___ i wuntt ~j^uatss partly cloudy. lactl theator*hnwar« in th* interior V ~ * 0 - \ ' ♦ i*' ■. • VOLUME BIX} NUMBER Ilf Geneva Parky Takes More OpWstic Tim; As Britons May Shave Craistr Towage Jtp&ncM Issued Warn ing That They Would Not Agree to Treaty Whkh Necessitated Beginning New Build ing Program; Jap anese Openly Join With Americans in Pressure on British. OEM KVA. Mr 11—UFV—There war# Uti tonight that the lipttw warning that they »onld not • alga a naval limitation treaty which woo Id necessitate the expua tlon of th* Japanese nan waa having ita effect oa th# Brltlah dalagataa who showed a dlapoaltlon to still fnrthar reduce thalr Htloati a* to total tou naga o* cruisers. Friendly cunaerva ttvaa ago oootinuing with tha baMtf ' rapraaggd that tha BrltUh mar alien do wo p| c •‘Ulnar tonnage so that It will fall aadar tha 4M.80C Halt to which lha Japan*** object and whkh tha Amariaaaa will accept only n» a last reeort - t fSa Japanaaa hava openly Joined tha Aaarkaaa la bringing praaaora to bear oa tha Brltlah in tha hopa of preventing tha collapse of tha coafaraaaa. - . Cu WAUHINOTOPJ —(A*) —The nora op tmiatlc tana of prana advice* from Geaena since tha Brltlah delegation put forward a tentative new sugges tion op the erulaar problem failed to find reflection la official circles ‘n Washington today for two ronooaa. In the flrat place, while this ten tative intimating that the Mg ware wtlllag to talk on the basis of a 000,000 ton total lor cruiser*, pro. Tided there waa laetadod sharp ree t rictlon of the nomber of 10,000 ton ships to ho built has boon mentioned In official adtrteas, H hat not bona transmitted by Ambassador Qibeon In any definite font Secondly Japan*** tnalstanc* at Oenava upon a for lower figure than tha tonaaga proposal wha construed to Indicate that the reel problem ahead is to roeondla the Brltlah and Japaaata positions, not the Brltlah oad American viewpoints. There appeared to be little doubt among officials kero lha Japan’* In. •IMonc* that aha mutt not b* ashed to aster upon aap?Jser*a**d building program In view of her economic situ ation would prove aa important fac tor before tha conference ends. WTf" FRANK MOYE IS AGAIN ON TRIAL Charted With Breaking and En tering Stored it FaUpn ead Calypeo 4 . "' ' Krank Moya, Goldsboro man. y*»- theterday want on trial la Duplin coaaty Superior court ot Kanaovllla with liraakißg and eatortng the storaa of J. B. Nickers, Calyp so; L. Taylor and Sons Os Poison; O. W Albritton. Calypeo. and of at tempt ti% to eater the store ot H. W. Dkkaaaon, Calp*o. A Jury was r aacurad late yesterday afternoon and tb* hearing of evidence will begin today. Co-defandapta with Moya era Amos Sulllvaa of Bauletou township and John lata castor, said to have resided la Dapt l*. Mdhtsret Hulllahn. Is tha raaaa ,*iwmmims Mayo wag coo vie ted of rscslrlag at Oroaa Couaty Court not a month ago, given a fifteen months saateaco la this last ages, bat gain notice of appeal. The casts arc the outgrowth of a series of robberies at raison. Calyp so and at Hookertoa. John lan caster turned States evidence in (W Oman* county ease and la exported to pro Tide the stole with It* chief witness la tha esses now on trial. A Jury was secured for tha Moye (tea* yesterday ,afterrwx>n and tha taking of *vi4*uca will begin today Tha father of Amos Hulllvan *M one of th* regular Jurors of the court who waa axeuoad whan - nvolving Up nop waa called. Judge Ctaomer }s holding the court , 4 • i *■- * THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARB FREBH READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. WILLIAM JONES DIES SUDDENLY ■owl Vddßdl Barela aad Fire OU Darkey Phdddd Id Hid Edward william A. Joao*. about 68. WBrwa to thousaads over Waya* couaty aa "William" the negro Janitor at the courthouse, died suddenly at b yes terday aflarnoon. Isa was swooping out I lie office of Dr. L. W, Cor bitt of th* Health Department when h# saddenly toppled Into’a mesa of bottles