k , .. WRAITO ’ '' ’ „ ■» ."■ ‘ NHA! YAH. -■ ' . *t \ y • -*■.. * •• VOLUMB MX; NUMBBR IS4 Dempsey’s Comeback Develops One 01 Most Hectic Controversies In Rim History As Sharkeys Camp Poshes Claim Ot Fori How Stow Motion Pictures of Batik Fail to Settle ArfWtnt; Exports Split Over Issue; Tex Rkltard Believes Stem sell Punch Wss in Clear; Sharkey's Man ager Insists Not MBW YORK, Mr TWlnpSlT‘l MMkMk today devslop ll oat od tbs most hsctlc ooatroveys too it hosvywslghi flag with » bit tar Mblt swirling aroaat to* quMtioo of whsther U. former ehoai plot fooled Jack Sharkey Hbri knocking oat tba Baste* sailor io tha NTtB round «( tbotr battla *at »lgbt Tba dispute r.|M igoai «« pa pa naan. officials **d flgbUra with as fiarca iatao.Uy aa tba battla wttbta tba rtng. lottaad ol bslag 4 tba tight It aaatao. boo )*t bogao Attar a day ot hootad pest-ssortsssi tn which alow aaotloa plctoroa aa<* a broadaUa ot official optetoas war* brought to boar, tba laaaa woa me aoarwr sotttod than whoa ywlla o< protect ram* from Sharkey’* eoraar at of Hte boat ta tba Yaai Stadium. Tba motto* picture, It bad baatt felt, woald baa tlbsl Arbitrator. tor three ah owing* botorp a groat* ot « part* left opiate* oo Widaly di Tided • It woa ot tha riagaida To a majority porbapo. It agwtgf that Dompooy loaf ad t dr tbroo dangerously law *t«h* to Mt body before connecting with ty ieft book tc tha low that dowaaf tha cx-aalfar. * "'*■ ■ Three voilope apoparod ta bo low hat pat foal, lb tba oplnloa ot Ter Rickard ga wall aa ot many otbni observdfY ~ ■*" Jtonriy a« mtay adl*o, hawever chief dbaaag tbam fafcaoy Rartloy Sharkey's msßSgaf. brntatad tlSf th ptcures pro*#4: Sbartre v had baa, foblod at laaal twlea oad that Damp - -- Watching tba alow motion pictoro of tha earostl «h»bd. Rioknrd »eb Thara goaa tha right- H laoda la tb pit ot tba stomach. Tba Wow, a* •Oo i t la fair. Row th* loft com t tho jaw. That* tba knockout Al plain." A tow foot away Bock lay, ourroundod by Bkarkoy aupport are daciarad: ’Tbsr# It goaa. Fool' Dempaay foula Bkarkoy twice aa ploii aa day." Thse her#*# *Ut the referee «r» “I right oaMp of the boxer preceding the kaocboet Dempee "* brought at » awoaplag rt * ht ,or th ' body It «|« • tow t****' •»** lt not a damping °' flharkay** toft thigh «nd •»•»* am, tt p. I wara*d DWW to watch W pitches Quick aa * flash •eat hia left to tkh pit of th* atop •eh. Bh*rk*7 gmnt*d ta t*ia »■* Mat torwwd ThfH Dempaer •aether left ta th* Jaw aad Sharkaj went dowa. I haat orar Sharkey •ad *atth “ton had hotter got ap. ! BP count tag an yoa*. He pad* BC reply. He did oat «•»«» » foul FEDERAL MOISEY i FOR FLOOD AID ‘-jr.aSB’RSF RAPID QTTY. D.. MV **-<*> -Th# Federal truantt will b* opwd to praalteat CooH#|t lor fnnte to tw , ytor it* MVBM IfMk At *b» Mia*** atppl rtrar. but h* hi* jroMhoO no 4* cl*ton on nadtkor rnaoinm**d*ti<wi o' tMerotary Hooter to hhr# th* fooom —♦mil turn charge* tth |#ta* lK««o «» flooded ihi. ' -‘'—i" l * ■ I.lhewta* I* W* Tdgi*t*r*d t*d«T •t th* egecatit* ofttb* that th* Pro* Meat had r*Och*4 to oonclnrtoii On out-itlon of tn • ■•pedal **M*lon • month or *l* w**lr* ntHmC «l ■ tit* r*fc«nr MT—nrr " * December to aooaidor flood fblief *»*• control moworon. It wa* Mid thot Mr. Coolldg* ho* rot chewed Me *low* on this pro pout which nr* nadcrataod to h* th* hr do** not eonoidor th* *p*clnl *u * for CAtirwUlfr fMfthr an **rly •tart on » hpar/ calfndnt. