I—’ "V " 1 r WRATHKR Uwal IkiiinKwltm .4u*d»y u 4 - - VOLUME SIX; NUMBER ISI """7 - T‘". -v ",v, ----- ~ r —- - —■ CAROL SAYS HE HAS RIGHT TO RUMANIAN CROWN VesuvltM Quiet After Unumiul Activity NAPLES. Mr. July 30.—UP> Tile activity of Mount Vesuvius sleekened somewhat today after the met violent eruption In 13 years. The Iqll enabled hundred* of tearlste. many of them from Ha ere la the harbor of Naples to «ielt * palate sear the crater of the vol- TkheU for every trip on the railroad up the to ostein during the day ar»r« sold out early this mrhiae. PERKINS CLAN HOLDS REUNION Rn. W. 0. Gone It. Thetf’e ; No Thins ** 100 Per cant American ■ ' .?.■ * - •• .y A * mmmmpapa^m . *,o . T ' ' • .1 * ’ 1\ • * • *:ybfr» le.no auch thine aa 100 per cent Agi'ilon.'' ftev W. O. t'fmv re marked la dUCuasin* thr mattm of g»ne>.ology before the. 300 mnuiKu of the P«rkiaa family gathered aj. Perkin's Spring near ptkevllle for , their annual r'unlpn Mr. „Coa» de silvered the principal address of the day Tb» very term Anglo Saxon. Rev Mr. Cone pointed oaf, Indicated. that twe races Joined In thir beglnnton to . produce the English and that there have bven combine tio.wi and ad. dltiona Iron. other races «vrr allies, o He cautioned being awepi idi<> prld 7 fal attkudds at thmiftbt* of l<H) per cent American lam There «v one per c«ut of to end sdvlce In the Kptecopalla i reoterp talk and M per cent hot wather en fftalnment. Th«P crowd wns delight ed -J- — A '. it.- The committors working under the President of the family organixaUoa, Mrs. George Perkins, had done their duty end the program was rarrtrd cut wlQtopt a break. A picnic dinner waa' net >hd, at noon Kcrniit D. P*rkiua 'w«» chairman of the mtetlag WAYNE FALLS IN GROUP 8 PUllipa Make* Public Game and Fifth Dtotrie 1* of State ’ Under New System 6 » ■■ RALHIGH. J July 30 t/P) Division s os (be state and roun y groupings into iwalvd districts under the dlrec tka of the aewly named deputy game end fish commissioners for the ad* minim ration of the btale game law were made public today bv Wade It Phillips director o fthe Heper ment of Donasrvatlon and Development. Five of the dietricts t llow. gener ally. the limits of the five active forestry district, using the chief forest warden In each of these tor the combined forestry, asm* and fish duties In othtv p«m« or the »Ute where there ere no active forestry organlsatket. «r«4*«l djatkicta were created for the game and fish administration The four chief foce«l warde.irs, C. N Me.an. Black Mountain. dlllßSt No. 1; J. B. I»ng. Nebo. district Np 3: J. A. D. Mrihmnil-k. Bunn Gavel. District No J; and E P, Sitnm ms. Use -MiSmtetiSM .;%: im are atao depnty gam. and fish cwn missionera Ip their districts with the reception of some counties where the game and Mgh work has been neper .led and witere dßS"wlil' jrjjfk ip <oopefatl fl with the. newly named commiasloaer* - Newly created genie and flah dis tricts and the deputy commissioners fdr each follow District No. «—Mr M topes. Char lottc- deputy r«—toikhM>*c, tierg, Gaston. Cleveland. funcnlu. Union. Catawba. Moke. An •eg/ Wotlnnd'Wtid La*. >’ District No. T — W , C Lisk. RrA fteld. deputy coatffttMloner. Rowan. Davida a. Iredell. Randolph. Aiexan , der. Montgomery. Richmond, and Cahhaerwa District No *—-George A. Nlcoll, New Bern. deputy commissioner, Crave*. Johns'on Wayne, w ike. Cart eret. Duplin. Lrwofr.j On alow Pamll ** rr^ M# * THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. f . 