and testnbo* oa a uhl# la the Mom. Ho died «HSIa a tow minutes Cerebral hemorrhage la eappoaed to have caused death. Ho had suffered from high blood pree duro. Throe years ego William gave up a Job at the OpUsboro Hospital, a job Ho bad h*lrf tw*lv* yearn. Ha took th* place aa Janitor at tha court bou** -I Rked de folks at 4* hoopll.” ho said !a explanation of kla laarlag tha old J<>b. "but 1 had ur work Buadaya dare and I wautid or git o plaoo where I rould ’lead my church oa Sunday" And h# did attaad hi* church, reg ularly and talthfally. Ha was a hard working. Inoffensive reliable darkey Hl* sudden death caused a distinct shock about th* couthouae yeaturdey sfternoon b William lint* with hi* aged mother. Ha sad hia wife had bean separated for aeverel years. x fire Destroys AMININGTOWN Two Hours WKBT BUXTON. Ale., July 11.— (O)—A disastrous Are. unchecked by feehl* streams of water from broken meins, today swept through Wool Bloc ton, Central Alabama mining town end Anally burned Itself out after destroying ell but e few remote dwel lings ■» The entire business section of some 38 houaen. was destroyed within two hours after e gasoline tank In a pressing shop, exploded, scattering biasing sparks to neighboring store buildings, th* Masonic Tendplo the largest building In time, which also houses the pontofflce and a grocery •tore, woo destroyed ea trpa the local savings bank and ell local telephone end telegraph offices. E.MBLT IXPLORIO* OP DYRAHITS KO.LH MAN •* 9 ■ STATESVILLE, July ll— iAP)—‘ The body of Bern Keatyer. found deed- late yesterday at the old Kestler hom rteed on the Catawba river 10 miles from here Will he taken to Ihrt Worth. Tehee tonight according to {reseat pleas. •: .. Burial will be in the family plot at Sen aatoaio beside the body of hie wife and children. Unable Pay Alimony, Seven Springs Farmer Suicides Worried over the fact that bp hadf aot t>«pn abia to ms *7O« alimony or- j dared by tbe court ala month* ago, i ***** * tori* wmtrnm- Om** ‘ nanly rrirr U milea aoutheaaJ of here, yeaterday about • : JO ended hta life with a ahot-, gun. Mr. Jouea lay down acrope a ; bed in bla home, filed tbe barret of hla »bot gua juat below the heart and polled tbe trigger Death vai Inatantaneoua, The coroner of Dun lin county viewed tbe body and gave a verdict of homicide Mr bed been aeperated from hla wife, the report la, and at tbe Jo wo ary term of fmpltn county Strp erMr court waa ordered to pay Hot. 1700 In alimogy. He had been in* atructed to report back to the court which convened Monday, and not having bad the money to my, the court ordere preyed upon hla mind, tkooe who laveattgated (be eaffc aaM Th# decaaaed left three notd#. 0»e waa %ddr«aied to hla wife and waa 1* w ' JEROME MAKES ROTARY TALK BsimßhUlmi! r»U JHm Flu* Far With* Wm 117.715. rfib a TUS Pour days before the State Board of BaaalienUon announced some ap portioned to the vertoua counties un der the a*v4l.»i,W« fund. Wayne county was tentatively elated to re celve 117,718. Coaaty Superintendent J. T. Jerome told the Goldsboro &QUCX-Club at Ue regular meeting Inst evening. When the figure* were Issued, Wbgrae received |ooly UV TIS. Mr. Jerome compered the amount reuelved by couattea adjoining Way ne to moke his point that Wayne valuation had been excessively In creased as compared with other val uations. "You understand that the higher the oounty valuation* th* lees yon share in the fund." he explained Way**** 111.718 waa apportioned on the assamfilon that Wayne schools would within tb* couaty receive funds from wealth totaling |6B.Aoo.