WEATHER * «* • , * Partly dowdy with KilUnd thundsr skowvrs 8a tu relay ud Sunday”. ■ t, " . » VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 112 THINK WIVES AID “BIG FUNNEL” RUM-RUNNERS MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE AGAINST TWO YOUTHS HERE Arrest New Bern Man Solves Mystery Os Heavily Loaded Car Smashed On Last Sunday Henry Bond * Confesses . He Wa# Party Occu pying Car, That His ! Wife and a Young Boy Were With Him;' Disappeared .After Being Carried to Hos pital Door in City. lraMT, Os« dm. kere helleie Ikat tkl« I* _ ||f ea*e They point l<> Ihe fart nararelhd yesterday rwneernlag tke keaitlj l*de« hwwse rar whteh •a« wreeked on Hlshway !*• a few allien west at Ike dl) Haadkf afternoon. • The arrcnt of pond in New ferrn yxsterday solves the mystery of Who wrerked the Essex Speedster hunted with fifty (a I Ion« of corn , —whither Uni Bunday afternoon on dll* thttdsboro-nutelgb highway Rond vrn* remanded to Jail here late ymierday In dcfauk-«uf H.fcOb * irt'l. In n stgtcmeht In the Sheriff of Warn*. Howl ndmltted that it war he that dtwee OfiT’car laio the dlfch nenr t'n*de|la atore, «l»<> ihat he fit* led a atnoke aereen on the car before he left New Item Hu mix > Hu de ittci stealing the ear Mour with Howl ou III* rum run _Hlt»r trip w»* hla wife, and hie alfe’a tittle brother A hoy of she it rlrv. tcy.xar*. Bond’" wife la ada itch, ter of tV I. Ogrleshy of New Rern. from' whom the ear wax ri»|\orted idolen . * , In explaining hi. xnrlden disappear, «iee front ’he vtelnit-y of the huxpl I*l here, Rrwd xlpted that he was i .rthed from there hy n l«xl„ •ll« xtnted he hired the tnxi to lak* hint to Ktaxton xml the driver mould . nit drier n» fa*' as he wanted to ~ *r». I.r ordered him to stop «t Adnm*- trtiie. xnd he hind another nr from that t*< in* Rond xald after lie xllgbt e«t from the wrerk and xaw whisker poirrlaa from the ear that hla first thowi'ht wax exen|«e, and the trip from theta t*i Goldsboro wax the xlowext trip 'hat he ever made Adint n (win the telephone message fn»m N'ew Bern the night of the wreck official.' hare advised the Theft Itur e«u of ip, state Automobile license Ih p«; ( went, and It waa .thro igh the ai tlfitle* 01 that office thiit the itrlr rr of the ill fnteit efrr cai arrested Tim dexet 'ption of the ntan wyi* fur nl*hed an i ffteer of that nfrire xnd lie r#eoghltiid the man be the description anil In cn (tritely proceeded to New H 'rn to (i ilx« hi* arrent It ip xald ll al Id ( .uer wax "smoked" hy llontl • n xnutner occasion SAY HE KILLED HIS SWEETHEART ~• • * WIR tdlwodfß fUky Khr fttrw Her Own Drain* Out, anti Cite Evidence ■V. *wMr.ft'p.RHWfi' wVW' -W** t'ountrl for* Llllxrd Foulrh, Jr., of , Nwhvllle. charged with thn murder .. of Mrs, Mildred Mart Muff, hix sup posed sweetheart, today .sought to oataWUb Umx o*u»raldp of ihe pietui •which ranged the woman • death in Jnax Isas fgl Aflrr fordo* the admission of •itftlmonv furnishlii* around work for the defense theory. nitride «t --'Oeuxya dreg from a Ihjv frlcqjj of the girl flif xlatenienl that xhr had admitted tnblnjf from him -m weapon of similar make xeveral daya before the tragedy, and op the verv evening of the day had asked him to call a * in. i home to get It. