• A WEATHER f V'-.' - u ' ~ ‘ - 4 „ Forty cloudy with local thundershow ers, Friday and Saturday. ' ", VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 117 SMITH’S HAWAII BOUND PLANE BATTLING WITHPK CIVICCLUBDELEGATES MAKEISO ML TOUR COUNTY ROADS Matter Os Immediate Return Trip To If. S. ' Depends Upon Conditions 01 Flying Field Where “City Ot Oakland” Will Make Laading “Still Goins Fine,” But Foggy Was Report Picked Up From Radio at 6:40 Last Night; 20 Mile Trial Wind Expect ed Air Flight After First 500 Miles are ’ Reeled Off; Plane Pi loted by Ernest Smith and Navigated by Em ory Bronte; Started at 10:40 Yesterday < . KAN FR.VNGIWO, July 1| (/PI ~ The Radio < Orporatlon of Anrtrlen •I <: j oYIocIl, tonight picked tip a trossige from Smith giving the posi tlon ns latitude 36 09 north H>ngtl - 130. t*> «Ht. “Still foggy, co ins tine.” the ma*ag« said. SAN rHANCISC*'— <A*> Roaring * out h want ward o»«r endles* billow, of fog. the civilian monoplane piloted by Erne«t L Smith which hopped off from the tfekiand airport at O'- clock thin morntog »«• reported pro ceeding nicely on Ua flight toward ||*W •li Inn tv hi " . Radio station* on landrr*c*Jf*d fre r)««nt mead§e* from tbepisn* Each told of so«. fog "We will run out of l> anon, wc hope", radioed Emory Broot*. nnel gator of (be ptpne at 2pm. The we.itlier bureau here is-ued a forecast before the ftl«»i* left snyintr « that they would not be out of the fo* for a considerable distance g from San Francisco. A message received later In the af ternoon *ald the wireless rwoeivlnv eat aboard the plane wa* not of commission. hut that did not worry the. navigator. Back In Oakland, where tl»c p’nnc took o’s for It* fltchl. mix loti a cat. were primed v tor the ellglil'-st word of 'he filers prorrean Telephone* to the field were kept hu*v by friend* of the I*" men and call* from *pnn«or« and other* eon . reefed with the flight wei-p directed to radio Mahons for anything new' ” The flier* were due to train the benefit of trade wind*, hr** tine them ■ lens nbnnt J«* mile* an hour when they reached fifth mile* from San Francisco. At lharrate they were travelling during the early r*nrt of tlietr trip. It wa« eetimated they would strike the .wind shout nightfall It aP depend* on field condition* in Hawaii a* In whether the "City of Oakland" t* able to fly hack home. U had t.“en planned that the plana •'lionld he the flrat to try *l.Boo mile round trip hop between ollftand and Ifnwatl remaining on the Island only long enough to permit refueling, In “pdctlon and the take off,. Yankee Ix>se When Miller Struts St^ff f t.EVfMVn July 14—t/P* -steady g*mM<Wrttig *trehk 6f the Indians. to* as -injn,fl* the Vanfceee 'tom* But to t .a#ere New York played'loosely and made flv#'£from, ttlree of them fl« nytnp la the Cleveland >«nn* Miller wtfgrb out Rulh and Gehrig on six pitched ball* In the fifth Both of the Yank stars were unable to secure a hit.. * llnhy jfl Sfflldpd I fnfrY fly tv **» v\l Death in Littleton • «»• 1 - _ , MTTLETON, N. C., July 14—<JP>— Ha badly scalded that he auftered la* received tTlfltnttllT lulling Into.a tab of hot water. Justice Wee-, son. 2 year old son of a local -couple; Bind