WBATHKB Probably thundershowers follow** by M4mu temperatar* PrMay. Sat urday fair. BHghtly warmer la tba laUrtor. VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 111 ONE DIES, FOUR HURT IN AUTO SMASH NEAR CffY No Derision Oo Goldsboro To Dunn Road Given Following Hearing By State Road Board Harnett Delegation En dorsed Samp son Split, One Com \ miurfoner Approving Project, but Clinton Men Prefer New Road Newton Grove Into Clinton; Large Dele gations Present RALEIGH. J ily 7—(*)—Controver sies between county faction, war* hotly contested before tba highway commissioner* la aaaaioaa Boat of today whan several hundred mas from, various (action* of the atata appeared la dalagatloaa asking tba commtiaioaara to add road*, taka tharn off. or change thair location. Aboni alghty-aaran mile* ware added to tha system for maintenance and a majority of tha contract* awarded to low bidders In the highway iettlac yeetarday. An aanaaally larga delegation waa t*|rd from Columbua county, asking that a road from White,llla to sup ply byway of Ballatta be placed upon tba atata aynUm.Thla would require about 27 <ntl*# Twe faction* from Sampson. Wayne end Harnett* counties war* *l*o on hand, ana requesting n rout# from Goldsboro to Dugs. which fould •wing south to touch Newton” tirowe othaig j turn—And two ibM«r road*, onemwb Clinton to Newton Grows tm Wwltr rrom fvewion nr ora tq connect with rout* VO. A delegation headed by Jndg* Lynn from Pander county requaetwd that tha road frtMi Elisabethtown to Bur g*w be added to tha ayetem. I Ho decision ae to tha petition ©• Wayne rounty and of Harnett county ’hat the rood from Goldsboro to Dunn by Newton Drove b# placed upon tha •tat# highway *yste* was rendered following a hearing oa the matter In Raleigh yesterday A ruling should be forthcoming in the neat few days. It ia expected. The proposition was considered hp-g full meeting of the 9k»te highway / >*emßl»»io*. - ~ Kenenth C. Royalt, attorney for the Wpyne cqußf y highway oommieelon. protested the Goldsboro to Dunn beforq. the meet ing. A The Sampson county delegation was split on the leans. At one mem b«,of the Sampson highway commla yion fa eared the route which the dalegation petftihoed be tak eW oebr--from Ooß'sbw-oMo Dunn, The majority, * were oppos ed to the project. Thptr-caused waa presetted by Majof George Batler. L. A. Beibiipe;'and Archie Graham. Representing the sentiment* of Clinton la preference to the Dunn— Goldsboro project. The road they fav ..red would hart roqutred an addition of n full twenty miles of etatf high way In Saotfteoa county an granting this would use up nil possible appor tionment of atate highway mtledga to Rafpptoa for tha present Ae an alternative, the Wayne dele gation luggaated a compromW# route from ’N»wton Qrov* into ( Union but u route which would hare followed tbf* I>uin-06iasDoro rotti# w nwu ten miles. It wne urged Wit tblg rdbM I* mm ebur utsd «tv* HMB 1 the road from Newton Orotre which she seek* and at the same time leers - Wo J% ramgrnn which woatd make possible th* taking over'of the Dunn-Golds boro project. Wayne county had about 1* rittiem at the meeting Sampaon 12. and Harnett about J. The latter endorsed j th# tiking ny»r #1 th# wmiU cOiAici* lag Goldsboro and Dunn. Evsry member of tbe Wayne coun ty highway ccnnmieslon attended the rnffting «»nd n km nrufßllt ifidlUlfd * 1.. A. Raney, chairman of the board of county commiaaloaers; Joe Rosen thal. W K. Stroud. Prank Borden. Oworpe No#uftod, County Engineer Bam D. Bcot;t and Aaalstaat Engl «««-«• THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. DEWEY CANNOT ACCEPT