WEATHER PARTLY OIIIIT WITH LOCAL TBIMBBRMOWEftft HV»iI ARB MBBBAT VOLUME BIX; NUMBER 111 150 DEAD IN SAXONY RAIN STORM CATASTROPHE EXPECT IMSE IN NTT AND COUNTY TAX NAfErYU.NET Mtf *. * o * '•* ' 9 u fl r Three Towns and Villages Swept Into Chaos in Less „ Than Three Minutes Tune Two Tatars in TourUt District Along Elbe and Tributaries Suffer Most; Water W&U Seven Feet High Roll ed Out of Landscape Onto Peaceful Valley; Property Damage High. PRKBDBN. Biour. July Fully ISO persons hove lost their lives is i iyasi rtls rionp flood to Box* ony.vuieh without warning '**ft » wnvp seven feet U|i nnd thro* towns and villages Is tlis nffsetod mrsn Into -herr in Isos thaa thro# minutes. Property domes* today wos e*ttm oted et If.MO.SM morkt or 12.M0.000 The bodies of hnndreds of cottle drowoed in the flood were reported to he menacing 'he health of the popu* lotjpn In the flooded regions. * Twe tnileye Hie stricken orono incindo two, ml leys in the tavorli* tourUt dls ulct along the Elbe nnd ito tributar-1 tee with Pirns, wel* W#S» » «wt iws Mnrtegß no o center end the heert of the celebrated Germes watt* rdndtrY where o doe yean «W rtone bridge, the pride of the city, wos weshOd owoy. All traffic woe paralysed throughout the ores ood telephone communication wos being re-s’te bits bed today only with grant dlffiralty. The dienoter come so swiftly it for mooy of the vTc tlma istke refuge on house tope or to find other means of escape. Heart teodering scenes were enacted every where and children t6doy were wan derihg In,search oFi their parents while distracted fhlaUves nnd frlende were trying to identity the victims o' what was tl \r worst flood disaster to strike Oermeny this summer, which already had bee- filled with weather enteatrorfces. Fifty Bodies Recovered More thnn M bodies bad been re covered from the rules The flood ranched height of 1* feet before it receeded. Refugees forced to flee from their homes were up to their seeks la water before they were able U reach safety. Others who sought •efety on housetops experienced n night of horror eg rushing waters ihreetened the foundations Inhabitants of outlying villages, surprised tn their sleep, were drown ed wtthont haring an opportunity to seeh escape. TbU accounts for most of the casnaKtee. Great masses of lumber from saw mills smashed eve. rythlag to their path, causing enor mous damage. It le feared that many tomtste were among the victims. RAILROADMEN ; DISCUSS CROPS mi omN4p mm w«a r*km CMrtßr «■* Hmr— Fmnswr Owfkt b* Treated . «*?**«»▼,* > N» " A (roup *nf official* at th* ■n«r white bout* today during a ...alar laapacfioa of th«ir proper tie* In tkia territory and gar* Preal deat Coolldge a highly encouraging report on middle western crop proepecta. Kali road" ar* maaalng their force* for the ourement of" ■ tnreir'T crop: they told Mr. (Soolldge. which In their opinion, will break all record* If unforeseen contingencies fall to intervene they coo»ider that ba*in»*‘ would he accelerated generally bat they added that while bu*lne*« la not no briek now, no artificial stlmula ilon or legislation wa» necstsary to •id in Its holding iu own. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. RALEIGH GREETS MAJOR DARGUE rl •'V-•V " 'h * Opening Raleigh Airport Mark ed By DeioonstratioM for Army Flier RALRIOH. July A ——A welcom ing den.onetration to Major H. A. Dargue. Pan-American goodwill air tour pilot who stopped here this morning. In which the mayor* of n ■cor# of surrounding cities marked the opening of Raleigh's municipal airport Governor,A. W. McLean and General A. J. Bowley, commend!qg officer of Poit Bragg, also took pari in the celebration. While nearly a dhsen local nnd visiting planes circled overhead after escorting the amphibian "New York." 1 which led the 20,000 mile South Am erican ,tour last winter, to Raleigh’s new ffeld. Major Dargue landed and received a welcome almost an. great as those he encountered on the South | American Jaunt j Hnndreds of automobile* wet up a clamor ot Welcome as Thv A et plane other than n local onr alighted oa the new deld. Several thou** ad spec tators extended an unofficial welcome to the goodwill Birr wiho by bis lead ing "christened” the Held for th* world’s air traffic. Major Dargu. will continue north ward to I-sngley Field, and then to Washington, from which city he start ed several