today. The child was rushad to . a Rtnaoke Rapid* hoelpUt for treatmer ut physicians were sa ..'Ue to v j max. j THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE I'RESH—READ BY BUYERS. BEFORE * THEY BUY. v / » “ll Plan Send-Off For ’ j Battery A This Morif k. Many (inldaltoru cltixeaa laat evn i tilng ritod*' their plans to give R«t t' t ry A .a ronattie Hvnd-nff wrhetl It I I I ittraliiH at II o'clock for Fort J j. Hrugtf and two -week* of tile naive j regular army life Thr Bat'-try | * will board a special ttaln which wilt bj ntHd:> tip In. Washington unit will coutaiu unite from Washing >ou. New Bern and Kinston when i • Udldrboro te reached Mpai clock t*p of ef|utpn.enl and |j ■ oil cull 'n preparation for tin- ttlp wan Hindi ut d 111 held laat eve nine 1 at til* armory, A foil b **i< ry V j cu wttl bn taken to camp | FREE WILL CAMP TO OPEN StiDAY I «ocml Church Kxpucted Send Dclnralm to Cnmu/Ncnr Wmtt AKhc^Ffc Rev. J P (Irtfftu pn tor o( the t cal. Five Will Itaptiut rhnrelt. ams in-w in West Aehevillc cOinJnetHMt it Horle* of in""4lnp at the 1 hIU WH •"Uurrh, t« tv tin vine of th< itpeokefe a* Camp View Free lU{4ht camp which open* Hu'iilay nt 3 oclock for . two wreten ineetln*. Thin camp in situated near Want **h#vlllc on Beaver View mountain et-d wau founded by the Rev II V. • Rob I B*'lf. of We«t \lr flrtftln ui'-d In Other upcnkiT* for the roir I l)e camp will b<* Rev , H. "tvron. of I’lne l.evcl, the Frei- Will imp'iut *'»Vt conVvtMr Hon, llr J I, HRdpe* I'nh'-rnacle Utptlul churrh ink Hern and Row RiLydTond t'ie dHtliiruMted M R eh u rch^-v-t—i* *Cf' PnroMna. * —/ . The tnmJo wi| he iindorvyiie 'ijgifC vi ion ot Rev and Mr*. t’l'tniun cf Eureka enlle»e Aytlen, N. t*. A part of the roiiKrena ion of the •> enl elutrnh Ic* rdnnned *o «lf*'nd Hie e-unp thl* ye,nr, *evernl hnvini! .iltoncled la-t y«*er nntl tM-lna toutl in pralaitiK the meet Ins Col. Watts is Reported Ag Growing Worse HTATKKVIM.K. Julv 14 —Pol. Ac ft. Watt*, form t collector of in termU revctjuc for North Carolina. vii tonight yrowitiß teailllv weaker, reports fro'c the b*d*ldtt n mid Pliy “lrtaK* donlrted that tic would live throuali the niabt Claim Oil Well Drillers In , , , Sampson Operated Big Still .vu' fire th at that op rmfm: # ahlskey' UaWpwfr rwiut? ufflcimnrrr 1 <vpH led »<> «ll<r" «'li m «i #l-' 1 JCtcllX. connect!?! ylti I!' nit exp f,i tuent tn the nrfjoluttts coriity ar# ar.- ■ reigned fur a pr> llinlti tv It string ii. xi Tuesday. A Ik-mu* in Qm ctMM Was definitely fixed so. n< \t Tm< Mlay. t'llitt Urn cllla»u» In Ihilfl.-horn stated la»t I evening. Wo wprniH r*f4U~*r* « aided a eWlt ao4 - far distant from wprrv the well ip bn- . Inf Mink and telaJv finding n complete i niaiiufacturlftg outfit au<l allege that It had been placed in -up* - ration by t #oro- connected with iht ilrlilln- Air-Me have been niadr. it wii*..f§|lt but the a r re»t* hnvr not •lanWtt ‘be i drilling for oil 'They hav* don** more i'work etac* thia atorni blew up Sun (dn« tbkii they did In two we«k. prc-j . Tloanly," said a Ollutoa man hor< last. !