WEATHER MOSTLY YAH WBDIBOAY AYD VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 127 (Bx-Soldier Gets 8 . Levi Layton. jtpung white man of was yesterday sen te no*d| to eight months on the r road* for shooting ap the home of Tom Edwards a few nights ago aad entered apon hts sentence Into thin afternoon. Layton bom an honorable discharge from the (tatted Btat»s Army when Into custody by local police. The girl with whom Layton had bean consorting. now in foil bore, bad gone to th* Edwards bond*. When Layton called toT h»r eh* et Bret ref need to come owt, police sey. and th* P) - Cities and towns are expected by rreeideafc Coolldga to take the Initia tive In . building their own airport* while the government devotes Its at tention to the development of aviation iteeir Mr. Coolldga hope* that every city will be abta In the near future to establish an sir base, with aviation going abegd as ft I*, he believes tbs a'rporta iwii! he necessary. Ha l* ready to permit the use of the army and navy flying fields in Washing ton. hbnt he think* the Capital city' ihou d have an airbase of its own and in this respect he Is ready to co o peril*.' SANDINO MAKES A NEW ATTACK Effort to Ajnbwh American Mariner* Ip Nicorajfutt » Faib . esseras^a- ab- ~ imms susaes parfoee aM Nicara# - uan i oo*talLlary have Uetn Tome un der of General Wtnaion One Maxto« and sfevetrxl Nf { (fonaubrtfory were wounded. ♦e c t ’" The skirmish occurred yveterJay nbout twenty mites frem Ocotsl, the IMG* tow* -whew «*tr a fear dayr ago a handful of Marines and con rtabulery. aldod jy ifogtf. «f Sgadtio't men. An attempt waa mad* by the rebel leader to ambush American troops and he nearly suc ceeded. Bnt good handling of troops prevented thfTTnJ enabled the Am etleant speedily to root* the attack ing force*, who toet several Jdlltd and a score wounded. - Efforts will be made to run down the band and it ia understood that airplanes will participate In an ac ffeft whfel If MWN *9 OSS'* *9* “WHEN A' MAN LOVEB,” BY 'ALLIE LOWE MILES. A NOVEL OF THRILLS, BTARTB FRIDAY IN THE NEWS THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ' -C . * 6 * > READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Blueprints Show Changes To Be Made In Postoffice An Annex 27 by 49 Feet Will be Added on The South Side of Pres ent Building; Changes Inside Will Give 160 Additional Lock Boxes for Patrons; To Open Bids In August; Change in Detail Given Specs for about 160 new loch box es will be provided for in changes to h* road* in enlarging the local poet office, blue prints received yew terday by Postmaster Simpkins show edO The privies pi change to be made In the building will be the addition of an annex on the south side of the building, an annex 27 by t» feet in extent. • ’. The new lock boxes will be provid ed for on the west *id* of the lobby wnere the stairway leading to the second floor is located. This stair way will be moved to the extreme northwest corner of the lobby. Moat of the new boxes to be made available then will face on John street en trance. That clerk* may approach the boxes in putting up mail a stair way inside tbe distribution room an'* leading to the rest room will be m. red to another p irt of the building. Extension of the building 27 feet cn the south side will place It within twelve feet of the Pure Pood Mar ket on the John street side. A 13 foot alley will be left between the two\ huidings. and oounecting with this viley will be a drtva which enters ipon Mulberry street. Th* *pace prev vided for the reception and starting of .visit win be located on tbe east side of the building, instead of the south Rev. Mr. Mclntyre Talks. On What Goldsboro Needs ENGLISHMEN WILL RETURN Bridgman and Viwounl Cecil @ I leave Todav to Renew Ge neva Conference GENEVA. July 26- -Keeling somewhat envious over the delay in thi“ return to Genera of the chief members of the British delegation W C Brldgenian