WEATHER OttVaDf fair guaday and Mewday accept fueaMHj local tkcader- UMSHff sa the boast VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 116 '' —— i===: i 1— "' ■■■■ ■ .. . ..-r;-—'■t»" ■■■ ■ ■— ■ ■ ■ 1 "'i y* 1 • CUNTON REPORT SAYS OIL IS “SHOWING” IN WELL EIGHT Bit COMPANIES TO HAVE BITERS HERE Top Prices For > Weed Assured •0 Additional Mywlwt Buyer* „ *■ EipwtM Locate oa The GoMoboru Mart * *- ■ * < " - Th*y American Tobacco Company hs» rests* th* old NorMk and South psi freight da pot u • prtsehouse toi the siorsge o|.Urb*cco bought on th> Goldsboro market this raw. U ws* learned yesterday. J. 8. William* ot Milton, baa beau named |* buyer fo’ the American company aad brill be on- band for the opening of the market on daptember (. Thia ia the itgbth big company te arraoge Kn laprasaatatitraa oa tha local market W. R. Taylor, who formerly rent ed (be old freigbt elation a> a prise- Uou*e. will occupy part of the epacr in the prlsebouea t> l>e con-truo'e* near the Potato *lort£* warehouse The Reynold* tobacco company will aleo occupy pert of Oils apace, it erne said. { This building glrae an addltiona' 1 .'>.ooo square feat of storage «pac for Ibe local market (hlb year. A. T Griffin. president of tha new company organised for Ibe purpose of erectiap Ibe house. will supervlee Ibe work. Wi'h the naming of Mr. Wllllama a buyer for Urn American tobacco company. Goldsboro la assured o' barer* for eight Os tha larger com ponies and there la a possibility that several independent companies may , locale agents*be**. Companies which have already made their plans for rovering the local market this year ore: The Imcprlsl Tobacco Company the Exoort Leaf Tobacco Companv the ArtHlh Tobacco Oompany. 'the American Tobiceo company. the Lee TQnk'ns Tobacco Company, the J P Taylor company. the R. J Reynolds Tobacco Company. and the Liggett Merer* Companv The tobacco committee of the Chaw her of Commerce It now rorrr pond tug with three Independent compan ies relit Ire to placing buyer* here mad hooeg to hove favombte announce " to tasks! •'Already," said a member of th" Committee yerteday, "Gcffilsboro 1* better filed In the matter of com juntas to be represented than lu sev eral year* Farmers can be »**ureil that when they bring tbeir lent her* tl will be bid nrep hv a snficlent i umber and competition will be »uch that a high price 1s assured'. » The location of the Adatb buyer* here la said to assure the payment rs lop prices for the superior rrsde* of weed * The company has leased .’he redryiua plant of the Expert l.eaf Tobacco Company .valued at $500,000 and will coocsntrate on erfort to cen traUse their bualoea* In Oold*bor© With Ihelr redrylng plant here. It |g Jji jointed W. weed rurehaeed tocallj can be economically bought at higher * figure than weed purchased on other market, because of the fact that pur chases made here will not ham to have the added espease of shipment Is another point. This alone, said a member of the tobacco committea yesterday, should be worth thousand* of dollar* to the |26*l market aqgmtbe farmers who \ sell here.'* “ } 1 _S —*- CITID HAS HIS WAT , ..,v„ v r.•. xti*nom Wttas >.,m^mrximiiaW*»W|kddHHMfcir.‘nHt.«n.