%e V-. ' • > *- i *** - ‘ffc* —*““ :-C''' * y , •' *- ■*> • ' • *, a- v - r *, -V - ' f ■*. • ■o . - . WUIHB Oaaarally tetr Saturday sad Baaday ■t sift, teaal lha»dsrshawar» hi tha VOLUME BIX; NUMBER U 8 GOLDSBORO, N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY Ui. II Pteirff itv TWO (MIAN FLIERS REACH THEIR DESTINATION 40 DIE, 200 WOUNDED IN SERioUS VJENNA S TREET FIGHTS VOLUME SIX; NUMBER US Lading Made At Molakai, 60 Hilts From Honolulu, Point Which Had Been Goal Plane rmy Planes Took Pilot Smith and Navigator Bronte Prom Plane and Flew to Wheeler Field, Honolulu; Mes sage Asking Assist ance had Been Sent 740 Miles Out When It Seemed fine Would Glee Out ■•IOLULC, Jnty U-(AP)- liml I* Mtk, n< tmmn *• lrate, CaUterala fltecs. who toft JtaAtood, ('•Wk, Thnrsday ascrwtag far a flight to Hawaii arrival at Whaotor Field Si alte fro* Eeoetela at t. 47 p. m. ■ooatela Itew (•«« ► *. P«c wte Dm today) we »«•«««• They wore token est Iha MM of Molakal, • MM iwttewt •< ImMi alter the mouoptoas *M ftatad te toad ter M es Tha twelve army Manes flaw cwr Hoaolalu la formation at p. m. ' later mil onto Wheeler Field be fore thousands of cheering spectator* Tha army had aaat oat a squadron of planaa to graal tha civilian flier* aa th*y naarad Diamond head from Molokai in tha rlaaa* of thalr snail hosts. Tha Whailar Field (»• rasrad a salute ter tha fllars as Bmlth and Fronts steppad from tha army planaa. Smith triad a Krona shout. “Wall, hara we ira.'* 4 Broate jumped out of the plan# (hat hroagh him to th« field and run- Hint over to bla pardner. Smith shook hands with him. The two fllara rlappod twl Othar on the hack aa (hop stood together Smith Immed iateljr explained that meeasgea rtk tog iHiataaM wara aaot "because It appeared #t that time that onr gaso line auprlr might glva out and wa wara taking no chances * Tha fllara wa within about •» »irplana tattes ot thalr *onl. Honoln In. To cat to tha Island ot Oahu an ■ which Honolulu la located tha air man would had to crow • 21 mile channel hatwaan Oahu and Molokai . and a coant M mile* overland to'tha ' Or lag field Tha aviators atartad their fll*ht from Oakland, California 10:40 *» 'flf, Paotfle flma. Thuradar after making 000 falaa start and nearly wracking tha plana by striking a rut along tha adga of tha runway. Tha plana straight sued ont oyer flan JTranclaeo from Mawali at 11:0d Pacific Tima , - Bout# aant our hourly maaaaga* on Mb small radio oat. tellina of a saa of fog atratfhed out ha low tha' plaua as far aa tha aye could teach. At S p. m. Thursday ho aald “Wo hope • to run out of It •oca." HONOLULU., July 14-<*)-The trung-ftcltlc monoplane “City of Oak land.” flylhe tO Honolulu, struck tha wfter too*. 6W mile# from land at a. m. (pacific standard tlma) u4n iftdr rugging <>»t »f ditt vrfwnutmift* four aUawNnu td Wr aid h) tha thaaly use of her radio The linar Wllh/lmlno. 74 mllaa from the wM Photo tha monoplane** last. bos wa* hoard was speeding to the rescue of tha filers. • Una lubber Bast Two othar ahlpa. tha liner PrneL d*nf Pierce and tha Army transport . heaowia. continued gpward tha ItlraPr last known pOsltldn and n game' of hide tnd'aeek oyer hun dred of miles of ope® dan was on. Besides a rubber Iff* raft, similar to tha type Geoupamder Byrd and hi* ' craw need after 'Wing forced down off (ha French const. Smith had n pair of coltspatble oars, a tire pump, rubber emtehea. two dosan '■< tiara* and a signal pistol. > 1 COaaUauod ca Page Pour) V- -- . —i' , . * '' n - '• r 7r rv ,r. t • \ . - -c-“' % ■v • THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH- READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. ----- - r *■ V- ;~~ *■- ■ ■;• , • .... - • • Postoffice Receipts Show B Large Gain The Goldsboro Mjstoftlce c#n ttnue* to show Increasing receipt* Despite the faet that buslnaa> ooa dltioa* bare not bean tba bast during the past oil months. the local office shows an incrsaae iu receipts of fI.Q&.M over the cor responding time a year ago. For the last six month* total re ceipt* were f{S.a79.7il. For the same time year ago. receipt i wars ttMZI.99. a .’The mounting receipts show a steady growth in the business done In lhe city." remarked Postmaster Simpkins lu discussing the fig ures. 0 HOUGHTON ENDS AHEAD OF TIME Driver Making Daylight Run Over Rout elO Panned Thru City Early Friday mmvwi #»iy -»*- m -i» “ Houghton, accounts nled hy J. H, Monte, of the t'arollns Motor Club, drove an automobile through North Carolina today on his “dawn to dusk* grip reaching this point near the vOegrgla state line at 7:J7 o'clock. Htefcms due to arrive at 9:10 p. m Leatyg Morebead City at 110 a. m to transverse the length of the j Plato highway number 10. Roughton. Old Fort sportsman, set for biamolt the dldh uli task of driving the ear the entire distance at aa average speed of 40 milee aa hour. From the outset he kept shead of rschedule. The trip approximately COO mile* was made wllbout ml«h*p and under fair weather conditions. D. T. Roughton. of Old Fort, pass ed tbroustb New Bern shortly befors 6:00 o’clock yesterday morning on his daylight trip from the Atlantic at Moreheed City, to the state lias peat Mujrphy He was * few mtautee ahead of schedule In passing here, and press dispatches during the day revealed that he had retained the tdvulMf gained In the early driv ing ~nt was accompanied by J. H. Monte of the Carolina Motor club. r. W. Ml ItTIIWiTOJI DIED o WEDNESDAY SIOHT ELIZABETH CITY. N. J . July IB —DP) —Clarence W. Huntington. 71 retired president of the Virginian ratlrgad died at his home Wednes day night. • Local Temperance Union Against Smitn Candidacy Ooldsboro women who are members of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Uulon are against A!.. Smith aa the Democratic candidate for president, end they are against L. X Johnson of Pander county for (loyernor. At .leas* e*i gi-MAutia mode at l lu* r«gul :|pr Wsdflhg «f tlrpfoeut tftwdNf • tub with Mr*. H<-n Dampen, pre*l •ient of the asooriailon. Commenting ujppn the Pander county man’* platform of “dacldely wet” plank*, one of whtrh i» offered aa a solution of (be farmer’s problem, a member of the locil club asked “Does this candidate consider It better to\u*e the grain and fruit to intoxicate people thao for faedlog them? Is the termer Jitter off whan his grain and fruit are sold to bla sons as Intoxicants.” Another subject for discussion whu that democrats should hrx* a pr««i denflal candidate who is for prohibi tion Several stated that- they would never rote against thalr own party and that they would not vote for- a whiakaf candidate, therefore s they TO REPRESENT * WAYNE COUNTY; Couq/ty (Agent Robertson And Poultrv Agent Brown Attend World Poultry Meet j* Wayne couuty will b« represented «l the luttii-natioua) Poultry Confer ence in Ottawa. Cnneda, July 17 to August 4. This was provided tor ai a meeting of the executive commute, of the Wayn* bounty poultry aesttc iatlon yeeterdny. County Poultry Agent T. T. Brown and t'ouuty Farm Agent A. K Hob art non were authorised by the assoc iatlon to attend the conference aa of ficii) delegates from the Wayne Paul- Ay«t<istlon. The Ottawa conference wijjj' h the gYca’a-t jtu.lie'riug of poultry fgnciert inc the greaest