WEATHER * Partly cloudy To today and W*4- ... •- VOLUME 8IX; NUMBER 114 FEDERAL AGENTS AND MOONSHINERS IN BATTLE One Badly lojared When Car Tmns Over An 18-Foot Bank At Falliog Creek Early Hon. Earl Wlffgs Reported as Seriously Injured; Scantling Pierced . Windshield and Shod Between Woman Driver and Man on Front Seat; Four Men and Woman Were in Car. Oao aa* seriously lajarad aad fear taraH *|)i alnr vats aad bruise* «b«a • Ibr filar ceorh pleagbed tbrongb taw •actions of ratling protecting H tobway It at Pallia* i'rwk, to taora tore aad Kinston, tarty yrotarday aitrainr. Carl Wtov* of Goldsboro It mtopdy birt. to to » to. gush atrau tha tbraat aad NtM body rate aad bralata.' <jf Virl Laae aawtalaed a twblrt anal liati Johnson has aiiatr rft. aad knlsH, Wesley Talltn, aad Barrel suffer «*d flawkborh. Wit** la la a bat. total bant. Tbt Injuries to »to others wart art «arb a* to noc rt.Watr a May at a hospital. - - Tbt Rarrtll wSau waa .aid to tow btta tbt driver to tbt tar wbaa It vwddlaly Ml tbt tig*, toalb aad bb tbt raOtair to tat toto*"|4adMW dtwa tw* wrttlta. to tbt ftarr. bat to tbt lto-toto •runtilu* a*td a* a part to tbt frato waa described a. bavin* ptotttd tbt wladilltod aad eater fd tbt tar bttwtta tbt wtaiaa wbt wa. drtilßf aad the aum ta tbt fraai iml, Plvaatat through the broken tenet the ear tamed oter ton ta nmbaukmaut at tbt Mat and rtfbttd bull at tbt bottom aad in a raunl which man iatt the ereth. The embankment I* ahtat 19 foot blfb at tola point. M In uli Tbt areldeat happened aheat tiM yr.terday morula*, aad a ae*tw ll« la* atar tbe neeae to tbe wroth hroevbt tbt mta of tbt party for boapltal attention. Tbt tar waa traetllla* la tbt direction to ftold.bontat tbe lime tba aeeidtat tceared. BOYS NOW FACE ANOTHER COUNT C*roiier*ii Jnnr Hold* Maiwarhu- Mttf Youths Responsible Death J. L Hatcher O'. William Quinn and Aldort> Gagnon. Springfield! Mail., young mm held in the county i»il here, will face charfles of mpitMaughter In thel death of J. H. Hatcher. Ml yilvef •>ntrmobllo man. ** well as In the death of their friend. Peter Rooney. J of Springfield. Mr. Hatcher died' early Sunday morainic from injuries' ruetalned when hi* car •truck that I carry-la* the Hprlngfield youth onr the Ml. Ollea highway Thursday night. A coroner 4 * Jury empanelled by T. R Robinson held the yonng men re*pon*tyt *• an certier Jury had h@K3£BnM» i*. ***** of Paler Rooney, Tht-y arc bH»o charged -with la realty of the Hudson Ip which they were riding at the ttipa of the accident, t? utile official irp.An ■ ■■ ■■ i SPARTANBURG. Inly 11- I.l*l Ttarry R. Jennings. pre-ldent of the l.’nli 11-Buffalo mill* at t*nton. and owevr*-*bw l»K)*t~T™Ntll»enl textile vfrtrhrt* of -tM*~ ecct-im: dted mid .'»r'v at hi* home In that city this nt< rs log ror*Tr.sFEm?Mi plot NAWHSVILLC, Tenn, July 11-i/Pl With nothin* definite announced excapt that aa Investigation was In progress, yfforts were continued to day to i«tn the guilt for counterteft tn* operation* discovered In tha •Ante penitentiary kern. f THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. RUM RUNNING WOMAN TRIED Mrs. Bond of Now Born Appeal* Astor Being Given Throe » . Month* Term ’ , ! Jim, Henry Bond. IP, and pretty, sentenced to atm three month* ta Wvyn* county 101 l -for nldtn* and abetting In the transportation of liquor I* the flrat white