WKATHEB um VOLUME MX, NUMBBI 123 r, t*' . p • -v** Jill J||l w M H m lUt ■ Hmfl \ U H ■" H * Mb H H H H m H » M H ■ W «H H if- 1m ■II Hm ■IH I I WM Bj| I I ■ J M m H■■ ■U M I 111 ' % IM| m| I ■ 1888 M S 'i- M |fp • r . ■■• - . . w... : ----- .. - : - - - - ■ ■■— " ——...— . - - . y r i .... i .. ■■ ■ -■■ ■ T " A Dwostsk eamoloao) I n Declares rress Decidedly The Most Powerful Agency At Work h North Carofina Prsstdsnt Huneycutt of North Carton* Prea* Association Tdh The Duty had OMxutton to State; Julian Harris Urge* - Tfßtac of Truth With out Reference to Cre dit SGHRfrg* , - Y.; ,y«; 'T\t> nofnup cm, July n-tm Thu mm ter MSm to print th* truth, whether the fact* are credlt aM« or riacredtuble to their oem ■unity or oloto lua naror Me* grant or thou It to today. Jullaa Harris, •tutor of tha Columbus. Qa.. ar Bus, tote tha North Carotiaa Proaa AtataMfctan *«*■* toaßjtt. ~ -A*d naror grantor has Mas tha miiHMthftftT rooting no aoeh and arary aApr, whether hto paper ho * country''weekly with too subscribers or a city dally with MAM to 4o hto lull Share toward ridding hta saetioa -of the fareas and Idaaa which are tta totallactual and apirtt val growth and mahiag oa Jnat of hsattoo and a Ito of Uharty, ' tha odb tor d-torte. MOWHIAP cm. July 2l*~tfPV- Thu ***** to daatdadJy the vtat pow erful fcgoaar at work to Ntwth Caro lina today, dhd tha e^^aadJwhMah to tha *UU to tafSr* to tha highest plana of servic/to tha welfare of tha ii 4. c. HnaayoalC prastdaotpftha North Carolina Pmm gathered hare la taaaul contention today.. A plea tor the advocacy of law eo , fwrswsto. public education and n / promotion as tha "aft of dtluanahlp** waa contained to Mr.. Huneycutt’a * hdna thM to one of the greatest worda to the toagHth language," tha iM|ktr doctor ad, " and I with I could barn Its Importonca into tha vary aot|) of arary ana present and that you might return to your honea ftrod wtto a now ooal for aarrtc* to your bo*# eommuatttos. your otata and your toitowo and with a aerardytag determination to laartoa the eoule of yogr road era with a new rletou as service That wofd caaaot hi orar usad during thto age when the natural tenjUOey to to eeiftohneaa and to maha behave that tha world owaa na a Uriag. » "The praaa l» decidedly the most powerful ageaey at worh la North Carolina today aad realising that fact, how solemn to the daty of tha editor aad puhHohers If w* fail to do o«r best, fust to that prwporUoa will tha State ha tha toeer. The editor to at this time apparently more Influential then the preacher, the fudge to tha iegtaiator. Na fa mightier than all tbeot united Study, the aewepaper; If possible study tt with cyclopedia, with atlas, with gnattteer; hut toady It. Wests no ttoae oa <Ce scandals, tha MMer political controversies, tbs ecclesiastical broadsword eseretoas aad tdla paragraph gossip But how nf Ifrltl hr Ifet-Hf* 0t * Urlngßton and a Btnatoy: how Na la iayfag the foundation of a ;,sow, free tommon wealth fa Bulgaria; fto* He I. re deeßring Franao from tha anna toe brought npop haraalf by the oraeltles. first of a religion srkhont humanity, pad than a bnmaattartaalam without religion; thane era tha themessrorthr, of stogy, and tha newspaper to tha Hto ~ rary to whlato *u utddy them. Thafa -'•ccupas ton Than watch”, to. of eontemparanooua Watery. Tha remap*! Os fiction to toaaee hy the elds of tho luotoaii of facto These are tha worda of Noah Ptator. who nerved