WEATHER PARTLY CfcOUDT WITH LOCAL THUMDMUUIOWERB TUESDAY AMD PROBABLY WEDNESDAY VOLUME SIX; NUMBER I*o "i i .“"jvr 11 1 • v ■ BOMBING PLANE SAVE BATHE FOR U. S. MARINES FARMERS WILL TAXED TO SELL PRODUCE IN CITY Announced That Sandinos Forces Lost 300 Killed And 100 Injured In Stilt Battle —A* ** :r r-f C-a-—— »<•»'— - - Twti Score American Marines and Same Number Natives Hold Bloody Field Obotal; One Blue Jacket Kill ed and Asheville Man is Severely Wounded; Battle Raged For Sev eral Hours MaNaOUA. NIC., July » announced at lb* office of Brigadier General Poland, commander of the American Marine* {here, that Major Hatfield’* report gives Son dead and 100 wounded among Sandino'* force*, In the fighting at Oooul. A acaat two score of American Marine*, supported by a few more than that atunher of martned trained u 4 led naftpp neAitnhoiary held Uu. bloody field at dkwtal. eeene of th* ring deottite engagement li the county aiaee the occupation. One Marine la dead, another serious ly Abjured and one member of the constabulary he* been treated sot severe hurta. The baldlygyight have terminated la different fashion had it not been for two Scouting planes from Managua Swinging serose the country <* * routine flight, they pained over the line* after the fighting had prog rein ed several hoar*’ and brought word licr*. . -Sr A (quardeou of five bomber* WfUl trdered — Bln person* Were hilled at Brady, Ky.. near Mor*h*ad today when an automobile in which th*y were riding was struck by Chesapeake and Ohio passenger train at a crossing. The dead Included au tight mouth* old baby, two child r*n aged 6 ami 4 respectively, a vroag girl Id, and a U year old man. mrsbagwelT DIED MONDAY Fa natal Horvicnn for Fornnr Hw MmU Her* Wndncitlg.v Af ternoon Mr* P. V. Hawaii, 71. fonder resi dent of Goldsboro. died yesterday morning at 3 o'clock at her home in Wilmington. The rent tin* will _b# brought to end funerni will be held WadtW»Uy afternoon at o’clock front th* bom* of her daughter Mr*. C B (lidding* nt4l« Nor'b John street. Interment will lie rnndc In Willow llgle cemetery. Many tpf th* older cH liens of floldaboro remember, Mre. Bagwell vnd will hear of her dfath with *or r°w - *;J\- , Two eon* and three.'Ahugttklfi sur vive Oacgr Bagwell of Yf>* AS|leie*. Calif.l Erne*! Bagwefl «AMfl\mfag on. Mrs. A M KdiftundW fJ Kim "Ityi Mr*. John Kirk of WtlmTngton., ud Mr*. C. B Olddlng*. of (toldfe boro. Six glattrs *l*o survive; Mrs. &. il. Parker of Mt. Olive; Mr*. M. W mwere of Mt Olive; Mr*. W. F Martin of Ml. o||v«; Mr*. F K. Cog dell of Charlotte; Mr*. Belli* KdPne., iy, of Mt. Ollv*; and Mr*. D°n*H> Cnmy of St. Augustine, Fie. Mr»j Bagwell's husband died about a mantb •go , ' Sentenced To Roads, John v „ H. Hester Notes An Appeal With moat IMkevlll# citlaea*. on hand In the capacity of witnesses or i* spectator*, John H. ll#*t#r. who perat** a filling stallou at the n*arby 'own, wa» y**terday afternoon found rullty of having whlakry in hie po** Hrvtoa tot rbe putpom M *aia Judge TWiiHt; ffwiWW* ow «•» mtrtwi Monday *#aalon of county court, nen ] tenced Hestar to six nmnibe of th#j road. Appeal wa* taken shd bond jludaito - i > dlacovetod a halt gallon fruit Jar In which there •till remained a very small quantity „f Ihidor. , a Uppmm Jones testified to having bought whUkey form Heeler on a ureviou* occasion, and there were • number of witness** who repored haring > e*n money pa**ed for whisk *y. nr told nt drunken, carousing aa being general at hie filling station. Mayor Hdlea of Piktrili* told th* coart that ho had heaa diaturhfd by THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. GOLDSBORO, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 19. 