OFFER • - Regretfully Refused Election County Beard Place Account City Peeltien George 8. Daway has refetfully declined to accept aerrlce on the Wayne County Board of education. <t was learned lastly veal ag. Members of the board had selected Mr. Dewey to fill the vacancy created In tits re signation of A. H. Edgertoo. for a number of years chairman of tbej toard. Mr. Dewey explained lu refusing the election. It Is understood, that he considered himself duty bound to remain as n member of tbe city board ss there are certain matters started which need tbe attention of all those who hare been originally interested in their beginning Mr. Dewey bed been named chairman of the city board af'er the resignation of ft. C. Kom*. gay. If be had accepted tbe county hoard vacancy, he would have been required to resign from tbe city board SHEFFIELD HAS MADE A REPORT i Rotation* Brtw—n ■■ United State* and Mexico Arc. ' RAPID CITY, Jjly 7—<JB—A first hand report on the troubled relations between tbe United 8 ales and Mexico was given to President Coolldge here today by James Sheffield, ambassador "t Mahico, hm details were withhold sending farther eon versa! lons. The ambassadot 1 had indicated be. fore departing from. Rapid City that lu hie opinion there would no change 'n ihe American attitude toward the Mexican oil.and land laws. Pressed for a statement regarding frequent rumors .that he intends to reetgn, Mr. Bheflfeld declined to comment, saying that he would not • discuss the Mexican situation In any way until he had conferred with Mr. Coolidge. —U- JATAMEBE AGREE TO 'LET TROOPS LARD SHANGHAI. July 7—oP> —Advices from Tokyo state dispatches received at the Japanese foreign office today told of an agreement reached at Tslng Too. Shan-Tung. late last night by which the U. 8. would land 1.000 bluejackets there and Orest Britain send a contingent from Shanghai. The advices said th* agreement was reached at a conference of the Brit ish. Japanese, German and American consuls at Tring Tao. AMERICA* GIRL IN MARRIED IR I.ORDOR LONDON. Jnly 7.- Mias Matilda Houghton, daughter of the American ambassador, was married to ( handler. P. Anderson, Jr., ypuna New York banker who we formerly secretary to Mr Houghton at St. Margaret's church. Westminster, this uiiirnooii French Airmen To Pilot • - - —Colttmbia Back America 4 FARIN, Jaly 7.1 P) Charts# Tnitad. an aan need ienigM that L lurk* DreniUn, noted inert . airman, had been selected te ly thd < elambla to A met tea and had accepted. Levine will gel» ■ passenger. • p Alt IN, jqiy 7. —(AP) —l'and fcctcd hy the a%r tragedy at his trnas- ttlnntfr trip, (am mender Richard Byrd already ha* con sidered plans for av'ntton effort# ev«n mere gpertaenjar. The death ASHEVILLE IS SIX BITS RICHER CiMfintw Htrickon, Man Ra* turn* Small Sum Stolen 12 Yearn Ago ASHEVILLE. July 7 ÜB*d. K. 81ms ran a grocery here twelve year* ago At that time he hirqd end Bred many grocery boys. One of those hoys now a prominent young Ashe ville buslbess man. called on him to- Aar. “I am going to Join the church. Mr. 81m*. and I have something I want to gat off my mind ftr»t. H the voung business man aald. “Twelve years age when I worked for you,. I stole seventy-five cents. I also drift* some soda water and ate some fruit (hat you never knew about. ) figure • hat I ewe you |I.SO. Here It ia, I •tm deeply sorry." Mr. Him, refused, to take any mon ey for the sodn water and fruit, He j said tha young man waa welcome to I that. He did accept the Tie on the young man'a Insistence that It would relieve kla conscience. Mr. Him, related the story to newspaper men with n