Yale aa a pcafassoc tor IS yuan aad aa prooNtout for » yuan. "Thu local aewepaper. ft M will, can do mare tor or agaiaot On wel fare of the sommunity to khteh to iC||ton»d a> fig t»ti , - ' . • ; . ... - / n, < f .V ■ ••• J THE GOLDSBORO NEWS > ' .i ' *■ A. . * ' ■ * -V % READ IN ITB MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE TREY BUY. MOURNS LOSS OF KING FERDINAND Bogy gs Mamurdt Ltoo Is SUU st Csstlo s t Slauto Uagut' Qmx* BBRL.IN, July ll—(dV-Thu body of king Ferdinard was takaa from tha royal east la at Stanla this after noon aad placed aboard a train which left tor Cotrogehl piace at Bncharaat, says a dispatch toom Bncharaet to the Voeslsche Zeltung , PARIS. July It— —A Havas dto patch from Bucharest acyu thaC'tUe burial of IClag Ferdinand hangmen postponed from BaturUny anfg Sun day la order to permit tha rnral popu Intion to pay homage to the lata Mag. BITCH ABSST, July «—(IPV—, A whole nation aurined today for Its king as the Nm of fsrfßß lay la the great Min as tha caatle at Sin aia, with offlcen.ef a local mountain regiment s'andlng guard. The caatle la the shade of areal j-lyss tfas the place where yordtn sdd pa seed away early veeterdav 'morning'. It wtfa built by bis uncle King Carol, aim at his osrn Pen]lnnnd will he burled beside hit uaels aad to*" ■"**' Qt*** Slisebeti. hotter known to the world as Car wan fjrW» Rumania’* new king. Michael 1, U listen haired youth of Ms, has al ready been in-tailed before tha na tional assembly aa Perdtanrd'o suc cessor aad tha ragouay council which will not until Michael becomes sigh' teen years of age was sworn In at the same time. All part las took the ooth allegiance to tfc# monsrah tha liberal ministry after the form ality of t ends ring Ito resignation to the regency council, which* waa ro jbetad. continued ot the holm. State,troore throughout the coun try have awora their allsiglaace to thg ss4 regime and the capital and country are calm. The general emu mending the Bucharest area has le aned as edict prohibiting a! mani festations. spreading of talas rtamers aad pahtoc discussion ot tko dynastic enaction. Ha has also decreed that all theatres mast bo closed dad there shell ho no music or dancing until after the funeral Saturday. Public pultdlnga arc occupied hy soi dlara. «, Bncharaat hegrd the booming of gnat at ♦ o'clock yesterday after noon and knew that the hoy king had aaoended the throne. The child, dreseed in white otlh suit, black tie and patent leather • 'ner* bo'Ting the arm of kla mother, the former Princess Helen of Greeoe, paaeed be fore the deputies and senators tn the house of r*r I lament to receive their cheers When the brief oerv soon lea wars ovar tha Uttla king hardly ua derstending whgC it fit all about could not conceal his plaasuvo aad an Uffloar of tha guards heard him w Jttt_ , JU«tt»r 4 "UKiIL.NI home marjma. I’m hungry." A letter of King Perifinard and dalhrrM to Premier Bratlaua Tues day night, aaamlagly aa If tha king had a presentiment «f datoto •ottm, wvtewtag the etonta ot hia rdtgh,’ hogged that the dZMHIc succession t* followed out aa he had decided upon In JadhUry 1928- shortly after Carol renounced his noyal piwroga ftosa gad |gf« ik, - , T,T * *«« itn to# country. Cart moo the euly member of the family Visaing at the bedside t when tha monarch passed away. Tha king decided Urn beat Interest N toe eouany would he Carred b> tha prtnoo lumatotog abroad gad aor ep