1827 RUSH BUILDING OF PRIZEHOUSE A. T. Griffin Narnd to Sapor* intend ( oustruction of 50 by 300 Structure A prise house M by Jttti feet In dim •niltiu hal buildnlg will ba begun In th«> nni few day*. Located on a alt* n*nr the potato rtorae* warehouse In the Jerico sec tion. the house will provide I6.WW square feet of borate apace, suffi i tent to meet the needs for buyer* far I«*M two tobacco companies. , Work oa the building w4H be »«*b td, and k la eapectad that the atruc litre will h* completed In lime for the opnnlag of the Goldsboro Tobacco market on September 6 The tobacco commit*®* of the Gold* boro t'tjamber of Commerce, upturn ed at a Joint n>*ctlng of the Rotary Klwanla club# ssvaral w**ka ago. lira* inatrumental lit aecurlng the for tutHoti of the co at pan y which WITT erect fh* house. The committee hellevea that ihe ad ditional *tOrfa* space will ovarcome a handicap from which the local mar ket ha* eutfered for mveral year*. They point out that for- sometime, lumpaniea who might have had buy fr» oa the Goldsboro market did not do so becanae they could not get apace for tha atoraae of tobacco bought. The new hnu*e. It la aald will correct tbit! need "There I no two way* about H,” •bid line member of the rnmmlttee. "we art going to have a .tobacco mar ge' In Goldsboro Ihla year'and a mar ket that la going to pay tha high dollar." ............— 'J—, ..... i■■ Ex-Bank President Is Under Arrest WINBTON HAI.EM, July IB- - Clem Wrenn. preaident of Ihe bank of Wllkaa at Wtlkereboro which wae c Seed recently by state banking e*- amlaara, was arrested ad Richmond. Va., today on charges of forgery and falae t*au*ace of a note for 136.000. 1* 1* charged that Wrenn forged *W ntturea to the recently discovered f 46,000 u<s. Mayor llalea admitted that hf had HHkde -the wtalemewf -tw Hwr vvarife ~nf a I ottttral nftdreea at the community dull huiiiM* In i’llteville, "f will lie one of a par y of med to drive Hea ter out of town !* T. F. Illrka, K. W, Howard. C. P. tttHt*. *«W Fate, K A Ktttit, « «ow*r. r - n ifitn; Chimroy IthiMle*. Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Hale. Mra. Hant. Mra. Howell and other* were present and as a group testified lo the bad condition* about Mr. Hea der** bmrtnet*. A number of cases scheduled for trial before Jnd*e Bland had to be carried oeer until another session of court.- (>rl Kward* was found guilty of driving an automobile whllp drunk and waa fined »<*o sad the costs. A suspended sentence of four months un the roads waa alao hah) over him tar tk* mw. * ■ - .1 a t s .. - *- g*V;\* m r .T*. A HABEAS CORPUS WILL BE ASKED Fpdpral Judge Re Asked Allov l,«f and Vergil Sat rutitis Freedom 0 " Habeas corpus prucenllti.r* on ba ha-ls of and Vergil He nann y Fort llsrnwell men held iu connection with the moon*bluer prohtbllou agent bat tle at Fort Harnpelt •ev'tcal days ago, will M surfed befote Judge llaye* In Federal court In Greensboro with in the nex' tew day*, according io Hugh Dortch, who has been rftained In the case. . Sermons, held In Jail In Kina lon. was not even at |he scene of the right according to Mr Itorteh. T w 111 Iu- liivlnted lit the bnbeas corpu proceeding* in Ure*«»bor<. he indl rated tha' Vlrrll Sermon* held la a Jopltl'l here aefed entirely 111 sel' defence, ' It tid of ftojitw had hern asked sos the ForJ, ItarnecJl man. * Luther Sermon*," a third brother I* held for the da-.itlt of Prohibition Agt. W 1,, l.ewl*. who died In a Kinston . iispltal’ form the effect J of wounds infllr'eii durfgj- the b-tile. It was not Imliratad that habeas corptta pro 'reeding* would be aurtefi In bocbalf of Min Api earing whh Mr Dortch In the t-»se will be F;e« done away with by Itubllo ; ptninti and dispute* could i,« willed by arbitration In* *»d of -by w,tr." declared Alfred Hu*B*He-. Jr. us New Yf>rk. In an *ddre»g on “The nca.l for Vtorkiug for IN 1 ca,“ at th* -tont Ba»tf*h tdv»»w*r Bandar wvwatap.' -. .to. -* gfiduaia atr llaxar. foni College.. Penn , If on* as a nuialicr of leading ci- —» ‘4 tbe Am ■ r-ftciii Friend* council Mr. Bnxxelle plans to peak on thl* sufagac' ln * number of cities of North f aro'lna. lie stated that Ifityi.tWD | eople were killed In the late war and that, thg number would bu tremendously more. »Koufi (Sale Bi- ntiolluh w»r, ► lore such Invention* •• gas. submar ine*. srplnne*. etc., which came about with the last war, have been lucres ed and perfected* "No Christian Should reconcile til# son ctence sh wnr. but we cau aC least !»