' WEATHER Local thunder»hower* Sunday and probably Mpnday. >oiacwhat cooler Monday VOLUME SIX; NUMBER lit EIGHT DIE, 100 INJURED IN TORNADOES IN KANSAS Storm M Protest Greets - Move Tax Farmers Selling Produce In City Goldsboro Believe Matter i Will Come Up For Conside ration Before City Al dermen at Meeting on Monday Evening: Act Would Stop Many Far raers From Coming To Goldsboro as Their Market Ccnsidera lou 'of whether or not the tlty ordinance requiring p«r*m oi Recant fees by farocri nulling pro* dyce lh the trtty eliould be enforced loomed aa possibility for the Monday evening "o-sloa o( the city fathers when widespread l or :i IiITT pay - ft dally fee «f sr, for each •lay that prodnor ia aold Thin would local}, If waa 'nt|irjie tax said: “Thh heat* any hlng 1 ever heard «f. J'bere Isn't another town in the United Rtate* that J have —Man In that he* *ncb a taw Why von eoubl go down here to the echo'd for the 'eebte minded at Kinaton' and *et ■ hunch of /}he tnmn-c* there win eon Id nnaa a heler law than that. • am X m W .**• & city to *but out the farmer and whut he bn* for rale. Why. you eatfh live If £e goee «omewhere *l«e to do hi' tending, and a* atire n* t >m livinr tba* la what will happen if hjii begir lealiy vn enforce thin law f heard I'botit .Vick Gwatney aotne over to J. W. Moslngo ted* y'and telling him Js. *»« t<* r«*JL him over about I the license Tee for today, hut flip* ’ the next time He came In with melon* Ue would hb** j*o» ■ g-XU for- the - privilege of railing for. « year, or he would have to pay If. for each i ingle day he told * \j ‘‘WeJI yon won t pn*i me Over an other day. For never t'gain will t come to your city.” replied Mr. Mcaingo. "And that I* the wav that all the (OooUaued on Page Four) I THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNiNG WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE .THEY BUY* Peacfe Crusader Speaks This Evening Alfred liliHMlle, Jr., a graduate of Huvertord College. Peunayt vania. will dlectUa ‘ The Need for Working for Peace,’’ at the Finn RapUat Uiuifli this evening at k o’cliM-k. Mr. IJumi'llo l» one of a number of leading cottage men who arc ibl- summer coaductiag a campaign in the Interest of mu ternultonal page* under the au»* ’ tree of the \tuei*can- Friend* council, lie ha« juc. com.- into North Carotin* anil plan* to dc ' liver big iiddrc** In a number of of other eifte*. The public 1* in vlted to hear him this evening. MYSTERY GIRL HAS BEEN FOUND ' ~ '/ ' " * Probe ini o Chntye* bv For met Klan Leader Taken New Turn —V INDIANAItOLIB. Ind., July Id (.Tl—Wiltlam M Hem), ci.uut) •co editor Until) le git u MO) I»o oil new vagi-' til III* inveatlgatioli ol < Iparges by li. C ,Kt -uhen ii that "ulltleal —coi riiptiuu hud tis ;ri in i' r 'lced In l.i dinua by pre eat Rta'e county god city officials Hrm|'j foltoweil a i»n(«i«hw with ilia* Ml'il -ij Me ||i. und Indiana poll* ynung wouimiv end former confident -liLJjti'Bbenaoii. U na its id that alia •I'd throe .1-- I t,. i| tit m the lure) Ugatipn but the prosecutor deifOtncd •o give mi) delull'- Min* Bf-.idc »» the my*tert ( ’ti 1 yoiilig woman who f|fd the-city wjien Mu- antUbriticH aought her In i*6w* uectlon with Htephcn’* churjre* firsPi A look In the hull re|M>rt from Bin h* on tha rlA.ncor of Ahe i h'p linllder*, *«1/n frontier any* Ihnt the per < hoae their ncillng pliu after lha (4>nnel of the Aurtraln railroads went dd xai—cl went iqla dry dock. jq»4-rtkw tht* morning, Calypso Store Is Entered