sshlbition m fine fchti* ever assembled. Tw<..t*4 «,r tnl:ty rcnniries will be repree *t »' at O’F roetlng and thousands r.cd thousand- of fine stock shipped, man* rs ihca, Is|t around tha world; wtir he t>u display TEACHER COES _ yREEASSAULT Candor High School Principal Not Guilt v t'rimirthl Attack On Pupil TRUY, N. C,>. July„Ab (rtVT. B- Mauaey, Candor high school princl jgi fume »aa foimU not saiitUC of criminally attacking Mrs. K. F. Banders by a Jury In Montgomery Pupertor court. The jury deliberated It minutes. When the Jury ret*ned. the at fnoefihfre | n the courtroom Was changed with suspense although many ipectstom w«ve believing s verdict of acquittal wbutd be given. The de fendant. his wife, and pa rents show ed Jißle signs cf nervonmesi while r.waiting the decision but maofiest relief when the verdict was render ed.. Mrs. Binder* preserved an out wrrd calm for s short apace of time, hut left the courtroom In team. The family of the defendant was ‘V recipient of countless congrstu I la io«| and it wna leanr d that mam tera of Mauney's church at New Lon don had held several prayer meetings for the purpose «f petitioning for bin sequiUal and that they had set 3 o'clock today as a time to meet at the church and pray for him Mauney's mother telephoned them that her boy had been fouud not gouty , . 4-KEENYILLt: YOI'TH PAKVLYZKD ORKWNVYLLE, July 14—(HA-EI • ur. Hardee. It. is, in a locs I htwpl t il pgrslyaed from his armpits down us the result of Injuries received vesterday when lie fell from a bath ing prlcr into ahnllow'water. would not rote at all unless there Is a 'Democratic | ( rok!l»liioji candidate. Otbera aald they, would vote against Al Smith If they had to vote a-.lta publlcan ticket.' " It was decided that menthers of iba'flriTrt shorn rnifta ef* ttWr term* to carry to the sick, and ta have Bibles ftaced for the usa of patients In the public hos- Jlit* la at o«r sUx- fine member -apoka of the fart that our hoapltala have been aud are rilled with crushed peo ple most of which la. In one way or another the result of whiskey. Another member called attend >n f the fact that recently 'a candidate for the governorship of North Caro.- UnatUas anaamaosd hia platf«»m a* “decidely wet.“ He Breaks ot the ad vantage to the farmer in having his grain and fruit bought for tha pur pose of making whiskey. Mrs. Dampen told of the flow*** i..l»*lon which she attended in Ral eigh a taw weeks ago held at tha W. C A. by tha Raleigh W C. T. (Continued ou Pago Two) GOLDSBORO, N. C.-SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 18, IM7 Riots Protest Coort Verdict 4 Soldtera Had! Been Acquitted of Murdtr of Seciattnl; Attack Police <H) AMUR lATkll Pit EH Si » Vienna was the «re»t wf khter rioting and street fight tag je*- teistaj Vlrtugllj, teataled Irom the remainder of Kgrape, com plete and etea accurate report# of the- sitaolteo were *tew in scepMg lb root h. lint estimates •1 Ms ra<-unities ranged ap Mb 4M whh the dead front I* to Ma Through the trß of k Hence eoow on report from Turin that -a red distalershlp had been" ■et ap and bat etbtr d.spo ebe« irum herd r towns sold tabt tha t>Hastt< a bad been mastered b) the nntboriUeft. The' rioting started after. U» ac qbit si of several former soldiers ac cused of murdering s sooiaJist and the polaee «f Justice wna burped and records destroyed 1 . •" itoveraf dispatches received In dou said tabt the roiUng was really part of s coup*- d' tat, but no couftr matioii of Ibis was uvkilabte. f A general strike wag rep<irtsd to have .been caUed tonight, with the < luting mob waltlug at several poiuts while