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS HEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. SOFT SOAP FOR 1 ! MR. SHEFFIELD ! • Mr. CoolidKc Writes How Coura* Kcoum and Efficient Am* ItatMador WaM ItAPIO CITY. 8 IK. July K (AN The courar.e mid nhllliy with which Juniex H Sheffield mot difficult alt iiallonx at Mcxicd City ed greatly to the eifittlnuatlon of lieaceful relntlonx between the United State* and the Mexican government president wrote Mr Sheffield tmlny in accepting hlx reaignullon ax ant baxaiidor to Mexico. ~ The notified (he nm hhxaador that hlx realgnnUon would become effective tt|»e® the appoint* ment nnd quMllficalloo of hix xucce»- »or'— t- In x formal letter, to Mr * ooitda* Amhixxador Sheffield tbonked hlai (or the "unfalline ktiiducxx nnd gen eroux xupl'OTt which i.vinlc .«ivee In thix Important and dlfilmlt |m>«' atwnva n nlea,»ure ” The reatunniiwu wu. xrwßot Ualuy shortly after it had Ih-i-p Wndered." The poxt wilt remain tor the time Wefmt in the hnndi ,»r the charge «f affnlrex The prexidcnrA.M-. ud nt fin* Bxc cutlvr officcx i dc t to Tie epy new d*vato|rniuutn,,ln the con. trovxrky over the Mexican dff * and Inntl hit there were Indciutlon' that Mr Sheffield lx concerned over recent xlrpi liv Mexico Ip the Oil '.xlinniion. Mr Sheffield offered no expiatin' tlon for hlx retirement exrrpt to In dicate that I' wax not hocanse of hea'th or lack of Miprorl by the ad ministration ADVERTISERS TURN TO SOUTH •3f l’«l. lutnffwlon , Says Southern I’ublishrrs Kviwct New Era For Oaines * •'The cotivietion among the peo ple at the ronrentton wax that the nation'* buMnewx lx juxt liegi minx to turn Scuthwanl for exiumdlng war ketx.'" i'itaired t’ol John !>• lAttil’ton vexterday wdten he re- J irned front Atlanta where-.lie repre. tented the Ooldxboro New* at the an nual convention of Southern N'ewn patter body nt the convention looked for the hcrluphig Atlanta for the delegate* Mrs l.aug*t»n arcs, mpna led fol Lx tie "ton ‘'Nuntcrojix repolix mode xt > the ! 'ul.lemrtrm, ."nktsm ■ d uitti the tcnrteaci of big companies week lug new markets t. to turn to the dnilv newfimpfr as nn advertising medium, aml to turn to the daily | rt iwwjjtft wwwi* mix IncM-HXes In advertlslux lineage j o.vrr that of la*' year Indicated." Ou their way ha> k to Hi HI \TII VAN'OirVKH. July * (JPI-Blght persons were to have hioen hurni-tl to death or died front burn* *d InjnMex In a fire Royal AlexHndar apartment bouse in the w**c «md of Vancouver thl* altar noon , DUNN ROAD ON STATE MAP * " J * 0 WILSON ABSENT WHEN CALLED - ( ■* Crusading Editor of Stale Col lege Fails Make Appear ance in Court . | UAI.FkHI. .July S (4*) Failure of W. E. Wllaon. a former State t‘oL lego student editor and other' 8:nle wllDea-w-i to answer to their namox when railed In court Friday necexxit* filed another continuance In Bjp*‘r ior court of the cases uKuinxt four Raleigh policcmtan chuyted with I* aUea*ance and selling whiskey. The new tinm set . for Ihc trial Is II o'clock Saturday lAornlng. AlthoiiKh a subimenn wu< Iwxutjl Monday for Wllaoni the , rdify.. com munlcatltn from Axiitw4tfe was u ro •inest from the Hrtneonj'he sheriff 1 for InddntlfJcatlon il-i'a since, lie *tat ■■d there are *everil "W K Wllxona" In tliat city More identification in formaliott wax forwarded there, bit noting further has iw»en heard from ihe sheriff. It wax •.learned Fridny mat pne of the wiioexxex now la In Europe, while unothci l« in camp at P‘on McCtellan , It wax hlntei! Fiidny iltai the de fendxnu thrpnxh ih«*|r counsel will seek x ill >mlxxul of the cases ■'atuntay tt Wilson and other wil j icxira xlttl fall to upr- been re*dy Tbr irtnl aM week nnd tßrtntr they are entitled to nn early culmination of the case ip some way They hare _ rWtgTWTOHIUiiiBBe... iitid wtTT be repdy to further reai>l another |>oxt ponement Saturday. It w.i- i moored Friday In cojrt rirrles that Wllaoß ai» out Tis thf Rtnta. nnd Filward Griffin. 