WEATHER v 0 L . VOLUME g|X; NUMBER lit fa— i i 1 . . ” - " r.'i"rrr7~-- T-rr-Trr^-^r,— — - ===== . e h- ; REPORT THAT LEVINE MAY FLY BACK TO AMERICA Amp wkuF <4B dflk tBT B ■ " SRt JtL w w ML ML JLL ML W B ) m B. Stwry Is That French Pilot Will Be At “Stick” Columbia On Return Fight America Pitettc Interest in Tran* Atlantic Heroes Con ttaote to Increase; Stories of Whole *v- Squadrons of Fionas Bound for Europe? Wor Invalid Walks When Byrd Makes Visit PAJUt. Jnly 4—Public Intar- Nt'n:iatfk« , i trta»Atlutk trta- S tcrs, eoatAu« J lo riaa today II Vfasd to aviation Id general aad oint t*r« t'oriw of Whole squadrons of airplanes romlng to Europe. of Choy*i-« ’ mlm returning home a* so •ir nAvaagor ia the Columbia with a ’•‘WM* I at tto '‘nttob*’ of a 4,440 Mpht tna Broasals to tko totgisa Coage ocroaa tko koort of yto Sokoro us further plan* of Com mander fvrj. for osploriaf tko South P«»* npn. -T --> WlfnlftHg tklo Ateraat woro nun. AtoMtoJa of various kind*. tko dramatic of which kappeo*d wkt«> 09B.mMor Byrt aad kto eom hhUo paM a visit to tko bom# of I Ftotoe* Mr fMgN. It to her* I that Ike "brofcaa wings" at to* war j »T* spmsdtag quiet day in peace. I tko matiAUd man wore Used op to ■**t tko telflon airmen, pome of stoat otoadfag. Other* In. roltliu chair* Aaoog tko latter waa Capt. CSartpo L. Bgoadr*. a paralysis#* delator, who wa# ao moved by tka appearance of Byrd aad by the coot tft/ Ao Ajsarieaa filer* had akowa that bo Sotoiaalaod bo would walk, pad bo did walk. ■ Witk Byrd bolding one arm aad Norttle tko other, bo mounted the stairway landtag to Napolean * tomb aad with tkoai gaaed down on the fPVua’' ratAg place for the first ttmo. although ko had Hood within a sow yard* of It glace Ifti' fv. .• w * HONOLULU- UP)- Announcement woo amdo today that tko plane ia #kUk Rickard Oraco crashed ou the inland of Kaaal, July 4. ahortly after takfng off for a flight to California. ,#IU bo entered ip Ao Dole priseo of hjN offered for tko ftrstaad aec ood fliero to roooh Hawaii from the America a mala land after Auguat 11. Ordop'a plana win, be shipped to boa Angelo* aad repaired la time for Dele ‘ romfotltioe. Oraco Is expected to re. tarn to Callfm-nla oa the first steam er. ?■-* .. _ * . ... . • . MCHOLUIir—Ur) -rtnvt Uatee arvt Liatoa Williams waa drowned to day deling an air demonstration by eptay plaaea A farewell to Lieuten ants Moitlaad aad Hageaborger. who flew here from Oakland. Calif . June M. 1 *7 . Williams plana dived into the wat er near the liner Maai. carrying kirn down with It. Rftorta to rescue Wil liams failed aad attempts were tand* to rtooyor hie body. - -do woo fopoftod shw* WHttwiww .wow eagafad «« am #*r the two*, wife of .Horace Dodge, member of As * wealth? Detroit family. TASieSETAPAKT IS IMPOSSIBLE • •' Cowtiigp Nat Able fompklf VataatfaNM bx Jpty 1, Says AmMut Atty. Gew. f - RALEIGH. inly •——Tb# legts laiure laid down aa Impoesihle task tor Aa elate Equalisation board when it called upon It to a*certalu rroparty values on or before Jiao 1. * I*l7. assistant Attorney General Nash, in effect said tonight. If. Ntoh finds that under the act the acertalalng of pnoperty valaa is to be certified to As Commissioner of . JUenaae not later than June 1 of each 4 „ _ 7 ■ I 11 Aamapen *• • urodub-; "..a: • ■A.:.."' '» it* 4a*fi. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. v ‘ >' * . * x 1 * ’* ° Prisehouses To Be Constructed, Said * 'V At least two now prise house* wtll bo erected A time to - re ceive w**d purchased oa As local tobacco market this year. This teem* assured through the resow ed success which h movement to sell stock I* a company to erect tko houses had yesterday Total mock subscribed for ia As cor poration aow stands at 14.444. The caavaaa will be continued un til a grand total of |l4.