woman eetr t> ‘.ti'.t> v • niilar aenterce tn tht count}’, (or a like offense. Count)' Clerk J. B. ' Hook* beliaeea. i Mtt* Pond of New Bern, waa sentenced by Judge p'niut in county court yeater d*y, si" i nve notice of appeal aad hurd wua f med at 1500. Henry It- tut. of New Hern, husband of Mre. Kent, submitted to t char* so ttauspo. Gog* whiskey. Judge T.I a i'd reblenetd him to 15 mouth! on the rour’v roads for thl* charae. A count of »pcratln* an cqnipped with a Mjnqke screen do. vjee was sctK up to Superior court sod dibit of Pl.ftOO was to hr outre*! for ti ls charge. He will t» tr.ed for this t'fense upon com plot In* the sentence of trsnrfortin* whts key W. 1. Oali .br. also of New Hern was jump a sol pro* w|tb lenve on a charge of conspiracy rfa drtvut the prohibition law \ Mr. -and Mrs. Hoad were occup nn's, with a 11-yonr old brother of x Mrr, Bond, or the rum-runniftg car vutetr wav wrecked west of the city Holiday a week ago. .About thby gallons of whiskey were taken by ihe officer* and a quantity estimated at twenty gallons was broken in the crarh The automobile was yeoterday ordered confiscated by Judge Bland. Hot 1 lias a notorious reputation as n turn runner and smoke ecrera ar tist. according to advices Out of Ral itgh He Is wanted on aeveral counts in he Capital etty, it Is said. 'P>e case against' John H. Hester, of I’lkeville, charging with having whlekey for sale was continued until J *lv Jg at 2:30 o!cJoyfk. D’lier case* disposed of ware as r ( llnw*:DubeH<M-an*ston. carrying 4t etneealed weHtjjli. jndgmtjnt suspend, id ’ ntll July 18; Jhannpm Bennett, ro rcivliHc sntl transporting, submission. dnys and to nerve a suspended sen tence on another charge: Ruck Crum p'd-, former Plkerlllc policeman, manufacturing whiskey, tour months on the roada; Will Hamm, whiskey for “kly not guilty: Moses Forbes, op e-atlng efife without license and vli'atlng Plkerille Sunday law. Judg ment of the court withheld. MYBTEBT !»EKf EBIB NKW YORK. Juljdhl—OPl- While | police were trying to utfravel tha tnyatery of the murder of two wom en today, the decomposed head of n woman Wai found In Brooklyn which police thongbt might possibly be the head of Evelyn Martino, aged 20, of the womt'u. and milking since Jun« 30. <, Odd Fellows Hold District The Hlxth District Convention of Odd Fellows will lie held In the Ja robl Auditoriupi of the I. O. O. F. Home in Goldsboro W*tay Attendance !■ expected to run from l&tt to 300. - The, program will begin at 11 o’- clock and after the opening exercise* by Chaplain G. 1,. Gay of Rocky Mt fttiTMo oT i»oitisb<jrt», will de liter. and Jußfewr of welcome. Hus response wHI be by A T. Watson of TartxffF The routine buslnoiM ses sion will then be conducted* The feature of the program la the jMtdrc-H* of Silas It. laicaa. Ex-may or of Wilson. To this address all tha visitors and staff of the Orphan will be invited. There will also be several short talks. At 1 o’clock a picnic dinner will ha rpread on Ahe lawn of the Orphnnar* Thl# will be attended by the 044 PARK PROVING A POPULAR PLACE V t, 1.54 M People Counted nl Her | * man Zoo Sunday and Might ; Have Reached 2,500 , People from as far away y Porta mouth. Virginia, were among -15*5 who visited Heririan Park Sunday between tbe hours of 10 and 5 church hours excepted -end wonder ed at-the city’s soo. according