uegoiiaUous between their ceeded. V ? Newspaper offices wore sacked, a rattmants were looted near the pal tee of Just las und police statlohs raided. - BcrMi* rioting Iks I developed Into heavy fighting tkrew Ytonua into wild too.i the cattuaßlea were reportod <• be 40 killed aud rod wounded Mi»«r riota were proceeding In other parts of the city while a «">b collected out side of the Italian legation shouting “Dcwu. wl h MitsHOlini" and ‘iiowa with Fhafiam The Palace of Justice was set afire and nearby opartmenis .whoso occupants were away on (holidays were invaded and lotted Parliament is adjourned,,, and tbs cabinet met inconstant session today to deliber ate on the situation. li t was surly this morning when the real Double began as noqa aa newspaper reports made tha court verdict'generally knowiK Homa of the newnpaper printed denotociatlons of the verdict. Workers loft twffactor <es ami began moving Is the dirac tlon of RlngstTaiStae about lug-•'mur tderers'' down with class Jo* Me. The first conflicts, occurred oppos ite the university who* policemen were disarmed and their uniforms lorn off by the mob, The offlcern were re«cu€-d with great dlffeulty by reinforcements. The most d.mrerons situation arose outside of the I’alace of Justice when thousands of work men erected barricades with n otor cara and motor lorries to prevent the mounted police from qdvoneltir. Soon after noon, the mob got tusld, the building and played havoc tbor - despite a large »i|usd of poU'Wi Wlr dows w#r« sreaitlied and book* an I loeuments thrown out to be torn hy the rioters. Officiate and e’erk» were dragged out siqi beaten by -the en raged mob and were only saved from lynching by volunteer Red Cro*# workers,. • Wtvi.t. t.»rrs m* tjrtilti - t'HICJUUI, Aotjft «—W —After years the University of Chicago has i,warded to Amos Alonso Stagg an honor blanket for atbeltlc distinction The blanket Is a prise given to sen ior athletes .when ihfy grndns'e. it was In the esrly nineties that Stagg. now in'o his aecoia quarter-century we sntittfc director at ttnruniversity; plsyed on baseboll and foothill teams st the school. The blanket vrt*ed to the grand old. mao Midway has a varidty (' and a star. In dicating • year of varal jr football two navy blue star* for two years of haaebatl. an dtwo black star* indi catlns caTalnclas inf football and bass ball tssuu. WEBBTOWN IS < CHAMPION Ki wants Unit T*kc« Most Evwtt Points but AUendnnce Telln Talc I* v , T '' “ O *> The tour, city playgrounds wet nur at Harman Park yesterday afternoon and staged a mighty battle for a hto t - supremacy of Ooldaboro, and when Die smoke ttßd»rleared tbe recorders’ » .<■< i sbowod tli i tbe Klwauls club cutter had coprod 6# 1 S points ih active com pet it lon that WllUam atrhot with its partner, tba court house square center, bad M and that Webb t iwn had uuimsaed 41 plus Z 0 (or at t ndance which gave them the übam P wish ip by 13 1-1 points. Iter two hours and,.a half repre I utatlvea from the different play grounds pitted thetfeelvea ac*tesi rich oil i r on the track. In the morkile ting*, on the horseshoe links; *they jumped tope, cut didoes with o kalfe. and picked up Jackrocks while a host of roofers followed them about bowl lug encouragement. And finally, when tbu ntn was well down toward a hank of cloud* piled along tbe wes tern hortson. the midget relay teams laminated the content by thriitigg race, and the tabulator was left to i ummartse tbe roaott*. ' • Mlaa Mary UorbeM, dtmrt bouss ‘quare entry. easily tbe star o# tbs Juuior girls devlston with eighteen points to her credit Ell Llgget of tha