and Vlscouht Ce di, ihe American delega'lon tndi> v sought Information on thin point ia n form of s letter to London. Thle evening a reply was received stating that Mr. Bridgemand and laird f>d! would leave London for Geneva “M irfjiesday at the earliest”. The British delegatee, who return ed to I/vndon for the purpose of dis cussing the n*val conference with th* cabinet ministers and to receiver pre cise instruction* as to their future course were expected to return here v day or two ago, but until enquiries were made by Hugh Gibson, no word has oom# from them. British and Japanese delegations In #enpva have stuck to their deeks from ,thu day today and it la upder rtood the American secretary of State Kellog has refrained from taking his vaxmtlWg from Washington, with th* t »me 'tiijt'et qf being limmedtstely cvaltable for any turn in th* situatlou From Japanese heedquvter* to day came the assertion that Japoh tiiumerly desires and expects a treaty for limitation of auxiliary to result from tbo conference. Presumably the Japanese will con tinue their effort# to blrng about tha recoiincilifftlpn between any diver gept attitudes ot American British delegations. SISTER STARTS INVESTIGATION Will Clear Up Mynlerfou* IHkhp* pearanee Manic TeaHter front Yacht, Hke 8«y» HKATTLE. Wash.. July 26—(Y*)— A averting that the mystery Is far from “Belh* solfefeff; Mrs MabelTe Fielder today declared she would "get to .lhn . bottom”, of- (.-Tri umstam as »uti roundlag tbe death of her sister. Ml*# Violet Payne, following an alleged gin party on tlie yicht, of Y. C. Wlleon, Beattie broker her# last Tuesday night. Mrs. Fielder took steps to smploy a crime expert in her Inveetlgetioii ur.d obtained permission from the coroner to halt the bnrtal of her Sister's body. She declared she would clear up Mfo “BVetery ta*es mo*the.’ to ■ .» .is at pro cnt. Trucks with mall, then., can conn in from John street and go out or. V.ullerry or vie* versa. There Is no drive entrance from Mulberry ut th* present time. Thia new sys tem ah* jld facilitate the arrival and of mail, it was said. Local authorities were somewhaf disappoint- d In that no proyialon was a:i lc for giving a asperate window tor parcel poat packages. Th* pre sent building wn* constructed prior to th* Inr uguraUod of parcel X post ibtpmenta, end no distinct facWew for handling this business have been piQT.*4ftA *t would have helped pat rons, it was said, if a window bad Nta Ided 'Neither wae there provision for extra vault apace. The rr***nt complicated system o' entrance pud exit to th* building U net to be (hanged, tbe blue prlntr ou display at the poatoftice show. No pros'*; in It made for correcllug the present system. Forty thousand dollar* has been appropriated by the' Federal gov ernment for the purpose of making th* changes and enlarging the building. Bids tor the work are now being advertised for and will be opeu ed late in August. Work should get tContinued on Pag* Two) Tells Rotarians City Needa More Christian Regard to Man Who is Down and Out; Strong* e r Social Contacts; Summer-long P1 ay grounds; Wider Sts.! To Publish Bulletin <*> Goldsboro needs a more brotherly sentimeut for the man who ia down and oat, n stronger social life, sum metHong playgrounds, and wider streets. Rev. Peter Mclntyre told the Rotary club last evening in su ad dress which featured th# regular moetlng of the club. The Preabyterlan minister declared that tbe induatial system ha» brought with it many ills for man. that It has created the alum sections, but predicted that the time would com# when the present system would be done away with and g better system xibstituted. Tbls pystrm. he said,' line exacted a great price from thci world. W# no longer hare leisure, quietness, and a deep Interest la-each other. The Rosary club, he told the merop here, should lead the way iu a more Christian regard for the laborer, tbo man Yvbo