to Roy J Parker!' superintendent of street* end director of the park. Mr Parker kept an accurate check on the crowds petwesn tbe hour,, mentioned lie * believe* that had not ibodds and heavy min blown up about & o'clock Sunday afternoon that the number pacing the park might hare reached M A» It was," he nald yesterday, rtllr cloud* came up Just at a time when we are* usually getting the biggeat crowds ." . M- Plrker listed cars from Ports mouth. Kln.ton. Wilson. Ml Olive, Fremont end many of the mtrround tgg towns and cities Getting most, of the attention from the ispectators were tbA twin deer, presented the city by IM pair given the park by lionel Well. The mother deer noyribtgtcd the twins—twins are quite tbe exception witli Mrs Deer. It ia said—aa he- part us the dlty’s fourth of July cetobratinn. Yes terday the two youngsters weer spry as kitten* and as nimble a* goatk The -mother continually comb-d their hair or smoothed a wrinkle In their rnttny skins for the admiring crowds. ■n»c little fellow* ere * potted while thetr parents or white. The spots util disappear about tlw\ead to tba d&SgANMJLtoto •• .*» A number of improvements have been made at the park recently. The inopheys have a new cage, with In dlrirdual sleeping quarters, and the bear*, have enlarged rages A bear and a gnat are hobnobbing In one of the nags*, a sight something out of tha ogdinarv For the child An who u«ed the park *.* a playground. twenty-four substan tial swing* have just been added and .1 spray pool and wading pools con structed. From twenty,to forty young sters use the wading pool each hot afternoon. There are now twenty-four animals In the soo at the park: 1 alligator, ! Tula *ee«e. i monkey*. 2 baboons. 3 racoons. 2 foxes. 1 . coyote. 1 three legged chicken. 5 dear. 3 bears, 1 boh rat. 1 tiger cat. 1 goat. 1 pony, 4 rquirrela. 3 Vahhitjj, J owl. 1 hermnp hrodlete chicken. 1 Ylyin* squirrel, l 1 pound gold fish. BERIJN-FRISCO. HOP SEPTEMBER (Jertnnn An; to Use Staple Water Cooled Motor in New ' Attempt BERLIN, July 11.—OP) -Otlo Koen nccke. the< famous German war ace, plans to hop off about September t on his projected non-stop flight from Berlin to San Francisco | Kocnnecks will fly a Cuapar bi plane fitted with a Junkers single motor. He told the , Associated Press today that he would be accompanied by hla financial back er. Count George Salme-Loubach, A, I relief pilot will be aboard Fellows of the convention, their wive* rnd families who accompany them, end the faculty and children of the T w Home At J J« the Odd Fellows will recon vene for the election of officers for next years meeting. There wTil* be a meeting of -the N?tlßfL Lqileu _<Odd i’elloaw and vUU ing Odd Fellow* at the Neusc Lojlge 8 o’clock Tuesday night, all member* are urged to attend both ibis ami tha convention. The holding of the convention at Ike home her* Man become an annual event and has met with marked success. Compris ing the district and the lodges of Goldsboro. Mt. Olire. Rocky Mount, Wilson. Tarboro. Spring Hope. Roa noke Rapids. Kim City • GOLDSBORO* N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 12. 