WKATHKK MCU TIIUBKK NMWftM SAT* LMAT ARB BUB BAT. ROT turn IB TUI mtctbbai TOLU ML 81X; NUMBER 180 PRESIDENT WILL NOT AGREE TO BRITISH PROPOSAL . . ■■ j : , ' . t. •. ' -} Geneva Confab Seems Hopeless Wh*l Will A»*rka Do is Queo- Um Phitf Hon» Arc f '.i'S Awing A, 'l JAPANESE DENY THEY’LL ‘ W ACT4AGENTS MEDIATION CooIMfO WUI Bofiioc U Sanction , UM Pl|« Pnt Forward by - Englbb ,'‘• • * . OBNBVA, Jttlr to—(A*>-Whst will Washington do’ * That wraa the question everybuly teemed to Im aiklai tonight ia Brit jfe- iah. Japaattq and p’her sonAmeri cda circles of tha aaval conference Hugh Qlbaoo. chief American data gata told tha British and Japan aw delegation ha waa convinced tha lataat British plan was entirely unaccept able. He added, however that ha wpold mawalt the Waahlng ton: The Jaraaeaa delegation authorised tha Associated Press tonight to deny the report which haa been circulated nhroad that the Japanese will med ■ ite olflalaty between Great Britain 1 and the United Bta’es A spokesman raid that the Japanese deemed, the inane between the British and Am erican delegatioaa of tx> delicate a nature to Justify Intervention. be cause the Issue was ene of prinlcple and not pf techiacsUUaa. No testing of the chief delegate < took place teday aad none le ecbedul ed to he held before Monday when a session will be held, under present arrange men to However. It is p eslhle owing* I# the Met that the Swiss National fete day falls on M «day that the plenary matting msy he adjourn ed. niece the public communication services would be lees speedy on ac tount of the botlday. RAPID CITY. July to —(A*) Pro rotate (f Grant Britain at the troubled Geneva naval conference calls for a larger UTf JkU President Coolldgc will sanction. Thin la the mein ob «tac!es la tha, coafarence in the op to ton of the towsldsnt. who will not agree to a program calling for con struction of a greater navy when he had hoped the conference would bring ■brut an understanding for red Me llon of armamegts, min hopeful that further discus - ektns way brlag about modification* In the British proposal. Mr. Coolldpa. v Is plainly determined not to nrcep' <£ the terms aow presented, by the country. It was recalled taday at an execu tive office that Un President invited Great Britain apd Japan in’o the con ference for the purpose of eventually bringing about a reduction la Rie else of the navtes of the nations Invloved and consequent saving In expenses. More Important, he thought, would f he the development of pence, good will and better understanding among - the nations, which In turn naturally would aid 1* the reductl n of irmr - t> meats and In the burden of taxes. CORPORATORS TO BE PROBED Will Enquire into Relationship* of ThgMc Largwt Companies 4 of America > WASHINGTON, July A sweeping enquiry into the relations of the E I Dupont Company the •' ..-rv4 torn) cuegeeqngn mm+*urnn* today by tha Pedoral trade commis sion. i , The ibvssUgatlou will he < nductfd Ly the chief economist aad »W so directly tb the qaaaUnn of the probate economic consequences of a commun ity of internets sat ng the thre« larg est'industrial corporations la the Upon the report es the commission ..... will depond bulbar action by that body. The mope of the cnnmfesion. which cams unexpected. waa upon motion of A. R. Myers, the newest member of the tihde body " In ite revolutilp directing (he en quiry. the commission called atten tion that the published financial re port of the Duront Showed’that it bad a large Investment •, In the stock of the General Motors porop(ration. ' . ’ .... 