weeks on a tour which Includ’d two-thirds of tba United state* At noon today he was guest of honor at s huge luncheon given at the Sir Waller Hotel. The local, field has been 'u u*» for several yeans, serving as a landing Held for occasional visiting planes It has not been under municipal con trio, however, until recently, and un attd the single locally owned murhin-’. til It was acquired by the city through lean# was not In condition to aecotn iLodate heavier type machine* BLOCK BOOKING HELD ILLEGAL Famoas-Playeru I-aejiy Cor poration Ordered to Ceaae Illegal Practices WASHINGTON. July * <**>— Block booking of motion pictures la illegal, th* Federal trade commission held today In an action agalnat the Famoua Player*— iataky Corporation. The commalslon Issued an order requiring the corporation* to ccaa* requiring motion picture thentr«*i to take all Alma in a block or group or none nt nil nnd from other practlc*# held lo be Inrestraint of trade The reepondanla are required to fail a report within sixty day* aa to the manner in which they have cotr pJM with Mug,writer FaeAhar a**-, .ttendihaa mill rtrpaad upuu tka chAf acter of that report. W r *t»'rt« Tdlr ffflrAi' Oh jn.t II CHICAGO. July * Young Hiribling of Macon. Ga . has signed to Aght Qtto Von Porat. Mlntx Spoils heavy weight. »s the wind-up on a card at Mliineapolla on July 21. RYABY »•«H TWiU WEEKH EYrABFMKJir TV HNHTON-BALBM. July te——- With all equipment packed and plac id in the baggage car*. Company G, 120th Infantry Is to leave this after noon at 4:20 for Camp Gleen, More, head City, tor the annual two weeks encampment of the |2oth Infantry of th* North Carolina National Guard GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUN DAY MORNING, JULY 10. 1»27 SPECI AL CAR TO j BANK MEETING Dnmmi Chapter* of N. C. Insti tute WIU Send 26 Repre sentatives RAI-.BIUH July special ear will carry the largest delegation In the history of this state to the natlonil convention of the American Institute of Banking, to be held in Detroit July 11-16. A doaen chap tars of the lastltute In North Caro lina will have 24 representatives hi the gathering. A special car with It delegates left Raleigh this morning. While atilt another car, containing eight North Carolina and nine 804th Carolina banker* left Columbia at the same time. These care will be Joined by other groups of delegates from all sect loas of the *—t Work Dene by New Superintandenl Crp. Inner 1 Dt. W. C. LinvLia f 't the ropsf ckml) successful m.lll - In which he has operated the State Hospital here since becoming superintendent, the board of director* of the hospital, meeting here, adop ted resolutions pledging their loyalty and support to Dr. Linville •”ln his services to the etate and mankind. ’’ The resolution* were adopted at a full meeting of the boat'll here. Aside Cnom the resolutions, «>uly routine business was transacted by the board. The expression of (he board aprtroving the work of Dr. Linville bears (be date. July 6. The following resolutions was pre sented by Mr. L. M. Blue and sec onded by Dr. J, E. Hart and was unanimously adopted. "Standing at the end of the fiscal year, we naturally aweep the horlgon. look back a* well as forward. We Had clouds here and sunshine there, Dr. Fslsoo, Superintendent for 2altendaiita de manded a Flfl a month iboreaa* and got $5 added to their salary of 1140. Gasoline tank wagon drivers, -former ly paid $175 a month, got an increase of S7.So a month. They demanded n 116 raise and e week’s vacation with pay The agreement called for th* Immediate return to work of all cm* hloyeee It j|}l| axplre two year* from today. ■ J* L. Hatcher is “Very, Very Low,” Early Today The randhien es J. I. Rate her, I 7 Ml. Olive cue Injured wkaa his itulcmehlle Hl< -truck hy ets* drltrn I) Spriufiel I, Ms.*, yen' IVettheaduy night, it I t.Vlctk ik|> moruiag was tv petted as “very* lew."