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THR MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE IRISH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. - . , -•—■ >: 1 k 1 : 'LL 49 COUNTIES IN NORTH CAROLINA __ WITHOUT SINGLE HOSPITAL BED CWAPH, SILL. Jnly BB~(AP) Thom oru « oMßtha In north Obrtlka f Skint • hospital bod, onld Sr. W. X Sonkki. of Chaa totfo, director at tha hospital bqtt arpbonoga division ot tho Doha Kmdowamont, addroaaing tha Mh aannol Pnhttc Woltara Inatltata here tadny. “Wo into oma bod lor ovary 411 parnona. wborana tho avaras* lor tho oonntry la 1 for ovary BB1*”' tho iponhor sold. Tormtap Jnmaa B. Dnka'e gift lor tho aarw *f tho sick not only RENEW GENEVA CONFAB SOON ) '•*. ' British Dtkftlm WUI Roiiirn After B«mlMi with Cabinet In leadm .a LONDON. July IJ-kFI-Tbs Gen eva nogotlationa for reduction of naval armament* are to bp resumed without delay, uadar a decteion reach *4 today by the cabinet. Effectual I g tlenctng varisg report* of tba tmmin •nt collapse of tho Conference, the decided that port, at loaat '.t tho Britieh deleg it ion summoned hejre to report, would leave I aimed Atuly to resume th* d tec us el on. The Cabinet' council was tba long est bald aiuae those during the coal itrtka last year. Four boars were da voted to Itataulug to report* by Vlacouat I'edl and W O.Rridgeman. upon th* development at Geneva and pparaat oha'ecle* ta soreeksfaJ. tar niaatlon. It was derided that Viscount Cecil ad Mr. Brtdgeman. who had return 'd to London to report on the ron ■'prone*. -wilt return to Gensvs glmovt immelately to resume their labor* ’od that they trill return with the ’"‘ahlnet’a fall approval of tb* lines which they have taken hitherto UtU* real apprehension bad he*n xprenead hare that tb* ceufer pee bad coDpsed Tbia fear was tt luded by fact that preparations for ’remier Baldwin’s departure for Caa da wl'h the Prince of Wales tomor «w have coatidnad to go forward. but 't wa* thought that difficulties might ■rise within Ihr Cabinet Itself. Today’s council wa* held In tba '‘rentier's room la the Houa* of Com non* sad a majority of tha Cabinet was prevent. Despite tha length of be sitting, It la understood that dis cussion wfp still unfinished when he meeting broke np, becnu*e vsr oas minister* had politics) engage nsnts la the country • “BI.BTT HIT* FAB FARM COLORY FOR WOMB* KINSTON, July »l—<MV-Dhectors f the Stats ladnstrisl farm colony 'nr women have approved a site four nils from hare for the Institution The farm on which the colony will 'M established is located near the Briery” and has purchased *ame ears ago by the Caswell Training School directorate The purchase was authorised at the tart aesaalon ,-.f tha general assembly. Open Bids For Enlaxgment Os Postoffice On July 22 f ' "'ll Contract for rWodeling and **- srgiag the Ooldaboro postoffice will mm - wmm.-&JSB3SEM word received yesterday by Postman*- ter E. A. Stmpfcina from James A Wetmore, acting superintendent kr hltect with the Treasury Department Washington. Plano and apeclflcadona for the remodeling bad wot reached Mr. Simpkins last evening, but he xpected that he would have the nec itaary blue prints by Monday at the mootr ' -" s =~= ; = :;: ~ ~~==———==* Until the architects specifications »tyo rooatrafc ff-Ig~nai>gr*tood^P > ??i( be Impossible lo tal|pJust what work •rill ba done. A total so about 140.000 had been provided for the work. It waa andaratopd that this sum would be represented la two 120,000 approp riation amounts. Inspectors who visited the Golds boro office several months ago found that the space provided pet employe* >| tha local poatofttoa was not up to GOLDSBORO, N. C SATURDAY MORNING. JULY 23. I*l7 pnnmpia lb eerial ladgmant. Dr. Raakta said that la the avarnge ceaaty la Earth (arwUaa there were aaaagb sink peepla ta take np apaea la a balidlag N feet wMe aad M af r a mRe leag. Ha atraaead the aeeaaelty of be lid