swerved team Urie eeaoiv#o-rvop whan he knew death waa upon him. It is net believed herd that Carol will attempt to come to Bucharest, la any case ho could not arrive.la rime tor the funeral unless h» took a fast air plana Quean Marias and the staters of charity who landed Psrdlaaad dur ing hta tart moments wars h«aptag (Ofgriiaed 9 sage f*g) r j£ HEAD LIGHT LAW IS MANDATORY i' ; - - • _■ No PiuvUm Inapaction Os All Llghia Hawmr, Said hy , Frank Ruga Os aaaraa tbs hsadllght law of 1927 to mandatory. Opts ion of Assist ant Attorney General Freak Nash to Freak Pegs, chairman of tb» Mats highway commission. Shows that The law la mandatory but tha lew dona not specifically provide thiu itohla be Inspected on ev»ry nutorao- Hlt la the state. That la pnr*ly .dla ersitonary with tha automobile owe*- er. tost tpa state highway commission believes great good would com* to the p/totml of protection to tha u-o --orjgts thmalevM aad Tar Ha*l puii |ja from suck protection, such uaiver ial Inspect ion . —v, Lotaat figures from the commis sion. given out Thursday by H K. Wltb*rspoon. asalatsnt stnta highway commissioner, shows that 797 corn worn tasted in tha state from June U to July I at average cost to tu* owner of IMI, The highway com mission does not gat nay of th,- n on ay. Tha nominal charge is 75 ••♦nt», aoms paid mors, on# man as high m M n aaaa of aaw lenaaa aad »*-1 flsetora. Garage Baa Goto Cask Tha machinery sat up hy the high way eommlasion under the law, of appointing certain official sort ice auUoos tor adjustment of lights on automobiles provides for adjustment of Lights to conform to the aUKn law whan anto owner* rvunest It. Stats officials stress ben'll to the public. No ruveane secures to the atatn. . Tha aMr % law provide* that thara shall be no glare that th« lights shall nhow tor 2M feet, that If Improperly ad jutted, the owners shsll b* given 41 hours tn which to appear to as authortsad station to bev* them a<l - and if they praa'nt * er«ttfloat* ■as, adjustment within 41 hours after nrreet they ehnll be discharged “Fvan nft'r he It Prank NUsh. oasis tent general said In Me opinion to w P**», ‘the may obtain g oertiftacte |rom on ofticial adjusting station skowldg that with in 4« hours after tha arr*at. tbs lamps have bean made to conform to tha stotute, and this shall be n corn piste defense. Manifestly, thto section was enact ed for the benefit of the motor ve hicle owner. It does not Itself create any offense; cm tha contrary, pro vide* ths machinery for answering a charge at n branch of the law hy haring tha lights property adjusted " MY. Nash reviewed the Ifew, chap tar lit. Public Laws of 1927, oorar iag lighting equipment. The tow cprnrn two points, b* found, the light ing equipment required and penalty for toiling to comply with the not. Nothlgg *)*• I* covered In the tow. Section 47. 4S. {9. 60 and 52 of tha net tool with lighting equipment. Lights front and rear lamps must produce n driving light sufficient to vendor clearly discern this a person 200 fast ahead and on n level road. Bctton 51 makes It n misdemeanor to violate any of the provisions of •ho act "Tha statute «n relation to tights to mandatory la the particular hereto before shortly described.” Mr. Napk wrote "Any substantial compUnnca hapevor. w*to these psvriatoaur sriHOd ■Wm A# .ridttlrefbents of {fie nJfcT" Th nestotant Attorney General, pto ▼towed eection JH. which h* said tha General