<• reared by thinkiuw*t>f what would h:ipi>en In the event of another war. o*e Is being Invented that can he scattered from airtlane* that will dentroy crop* grass, cattle *nd even cities. It has belt stated that New York ettr would be entiraly destroy td hy a few^airplaa**.'* Amendment To Ordinance b Adopted, Giving Farmer The Right Sell Whatever He Has Blow by-Blow Story I Fight Will bo Given If on by blew as rehdlved frem The Aakodnted Pica* reperter* at the ringside, the Bempsoy.Mhart\ I'.hl will he megaphaaed f am the new* effe* un Heath Jam**. NL. Thursday evening, beg la a lag at • a'cloek. tight fan* es the fit) ay* hulled l« I eke ad tentage es the t«.tlce. James «tr*wt In frnul es The New* office will be rle»rd fee tko.r hNo wl.h la ll.lee la the repert es th* ighl. HAVE TAKEN NO FOOD IN 2 DAYS Sacco and Vanxottl Aaaoooca .That an «a Hunger Strike aa Protaai BOSTON. July ; Id-OP)-Nicolai Hacco and Bartolmo Vanaetlle abstain ed from ?ood at tha stats prison tu na? Vaaaettl drank coffes at break fiat and touch, whether tha mi eentenced to die next month In n caae which has attractad world si te ion have definitely eiftered upon a hanger strike is atiil uncertain. Their defense committee say* Vaa tetii has »aid plainly that hi will neat no more, giving a* hts motive (lUoatUfactlon with the methods em ployed by Governor Fuller n Inves tigating the case. Prison officers still are Inclined to think the refusal of food I* only temporary and la llrgely due to tha hot weather and to the lack of exercise. It wea the second successive day (hat Sacco bn* refused food and Vaa seiti hafe accepted only coffee. The two have been drinking water ia their cell*. Becco conducted a pre vious hunger etrike in INS while mo tions for s new trial war* pending. For a "little mooth be refused f.Md while In laii / Then he wee taken to a hospital for observe!toe had af ter being forcibly fed ones, toe ihsa doaed the strike. m for war wi h Germany waa tbat a* objected to their tratniag all their eitlsen* for war. making every man thing that war I* iu*vitable. •ret”, said he. “the War Depirt m nt of oar country I* doing th# vary ; at Jh»' mu* ■; th ’ ffal auithef* "<* xre hglog train* for whr. It.J* called physical tranlnig. but th* hoy* are examined physically, and those that it* dafwtiva sod need physical trela- Ing mo*t arc rejected. Th# War De part men t doc* a* mqch a* ro**lhl* to get hold of the thinking qualities of th*-** young m*n. They are taught to fight squirming dummies, to put their fda. unprotected Sg fort*. Yet there in no danger of war between ike*# ctHtntrle*. and It ie not beeanae 'ho have been no dt»pu'«s. It I* be tnu*e the diapntee have bee* settled by arbitration. V. : Another appalling faet la that Me Member ol . The Associated Press <0 ■ , t - • Board Claims :It (Was Never Intention of-Or* dinanoe to Apply to tbs Farmer Offering; Own Produce for Sale: Big Delegation was Pro pared Spook for Firm er; to Advertke for W# ; 4 ProcieimiM that It mea n Wr the Intention* of tsp Mtp fatT. r, to lax farmers for Um prtvtMge of esitlkg •heir produce )a QoMaharu the heard ae t ogive the farmer the fraedwa as ed la apply to the h^ri. bond and presented"d! h« •No air. we don't km ad & tax farmers who want to toll p odeca to Goldsboro. We want thm to tome often, eell what (hey ptoagt. sad drtea they pieaee