1,,.' ■ L; ' . L e THE GOLDSBORO NEWS a. r * * \ •' a V : Z READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—BEAD BY BUYERS BEFORE TREY BUY. mEMMKMb*-*.. * . - - n Federal Agents End Search i When Body Is Identified As That Os Man They Sought For *" -- t Advices* From Washington Report “Confusion” in Account*. Rath er Than Embeulements aa First Wilmington Advices Stated; Body Buried Haw at 5 O’clock day Afternoon ■ —■ ■ Tho life book of 0. Omoler. native I •if Cambridge. Mass., but lately <*-' portly to have been eougbt for Irre gularities In coast guard funds with which be wn* entrusted Is closed. Grenier, found dead near tbe high way at Peach-A Rena farm about noon Thursday, was buried iu Willow cemetery at S o'clock yesterday nf erooon. His widow, a close friends of bars, and lest thun a handful of local people were at the brief services held yesterday afternoon from Stan ley's funreal purlfr. Rev. J. M Daniel, pastor of Bt. Paul Methodlat church, held »ervleg, a Department of Justlc officials were isported from Wilmington as having discontinued their search tor Grenier upon word from Coldshort that his body had been found.-Sheriff W D Grant had advised—Atpon receiving n description of Grenier-that the man found by the side of the road dead was the man sought. Dispatches cut of Washington yes terday reported that Gilbert Grenier, a warrant pay clerk, waa listed as IDENTIFY MAN BY HIS THUMBS Witnesses Agree That Body Re covered wu Thai of .lumen Itehouef ~FRANKU!»T La. July 2»—(AV A peculiarity of (be thumbs of a body. f*wremovcver for mur der . One witness who Iden'lfled tbe body st the cotoner’a inquest, testifying in the trial of Mrs lnd two •cm' declared that the body was thalfof Lebouef. He declared he had never seen a man with thumbs like I hose of Lebouef. which b» *ai«l, look el aa ft they had been cat off aad towed back. i Pellagra Increase In Mississippi Alarming WASHINGTON, July Alarmed by an Increase In pßjßgrn cases coming to light in Miain*sippl, the Red Cross has begun to supple ment the diet of flood victims with fold designed to counteract the dis ease and W working In cooperation with slate hfalth authorities to give medical aid to those afflicted Ra tions now include canned tdinatoes and large am Mints of cabbage. FLIGHT DELAYED HOrTIIAMPTON. Eng . July 2n ey of MM-»achu»«tU. suffered fatal 'njurles In an aiitoniobile accident. People remarked upon ihe coincidence ,of two Maasachoeetth men having .tome-to . Gielr death within a few weeks agroe same spot on a high way in Norfh Carolina. RICKARDS IS IN * FAVOR CHICAGO Eattlern Report*. Hfrorvar, Con tinue to Effect That Nei\ . York Goto Fight rwrCAGO. July 2S— ■'’i’erais j lant reports out of the Hast New ] York and nri Chicago would get the Dempsey Tunney riglU for tbe worlds j heavyweight In Sep tember kept bobbnlg up loday while I*l Rickard conferred with. Chicag > bankers end newsreper publishers Rickard sent the reports jeeling to the with verbal denials, but kept b uhdlng back, leaving much clouded the Issue as to where tliw* battle ground will be “It’a f'hlcggo’s “ fit in if Chicago want’s H", Rickard said "I have made no promise and nobody knows where lam going,in hold the fight anymore ( than I do. excep’. that lam very strong In favor of Chicago.” THKT DOtfT