lag local bee pi tale la erder to Mrlbate mere egnatfy the darter* la the ceaatry te altocviato dl«- taaea aad take away tram iadhl daal pnraaas tha bggdea at car lag fm the alch. * JOHNSTON CO " NEARS GOAL TabcrcukMiia Hospital Nearer Realisation aa Reaoli Ooa ference in Hmithfiekl h SMITH FIELD. July It—<A John .ton roaaty tubercutoal* hospital Is • 111 tl* nsarsr r**li**Hoo because of the conference held here Wednesday af ternoon between represent*! tr* citi ten* of. th* County and Dr. W. 8. Rankin, representing the Duke Foun dation. For some time the need for doing something about tp# tubercu losis situation in John*tcn county has been evident, nnd an effort was made j at on* time to Join the adjoining i counties of Wake and Wayne In tbs tract ion mt S tri-coudty sanatorium, i This plan having failed to material* j <se the ceuaty commissioner* have i had uadar copsldaratlon a plan t« care for a number of Indigent pat tent* by Mu|dlag » soltibl* annex to j i •he county bom* which would be lnj charge of a ootopotent nurse This project bad advanced to the point of Tsttlng the Contract and the srsc- i tlop was scheduled to begin at an < early data. A few day's ago it became knows that Dr. Raskin would pas* through Fmitbftsld Wednesday *ad a con ference was arranged which tb* Johnston County Medical Society dl»d th* board of county commission era. tbs trustees of tbs Johnston County Hospital and other interested ritiseas Rariioipated. Tb* meettng was held at tb* hospital, thus giving Dr. Rinkin opportunity to sed tb* present hospital fnciltiss of Johnston county. ■»- TO HOP AATTRDAY “ BOCTHAMPTON. Eng., July SI Inttalutiou of new radio apparatus iu tbs trsns-Atlsutic flying bout of Capt Courtney, British sir Acs. was under way today at Calssbot flying bus*. Courtney told International Naws Ber ries h* hoped ho be able to hop off sometime tomorrow. HTKVHER ABAEDOERD I-ONDON. July 2S—Th* steamship Homestead which wss disabled in th* Arabian ***, near Managalor*. off tb* Mslaber coast, has been abandoned In pinking condition l , said a newt* dis patch from Bombay today. The crew was taken off by tbs taakshlp Aung baa. tha standard us required by the post office momaaeMrd requirements. Congressman Aberdethy had made • everal trips lo Washington concern ing the matter- aad waa given assur ance several week* ago that Md* tor the work would he asked for shortly. Appropriations for making the hanges were secured through the ef forts of Mr. Abernathy. "If you win call by a*xl Monday” raid Postmaster Simpkins last sea nlßg. “f thtnir I egg telT you sbohf what-is going to be dona.” Tha note from architect Wetmore to Mr. Mmpkins was la thq form of instructions to ask for hide- on the work. The communication follows: “July 21. 1»27. "Sealed bids In duplicate will be received until Ip. m Angus’ 21, lt!7 and then publicity opened tor _ (Continued oa Ppga TwoJ FINE MEETING POULTRY CLUB * e-o Eighty PogHry Ksiseni Udtoa T# Adirggggg hi Seven One of the asset enjoyable meetings •*f th* Ways* County poultry A**oc iatton this yjwr wag held yesterday at Sevan bprlaga. In aptt# of tb* (act that it is a vary bu*g tiai* since the 'timer* are In Ahe midst of the tob :<ceo ecason. a large crowd asseidb'ud tor the occasion. There wer.