««•«. | HEAT DEATHS REACH TWENTY ? *.. Hoftpilhf Facilitiaw* Taxed in Some CHies Throußh Num erouK Pro«tratl«nH NEW YORK July 14 - (A*\ - Relent ,te*a, elmklna be*i continued Ira tori ture of ibe epatorn at.itc*' todny, brlniilns death to more than prr*on» and nmklnK a toll of worn tbnn 30 fur the three duV'i-r- riercln* « heavy stifling eapdpy of clouds und humidity, the no’nr lutenvlly pro*- j,luted bundl'd*. Inxtnff li<--pital Inc RitK-e 4n mvtiy elite*y —-~ Althnugb prumtved Which were expert ed- tu xtul lit? turning area-taut night proved tickle, the wca'ther ban** prtnllr. *4 vlectii. cal Hdorrna wlitth wouit: he more mithful tonkht and rain heuan salt- Ing la Me* Yyrk ffly. hhort ly Ik fore r, o'clock, brini ng a *Nghr demeoae In leiuperginre. The utorma Ihat «w#r< northern j'New York, and New Kaglund last t Uht c'-ui'ed 'hrei- death and arr-tt nnntwee. bwt bnmgbt lower t.-wpw»- luraa otdv in one eecHun Deeplte llic pr.nnlue of ruin and ;-ooler temperatnren, thousands of New Yorker* flocked to the henche* • Rkiti thi* afternoon, preparing “ to xfeep on the *aud* _ It wan tti'-re than IRO.Pnn ptr on* npenl la*t night on ;ho aand* nt Coney Island. While tenii»erniure* of 9ft and above waa reported from mmy cities today. .tenMTvatn were aUkrhtly te»* Lilian yesterday when the therniomei. **;r Nn aever\l JiH-ftlitie* touched lOA Severe! New York nndl'on- reported tampers-' 'V.ef tof as today.. It waa <ni la New - i u .'.it, r V," I" W New Jersey were Li tlir thijee day hcit period fflfk'irute New- York ha* reported H vyvW lr* end r/iicMylv!*nla fi . Two nnd New Haven, Conn., each reiiorted on* death today. Theft death* In Few England were In addition to 3 ranged by the v4ot»nt nlorm night. I'OI.K ItN in HELD 0> TIIE IHtK .E OF Twißiosncnr COI t’MRt'K N. C.. Julv 13 tdl - Romlhili y of u requeat for a special term of superior court to,try lUrn-un Rr*teh*rd 35, fpf« murder ««i today being talked by ,|'o'k county elUxetta fo’low tog the xlnving of Pitehard'a tenant - and unci* John Turner. r.s; promimaut farmer, who was burled y««»erday LU A mum. In Katnpaon count) In which a uim Urr of pmnirnMH . ttlV.< n* dTTßFToiin *>' were Interested baa petered nut .All.lS.rtfl. flf. lll ll * l ' ilipi'lr rtinwi i d wnn the Work or drilling hnve i M ; „ «rnalr ( | < .u charge of op-rat hm of a tiiouuabti'- still !(•■« by. Stale Geologist Herman Dry ton labeled tUa venture a, wildcat one wh n he visited In re ut the tin.* operation.. ■a*arta#.-*«f*jr l»s« month 7W* karnr .lfa s wildcat but wr’m going abend" •onus of those interested, snid at that lime firtUlng had reached « 7tai Jout feed and the dtlll poliu bs.l I. -cup.- lodged in I'ock, necessitat'd g -de lay In the work, the promoters said. Tb‘ n • Sherlfi \icfi. Morrison of Sampson couuty arrested ,V. Orr, I firm member promoting ihe well fend I two of hla employee*. Jackson hod (Coptlpued 09 Page Tiro) GOLDBBORO. N. C FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 1&. 1937 GENEVA CRISIS YET UNABATED Itirtiwh. Atnottcan.'- ard lapu nette I'rffMti Vkwt* cn OrlVN er '(onouitv ” * ‘ y '.' tJENKYA July 14 (/IY Tit" fTlula m Dm navi-J douioretio* ctiultiinoa •inuhated <Sn*P’tJa public »t Hit to day at which Rrtti U. Au erLCan •■nil Jatatn-.. iB-legafiOlUl r rankly prevented befon the world their vtowa 'concerning th. ernieer proldam, which mav yet cauee :i apßt Ut tho cons vireuce This preaentahjiiu aerv.