MM. WEATHER Local thundershowers Thursday u 4 rrUty. Coaler niter. * VOLUME SIX; NUMBER lit Eternal Triangle To Get Another Airing riiiKLn, u, w» » «- ♦IP*—A MU ¥*• w**4 ter ter ifcilte—. a phyafctea who spoke rWorOMyQ £ crime with white h* la charted, swatted utepht teofc trial lor tho allay >I waiter at Jama Lo thraa lahafcte, wart arraJff«ed hi apaa eaart later •** pteeded ate patty la tea aharyaa. HqUeas to yaateia. tea attafcMMal a* ate • tolar tela teaa J a*eery U far tea trial mte bp teahr tow * «»*"h#*j of tea warn*'a has tote waa toate aa tea aiya H a tofca aaar laqu City, COMMISSIONER MAKES REPORT Grakate Says His Depart maul Effected Savlufa as 126,- 668 Past Year RALBIRH, July II—(API— During tba fUcai ytir adding June s*. te* state department of agriculture waa able to effect a savins of 9M.UI. Commissioner Willlem A. Orahaai re ported to tba l au Board of A*rl culfUre la annual session today. There Is a atorUge of $14.00* In our compared with last year." »aid the commissioner, “which is equivalent to s shortage of 71,00* tons of fertiliser. “However, receipts from ~ other sources were batter than anltcJpnted and o* v shorts** amounted to only 1t, 1*4 N Early In tbs year I callad the flnsnaa committee together and also asked R. W. Scotty chairman of tbs Joint commit tea o# eipertment wort, and Dr. Ctoranaa Poe. member of tba board from this district, to aH „HJth tba commutes “W* mapped out a plan of raduc lion which amount to from tba gprroprtatlons made the rsrioup divisions However we were able to save •» |p this connection Commissioner Graham rsfarrtd to “the valubla »er vice rendered to this nxUUr ' by Mrs ( art Hill, bookkeeper for the depart ment. He gave the total receipts foi the year a* $433.171.04 and seUsUotion tent, through the «•* * ret as of strict economy and curtnll ment whore such was possible, the de partment was able to make a suc cessful showing. "At my suggestion? 1 Commissioner Graham said In hts report .•"you gsn < tlemea went on record ns favoring an insecticide and fungicide tow which provided for the Insractlon o' calcium araynate sad all Insecticide used on fruit troes, vegetable*, crop fields, etc. “The last general assembly passed such a law. which becomes effective October 1 n*xt. This bill was intro, ducted by Representative Walter Johnson Mattbsws of Scotland coun ty." Ha submitted some standards to be adopted. Commissioner Graham also formally notified the board of the passage of the new weights and measures tow passed by the 1927 general assembly and to to enforced by the State De partment of Agrtculter* and submit ted n list of standards which ha ask ed he adopted. He also brought to the board's attention complnlnte to the effect that 'in some instances cows had died ns the result of having • wsllowsd brass hooks used In at taching tags to-teed togs and recom mAided tea board go on record as looking witk disfavor on th# use *t metal hooks, rsqutrlng tbst the tag* be sawed on the toga. The preliminary cotton acreage re ran for the year shows N< rth Caro -114 to* i«% 1 U "t ™lb n,!*• lotier toid the board ■onto of the otbqr states reduced ' even las. he had figures to show, and Norte Caretina hnd made a* food « showing as aom# of the states where Irtenslve reduction campaigns had been wsgsd It will be recalled Tn Gils connec tion that Hr atahaih lair ydar went on record as opposed to dra>tlc meth- Mt tot rather urged diversification as the cure for overproduction. He cited figures today showing re ductions. based on prelim to try rt pons, to be as follows: Virginia, 21 percent: North Carolina 10 percent; flouth Carolina. (I percent: Georgia, to ppftotH: Florida 38 percentJ ss!•- eourt. IS percent: Ttonseses 1$ per dMtr- Alabama. 