HATK.LKKNM! i so. RAI.GIGH. July rU. (/P) -Plierr s no rule without an exception and the. automobile owners on North Carolina beach land neetf not have a Ibenss piste on his ear. BLite depart rn**»M iif "revenue offic ials while saying th*y have no right Id Mge permission for users of autd mobiles without nevuses clue where In the state than on the Banks, have no oagle eye peelt-d to riiq down and prosecute reeidenta oVwti, Banks P when t avellng to other parts of the state But they have In ftiruisli r«»t- cvldenc*. The Hanks folkk don’t have to huy ll<*nsro because they haVr no roads In the acc*pled iiH-aiijug of the term _________ V 6 N * bad probably suffered a partial •rsthra ud bad uooiearted a ren< r «l glimW Pr. r K Howard, and Dr. W H. Bryant, negbo, testified ap to the condition of the girl The crime is alleged to have lw*tt (.ommlHed. in Baqlaton towndliip, where Jernigan a resident of G Id* Loro, wa* working Two young whl c fnen from Raulaton related that they saw the youth and little girl cross the fields together and testified that the ground where the crime ia alleg ed to have taken place was badly scraped up Indicating they said, that a struggle had taken place When the mother sought the wsr rant for the yvulli. ebe canto carry log the 'Hlld iu her arot*. .* s _ GOLDSBORO, N. C SATURDAY MORNING. JULY SO. 1»27 PROMINENT MAN OF GREENE DIES . t* R. W. Bynum, of Stuntor.Hburg, Section, IHcr Following Op eration WILSON. July • X» Mr . R W. Bynum age 16. died thla moruiuti at trn o’clock in a Icoal hospital where he wns taken about n week ago for e very serious operation Mr. Bynum wns a pr mineut farui<£ j‘s the Hiau toiMbury sec ion ard was'chairman of the Board’ cf County Commissioner* of Greene county He was a Itfelmig member of the MuHnalist church nud belonged t the Masonic Order of which he wna a Royal Arch Mason The deceased la survived by hie fife, who waa Miss Cora Wtmten. a native of Greene county, and four •sens Messrs, Williams Council, James and Speight Bynum. The funeral service* will be held tumor rw afternoon at four o'clock from the residence conducted by *♦ Rev. J A. Russell, pastor uT the Snow Hill ' t'lrcui’ of Methodist churches Tbe Mawctts will also hav« charge of the funeral. Tile atfive pallbearers will be, Messrs Elmer BarreG. K P Wooten, A. W oten. James Ihuttel. John aou Taylor, Ham tHuttel. W. M fur rle, C, If Whitley, Dr. Douglas Dar den end H, T. Herring. The honorary pallbearer* will be: Col John P. Bruton. Mrs. W A.. Finch. Mr. W E W-arren. Mr U. II Court. Mr W T Clark. Mr*. E. A Barden. Mr P L-Vtooiiard. Dr C. A Woodard. Dr If H. Powell, Mr (Jal vin W aulard. Mr Dniufe Herring. Mr fbnan QetUnaer Mr Joiiak Exum, Mr. O W llart. Mr L D Morrill. Mr M. C. Pace and Mr. A. 8. (’m eland The county ('omsnlNabuters of Greene county will also serve as bonornrny r*llbear*r*. EIGHT MILLION ACRES TIMBER ” ° .. * ‘ j larger Arrrage Than all Other Croptt Combined. Ha>* Ex tension ForeaUr . IIALEIGH. July 2!t - (A*) Norih Carolina farmers haye 6,47!t.i:i8 acres growing farm timber. » larger arrea rs thsn all oilier crops says H W Graeber, exlensh ii foreeter, Hla’o College. This reoreabts 46 percent of her lotal farm Fully stocked stand* of short leaf and loblolly pines fill grow one to two cJ wood per acre per year, ha toys. Thl* ts equivalent to 600 to I.Oog board feet (f aaw timber Pinee will produce an auniial net return-of $3.00 to ss.os p«>r acre. In Graeber, finds North Caro lina* 262.4U1 farmers need 4,113.