-d only . to emplMSlse the wide divergenc e* eg. 1 1- ting and clouriy, tliat while Grant Itrlpcin I* acliu ring to high tonnage in cruiser* the Anihric 4 n and JapvntW are sfrugKl'rg to nt iupi the lowefl* level of tdtinage. Two feature* of this noleuin and tcrtHf Meaioii *im»d out pi'oiiiliu.-ntiy. One w'a* the declaration of Hugh (ilhVon, head of the Asierknn dela gntlou. thut an ngreoireDt between the U»m- power- wp,» ««rth ntpre Ri alt than auy t>>cliui&al advent age nod that ail Hal coitflddne# ;tnd thw fpel in* of «ecurtiy to tw derived form mi agreeineu; have uore value thru vp* nuiiiher t>f gun* and altip*. He pl«(,td"d* rnr n *elf darylng ordinnuro freely cnten4 lain by three great barn I power*. The »ecoml Ucture wa* furnished by Admiral Jathan. who »»• com. mnnrter of the RrlUHb. Grand feet it Jutland, lla'ihx hi* eonierttiou 111* remarkable fhnr exeyrtfiH-w, l«a * nalnted a plgfure of Creact Hritatn i|ei*en»let4( for l»«r Ufa and *a<Wity on I n litb c of fotmnunl catlon ptJveil 11 eplaode* ~f tha a* jiiStiflCHllou. tie p'-O tured the Briti ll Kmpire n> at tha merer of hoaitl raiders In went of pnnllier grc-it Elf. ITil* certainty, h<- mid. mede It Smyc-rativc> fpr (Jr<at nr‘t*ln to dei*.md at lennt eventy rrnlter* , The Brltl-di udmtnil renal led *ba op-watiou of the I'amati raider* W ulf and .Se-'tller in the- Pa«lfci and Ih rtlnn ocean* .and otl'*r *«-i* mnay tlintiaand* of iiillon dl tno* t from German port* ■ t prowls* that, 'ha grevt mujctrlty of the rannv thouvnnda rs mile i of runt vi ii c teal ton arc ..pen to Httack In ca»e of w ir.- Mr Glb’nn'e that' It would he ImpraetlewMo for the V.„ S to have 2R maximum *l*ed er.ula. er* If ihe tonnage iev«l low elenred the air a* It ha* bwn report ed ineielenily that the A-pertesns were*d-*}ermined on having Jf> under *n* ctri'um tanee* TOUCHES wirf: ELECTROCUTED . ’ • « Heroic Work of Friend-* lo Aid Kitlt'isrh l.inemnn After Accident * : : \ I UAI.KICH, July 14 f4V-W It. j Mayiiiiiih of Ml Ciklonlf, n ll»M man wltlv the li*-al pr-war amt llrhtj eompnnv »a* fatuity injured h*r# \ today when he 'ume In eo 'L»ct w tb t’,3i'o vol- line while a‘top I pole j'fTilttir-s^i.-piujta. Knocked from the pole at 5:10. May- ; nurd lay on the alilew vlk a* a er«w -iff hh«4 itywrl «t») Cnduiinted by * phy ielane oplpii n IkaLTiie iii«hYi'h.ar , r c'WTd TiMr3Ty 14 nwmied Into action Mg'tier'd'*’ ro. worker* fought dmperatfly lo v *av» him. . - • , / —"* f.s tDwru RALEinff. July 14 (4*> The tftHrwani bridge ronvtrnrtlon t* to hr need «* an example for ilie new bridge planned by thij »tat" highway commission nt Washington; N V , to replace the' evlsting bridge fu-rmi* the Psmtico rlv*r, • The bridge will We IJfi feet lone with a draw *pnn of Tha hnscnle ivp .' The cnaimiaaion hay app'led to th" war department for ritht so build new- hTrtge aero** tha Tar River at Greenville. Sermons Gives Up to Craven County Sheriff NEW BERN. J„|, ] f—l.uljier Kvrmoua. alleged lo haw shot KVklertl F.ohlbltioa Offlcar W. 1.. Lewi* in * hat He between ntoonshlnere’ aud Federal hgeut* Inai Monrtiyr arternoou. today aur