!. Friend* >v bo bed kept close watch upon hi* madllien wondered it he weald he alive nl dawn. The body of Deter Rooney, kill od In the «ame accident, was yes " terdajr •.hipped le hi* heme la t priagfkld. Be**. William Galas and Aldore lllf noa, Springfield youth* who es caped with alight lajurle*. are still la Jail here. A telegram re eel ved «teted with W. J, Gran- Meld, NpriaffMeld attorn was on kh way Month te represent them. They are charging with aiding and abetting In the death • es Beeney and with Inreeny es the Hudson automobile in which they were riding. Mm J. 1.. Hatcher, Injured la the same accident, continue* to softer pain, hot her condition Is wot regarded a* serious. RALEIGH POLICE ARE NOT GUILTY Solicitor Bnuwfieid Attackn Stu -4..1 nnu» i« » JJ To Jury RAIAUUH, elgh policemen, one charged with violating the probihtlon law and tka others with malfeasance today ware acquitted by a Wake county Superior court Jury, Bollchur Hrasafleld In hi* argu ment to the jury bhterly criticised W. K Wilson, the state's star wit ness, fqr writing the editorial on law enforcement whkh appeared la a Mate college publication URGES WOMEN TO SHOW INTEREST Misa Well Telia Charlotte Wom en I-eague iMeMabons Most Work for Purposes , The North f'arottua Imagne of Wo men voter* will never accomplish Its purposes so long as ttg member* piously fotd their hands and take ,no active part In bringing the purpose* to 4*as. Mis* Gertrude Well, Golds boro woman and president of the l eague t* quoted aa haring declared In an addreaa before th* Charlotte unit of the organisation. She commended the Mecklenburg unit for its antftmnced Intention of demanding purging of th# election Kata before another election. and stated the aim* of the Htate league. These were given as the Australian ballot, pannage of .the law compelling people Intending hfntarry to ghr* two week* notice; enactment of legisla tion perfecting that which would kgep children under 16 from working over A Hours a day. Also there la a program, *he said to the legal status of worn ad. and to * work, for welfare education, ,so«lal hygiene and welfare of women Iln Industry Aa -Ssu Ukut ffc* oepartjttpgt es at the league work for the gyetentton of War by carrying forward a flexible grogram Intended to support the United State* government In It# ef fort* to Innure world peace. Bhe called for political education 1 among women, saying they *hojld ' -tudy problems of Htate. Nation and : the World, and apply themselves to tie cure of -wrongs. . The Je*gu? It committad to n program to send la the I*sgl*l>lusa i ,nen t and women and comadttad to • legislation championed hy th* league, ■ -he said. I FAM.M FROM RAILWAY TIEMTLK » WINBTON-&ALEM, July ».—(AFV ' J., H. Bruffy, 40. Oreenaboro Road, • is in a hospital suffering wWh a brok > eh rib after he la aald to hav* fallen from a railway trestle. " APPEAL UNDER CONSIDERATION BUt« Equalization Board Aak* Counties! for Detailed Valu ation Lieta -A ,v RALEIGH, July »- <*) Th* State board of equalisation has under ad visement complaints of various conn. Lea heard yesterday in the distri bution of the special school fund authorised by the IR*t tad ha* resolved to ascertalu and correct any equalities In approprla lions, said a statement Issued today. Each county has been requested by the board to make out and furnish the board a detailed classification of ull property with aeperata valuations ti* to each class!fleatWl?. This will come under the quadrennial r*-aa s-essment of now being mode ad will greatly aitalat the board members said, in arriving at a hot ter distribution of the equalising fund Ir the future. _— f» RUTH IS AGAJN * AHEAD GEHRIG Collacta Two Round Trip Tlck«U In Find Gbbm Against Do trait PETjtorr. jmg i. gpv-d#4»*u defeated th* Yankees under a 14 to 4 aeore tg the second game of a dmthl* '“ijiitgl’ aa Uraahoat end of a H to 7 score la th# opening eonfcb!. : -—'. • * Babe Ruth got a pair of home rape In the opener, giving him St for thg year, one more than bis teaiu mat* Gehrig: ——- DUPLIN BOARD MEETS MONDAY Will Consider Joint Erection if School With Lenoir County „ The Duplin county Board of Edu cation will meet Monday morning to taka oft th* matter of the con struction of n Joint school by Lenoir and Duplin counties, nee* Pink Hill B. C. Hlak, superintendent of the Dupilh syntem, will lay the matter before th# board, wtth the view of passing on the matter of an appro priation of about $12,000 to apply <*> tb# construction costa of a building at that place, which waa recently condemned by state insurance offi cials. The school la used Jointly hy both Lenoir and U>e adjoining county, the former appropriating a fund for this county'* «har#,. %ev*r al week*-ago. It wa*’ reported d>tna time ago that the Duplin board could not get together when the board