#4# A _ •> i POULTRY CLUB HONORS RISSER ■ ' ' V ■* Head of Rigger aad Raboniwitg Haken Inapoctina of Local Branch of Firm The hope that the local pooltry pjant am? greatly lacreeae it* worth A the section wee esrreaeed by 0. a*. Itisoer. senior i ember of the firm of Eleeer and Raboalwlt* at a 41 oner given io hi* koswe at the Hotel Goldsboro last evening. Mr. Klsaer is oa a tour of Inspection of breach .plants of the company, which baa of flee* la Philadelphia. Prom Goldsboro. Mr RUser will to Danville, Kentucky, to laspoet ‘he bfaneb of bis firm there. Tho*e present included members of the executive committee of the Wayne County Poultry Association—A. K. Robertson. T. T Brown, A. H Kerr, Horace Whitley, A. H Veaaey aad Walter Denmark—aad the iollowtng invited guest* were present: L. A. Raney. V. W Lewi*, of the bureau of markets of the state department of egriculture; and A. M. Btepkensoa of the poultry and livestock deport ment of the Atlantic Coast Use Rail road. s LET PROJECTS FOR GREENE CO. WIN Goanect With Paved Road To Wayne County Ling; MaJHgan Gets Work RALEIGH. July «—<>P> Oae kun dred and sixty bids were received oe 24 projects Included In the highway coxenlaaioa letting today. The low Mde totaling over 12,040.000 The projects Included Greene coun ty, 124.074.tS by J. T. Mulltgaa, for kl 4 miles dirt rood on rojte ltd from Hoow Hill to Wayne count? Mae. Greene county, flMl.4ll.Ui by Rob ert# Paving Company tor miles hard surface on route If from Hnow Hill to PiU county line. May Settle Dunn Road .Matter At Hearing Moday Whether er eel the read from GeMshera to liana will be taken ever by tbe Mate Highway Caai assislaa HAM Aerated at aa tarty (itr It expert ed A he decided al a meeting te he held A Raleigh tods). Members as the Wayne ( muat* Highway ( emmisslea aad reprcseatallve c|tlaeu* wHI ap pear defer* efftrials s ( toe Mate lllarhway remmlatleu A Raleigh Ihi* mernlag te argae far tbe rraJ. The male M lake* ever by the state aad pared weald sberdta toe distance frem Golds bare to Cbartotte 44 asJlea. It waa toara *4 yesterday aad wapli effer START SEARCH MISSING BOY Noil 8w« Toil Mother Han Haa Bog* Drowned; Waa Slipped Under Window V" RALEIGH. July 4. Bead Mrs. Penny word that her eon is drowned A Crabtree Creek." After elApiag' tkls note under a window et a stand at Imaaiter Mill pond, near Raleigh. Ern est Hlcka. 14, was last seen aa abutment of the bridge u ikn, place aad aow la believod to hav* drowned himself early on Tuesday moraAg. Hearrh Started JA order to cA»r ap th» matter. Corner War Ag. Tuesday sought to aid a nember of men tor e search of the bottom of the creek at Leasltei*a Mill to determine If the boy’s body Is In the waters. The search waa Aaugu rated at I O'clock Wednesday sfter noon when divers end other* with grappling hooka got busy. 4 The not* was written on the back part of a cigarette box aad oa As ether aids was written the nemo of Mrs. Sosa Peauy. of 412 St. Mary's Street l * a Investigating the circumstance* be fore deciding whether to search for the body. Coroner Waring learned that Ernest Hicks is the son of Mrs. Penny bat bad b*en living with aa uncle, H. W. Haaderfortl. oa hie farm near Apex. The hoy had boon A tbe habit of vtalttag hie mother during th« week-end and was at her home Mon day night ft wan the tost eke saw of him. ' The coroner also learned that a boy about Hick*' sksv and age was tees banging around the refreshment stand aarly Monday morning by L. B. Bram lett. 4reman of the l.aealter Mill. Lat er. Branilcti haw the boy on the bridge hut mlnsed hln. after attending to Ike fire A the holler room of the mill. The irgmaa was net out of sight of the bby but a tew minutes, but Hicks disappeared A that time It waa I carped that the boy was upbraided by hie mother recently for not staying oa the uncle'* rsrm and. it ia thought, he had brooded some what Mi that accpuat Two Flying Officers Killed in Accident ,/ ‘ GREAT RH46/N. Y.. July 4- —Mystery crpok stories must be laid A New York. Parte, or I-oodon, be|l«v«% Freak L. Packard, author of "The Miracle Man" and other “thrillers" which hare been turned Into movW They do not aeem right In other cities h« soya tbe MeckAabarg eapHal aad cHle* between. At the same lias valanble seetAas es ceaatry net a<.w ecVM'd by paved eaads weald ha. tappadi II is said. heuaetb loyall, attorney far the hlnknay remmlsstea. will to immii these signing (er (to read rt (to toartog today. Geer ge Norway Joe Reseatoal sad ether ritieena are expertod to appear itfsn the Mate effleAl* I* arge tbe tahlag over et (be rent*. The taietgh toartog will be a real meat lew es a toartog storied to fore lir. Wheatley at a Jelat meeting es the Wayne Beard* aad tkg Sampsai re maty boards to 1 ■■* ■ ■ i ■ ■■ i ■ ■ n ■ .. * GOLDSBORO, N. C THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 7. 