3fe I Judge Daniels Discharges Manslaughter Count Under Which 2 Youths Were Held d OrOerM Tkem Held For Larceny otf Automobile and Turned Over to New Hanover Authorities; Rules They Were not Aiding or Abetting in Operation of Car at Time of Fatal Accident Aldore tiagnou .and William Quinn, young men fram Springfield Mitsa. held In Jail here on charges in con nection With the death of Pete Koon ey of Bf»rin«field, Musa . and of J L. Hatcher of M>. Ollre. in an auto mobile accident, festenlay wefe or cared discharged of the charge by Judge Frgak Daniels. Judge Dan iels ruled that they should be held i n a charge of larceny <4 an aut|>mo- I -j bite iu New Hanover cqyinty and turned ever to authorities from this county. Thu >rder by the local Jurbit came after he had hesrd habeas corpus proceedings on behalf of the young wen several days ago In making the court order, he ruled that evld encc sifbffiUTeft indicated that IVtef Hooney. the dead youth, must fftve Imen at the wheel when the accident occurred and that Quinn and Gag non were In the rear seat of the car In which they' were riding Tli*re was no evidence, the court ruled, that Quinn and Gagnon were LEtBVE LEAVES ASK DELEGATES DROUHIN HO'ME TO FARM MEEt Romora Afloat That AmeriranEirtM-(« Will he Maik Form Slate Ha* Broken With Freni ft men Named aa Pilots ■ " '' ~ \ ** PARIS. July ’to -TA*) Talk 1 of dis cord L'-.lnc r.nd Maurice Drttuliln. French filer, wfroti be baa engag'd to pilot the C'-lum-j bla on a return trana-Atl *nllc fllgtl I waa again brought to, ninj u i’ay when Levine departed for hncland and left the pilot behind' 0 as well as’a YFrUht/motor expert who accompanied ni:it in tbe flight to England, said the rnijmhta. rcmaln.-d In her shed becuuie they djd not want' to %lve the place up. nei-cansry hours In tbe sir. Krl«nd* ol Drouhin. however, say the ,plane remained In ih ■■ ,-h»-«l b< cause the Frenchmap refused tn fly h*r and put his foot dnv i cgainst jnnklng any other than te*t fligiit* before ►tartlng the trans-Atlantic bop NO NKTTLKIKNT LOS'ANGUsRR July 30 \A n The llnatu-lsl and family strife at Angc lue temple failed Os selll* niefits 'here late today. The "approach •>( the. evangelletic Almne Remple Mr 1 "her eon to an attorney’* conference re suited Ih the haaty departure or In r mother. Mrs. Minnie Kennedy' >.mt re . potted tentative plans tor agreement] went by the Temple lead- j era. I Drilling Is Still Held Up As Efforts Free Well Go On To The News) (T.iN)ON. July 30 Tuitpy passed with rff'iHn* at <fre TTHitww prospect dm****.’**. crude hit.) Iten cni-ountt red, at)II be- Ins bald up by a n»a< htnery bleak dcw(|. Oj>frsl/r* were at »X*tk. t i meuirt. j Ml grtHM- 1 *** 1 * _a»w* mMh w-Web -*« locale the pipe* of *<-ee+ which Tt*w worked loose from (ha bottom the casing enclosing tb>- hole part of tli* way to Ihr bottom They feltjh*i the new ho-* being constructed -a hook which will automatirally ad -twat ttaetf TwVirr »W trtn ifTve firtap the stool lodged at lb* trot tom and pull It nut Interoat la the well bae ’ nseumed stale wide proposition*, and Hafltpaon through the find, has attrao tod mtire attention than at sttv other time in Ita history Prom all over the state rnme reports oft dec Mod Inter eat. and hundred* of visitor* have been here tlnre th* find *»• an nnnnerd. last Saturday Onldah-ro Wilmington, Dunn and Kavotteville l.gve sbowg the graotoot la to rest, and GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 31, 1927 eonvelllng. aldiug ur abetting Rdoney IP the upeiation of the car when the accident occurred or were in any way resp nsihle for It. Coroners juries had held the young men under charges of manslaughter In the accident. Sheriff W. D Granh upou re ceiving the order fruin Judge Dsnielt about noon yesterday, at once com mint lent »d with the sheriff of New Hanover county The latter reported that he would send a deputy to Goldsboro