broad amlls of satisfaction. "Just print that for the benefit of cynics" he said. "All men are honest at heart." s YOUNG WOMAN TAKES POISON ,e Pretty Apex Girl Not Expected to Live After Done of Bi chloride Mercury RAfcEtOH- Jwty 7 Bather. Milts - young woman of Apex, ia at the potm of death In Rex Hospital as a result of swallowing six bichloride of mer cury tablets seven day* ago. While the young woman has been perfeet- ( > ly conscious durlgg tbe pmt seven days, she has given uo reason for her apparent attempt at suicide, report hospital attendantS -Bhe is described as being unusual ly pretty and about 22 years of age Little hop* is held out for her re •■overy. She hsa been married but the name of her buebaud la not know-i. Mills is her maiden name A: lister and two brothers of the girl are In tbe city with her. BAN JOHNSON MAY RETIRE Off For Special Meeting Club Owners Wit h Future Dark CHICAGO. July 7—</P> Ban John son. ruler of the American League since its organise- lon 37 years ago. slipped out of town today to attend a special meeting of club owners t« New York tomorrow, without, know ing whether be would be asked U> re tire or continue Inepffice until IH3f> at a salary of 240,00 Rumors that the cxecullve. ha*, Ing for two yeWl might beremoved from office enituuJgfesJJn-TeiJort, from New York a* th* club owners began to gather for their session. TgOOPR STOPPED I.ONDON. July 7. —OP) -Owing to I reassuring news from Bhantting, says t a Reut'r message from Tokyo, (he Japanese war office has decided to postpone tbe dispatch of troops from Dairen, Manchuria. To Tili».3tai;*^ Pale, Hmsil'* wild jangles and the Arabian desert are Incladed In neen* which "M hoar the ham N kb prepeticra If the program es the America's skipper Is fal lowed. » Tbe next seven or eight years . would he devoted to these com prehenq'jves .cbeme. for aerial egplerntien es tbe lees sections es tbe world. Meanwhile Byrd and hia companion fliers keep up unabated tbe atrenu (Continued on page five) 1 ■■ * h * ■ .i GOLDSBORO. N. C.FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 8, 1927 i ML Olive Mao Is Seriously Hurt * -* - ■ • * '> o Peter Rooney, Spring- Held, Mass.,. Killed; Hudftdn Car Occupied By Three Massachu setts Youths Hi t Chevrolet of Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher; Search 1 in Vain for Fourth Man Said Been In Hudso^. Piv® wcrA injured, one fatal ly, in an nujpmobile accident op the Mt, OHv| highway nt‘ar the Peach-A-ReMR farm at 11:80 lant night, i Peter RoAcy, of Sutingheld. Muss., died Jt 1:15 this morn ing from tMeffectu of injurieH sustained inVthe smash. Mis upper jaw hgd been torn away, hig right eye left a mars of pulp, but d*alh t»as due priiu-ipally to blood from an internal hem morhage which clogged hit* iunga. J. L. Hatcher of Mt. Olive is seriously injned 'but expected to Recover. fid suffered ntimer-1 oua cuts about the fßce, body and limbs and «■ still unconscious from his injufjes. Mrs. J. L. lUdtcher Is pgin fully but not kcriously injured. An ear was Awrtically severed from her sustain ed cuts, and ipaaible fracture of several rib®, AI dorr Gag non, of SpringflehL Maas., suffered body cuts and a .long gash on the head, but was not rendered unconsctoitr- <rom the Injuries. William Quinn, of Springfield, Mass., is unhurt, except for negligible cuts. ~ Th* accident occurred when Mr. and Mr* Hatcher were retnrnlng to Mt Olive, driving a Chevrolet. A Hudson sedan carrying Ihe Spring field. Mae*., youn men wna travelling in the direction of Goldsboro Those who examined the wr<>ck('d car* said that appearance* Indicnt'-d the two cars