2*'- *» killed aiul III* codxin iVA 8 Griffin 24. was seriously in jured today when the former lost control of his autOnf Idle oil x high way near here, the vehicle plunging into an emlmnkmeut and oyarturb ng Bdwnrd Griffin’s neek wax broken. GOLDSBORO. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY ». l»*J . . T‘ V, - k At Decision Was Given Out FrL * t f,'., .*,, . ...... * 1 <* l Only Reule of HiKhway.Throujrh II it melt Into Dunn Yet . T oße. Decided l'|ion V/ . IHrr lx kin oi Ihe State kigkwny rwnmiislwh unnoeed jw»lenla). lo take oter Ihe ItaMwliufw l« { Dunn wpcnaMkr po*»il*IIH) l«r *« uddithiiMl i standard blghttuf through thn state and oruiparttbie with hhrkwg) nnmbm 111, k'tl. and lb In,,trailk' drinll). 'this high way weuhl runneet Raihinglon. (‘iiarlotle ahd pulnli k'tween. An ilfurt to get offlral listing **f highway a* louder lit' ba» already bean begun, IJ was learn ed y r»ter l»y. All towns and cllle* between U null, ugton and OUariott* ure expacled to lounih actlva rrmpalfiia to bring the official deilgnation «,t tiur route u* -i«d to pex« ' . iM'i islon (0 luko over the tiol It born-Newton Grova-Duim route vme utiuouneed yoaterday upon the tr »U of the bearing bald betoic the 8t |tr Hbrhway t'oiiauiaglon iti llalelgh on Wee Hindi* v the route lrv wLlck. lbs M«gx xlata hialmu) will inter Dunn y«t remain*, to be decided upon State Chairman Frank I’age autl IJa. trict offliinl tVlieatley will deckle this matter The rout,, will abort, ii the dintrnc from fioldxbom to Dinn fully ten miles and • will bring jy'he.rlolte and the section of, North Carolina inti direc t'coinuiuoh utfc u w ith this pari *if the state. liuatuisa men jgrlrxtlaj' potntml W for .Goldaleiro the Dunn xind will (pen up a tiew ti'Hdiug HertlWf !<> ihe . a terri'oT* miles 111 ex b-iit ji In a*t iculloral ro rources - V 'F AGREE SOON TO' KNOW HIS FATE • a •» • ♦ SrhtKii PHnVlptiL Sunday Srhuol Superinlcndenl and 4’hurch Worker on Trial A W TIH I-Ilt July k -Cf*' Th . .1... of \v <;■ Acres prim ipel 'd th . ouut i high uehool. J sat tint S'tndny superintendent and a lender 111 ,crnl fblirch * WSlix.'d Os helping administer a fl*gg ni to a tn man and her yoiinc »on on Bunltv morning June 11, went to the Jury Tonight \Vl.ether the sch«;olmx|ter 'VO lid he eon I. i.fld or aequitted oF 1 a eharfe of aasautt with Intent to muri'er w** Placed In the hands of a Jary com iw.s.-d entirely »f farmer*. • Heading f r 9 conviction, solicitor Haber I McMllllan. in < losing anri ment forth.. state wxked the Jury '1 “remove the Ido.” of mob law from ihe rVd name otf Atcphab* o.iety* and the state of fjeoryla. '»• |. worthy t ot. J*' h* laid • miteh o f the vyid “Wee letn .l *•* ■>' l»r the duft-ngH n lix etfo.-t ti establish an alibi "for Aerexn ixna H. .Jp >- bP4ktJ(b 4c*dM*4 W'«k '•iimm. ■lwlw • ; IIMIM'" ".Mrti-r. 4a m(*ft (ImhmlVsi of crim»n ba tils* laffi jof Hdlltll *' .- HfRIttOHAM if. . Julv — 'I ■lernni' 1 bnve 1..-, n sworn out ii havu.bacn m#a.her» of a (Ml ind hooiad kbM 'bat Ron naV night J ilv ' »er. 