1$ percent; MlmUs (Cemtteaed 0» Pi|t Ths**| *• »•«* THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. ’ . .. ■ ’ ■ ... • Civilian Flier Plans Start Round Trip Flight To Hawaii Promptly At 9 O'clock Today Planned to Go at 7 First But This Might Have Brought Night Land ing; WJU Refuel in Honolulu and Start Bade as Soon as Pos sible; Made One Start and Wag Forced Back OAKI.AND, Calif.. Joly Krnest 1,. Smith, civilian avtatoe and (Emery B. Browte, bis navigator, to day aenouneod thsmselves ready sot a route-trip airplane flight between Oakland and Honolulu that I'USe* tected to begin at •a. m tomqjrfow.! It had been planned to start;,4l 7 o’clock, but to lusuro bonding In the dayllng hours, ths time of departure was changed to two hours Intar. ftmlth will pilot ths monoplane and his schedule calls for sa short a stay on Wheeler Field, Honolulu, a* possible. He said he would start on the re turn trip ns soon as hts machine would be refuelled. This will be Smith’s second attempt to make h non-stop flight to the Hawaiian Islands. Ht started June 28 but was forced to-return because of a broken wind dsflector. • TKTBRBORO. N. J.——lt was learned kere today on reliable bu tborlty that Anthony Fokker, noted Dutch Inventor. Is building a bugs monoplane boomer for the IT. R government at his fsrtory at Itas- Mrouch Height*. The plane Is to bsv# a wing spread of to feet, mount two machine guns sad weighs about 18.000 tons when loaded. The load will comprise 2,000 pounds Os high x plosives. HGHT ARE DEAD OF HEAT WAVE * .. ! fi i — !——- Thundenthowera Late in Day Break Attack Begun by * . Old Set NEW YORK. July 13 (AV-The Rsatern states slssled today as Old HoL Inspired with ths tbue spirit ot summer, raged with increasing fury. The blanket of humidity, how ever, slegdlly lifted. tb£ weather bur eau predicted thunder storms for-to morrow . - Temperatures in mtiny cities varied from 90 to 10(1 degrees and ambul ances rumbled orer burning r*ve vents to response to prostration re ports. Eight deaths hsd been report ed todyy. Fbnr In Buffalo, two in New York, one In Newark, N. J., and one In Syracuse. ~ Offices were closed and sprinklers opened In New York as the tamper** lure ateadly rose the dby. It became the hottest ot the year when the thermometer reached 91 degrees at 4 oYlock. .■' Club Boys And Girls Will Camp On Shore Os Pamlico A week’s vacation In a delightful camp, for only $5. That !• the offer which Agent A K Robertson and Home Demonstration Agetot Ruby Talbert are presenting to 400 Wtyne county club bogy and gtrlaia,. totter* oulliiitor details of th* camp were mailed y*»t*rday by Mr, Robertson. August 22 through Auffuil l amp Itecto U miles from Washing ton I* the place. Kltuated on the shore of Pimlico River and dong— a—favorite spot tot lab wort outline*. Gamp W*#B In an ideal site having a laree assembly hall with dormitory shove, three bunk houses, and kitchen All these hul!4> togs are well screened and tods sr» provided.' ‘ ~~ "" “Tbers will l».< chaperons, tostnn' toes niul tenders who will ink* gfind c»re of the bov* and girls,” said Mr. Robertson yesterday. ■ Fvery club boy and glgl in Wayn* county I* welcome aJnJ-, (H* are hop Ing that all dan go The camp will begin Monday. August 22nd, and cop. tlane until after breakfast Saturday August 27th. thus making It ro*sl h't for you tq,ta tack horns for Bun- Robs Bank and Makes Cashier Aitf in Escape BONANZA. Art . July 1$- Os) - A lone to Adit tela afternoon toid up the Brat atata bank of this tqwn, scooped up $6,000. forced tbs caabter to driva him 8 mile* tu where an automobile awaited him and escaped. A poise la searching for him. . M>id Mr. KciHt yesterday, “I ggvo Captain Hl*- naiit strict orders not (n put a thing extra on the menu. 1 want the fulka ip, know just What the convicts wtC getting.” .. Fractienlly every form of ro»d from Vsths through the woods to the most modern hnrd he travelled by the pirtyi Gold boro will not ha reached on tee'’rett rn until altout H o’clock In 6ie eratilpx V The route Wiicb Will to fellowed |* practically na followt: leaving court house at Goldstoro to Seven Springs. (Slid Vicinity, and then to touch the {following points- Drummond*villa, toll Olive. Smith's chapel, 'Corbett Hill and Grnnteum’a store Dinner at the camp nap Ste-ens Milt, Fork township, S*sacra Mill In Grant Swamp township. Fremont. Eureka. Faro, SherrartTa crows roads, Hauln ton and ba<*k to Goldsboro. FINDS COPY OF OLD NEWS SHEET Mias Powell Locates • Copy of Transcript—Meswenifer for Aug. 16, 1879 Along wjtb thetr other burdana Wayne county conwaia*loner« in 1579 bad to Issue Itcensaa to retail whis key dealers, a report of the rbrnmlt sloner* court printed in tba “Woakly Transcript-Messenger” 1 ere August 16. 