192? FUNERAL FOR J. L HATCHER Hundred* Attend Service* for Popular Ml. Olive Man Killed in Accident • I. V (Tbe Sew* Hareaut M-r OLIVE July 11- Tbe body or, Mr. John Is-wl- Hatcher. s*-iOnd vie-' Urn ofna horrible automobile nt*yi dent on the Mount OI(> t-i lot d»boro Highway * Thurediiy night, wu* "tp terred tn MptCe Mnur'ernaisn ttyy after noon- IK-alli came oarl) Sunday^mmnlng In ColilalMinp in the bospilsl to which In- wav tskeu HB medlately ToUlywoii' the urwldent. Mrs who was (erhiusly injured at the aikme time, was unable lb (have the bo-<pUal- and Mr this reason Mr. Hatcher's remains went trken to the hoaie of her father.-Mr. J. A tt'esihrook. From hare the / lime Cm I service was rnßdurft-d hr llav K M Enipes. pastor of the Methodist rhurtli In the poiicluslob of thy serviews at the g »>c In Maple Grove Cemstgry. Rar W M liaker, pastor to the Pieebyterian church as sisted Tbe Jifpsc VW Coveted with rtofipi tokens gj exptwdlnnal beauty. The aetive puli bearer* were all employee* to Mr llatcher These were Mssara. 2 D Sutton. Walter Uelj, Owen, U#ll. Luhy Bell. 'I Strickland. H. R. Hpntherland. M i Holloman Thd honorary pall bear, era wars: Mesags- B. C Jurncy, Al len Cox, Nat Jg»n«jr H M Cox. C. W. cmvar. R,gM. McLesu. Jr C. J>t .VUbwap/ toaWV. Jfcmlto.rland. Jr., M. O SuMffilsrUn. J. C. N'orrla. K. C. Caaay. J. J. Wbitehurst. Pal ■an withering ton, W K Lewis, D H Knowles, Dr J. W. Wilk'Ttts. If D Andrews. L. B. Ring. Ihr C. V Henderson. I>r Thornton. W. R. Btraughan, Louis BJiftrman. A. 11. Oliver. Dt. R 1. IMrdcn. 8. L. Warren. June Martin. Granger Mar tin. Albst Bryd. Jamn Davis. M. C. 8 Oherry, Dr J. E Moore, F. A. Andrews, J. If. Rill lams, KoherY v-mlih, Currie King aud Tltomaa Me- Gee ' " * :| Mr- Hatyher was reared In Mount Olire, hjivin* lived h> ro prartlcally* all of his life with tha exception of a few months spent in Brldgerllln, Delaware, shortly after hi* marriage. For several year* he bad held tha fjherrolei auk mJdiUe agency here, and was very sdWmaful In hla bual* ne*s, bringing to bear on It the cn. thusla*m and energy of superb |>hF* *ical manhood. He was very popular In business circles ahd aoclallf. and will be greatly missed In thevtown aa well a* In hi* stricken family. H« leave* a wife, who was heroes bar Harriagc'Mis* Nannie Springs' West brook. it ml two sona. Samuel mid .ame*, aged about nine and sh-a year* reapedlvrly tSurvrllng Idas are aleo He father and mothar, Mr and Mm. H, C. Matcher: two brothers. Mr. M J Hatcher, and Edward Hatcher;! and one slater. Mm. John Dew. of Wilson. To all of these sorrowing one*, the people of Mount Olin- ex tend deepest sympathy **-, llerr for tbe I'hvi^ Among the out-of-town poopH here tor the funeral of Mr. J I* Matcher werei Mr. and Mr*. J: 11. Wont brook. of Rocky Mount; lfj-. Sam uel Raurlc and Mr Robert Rtmrlr nf Raleigh: Mr. and Mr*. A. C. Knnte, of Rules Greek; Mr. and Mrs W. r. Morphy. Mr. W. F Murphy. JTt and Mr and Mr* Dlnford IJ{OjLD K Fremont. Mr, and Mr* George Hoo.l and family of Goldsboro; Mr.' anti Mr*. A, D. Hawley, of Goldsboro;' l*r and Mm. K L. .nd, >rte* WUUa MoG-orven and Mtae Lloyd Wil son gII of Wilson; M.l»* Rarih- Wll. k ! fia. Rose HH|; Miss novntle of Wil •on; Mr and Mr*.' H. J Faison Mr. and Mr* R A Moore, Faison; Pm- Qiady, Miss Tt'nttnit a„d mt* Wa.'ton all of Wilson; Mm Seth ffthhx. waarort •Ms MlTltaat Hatch-* er Bruit’* Greek: Mr and Hr* Du rant Hate s er. Fayetteville: Mr. aftd Mr* John B. Hatcher. Gaffln*. 81 C . Mr. and Mrs.'