*hAMh» -«f . , • I I • *“ ELISABETH CITY. July 22—Cupid was prohouncsd winner today • pile or a planned runaway marriage la Which both pa rtfs* received In juris* whan tbetr automobile was wrecked in • colllaKm with a park ed car near her* yestsrday. With her bead in bandage*, Miss Elisabeth 171 rich, of Virginia Beach end Charles Mlßef. Norfolk, nursing - undrx bruUwu wrre married by the focal Epslcopg) rector *Tliey took a taxi back to tbc Virginia seaport. • * ffi . . SHIP HOGS . NYLYA. July If fAA —Jackeon county farmer* departed from (he way* of (heir father* the Other day whan they shipped a carload of hog* in mid summer. The car of 14k pounds of psrlna topped the Chicago market. and brought tha Jtngie of coin u> tin amount 9 f * , ~—« p Tt- ~ v..c - • ■! THE GOLDSBORO NEWS REAR IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH -READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. «*■ * ■ " l ; . . > IS FOUND DEAD ~ AT AUTO WHEEL Mystery Kurroundu Death Os O. W. Um. Prominent Bank . er of Now Bern 1 NEW 1 ' BERN. July With a bul let wound through his head and with v revovlver resting in his right hand >n bis lap. the body of Oscar W Line, widely known and promlucnt New Bern bilker, wn* found reeled be neath the steering wheel of his sut*- ' obite this morning about Mur mil'** from Maysvllle on a *ld- rond just off the Stella highway. Discovery of the body wan mode '•v L. T. Gll'ette. of Maysville. and George Meadows, farmer who reside*' about a mil* from the syrne of the tragedy sod retorted at Mays title about * o'clock. News, was later •■stayed from There lo the fnmily hare and W. B. Blade* and Paul Mengel. brother lu law, W. H. Hen derson and others. Jest for the scene. Dr. J. C. Bell of Maysville. acting J coroner. Impaneled a Jury, ttewad Ike body and* turned It over to the j '■ml'x and It was brought here and ■ prepared for burial. Dr. Bell said 'iere were certain angles of Ibe case that he wished lu clear up and de 'ayed hh Inquest until 6 o'clock Monday afternoon to give time for u Investigation Hi the iK-pr Hint he will be able to dear up th« dodTdfnt clrcum*'ance*. Dr. Ball, Muted ihai a :tR cal I lire! -"volvsr with two empty, und 'wo' loaded shell* mas found In Vlr. 1 * *n#*‘ lan Th« wound Ir thc ? right aide of tha bead, where the hnUnt, i nten-d appeared to lie uuu-'uatlyi ’urge to the coroner'and In fact he j aid. was much larger thno the. wound on the left side where It came I out There were no power burn* ! <-n tbe side of the head where the bullet entered He considered the po«- itbltlty that two shot* hxd been fired, one of which went thaough and the ■«fher a'orped in the head There were other angVoa. that might lend to suspicion, which he wished to clear up also before rendering a verdict DtUII'KBY PARTY ON PHRMCEXT LlJ|imi» BALISBI RY. July Xa I'll be in them lighting wa* the'anly rom nicot Jack Dempsey would “ibaka con cering the coming bout wjtli Gene Tuuney as he passed through Balis tmry this morning on The crescent limited hound for California aftkj- de »atlng Jack Bharkey in New York Thursday night. Tbe former r ham plan was greeted 'iy hundreds of his admirer* and • hock hands with many o( them. He marks of hl» fight a Mue and swollen left eye. and sevur ml stitches In * cut over hi* right eye '.dug most outstanding. With Dutnp •ey word Jerry, his trainer and Floyd ntsslmmons of Chicago and a num ber of friends, -! - r~ Goldsboro Developments Last Week Total $125,000 Ocvstojment* aggregating turos offipproxiinately Al2&.o*Hi were brought to u culmination the past SCSfk- Ikjftifh effort* of the, Ggdds -ig>r<r iTtfiPPer of vommerce. * rtfpvrt *«nt yesterday to the membership by W. C. Denuiark says The report tea follows Thi* has bwn a very.'»itcte -filu) week in our organisation niat 'ers la-ins brourht to a lo ad that we have been working on lon* aud-pat iently- ~~ ‘ I —Ten ibou*and dollar* stock iold and new corpora*lon i-r*anl*ed y I'lsnimti tobacco- prise huosas.