BELIEVE MAN FOUND DEAD NEAR CITY TAKEN SIO,OOO PAYRILL t T amammmmmnaan V WKATHKK 1 *' • »*'/ . ,’6 • f ' *' -‘a Owner ally flair Friday. Saturday VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 129 FORTYJVOMi AND TOTS DROWN AS BOATCAPSIZES CLAIM '“UNDUE AND IMPROPER INFLUENCE” Tn\VILLCASE O' ' <P Captain And Members Os Grew Arrested FoHowing One Os Most Terrible Lake Mishaps Women and . Children Were Out for Three Mile Ride to Escape Terrific City Heat; Storieg of Heroism are ToM; Rescues Wife and Child and Mother Drowns in Arms CHICAGO. July W—UP)- The Kav «rttf fu rained tonight by dredge* end t more bodies. 3 children and 3 women were clUcovered in lb* bach curt of the upper cabin. When the boat li pumped out. *• It can b* m *r* -thoroughly Investigated. other bodie* way he found. It ie believed CHICAGO. July n— (APJ-Ths tote cl M person* were kcowno-to hare bean aboard the ttl-fated favorite whea It euak la Lake Michigan late today. Twenty-ati are dead. It rea med and M otbere nUestnx CHICAO6. inly H—<A»> -Upward of two score person*, mostly women un-* little lot* «nt for a boetride to cacnpe tlm rlty'e sweltering beet which ranged up to 96 degree* were drowned late today when the "Favor ite,? a smgLiftgcureion boat, capalsed In I.ake Michigan about a mill- (rom f bore during ft squat t. Carry tonight n bodies tied been recovered and at that hour the coron er aaid he belioeed there war* almost that many more Ift the vea>*l Itself. ° He bated hie stn'mrtrt partly on an investigation by a president of a Chicago radio corporation who went down la a dlviag euit to explore the vessel. , • The Rtvortte. a 2 -sleek gasoline _ brmt. «i feet hmg, with a capacity of " IM, left the Lincoln Park pier early la the afternoon for a rrulte to the municipal pier three mile* distant. The boat wae. about e mile fr>m the pier and a half mile off shore when the squall came up. The Captain and members of bis crew ware erreeted. He aaid tbe pas sengers caused the boat to rapelgr when they became terror sfrtrkn at tbe etorm. Little tote who had never t-eea la the water fought for their live* alohgelde their mother* and a few meg as the wave*, rising with «aeh gnat of wtad. ewapt ever the 4eckd and then partly submerged her. One small life knit wee ml loose * nd three small boy* made shore in ft ♦HSif cMl&rea and women clang to life pre»erveirf*dt to the aide of th* boat work of reecne was underway e'mo** before the hogt bad tattled The few men aboard she skip fbwpht Qto save women gnd children While wearbr score* of -mall craft also - -cw—- 4 —cod to- lh*l» aeeeae. aetaoeiag-aiamp ;; children from 'the side* - IPfcJM'Pker* they hnn* wn'W • * h boat iNRI mil mwstr wh»n the storm ikttXflhgMfc) an the boat luted 'be musieflms left their posts, tossed swap their Instruments. and Jumped overboard All were waved Opsl Hilton. 13. jßyog here from <)k la horn*, was harffßpyof the di* ■'*«! er The girt managed to save f-nr rhttdrea. lactadlag An W y*ar Md daughter of the ship's captain before becomlag exhausted herself. Tbe "dead mere aot imm-dIMeK Identified. Aa there was no Hat ol T-aaaeagar and hours sfer the arrt deat, persons whose children nr worn en had not returned borne clamored at morgue* seeking ( knowledge of toved ones, whom they fearfully be lie red might be deed or miadeg. Several lavestlgattons of the trag w (Coptlgued op pngs Twp) “ • . THE GOLDSBORO NEiWSi " i 3» ' ■ READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY.! > MANY FLIGHTS j NOW PUNNED : I % L— ~ ' 