Assembly had Incorporated into the law because the Legislature recognised "the drastic nature of tbs provisions of tha act tn relation to edeqnet* lighting." Tha taction pro ▼‘das tor the official efatlene tor ad justing hand lamps with certificate* of edjurimaal required In such cat* tasted. But the tasting Useif to not At thf Bate Highway Ooitm.toatoo. If pan said i7, stales have the same tow, and all going the tnoiirdtungv law. nod nU .along the Atlantic const. Encouragement of universal nuto testing imparity to based hy stats of- BctsJs on th* old adage of an ounce of pruvuattou bring worth a pound #1 / GOLDBBOBO, N. C FRIDAY MORNING, 22. 1»27. Kitht Features NEW VORh, July tl*—(AP) —TBs radio booi-np, ths fat tonal ■wnltaallng Camp any anaanred was tha graotoat an re sard with 1 Maltose connected fa* q coast to const and hardar to GnV pM. work tor tha light, The imrtry ° waa blanketed far tha air story of the battle, hi adption to - 0 which many foreign cougfriee wore sipected to tone In. On* ■ore atotton was la If hoek-np than In the previous total *f fVly - for the welcome home reception of ret. Lindbergh. The gathering of new*pnt*rmM sot another record. More than Ml were Jammed about throe ring aid* rows ta space Intended for only tU. while nearly tod ethers, making a total es dU experts, won la rated elsewhere. Bom# es them needed field gtosaai to do , their work. Jack Keanes, temped by Mo trip abroad, circled, the ringside, bat did net appeag, to ho waring any tnjancttens 'ar samtoona tor the man be formerly managed, and whom he elaJme owes him •dto.tod under the tnrws as Ibair aid eootrncf that aspired tool fufh r- - • James J. Corbett, champion as maw thap two loaihloa ago, mao randy to compare 19*7 with the battling Wo. David Batoan was arm as aurny atoga actors ta Iho crowd. ** MRfUn . -JMtoWgtoa..- The vast crowd which paid Hone to lUddJddtoaoa the apoc toola. was thiflted hy dtnpiiyk tohaalatmmK fight to vtotory agateet adda that ncotooi •> agutoat him to the m* atari. ’ i'~* , Tha faemrg rhamptob,’* „ old spoad. the ftohttog apart that made him tie rfrleas mna-maator -of oM siemd lacking aa tha fight champton aad whan ha slabbed Itampoay with n aorta* as torlffla blew* toward th* clan as Urn first round, the And see mad to sight. * ' The fury and bad deg grit es Dempsey's drive enabled him to Bold Nharfcoy oven la th* second round, after the shat had gone to the rattor, end oat point Ur young . rival to th* third fourth, aad fifth rounds. • Sharkey carried off tha sixth *• ha ipoondi Dempsey with righto aad left., sanding toe ox champ tea hock, bat the spirit of th* oldor am Gated gp la a flashing finish that had Nharfcoy oa the ran at tko goag aad paved the way for th* Mg climax to tha ftrat miaato of the negt PACIFIC FLIERS TO BE HONORED Maitland ami Hcgcnbar/rer Dm to Reach WnsHingtoa Lato Toda> »* j . - m. ; 1 WASNINOTON, July 21 —(JPJ Tko national capital aad tko army or* prepared to honor two heroic av tatoee. Atom r.' mkmaotft ot ttw* »r«y air corpe. Aral to apaa by dl plana tk*' Pacific ocean from ‘he mainland to the Hawaiian Islands upou their arrival her* by nh- from Ihtyton, 0., •e hade tod tor totr today. Their fellow •rtofcrrs ore to furatoh the major portion of thrir welcome th* two filer* Were Hated to received the reward of the government, eectiftente* citing th»m tar the dln- HpgMehad Hying «•»«** upon theta «r* rtvnl Secretary «f State Kellogg was designated to 'Head th* official greeting and pr'sent the certidoatoa. the d'coratlon proper to be awarded by Preldeat Coolidga totor upon hie rstum to Weshiagtoa. Army, navy and marine aviator* wer* to ataga aa axhlMtion of stuat and formation flying, for a half hour during which s«verel parachute jump* nor* acta dulad. - to- - BIRGER GANG GOES ON TRIAL Hour State Demand Death Pen alty But Rtfuga Tastily ta Own Defense DENTON, 111., Jaly 21 —(M) —Bitting mutely after refusing ta testify tit their own defease. Charles * Birger, k4*wn na ' machine-gun Charley." Ar, Newmtu and Bay Hyland, tot* to day beard the stit* demand the death penalty for each la their trio) tor tha murder of Adame as Weet City. The. state opened th* eloetag argn m nt» to th* jury with a detailed story of how the gangster trio la al leged to have planned, ordered aad paid for the alaylng of Adam*, a am porter of tha rival flatten gangatoft. Nona of to* three dafandaata tank toe stead whan, shortly before aooa, the court uld briskly to th* de fease " you may call your wttaoac •c." Newman *eld he failed to take th* *t tad bees as* he feared hto testimony would "bring Charley down os m* with a let of wltneaoeq.*' Defense coubml admitted they Ml suffered an irrapernbto Mow today w hen ib* court denied Berger’s **• ron asking’O aontlnnance aad dto nAs sal of to* jury on th* grenade that more time waa Beaded to Met th* confession which Newman thru ten ad to make. COL LINDBERGH TOURING N ATION Dana Hair liUw fllßNta Par dto o • 'mP® I* ifil BhwP PROVINOB, B. 1., July Cot Chart** A liadhergk. flying hto Spirit of Bt Leotor aomo hapw tadey, the Mcvad city to he vtoltod la hto nadtonal air tour aad waa glvea a nalvy welcome. Wbtotlo*. krill. BBto muldto horns and even human voice* nailed la providing a bedlam of wel come to America’s hero For fifteen minute* h» cavorted the Spirit «C Bt. I ouie abmit the totes dipping taw over the heart or tbs stty aad Mien snaring with majestic gram In th* sunlight After [leasing too*Mods, he took off to the south to Quonaat Paint the nearest lending f|ptd to tha rity, where o city recepttoo committee aad thousands of spectators awaited. GIANT AID MIDGET* _ AT BWAMT* rCIIIIL . BLACKPOOL, Bag-. J»>T 21— O'** gtist aad fifty man aad woman dwarfs walked behind the hgors* whoa a midget a*Qi*d Kathhrin* ta herfenberg. wh# W*a only t ft • ins. ia height wu hurled hta*. Th* fifty midgets rouged to haHht from 2 ft. to I ft. t In*. Th* gtoat. Ernest Wolfe, waa T ft ■ 5 toss, tall. Dempsey h Favorite With Crowd At News Fight Party With Dempsey, former champion, a prim* favorite from the word go, a great chyor that reverberated ' tar fuany blocks atang J»Wh Street want tp from the haaitadi gathotad ia Irost of The Newa.lhta night wh** the m*«*rhon*r announced that to* •x-champian had kahakfft Bhaikey out. "I told you ha would do It." to claimed every man to hta parfaar. usd «** -• <*f m thusteam of and the flru hundred ewuta who paakad toe space In (ttol of Th* News offtoe Jumped m high Into the alt a* their close uuttrtcr* would permit Usov wowi th» pot ctaM shat ms trnmplod ta the praoem. Th* ftsbt party waa aa aaaceearul as- qpy every staged by The Newe. The fias had begun avoemMteg an hour before the time scheduled tor th# riraoe rvfort*d direct from tit# rto* vide la New York began to he dic tated lute Th* Newe office th* crowd - *>dd pcoehAd number#-which broke previous records. Yeung men were lo to* ascendency, nnd directly In front of to* office wer* a group of "Tko gang hays of about ten to 14. who proved to he g r »a( ruppovtera ta Oegipoey. On* member ta Th* gang aoaaod to Bay* Terrific Right T« Stomach PitAadfrashagLtftltJaw Sead Sharkey To Drumlnd - 1 - 9 W'A .mp-im * ONE DEATH ON SCHOONER YET TO BE CLEARED ...