rendered to Hbeilff Laov of Grav en county. It is said here th:U • ermotiN ia a former deputy *her. itt of Crutreu Adrlceg from the Kin* on ho*. where I‘huhibltton Lewi* la a patient tonight were that he waa slightly Improved. MOYE IS GUILTY CHARGE 1 It Scntfrcfd to Serve Four Ytuni , «« Hlote I’rinon, Wnpi:ttv Dixpoirh StateM (F|>ecln| ip hie New*) WAHiAW. Jtrty f 4. Pound yullty of ato ret reaktaa. and rtn-vly- Ih| In I'ltplin cun m y Rupr-rtor court at Keaaii*ei||e tht* ino nini Frank Moje, Goldsboro matt, wax tbl* morn-1 ins snoleneert to four yonra in state Prtaou. Arno* Suty van, of Haul stop towiiKkip. Wayne Founty. vmm also found guilty nnd aent*nuuk, to two years fit prlaun Kv Si’tee la the cn*, * .inat the two Waya* county men hud be«n com ptet«d *w»« y#aU»4»y nflai mimsm nad th* argument* of K. U. i.oftiu to.- Moyii ;• ml of the aotleikoi for , tl»o *IM" remain'd to couiplute til* e#ae Uxli y. • Mpy mid Rulttvan w#r« bold futfty of bnntk' ng aud entrrtiif lAiiioii aud at Calypso, Tliair mihm by Wn> in county de|HMta* ended .a I'Perlaa of depredation* In tb* Ihipßa toooa Good* valuod at aevtr»| Inin dred dot) irk wery pi-mrer. d by th* •Way He Oil Ice *'-T Evldet-e which < ojjvictcd the two man wip* b< the nrn4u.kL^plln4 l»y John I jiii caste vho turiud bfate’* ov deuc*. J .k'eye, brother Os the d f,-nd ant »nd 1- v. Peter M'-thtyre, paotor of th* Pir it Pfr4bvt*rlan chttieh, GoMaboro, made i p o-ala fut marey on iM-half of Knud Iloye Arcordlop to 9||| Ip I received .Hare, Moya did not glv*' ii'tUc* of appeal' end wa* lie id In Itoplln county Jail at Kenanavftle Rev*ial a ••»!,» ago May* and Hul llvnn were found guilty of receiving In V cuse heard ut Snow Hill an'il I row nt out of ullcged rolib«ry at Hook'rton A *"ni*B"- of fifty rt w.ci: Imposed upmi Mofn In 4.1* to I Bat a nee ami he (icc nolle • of appeal, - - SHANGHAI EMIOR T A |K illG TOI.I. KHANGHAI. July 13 -kJh EloikH la South Auwlrl Provlu-M on caused the death* of more than a I tin'lls*U4L.per»oi(* It I* t*i Red la lialat "d reports reui hint b'-to, . Ten* ot people "a e t*ld to let [ tp'niele** c Pick Playground Champs At Park This Afternoon Thus jtffcrnotm at-I oVf.vi'b the trod j-iLifM* mill til Ii .1 rna ■* ■» I>«rh I n fnTjn, witt wirr* Tl r ii* iin 111 t"wrp *“ decide who* the i>laj ground Twenty-two event* havp iwen *chr »m.«kl u* teat itot iiu-ul. -t rani) two wvmta runging 'fr<Si» borao-hoe*. j thru**!* ntuuvhlep***, tuurUUi*, aprlol trg.. juniplnr Tor boya anil Jmhroc.i*. rnp< jumping, muhlepeg, *pi"ta Inc »nd (lit* baaketbail throw forgirla. - There will lie eventa for every apt Tbtg" imt gtrt ■ Alf -i pmpetHoM frWVC • ’ >«n divided. Inin two c'awae*. mid. ",btl U.-flrr eighty pound*, anil junior* I l**tvre«n rigl(ty unit • hundred. Ijjrli • I«h» will hare ■ prognirrof innli. Inrluiihm a two hundred yard rrlif, The hop or sir! in each < !