1979 allows. The pnper, edited by J. A. Boults, for the date men tioned Tbcve was found by Miss Annie Powell in going through an old cheat at her home yesterday. "License to retail liquor was ggrnt ed ’’ iny» the report of the commis sioners meeting ” J. . Edwards, O C Gardner, W. B. Fields. Wood ard nh t !.alley, Lewis Howall, Need man Amitn J. A. Hnrrle. “J K Harris surveying ahd gup . ping out C. If. square, s7.oo’’. The pnper wae a four peg*, nine column publication, and waa printed in a bni’ding near where H. Well and Brothers now stands. It contains many Item* of local iut#re«t and n general survey of the state and rational news. Among editorals, is one dealing with the refusal of Oreone county to approve a bond Issue for a propsoed railroad between GpJd*hnro—Snow Hill—and Greenville. The editorial >--Wtl liKa JH, Ogrrijoß SC. * furniture dealer, (tied suddenly today at the home of Mes S. M. Flyler here where he wes Installing window shades. Heat and a weak keart. wars ihe causes given- VOTE TO rojn*T|to*ef koov ('lean up thf 14-point body tvpA ind my it away; Lindbergh la now down to * point. - - . . r - - ___ . 1 '■ Evidence h Robbery Cases Submitted To Duplin County Court Was Ended Yesterday Pour Million Firm ' Perfects Formation ATLANTA. July 13 <*)—liior matiim of the national msnutactur «ca end :%ores curoporatlon through the consolidation «t te* Fox Manufacturing company with 18 retail furniture stores located to seven Southern states was an nounced here today by officiate The oapltal stock will to $4,800,* 000. V LOCAL BATTERY COES ON FRIDAY WHI Spend Two We«k* Annuel Encampment al Fori Braflf,-c* Fayetteville Hattery A. will, entrain Fridajr mora li( abooi II o'clock tor Fort Bragg wLare it will underffo the annual two wcl. This l» tli* sense of a l*Vlo.word leaolutloa roved by lha Ml. Olive clrcoll of •h.' v. ihodlst cbnt'h In dl/ilrlct c«n ’rrv* ce na signed yesterday hy sx shi-i ff B. A. Ht -.sens rgcretery of the oonferem-e. The cot ftrenee prnc t!"(r*v deo j.rrrtf te lawn* m. m sv/t.'-widc to# it iTfrifinjr Rto tafnrar gasoline on Sunday. “We believe that the sfato of North Carollta. which derives Its authority for snd enforcing tew from Ood himself should see’ tg If that hla commnnd to phserve p day sot apart by him be kept '’holy’’ Ji respected, the statement reads. *dt I* therefore through a sense of Christian duty Hiat we again claim against the sale of gasoline on Jtondnj from rural llUtog cat ion*, 'he .»ra« or Is prohibited lictnozt citlea siyl bftn* ’%K The Open Hunday’ has no rightful p’ice In any Cbriaitlnu community, •■ha resolut'on declares. As signed by Secretary Stevens It t» a* follewg. Rules and regulations of mare hu man fabrication assaying to deal with Sunday observances, parmittinff or Os State Takes Not Pros in Charges Against John Lancaster and Mar garet Sullivan; Amos Sullivan Enters Plea of Nolo Contendre* Moye Submits No De !■' sense Evidence. (Special to The News) KBNANBVILUB. Ju)y IS Bvideae# t« completed (a the trial of Frank Moya, Amo* Sullivan, John Lancia- U r and Marxarut Sullivan Indicted tor store breaking larceny aad re ceiving la tba Superior Court of ‘Duplin county at Koaaaarlllo today. I The caao I* * a pact ad to ro to the , jury tomorrow attar the orations at the lawyora and tba charge of Jadgo OraaaMr. The Slat* took a aol proa la the caaaa of John Lancaster aad Mar garet Sullivan aad made a atate’a w finea* of Lancaster. Amo% Sulll yan entered a plan of nolo contender* after lha completion of thaf taking of evidence by the State. Frank Moya offered no evidence la hta