-itt O 'ldsbjro This new corparat.on with \ T. Griffin as president, and Spic er Himes as Secretary and TieaSurer will start work Monday morning July 26th. on constructing a tobacco (■rl*e house. Bit fret wide and 300 feet long. These warehouses bare already been rented by tohaoor buyers, who will be on our tobacco market this y»nr. 2—Securing from th# American Tobacco Company a buysr who will entpy 9*r fuu*ket og tf)e openlo| day. GOLDABORO, N. C* MANY ENROLLED . AT BLUE RIDGE I - [ Five Hundred Attandinif l(>lh Annual Summer Stvhool for j V V. M. C. A. Workers BLUE HI DOE, July 2S—(A*) More' - thsn Abu are enrolled (or the llth j ij annual acnaton of (the Y.' M. C. A.| I * nimtuei school for secretaries, which , got under way here July 21. All the r Southern slate* are represeated la - the stunfrnt laxly. ■ Integrated boys work, offered this i rummer a* the request of the slud r cut body to fill the need that has urls tn In city associations, is a feature of i tbe summer,School this year. C. P t I oorois, a member of the faculty of i' the Y. M C.A. graduate school at i Nashville. Tcuu.. Is prlodpal of the i chool for the secoud consecutlva sum ■, mer t (. ,/ Wives mid daughter* of the Y sec retaries In attendance here huvs limnilrd themselves into a Jorum for the solution of problem*- that eon* front the wives of association tuts. Tht* i* the secoud year tbsTThe Yortim j has been Conducted. If kar|nx been ) *o succeaaVul las’ year, that tj ls bring continued a* a permanent pan • r the summer program. J B Butflter. secretary of the IH» : land. Fla.. Y. was elected aa | re.d i’ent of the student council of the i itnmer »rhooL in the election* which iv err n ftnhnt of the Opening days E. D. Wiper, secretary of the t Gremilvorn.’ N. ,C.. Y was clfosen vlrr prerideut and W. C. Lybarjer of I Prwecb Creek. Va.. was choaett sec* . re'nry. Biff Babe Another ;Day Without a Homer NEW YORK, July 23-01*1 An other home run lr*s game for Babe Ruth put that baseball lubinary today .even ran* behind hla IH2I record «en*on However. Ruth could take comfort in the fact that while hr baa been unable to connect for any of hla long dls anre blowa at tit'’ While Box part, neither baa Gehrig. £Huth today made one single against, a 'ngls and n donWc bv Gehrig Ruth baa 30 homers for tbe season and Gehrin 31. ““’ “ i RIVER IMtAGt.llt FOR RORY DV MIHHIYG GEORGIA STAN MA ON. til.,' Jnl> 23 -os*) City and eounty police dragged the Ocmul pce river here today for tbe body of Bcitt Cofd-try 22. son of a prominent Forsyth, Oa , resident, whose auto bllr containing, hat coat apd blood i spa'tered raso'r blade was found on the river bridge early today. Goolsby whose father 1* a member >i of the state legislature had $136 on (Ms person when he left Forsyth last night members of hie family told tbe police. " m " ll <Ttl t* efftce the old Norfolk t , .’nd Southern depot h*i* treen wiled for tin- American Tobacca Company • _ , m gif ... „• , a ‘7 Announcement from the Wkyne Holdlny Company that the atlk hnildHt* »«« practically completed :ind would lie ready for occupancy U> tea *!