ad New Bara, mating that the wrath*l mdomoblta toltJhM at*!*# Mi New Bern aboat ao«\jßuaday. fount y anthorltiaa In tbatr larad tlgatlon hod foaad too aatamoMto apanwd to ladieaU that H had haaa Intended for ram-raaathit par* " poee* Th* apaadaaaator twdfcatcd that had haaa nut only UP nation. Aa inquiry at th# tohto Ltoaasa bar' wj revealed that too ttoaaao top tha tnr had bwa IwaaPto W. L. Ogfe**? f* mow Setn, «*•» 4* ho a —on ern Mr Qftlfsfcjr warn Im)4 bond of 11.00* whoa h* called tor th* car yesterday Ways* officials viU utoftwaltoidKi ton ■MfcWrhtfftoqmc.- ■■ **■ -..»*• f ’ ffc *' S' U KNITS IWTITKD TO WI.ACI nun DPJADWOOO, s, Jalp trr4/thr (governor Ay Smith, of Now York today' waa invited to ipaad hto totoh mer mention at Pnctala, to tot heart cf the black hilla nad only IS adlas from (he Mate gam* ladp* Shirt President Onotidg* to apeadlap to* tptoPMr. The Invitation waa east bp JehnT Heffroa. chairman ad tha pphaiTy ° Democratic central nammhiia. Th* plpai to hOU -fttHMC htaa* of phm lopa to to* f«hPd