sometime Sunday to take th two youths lu charge under a war rant charging thelt of an autom tbile Gagnon and Quinn were occupant? of the Hudson sedan which cashed Into the rhcvrolet driven by J. L. Hatcher, of Ml Olive near the Peach Alßena farm shveral ago. Pdter Rooney, also <lt Springfield Mass , and held by Judge Daniels to havo twen the driver of the Hudson, was killed, and Mr Hatcher suffer ed Injuries front which he died Iwo .days later. Mrs. Hatcher paln fulfyr injured. , , Wide Farmer* Onranixation in Ajuruftt. V ■ RALKIGH, July 30 UP) --James Q M Gray, secretary or the state far ctotvec.rufu. Just closed, today 1 * I tested on a statement laaued last night its which he called upon local c fnnmnltles and county organisa tions of farmer* and farm women to send on . representative to a state wide meeting to be held at Btata Gollege Friday morning. August 26 Steps will he taken at this ineetlhg ! to form the farm organisation aakod 1 r by tjjyttti* attending the 26th an 'uual (arm convention Jit at dosed Mr Gray was aaked to serve as temporary secretary of the proposed organisation and he asks all farm organi^xptlons wanting representation ro the committee lo notify him of the names and addresses of auch repre sentatives lu order that all communi cation'' about the proposed meeting •night be sent directly to them. ©> " HIGHWAY HiMXINMIONRK T« ATTBVIi I.AhfforEL^BRAfIDN RIAUEIGy, July 3i»~GFy Frank Page. *jt*te highway commissioner, left'here to*lay for Lake Lure, where Ojffc will attend th.- relebrathn'in-c <n : flection with j>r Htale j Highway No. 20 He will Return lo I hla office Moorish* .. li-ne,.. I . I I . - .y— i , I numbered automobile), from Raleigh C.reenshoro and Inirhiuu have l*een tort-, -- Hurt. m*m*. >m dfIMRfY? sW Jffff iiialoly menu, no one bae b«“'-n found J»bo will Jiatard a gue-.iS' Tlliat there oil here la known. That is in go.»d tdsad- quanUtte* H»-s4c*mylr indicated That "rtrr Ttetd tuajr To- one of the I Rest 1 n The wori JT*l ii die vt ed by the surfaee i(idtna.ionn ilia' led to the hiring of the first well It ha* been pofoled -out by eume that, miner the rurfare Indiiatlou* have proven up In this inktaju*, that they will also prove up TdP the whole, and that yampxon is silting on top of one of the greatest fortunes in the world One of the most* gratifying at most too-go d to be true things tn ronnac tion with the discovery is the gradn) id oil foiinV Pur womb time, those who' have closely studied the tndica tl-ti* here, have . believed that oil, if found, would he of paraflne base and high volatility The samples Trotn well prove this contention, thus put ting the lUmpspn field outside of the Cobtlabed o« Page Six) . . : '-Jr .-A- TROOP SIX HAS I BABY SIGNALER 4 *r ; (ieorjfc Palriek; Mascot of Tr »o;» Receives During Last I)a\ at (amp , (By DAVID UI.ES) Troop No. S, U ldslMi.ru Boy Scouta, > 5 had Its first regular weekly meeting after returning from camp, on las; Friday night. About nineteen Scout: were pfeeent. ami the acoulmakter atn assistant scoutmaster The meeting was opeued with th* Lord's Prayer, this being folliwed by by a short and very ItHercstlnyt tall , by W W. Itivwr*. our scout wiecu live, who dropped in to say- hello Jit- complimented tho tr.u*p ->n bavin, ’so many members in Uu- tumor trib of Kunleh. Troop t>, iurnlsh«s tei out of the seventeen members o! 