1 5 Score of Aviator* May Fly, Acroon Atlantic la Next Six Wee It* . i NEW YORK. July 2»' -lA*! —Uontln- J uallou of the |frcaent unfcivfcrablc vest tier for long distance flying in 1 creased the possibility that during > the next ala weeks a sc fa at art* j 1 tors may all be flying ovei “the Allan | ’ tk at tha same time, more thpn half j 1 of the westward bouud for Europo. • At present 'plans are- well under': way for trans-Atlantic crossing* ’ In" ten planes, each carrying from o*»o| to four men The only woman avlat r who has announced Intention of at- j tempting tbe At antic flight, the Her man ace. dope aot phn fag embark op hey adventure until next year. Tbe flights which mitchi begin at the same time should th* [feather ' ranee short delay* are ag'fvftowa: I Captain Frank fourtny. British ace: Maurltw [>r<>uglnn. ffeftch flier adjm will be ready lu tfl days to pHot t hlrlea hark ecroea the course flow In tbe the eastward direction-In the same.,plane by Levtne and tlaf ernre Chamberlin; Leon, Olbon, an other KFrKenrhman: three German planea are expected to attempt h ’p# to America wl bin the next few week*. Besides thaae alx plana* which might compose a tdrep! race over -.he westward course, two planiia are compleHug preparations for flights from thi* country to Europe and two other from Canada to the Continent v « * DR. WILHO* LOKM TO DIRB4 T HOITHENT I.IHIURY IMITtTK C3> CHAPEL HIU.. July 2B Dr It. Wtlaon,, University of North Caro lina librarian, baa g >ne to Atlanta to direct th* Übrary Institute for the Southeastern Elates being held i tie re this and natt week under the auspices of tha American Library As -octalWm and tbe Carnegie Übrary -of Atlanta. The Institute continues through August > and deals primarily with lib mry administration and book aalac lion Dean C. A. Hibbard, of th* University Qllege of liberal Arts. I* a member of tho staff In charse of the inatktttg While la Georgia. Ik Wilson rep leaenting the American Übrary A*‘- • soiation. will visit the summer Jib. rary school of the University of Geor Negro, 19, Charged With Carnal Knowledge Girl 6 if 5 - - - -' Jcfßlihn, I*. negro. ttf ?f?t South Jatm-* at reel will Ik- driven t preliminary h»*riH* Jurists Kimi W ' O Brill at 4 o’l'-ck llila .if'aitr-oi. oil * charge of hrt*-rt,- caneo know— i. dg* of Klotw McKin lie. ‘i. IH-K « *lTie crime la alleged lo have 'hewn .omul tied *'»nil day* nn \ ami ilia child ia dent Mix- ! an htfill ruinet *d a venereal diaea**- .i» a r.-ault <>f the experience. She aai crried In arms yeaterday aa her mother nought the. .warrant Two phyi'iniu liar< I examined her. It wait :«aK, and ate. j willing to teallfy that in* hat t»e*n ▼toiatrd and that ihe baa. coatrarud the venereal digraa*. Jernigam h*ld in Sayr conn-j ly jail yeat'rday pending the prr J i f-,,: .<• , a 60LDBBOR0, N. C FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 29. 1927 IS WANTED BY FEDERAL AGENTS iiamn men ■mu iiMShWii s*si ■■ * » ~ "--STa OFFER REWARD , IN LANE CASE Administrator of Estate of New. I Barn Banker Offers SI. OOO j Rewjfcyd I NEW BERN. July 2« A reward of I , ll.ouo ia offered by the administrator ! cod family -f «. w Uw lr»r tefoi r matlon lead In* to the arrest and tbe I conviction of the party or parties re* ; ponalble for the kllh'ug of the former New' Bern b inker near Mnjevlite during the night of July 32 last i Announcement of tbe reward wa* made today by WiUm 11. Lea. the 1 adrelniatra'nr. and W ft. Blvdc- *h«l Paul Mcftgel, brotheraln law of the j ‘creased . The