make* it possible for the scheme of society to continue, who makes tho industrial system possi ble Concerning tho social system of the city, Mr. Mclntyre declared that many people are miserable In their Vneliness in Goldsboro because they have boon left out In the scheme of things. “Thle is not because we have a great sense of the super importance of. our families, not because we Ima gine that we nrc better than the other tellow. - ’ he eald In effect, "hut simply thet we do not think. The Rotary cltlb was informed that It :*«S34no«w*to*ro*4y orMfo jflfcnvCem mt which «rr«n m *out*i wrotweta fdf the lonely should be made. The playground movement, as tried for six weeks was a marked suc cess. Mr. Mclntyre, said, but urged ‘hat way* of continuing the work throughout th# summer be found. As for wide street*, he pointed out that many other eltieg which aro growing ss Goldsboro I# growing had adopted the poller, of greatly In creasing the width of streets that eu'oiuohlls traffic may be not only facilitated bnt nfide more. ■Uf prior to the address of Mr. Mc- Intyre It had been voted to publish a weeklv bulletin, containing local Rotarr Huh news, weekly. Mr*. Car- I'Mr Shephard wgs Introduced as i w eontT»e- m*sv>her" Mrs Rhenhsrd w|t| sct ss pl»»*»t «♦ tb« meetings A renort med# by John Norwood tCpßn*u#d Off p*f* Two)' GOLDS 8080, N. C WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 26. 1927 ' " I Maoon Lewcaut ■J - mauuu iciesui is me uerow* of the greatest stejy ovtar conceived “Whew a Man Lows” begins ss a daily *'-rt'hl In the News Friday nidrnhig, July Msnon atul Fableii tall in love and arc into th* cruel llfn of filtering Pa rig. Mislortuurs cn-J gulf them until they urn made prisoners and fsc# death. lb> not niias a single In4*luient of this thrllllug stoiy. 1 TAKE SmiS ~ AND GET MEN Johnston County Off If erg Ar rent Three Men in Raid* on Booze Artints KMtTttrm.T7, July 26- Two whit# men. Malcolm Barefoot and s man by the name of Tart and a 60 gallon copper etUl and outfit were captured eight miles southeast ut Renwon in Meadow township Thursday after noon about 2 o’clock by heputie* tV. W. Htewart, L? E. Parker, and H C Hockadity. The itill Was finin' y si. full blast wb«B tbe dlfio er* and four of five men were helping rnn off the charge. All except' two, however, e soap-fed before nrreata could be made. Six galloiia -of whiskey and about 200 gallons of beet- were Tt^und The mi n failed to give were brought here and lodged in lull- They will lie tried In Hecorder’#„court. Boon after tlie officers left the still they saw a car parked beside the road It woe occupied by two while men who gnve Ihirlr names as They claimed to be from Sampson county. Being snsplc lout looking rTtaratgers, their car was searched and a half gallon Os whiskey was round. They Were arrest ed, intt gave bond and were allowed to go home. Friday morning Mr. It. D. Muh i#r, of UenlooTllle town-hip, assisted by Messrs. Almond Hood and deorge Week# captured a 60 g-tllon ci.pper still near the Haynes ,ui*ll pond lu Boon Hill township. The : till was In operation w licit tbe offi ters arrived, and they saw five men’ ut work around it. The men tmmed lately took to their heels and it wag only niter a chase of three or four hundred yards through Jhe swamp that Deputy Mahler succeeded In ar resting one of them Ifermnu Daughtry white, wn* the man taken and he was brought to Jail here. Mr Mahler said the others would be arrested later., Ttyp still waa alec, brought •*ud turned over to the sheriff’ ireputy Mahler statmAbat the men ut the still had Just killed a sixty pound' shoat and were apparently rff**»grt>n tl ftn *Rr-fr ts ttumte. th*f°,tlv.y metc pi Ann tog 4‘hagbe" 1 cue.** .