Kawanls grounds walked away with individual honors among tbe I toys, battle bud drifted sway, a total et thirteen potato beside* the three and three quarter point* he amassed as a member of the winilng boree*hoe an.l relay teams. Duo ts) the fact that the rnnsaetl •Jon wah so clone, and Imanuse the ‘brand of sport«m*nsblp dlslared hy all was to excell»*nt, the privileges promised the winntg playground ha# heon to all playgrounds— (ho prlvilsge of a froe swim lif tk« Preabyterinn f/xd at a dale to tm ennonncal on the playgrounds this morning, - In divid'ial champions among the toys are the foltovttwr —Ftrif yard dash for Junior*. Ed Phillips William dreet; fifi r Yard dash for midgets Eli l.lgg«t. Kawanls; junior mumble peg champion. Jack Culbrath. Kaw eala; mldgat mumldepeg champion. Jue Brown, dnurthonsa square; double In, horeeshce*. Ell I.igget and Edgar Mitchell, Kawanls; -Ingles in horse shoes. Msrwln Southerland. Webb, town; standing broad jump for Jun to's. Marvin RopjherUod. Webb'own I standing broad Jump for midgets. Bit l-'fge'. Knwanii; two hundred Yard for midgets, won by Kawanls grounds two hundred ysrd relay for juniors wort by William street ehßter. Chapiona of the different evaftts for girts: fortr yard dash foe Jun iors. Clara Brown courthoi|se aquare; fotty vnrd d«ch for midgecE Blanch Tucker, Webfilown; ropq Jumping, Mary Corbet, oour house «<iuare; (Continued on Page FancJ - Doubt . Weed Mart Opening Be Changed From Sept. A mn»cim*iit to move up tha op*n i r data .of the tfuutb Carolina and Vrder tobacco market* two* weeka baa been alerted by town* la which market* ara kMUM, it wta learned in lot it i i kilruad jut.! tobaccp 'fmei-ia.' , In commenting on the agitation, lo»f»ar, local tobacco men cap. eased the belief that there would ba no Hwuge own xo*B« ¥ da «nr«nir rfelty act by the Tobacco Association of the ITnlOtd States. upon reco.nmcu- j naiion of it* »alv» committee for) tha oiM-nlna 0 fthc m«rk<ta Interested ciiiaea* of tha town# ■# tho border market aecllon have avaa r»»na ao far aa to aak Atlantic Ceaat t.ti a ralfwif iAfrtet*tf x«. itar ike*. i'i tha cmpalgu by taking tha matter of muring up tha data with the gov ernment aotborttlea The movement ia baaed Ufoa tba declaration that weather condition* base brought the • rop to ma'arily much tooner than Anticipated and that farmera will ans far loaa unla*a tha market opaaa #*rl fr. . *._/ Federal Prohibition Agest Dies From Wounds btteted In Craven Countv Gun Rattle CoL A. D. Watts Died at 5 O’clock Friday BTATWBVILIJC, July It Cpl. A. D Watts, former collec lor of Internal revenue for North Carolina and for year* a leading figure lu politics of ths stats, died here at t o’clock thl* afternoon Col Watte death had been mo mentarily expected since several H days ago when physicians gave up II hope of his recovery. I CAPTURE HUGE WHISKEY STILL Johnuton Shineni Protec tort Op era tionn with Sewing Thread Draws Aroand Site KiMTHKiKi.It. July IS- One of tha Mrgest stills raptured lu Johaotta county in some time waa brought to the nurtbouse Tuesday morning by Heratv R IS. Msrler of BeatoavlU* townablp. The »Ull, which wa* a r fM*.tiAllon capaefy'affair war found rm Mld-f’i crush la Meadow (owaohln by R t>. Verier and Almond Ho»A early .Sunday morning The spat baa ix-aj) *ind*p ob»er*silcn for a white bes re »fu- Still wax taken and the ■ i(fleer* dtseeveeed that a blank eew mg U’Wri was dr-wn arduad tha still for a distance of shout Jen Malta all around It. The offtoetg were pa re fill not to break I*, and lay in waiting txfora making Ike mid to bee what would happen. According to