<mmi |at laaat 11,000 000 more than the last tag hooka showed. TO BRING BODY TO CITY TODAY R. S. Lassiter. Former Golds - boro Man. DM In Aakevilkf Yesterday V R 8. Lassiter, 80. former resident of th* dty died at Asheville at 2 o'clock yesterday and remain* will be brought to th* city for burial service today. Arriving on the morning train from the weat, th* body will be token to a local undertaking establishment where It will |l# until this afternoon. As 4 o’clock Rev. W P. Wat kin* of Bt. John M*thodMt rhnrrh. will conduct service from Balem Church. « Mr I mealier had been making hi* home in Asheville for **v*rai year*. Surviving are his widow and eight children; W. 0. Lassiter of Golds boro, Mr* A. H. Ddalels of Oolde boro; L. L„ H A. end C. W Lbt> altor of (’barlpfi*. and Mtoa I’atti* Lassiter of Chailotle; Mr*. C. 0, AD lea at New B*mu and C. C. Laaalttr Os Florida Criminal Assault (Hearing Continued WILMINOTON. July 1«. UP) Judge Hama, recorder for New Haa over county, today grsnted a coa tlauance of th* preliminary bearing of o»org* Parker, 10 charged with criminal assault ngalnat * 17-year-old girl. Lawyers appearing for the youth aald that he had not confessed to the crime as at Aral announced hi oltlcfra who made the arrest. Tile defendant made the statement he would plead not guilty. The heating Is set for Thursday Ruth Clouts 30th And Tifes Gehrig CLEVELAND. July 11—Bah* Ruth hi* loth home run ot th# season todiy will* Urban Shocker rfUrbed the Yankees to a 7 to 8 victory ovw the Indiana. Ruth's drive which put him ahead of Gehrig "gala. came In th* ninth with a run. I ner on ba*e. While Gehrig failed to clout a homer he made a double and a alhgla. . ■ . dec hared to give as hla reason for taking hla Ufa tha (rouble which had arisen between th* two and his Innbil- Hy to awe the otomaar pavetaato ■xaotl.cr w»H Addressed to e son. Aldus Jones of Beven Spring* end ordered him to take charge ot his large plantation holdings. The third was not addressed to anyone In parti cular and repeated lha allegations of th* flrat aoto. Last Sunday It waa said. Jonaa had told hia son Amos (bat he Intended io take hie life. He w*» etxty two years old and enjoyed good health. Hlv widow, three daughters aad two 'tons""Aafvfve. Tb* daughters are: Mr*. O. L. Sutton of Sevan Bprlnge. air*. Simpson Harper of Deep Run; Mr*. R E. Potter of Deep Run; the aoae. Amos Jones of Seven Springs, and Wesley Jones of Kinston. Funeral service will be from th* hone at 12: SO this morning Inter ment will to in the family burying grtaad soar th* houa*. . GOLDSBORO, N. C WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 13, 1837 * ii Mm - T ”. •** . * THREE DIE, 9 ARE HURT IN WRECK Watchman Not or Line of Dvtjr and Freight I’loorh* lato Interurhan TOI.KIMI. Ohlm. Jaly Id - (An Fall are *< a Ip ke aa dot) si a grad* nesshg waa toM by the carreer to to salty pespeaaihdr aitoefc la which a freight Iraki crash ed aa Indian latontrhaa ear, hilled throe passenger sad la- Jared • her* this afteraoeii. ' Tha coroner ordered Utk the watchman and the uiwtarmaa oaa dacter arrated until he.-Maid make further togestlgalto*. ” la his prMlminary Idt eattgaltoa the raraacr feond that a derail at the rroTstag an tha west edge ad tha city bad been eptord tor three yearn, A watchman had toaa gßanting set oral t eseks since Ike «y*tem installad are man ears. The carreer learadi that Ito watchmen Instead as ha- . Ing al Ito erawilnc was several kindred feed dawn tha tracks, tilth a lartftlr crash a string as bag eat* peeked by a lac*math* bached area ad a sharp carve and pleached Into a steal ear. as tha laterartspa line. Thp car aa* ra siecad to a mass *f splallered waad and Ism glad metal. Wtoa first T-scnaurd Jurrhcd the air waa a*l«f with tha npatlcriag IK# electric wlren. Danger from these hampeead rascac work. THOUSANDS ARE SAVED YEARLY Local Merchant* Association Serving It’g Member* Well, Report Say a - fi Goldsboro merchants are sayad thousand* of dgUr* mns Ally th rough tha oparattoa as th* credit bureau and through to*' service# of th* ad vertising core ml tie* of the CJaldsbOM Merchants Aasceiatloa. according to Mrn Grace Warrick Poindexter, ’ #*c rdtayy Os the organlaatlop In a re view ot the aet lvftle# of the os seal* non yootertfay. "Wi have at least ten calf* a day from member* who hr*, ilealrlonr of rating* on prospective customer* wha hava applied for credit," said Mr*. Poindexter, "In each Instance w# make a careful investigation and In form the merchant w'hethVr or not the proarectlve customer la a rood risk, if so. how much credit can safely bf. extended to him.