had met head on. Hearrh Per Mt,»hMr Man Quinn tcld a representnttv# of The Newa that the driver of the Hudson •lipped off the pavement on Ihe right hand side of the road and made a sudden turn to get back into position that- Ihe car *werved :md staggered Into the path of Jthe appronohlng fhevrolet The latter was romirlete ly .plintered and the front of the Hudson was dengnllshef, (Indicating that the latter car had beta travelling at a high rate of speed. It was anld. • Officers who hurried '0 the acene of ti»# wreck searched In vain for a fourth party; said to hove been she driver of the Hudson at the time of the accident*~Tiils man, Quinn told o representative of The Newa. had given -the Springfield. Mast., pals s ride from near Wilmington earlier In the evening He! explained that he and the other Mastachusetta young n»en were hitch hiking from Marion, h. (\, to their home intho Northern state. j 0 This story of a fourth oceapsnt of the Hudsvn caused Depntv Sheriff J. C. Kornegay. Sgt. l>an Norrla, and s number of cltiaens to search the vicinity of the wreck and ths adjac ent woods for a wounded man. but their-senrch wa» unavaltlnr .Upotl Hv;aJ*--4u..sceii»' iqswsr ewssvvwsm—*-.wwwomsi'e,,'tOs.i*ii 'yuaeiei"^«.n on being brought to the Spicer Sanator \jtn, Quinn and Cqjuton rtawsled the stor>- or the mi’cing itnver and Dr Spicer dispatched another car to •earch for the man Aga^ia-Thr^nurch * *» Wn % a*' qp .. Dl*rredit Stwf Au the fare of these facts, officers discredited the story Th#) pointed out ar tile >ame time, that the license tunic Jud " been J?,vmx£ .tel® the Hudson Hloody finger prints about th* place where thg- tag had been..mi the Hudsoin indicated, the officers -aid. that the tag had been Ictnoved -4iy someone who had been injt red In (he accident County- and «Uv o(fi Hals started at once an effort to trace the first sale of Ihe automobile The most, seriously Injured of the party, Rooney, Mr. and Mrs. Hntrher 7-were hurried to Spicer Banatoitjm (Continued an page five) CLUB COUNCIL HOLDS MEETING ’ - ! New .Movement Started To Stbn* utate Rotary Artivitie* In CRy The Goldsboro Rotary club will en tertain the teachers of Aha city schools early tit th* school y*ar «nd will euiertuiti wive* of members of ti e Huh time* the coming year, if recommendations decided jpon at a Heeling of tbe council at the club tt th* Hotel (Hildahoru are adopted. The council gatherelng was the first scheduled in n program intended to Mtmulatq Rotary by the luoomlng (resident. Dr W. H. Smith Chair nen of committees compriae - the couuctl. The Importance of the ’boys work oommlttec geCing bn*y on m “bhek to w hool" movement waa stressed at the council meeting. , The sense «f tbe gathering was Jhaj. mi out-of-town speaker should iccitred ter gp occasldtra# "at ant "I night, with a musical program about very six week#*. Fublicntloit <(jF'a weekly bulletin to circulate among the membership l( anted a, a possibility. Herretary R. E Stevens and th« chairman of the publicity committee were instructed tt gi her tints on the cost of such n uubllcation and to report at an early date. „ ASK WEED MART TO OPEN EARLY u t. Govamora MtLrn and Richarda 1_ Taka WIU TV The hope thst the T'nlted State# Tobacco Association will adbeee In the request of Governor Richards of frttmth-.p nrottnu |md Governor Me-1 Twaiipf North Carolina and open the -week marks!