- 347 c »rds of fuel wood on their farms an average of 17 cords per farm. More than 760,000 cords of wis'd are burned annually in curing North Car tobacco crop “Rough cull* and 'otherwlw- I>w grade material will produce*#a~7ctlch leal aa your best limber,” lie aays ’ W'hy burn a.graid treeT" “The soils, seasons and tlimatle condiUons of North arc Ideal for the rapid growth "< runny tread Fully .stocked stauda or short Uaf and lohbHly fines are pniduc ing from one to two cords .of wo->d per acre annually when protected from fUa qpd reasotiabfr rare r* gtv •e*. b-wrd fret ut >«* limber tier acre rw iron. *tm*. te MiMLto - W-'. turn *f $3 ins recognised through out Amerirv fV-Tftf Ts rnda f*f : r, era are Ju»t begianlag I > realise the ;»oalbllitie» in farm liber prraluction.'' - —. a. y, VII TORY FOR HELEN MANCHESTER. Mas* . J 3 - (A*) Miss Helen Wills of Berkely, Cali', defea’ed Miss Helen Jncohs of Ibe qaim- lo<»n at. t } todsv In t|n (Inals of Mir E»aex 4 kiunLy club ioviiHtiiw sinfle*. . o' | • • ■ ■ ■ .... BYRD PREPARES FOR SIX TH POL E >*' 0 Floyd lirnnett and Balrhen Dln cus* I)«talU of Expedition With Coninandcr DOFTON, July 25.-s- Commander Rlcahrit K. Byrd, (onqueror of Mbe air route- U> Hie Norik Pate and of the traus-AHanto et'r Uu», waa en gaged today In fUumng a flight ov er the Houlh I’eie. Floyd Bennett and Bern! Balchen arrived frommp»aed of sonu- thirty men. ac onitling to Ootiimunder Byrd. In tea. perty will b« twelve acl'nlieta. i The grea>eel obstacle to be ovsr-l none will I* the immenar ke bar rier. a mya'ary of the Antnric. which stMirhvs fo* mllps,-2r.0 feet in h l igbt- Dog sleds und '■ ,Wt*>r tractors sill ue used to |e-uetrtfs«( (h* Antw It re ion huuiDcd mllro from the |m»|s on thr ic« O lds a supply base -will lie established From this Byrd and hi flying sompankma will make Hit thousand-mil s dash to the pola und back BOBBY COMES MARCHING HOME Atlanta Youth Brinqa Brltlah Golf Honors to Anerlci aa He Returns f NKM YORK. July 23 (JP)-B«»bby Jt««s i aftie home lonighi iu America snd to n nus'est welcome with Mmith em htHpitaliiy sf(h prldfc # which tte wait-d him on the seaward Up <»f, a lone plor In Ngw York Bay The band was l>larinr ••Hill tbe Conquering ITeru (Tomes.” but the youag double v inner of the Brlllsh open golf title entirely disregarded its rythm'as h* buri-hd down the gangplank aLalght of his wife, m ther u lumdred'i loyal friendx from his home town. Th> tanned and *»m«wha! stocktly built young man who la beginning to pra< tier law la Atlanta hut menages to play gvilf well, enough to beat thr W-'-rtd’* hast was •’frankly tSck led" to win afnin Bobby * next goal will hr the na tional amateur championship which Oenri:* Von Ehn wrngled from him lait year Florida Man Avnin Found,Not Guilty , X-/ Mill, AN IK), Jhlv 2')- i/P>- William Mi Mhears. charged Valljc kidnapping J. A.- Johnson, a l/powrlltr nan Oi in ad<> < u Ibe morning of June 16. win acquitted by a Jury hearing the c»*e today In county criminal court. Tbe Jury deliberated an hour and 47 nr nut”*. R »»< the second tune M itthews bed Item found not guilty. He was freod last week with five other turn ran similar charge in connection wlrti the alleged flogging of t haries, Hicks * Severe Had Storm Hite "* Stretch In Sampson Co. Dlltaa IiLUK tcu mlUs. .»aath ul t’tte ton near Ingold- were bidy damag ed by a five inch bail late Thursday