'v flogged |. , f i‘t I*l t.*• *ir here, d'-fln-lix hneoni ■ em> til a» "I vitT}". rT'TTr " 'tt'rnTTnr- 'TrH4- +rr _e.ii; witMifcliLhg slate flier. . es work r "• investigation fdlngsr w»s' jLd” .M tnlo urn inn ion*"« « ’nr* flogging, •h ix sold to have been the eighth n TVonnt county In two years, ha* ciMcerl Jrtgh fe l dtwr nrtlong real denis that tiive«tM;#tttr» wer* sent tt 'hv congtty hr 'be governor. BYRD DOES SOME MORE TALKING « I'ipM Off Frenrhy Reporter* lie Will Flv to South I‘ole Thin Year I’AHIS, July * {4*l Commander I- chard Hyrd tmiluhi told Krcnrh nt a dtnnei In hoao. a ■ mi him niTc ih.ii he iilimncd in start on lih pm). 'i l' ,1 South Pole aartll r' liartli- week of tvi |0 mnl lioiihih which Pnrl* Itn* L> i u showering upon the heml* it the el* American i rano-Allanili nvji|i»r», who hnve been here cam* tv l> i toj* l lies, h nt Ver-Hir- Vh r. • otiimiinilej- Jlyril mill> I" 1 Him-- util li-nve for Dunkirk. • • luicnic Chamberlin flew to 1.0n ,1,*n !->»-* afternoon nod »**r»e«t com limn ih... with tlie trana-Al-knil. lilhi'i I'c'inibU nit lit* com |tunlint on iii H hUti rlt flight to (loruia.ty, t 'hnrhn i vino, who iuiniiull»toly re. turr./tl hv i.|r to parte. MnotUe Drounhln Prunch ml»tor, * bom I.e vine ha* n-1 retell In pilot the plage on the (Unlit bark” to the Otuied Hi mask. took the Colombia hack to Krnoce after Chamberlin bad 'n«Lruetml htpt In It* flying. The Kroiichmun *uld tonight on hi* return that he wa* nittlafled with th* Ame.rleau nlr*hlp mid rnnflrmed that he Inteded’lo fly from Pari* to New Vorit He fouiy) the ('olatiibla easy ll> pilot, hut wauled to change ih» luoipHaa before trying (be Irant-AH lanlh flu;lit ROOT PITCHES A GREAT GAME > . • Chjkago M inn 1 to QA* He All Hut Complctra Iron Mnn Stunt v Pirrsitunli, *hily * <**> Charley Hoot 0 1 hi well Pltlalmrg, one hit toduy .mil Chicago defeated the Pirate* I to •• The victory. Hie ninth straight far Chicago. gnve it a firmer hold on flrfl place n game and n Itnlf ahead of the IMiiile*." * The mil* run *rored“ ««■ on an error In ilir second Innlna Huol won hia riffecnlh game of the season end Incldenlnlly was the firm Mg Irugue pitcher to turn In a one hit game thU Vcur. II wna tlcHMlt who •pulled Root's elianee for n no lilt ■>/ . KHtr«- when JheMMrale . s'clier singled In left in the eighth Ottl) three Iml •era fmed IIO’I In each or the firat vl* Intifn.>. DKTROfT (4*l -HhU. Math crush • d out hla 27fb'hnme run of the arg on In lit. an find Irfning of the Yutt kite* nightcap with the Tiger* today, coryig fwo run* ahead Rmihlii w.ia-' fiiti-hlne nt tb* time Ruth now Hall* hla trim male tjebrlg liy one ' JOHNSaNKKStGN AS LEAGUE HEAD 'AWetffn ItaHefmli Sfouul Hud l>T rectad ’ Amerintn For Twenty-Seven Years 'NKW V 011 K. Judy -H—I4A Ran .1 ihn-on tendered hla i«»lKnalioti a* -pewgh'ayil ..f- luoaui. lu». /la.»L,-a-fhettva m wr- lu.tor.. Kowemliar I. Jt w»* met pled t^gret l.t llie duh owner* lit aft«rlal ait*- /inn f ‘ ' -- - Tin- of Jiihn>on\,ke*iKnaH«n " ificr- *'< > c.ira. as totir- pre»ld«al, I hi reb' Irbflt ink- rc-lutmtion to be come effect Ift ub or Itefore Sarenibe'- t t!iSl, or e.vrl ar should I »o decide, the cum eniatlon to rud upon my n tiramaat ** | * 4 J. L. Hatcher, Mt Olive, Is Still In Critical Condition As Result 01 Auto Collision MAY SETTLE ALL I PENDING SUITS, Jim Heed HHan't liwn Adviacd About Saimrko l.tb«l Cum