advertisement t« pub j llshcd in th* Huii-Jmirnal this after . noon over their signature*,. . Offertn* of the reward came a* a ‘ result of a coroner's Jury verdict last » Monday which biased tbe theory of | sered by com* that Mr. Uiu« had j 'sken his own life while eittlng In hi* rmr tiOQt on m t«an imir mnn from Mayxrill*. The Jury rendered a verdict tbat the case wae otw Os mnyder atid not suicide * Dr J. C. Bell, of-Maysvl.'le, actlnit 1 cornier who investigated the case. I has repeatedly stated that the matter was a closed Incident in so fur as be waa concerned. However, It wa* learned here last night that the fam ily had planned to have an tnveatiga t’in m de In «u effoiA to clear up the myatery aurrnandtng the death Yfr. Imne was luat seen alive hy L. T OUlelte and Charlie Meadow*, se en, "ug to teatlm'-ny al, the iuque*t. The two had left him about Midnight Kriil ly >n hi* car it tbe *po; nherc hit lid ’vi' found. The car bad he ccme stuck in the muddy road and Mr laine had refused to leave it. About l:3<* Kalurday morning. Itillrt'e and Leorac Meadow*, with wli<«m the firmer had epcot the night went back to the scene whgpa the car and Mr lane were and ujatn arriving f *und the New Bern man dead at the wheel with a pistol containing two emp’v and two loaded shells lying on the right leg. The coroner'* Jury, in its verdict, held that the bullet entered the left *.id* of, the head in»!ead of the right far no due a* in the guilty party has been uncovered. . The anncunf -meip nffeering the reward signed by Messrs. Ihjc ftlsdna end Meugcl. reads: A reward of out thousand dollar* 1 will be paid to any person or who will funil»h Information lead .ua to the grresl and conviction -.f iti? person* r«*pohsible for the litlliag i ff GW' Isine, near Maysville, oh Friday Hie Twenty-aaciad. day of July It 27 , All liifortitMlion concerning the same.' or any incident pertteni t > this 'Uqury. i*a W sent or comm untested to either of ihe undersigned In New Bern', *« |w | tThiluai ' li• ..r inC l.alay '• 1 | Summoned a*. wltneaae* for th' hearing are H«h and Smuhle Him*. .young while men of BaulM«n t(»»n ahi|* and .1 J■ ( reerh and .1 S Smith The Hinea m-n *ajd. f».j aajg Jjnal'7 tKiT' apot where ih* a I crime fa reported aa hpvllix taken pla.-e and reported that the. around *aa loin tip nint that there! waa eyery Indication that a eonatderablc strug- Kle had taken place at ihe point. Officer a ipoltl of iho raa< a«t one of Ihe nioal revolt lug they p M ve been called upon to deal with In niontha The mother of the ,*tj*r'ftti>iinie McKinnie. ia iinderaiiHu|/t,, ye*icm>K, I ClaNWiHfp 'mi: .-midored ! | in Sanlatoa a farm. 1 * / a i A i Dead For Hours 4 Before Found Valuable Watch on Per ron Discredit* Any Theory of Murder with Robbery as Motive; Inquest not Deemed Necessary as Officers Believe Poispn 1 jquor or Brought Death; May Hold Up Bitriil fl. Grenier. SRI native of Unm bridge. Mas* , but lately realdlng a! Carolina B*««h. found dead 25 yard* fr m the highway at the curve ap froachiug Peach arena farm at II u clock yaslerday morning, had been aiiiialil tjw. r ..II 11 1g- H4BVI * H' sotiunt ITT i Itrtrßrti BHnnfl»»rnirnt w * funds cf the cnn*t guard service at reaching The News last evening. Harris Konnd B«dj Captain Dan N'rt-1* of the lo< - al police force was ir'iking a trip to Mt. Ollyf with Mr* Norrl* and friend* yesterday morning. A* they w hissed along MraT Hatlie llirn*on. one of the oarty. remarked "There ia a mau i-uU UttHt uudor ihg! tree” “1 suppose he eot nieepy .and -h*y <!own for a hap," replied Captain N rrix, "tuit If he is there as w«- go hick we will *top and see If there I* anything the mailer whh him On the return trie, Captain Norris ordered the car stopped A short dl* tsnee sway, he told a News repre rentatlv* |a»t evening were two men one white on colored, eating $ water melon. , “Did you men come here with that fell rw%". the Caplain asked the men who were seated fn front of a Ford roadster. . • ''What man?'' <ate «»f Ut' iii asked in |i|k»rl»e “That man out there,” replied Cap tain N«»rri*. poitping jto the inert fignre. lying Lire down on a coat tpraad carefull ij.nder n tree in a plnu thleket It th non prole*ted that had md seen the rlguru au arsom- I snfe-d Captain, Norris to the spot to Investigate One of the men' gave HI-* name to the (toldshor* police officer a* being llrtvl' and said he had Iw-cu a member of the Norfolk juillce de partment . • Captain Nftrrl* took hold of «no ”nrm of Ihe Tnei I figure, made *a th ugh to move it, mid fouml it stlfJ with rigor morli* The mau was dfljj/l Had been dead for hour* Captain Norris stopped a pitting automobile, ami ordered tho drive? ,o tttfurjii Sheriff w Uk 'l'.ipl " d Coroner Jtohln* n about the find In a short 'line. Sheriff Grant, Deputy Sheriff. Koracgay and Coroner V. It. ttrdWWMnn were mo t>l»w maac -•—- The form lay fan- down on an over I •*' f .IM'tutlv -Jlf e-,d . ~,,< ' Tiu» fR6 .irrn wa* drawn ii|> and OlONwatl andfr • he.ydon at h. the right arm * a* purtv to 'rip side brr* ben* Cflp-e was a, e4*gJW t*mm id hleoii wb Uui Jlfis, il was said. Td nno aide was a T’tnam'i hat a* If It had been cnrefullv placed t.n (>oc -itle Cropped against Utf hat *a« a pint bottle about two third* full i . atp.mkes. —T*o> .iulua iuptk. hul . ! Um were luuir tha spot. ar>lA Bheriff Grant Scattered *th*mt th* edge n» Ihe coat Were about twelve capsule 'bells There #«« nothing hi any of them, and Dr I, W, Corbett, county l-ealih offii-er wb» examined aev«ral. report ad la*t night lhat h* hml ha, n unable to find anr tnu-e of..draws ha haying heya la them Discard Rebbery Theory 'lt'ittlw-i ' [■■oil,l not h vr In cn ill ■ ■ •••■ • Skii. (i i ; ( d ;tn mo: a card \ ft onHnusd on Taf* Twoj ■r. . ' FEAR HOAX HAS ; BEEN ARRANGED Thorouuhiy Inveutigute Iden tity Man Found Dead Near Tib City VTILMINGTOX, July 3b (AP) Death loda) claimed It. I.reea irr, aflegod Mhbfialfr. fcef•« «*»• crnmeni otfleiala conld overtake \ him and place him behind Feder al prism Bar*. His hedj was re* ported lunad near Ueldsboru. I .on Is Goodman. In lied Wn'dn t Com ml*-loner here, laid IlK* I "eclated Press t might that he had wnrrents ferwuranier chan ing emht-islement a( fnad* atsouniini In about fIMM) rnd he had bean offlclalh lafomied '*« (hat government official* In Hnshinyton believed jxas , - 0 In hMinf al or nenr WNmiat^ua. II Is alleged Hint Grenier, must gnnrd paymaster al Island. V. Vs k .d left anexportndly nlfb the rnllnn amonnt of (myrnll far Ihe gnardsmen. When Ihe alleged theft ad a til) accsrred coni'l not* lit* lutfiri it#if tthffttffeif iklilMMKMMi’' I i hel c> cl t« hate keen a boat A spr clal agent from the kb six mos th« ago. partiaonj of JnMke spent several days lure about three months ago hut enuld not find Grenier nor his wlfr. Mate officers had been M*<d ting In Ihe searrh and both »d nil deputies and eeauty off I* , mm rt*i — A.. Jtw.l as— I rffT WTT PltHTlffti IHR .tft IIW L the rea alas found near Gold*- Inito are, I base HI Grenier, having ea Idea list * hoax might have !