afternoon. Paul ftardlu, Cltton rcsl 4mA rprorlad b-r« xaatartfsy, ibe hud w.ul described a* severe a*' aery ever known in the Kampron sell lon XT "T;"TTirleir. Tanner living lit ihe land toby hit by the atom, want to his field* early yesterday, shoveled up s Ivarrel of the Holies which had’ fallen the dxy before and carried (ham to f’lintem for displey. To ver tfy o,e story, Dai dm started with a lticket full of th< hall when be left lot Goldsboro. Thare waa a good quantity of the stonaa still iu the butt an J-j. tec backet sh*a he reached 'his Hty t I I ¥ 1 ■ ■ . Robbers Enter Ten Rooms Os Hotel Goldsboro And Steal Sums Totaling About S2OO REFUSE DEB ATE .WAYNE WHELER « Uni virility Michigan Attempt* Bring Ritchie and Wheeler Together DE TROIT, July to-d*)- Governor A. C. Richie, of Maryland in De troit today tarouia home from the governor’* eon tor* nee. made public a letter which revealed he had declined sa Invitation t> jt debate on prohibi lion with Wayne B. Wheeler of the lA»H'Hulo«>n league. The Invitation, tbs governor said, was extended Hjf ihe Unlveralty of Michigan. The governor's letter In reply dated. July 19, said “I rongrat-1 Mint# your iae'ltuthte on Us pnrposs to provide a neutral forum for discus sion of this problem, and I feel *ta eerely complimented that you should think me worthy to participate, "Bui 1 1 be entirely frauk. I cannot bring myself to rtof that Mr. Wheeler is anything but a paid protagonist, a professional protagandlst. a special Pleader pure snd simple. ’’That la hie privilege, of pours#, but J cannot conceive of him for on* mo ment as seriously considering the views of hte opponent, kfnrrrsr ete ctr*. or as regarding any debate as an impersonal and dtointaraated st art to test out the truth 8o far'a* 1 know be never debates. He probloima dictates, abuses, threatens aad col lects. And. to ay way of thinklog, Vt'healerlsm la coming to be n real n.enact to this country ” BATTERY IS FROM FT BRAGG LbcaJ OMtffl EnUbttahril High Record for Firing During ' Training Period Tanned end hardened by thrlr c imp experiences, tee fifty-odd mem ber* of Battery A, cmimamled by CapJ. Mam Brill, returned yesterday from Fort Bragg where they spent two *wk* tn intensive army tratn lag. As in prevtaina years, Battery A. •Ring up a high Bring record fto toe other outfits to shoot at. The baseball team of the outfit g it awny to a flying start in the base ball Hutnipionshlp events, but lost nut la succeaslve games. New Bern fin ally won tbe flag and silver cup which h»d beep offered All the men seen yesterday were proud of tee record which the Battery bus established In firing. The group reached Goldsboro about noon yeeter-- 4ay. UK*. I'iBIH E DEAD ' RAIJICIGH, July to Uto Mr* Frank R I’ardue. president Os ihe Raleigh Women’s dub and for two ••sia corresponding secretary of tbe _t’tn'e Federall n of Women’s chibs | died here Uiday after a critical ill * luma. »j . Riinie" of iho liail atones were" a* -pterge a* goose rjnr*. it eras aaU. lad yesterday morning the ground was ’ still covered In parts whree the down- l ■ fall had occurred Crops over the i fe*4b<* hU were badly beaten f and to wotted stretches llmbs-were cut from tree* ... John Carter, brother of O. L. Car ij’tsr who hrouiht the barrel of hail > J tc Clmton for disptey, was tn the l1 yard nhen the storm hriksi' To »ave I him*< If typim ihe heavily pelting ! alone*, ha eeiied a tub standing nenr i by turned