* earlier than waa ori ginlally scheduled waa egpregped hy lfMtpi lobtcco men here y^irdiy. South Carolina wants her markets opened on July 2* Instead of August I), granting or rhts pettlon would ran the opening of the Eastern Carolina Tnarket* probably to August 29 In* ktrod of September 9. Tobacco men here yesterday point ed out that the seanra this year la from a week to ten' 1 day* In advance of (he reaeon last year nod that holding week until the opening Sep timber S may In Instance* be rosiy. The matter has been taken up with President Cek-rington, Os the Tob uroo Association at hia offleet in Itlchmond, Former Policeman Is Still in Jail Here d Dave Cram pier, formrr PtkevUle policeman, laat evening had not given the 2300 bond, required tor A hearing cI»N a charge/ of manufacturing whJs ley suit was at it I o confined In tbe -Wajmg/s-ounty jail. Crigutpler, It I* aahl, resigned a, the Pikeville officer on July 1. On July « Deputle* Kornegay anil Smith iaided a Mill heyond Fremont A white mun wm carrying beer from tbe barrel* at the still. He took tn the tall "limber* when he sighted the of ficer*. "Carl, that* Buck Crumpler," Kor tiegay remarked as Ihe man sped •iway "Catch him Smith did catch hi,m Friends of Crumpler were working ltd a yesterday to five bond for him. jt la exgected he wilt go free this morning pending a trial Report Ford Does t( About -.. Face ’ HDn Jewish Question *r.w roK«. July r-fu*) Th«> V« fork tatHnw aa*» _ thft Hr nr) lord ha« iiiwilNf that •hrnre/orth |ft« lidf>fri««l ■Hi he cyidHMi aadrr mrk a expire* that «rtlrl*» rr tier* In* at»u* the /«•■■ will enter ainii appear la ll« rol - a «■■*." ------ - » I.H me Mi,* Mr. Ford It •looted “That thl« -lateweat la atari? n m) •«« ialtiatlve aid -wholly la Ikf laiaraat of rich! aid Jaatb-e aad la arrorriaaro wllll ■ hat I regard ar aolcma datj Credit Balance Oi State In Cash Is $1,403,583, Shows McLean In Bodget Analysis TO REPRESENT WAYNE COUNTY School Board Official* WIU Do In Raleigfc at Equalisation Hearing Wayne comty will he repreaeated at the hearing given counties dis sat lsfie’d. with their ai portlonmenl in the equalisation funds In Ralelfh today.' -v. • i.-. School officials for this county, white believing that Wayne 4|d not • vH exactly Mint waa coming to tier, 1 have not filed a formal pro'ent with 1 the equalisation hoard and will not attend the hearing today for a formal Hearing on the Witter. It had bean ’Height that Wayne could receive about 251.M0 from lb* equalisation fund. The final apportionment was i prrexfmutely f 11,Odd. Comty Sttperinteadont J. T. Jw onte and Mr. Kelly of Mt. Olive, a member of Die county board of educt ion plumed to attend the Raleigh hearing today. Yesterday Governor McLean issued a statement saying tha equfUtttloa hoard ’* anxious to give eouattM which ora dism(tinft*d with their share in the fund a thorough hear ing The statement was hy. r High apota Os the MaLa»iM<Mh dntrmen’ .Lilia: “It (e nsßlifft from thin short re npitulaticn that the crax es tk»» athtic - -- li in fht ulaaffaa fixe* by the R(aie Beard upon the pf-oporiy »f tl.e lounties "If it haa'mnde a r«t«at mistake, or If facts collected hy others khoeid show that It' ha* not properly rained property in nay particular inatano*. then at coarse a body of man select ed at this one won. no doubt upon suck suggestion would Ht only he willing, hut anxious, to give a hear, ing to those who ev* not satisfied, and to review thqir own actions la the premlaen.Tr It U not possible for any com mission tn have don# this wofk Ip n cnrefnl. «ati«factory and correct way within the period allowed hy tha legislature ending Jan* M, 1927., This M seem* to me. is the weak point In the statute. "The Whole matter, hoirqyeff.' Ipb hero placed in the hand* of thin dints Board of Equalisation and thrir action in the matter i* not subject to the control of any other department of th* State Government The goeernor hlmnelf ia In an way tart tel pate* In their deliberations and he* not n'lthority td call th* board together to reconsider any action that it ha* taken." ~fi ■ ' BAM HEN WAY NKCi RE I »K OF FOKKEE FLAME 0* w PARIS. July 7.