'hts h.nor tribe ol Tuscarcta conn , ell. f Our scoutmaster then compliments' us on the record hlat the troop mad. while, at camp, taken oH honors ir field water spo'ts while therj* and tying with Iro p No 1 tn th* number of mint badge* passed (here Troop No fi has the distinction ot haying the youngest signaler in thl» l>»4t of the country, and probably iu the enfiry c >untry Little Georgr Patrick who la the mascot ot the. troop received for Ills tribe at llii lust Hold day of camp and came in 'econd George is Just ten yeari old If he keeps this up smiiehotly belter watch nt He placed second with all those older Hcputf In comp«jtl«m wlfh Wilr Because onr senior patfol leader Ve signed- hednee ehnspt tbeWvwop end scoutmaster was hnrd put ti find .•nother scout to bold down thr Job. It wed not because jof the scarcity of fhaterial, bnt because of the excess of material. There were several toys in troops G*m would make good senior patrol leaders, wnd after h gfeal deal of worry and though Mi, Pale picked George Kdwards from the crowd, and with the MJtcnxal (£4fce entire troop,’ he was proutnneed sen Ir.r patrol leader Edward Kviin. wa« elected scribe of the Irony , Edward is a hard worker ind we think that, a hetter scribe could not have tieeu picked. TTl'-r pledied as a «!• to aland hy these new officers means that the old troop, whleb is railing on Ihe wines of glorv will continue In. sail, and to still higher peaks a* yet unseen. We had three new members come Into onr troop Yast l-Vlday night. Th« scouts are pleased with the new ditions. and we all tielleva that they will make excellent numbers of troop No , Henrv Idles is getting UfS share cf Jilt' glory lie la ihe bill, Essie of the f'ouocU. Henry passed his, Ksals test Ihe week of ramp Henry Witt i-1 he Ihe hihv long though because Kdvar B«ln, l,»«v|d Bland and Edward Evans ore Ip n rrelfy close race .to se.. who will he the nejJ on» on JunaliiHka Debt Mav Soon be Cleared Nom* LAKE JUNAU’BKA July 3t> an Hops that th« “unprf< era If pnisperlty." iitain which th.' B.iulhc -i., Methodist a-vmldy launch ed may result ate.n m the ti<iui‘atlon of the d*dd of about Ido IMIO , pp it , frlsVfi ■ rt-r Irtpr:' Whs " .o * •iT< It" Mi «kef ~Wfc<T.*i * *rs here "inlay The view was advam ed that thi v might he accomplished in Mine *o tT >' : * f'. ibt’jMUSi jaiit ~U' aha Me . tbort'si K|ti :fli^i tl . bat.uii ' 11-—. to.l 1 -—. to. j?- th» next general < i.nferaocv, Su opti mJstlt wir the i oiiirmsataa*'- >n this score th tthey tlx-d s 4a> in Atu gust. lf»4N for Ti jubilee inevting to celebrate the "craalon , L i -1,, n-r-r r ~ v t ■ vir ■* lOViHTION 01 MMKtll.lM- , VOI’TIf IVI HAM.ED TODAY FLOKHNCE. July :tu wA’* ( "iidl i tkm of w. w Krgisler In ot Dar i lingtou who suffered a broken neck tn a swimming pool near here July 13 ' was practically unthanAerl t >d*y It ; was said he spent an tiflrvufufortable i nlglit with labored breathing and a weak irregular i nlse. He U conscious i moat of the time exhibiting - neither tsar not anxiety, a — ~rr”z4 7~ 777 7 . Paris Say 8 Hips Are i Stylish, Knees Not PARIS, July *« 0»»t Knee* are to go into eclipse next winter and" * waistlines will Ire worn and hip* have been reinstated . „. This bulleliu from lbs sinilumr of the drese makers »her* win-! ter fashions are being shaxfn to buyers to the ' United States 1 may have an Immediate effect up £U the white bread and pastry con sumption of the #orld. If women fallow Parts, curve* will be worn again without apold gy Dread and pototoeg fit right in ip tile more femetilne ckuipiigu which includes everything con- % i»ct th tile Fashion trade 11 from italr go ds to jewelry, Short hair t# threatened if not actually dooEed. by the fashion makers Now that ruffles are back wi h ail they aUtnd for. almost ■\nythmg may happen In The world" of style 1 OPERATORS GET CASE CONTINUED Several I’rincffik-p in S«n«psofi Oil DrillinK Experiment are Implicated IT.INTON. July 30 % Because Mi KeQtcr. * !