*>» 1 -A Mloancatnaat from K. Zecha, Keene. N. H-. who will be the prop rietor of the alik mill here that the flrat car toad of machinery would leave 11a daaiinaHoa IMUaf July 3* uiwt that F.' Zecha, Jr . who will be buelncwf manager ’B<"tttw yrttt 'pfgßT will reach Goldaboro oae week later 1 to he«ln Ina'alfhi* of the machinery K ft . will be tbp local man ager iif. the *llk mill and will make liodatrhro hi* home. We are adriaed that the mlft will atari operation on about October 1. *5 Announcement from fußed State* pet office department hid a for the enlargement of oar local poet office would he open on Aufftmt 22nd «.'9fUgued 09 Page Two) . ._-_3a- —1 —-*"7 •i• . 1 • LAUNCH ABIC’ ' AD iCAMpAIGN i■? * j National I'WogrjtpMi f ocicly, ’ Spending $2,000,06'! Over i • Nation ’the I2.MKMHH' four jftnr usitlopal j advertising caniialgu of tlui pliMogf- * pliers of the United Hla t» and t'U’i da. large-1 j - -octattoii ailv rrl atng camiMiian bsdug carried on in AonrUui tnakt-s Its upenlng snta*h this w<mk, according to in format Ml Juiit '’re ceived from not ions I ton-pwtxti huad quartera at ImiUnniMtlls. lisdlopu. ir Mr*. A O. Clcpwiii! of tho (Tenitut Studio Mr. Clement is a «>*-rttii lur to the fund and is taklpg uii imp< rt» ant port lu.lhe movement. Vart a* media are holitg used lit the campaign. Mr. ClaiMuict • atat st. ~Thc notional sdvcrttninr uomntltttl urge* phottmrapliera t«* n e l«»< al newt F«l«er space grnermc |y In the na-! t'nnal field, nine aen trtil inißigxint * and seven inihllcstloni for buifine «j men. havlnq a total oltculalion cluai to 20.000.000 are being employed wltli a lonl of morn 'ha# 100 wdvepM*. meats t»>is*rn.-now and May 103 k. as the first pha*e of tin four year drl-*. t - Btar'ing with a inraib. tbe ,cum paigti open * with a two-page epread lu two colig* and a single page Id the Bsturday Kvsnlrg I'oat for July ?a. f a gMtxe hi Liberty and a pusu lit XYBller's for thn aam- dale and a taxa In MscLeau'i Mhxatinr (A t'hundtntt public itioni for August I. Two putea are carried In Printer's Ink Weekly for July 21 and Augusl 4 and a puxo each In Adrerttgfng mi Hyllhig (nrl July 20 smd In Wcateri) Advertising. -Ry Wem. Natloni' hiwdneas,' Wale* Mr nngruirut and I'rtntora Ink Month* Iy for August. Dmntrrrttng artwr isement s wttl tg c*dried lu thee# imtlonal pirbllcn* tlon* and al*p In Indies Ho-tsn Joum nal. W’om.iu's Hoax Uouip«iti«in. Pic torial Review. (Scop House heepiny end the American MaK'aiine. Directing the cempn'gn is « com mittee co»|W*H of G W. Ila'ria. Washington.; IJ. t'., rbslrmnn; t*haw. D. Kauftnann. Chtciu o; 7. T Hrtgg*. Kmpm CMy: O. A. Uramer. H_. Louis.: H P M Ftrvier Cleveland: I H Jones, Rochest-r N. Y r. I*. Medlck. fed umblis. Ohio: Ularepou Stearnes, Rochest«T, Minn ; ThoS. A. Piggies. Ass York Ulty. *-id Mom o*sdy. WciYls. The MIIIh Adrer tislng ucwnsny of Indianapolis New York. Ix>* Angeles and Ilamtlton. Oti- Urto. I* advertising c<hibs*l for (ha Inijuatry. ' —e*eU*-"-- - -■ -r- mm sy II SW SAY BIG BOUT ; BE IN CHICAGO All Arnmgfmenln. E tcvplinf That of Ople. -Hpwt Ik FVrfectcd for Champ (io