-GIV-Dernt Balch en. one of the 0 crew es the trana- Atlanttc plane Amgrlca la conaidor ing going to Amsterdam tonight to bring hack a Pk»kk»r plane for th* uee of the diem over the week-end which they will spend at La BOurget. - It la ppnrthle if be carries out his plan, that they will make a (light to England Monday. * a* a man'and na n eNJnbn." I hat this Jearnal ha* boon made tie UMeßnm fev renarmsthg of. pladed fictiens, for gl* lag car. Cency I* the se-called prefer*is have demsnstratod, a* I learn Is he fergeriea, and for red tending that th* Jew* have been engaged In i conspiracy te eontraJ tha indestrlea and capital es th* w*rtd> Member ol jM| The Associated tl Press «M nuen Fiyn cflM w, Executive Budget Ail Which Went Into » feet July 1, lttfty Pointed to is ResDou* s? iz/tzjai sinn^s^/ujTSd Will Soon Issue Out* Bus. KALJBOM. July 1 ~m~ A f*ot boioooo #f n,«mu to tMk tar 04 Honat.m 1 MO-27 l* taotMUOMfr M UPSbOt or th. fIKJOI # •ct which ««M IMo odteet pjMk hr ooooortr MaLaoo • ? for Iho flow hi yoor tSta-tt, JM; «rofit bataoe# wo* lI.HMM *|fnß» tho flrto poor 102047 wtaoh tagM Juoo SO. ihla yoor. tho erafU hffepgt wm im.ru owktao th# total toy** f.rot two m«o aaf*r inffUta tajlta •xoeotlvo bwfoat ts Oooarwor MW' »f 11.4'Utt, r J* Tho (tawnor ooM Mo 4f*£» hiidft tof ty Mb oOtl'irflillV ; - ” .* C Tot*) rorooMta o» no mm mm «*ro MlJfMtt (or tao ffhooT «W Jo*6 M and f12J4U40 JOT UHIL Tout opooOltßNO, oaAor *wiJ| tt«u, tor toti-ft woro *11.701® nod tor 10*0-07 tataltod *l4 I*7 jil Th. otMdOMOt prop*rod by P*' c-«*or McLooa eaprwooty fir t»gW on. thowod tho m rtVOMO oHR tton» lor tho floeol yoor hodtaHg Joly 1. I*M oof aofta* JOoo M. ft. rmouu< to flS.lta7.lta. OOf ItajH fiorol yoor bocteof Jilyr 1, Hta ih# tpdtnl Ittoo N lilt to >HJMJtafi tnf tho oottofott rmprf* ooMojptaO tor tho biaaalaa tIMSJtt) woftU|» n»jo«. •'.it "-Mm rw tho ftooOi yoor oofof Jojfjf iota. tho total ox poofi ton* muiotlr* opproprtottowo Otaofgte 111.702,000 oof ter taa’JUoafll# ended 0000 M. Ittr. UMfVJOI K» •CtrofOto or ttaMMOt for tho MB Th«M ijirotlOOO roWtat O botonce In rank lOT ftt ttocol fU, ittdod Juno JO. INS at tMfMUuj*i for the tiinsi jrisf n4ii Jjgpg wHMI Os 115t.700 or • total oroSi lilMta t* cosh for tho btaaoloai of U.WX. About Mpy 1 ttit. tho tMfotiifr nn of which tho yrtaMf li (MW made • toatottro roport. hOMf MM tho collect loot to titat foto Oaf tab Jin..tod revoaooo tor MM roMM* of tho nor, which taOWif ao oaSte otof tahSta at tho phf Os tho t||b r.iwo* of 1700.000 OollOfa. Tho actaol roooH. howooar OhotMS that tkta croflt hOjteOO thAod Ml about *300.000 of hobta ratood. Mo to Haro wo. h* largoty to tho ratio* tkta la tho eotUcttewof tho ■ ll|U V taaoo darfac tho 'teOtah ol Ihfit, IM7. to Hoy. ion. oottatatef ~ w -w- lieoaoo toon war* iHatatt* ft ii tar 000 tap **■- wtoa- otta ao-wwiy fi.iu.4fi wo* ooitootad.fatal cotimotof it Mhy itat« tut tho actual roilocttatawon ow Kipondir.ro. nat «f o|po*prt*tV" • iadafof la May oottoMrto taoow ■|M. OSt lota than tho aetool lapdafVnrr* Tho Booooao roOOtflO kctmgfa. proprlotloa* oopoofol oHfhtly 'to* rrMood ow tho Moowat tajUM •ad Uil. occoaat. ter Ms nWg la tho actaol 11 iIH JiilH||l OKMipM " Jun. M, IMV. Tho (Moral iwaWy ti Itaftak W.»T« .ad ttatto (Coottaaot Ita Va«| Mta|

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