Second Time In Few Months Trouhe grew* to lie ramping clo*e ■hi the bent* of Henry Dixon, Calypso Merchant lately. A tlioif or thlevoi, broke I'ljo .Di n’- lure ci ( .1) pi o Eriday ulghl. and KUd* :::>M?fl !ft« r la'i i .vjiju. rairyiag wllk , 4t*«t ( U**' tMNje. <4i 'ic nl IhC-Ms,,»ue hopd " d pound hng» •>; teveral -tdc and *houl der*. Kn'iame hi to the #tiTe wu* inaUe Lb/flUfh «' rear » liidow\ the miic heini first broken, nnd then. Hie remaining xlas* removed with a knife or route other *(tarp iiinlrn •newt. L. Jf.tt ttil'mif. Clifts. Oft to tlte. Jiteß.-_ 'ii/ of tha rt bhar or r blrer* have hern directed a- yet. hut officer* -vr— -wr»i-Vr'r-TrT -*rjorr -ttt~te"rtTmr ttiay lie!" ■». "I " H rtPv.-cll. and a Mr. Cole of- -iivpeo were alttlng up with a *lck trap, L. M, Dale. Friday night, and >u< online to Mr. Hirwell. the two me ii went out oo the front porch 'whmjt the morning to tak* a iiii 'ke. In «b«Mit ten mtn utas. a touring car. looking ‘ilka as (sOLDRBURO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 17. 1»27 VIENNA RIOTS CONTINUE NEW FLOGGING CASES RELATED Randolph County. Abthttma. Of ficer* Working on Eiuhl Different t'ounln • ROANOKE, mi*.. Jul) :4Y While Jcfferev.il and Blount county grand Jurlaa were conducting inve* i gatjona into floeglng* by homted and rdhiwl' men. Uiutdolph copniy official* lale-lod i) bioiighl lo Ucht eight c«>- e* *f wh'pping< T» 'n naked men: Tl»c victim* intlud-d a 8« year old nomt invnlld night watch man. arcu*i-d by hi* aaaHilftiit* of tj' utlng hi* wife He wer *rn- *-1y lashed when he denied the itutt je*. A IS:in old woman, mother of four i bih'ren we* taken from her home a.iu l.rat. ti |»v marked men who accuv'd h r of improper relailon* w nh a n Ighle r-. , ' A yiH)np farmer niu flogged hy reaaked man who eharaed him with ra'nvliiH.ld allow hia wife to vials her nick mother. A man living neur were wi* nccas »il bv flogxer* of linniorulity and he wa« lawhad. A negro mill hand ami two'hegro women were taken to «It- Unanoke Haai hull park wh.tre all three "were ■a*hod. They Mien dLapiieured that day. -—... . Another man waa laahwl. da*all* not being rcVfi> led hy offlcigTSi Aaaiatant Solictor I'arker of Ran* d tplj county aald tonight tliut Inve*- t’gnUcn* Into the would be I Jiatol t«l the fnlleM rvlm* wnd Hie I ••vidence rubmllfed to the grand i S nr.v whha e ll ypucene* Xiignat 1A; | JOHN f EARI.Y IS AMONG MISSING Htnle Depniimcnt Mc iMh. Offir* ! » *m l’ux«lrtl (her Vl'herc* nl>«ul(* Leper Julv Hi (4*> Stale health officiil* here are ndmttledty. ; uxxlf-d over Hie latest nr ivltv of John Early, who earaped nearly a week ugo from the United State* l.eyi rcrarinui at Carrille. I.a . presumably to rctnrti to-hi* home localHy and »old PiuuniH iu Polk, countv No li-formifllmi regarding Early hia ln -rreceived J here and 41* patch** from Tryon.' Polk county went e-v h« ha* no* heclf vvceii there. Fnrly'a last vaca'ion froni Carvllle. let « thnu six m'Hitli* ago. wa* *ftent on art acre of land In l*hfk wh’lrh, he, claimed he o» tied.. Ilia relative* are resident* of the aertloii. Util KO t It EUPIOTKM U ENT ON STRIKE Orel loi|d i#id Mr‘ Howell, drove wi ll) Ir:i Hem a vacant lot liehlnd i hull din. near the Dnle hume. und ivluix-V off iuio ihu uigiit. —H M. Howell told the repmo-utatlre i _m»i jma icNM-ihMtf.-- we.- -*<,-■ •** - tfcar mewa awawpe-i ill ■! it d.d ’ -'k a fin being driven out (null behind S ht'lkllnx ■' that time of night. At* _tiJ j. IstM uiiuclc*. Howntl aAd Cote 'Sent mi I n.