--This la a ser vice whlrhj* grow lag more popular with our Tncmb»re, and It haa been th* means of protecting many mer chants from unreliable people. "A still greater aarvice, howrrer, I* performed In eliminating th* eooto or more., advertising schemes which seek to right of operate in th# dty. Her* Is a file showing schemes which have mad* application for the pur i«*e of soliciting local merchator la the peat few months,** and she) dis played a great sheaf of latter^, "We prefer that our fiteabers ex pend their advertising budget* In leg itimate j>ewspep*r advertising with the local paper*. And a secret com mlttee of the association paste* upon all application* for permission to sail spare In programs feature notices, blotters and the like. Most of the schemes which slek the right to soli cit the merchant! are discouraged cf th* attempt and In this means wo are saving our member* literally thousands of dollar* each year. „ "We want our members to eecoTS lae the possibilities of newspaper ad vertaing, advertising which will bring a result. And that is what oar committee works^Or." KILLED LEADER TO REACH STATE President Irish Fare Slate Uto cutracM Mufdtr of Kevin O’Hlgjfltia , DUBLIN. July 12—UP}— President r o«gruve today declared that the ae- i eafnatlbn of the vice president of that >V*e Btote cpunell on flotuntoi .van the "fruit of a stesdy pereistent at. tar k against the state’*. This crime had not be committe<l by private Indlduals against o'Hlg #in*. It we* the fruit of a steady persistent attack against the atoth t<nd it* fundamental institutions. On head* of those who have devoted themselves to that attack lies the i'lOvd guilt DEATH COMES* BELFAST MAN E- If. HtrMßtond DM fttlowiitg . lisjor OjtonrtMi; Viorel Service* Todhv K. M it. prominent farmer of neat' ltolfaat. died ala local hospital at !l:3o yesterday morning. Mr. Strickland under wen a major operation aeveral days ago aad did not rally from tha shock. Funeral service will he conducted from the home at 1:30 today. Rev. J. M. Howell will be In charge of the service. Interment will be in the Pato burying ground in Stonoy Creek towuship: „ He is survived by his widow and tlx daughter*. Mr*r J. P. Strickland, Mrs. Leslie Comb*. Mrs K. Olnn, Misae* Thelma and Tiny Strickland and Mias Josephine Want, the latter a stepdaughter All of them live near Patetown. 9 „ W. A . J.. K . T. R.» and C. R. Strickland of stoney Creek township nr* brothers of the deceased. Mrs. C. L. Jennett* is n slater. He was a reliable citisen, bonnet, industrious, and a tnsu of many friends. ‘ „ SECTION H AND STARTS A SUIT . - Hook* $23,000 From Coast lire Railway as Result of Frac tured Limbo V | David Pollock, section hand, ysrltr day started suit tor BXB,OOO against the ,y isnttc (Joad Line. Rail way . Complaint filed yesterday with ClOlk of nrert J. H Hooks allognn that negligence yf agents of tha dafajidagt corporntltyn re*ultad In InJnrtaa to the plaintiff which warrant tha asm asked (f» cyi* occasion tha onmplalnt holds, a Jack was Jarred out of bal ance hi- a phasing locomotive ofcd fdlt. ttricking th* ptaiotlff on ore lag and I- - ill iivlm w do asHglaw I-L T rai i tinux w riunny infirm WbWI kept to* pinntiff lb tod for wooksl At anothar true it.ls atatod. a hand far w*s, shoved agents of tha do fMi<(pnt ‘ company arslnet tha other toftvtft the plafntfff. fracturing It. - The etim of |14,h»0 I# asked in on* ‘nstance anFtlhe sum of 118,000 la tha ether!. The Ptaintfff ha* toon unabla to follow ffi* regular occupation since ito alleged Injuries, H la held. Make Big Raid in Stoney Creek Tuea. Deputy Sberlflh E. R. Hale* and Ashley Whltlty captured • SO, gallon ■till and poured out 400 bnrralls of beer la a nrtdknear Thompson’s