- sppu-i’ .mately SO people present. • Th< •-< iwori* were far-seeing eaough to keep agoing in Into* and < ffo t. whilo the poultry maiketa win le w, r.alLtnji that It I* the oaas Out stick to it' during the drop tkal make tho mousy out to It ob the uexj to k. says T. T. Brown. Poultry ipeuinJtst At noou a bouuttlul table wa* spread under the .Hpanisli mo*s oot ered trees g}> lb# bunk* ° r the Sense. When bungsr was no longer known to any present, tb* group was called to tb* PsvlUlan for tb* I prog reap. After s tew snnunucemsnt* wars made, the first »to*|*r wax'J called upon. O. If. ii*ymoor, vocational teacher of Q rant ham pchool soma of th* piobtsihs that be has . eucouatsred in his wmk ta Grantham township. Mr.. Baymfur guvs a* bis xrentsst problem, ,|bd marketing of eggs. He told of tit* system of mar keting he is expecting to pu into op eration la his township next season The plan I* to ns* daaea sis* cartons aad marhet the eggs twice u week, feltlag aoUtlng hut strictly fnsah. clean and stssd eggs that are of uniform color. Each producer will sell under u number as say Inferior ity may be easily trafod and contact ed. The Poultry Asraclition hopes to Join Mr. Seymour on this problem and make it county widu. C. W. Warrick, vooouttonal agri cultural teacher of school «>*dc * talk on the poultry ,-rol.lem. of bta respective township. He stress ed tb* importasc# of feeding a bal anced ratios to tha flock 12 mom up to tho rw eal booster fototarHy. *R* gave boom statistic j oa feed costs showing that ws could make no * mposy on poultry la this couaty if w* would produce our feed* mote economically." . The last speaker on the program waa a. M Stephen, ttve stock agent of the A. C. L fill road He gam * ayaopai* of the poultry Indue ry of the aouth. *treplay the fact Hi tt the via# poultrymen will con l.i ia their lateat In their flocka and the business while rtriaea are low. Theea are the onefe that Inakea aaccrm of poultry raining. Mr. Stevens s’utfcd that the eucceaful poultry raisers ere only the ones who start at the bottom end learn the buslnep from the ground up and slick to It steady. > The next meeting of tha agoociat'oa will he held at Saul Poo natbe la vltsllon of the Saulatoa community dub. on August 2«th. HOOK AND LINE CATCHES THIEF rt , ' . W- - " Untpodl Incident h Reported an Happening Near Selma in John* ton - ' SELMA, July 22 News haa reach ed hare of the very unurual capture, of a common theif. Mre. J. L. Hplli van. who lives near Rain’s froa i Roads, kart missing bar young chick ens. A strict watch waa kapt but a > tracks were dlacoveerd. Mr. Sullivan decided to taka a bwt, ap he set a ttah pate aad kn in the lot where the partridge sited biddies had been roosting Thin he 'baMart; ml«ft. a ptoCr tX tnaXtjf iffllrd* .. ygpas chicAan .Th* -ansi pnralng he bad a rogue ■ t large chicken ettithe had swallowed the bait end had been securely caught by the hook. The Retina Kiwant*ns and their wives vtsited ('amp Tusoarora near Mount Olive last week Scout Execu ties W W Rivera waa on band to give them n welcome and show them around. A very apprellatng sapper was served In th* open. Dick, *b<> ramp oook. was at his. beat and ttov Roy Scouts who were ’tn caasp enjoy ed the feast as well aa the visitors. Warm words of praise war* .ex tended for the splendid wark he is doing for th# hoys. A camp fire breakfae' was »tv ra aeir th* overhead bridge *« high way numbers 111 and 22 oa Friday morning rhpudtmentary to Mlaaea Ra ther O'Rrlehff tylith Henley of Our ham, aad of Hamlet. *♦,"* T -e"- * • PROMINENT MEN WILL BE NAMED Solictor John R. Jones, of^f'North Wlikesbom, aanonnee* that bills will be seat te the grand Jury against ? prominent WUkes county officials in lonnectioa with notes, checks, and rouaty trading which has been parity uncovered la Wilks* during th* past weeks. It U reliably Hated that Rollcitor John A, Joa*-* Intvbdv to rro*scuts nil who com tnt<M tb* fupaiior court, and that tb* grand Jury will be asked to conduct an axhanativn th* tellur* of tbs county commla- Shwera to