It. over ol* hand, and raced for the bouse Before he could reach 1 this safety, however, the stones had badly skinned hi* hands where they were rxtwrirl in holding the tub over bis h*ad, - w*»i<«*w "*ww osew ' Member oi The Associated Press . © PRICK FIVE 00918 Thief Awoke 2 Gueets And Asked Panfen For Entering Wrong Hoorn; Doors Not Sup posed to Have Been liocked* Hefei Thieves May be Operating in State ' i r / HimtiarUy «a methods reen*boro. a Charlotte Hotel aad on Thursday night Iha H tal Molds boro here. load officers to bailee that the robbery kart was doaa by tbn amt man or men who visit ad Char .,'trt'a and Orooaahoro. ; | Tan room warn r>bbad boro, K waa I raid, and ia all npproilmaU'y ttta la ntoaay waa secuibd la ao tnatanca, ao far a» 11..*« report ad. waa an ?t Kb* aaoapt mobs* , # - ti,kan Valuable watches aatl |awol ry wara loft aatoaokad upon table* or draaaora la rqpms visited, * la aaa Instance. It waa aald. tha thief rtflad a p chat back but teak cara to laaaa tb« par** hahtnd. Psilorw la jewelry or paraoaal property odaern pointed out. makes doubly dlfflcalt tha taafc of tracing tha rabbe > ti.lt* ' Discovery # thy r bbiry did dot coma. aaUj tym « tha hotel yesterday mornlaa Thar at onoa reportad tha tbkfhi to tha dank, and ia practically nvery In stance tha atory waa tb# aana. So far as la kaowa ao kaya war* us ad. guests having last doom sllgfc ly ajar it. aat tha advantage of t Vaasa «r : ot having takan tha tjonili to lock thaai. At laaat two Roasts of tha hotal escaped halac robbed by vtrtna of being light sleepers. Thar reported % that they wart awakaaad In tha night bv • manna entering tha roam. ITp on enquiry, hnwaaar, as to Whs >R was sad wat waa waa tad, tha Intru der. hotal official* sail tha guest* .re port ad. very pntlbatv a«h#d pardon. - Mint a mlstaka had haaa mada nd that tbs wroag room bean fntered, Tha hotal hers la a teem bar «# tha I Kurn» IHMIItr aj» BT ald of lha ~~ Home Detectlya agency. It waa said, hut doa« r.of employ* boa at da|be tire. The thoft will ha fpttm la the detective agsodas gtviflf frotee- Hon to ths hotel aad tt la aayocted (hat tha robbery hara will ha lavas »„ tigated In c»«n action with thaat "f a Charl«rte and HreesshOVW. Sevan rooms ware aatsrWd at the Kia« Cotton lo fireeagbera aad tea I‘t otaa war# entered here. - ■•twain »2 and ISM waa declared iMared from guests st the Oreeaahaya V*e« and about ISM was said by local hotel men to havy-beea reported as seoar ed from the*coasts hara. t /CHEVVYAGENTS HOLD MEETINGS Dealers Fran Bight fiwm and CHtoc Report Rkdoßrat Crvp OwUupha .. ✓ - ***** far «k rUMdsWa sass -wntear were vuastrhr-©tepwwaptg—? ? Vrs from district eight, comprising 11ght towns and cltioa In this sac ' tio«i, meeting her# yeeterdai Twsa- *v.jive *ale» managers Md agent* were in attendance «*>» meeting •* at the Hotel Ooldslnrd. *** I I Krank M Wright, of Cbarlatfe, who make# headquarters In Oolda* boro wag ia < barge of the.. meeting. * .-/* dlatrlct representative, Mr, ’Vrifitf ruiillahd Himtoisi feotaraa •• *hich\ should bo str«aaad ia sales talks * • With tobacco and ontt** prospect* bright and with Indicate** aC prices lo twwawfU the deWlyan hare »erg .optimistic raaeiralag tha Halt outlook With one acc~rd. they Pa ported egcellent crop pro*peeks. Chevrolet dealers from the fMhPw- Irg points were proaeat: Oaldahsin. Feasua, Rmithfield, PYsmaat. Klas- - too. New Bern, Dual, gWfcggUt« a r 0 * 'A..' » v V