«•»• with the tsreata. ; number of joint* I *o hie or her eicdl? Will lie declared the rliampop . btletw of th* play* around* In hla or her dlvtaion The playground with the btfheot number of potato.to !t« credit will .... (FLAG DAfE MAY 31 HE HOLDS I’rafeaaor of Hiatorv at CuiM whe* Writes Hiatorv of Tk« WcMtern Part of State CULUIWHKK Jal> 14- i/PV—North (igrollna’g slate flag should hear tha date of May 31 bateod of Mar vo If, conclusion* of E. H. Htlllvell. uioie*T ,r •' hlntory) < ei ( ulVuwhee SUU* Norm il\ and author of a his tory of weMern North Carolina ar* < erreet. The controversy osar au b’n-ietty of #*- crdAtlon of Independence t* due to r confusion of dates which grew out of the difference between the old ■nd new ralendara. he tell* hi* stu dents. “I *m qnile convinced thut the d’lt* Mav 20. te baaed da the old calendar,", lie *alds "The difference bet ween the old »nd new c ileadkrs a croon (tor the discrepancy in date* which hn* given rt«m to the controv ersy over the Mecklenburg declare tton (if Independence **t buv* no dunbt - In fm-t. I tklnk no one don Ida— th rt there waa a Mecklenburg declaration of Independ ence The coat rover ry rage* solely -round tbe gcnulnna* a which the l> bring* up. Moreovar I thiiik tha only .lays difference a dates mentioned reason the Gontineaial Con grass In Philadelphia dM not fnrmaTly . ot < friclsly iccognls* the dnrluration IP (guesttoe was' -that enugrtm# was conipoaql pf strwnjr minded t'ad,«w Ht com* to sec ibe u*ee*sTj of such »n extrsune step and who war* unwilling to accept the Jndg ment of a remote county In the hack "wdbd* of Tfeirth Onrdtiiia, Professor Stllurell, . exp'atned that the difference la da'ea occurred due to the fact that John McKalt! Alex ander, clerk at the meeting, herd til* account of the meeilny nnd copy l»f the declaration l« his honsa “ Th< dwelling was burned. As er Alcxan ‘tier died, bis son found a sbual on which th* clerk l|-4 written ./from memdry what He renld of the meetiar giving the date May tIL Another torn sheet, la nn unknown hnndwHting gave a *tMßar account lint carried lb* d»t* May 31. The Mwv n dg‘e wa* meupted by North dtroliniana Prof BtllweM belief that the correct data to May *l, on no. I * dual* found in old .newspaper*, he raid. JI M IN FLOGGING ( ARE RE MAC4N t.'P: RTANIt IN NAME TOTCOA, O*.. July ||. t/V) Thi Jury which wine* last night ha* beet < oqnidcrlna the m>a«< of Elnie- Flark charged with ibe a*sauit with ntoa' to murder In connection with the Gp' k uk-T Mr* Andy Bow-rs. rnt wore to June I. H Button whvn iu«n con vened tbl* morning that If bad not icached a veidlet. • file meetag. said th* Jury atom "pboUt the ewiue" as it did Mr'haa I* took the first ballot last night Mujnwhll* the atate rgllnl fur tria ftv* men Indicted In connection with the flogging of llartew ePngletoa fartn«r. » TJISW a picture of lit allile'e* taken %■ m nawar m«WwK«rpigsSr Trttt he given a pfare or honor la fhv Community building Individual win MM will Im* awarded rlbbona. Tot hiahppoiiu winner* la eooh «twoo w j t pec fa I treat baa boon arranged, the untune of which wttt be it toiled tat ' ' The playground ' wftonlug th< cbn i'plonabii will be given a frae » wlm at the Preabytarlan pool la order ihat tba Internet of the ; grlftii- Os u.ia and glfir from' each playground who don't actively cCeo*. I pele may be rewarded, twenty point* wilt b* given *Ue center wKh the ’argc-t attendanc«4n the park. Twen ty more potato will he given for good rportimanehip. Thla program of event* will com «tude the alx vreefce itaygrouud aofc viou. which hog, from the otoadpotat of atundance and inter.