.Harvey, Buie's Creek: Mr* Byrd, Scotland Nnck; Mr and Mr* Blwckman, Rule's Creek. Mrs. Bell. New- Bern; Mrs.yWHey Dew, Mr; and Mr*. Hew land Branch. Mr. and Mr* U J. Dew. Mr. and Mre. John |>ew. all of Wilson and Mr and Mr* Moulton Royell, of WEEVIL MAKES L AN APPEARANCE Scvmml Sect ionm Report Dan agf Being Done by Cot too Destroyer in Wayne 9 'With reports of boll weevil damage from at least six sections of Wayns county farm experts fear that tha local cotton crop will be cut short this year if the wet weather con tinues. As yet the neason for a aotic able amount of weevtf lnfecUojt.-4* early, ft waa said, hut already tha pest -is making In roads on many acres In the county. Uounty Agent Robertson yesterday Issued a statement detailing the #X teni of the appearance of the weevil In *l»e county and diacuaued tha boat means of controlling the past. Ha gaid: ‘'Farmer* fiout several sections of R Svn* reported much svidaaoa to the notorious prjt of King Cotton, the I toll weevil. This Insect Is hourly dsaiuging tbe present good pronpeets tor » crop of fiat cotton, it tg asag to utuf juptaraa on the ground nnder naath the cotton aUlka. which means that t!i"«e fallen aquarea wJH fail to mature sny of fha lUacy style. "Mr. Jack Herring of the Dnnlelg rhg|»al comumnity Goldsboro rout* three, has found evidence of weevil ia naually foupd In spots or patch** dfod usually n*nr woods or buildings nhich afforded protection through oat tha winter ur.onC&r Bom* tins ago roporte from the Hi Oliyr* ssgtkm Ib dtogted l onaldambl* waavtl tnfdtob tion for this svaaan. The Belfast oom manlty has not bean spared alfber, a* wecyii injury has bean reported by Msssrs. Pale. Bartlett and Barden to that, section. ”Wb*« sb»H* h* to light tbt* psal? Anything or uothingf These are Qgaiitlonj} being **ked telly. !a an swer. we should suggest tint oM ot the tirot and sureat aa wall aa cheap- Mt metboda of controlling boll wesvllr on your fram la to naa all Uia cUUdraa tiTB liable, aa well aa grown-upa, la picking up the fallen squares aad burning these By no doing many matings of nurture weevils are de stroyed early at tha time that tha cotton atalk to making the beat growth and the valuable portion of the crop. Tbla la one of eight necessary thlnga, according to ,tha National 801 l Con trol Aaaoclstion. and it la recommend ed highly by all authorttlaa. But tha preaent la the only time that this can be done in a practical way aa later the taak would be a I moat Ijn ponalble "Another point in thla light la to plow, or cultivate the cotton oft*n thla month The other method* re» terrcd to have nlrvady been practised, excepting in cases of infestation above t* n percent In which caaca a farmer le advtaed to polaoa hi* cottoa. ualng dual poteou. Pnr thla polaonlng rule* may ,be had upon appJlcattop aad aa; alatsnce iu aa many caaea aa possible Dry weather after tbla date n ay over come the Weevil hut If 'ahdwera and cool weather continue we may etpect a heavy weevil damage to the cotton crop” ’» Tor further Information. a«« or write your county farm agent—A. K. Bobertaon. Funeral Yesterday For Wayne Man Kilted Sunday Rirl I/<>f tm, .’O, son'of H: ft I/Of. ■ i «. 