Aa Yet DKTHUIT, July » vloddd fiction,” PAHHUTINk Terns. (4*l ivuator Jama* Hand, of Mlswagrl oounool for Henry rord In the |tbal »ali filed againtl Mr. by Aaron •hydro aahl here today that be kw* notblng ;df ahy agreement la aettle the can* and that the defease was preparing to go to trial. RECORDS COME HOME tO ROOST „ • , 0 United HUten Aviator Deter* mined to Double llerord of MuaeollnPe Man MAN Dll9OO, July « (4*l Poor world’s record* for two i-ngitHt fly* iug bruit a carrying load* of one thoaa nnd and 2.000 kilogram* today wore brought back to tbe i’nlted StatM hy M Byron Connell, IT. a. Navy. .The aviator took oft>at 7:17 thta morntnv and at 4p. m ha apparmat- 1 ly had the record* for duration and uutawce with thoae load* and wan 'till In Ibe air. deiermlned to set up a mark twlcs aa rood a* ibe formar record, held hy Jtaly. LAURINBURG , CASE ECHOES ProHvrutini; WitneMa in Recent t’nwivory Affair Held in New Indirtment >■— wI p PAY ••rrriCtyj.K, duly P-d4*l- Ru fn< Duel* ami Will Norton this after., noun arte hound oarer In Huperlor "Mill nil churgea of assaulting (iladys '1 nrd ie year old cotton mill girl Unrig wife was *lm> held i hwrgsd With Inina an aceaaory to the fact. I'J'i* **» **oe 0 lbs fro., ending a ifricima in thu recent i.«uriuT>u i g I rial when two yomh* were comrlrted and aenirnecd to |irl*oii term* and for criminal at-' lmk **i‘Wo#wie'f*i hearing the Ward girl wa* the slate's prinle'pa! witness All three defendant*) took the stand and den ied the. Charge* The defense attacked Ihe character pr Ihe prosecuting wltnes* by putting ii (I Ida 1g iff The ‘ ' col lon futTl' on Qif »Tand w7i(i' iestiffetl (Rat Utady* Himl a reputation In Ihe connuuniiy *'J had r 'lliUHi li PI iii.lmhkk ihf.n MYHACIMK, July 1.-f/Ti-Waitar lid win Hardn-r forjner puhltabcr of Ihe gyracuoo Post-standard died early today at hla home hare. Member of The Press . . I'Hif:* mi oorm News Received Front Wilmington to Effect! Car Occupied hy Maa- I sAchuietta Men Wan Stolen in That City; Appearance Gagnon . Stopped “Clean Breast** By Quinn, j WUIIMb tfalaa and A Man UiW-f now es i|giiaffi*U. gm Ok *| JaM charged wUh tanany es «** ter lb lh« death cf hUr IMWft' of : hpHWgflald, Baaei, A L* Kwtalmr *1 *U M»c mm a H Iff «a*rg lajargd mm W* first aeppeaad nw4 hla cwtftlau la Paw rogwHrd ac crMMat, § ?at* hi T mr drat aa th* Mt- Utfv# highway-! ipta Tbnraday eight fhaa Bbaaay | wag killed aad fair ether* lajaa. j •d. i Mr*. Hatrhor, who was with Hr. Ilatohdr at the lima hi* <|uM| hT Ju*igtlaanc!4 hma. eaaUsoM ta Htiffar muab ncJn hMJJhcr i aodUloa I. not ragArhod oa\«rioa.. (fnipn aad Oagnan w|rr hold fgg the death as mom the Jary 1 ware A7Bawlajf. I*. «. Ow mpu. t. p Crow, r N. Britt, £ W. Wln«1ow. and H. J. Norrla. . The Huilmmi aadait In which iko «i r >n- noo wave riding when M "inch the light car uaautniag Mr 4 *ud Mr* Hatcher had been gtjlgi ia Wilmington. It devalopod durtag thaf 4 day. Tb# aar wag the property gs a Kiorida ci tier it who wii pawing through the Sooelde Cfly, It WbP eaW * A MeesoehueoUa Itoaaaa ifkich Ufl ro«ng kgan had taken from aa am -'if toaioMlo la which thgy eagm-aoam '•hen whea they fold the car la Mar. lowi' •—C,. had hsea attached ta th!| Hudson Mharlff Great dfeenvaygd the tag la a clamp of Rush** mbm VC yard* from the eaaa* of the wfeckd I niood aydotchhi m- the plate ehewef .that It had haw reawvod tram , tag uho op maml Hg|p||