-.t. boon a kno*t gratifying nicceti to thaoo la charge. * •* m ~ “ l "^,' ' ”M.f ■ H!■ * Member ol The Associated Press 1 . ! r ~~ r " r - r ■-bu. i\ , PRICX nvi CMW a ... Muck Progress In Eight Ytm PataM WlijMfkMrUm Ukw IX* mt CMvkt Hlyltt a*4 OUtM > •< "Usl W»J|« -OUBJy ft* •»«■■■■ llsho* to road bulldth* la ft# iMt right run *i» dfeftoattrdUd y*»- ut«I«) U, delegate nprhaeatlsi Ctttc unit'* of Uoldsboropad Mt. dllft ta , no eight hour fair of IftjrlUs ft road la the coeuD. lAsffhg ‘ fta | courthouse at liSS la iht, moratft. tl a motorcade headed la the <*{*•** tiou of fteroa Bprfsg# I*4 ba'mi t*- •oraja* t* the cRy ftsdf * foaatftf . circle, Hu dual retain My sjpag ( the root* which *t*t« Mlbwvr' tuft ’mr to: will follow from *4*** atari , to *a# tlrraae oooaty ft*: . Speed of 4» m|lr. *»ur *»tN be made There wgjrs 9%Ur • If* ilrtteh.. of Ihe fa*which -ulgbt ft • ear way b* wore) -treteh rggroeauth »** tons of (he uoid-boro Bro.di.urM brUs, n*d uow undor eoaotractloa/ . “ ** , 'ah* *H«MM es i** 4a the coaaty escaped the ftfwber^tf -tlda* b#w»lSy mftfty, iftl'we 'iS ro hogt*. dad you people hpve MSB loday Irirsjftd orm pract catty tft 'iillee of pood road fa tbp, county 4*i there are more MtMaThW <dhtf ft# haoa trarelled " * V-jUI la the etrol# of lioldeftwo aI«M the mate* of the eoMK) highway eft} roueloa. Or# hard soffßai ftftft iti 'iutataed by tba M 4» a htglift* ••ommlMlon ware jftt tratmedft* tor thau rwo mil*# at tho moat. . Member- of the party remarked 4Mft when the Ways# road* yeeclipd Dml termlnne it the FtaipHt, Groan* coaaty Hnes-peftCs taaftft on she trip—feTsriablV the iSfftf He* could be aattpiHal-had by fill fact that ttt'j’Muf iMdt adbtiahad shadow of mj}-ttfty§*(S» j*g )ft| heaa Irrretted '7> <*" niatmas tyraegay aM? ail# or* hteh credit for Ita otaaly >nrf ~ |wh *• the conaty’s mi eyalMl to g.m f> Scott, ooeaty spglnm, »ad to his B-*leta«U.. --V , *ne -» MM*.ftftWdy*w*e*jkr # _ •*orrpares f.rorshly ft* ft* .ft*# ia the "ti t, hath la tha atftfty eye* tern sad la the naiaber es ftl*. M • tat. highway* la tha #*•*,” tali J. L Bootee. a mumblT* the high way coaimlialoa. HU aaawrtUp wad ppmred by Ur. Kermegay aid MVft the latter also a member odtfce hiftu way oommiaMoa aad oMaat U fpft of serrleo oa the board, who wli* . ;<lln* la the (aft* aatamobMa. (* At three pallb iMt lha ithrto fta* ■ peeted, the aiifthf at the taarfhc perty were lawttfd ta laapaet ft* as eteaa aa a ha*flfti**7fiMftr wm# ■ erred at Capt. HhtNi aSaft aaa* l*fum SI bad It with th« exception ftgt MM Hinton, utJHrjnfinptv toil, *im *hat Iced tea fee -erred aad ft* ft* potaocs be tarred ftmtk Wad ft* .teed of •lowed ‘ If this le what yoa feed the cam. nets.” -aid fhtoaa Wltharftitaa ft »•» °“ T *- »*! h-ar of mo gotUlg ait saatghiift t* i he road." Tha thlrtaaa a#iH 4< the party tha ehtiaft. k The doiiwwftg oompHaad , ftaai maklag the trip ta «bth Mr ft rant George g Uawoy, renroaaatftg 4M Goldsboro Rotary atafe; Vhftft ftßfr naHSTclsb; Os A. *?. mnH^i the h*>lthdspiyUpaft^ftMAji% been in

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