Jb, NEE* YORK. July 22—Th# New York American way# Jack Demp sey hn* to end Ids long I.ttd hit Ur arltb Jack Kearns, his former manager. - Kearns hn* « tittmbeFof pen if lag against the foamar h*av yw-d#h» 9 champion aggregating JRt.Mo In volving aenrlcoa prior to the i-pllt with Dempsey ■ mm Mmtntkti any* that ha* proposed through i Milwaukee at* . tnrner to settN' wi‘h KeaTT's lor sl#e eon Keai ir. Is said to b« favorable to ■ *nch s wettlefTlTTlt ' DETROIT. July de tails for Holding the Iw-avywelght f hamrlonsl'iP in Oh'cßgs bet ween Oene Tiinney. title l older and tack Dempsey have b#*n ngrwmt npon .«, itu ilu: ciceaUan. of. the nefu <i dJtlc. dsFwa* announced today. ' V ss HURT WHEN BITIHTG FAI.I-L PORTLAND Ore., July til 4**» - Two persons weryjojured as n ra*nl? of the collapse of a building undergoing rrpairs at a rornwr o* Ike heart of section of th# city. The roof fs'l in fir*t nd then *S|> fw"S*| «rf||| e«il.,»,g# mi'W* r* tk# sidewalk. P*d**trmlas »#sf oof i red by '• -.1 SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 24. 1927 LINDBERC IS STOPPED BY FOG . w ■ °A < Unable lo Locate Portland. Ma„ Heavy’Rain, (<anda at f i Concord ***»’"»» ( COM ORO, N K July 2a-UF)~. A New Kuglaod fog today acco*ap||sh#d t.bal the AUantk ocean failed to do ind disrupted the schedule of Cul . < baric* A Lindbergh, it blocked Ike I iatb of iho fiyiug youth on u short 110 mile h # from Boston to I'ortlaatl. Maine. Torelug him inland io Oon oprd. where he five lours of wandering ia the murky mi* lie will raaunis hla Night to tbe mola c iy tomorrow warning., Next to regret to over disappoint hl« Fort land host who hid gathered to welcome him this afternoon, Llnd- Im trh’a oltlvf concern ou reaohlng lure sin solicitude, for his pAanc Out of tn*nv possible landing places wlmn ha hsd found better vtolhiuiy | h( iraiiuat he selected the Concord alipo l because of It* roomy ban rfi list iho plane might be pmtec mi lorn tha rifa. Taking off from Moelqu at It<l6 o'clock when i-ondliloue looked fir ■ rpm cheering. lilm'bergh fleV north add tjran turned euat to Jhirtlaad. Nadlng fog all tho way. Ha vaa oear Potllaßd about four o’clock, but sos and hoavy rain prevuntod Wm frosn ■main* Uui grounA, After many eX cur tlon* seeking a hole ia (ha tag ha was forced to tut n w sat ward , At,6:2b Oclock he imd««t near 01* font ortl field having procaadnd nbagl 14| mllee before he tuned tad mad* lor taa landing field. He oame down ia a perfect landing at 6t34 o r oioe& lu the meantime the report gone out that the flier bad landed *ar#iy 20 minutes ia a field in Dayton Malna. It was learned later that an army Mplanr had beers forced down ( D the fug at that placs. RAIN STORM DO , A BIG DAMAGE : — —re. aaftaaßmSST neudhurMw Tpgr Away Railway Bridgra Near llarriHhtirK, Pa. NMV YORK. July 3T (JPi—Dowa- P ams cxteadlag from Quebec aloag t< • Atlantic rdasl b> the Golf and I ilrnd t»Vr New York, Pennsylvania "* rud the cotton states today caused t ide-ti-*ad Itmporary damage. Violent, while thay lasted, ihe 1 - term* were In most rwses. brief - « oudburW Intensity being n-port-d In Ncv Jersey. New York and rnrts of Feuniyvlanla H»o Utter state I several Lil-lge* were waslied u*av and liad alMra delayed treln -terete# be tv# 11 Hirrxbarg, Fa and Buffalo. >• V .3 Ships In ibe New York harbor d*-’ lar»d. -1 rtrr-a.-.