1927 h * i * *• BODIES OF TWO WOMEN FOUND FrAitd of Owe of Dead Women U Held After Police In vet* iiKat ion Case . BT PAUL. Mluh . July 6 — Two wuiuru were alalu in hu aiurt- Bieat here today under circum* aucss that apfarfatly l>.«ifeli| police, who' said lualaht. they were without * tangible clue. The two had been bead mere than twelve hours when a clo-« friend of Net** of them, aud a lest cah driver found the bodke* Tbe LpiCud, who la held by police, said be know mtbiug of the *lsyJng one victim had apparently been drag Bed from her bed. partly clud and fdiot Ihrough (he bead Two r.iorv bullets had been fired into htr body as It lay on the floor From the 'posi tion of the other, which k«h f illy clad, police believed eke had unwitt ingly surprised the attacker nad had been shot dawn to dlence her. 0 Robbery was net the tvUlve as about 124 and a diamond ring were untouched. " ___ •' CHARGED WITH BEATING CHILD —*4... L & NtrichUnd A HeW , In Way*p CmStMI la De fault pf Bond » -a L J Strickland, middle aged white who lives on one of tbe rural Ootdaboro routes, I* now lying In the County jail in default of a 4ve hundred dot jar bond, which waa de manded for. his appearance at the next term As court, as the cAult of e warrant, sworn oul by the tocsl wel fare departmeat, and served by t'oonf ty officers, charging Ht rick lend with assaulting and un-mercifully beating his live children. When the case was reported to the Welfare Departm>^it, Deputy Relation with Mexico, which have been causing the administration aome < oncern during the past two ysare will be gone over at a conference hare tomorrow# bet ST* n l’reeideat Uoolldge and Ambassador oi «t tka spanner watts Emm* ratty .to ths morning u . The President i* lnUre»ted to beer first hsnd' Informs!lon shout tbe 1 ifreefteV rfiu hetf “*M ?•* country snd Mexico recently sgslnst the confiscation of American proper ty there ha* ben working out Mr. 'Foolldge came to Rapid nty Tbday. STffr iiavAg' hern SWiy from hts dsplr «H -of yeeterdar ** aitemL n western poovid up . Two Dead After Raid Near Nichols, S. C. WILMINGTON. N. July « (£»> —J. B. Amsker, stste detective of Mouth Carolina and Harvey Granger, alleged liquor runner are dead snd Emerson Ursng4r, another alleged liquor runner, I* In tail a* result of i raid''today, mile* from Nlch ola, S. C.. It vk* learned here to-° night from aa officer at Marion, 8 # c. t . YOUNG BAILEY GIVEN PARDON V i, Bntvery in CaJR tiring litnane Ne ffrew* Wina Kecognilion for Rptoiffh Boy RALHIGH, July 4- In recognition of his Ixsyery In help ng recapture an escaped ncgio uiurdcresu. gover nor Mels>au Wegaeadhy tifteruoon Kraut id * full purdou to UiTey. formtir Rsluigb High Rchool athlete; who tya* serving » year in Bute Pri son (or a sutuatory pffvnae, Aiqdlcutlon (or a pardon for Bailey ws* made by Pa,d<>u Commissioner K, severely cut üboui the face SsturdsY when b». together g'ith two prlsou guard*, overpowered sud ryesp n red Janie I May mil, negrvss. who’ hud escaped rr.i/11 the penal dtvlsins of the State x Ssaatoriuw ■ Halley a trusty, ret-sg alxed the negresa ou Kouth rtalUhury KKreet suit notified Super tfeorge Host Pou. who ordered hint and the xtNM-da to arrest ths wothaJ* This they did. bnt not before 'b« woman had slashed Bailey sH Gustd H. H Gsrrl* with a rsxor. Hailey; according to Bridge*. Is planning ott entering the Wtvcrslty of North Carolina A lha fait snd waa desirous of regalnA* his rttlxensbip Ths RsPlgh youth was cwuvlctod at the Superior Court of Immoisl relations, with a local girl under the age of I*. Aft*r a bitter Ivlin he was con-‘ rtctfd and sentenced to serve ooe year In Btate Prison Fielder Badly Hurt In St Louis Game 0 ■ ’ L | ST. U uir * -Fred Schulte, littodon center fielder oh talned by the St