Was- re quested to appropriate Ita share. /Woman Bound Court Under SI,OOO Bond Booze Charge A woman L u> he tried lor fitting I and abetting in rum-running 'in \\aynr con ufy. • -sf- Mrs Henry Bond, of New Bern y*at«rday gave bail to the *um of sl. for her appearance when call od on a liquor charge. Mr*. Rond la the wife of Henry Bond who in Jail h-ee. Bond, officers state, confessed that he wa* the driver of the Kane* Hpeednter that wa* wrecked with a Afty gallon load of whlakey we«'f Os the city la»t Sunday after 4HWE.. A lT veer bo? waa. wRIL Mt. and Mr* Bond In the car at the time of the accT&ent He la a apn of W. L Ogleaby. father of Mrs. Bond lof New Bars, according to Informa tion her*. j' ■ Bond persuaded- a panning au tomobile to niah him. hi* wife and I the boy to a heap It* I her* after th* accident and then escaped by falling to ent*r for i»atas«at He hired a New Tax Books Expected Show Wayne County Weakk b Oil $3,000,000 Over Last Valnn FORD DID HIS . OWN TALKING * Attorney ■ Not Couaultad In Do ciaion on Jewish Race t About Face DETROIT, July »-(/PJ—htdlcattoa* that ‘Henry FMrd did his owa talk ing' sad played hie own hand in mak ing hi*.peace wtth the Jewish people ware given added weight further evidence r that InqteqFeth# army of regular Ford legltl talent participated la the overture* that led to the automobile manufacturer’s apology for AaU-Jewish writings la bis Dearborn Independent. In disclosing these writings, Mr. Ford explained that the wide scope of his act Ivlins had made it Impossible for him to devote hie personal aitaa tlon to the conduct and policies ot bta publication* and that he waa obliged U> delegate tbelr manage- Am aHiaga - _ ", -1 1 la nagolstlag with Jewish leader* iw » Public repudiation of th* hoa tU* actJcle*. hMrever. Mr Pori ap pear* not only to have taken Arm hold btjneeU but to have Igworild the aitroaeys who 1 epreeentad klar ta the libel action of Aaron Mapiro. os* ot th* outgrowths of the writing. KINSTON BOY IS DEAD FROM FALL ;Pgyii* Hunter Kell From Raft er* Above Dance Hall Floor Striking Head Payee Huntley, 14. son of Claude Huntley, of Kinston, died nt I o’- clock yejtcrday morning aa n result of Injuries sustained In nn accident *1 summer resort near Kiaaton. late Friday night. Golds boro people enjoying aa outing at the Kinston resort wltaeMed the acci dent Young Huntley waa eomethi*g_4tL an acrobat sad continually amused hlmsolf and crowd* at Lakeslda hy climbing amouag th* rafters of the dance pavllllon and doing "stunts.” He gjarted a climb Friday night, sad nl th* top of the building fell, th* back of his head hitting the dance hall floor with terrific force. f At first ‘it waa not thought that he had been seriously hurt., “What Is It all about,” h* had enquired of bystander* who had picked him ap after the fall. He never knew, for blarknea* gripped him and six hours Inter, denth. taxi *pd wettteted «w«r te. JhHF MAh, jsssi&Lu m\iA Aumf car bernese tb* taxi drvter would not drive fa*t enouxh for him, so it I* said. < . Provided with a description of th# man. an axent of the' Th*ft Bureau of the State .automobile department, ar rested Bond In New Bern. Upon ar rest lie confessed to-have been th* driver of the car and to hav* equip ped It with a amok* screen device. ...He. *aa. remanded to JgU hftct- Yfa.-, ter«l*J[. his wife .cam# foreword sad ball waa furalshd for her hy a Mr. Purefo t y of New Bern. Mr*. Bond 1* described aa about nineteen year* old. and pretty. Bond ta about twenty-atx.- The Essex In which they were con veying a full load of whlakey has a specially constructed reap com partment which allow»d a large car go of the whit# lightning. Member &| I The Associated >■ Press I prick mi cum City Valuations Expect ed Show About 111,- 500,000; This Figure Lack Being The Total Estimnte Aldermen U• e d to Budget Estimates; Equalisation Work Starts Monday. A toooot la tbo city and cowtr Hi rttM will la all probability ba the ant Item of beotae## la ordor qfejli tbo report oa yalaoftao for tax tary parpoeee la oomptetOd. Infonaatlea eoexred la ft »tady «i an Ux appratoale aeeamd ta Mb cat# that tb# dtp of Ootdeboro Mil ■ probabiv .bow a ralaatkm of PM** •M corrop MiAfum SAVANNAH. Jaly b-UPV-Tha ftoaf bala of tha IM7-M niltap jtllf St Havanaah was aaetlooad this asaratag by Joha W. Ota—oa. Bataao B—PA aap Co., at M oa—a | NWt,