'b*v ' n ' ' tin of Goldsboro route 2. wax hurled yesterday afternoon at Willow Dils t'emtiery Service* were conducted by R<v Peter Mclntyre, paator of tha first Preebjrtcrian church. ‘ Young t/oftln. aerTlog a term for Tarcen). wa» killed St 12 -Hi Hun day bjr Clay Grtffin, 21. of On Ilford coun ty, St Celdeonta tartn in Halifax county, Griffin, It 1* »ald. w»» en raged over the fact that be believed T,eft in had reported to prlaon auth. oritiea plana for escape mapped out by Orlffln. Prison nnthorittes ware notified of the homelrltla immediately after It happened ynd Fop«rtntenrtent George Ro*s Pqu ordered Griffin sent to Jtalelgtl where ha would be sate from violence, not to mention his *>*ter dflifcJog. thp stronger »Wt« U■' . . One Officer Is Critically And Another Unaccounted For As Posses Still Search Battle Occurred Near Fort Barnwell in Craven County Late Yesterday; Man Brought tdftah pi tat Here Held Under Guard on Suspicion o£ Being One of Moonshiners Wounded in Bat tle; Fear Friends Attempt Remove Hint Deputies on Guard. V. ‘ . • 4 to* S ' W. F Lewis, Federal prohibition officer of Mpore Bounty, ie in a Kinston hospital not expected to Hue; a brother proM* bltion officer, Uneberv. at 18:80 thie morning eras reported M missing, and Irs Swirton, of Fort Barnwell, Craven county, with a broken arm bullet wounds through the lef is guarded is a Goldsboro hospital by Wayne county foficera. Such in brief to the story of a gun battle between Federal prohibition officer* and moonshiners at Fort Barnwell In Craven county late yegtirdny. bosses of Craven end Lenoir Couety officers and dtbefes were «couring«the Fort Barnwell section. t » Swirton is guarded at the hospital here under orders front Craven county officers on the theory that he eras one of the moonshiners end was wounded in the exchange of ahSKTT'T, Telephonic instructions from New Ben at 1 o’clock this man* ing were to redouble the guard over Swirton, Two automobOee'- one a seven passenger ear and the other mi open roadite* iwgrd described as having left Fort BemWeil a few minutes surlier. 7110 cars were believed to be loaded with friends o| Bwlftin mb* planned to remove him from the hospital hare. 14 WAYNE GIRLS TAKING COURSE ' *~-r --y ~~7 —' -•-- ■ _ Thk CotMtiy Is WdD BiijirisdM- Held lit Raleigh The fourtoan Wayna county girl* nr* attending tba annual Girls Bhort Cour»e In Raleigh thta weak. Edna Mas Paata from the Nahunla I’ommunlty, who won a scholarship In the Eastern Dtstriot for ba«|gw .done outstanding club work la catt ing Edna Mae Peal* last fall also won tha 926.00 premium given by the Balt Jar Company at tba Tarboro fair for having the bast display of canned products in. this district She fl*o has shown a spirit of leadership by acting with Nell Aycock as a leader of the Nahunta Canning clnb. Betty Hardy la re preventing the Seven Springs Pood tjlub; Ella Him. uant, the essay's Chapel clothing club Lotlle O’Berry. Broaden Clothing clubs; Mary Brown, DnnM Chappl food clnb; I/aura Aycock. Nahnnta clothing clubs; Irena Aycock, Aycock clothing club; Nell Milta. tha Eureka Ever-ftaady food clnb; Alice Deans, Belfast food Club; Glad* Chestnut, Dobbersville clothing club; Oetarta William add Hasal Price, the Junior and Senior clothing clubs of Gran tham*: Hilda and Itfulae Perkins, the Rosewood Merry. Makers and Thimble club. These> girls while at the abort course will study two courses choaan i fom the following: Oirta Room |m. provement, Junior and Senior noth ing. Junior add Senior Floods. Recrea tion and a Cultural course, which In. dudpa (inutile