Dogutv Mirier, they saw Handy Mclmmb argrooch Iho to. < 'Uon of tbe 'till, eaahmlao the thread and finding it unbroken, go Wectly to tte still, and proceed Us ftlr up tbe bear. the of (leer* then, took tha MBf and poured out about ate barrels rs beer. A warrattt to oat for Mo l.amb “ * The still wsa inch a big affair ths< the sheriff bad a picture taken cell before it waa cat to ptocac. ’ , Brill DMORAWYE OAl.Eftßimo. IrAa Spantah war cannon in coutboaeo pafk to ta b# filled wtth cement so that college tiranketera can no longer annoy tow* folks by firing It in tbe middle of the •I**-, - - - «, s * HALF CON PE BRICK OKNEVA. An tv 15 -OP) -Admiral Viscount Hallo of the Japanese dele gation called on Hugh G4bsou today to review the situation existing at ths I'avai conference. Tobacco turn hora, howovor. bailor# that tho agitation will not got any where. They pointed to tho atudy ate duliberatloa given the matter of opaa fug dates bvfor* recororoendaUoaa nte lottwt MMtaoMHM ic yaaateMtt Owt! tiugtoa, of. tha aaooctstioo. followla* n ciinfafahra with tobacco taoa at ItaiiTllla In that atatomont It waa < i plained that warahoaaio aad tob- Her<o (omplwuea bad already made I heir arrangementa !or the opealas on the atipnlated date, that Inreatlca tlon weather coodltlona had not atiomrd. ttmtopnigat or tho crap Mtfflclenily to change the opeafac dau and that it wp» practicaftr te>- jK»»»ible to advance the time of Um oprnlnc after It had been flxad by •he aalee committee, following tha if borough otudy. and uaaataMiasly approved by the aeeoclatloa. Itio deiee rail tor the Oaorgta mark efa to ope a Augaat I. the South rarolina and border markets August 7 and the EAktota Carolina aaarhoth Soptomboh I, Member o| The Aaaocißted Doom ' • V. L T'%rzgS£ Wounds, Hid Bunw|- . dered to Sheriff Lane s Pew Hours Before Brother Held Here is W. h lateral prohibition officer of Mopre count* Who Ml ■hot V Crayna mum mimihtnor* ate Kwrt Sara well loot Honda* o*4 .* 1 o'clock yeMetea? MMIMf Mtthor Hormone hf stet Sara well, ete|*4 with, haying Brad tin holloa white canned the tenth o* fawm.’hte npN Lewis lapeed Into pao jßictnwteoai at a Kiaatan hoapwu i«* Th»inte|r right ate gradually *<■ ‘JPnahte ■ iiulli,* ** BMW o,W la tt! 1 IMWIOt ' aaft/ lodged |MR|R^*RvglHßiw'^jHltttt l-rttH bon« uti Umi ritftt I***4 tkle In the Gnioga aherlff lain n ' local ' L aa.i ite- a a. Sterth* opHf m win i„ n,, a« w- -a* a ,sh ll,| .1 -a- .iKSI A# PwOf, da wU9nS SRmBUB Wt fSHUU UHI • i a • -a With tte a vmm as tetter terteaaa, th* total of uMh t» tho otpe «tl brootht to thtte. Otauten:#* MW Marchla«' tor *_ lt|n hM *• M«l of tho »a*r tear nooß 'hlooro that thoy Worn tallow! atroat*." orticor Lewta waa mid to jtte how _" »hot by l.ulber BoiWMWO. Yhojflght marted whoa «h* olOoor* mate kaowa Iholr identify oftor purrhaatag Nt aalloaa at which*? Warn' th* MW T moa Officer Unebergdr Wte a«M ip haao hooa grappling *kh ftrah Hormone. Itaa harper ahpt Mat i%ttan r.rm and lag wa* at the rap#, of , th# haa, Officer tewla waa UptettS noar tea ate Lafhte hnM waa caacht off Mo cwoot. whoa ha Igthiil . aroate. Tha affllir l« reported fa havo hooa ohot he Uthor iWteM - ***** actewwt, ' tatotefap. : - •, • ■,, fhlnkfcofWtthl^ To Head Stait Lefta i j. ■ Prominent momhon of th* local OoM of tho Amorteaa tegiap #tefet ' that Ooloaol Albert Cn. afWalalch. tiaa. &.>) kjHMa that Ml A* * • mti snss us any 000 aomioatoO acataat htek" atSi a member Ugh la Itelao otetea p4> toe ter. “Ho la aa fate aa oMM at proooat, pteSf local poof will ho wall MfQaMiM at ib# amtap r * f .

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