>«ni prept red and earrted eat la throw olfhala off hi* track. tM« hawever. was sosaewkal abated vefea Mrs. Grenier after arriving { la Gold* bw-o told of fleer* there thal her Ha band bml been In tbe employee »f Ihe v<rvernment trad had been Inrsifd at Yew York In Ike roust gourd service. Regard lass of Mrs Grenier's slalemenl root mi'-h ner Goodwin snld that he was aolug In request that hgrial «f tbe remaiaa be held up until ideatllaellon could be positive Widow A ska That Sacco And Vanzetti *Free . ; IIOBTON. July 2« (4»t—The widow ft **<• us rl»c victim* <f ihe Mouth I’isUntreo payntl shooting In 1920, tho « rihie for which EgcoQ and Van-- geitl. htterpiiGonally known radical I'crc nmidemneit tn Aaa'fc tfiaht/al < gnsphi-d Governor KaUcr »ho men be set free. The request w a* mmie by Mr* Kvrth B Hcraredcili, widow of one of IH~ armed, guards who waa jh »t and , ki.i'tl wUau au arnad band• held* up ! a shoe company iwymastar. The paymaster was also killed. ' About Local Weed Mart awnrwrMWy - ■. ■ . r.r Il.flWi fiiinTSTor ailVcfTtafiijr tJl«~ t: ddab ro tobacco inm kpi 't'|,|» naa Hu' goal -twit* b) I lit* «>lvi'i tUin)i rom i miitca of the. Chamber of .(’<-tn|n*rc<' 41 fit a HMM-iliif. jc-ti'iiki lifiril' iu r_.. _ opinion nEpxtuutiid al tin- jutiiiorim < , xp**mtril tn advert <» :iik tln> isntkrt wllhm tlir tu*xl (f* w«eka would do much toward aiditiK I lit* city to mi tain Ilia I2.ihM>,oM pound roMl act for the inurWpf thlrvrar Tina kiml’i* about twice the amount I wood >o:4 oa the mnrti»T laaf year Thr taclr enucarnlua ini|»r.o»am*nt» mart** on thr «rnrkct for thia yaar would ha hroadcaat over this aectlou o. .North Carolina with tfit? f2.00t» :«d, It wa« anitf. Tfcl* iidvrrtlalng ■» ■■■■■■ ii i Ten Nephews And N«cm Mi % In Caveat Attempting tft Sri Aside Will Late i. It Wood GEORGIA MARTS OPEN TUESDAY d» .■ Enattrn Oaroiina Tobacconintfl Trek to Goorgia Otw W*ek End Eastern Carolina tobacco maa art preparing for tbalr annual trek to Georgia ovar tha weak and, wbllu <yaa of tobacco growers art sdjustad tor m far southern gtaar* to- dat ar il tue the tread of prices whan sale# oommaaca In Georgia neat Tuesday. i Interest In tobaocp in aocaatsatad I hereabout by,' the fact that curing’ proceeding of a Ing qyshrdlahrdlww I <« proceeding on n large sank through I out the bright leaf hah. Tobacco j men here mi that the epiiook is |or *<>d color. They predict that tha crop will not be any larger then laet yea>. Aftjr tha Gedpgla markets open ncn Tuesday, ‘kales will cornet**** on the south Carolina and border markets Tuesday week. August ». The Haatarn Carolina markatg,' Included In the bright leaf belt, will not opaa unlit gap!amber ft. Already axtnaain praparallons are under way. h >wavar, for bundling th* weed here ns venra lousea and factories are renovated for tbe apt voachina actlvliy. . Al least a score orSnore local ta bacconlsu are expected to attend tha • pelting tn Georgia and Mouth Caro lina and to be atailoaed on the** vari ous markets. during the ensuing ana •on prior U> the start of sales bar* *nd oeer Kaatern Carolina. (I FAMOI’N STRING QI ARTRT “ I* RECITAL AT IIWITERRITT *, ’ * f'HAPBI. HILL, July td-The El ena de Maya String Qua ret. of Weak in a ton. opened the at tract I >aa for th* second term of the UalvareGy Sum mer school with a recital In Memorial Hall laa« night TUf quartet, composed of two vio lins. viola and cello, presented t pp itrsm ronsisllng of representative i f»u!j£Mtkm» of four counlrlea- Hol land, Bohemia. Russia, and Norway, The