rffinpel in Stoney Creek lownebip yesterday afternoon. The, moonshiner* had evi dently Just completed a run wbdh tha deputies arrived, for tba still was still warm from recent operation. "It waa aa nice an outfit an I have *e»n lately," said deputy Ha fee *-t ; Spanish War Veterans To Seek More Members RAIJEIGH, July 12—OP) —Durham was selected as the IB2f fonvenflon city and captain J O. Benjamin, of .Raleigh was elected commandoes.at the annual convention of North ttoro llna United Spanish., War Yatornna which closed hers tonight. More then 226 veterans attended the convention, the largest elnce*tto organisation of i Ihe veterans three years ago. District Odd Fellows Will Meet In City Os Wilson Next The ifext yon vent km of the Sixth District of Odd Fellows In North Carolina will'he held In Wlleon th* second Fraley In October U mm* 4*- odneentUm here yeeter day. More than 126 Odd Fellow* and th<dr wives and families from a dngen nearby tmrns wvt* In etrendraco at 4he convention featui-'l by an add'•*«l *liy Hllas K l-uoas of Wllaoti. and th' •laetlon of officers. —— "Tba lodge of Odd Fellows." Mr. iAica* aald In a short but pointed ad dress 12 tias ever stood for «<li#ratlon for religion and for good •itlaenahip In all that the i<• ruk '•'•nnotna’'. He dec land that every gikid (Xld Fellow ol»«>y*d and’respected the th# law* of hk* country. Th* eg mayor of Wilson prais'd th* | work tk.e Orphan borne is doing bare and declared that- no greater #*rvtce | to humanity could be Imagine than |.a home caring fur the fatherlaaa and j iuoth*rlaaa. Hs praised eapeclally In mentioning th* activities oarrjed oa Charge Mao In Hospital Here With Being One Os Those h Prohi Agent-Shioer Battle OCEAN FLIERS SAIL FOR HOME - Hagen berger and Maitland (itv mi Rousing WdeeM Ml ' Pacific Coast CHBRBOUROU, Prance. Inly 1» lA*) Commander Richard Byrd dad hla three com pan ton* who (law Dm Atlantic taaa than two weafcs aco. tailed (or horn* at Sundown this *ve niag, aboard tha LwlithM. They war# wtary from many daya aid ntgbta of balls Idollaad hut vary happy to bo on tha way babi to tha land to wbaoa glory thay hfd added much. Ala# aboard thd Leviathan waa Claranoa Chambarlla who mnda tha trnna Atlantic flight to Oarmasy ahead of thorn la tha Columbia. lag aathorad hia European I aural a long bafora tha flight Chambarlla want aboard aa any ordinary paaaan gar might netd gracafully ratlrad into tha bachground. whlla Byrd and hia man wara alone to receive tha offi cial farawalia of Prance. RAN PANCIRCO. July lIUFI-Twe California cities warn atlrrad to aa. thuaiaam today whan Lietueats Lea tar Maitland and Alhart Hangorbar. army ariatoro, raturnlag from thalr htatorlc flight to Hawaii Official* at San Francisco and Oakland wara unaalseu* In tha declaration that ■avar at laa it aa far back aa thay could raca!V had thalr citiaa ahowa such anthualaam or more made more noise thaff la tha walaonm to (ha air- TANGLED LOVES CAUSED MURDER 0„ ' * Thro* Under Indict swat For Murdgy of Jrbms Lebawtf Wife Hold PRANK UN. La., Jnty TBe unglad romance of n wealthy and aging phyatetaa and tha wife of n neighbor tonight had l*d to tbs la dictmeat of three paraomi on charges of murdering tha hueband The trial la bat for July 10. A grtad jury r*- turnod true btttl agaioat Dr. T. R. Draber. tha physician, Mra. Ada La bouef, widow of the alala man. and Jaroea B*adle. trapper, the latter of whom they allege Br*d iba shot which killed James Uhouaf. th* huahasd. Tha murder la alleged -to have takea plan on July l # At tha eoroasr*a fury Investigation the Phralc/an amid that ha and Beadle had flffpeued of tha body attar B*adle had ahot tha boat twlaa. Pl.Af A <IOI.F BARATRIIK ATCHISON, Kna. July II.