<► "f the defeiidanl* wtio ia ihaijfed Jonitiy with Maaara. Orr. dm kmt tn« M'tocjtry. oil well *eo here, with Aiding, and aJxtUtag *h the p>nuifT»tiure of whiskey reauliing from iht CHulurv 3f a a-tL hundred yard from the hempvtn county esperlmenUl ?il well, v.n* ar,seat fr ra the trial to day o- g" tn c( aickne w, Solicitor f A ; Powers, as Kmston. reiquesUd hu the hearing Ih- continued until Thursday or uiinr the missing defend ant Is wrII enough to attend. Jiistli c «f th«<sl*eacß George 1, Peterson before, whom the warrants were sworn uuL waa relieved of the <-aoe today by the defense counsel nod he recommended M K Brill, J . t i hear the proceeding* . . Ketner la repre*entecr - Byj! fit 'ohttw.n, Jr., while Messrs Orr. luck son aad Wherry, are represented by At'orneys Duller and Herring and Henry K. FNiUon. ff- H—'Trump ler atid W, 11. Fisher are aiding the proneeutiou The di/feflse c*nrnae] oiiiend* that the three defendants who were present wore entitled tu a hearing hut Jusftc Hrl't ruled In favor of the Htate and the c4MK! wo* l <ontlnued until Thursday. - V 0 ! HTKVKVMOV TALKS IMHANAPOLIM. July 3» <A*> l>- < Htepheneon. "talked" for five >■ hours, today Into Just what phaaes t, f the complex Indian political cor rupl-nu MLifuii > his converaatioa with me six county g and Jurors t I him U u mutter that ' nly thtt *ecE: ' „orfirlsl record could lllimunwl*. but it kny rate he talked Having don*' he Kalkinir «>trh be threatened for a year to do, be was whisked hack t» the <"ll at Mulligan i'lty, wlmh he*' is . n hiintc tn him since he was <"n . r victe.l of mun'er 2" rnoiiAU* sg" ' Five Wayne Verterans Plan Attend Raleigh Reuniop ... i . " '-d i Ci ■i y liing Is in featlinesa f->r Tr.' , SO" 1 gomes' »it ’kb*. ] and August 3 and t. Tuesday, Vted I pnulay and Thursday. next week, ac JmMm*. <*• .»e.4> ■bswr,, him tabes -iM.nutn —e-f--tita*l'tt*. otter-—, in i of .t »rmltoty ariaiiyi-menU and otiitf matters there. five Warn* tMBly. yeleraps hnrr non ted their Tntrntion <rf going tn Raleigh for the reunion according » .is—K Ut4t.iu. .tionil»e*-l*-»—C-tU* fa tal turn "Vop..hat *« as* going to tie *r«-presented." he said yest» nlay attar an***. j fmmadlately Upon arrival In 11*1-^ 1 eigh the veteran*-will !>•• taken tjf in j the lrains by the reception committee to Pullen Mall, Htate College, where ! they will he registered * inLJisslaned i tr rooms In the college dormitories. The receptr n tom in It 'or has re* t|U*nt«d that no veteran leave tha ata i fifin', esccpt unt)cr the guidance <rf . some meatier of his committee. I , Stewart KoNcrtHon, professor of I j- I- Should Rumanian People j Address An Appeal To i Wonld Heed Their Repetf 4. " J f.j Director of Budget , *y * i && . Is, sis H mmam* ] C \ . . . : Vlt * ' IZssr |. * n • • , u - U » wa *■ U*/ Os the Vatiwaal Budget, wka aUJ Im» our of the speaker, gs iXf Institute as Public Affaire a! the l alrerslty mt Vlrghila. at I SarletfdstlUe, beglaalng Aao*t h. Gewerg] Lerd kas Mea direr, tor as Ih* budget slew duly 1, I#INL_ . Lou Gehrig Bests Big liabe in Homer Race 1 , "a.i .ii.i —■ —•- NEW Y«»HK. July »-(jFF- Lou Gehrig displace Hebe Ruth as bona tun leader of the majors today hjr rnppmir~oul a pulr of four baggara. uunfbere 31 and 35, off. pitcher Brown la the first game of the Yaakeea -xith the Indians. Ruth was on base by virtue or e free pass Vvbsu Gehrig mad? his tntail slash la the fifth inning None waa on base at the tiata of the low In tba eighth. Ruth lost more ground since at this < <>i responding d In hla record season, he hud connected for 4g hhmurs ugulnst 34 to his credit to date AI THOR OF NSW HA RIM AGS I.AR IN FIRNT t l hffflMEß . UIH ANGKLF.H. July 30 UP) - M»- remhlyman Geo Itocheaier, aath >r •Jt the Mew slate law requiring con fie* to file notice of Intention to marry three days before issuance of the marriage license, was the Drat ustumer at the lt»-en*e bureau when •tin* Ve«M • Into effect Rocheeter 1 will wed Miss lad* W. Mi Em min ofr I Panaduaa lonmiiii'Uv at state will he In charge .as Uv- catinli uiha. aid. * ill ba -aaaU r VJ ..