-.a.'-..... . ■anMMMßosuMw Other Myiteriai CnwMetod with Four M>riM Klfffnway < * mmr NEW YORK. July 21—VYy— A mya talons murder of a woman at son to day along remained ta the many strong* tales that proooded to* tear •meted schooner Klaggway half wag around too world. The *cSooner was slowly mahiag fts way along th* Jersey oooat to ward* Now York harbor today white two aa«o»hta* ta tta draw, taken off hy a federal bearding party wot* being held in eetia at New York po lio* headquarter# tor questioning. Stories of M unfetered danggpous prisoner, mutiny and indlan deaths that followed the wok* of th* *fctp in Ha oonrs* slang to* Afrioaa gold coast aad acfooo too Mlaatlr fall before the) scrutiny ta United Btotoe district attorneys and cost guards. eX/ .J*. ~ ASK PROTECTION FOR H GIBBON United Start e« Behalf Bnc<n mOkA Vntt|^4|Uj|Vmmm| RppnrtPd OENMVA. July M-(«-fh# grito* tonight passed through the city and tees which had boaa pat op as a pra toat agalaat th* «weari*n of Ntoata Sacco aad hatatataaeo Vaamttl at Booloa, Mam. During the dip a oommaalat waa arroet charged with patttag ap «Mh, poetors. Aa a result of the adgttottoo la ooaaoottoa with to* eaao, the Aaa •rtaaa ooaaulato her* aakad ptan ttan lor Hugh Gibson. America’s chief delegate at th* aaval ctofereao* the trlhoae of Ooaova la aa editor tei potato nt that oomaiHtoee hao* Lmu organla*d la many eoaatrtm at Tha papta adda that thaoe o«affH«oog havo created what aaaouate to aa to tevuattoaal maalfas'atioa far Jaly 21, it aaraaatly raeommeada tta readers to support th* Bwlm deaffw tralloa. „ . ' ■ „ com* sympathy tta Bhaikey, hat ho didn't get roach chance to chew It. The other member* ta th* fcnaoh jeered him down each flaw bo attemp ted to open hid mouth la to* fan# gathered to get th# Wow hv blow account a* given out by The New*. Most of them ware wtth mala escorts, but a taw group* ta flappers were noticed in to# threng : Tfciv - eh«nr«< - Jnri wh .mtiltiviMlv Isa did -u ta toe maiaa ta toA gnteat. hundreds tutted ■ w^il agd Tim Jh7gvga inf TwftaJ'TltmC fptall W r TXtv now m office jangle couttohally and In l«o out of three ludtauaae It was a worn am eaqulrtag tor th* rauulta ta too fight. v "Doe* itat suit ym. n to# f#|Mt «r at Bad one of too tawate 'tire*, after relating that Dempsey had won with a knockout "WriL 1 doat know so auk ahoul to—* totogt." isqHK -th*-- Wm "You see t wa* doqatri—tor naotooe party." Th* reporter ramarbad toot i hubby probably seat hia wife to tall ! Into The New* while he eat uadta lh<> light aad eoad rim aktantag paper , after work hour*. "Aad now Dttopaey will knock Tan ! ney all to hits whoa ha afmtk ap i agaiast him ta Btepieatota" remMtt i ed Dr. R A Smith, rated flgkt faa. i when glvea too retail* of too mfla). UamkawWl 3 %." McDIKr US' X lie /MKl^Rdl9wv|i Vnm ~ v, j *• "* li 'EjSr '*"" " 1 ' **" *** n,, ~? j nm fit* QD99|^ do, but ftwilly MaiMit t# JhSt rib* Jack book** U l*<t Mo^ia^ihjS ftbArik#y mi t hook akonk w^a iippar cu(o DIMRNy Daapaaj • MMkd *

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