( aliforiiia To City ; J By Auto in 9 I>ay« From t'allfornta to .Goldslroro in nine days in a Chevrolet. That is the record of Mr. and Mrs. Ironxid Biogdtfh' and chilli. Who are .visiting Mr Hnd Mrs George pence and Mr. Brogdcus fattier, M. K Brogden. Friends reported the nlue day run across the cantinent lo Th* News yesterday. Thle schedule 1* only about two day* behind tbe llm/f --ed express trains which mak« tha tra n s'-c on M-n eu ul' trl p, Acroas the Great peseitt and over the noqJtlsM. thu party came, and nut once did they have trouble with their car, U w§* »ajd. . w *»■ ■ ■— m % - Strong Showing Os Crude Oil Found As Drilling Resumed Barrel of C rude Oil Caught a* Drill Kink* Few Inches YeoUrday Afternoon; Seep Slowed lip After Short Period Drill* Ing; Many Visit Scene (Special to The News! C LINTON. July 25-A ’ eeep” of high-grade crude oil equal to that encountered taatf-Saturday continues today when drilling was reaumed *1 the Clinton prospect well three miles from h«re Drilling was ..resumed (fit 2 o'clock anjJ for th* first fiiw min utv* of woik the flow from tbe well was equal lb that when the And was Brat made. Between 2 o’clock and about 3 o’clock, those who watched the pros pecting estimated, a luyriel or morn of th* crude cam* from the hole. In this time the drill wae sunk about throe inches deeper Into the stratum of sand. The aeep from the well waa In quantity force during the Arst few minutes after the pressure tu piled, but It waa aaid that In an hour ot so, the flow wau not so tuaraed. Work had been resumed a!t the well about 7 o’clock tbls mornlag. but the drill waa merely rotated with BWfUcleUt sus-oU to keep the hula clearer. Drnling had not been start • d imm'dfateiy beoaifoe Ifos‘-»* tea* Insufficient coal on the alto to gene rate a full Wid ot *t<%m for the boil er The local Mixed had con**nted to loan it quantity of conbut on Mediation. Effort* Avert Strike OfSubway Worker* SHIPPERS TO > MEET FRIDAY II IS-.. I ■— o (tailed Meeting Directors C»ro linu SMpwrne Amiorigtlofi in Wilaon Scheduled WILSON, July 36—Way* aud means of giving Kaatarn North rarolink hot ter carrier eervlce if a fatrar com pet 1- live rate will be discussed by direc tor* of tb* Carolina Shippers Assoc iation in s called meeting her# Fri day. This i* the -socoad mooting of lb* directors of the association since ta entered upon Ith broadened scope of service under the name of th# Ohtolltia Shipper* Association, auc i ceding the Ka'loen Carolina Whole sale Dealers and Manufacturers As a relation. w I, Thornton. Jr . secretary and traffic thf aaaoclatlon, will show In n report covering the pant four months of activity that th# cooperative association has saved tbe shippers of thbs section tbou***d# ot dollars. Outstanding in acc9mplhth lo be Bated is the suspension of n pro posed Increase of 61.50 pet barrel on potatoes over the Atlantic Coeet Lin* to certain points in the middle west. One shipper who Is a member of the-association estimates that tbf* 'lone t|g saved the section 1150,t00 |tn freight charges P John W House of Wilson, presi dent of the association, will prealda at the Friday meetfhg. Fourteen lead ing shipper* represent Ing eleven Eastern Carolina clfles Jixpected to he in attendance The tweeting will begin at 11 o’clock, at 1 o’clock lunch son will lx* served at the Cherry hotel. George B. Dewey ot Goldsboro is among the directors. TUNNEY DENIES WHS INJURED Krport Scattered Yextrrdav that rhnropGMt Hud- Been KHhfd In Accident 8 TEC CLA TOR, N Y . July 26 {A'i Gene TMnney time from bla training today to deny a repoTt That lit had been killed In an automobile .aixLdeiil —t—•—--— "-r- —- Kptktog rumor* that w ot: r led alt th# newspaper otflcea In Eastern’ New York, the world’s heavyweight cham pion smilingly amused, said b# was "all right end feeling flu* Maybe some other fellow named Tunney was hurt ’’ Rumor bad It that Tunney wnt Struck by s car white doing road work ta tbe mountains near hie camp on Lake Pleasant Gen# was out for a walk, hut It t dea,t. It waa aald. a dally flew of approxt It barri* of oil night be ex pected from the well. If