uompiy urith tbs law ra quirlag tha bank or banka to fur nish proper security ter tbs deposit “I county fends; into various other cauaty matter*. laeiudiag«tb* rumor •d sinning of bonds In blank by mum torn of tba board of education, aad other alleged iregularities that have been called ta attention of office ct state's aoltottor " ' la other words, it Is rsporisd that there Is to be general house-clean.og <n Wilkes county, which will ba de signed to clear up all Irregularities end to uncover all law iafrigaaseala. If there are any. la the conduct of *».# couaty government aad with r «- pert to officers or Individuals who hero h«g the car* of county m state feadt or oxpeaditur* of Sana ' fa their kaaJs. Th* which Ip to be put up to the is expected to have far reaching effects. W v D. Woodruff, sheriff ct Wltfecc ctaufy tof eight yscrc, arpcraatly has failed to settle la full for las collec- Uoa* made during his tom of ofUca. according to admission* mad* by tbs couaty official* It appear* that lb tasking bin final *ettlemeat wife Eh> bourd of county <ommt*#iooers m MaV. b 24, ]»t|. be gave chocks that turned out to be worthless la chardMti tor « ' ' Then* checks have beam held. R Is stated by th* county treasurer, T.' M. Gysel. since that time, be hsrtsg been unable to resits*<* them. Mr. Woodruff** alleged shortage of fond* at tho of hiv settlement rssebsd the flgnre of tM.4M.27. - I ’ *. UT- j-1 *•- LIE IS SWAPPED AT CONFERENCE Brl HpaniArd Bxpfaing it Oe* fhrrw Bscaato AMcrican Didn’t l Indent tan d Ilia WASHINGTON, July 22—(>P)-Fur ther bitter attacks on the Latin Am eriman policies of the United Stated and tb* Moaro* Doctrine in particular developed at today's meeting of the fifth Pan-American meeting culminate •ng la a defease of that Instrument by Wa. Green, chairman ot tb* Aawd ran delegation, Mr. Green’s speech carved to quiet v stormy debate during which Ricar do Martinss, of Vtaegeuslc. dented a iburg* of fulaebood of Matthew Woll, American delegate, WoiW »*ld that delegate* lied ip denying he had bp r roved in committee a re'olntlon deal Ing with th* Monro* Dbctrlne which hid been substituted for on* pro posed. in answering the charge th* Venesueien deetkred there had been a n kunderstanding due to Woll’s fall atm to understand the Spanish laa cuag* zcL. ; ■ «■— Eastern Cotton SHI Co. Buys Fertilizer Plant 80l* of tfcio Qoldaboro ifalMM Merchant* Fertlliaer and floephaU cvrauany to.lh* K**t?'i» Oottou till company «** r*cord*d in d#*da fil ed with Miaa D*ea|* Orauttoai. lt*g tatar of Deed* for ynyn* conhty. h*»o y*at*rday. Th* raipUf buying th* plant op*rat*» th Hartford, Norfulli, and other rointi In Kaater* Carolina and Virginia, M ia underalood. E F C Melt, manager tor th* March.nt* Fertlliaer and PheOpltat* "vMmpany, w*» Inairumental dm do* iii»t thi' drai tt la nrotarntood. and' will retain an eaeriltVr* connection wilt the new purchaaerw Mr. Mela, »h*n a abed tor a aUUemut concern* tag H e «al# tani a*id that h* had no inforraation to give out hurt *t rruent hot that detail* might lx* tiren out wl.bin the gut tow day*. *■*o deed* ware tiled. The flr»t transferred the Merchant* Fertiliser nad t-hoapbat* company plant har* to # ■ - faM TCT 1 Kinston Girl Is Serna# Injured When Ante Imvos Highway 10 Near LaGraage "Youth* to Get Habeas Corpus Hearing Today Habeas corpus pnwdiifpy tot behalf of Aiders Gagnon sad Wil iam ttuiaa. Rprtagbsld. «• Mas* , yonag men h»jd la the death M Peter Buoney and J. L Hatcher la an automobile, accident, several days ago. will b* h*ld before Judge Dnalals this morning at IS o'clock. Bhertfr Grant was yeet reday or dered to bring the young men be fore