and picture apprecia tion, good manner* and etiquette, and food literature.) Thla work will fit these girls to be leaders In their club and to carry on the work in the ab*i’ttcp of the home agent. prison Unless there la an Immediate ■ curt It is expected that Governor MfLean will be asked to order a term for the quick trial of a prisoner ariioee record faaa bexfb uniformly bad. Little Is known of the young fal low prior to bis coming to the state prison, but Mr. Pou aald tonight Uurt hi* conduct at >tbn state farm ha* bean I hat of a trouble maker. The prison er ig believed to have (Mjen In one of hi* greatest grouches whan ha struck, according to every testimony, >oung l/oftin with a abort shovel, (racking his skull and killing htmi within half an hour. > The evidence that Mr. Pon received from the farm, represented Qriffle aa slipping up behind ix>ftia aad atrik- Ing him a blow without a ward. T>e "amp 1* prevttded bv the DWHf that (COTUgued 90 **l TtfO] I Member ol The Associated ' Press PRICK ITt* ODOR Tb* latue neenso*. senordtos W „ I Miriees front Kb*tos sad sm see* I roborttod frwa •ortfjryrel ah* rovtnlad Uhrtttif fori* to arraat A* oporton of tha I nit rad of eomnd arias, Ip* Mdh abisors (nkM (Mr gnu. Unobwg at one* areaad Art. aetf on* MC* ■BOMuXtaora Ml, with a IrsgJSpL Two of the dietitian had liaMViM; Lowia m ho polled hi* ptoC#v«wf weapon from Me aroi». -p His *i»M son* tho addins JMfc\ Lewis stoned wMT ton dtftiuito\Mij| to shoot hint. VrU Ron utnaJ* ta# niindlbim *»» enotod JRi Uvls did ms. htigontl AMtimm vards and than ho stosbi. > ho dM M, tho HWh el thodtHtotog plant ofono ftra sal two hnttota MW a ptatoi siartMd the eaaail of Ms be* He craatplad. hot to a amnsot atom bled OB thransh to* mode to a fatal honae and taaarad a tenant to tetli blm to a Kinaton hespKal. He wa* atlll «Hhlm whoa lid r«ached the hoofUsl aM too Star* told a bo»» ta la atoMl ton atory hd . related before he went to'toe esscnl inc table for earySoß* to ftnho tog the bulleti aaWMj to hto body. < LftMbMf Hi* laat lank teal; ha was pM as saying, reveatpf M» btethar ntt. eer still hi the baa* as tha mea «fl the still Uashsrg. Lawfa waa tutod as saying, had shot aae of the meal in the arm before 1* am* hHnaaH r v*r powered and kali. Surgeon* probing 1 the wound* <4 l/cwta, located ana of the bullets hat could not locate the other. Tha ta. .satin* had been perforated three |im*a. It waa enld. The federal hibittog officer lapeed Into uaoufe iclouaneao and M Khutsi about i o’clock tt was said that ft waa dautib* Nothing more had hten heard trail I.ineberg. The Oarea county sheriff bed led a oofloraa of deputies and dCL tena tnte ttu aonilan but thatd search waa ddteribed a* fruitless. District prahthßfou Oftieer McOnffp was leading tha hunt for the gMal who shot Lewis and for tha ntetnf ware n peeae Mute Dealer Bounty. ftwirton. tha man hanattr gnmdaiy . In a local hospital under atefMtaa of b*tag one of the dtatfnery tywntwi who eogaged the offteatg in bettta, s had n broken* am tram • abet aad two wound* In tha leg. Rl wad brought to the hoontlol about at* o’clock yesterday ofternoaa. Claim, Mary AnHcHal —* Deputy Sheriff Carl Shrith Sul picked up the oar bringing Mb hate r travelling at a grate re*% MM ft and being taM that • psgnlil mm tCgMsvM

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