however, the aand la exhauated within a few feat, oil In paying guantltaa may not be (truck in this particular hoi*. Tb* showing made today, continu ing that of last waek, however, .re moves practically the lam doubt of the existence of oil ha aomu quantity. The work will go forward rapid ly, it ia expected, with the Idea of teatiug thoroughly gfee capacity of the flow atruek. Hundreds of people front many polnta of Ihg State eontinu» lo flock to the eccne of the paepect. F With tha renewal es tho a»ep today, the rnah lor bottled samples of th* crude waa recommenced. Many \deS away bottlea of tha etutf to »how lo lh*lr friends. ' New York Had Prepar ed For Emergency Transportation When Last Minute Confer ence Stopped Strike Preparations; Agree* ment Secured Through Efforts of Mayor Walk er / N*w York, **» m dm c# tha olty’a I wet minute pre parations for emergency traaaporta ti-m of between four and five million {-arson* in tha rrent of n transit strftu at midnight, the threatened tie-up -as suddenly called off lata today after n aeries of coofarancaa between M-yor Walker and representativab of the union and the companies The mayor's anonnncaauent that there would ha no strike waa made ut the and of a tup. hoar coufereuoa with officials of tha street sad elec tric railway employees -usd the tena nt companies It came aa a complete »urprtae, aa all previous madltattou efforts had bean reported a failure. As -|he close of the gonference. General counsel for the transit com panies ordered Immediate demoblla utlon of the subetltate work'ers hone* ed in tha company yards la prapaya- Hon for the tbrealeaed strike. Mayor Walker naked the union men not to strike and dlturb th# transit situation until the city had complet ed lt« construction dad operation ttf the projected Independent sjtftwjr system. They acceeded Uy\ and said they woald recommend at their mas* meeting at midnight to night that no strike be declared. NPW YOfljK. July *• -MPl—New York’* million* rode to work,today racing the possibility that they may hare to walk heme. A XtrTKc affecflnr all the elevated' atilnmy »* hfeahettoo and nrooklyn and aurface car service la Brooklyn loomed aa almoat a certain ty for tgtg today. ■ The Amalramaled association of -t-eet snif electric railway employes, whose efforts to anionite the anij ;.lnyea of the Tnter-Borough Rapid Transit company, the Brooklyn Man hattan Tranaslt eomreuy and th# Rrnoklm City railroad canted the -ytrfire rtnrcat, hm f WTeff 1 theetiait at u* member# for C o'clock thhi after roon when a strike rota he fnrorabld the si Hire will become affective Im mediately. Wett' while the dlty oouNnned mar«hatlinr Ita transportation forces fr> meet the expected tie un of tha cltr’a two main I rare! arteries Ararnxemen** have been made for VJKWI extra buses to parallel the oast end y*il aide subways While muni cipal ferries VTU be run the length ICopttaqgd on Pag* T*?| _ Memberof # - ~ 'vg. —icr —r The Associated Press pwcinn amm day afternoon shot andXiSml Wm decal Smith. his biEI Mwi Wfi (till at Ikrge j«al—#r. ••if I Grant had been told 4*t MEdldll •ould su. reader »oam|tma yetter day a* he wad ip ndlag 1a tha dty but the day camfcpp* PMpat without him putting lb an IRIM aace The cky ahd ootgtly aatMh tie. are continuing thtr MW*. ■ Tha ballet that the map ki kk Mi* lag In Goldsboro hag now thggglij . and other cities ate beta* paEMI to eld in tbs search far MM. smith’s body waa la Wto* slater at Mt. Ollvay aid EmmM service were held PlMndV- li 1 The killing -muftopi It la «4L when Smith tftp >ll and hie wife. NE GEORGIA Cm EASTMAN, Oh., July w. m. Philip* MT'•***• raj «*><««• S2* shooting af j Ms t#lEr anna Mltop, bald is Jatt. , , 'SSI^ wiitat OtjlciWi bar I SIMM* and Sa wajawSTß >n*ed of the crime. OEWOffT nAogd the a cere had EMBtpdJdihdlT who* the crime was oomujlttad. , j —"Tr; i i HEAIWCmp| Youths Held io AotooWUb cMout to Hpyj jiyiMi <