—OfF Two Atchison golfara lay claim to tha marathon golf record of tha central stales by virtue of 110 holes playad consecutively In one day recently over the Bellevue Country Club roars* hare. They did it In IS hours and 65 minutes. ■by the home that of the bund The *wffl«n were opened by Ch»P- Isln C. L. Oay, of Rocky Mount. A. M »br«*n lift* »4d> **M «C Welntnar, Irttttig tb*- Odd Vru>w« that Goldsboro was proud to haie such man la her midst, a T. Watson of Tarboro mads (bs response thous ******** a boenttful pirate die* n«r was served on the lawg at thf Odd Fallows bom* wbars tbs «*r dees wort h*-ld. Children of tbs bona were guests of honor at tbs dinner. All bualnrss pertaining lo tbs dis trict J>ad b»en transacted at a tdfra lug ssssloa *s4 tbs afternoon toast ness session was dispensed With. Tbe following Were named' as of* flcerf'Tbr tbe coming year: Presidents W L. Page, of Tarboro; rice pr%l dent. Prod 6. Smith. of Goldsboro; Secretary and Treasurer. W. E Bar bour, of Wilson; Chaplain. W. T. Holden. AM I son; Inside Sentinel. W, D. Smith, of Rocky Monat; Maiibalf J. W. Kemp, of Wilaoa. •*!- L —m m6mDOT Og The Associated Press pucimncwu Graven County Officer* Sajr Name la Virgil Sermon and Not Ira Swirton; IK in ting Agent MakeoAgpiar anoo; Vtata Here and Identifies Him; Lewis CondttUm , Unchanged. X Virgil Bermon. Agrt Bnrnwail mag under guard h tha Old dehor a haigt tat la chargad with being one as the maNdUnm whs lata Man day ih tamaaa partlcpatad Is a battle be tween mooaahlaara and Vbdanol Agent, In a raid lh Fart Barn waft taction of Craveu eoggty larmau inch Ora van county officer* nag 0 tha name usd not Ira Raima as gives by tha aaaa uruu hi* autartus tha hospital her* t wgg yautirday, turned over In Federal authorities warns daputlaa whs had ctuod guard at tha huafMal. Ji' United Stataa Coihmisalouar ft Britt visited tha hoapttal and ardarafi , that Sanuou be hcM uudar a ehai-ga of Intent to murder and of via Inflag i th. prohibition act. It vu bidtentefi that bond Is'the bum of fifJN mXM be required Is tha eaast Ssrmau Mis covers aufflsUstlf lo ask fgr a MR lag before tha aaxt tana ad Mtoi court. v d*r \ Luther Bernes, believed to hBVf baas tha aasa who brought VHrgil to ki»eui nt ft |, r gl IJRdiiW B Bd—Vm it*, m r cue of 4 * TRa Now Beau, Bun Jauruai ye*t«?. day had tha BfllWßi atory ad thd (tsht hwtwwau tha ahiaara sad sffe . cure. Luther Renuuß Is Migil et ah oof' ] lag Lewis, while Virgil Berm us M allege to have bees flat kg federal Agent Linekers. Lewie* pefe can*' puulon on the raid, thfßatiag difltt in the leg ait arm. The twe dry agents, ucerllaf C 8 Lane thle ■urßlsg Mtlwwtng kk re turn tana an ell night layiertgartoj Os the affair telephoned IBs Barmou b rot bars Near Bern smng. ad for the parekMi el Ofitoßer. As. cording to arraagMMttsHm officer* mat tha Sermoue an s dbtf high. laa* eight JfUj loaded Ml gallon* of wblaboyjM tbe two ear msaplpf Tbe offloara won playtaf tbe »a4 (t bootleg my i» ardor l» cat ta iri mi noting ntlttM tbd aioa. Lawla wan loathe aat as par h-g for tbe wblabey wbea tbe tree* Ms occurred. Hr to Loan was Cd rised Latbar Semen tod mdwl *4O front Lawla aad wtm tba later rancher for bis. waflat be pro da aid a rerolrer iastabd. He oanovnd Ltd* or and ordered bias bands up Meaa tlme. Virgil, flte sheriff waa (aid saaob ad far hta cm tod waa serersd to Unsberg. vtrgll made rapratsd ad. * forte to get Mo gaa and waa abut tn the l«g the sheriff waa told la the lag bla roeeleor bad was shot through ltd am by jUaehatf «• Ihe Ms can dropped to tba grotoC. Ml v lrgil caught Uaebarc *# award aat dlaamod Mat Dartag this oaamfe ! ttaa Lewis Utrehd Us lM td MS what waa going aa sad wfeaa bs did Lather Sermon caagbt bis gun. and disarmed bigg. Lewis tb*a ran, tog •hsritt waa Md. and Lather raaaa. er<d tbe sflhw gun and opened lira. until early this morning whan to* tv. •ft Lane aaid be found blag after aattop tag aat on a road aaar Daoar. Lea if. made Me way la a fahn bonne an# wee taken to Kiastoe and piaaad l| a bospltpl. .*...* j • M Latbar Si—a bad a« baea tourt** ed this narvtMt tbs she** aa* t >C sddsd that be weald be aMe to etre > bio ana* wMba*M* tpvlto, M

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