Judge Daniel* fo r tb* hsnr ink this morning Th* youths still stick ,to their original tale. tbsL.tbey had been picked np by <p piss|ug autemobillnt who disup paared after bis car bad strack J. L Hatebsr's oar on tb* Mt. Oltvsr b'gbwny. BOSTON GREETS COL LINDBERGH Hwpiidfa Jrmmmwl aa Muv ara Overrate* fa Fish I For OHteRM Bmm BOSTON. July H—Rotten gavu aa wsfeoms today to Qol. Liadbsrgb. Macfatr of tbs Ate laatic, aad then without puns* turned lar up equally *ntbn*iastic meting to tb* vtotors of the Pacific; tgaUlaad end H*gsab*rpcr. Far the moment Uto wheels of tbs Spirit of Bt. Louis touebsd tb* efa- Sere of th* East lURfaM lirteri Three boars later srboa tefNRIC W»-. - b “ •T'~a.aJ , :^l M*f !•••» rwHl LiUMQ DtRIBU MMvj lag mob of who made nap sacrifice of peracMl safety for one glim pa* of tbefr hero, aad then strove Warned by tbs ssperlaaces la Ffsne* aad New York, tb* flier a§- caaed anscratcbed. Hl* aialMfi 1 Rr“w isi' n“w - niß Ruuur“r> were not so fortunate, and from fate part of the crowd da Bo*too Commons which was tbs densest wer* carried women and even men aad cblldrea tb* hoepKato ware swamped .Ha critical coees war* reported. National guardsmea aad < police united to protect the grand stand wife Its prcclca* aqact hot they tould dor nothing beyond a ton foot radius. Tb* shrelka of women. r«atr Stricken by the crash, at thorn sets ally drowned oat tb* speaker's role*. Two solflerv sad a policeman who bad plaaged Into th* mass to rsaeue an unconscious person were carried out feet first. EEGRO DROWES DI JB»fTBE HMITHWELD. July St-Aa elghtaea j*ar old negro by tba nans* of Bell loot hla life to Swift creek asor J. V. Tomlinson's mill la Olevwtoad taw d'hip. Wednesday morning while la swimming. He and several ether negroes war* la bathing when be was raised with cramp. Tho others bo rt m* frightened sad ran, leaving him to bis fate, went to tb* mill aad reported the Incident. A party of rescuers want Immediately to th* •can*, but It Mbs about an hour and a half before the body woo found It wee located by Though* Barbour, a whit* boy. > I r and wife for |ta.»ta Th* Momd data trtafhnd «* :1»# Camera Cotton* Oil eompony for fto 00 and other cooatderattona. The Bnatera Cotton Oil company i* oh* of th* most awreasafaf operator* hi tbla part of th* atata. In ceaaoe tion with th* fertlliaer baataan* they un oil mill* al *«v*ral r*tat*. and it •* bettered that there la n poadMUty that the? m *y bar* la mind locating an oil mill ia Qoldaboro at aom* sh- dnta: • ——;•* rrizz. - :.: rnd»r iho maaa«*nieit of Mr Mata lb* product* of th* Merchant* Ferttlicrg nad I'MoeptaaiU domifgay bar* attained wide demand among farmer* of this section. It ia batter ed that the a*w owani of tha plant may har* hi mind broadening aettrt ti*» among plantar* of Iho territory. Doftalto anonunrament aa to tha par ley. operation an piano will bo mad* ahortly, Mr. M}ta anld. The Asaotftotod ' . Prsm j 1 1" ■ '■ m prior nv« cnMn tioMi Automobile iu ~ t aftoraoou when n Ik* cdbsf' *toun« mean win SSTtifomidto cared from tbs lOn*da-ltnvfiLp|dbf last aigbt said MJts R-Mnisg igflir as, over tk* <^ysjp| m WvM v2n|i Hospital. MMnWshJto WQ. MUp Rltod BOND Vlrtil Hamm* fa RapMhr R#> lay last vyeek ot W. T. lAWIM, wf o. mw m*i is 11.554 ball aa n atoSgt wftn»*| < ' Tfarts wag tatoHy wnpMnd tin night of Jaly ll daring a raM £pg be tried in Bnpertov Ctowt htoto R baring been ruled Fsßvni mum bn* mo MrtsdMfa* . runrds In tba stj|toynMlto^&^ mg. AS! it wii said Jft the kiMitai M - - T Tl*? V UDVAPRBt RU At UMM . ti Rlltif JKliMMto PWJ 1 MfcdT' likMl h m ad mm fa RS«fa «fafart*d rtmet to a

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