{™ 4. "3 f e y- 1 V’J wtttiT and bny sctnitg; After In ins ragistered, the vetar abs will be assigned to their rooms by ISuutenawt K ,i»_ and “v~Ttm.-irf« them by the. boy sr«uli*ob guiy., ' r - ~ Tit*- r»> in ntlbor of each veteran wUI lie pinned to hie lapel in order u-. arald- autfuitwu..... . : . :J The feitjrans will lie quartered in the d emltoßog jne.tr Pullen Hall. ■ viki> gli the mwrtmgs vrtH-bu twit■' ■ AJ4 ito-ui- wilt he served Hi tttbtb Collette dlnnlg hgU The capital * ity as well a# State College Is planning hi open Its hear# '"t- the veterans. A large number of nUixena are serving on the vartou* ri-mniltlees. and working with the college officials to make the reunHm a great, success Vn addition, practle oily -every car owner will display b pla< artl rending. "Veterans. ThU I* Your Car ” signifying hia willingness to take any veteran unywhere be I want* to go in U* uty. Member ol The ABBociated Pmrn PRICE FITE CBMIB —” t - - • t " * StalMßMt AutkifM ky EMI* MAYS RKNUNC IATION WAS FORCED ACTION o Has No ißtontioo ol FmooUmr Any AfUoUoo * Hit Native Lwtf , ■■ . * ■tr ' | Y FARM. July M.- UP) taw Otowa Prince Carol as RuomMa lo formed the Associated* FtNMH Intaj~ that h. still aniatalaa Mo taifftay Carol, through aa authortged egdut. nunciation as tka thr«p« watch »o January 4, l»*g, aa a toroad aetioa. H* *"'?s•*** MmaaW aMiborMed At ie ’clock thin the tile* phone raag la Urn Parhr aMae of th# waa given th* follewlag jpnpMOfh: k; "Prlace Carol of RuaihOlk author* i**» us to dtolaro tlwt |||g letter as reuaoigtloo of the throw algaed hg him a roar aad a half (tga -Wo lai rircumetaaroa aad !Nh moat of gitFfhft datalla. no IW*aUoa of provoking any agita tion la hla ceuatry, hut ha *■ ta*h*r aad Rumaaiaa ha hah the Tight aoff nuty to' safeguard aad toSratoh war hie aatioa He coosiders hfOWK Iff have personally lo |RMWvOoft and will mania aa argpht' gatrtatla aad Rumaaiaa whoee only Mat lo he useful to hie pawMry. » Hhould th* Raotaalaa affoM» *d* drees aa appeal to hlah M aolleew it woald ho hla duty to ohdjr Mat command' ImmedifUly upon recHft gs this telephone commuakatlau. tie AMi « dated Press duu.aadad aoff NhM vc Gs leal toe of tho annouaodawi suprelie otbt TO BEGIN SOON Wake ( oo»ty Rood Coro WW Got UaMhao) AtUotieaL la n MipiVWl v&mmmmmt KALMIOH. July n m court oplnioa days wR| bafffg (a ao cther month aad with Ug koay rout ine there euada out. aa leaai, a agftd run. The «rgka coaaty eoamOMatooere hare brought salt against the MaAe highway commkaku. Bhftrglw Jiff* the rommiaaioa noted aa aa to guff - * ><Am t* - The county ewuMMin soak to restrain the comaalaMoa truftMahtog ever three roa4M which tho ftEoaffO* N. A Rladalr. The suit ia tka first to M made in the courts of IMT tegkdallMl which waa oaaetw rotiawWg the ae ttoa of the supreme ooart la ffaoyhMl to the hihgway goodp . ~ rr tit ' nTT-i ~ - liwfv the Inciatloa of mods tfieouffT tha town of Newfoo. J ’ • The eouaty commieslooetrs tha eoM* Sqiiasion has disregarded the tive clause la the IMT reod iliftill lag: "Thai tha state highway MWadO* «ion shall w-wt la rnanraltak wffff the rood governing’ body «t the eohw tiee and In their iaapeeQeu Ml MU’ eral districts In the layloc 005 iff thaag mads, always lookalg.Mtar thMhIMW -at »f both eouaty aodaMa toljltta to 4 ,!, h -

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