<:s< into the lmu>« At i.luur «ig a m. * clerk In thn llnrr> l*l*o(T lore, nu’ going down to .’op-), up” r.scovercd the rohlmry. .■and gave. Uu, iUiu-m. . _ .... Tk» »am», *tore wa* robbed alH>ut ftp n onths i.gn, nnd thla ca*e was TiTFr inii-v ti I e the pant week fit'll Cra"V Move. Goldxborn man and a*r«' • pni iv.in of SauDton town*nii wore leoteiKad to nerve priron t»rm* Tlie theory ha- been advanced that Krldaf nielii'* robebry wii* h* men who **pured »uprlia» for manufac turing whirkey Th" large quantltle* of mavl and sugar point to thi* a* a fact, t W » , Expect Change In Government Gercrnl., Belief Over 100 Dead und Injured in E\cc >n of 120 VIENNA. - July Ik. "l/l'l-Itlni.n hero limil not c si 4 Hit* aft- n»oti 6 for many hoiira the polu-e und inoba had wtrugxletl tu vnrlou* partH of ibe capital. Tfceie wer, a,>uie ih perute • neountei* and altlinugb *h« uulliort tie* laait night ’lnuilt puhlic < Ati el ite * nnttihe inx 12- it*jid und I'M* wounded, till general li-lleT l>. Il.it ila*. > ex< e< il Uu dead with nx rp thue Jon wounded The geuvrut poatofftc*. the I’m'mi* of JiiHticc und thi' ed lot ul offlce.i of aeveral “die-hard' newa|mp':a pre »*-iil n * scene of w reck if 't’alei o gnu nunc h iiUiltty ar reru lilted •rywhvre. >rof h*i» mot>* otormsd tin Jioliee atulloiM end f» I ed unrcd that In o'any In - Ittliei * tile * d<-|l w.th riot •ra The aoclsl imiMOcral* have lawnct 1 li iiiiinift'wbi ilt' lm In* •■We do not went a soltlatoU bet wee’ the woikmcn mid the soldier* Republican nrß*y Therefore. . <•0111 iade* no demon U ft lon*. butn'Slhnt illitiuhed complete iiroteai atrlka for 24 boars It Is difficult to vsy whither thu iwvnliMtluary I I'tunei.i ha been controlled, for piietlcnlly all means of conimuntcaulou hsc* been ntoppedi the rl eet» ar< d'»Wtwd with tha t*X cotHen of iiiitomdlilh » tilled wl'h Il Y ptihlh hii ilsfcnw* trooim flitting pant now and thru, 11 tw*cn niWiit«tit snd rorly moan ing. cumparativ* p a n rotgn«d Inie." ruptpd only hy drt-ng mllHiry delicti tneiii* pstrolling tlo- ri eta Ths ma'n work of* iiuaillng the rioting niot*a « volvew or. thu imlh 1 • n« tlie Mijldlera are a*Hiin.'rg a piHMlve at titude Whcneve- ib ■ .police wurce d In dl*Pt;r*lng one crowd aiio\har crowd foynt* farther on. Toward yhs o’clock Ih i afternoon, **• heard In the outlying di*tricta, Ih* guvernnn nt I* loyal fortwa in whl< h It pltitiiji) confiiicnot*. All hope# me ienured npon th** dlariuiifiin which h * been golu? oi> hctw|M-n Chancrllor Rcapil Pd ih* Hmlal lu-ino-iayc leader, Xnrl Seltxr The illacnaaloa* haa’ a* Uu object Home (.tisane in the gavertnng>nt” Jt ■» firmly Ih* I laved that n coalition gov ernment with the Social I * *mic rat* will li; formed and thut polloc chief Bchober will be COOipalM tu raalgtt. FUGHT ENDED AGAINST TREE Smith Takes T ,,rn A)«|t Hur.* olflln. Hut Bronte Sleeps I-ate Honolulu July u ■44 , <- t. jc. c.rne»i 01. Smith and Emory n. Droate who-* flight trom the m (in land to the Hawaiian M iuti» ewlßd In a craa'h „ ug«ln*t a tree ye«tiinliiy tiiornliig when mi cahanHcd fii"l aup ply fort **l m landing made n iiumlnr i.f Official- rail* ioilm ' nnd • tel • wr rfrjrrv J fi "Vfflt" >"Hi>IUWI' "iff Ha e .11 •AW.'