-y: s srr,r- Save Money For County In Use Booze As Antiseptic % X the cooperation of Sheriff \v D (irnt and hi» dupiities. the M arta county health department la fSßi?: *n : Wtr- :i§'J&LJNom t*Hlt ♦ I 40*. n >•»! The Utullli d*- ] artment mvre the count/ Mil* aunt It' usiiig blockade liquor which the daiaiiue Loyiiat uat don't get -■» milted the liquor I# not p *«<**d out tor driukUiM purposes f* unty Health officer L W. Corbett s«J hi* -taff use th* blockade after utdlttf chemical properties which matint uv fft tar ttrtrih-hrrTpgrpaaga- ■*« « - hath luir" nlcohol antiseptic „ ' H*iKWkcf ■veurh are the 'itffuiif *forgo sell for about 75 cents a plot Tht b'oektdo liquor serves the “ante pur pose uad costjpth* county nothing -■ Home example* of how the liquor '.a used—a flock of folks troop Into 'he office seeking vaccination* against typhoid' fever Before Dr Oortott or an naatatant BM’ the •ieedle In adiaiiiktlering the vacclnq, •he akin about the polnl where the| lieedle la to he stuck mut' be thor*j ourhly <-) turned In or der ie protect I « gainst infection. 4 liwlthr ecrtjbb | *>., " .J "Mi 9 Specimens Os ‘‘Crude’ taken * : ■K A . * ' ’rf" ' '* From Sampson 03 Prospect Are_ On Display h 4mton IF REPORT TRUE BIG TIME AHEAD Mlittoa Write* o t Own Hxpart-j ffoct Concerninir Oil Din coYtrJqd 1 Under oil wall wing . shrdiulw By W. W. MINTON If there te eit U Sampson county: I say IF THERR IS. Ooldahoro aad all Extern North Carolina la ia lot the biggest boom that has ovor come to any cmiatry say where. I am -M->king this statement, because I be '*< v* I know where of 1 speak, having pent worn# few years of my Ufa. la i*tal section of the United gta ea where oil la mined la Urge quantit te*. I have seen many new pool# of ell developed la' auctions that warn considered wild est territory, Thlg la a •#< lion thaf should be *0 class*4, bul Dltl how wild I do not know how far ti la from J b-mpoon county to tbo aoaroet known p redact taa, but I do know, that mil j cd the large producing companies latte long ftmaa decided that this section of tha slate la devoid of crude oil in paying quaatUiao. Not aalv have thoy "paaaad it up" km omlaoat geolocista ladudlng Mute Geologist tlerxaaa HtywaAan RUtlvoly (dated 1 for oil ia Eastern t aro- Jlnam* sa ebs lute waste of money. Many <uch rectloaa which have been passed over by the so-called eminent grugiogiata have later hean proepectrd by eom* “wild ratter" with the raealt ftuu miiUooa of barrel* have poured- Into th* sank farms for tha parpaa* rt sad distributing to the consuming public who. will safbo how. bay gas for a oar that is still partially ownad by tha 0, M. A. G. The Burk Hu 1 nett Tag. oil pool whs one such No the Indc-try evor oraatod *4 much #*- t’isami than did the Burk Burnett. At tfcla glace an entire city was sold Into drilling sites 0(1 fiowad from wail# In tha fmot yards of th* homos. A church organisation be came one of the HeheatHn the world because it leased It* iHtia plot of ground to na oil company that drilled And found large production, paying a royalty to the small congregsU »n Another instance was that of ths Wagner pool, nonr Burk Ruraott: This i-rodaclion first showed in s wet) Hi ißiuttmtpr nrr a tnottEimct nrr** wheat ranch. Jus' when the when began to ben4h The Wagner ranch became * small city of shoal tan thou* and people