do it- nee J. K Nlckene of Calypso one the ftret to take the stand tor the Stain Ha tndantlfled the gooda taken from •he homes, of Mem aad Salllvaa la Iho »earr|ji for (ha atoian good# by tha offlcara as a part of the goods taken from hit store on the night of Ike robbery. Mr. Ntekena also told of his ees ptciona having boon aroused hr M>a appearance of Lancaater aad ialM van in hie atora. If* stated that the car driven by the ama made a staMar track as Ike one that carried stray tha ortods Moffo from hla at ore. Mr. Nicks atated that be made pre paration* to receive the rohbera ooa night. A Dodge fionpe. the nam* driven by the two mea when they visited the More, made a teaggnr ance about I a. m. Mr. Nlekeaa stat ed he detected Amo* Sullivan roatov- Ing the rlaaa from a window of tha store of G. W. Albritton nad saw Innraster at the front so the atom apparently oa watch. When ho at tenanted to capture the two mea, Mt. Ntekena said they both ran aad lancaater shot at him (Nicbmia) with a shot gun Mr. Niches* stated SalM van drove away In the coape without waiting for lanesster lancaater testified to the robbing of the stores of L. Taylor aad Sqm, ■ind J. K. Nlekeaa, Ho stated that In robbery of one of (ho atore he wae accompanied by Moye and Salliwaa, that Salllvaa entered the store aad passed tha stole* gooda through a window to him and ho la tarn carried them to Moye who packed the goods Into the Dodge coupe. Lsinons’er said this waa the only occasion la which Moye was along, daring the robber ies If* slated on another occasion Sullivan crashed the glasa to n store while a freight train* waa pasting (Continued On Pam Throe) forbidding this or that actlrtty on the dry do not comport with aor abrogate the divine decree- “Remember to keep hoiy the Sabbath day." In this latter dp/ of I led *a ll'htviimcnt and Christian clvllls*- tic n. Is there not soato rational litre, pcy-.tloa of this "Day «f Rrsl" hr Jta, linstuu* ,;jtal, would make its obeervaacecon slot eat wlfh the purpose of Us dlvia* Insti tution’ Whence ram* the day aad _v_’hfa and _ why?.. •h.r.' W no K>iik nor tedious searching through musty pages *f history to discover'that the day la of divine origin. When Oed, as w* Mi’d In Oenevls. had finished His tnunr. luu« esesfion ,inf nnw N good, He rested on the Seventh Day —ana blessed the seventh day—sad called It lw>ty inad commanded It t>i he kept holy, aad nevor through all the rolling centurion - and eosa of t line since that command was givta hea the day Ceased tabe of apodal observance, whether K was unlver **Uv observed or not. Tha iadlvldaal pern a may hero loot the day, bat tha world has never been without the ob (CMtUauod py Fags TwaJ " ■ Member bf The Associated Press J - Unhurt Though AmtaJ Turns Over Twice Seeapanfa ala MpM'W-dftad tad toM hour*, toon ware mgraaged tor g Um# for hi* tody. * YltHfiT eald to hupt under cover mtH daydcM ’ loads aad LAartMcg|ny lad tort# working m tor *** ibmt S wltt ’ «§ rum ntaagra, aald dgbat Mat Duffle. TTiir nip treat ad tot lit gal loaa to muiatoldt whtotoy, wbtoij w*a dslivared Moaday gftaraeoe i When tot wtototo bad ImJkCi (ate ears to to.tdh oar* paid ttoto tor tto wMatoft, L*wl« end I taehergar aad* fete* if ttolr Identity add aaaght to place tto ama aadar armet. Tto fight followed tto oft! tii» balag ortaum torto twa to one 'Officer Tbflir gar abot Vtrgtl toatai la thd Ug aad arm. add whm to rm/tb« •Woar paraato hla toiaagh to* ~ weed* only to las* algid to ta f /. to to# offloar find to Baraam. to w- i run rt was n>m that oa* jfXhrtH Shot hla Is tto bam. It «m rt*#d HABIT WIUI wtu - *<|n«m •AAftTIAPP*!, N*w TOhK. Jaty II m Kapfag to regain amm to tto praatlg* to Mat October by hla dactotva toatiag to tto haada of Jack Sharkey Harry WHM will atom into the Hag ad Ihheta fmj^WahiT *-■■■ ■ - -"W BLU Td MBIT AT UU|| CINCINNATI. July It- m |hW f Fla., waa selected as the ld*d a*r£- Ipg Place for tto Hta atoisml eon veatlaa. dafsattag Um Aageta* whs* the s»ooad pall waa .tataa May. BD< , „ Wdtg SM LrtA*^ I