^WmigWla^alltwMil Umlth miici- imi-, «od v -nl out L . view Hmjplulu’e -ennery pliltc ttront. ««« itHI iriied making nt» for a’eep ioi.f durtlitr Ttift Wire ~trnr oreanh - ;ump PE*I>MLVtM\ tUUHUNI i tUJPIinmCTI r mu : (lASTONIA, July li - (/rf - Aa” nonacemcnt that the Alnrfoyla Manu facturing Company, of Cbe«Mr Pa ha* leaned the plant of tha OelwMit I’rui -aiug Cnnipai|y at ll< lomii. thi* cooiitv *#« nude todiy i»jr officer* o* the.lvttcr r incern at Hetm int. The p’ant wa* built two veari ago. It, ta i ngaged In the lOvreertxlax nd t hleachlug of oottou yarp«. LOOPS PLAN I LOCAL DRIVE h lifTort (o Secure Members |j|; Jtihnati n C'ountv Proves I Successful j Frank Jons*, lot’ll lepruMiiitatlvo of .the Nortn Carolina Cotton Grow * aiM Cooperalivu A*«ocUtMi for » iytje iMlnou and Duplin counlia*. re. urind to the illy yeiirrday from ; i J« bi> lou lonntv where nereral > th* field turn had Imun railed fruta • tbslr regal ir dintelct* ia put <>ii a : fo'ir da> < miiaiVu Ut Jobnslou. Mr Join* atat** that aeveral huft l dred hale* of cotton were aignad tp lh» nvw mgrke'lug agreemuut du lag Hi * Tin** f* w day*, and a number of tha outstanding tarmsrs sad baal , «Vd a« who had navar been mam ■ , h1 of tlie a«**clatioti lieforr algntd lee ngw contract. With what he* tacn already aigned In Jobn»ton prior to this t ier day campalKn and with abut Ira beeu *mned during i ia t>aa'. f.*W CHV g Rive* John*!on i;< u*ty n algnad up delivery llilt pat Seaton. { Tb ts nnlaatina la em}fr»tr*tta t| mao In th < different countte- without any mhilt’onal help aud'K making t qule’ •at linden, and with fir- high i ypa of ohi iiiendicra who art resign* and lie new influential bunt#aval \ men hanker* and merchant, farmer* who nro i-oming tutu tha ii‘«M>clatlori, tha indication* are that the aaaofw lath n will handle ttyin »»a*on aa much Or probahlv more rutton than liaretofo- e. way* My Jona*. ; Mr J< ne* at air- that they are aa* • pe-Hteg t« mate, a abort drl* a In hli di ill let early in Annual, nnd tin it < 1 the i-ter who have deliverol aiiprox- _ im it -ly i>n percent ot th* cotton to the mu iM i»ilon this r**t acßaon. I§_ _ Weyne Wllaon and DuuMa couuiieß hays already signed the new contract. ’ ’ ■ -= I LACK OF FUNDS DELAY CHANGE ( Nb Mom*)- Will Which Tritns- , fen I’ri.hlbitkir Work to , Civil Sea - vice 1 M AMHINC TON. Jlt! 16 i/11-thi , treasury haw tun InU ob»tgclna IbaS v 111 prevent | lacing the prohibition , I uai'au on n civil tervlc# bast* by ( (.etobi'r I u> provided hy law. ( , II uml tea peed by a luck of fund*, j t ia)i* toward cnrrylrg out (ha lagta- , li d' ll of lha last i on jpr *-hava t»*-n t darkened. It »a* learned today and ~ rrttit o*O*l reee prov nil Spirt Op , i‘atlon. trnn“fer of l*» ai'bool Idea to man; of the mral cliurchaa of . tbt country I* to be ai-en in *h# dor***# fill lermlnaihy) o' f*'»»- Ih*n‘#l» fTiaiie 1 * ’ymmrm r fr Hi n* n iiictor of lit i-ln il t, (Inrim (hr p*«t (wo mi linn* r» lit* directed *um rnuful HIM* nhoole on tale cir cuit Hie ire-, no reason why a wrtf orß.i n iti’ y a* a c!f> ihurvh A# proof *T *bi» h- i&utßt* to' ' fart U>*t there were f>7 hoy* anlna4'on •£ work In Ih* formad lo promote the project call)it for Monday moraine at W:M. An addition of at least l.lou or 1 tlon M|iiare feet of floor space for storage or liilmcmi. aufflcieui foe the need* rtf several c nif*nlr» v to facUt tle* which the city now nftara. If I* expected A building ."