In ninety days Tha wheat was saver harvested. Much things have happened In many sections of tfir oil rroduclnx countries sad wll’ conllsue to happen as long sa speeu- IContinued aa Faaa Tw*> mg with the liquor turn* the trick. If It waeu’t the liquor. It would be coniuvprcitti ,eWMM . bought at -hiah Attain. the blockade to sometime jaed as an natiauptlc after a boil |tas been lanced or a pus-fevered part of the iwxtj cellared of the taxer prod a* in it poleon Time and thro again *eer day the blockade It used vhi this manner * "I thought It better to turn cap tured liquor over to the Health D*- periuuwl fur this Itqrroqt than to pour It down the scree. * said Bher "ilflTraat yesterday afternoon. Before the Health Department and Sheriff (Irani adopted the policy of a lag blocked* liquor la the g»mt»er described above they had consulted with a Superior Coart Jude* and he interned them that there was no law on the atatute book* which would prohibit each a practice. About taeh'y (aliens of (he block* I sde are ueed each m oath's! the Health j Department. If commercial alcohol had to be bought la this quantity. It I „„„« c« me n». _ mmmmrnmmtm-mmmmm Member ’ol The Associated Press - ''r ♦ puce firs cm* B pwSd ll M cited OvwrFljpbf *• ‘ !** i .’tk ’ * Unr aaeeaptt aed wae. arerelht TH BWoe-JCooN LMrfNr b p|t*> * •swas. -v CUNTON. Mi road* fit Sampaon catOitf M , today to th« CnUNA.Tiaifip oil wall, where tlwwrirftli||e i Htitmf ahowUre, of w^mnAol I countered DrilHijL ho i«4}l ceased ea »oon aa dt ‘ waif countered, bat iwt 1#!: ft bad pouma out of tiffe iwßFiy Hlfft dent quantity fa wßßttfhjlF a day U h!d >n This afternoon bank and btminesw huMMf W Iwdtled aamplaa a»j the crude on oa axWpor. sd* A chemical Stji . bred made by a local chamlat m>§ pronounced the oil jInUAP - crude with a parafljm tel* »iul» t*i to Pennayhraida oft ’* * ■ OH was HncooateeW ,at ja depth of about 900 more inn leas than thtee feet k ( m* Hand* oil appeared. , '» Experienced oil idea who hav* lawn convinced fwr idvd year* that thaw la oil ,1* Suuh non are confident that • OMflßi* atlon of the drfltfhf materially tp oil • already found and plamrljy o«^la§t^| next weak. iAUttar tor ail n > iMoa county ahret tee tree** ‘ECO. «»d kai tt.» M <* 4IK > or !m c ■’ >i>i««*Ur aw are. \ >j; c About *4a watt aw a maat ,ut from flaare#a.,%» "M" *»a -‘rowhr at Ha waff* , rep rn»i««aaUtt»re et Vha Haw* mi Hid well fail'd to roroal aay rtgaa pi** by tbooo (aattttat with an wel^fe rwi mum ot ad «i» oeooealorof ■ - *tory was rithlopd. hid Ml thahret ;b» roeonaa “naaT M 4* *Ol. Op iM. h m aaireareat hW' f«a|pfj§4j m '■Maire idnanai anal piwmafla tng of tt^arrertrereTeeiraad affie that' a blrli «eU eantf bg Ur aoh - « They oroai into till •aaoThßcOt. .-ijhlfcr'* "•14. WHO tb« ■Twwaft'tataaHw W* potting to root oao wap or Uo **M+* < »m oil o»4or tho aawpooa oariamU^;; to proro a "uorooa oad loborod la •"cure loot** on i|a—aih of a#fia. of land In thr UcfAlky <U 'ho OdlL Another camp ta CMpMU ' Joit u *tr**gfy tbet ther* pomlbUtty of atHUaa, oil M.niU bar* aotblag to do WIU tj* ok** Tho •xporlmoet woll if hooiM aa jJ Cllatoa. \ . 8or«ral «f tho' priaolpafc m die -roatnro woro rooMttf aahjttli WMk a high rtdgo aboeh m|re. aipW «wh «naUU rfforta and t«cW|re#d|W»'l|* (CofUauod o« njhWt

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