l-oul* Brown's frons Milwaukee suffered a possible skull fracture when he ran Into the con ertte bl«acher wall while chasing a fly in the eighth Inning of today's came with Detroit. He wa* taken to a Ihosptul where X-ray photographs were ordered taken to determine the extent of hi* Injury. YKRTHW OF BOARD OF FQUALI -0 EATIOX The Hoard fit Uounty Commlsakm er» of Wayne County will mee: as a Hoard of Kquallsaxtxitotnx uim x _ Hoard of Equalisation on Monday. July 11. P»27. st fbe Court H«#*» in tjoldsboro. for the p trpo*e of equsHs ing the new valuation of property In 1 the V*HH> lri*li potatoes out of thirty shipped f om Halifax coua (y lit«» we-It fatted to pa»* the “potnt of origin" Inspection. e4Yk County Agent C. K IJitlejohn Far merit are realising mure and more the neces sity for proper grading and packing. Prices for No I’g have been good and JUJMBLJtCA JuHUakAAaad with .(uUsm and method* of handling. tragedy ha* lieen encated. The thread oJL lbe iii*y, iudgiOA-Irom. rtllahle mc iv.uiftit If thi* thag tfrtot Britain which ha« held the mastery of the seas for centuries Intends to main tain thip mastery and can see neither justice nor wisdom of a youthful na tion across the yeas the United State* wi'hlng to lay down fleets equaling those of Great Britain; ur Tlie United Htatea apraren'ly gives recognition to Britain*' position but tn*t*t< that America, like England, must maintain communication* with the ontlynig poin'a of the earth for those broad economic conditions con nected with tha U. 8. a* a groat I world powtr. _ ■ a Member ol \ ~d The Associated * » ~ ' -g*! Press dr'*-* 3 prior nvi CM Young Pilot Came to Goldsboro Yesterday; Made 580 Mile Trip in Balloon to Set Dis tance Record and Without Parachuter* Took One Nap Dup* ing 25 Hour Trip, Official tiotlßcaUoai Dm! b» bad won the thl.d annual patrol! News balloon race wna Wtrtfi by Pilot A. - V. Rasmussen bora yesterday nftar noon The noMflcattou caato la lb# form of • telegram of <.' ~~ Ha la credited wttb having »haU*r ad tba world'# long distance debt word for balloooa of tba third cla»* In hla light of IM mlloa from Pa trolt u> tha Orr*n county haw lot. -But It daaaal aatooat to TBUTh” ’ nald tha young balloon tat who mada tba trip for tba aport of tbo tblag. wban approached by a rttbiuailw of Tba Now# y*atarday aftamooa. t’rwdlt To Air CbM Tba winner of tba rnaa naertbad Mg •ucrana to having lolloped #i#|bWr tba air ••hart* aad of CbM t'ognap of tba U. JA Wontbar .11# raau la Detroit f Pilot Raamuasan la taking this rar * ‘halka up tba nomad notary out as tbraa In tha aortas. Ha wan tba trout In IMI, and <&at yaar Pilot Boetta* won. Tba Uttar tab»a aacond la tbo event tb Is. year, aad Pilot Btamubam here yesterday wna all tateraat to of Boettner. Rivalry la tba com petition had baaa oorttawlarty keen • between there two. - “f’hlef Cogner bad told os aftar b* had had upper air obaarvattaa# mad* and gathered Information mtm evefy quarter—that thara wga a strong wind blowing north la tba uppar strata*’ related young Raoauaooa ab ba »as ■anted In hla room at the Hotal Gold* boro yeatarday aftarnooa. “ And T placed, my beta kit an that. There waa another chance that tbera would ha a battor wind which might have taken ua over toward Nuvtn 800. tla If I had loitered around over tba district for a few bowro. but I eboao or pnarmr csniirmf predicted,” he aaJd ....J— --»; 'is Took At Soaday stepping Into the baakat of hb D* trolt II at tha Pord airport Meatfar BhMIWrP* 1 een tan inlnutee later gave tbo orda. Ip cut looee and| a mdmeaf laAar the ailver balloon wna souring tat®, the air above tba city. The 8m seveoboarw Os AW light, yeatarday afternoon, ware spent la “feeling out” the nlr curreata aad la deciding which prevailing wind ba ‘ should risk bis chaace of aaaoaaa on. “for you know you Had different ear. renta at different altitudes," ba aa* fffiiTned. and smiled diffidently. He ascended to » height of 14AM feat, passed over Labe mad aver Randusky. Ohio, aad about midnight bit the strong north wind at aa Ota rs lion of about foot. Aad all night long be sailed la tbo OMb Os a thirty-art mile aa boar gala Brnof*