alternative prominence of th* different instrument* |gavt to the •elections >i tonal coloring locking in the performance of any one Dhhru men! : fVmpo-ln* Ihe quartet were Rtcna de Mnyn. Drat violin, who received I her mush-at education under the ! amtaal Kur pcxu ouuter* t.vneh I l.iiquer. sec«.nd vtolla; l.ydis Drawer, viola and Uidwig Mnnoly, celto ‘ ’ "* u p wßuldT feature ilia location € HU Arilath Tobacco company In 0«lds l> <>r and lu.daelaioa to roncantrnta it* mi tTvttlm here for tha of high KtMilr tobacco. tha number I <>t hi* companion which will ba rap -Utimigd maxiutL .Jut*.„ Uhl . -'■ il. «od th* rffort? whlrii GoWthcr* hi * made in «on»truction of add it I nni* pride. Aonae »|iac» for huytiui o»ta panlda ‘'Thera in, no getting around tha fact UiMt wa have more to offar thlf year than aver hafnra. and that tha averaged to hr paid alum Id ha higher” raid corm" in her of tha commit tar at thr mealing. "Tha fact that tha Ard- i ath paople ara locating harr la pra hnhly not kiNiwn aa II ahould ha (CooUjwd 9f f»|t T>*i . c it. ' ... .; Member ol The Associated Preee ' —a—dam prick nv« cum T Case Expected Be Triad Eimt at Ovfl Owl SISO,MO* to**s2MJM; 'Z ¥ £ ■w- ** f 5 . u*» ai tM late *p* * Weed %M Mrmlf DAiMt m the »aW Mir t* M MM* «Clued'at from IIMM* to llpe.uto jj*r "Made# aad I( NjIJI£ ‘MgJjHgr j a, u> have tbs uUl^m^eolM^Ths Tfca oaat will be Mar* to iMAef u»t tuna o< Warns oonHp. dhgarHr Court, beginning August It. aad wflt rua* which may ha »ft tel—der. The ctVfatotu elatat fdHMr KM at the time ad ska itmMw the wilt naming Mr*. Wood M hold Ml#. Mr. W««d *aa ut “of Mil tM rot to make a will; »r waa M —to peteat. the caraat claJuM, (no that fate uatll the day of bis Math. < The widow of Mr. W4MI In Mrs. R. f. I)nail of fMMahp* Mv lag married the latter about ten year* ■* By reaaao of the alee of the mhi—ls involved aad the prtMlpal*;** eg* la expected to attrwdt Mda pH— l arty 1* la (ana rial W* widely dletrlbaMl Wart* (MBall. . T.V WwmTwmrTw. «agbn, naudio wood Matte. Am* A ffd, Jacob It Harper. Cta— W rta Harper Whitley, aad Hnr—r. <aVaatora, reepeetfdUy aMt tbr court tM foUewtag (Mtt: rirat: That oe the -i —- d# ad Oct .bar. Hit. James If. Wood dMd in Wayne coubty.sMerth OarplhMb •*# thereafter, to wit. *0 tM Mtfe day of October. iMh. delta P. WeafjM aaniad to the oowrt • paper MM ,■>] rporting to be tM taet wIR pad vsaueMat of the hU law* R Weed »nd being la wards aad hgurea aa *,«{ i siit in the MM§f Wftlitm »u ac bed mar had akhlMt "A” aad made a part bar a aft aad eat tM eev • a torn are la termed aai MMeea. Urn retd Jolla r. Wood, alleged ead el ites that tM fee** we* eat «%* *—l will «f the Hit ... lamea M. Wood, and pro—rad *b» ’■ame t-> be admitted th. prrtMf^pr second That oe the caM W» dap of October, IMb. tM aald iaiia f. ebtalaed fvcm tM eeurbhdm— I ret amentias up— the eetote *f the sat# Jem.* Third That the —id Jamea If. Wood left aarvtvtag him aa hit aaly botes at law aad distort—teea, bie wldww, the —id Julia P Wood, who lx .the. (mil jfartaM JlMJffadMft dte «» •* the Mld iaMt w^tl—, ejgifr tr. D Wood, two Meters, U—ra dwMp « and Bepiia Beam— aid ha tottewfap named aarhawa aad at— wie a** children of Ava Harper, e daMMPI stater: t> wit. Dempsey Harper, Noah R Harper, l.ecy CUlott. SHfpbdlh Heeltb. Tom Harp—. Clara lead— Herbert |. Harpea, sad hlaate ll#h» ; er Whitley, aad tM leMtwteg agmdf repbewa aad eteoea WM a— ,AHd> ern cf Joaea Wool, A dyyaaaad Mfth ' . .r ■ *. { . .

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