■« hy :t(W feet or NO by 2l»ll feel will be erected under present plan* f A*. ‘T. Griffin pr««liteut of the newly formed company and Bpioar llolmoe «MH-retary ami treiauror. The dtroctors are John- tt Org*- ford. Herman Wall. C.rnve* J. Smith. Kenneth Royall and Faul Yelverton. Ooostrnetlon of the prlsehona* la cxtMHited lo aaeure llie , locution of Jwg-er* hv additional tobacco com !wni«s it la declared. Th* iHilldlng will he erected ad joining the potato storage warekoos* la the Jericho uectlon DEMPSEY ENDS HIS TRAINING 1 / Put* Gloves Away and Wll» Turn to Ixitrht Workout a n, For Blv Hout WHITE HI'LPHCK Sl’ttINGS N V. July I# <4*> - Jack Deiupaey'a dr clxinn to *u*pend all hotlug until hi climb* In the. Yankee Stadium ( rin* next Thwrodav night to fight Jack Sharkey has developed Into the camp n yatery with only rumor* in sight as lo the probable notation. Today Jack drove with bU tralaar* to Rennliigton. Vt.. for dikner with friend* there He la expected to r'att tnmorrow on the road work aad light cgerclge*. Humor* that Damp *>ey hnd ruffered a' alight Injury In training and wa* dissatisfied with hla irennral showing war* officially den ted. t* \ RKK.It Itontll OTEJI TO t’OI KT IklfßU dIJNW HOYT WILMINGTON.' July I* (>T) _ George Parker. 20 to9;u-l two rum) •eelton* and with Mac degree of aur C*« The primary principle hack .at. tli* rural acbool la lllblleal through ont, the children are given Bible nWITPOa r IJUleo teeaou ahimU to fU the rarkutt group*. Th# purpo*« ba in*/ to atudy the Blbla and not* look* about th# Bible. Our motto wisht he "dint Urn' people -a mom W* t"I ligeiit and affectionate appracta* li in of the Scripture* Ibemaelvaa".' thl* I* sou great a task to take tre 'hoi* Bible with Ita *»« book*, ao lb# (rrr-grt’tn b»* hero to- lake otic hook at a time The acbool thta tuna*# Luke. TUI* rural work' baa been mad# le-aaible by Ihe aaalatance of Ut« Duka <’oni*l#*toa who far (he paat two 'iiimner* bar# • implied an to b< u*ed In put*inn on tb« ohool*. Mr. Laoaard R. Satbnr.Av B. of • I bike unireralty la aaalting thl* ana* mar. Working with Mr. gather In tho I (Coqtlflutd op Page Four) . _ r— ■ ■ ■ i ,f / * ' y Member of The Assooiat«4 Press ..—i. .ii.».. nn j pricr mi cam Four Killed mid Aim Than Score laidued jm South Park; Three lHa at Lebo» WMIIw Itom Kansas City; Serieaaf Tornadoes Swoop The Northeastward Thru State KAMMAIA CITT, ftlf M w »<*n-A jowfr. * u«b»de Uimik K««nm (Os Ofc l*4ai kMfcd ai M t mu taj-rti parka*. M> aad 4a> Km* petooa* watt MON fin «ttr ptarttoaads tor tka atx watfc* **•!*»» )ut condiM, .t total a< TtK children took p*rt b tkrfH|- •Area rarities •( unM iM ■ HllSbl “»«*■» all tka war tra* storta ikroaA atorr toiitof. |npiiiti iniin taaOanft. To ** tk# afcbt* rig**. day, oare dnrtog tkb atofalag MBit •«d okce dartaa tka iQlifiiiTy '*•••• T 4. Tka "ebtitown eubf' «aHr Wk ■iperrlaba of Edward Htweli .Mg M»ry I-nr*on lad wiffc MB7i Jto (•wuoU Kroaada diraatad kr Uarab Kdrrrtna and Racktl flbfe Tg«W| •rrond with MU. Tka.afkletlc p|*p. roaiut a) wiiltaap “trial‘aghnot. «*- lar Oaaraa Hood% <*# •Ml koya. Tka onrlbaw Ignrt felk largartaa oaa'ar ky OH- Irad Headeraoa. aaajlai Mto tka fa «aak* of morateg ant hit lag poadMl d «i front of tka WMNg* fttrott -od a halt or *»m*» **rt narWtg **•*• o,6 Kiw ~+ZT' «* point* aatoadlkMiSSS^irSm 513 «*t attandaaea present. * re« were gtvaa awtahTat t*e Pnakf tartaa poor, and uotk«r totr M wera carried to Craaeeat Lake aa * ► winvraioa party. Pareata' day at tkt icround* waa «lyaa over to a aßaatol program of. gaaiae aad Mtofta. kkl turned oat. , - — x:-, *W " iriwn TO MU* KRANKUN. July (MlHltltor »ad pr more meat bar* a# tka Aql* Order of Meckoalm. of tka OfitoS American Maefcaaiea. (raaa tka lb! most »outkw*>*ra .npaatto* of 'ikO trtet matting Jaty to. Wkttoaal Üb*