, WEATHKB Lml ttufcntwtn Tuesday and 0 WJ",„ ,-a- i, ~ "i s—- VOLUME SIX; NUMBER IS* „ POSSE SURROUNDS ALLEGED ATTACKER IN NASH V j Legless And Without Arms, Hamlet Boy Is Marttik ' * J * Young Girl Was Carried From From Her Room in Sheet As She Slept and Rape Attempted *• * - .1 ■ I ■ I■! V, . •» * Ctrl Awake Ptm* Sleep. Fourfit Off AUnMr mm! Hurried 4 To THI Story NEGRO WAS CAPTURED BUT LEAPED PROM CAR; RAN Naak Deputy Pears Violence ia Casa Accused Maa Is Taken Duriflf Night •% NABHVILL*. M. Aagu.t *— (AV-Dnllevoint that Tom Bradshaw, acero, who ia allege* to have at tacked a IS-year el* girl new Bailer, early Sunday mornlna. ia hiding ia a woqda aear Bprlagbope. officers and aererel hundred mob tonight had aurroundod the aeotlon. They ware beating the aaderhruih in hopes of taking the negro, deapK the (act that a heavy rain (ell lata today and the outdoor work woe diaagreeable. The gherifl and his deputies were at the nan heat scene la caee of vtoleaee, which they feared, would be wrought upon the negro If captured. Every effort will he made by ofttoera li get the aegro to aafety io oaae be la tehen. the oehrlff said. rundhta found Bradshaw , this morning In a deserted heuee near a lumber camp at Sgtley where he had] a topped, trying to rid himself of Me handcuffs, ppPLth were placed on ' bin whea arretted Suaday. He escap ed thee and at the luinbor camp m j. k). iiaiji einiinl u AgAru 1 IRthK}, Os Iplnl wOitwu. einucii srvwini abate fired in hte direction and dtt *wtth Woddhound*. he wj|» thie evening UVlckX Pond 6 miles •south of Spring Hope, hut , the trail wee loot when apparently he entered the water. Thopnelrlcnrnlng again of a pi sslble location of Bradshaw, tonight returned • the the chase wlth every tndlco»l<m that the tpareh would continue. WILSON. August I -Nash county authorities are searching fk>r Tom v Bradshaw, aegro. who las« Saturday night attempted a criminal aiuek ot> a 11-year old daughter *4 Paul Karp, white farmer who resides about 4 mile* from Boiler The negro was trailed by blood bounds secured front Smith field aad was ruptured aad taken Into custody by an offlcor from when ha aaoared while euroolc to the County Jail at Nashville No tfdfce of the bach has been iound alhee he escaped. handcuffed “end bareheaded from the officer, but (rifle** are uondudSng a dlllffcnt search throughout the entire county * la an effeort to apprehend him. Os flcara ia this and several adjrialng counties are also the lookout for the maa. ~.. ' Hr port* resrhlnr thir itrr l<> the effect that Bradshaw went to the Bnrt'TDnfie la» Saturday night, picked ap the eleeplng girl from her bed In a sheet aad carried her off to the weds. - The girl awakened aad v wad ftlghteaad. She screamed for ’ I elp and t«of[ht off attack of her nsaailadt who hilled to accomplish |g 1 * Masing feme her awgre cmpiag ah* fled from the woods and told us Jhe attack. Officers' were notified end a telephone 1 Tthhesage frvn Dmlthfelld hrourht MMhouhda u> the quickly, YMthtpuada were put oa the negro’s we* ceptueed hy n crowiT o\ ettlaens and officers and was turned over to Constable . Walter Boswell, who started off for the Jett at Nashville with hho. BhftWtc t fi the tail the ««W. vtoppa* hie ear for a moment and the negro, who waa handcuffed, leap ed from the vehicle and fled into the darkness The officer told of the •■reaps and blood hounds wore preened Into sArvioe again hut they were tired and worn out (mm their first chase sod refused to trail the block. Officers then started the man knot (Continued of page firel / - V , , . ; ' '%> -~ • ■Ak ■ -A-J-ai,. . -M \ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS REAP IN THE MORNING WHILE MINOS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. —~n » ■" 1 - , q ' ■ ' ' « ' ~ m T ' """l • * , ' CITY FATHERS HOLD MEETING May Giv* Additional Lota at Willow Dak By Abolishing Unused Drives Tlie p.oeiblllty or creating a num ber of additional lots ia Willow Dale • i melon loomed last evening with the appointment of a committee from the city alderOieu to Investigate need cd Improvenieou et the cemetery. It is thought that additl'wal lots may be made by abolishing a number ot small drives now laid out ih the een>*- tafe hut relatively unused for traffic Matter of better drainage and ptber improvements will also be considered Families living 'between the city limits aad Oteandor avenue In Edge wo d will get the benefits of the regu lar ctly collection of garbage under s’ favorable report made py a com mitten to the hoard last night. There wUI be a charge of Rtf* per family ter year. peyaUf segH-ganually in The committee repotted to Investi gate the feasibility of paving Center street for a tew blpcHa approcahlng Ice plant decided not to recommend the paring ju«t now T*hla report was made because It was indicated that other paving msy be coptrucjpd tor within the not distant futnfe and It would be cheaper to contract for both projects at on# time. Federal Division Os * Markets Busy Place KALEIGH. August I—(A*)—The Kecrnl Division-«f Markets, cooper urine with the stain department of agriculture, in a busy one. Ocorge It Rose, bead of the dlvl-, slow hcret says the division has re quested right along lo take on extra work. Especially" l» this true from the vtufiHoM !u the state, grrwers of pecans the honey dealers and the breeders of seed. „ Progress, to reported for the standardisation <f egga The work la now well under and hy next fall aad winter a great deal ahould be accomplished. This wprk was greatly facillated through a revolving fund oiada hr former gover aoc Morndna and Mr* Gomoraon Morrison. , Murderer of Fremont Boy , Dies Tomorrow For Crime r . i _ **s~sssgmmmm. -» -- ———— Unless a laiti minute clemency «r-1 Governor Mellon la all that run save liar from Governor Mr lit an i*»m him] Urn negro,***- , George Kratik Hateniore. negro, will He *(und* convicted Tor a« revolt tomororw pay with hla life (or bar i nR a crlnir an ihla section of the in* taken the life of 15-year old „tatc ha* known for yeaca.r LfJUrtng Gordon Yelrefton. son of Bauk* Tel* Wllltamrioo on a, load of lobar go with verton,, of Fremont. the Yelverton hoy. he la thought to Mr Yelverton told Th<* News yea bare enticed the. young fellow Into 1 WkMj aftevwomi that We wit* get**. 'YU* -dwOßa nut far fton* tffraftalfle.' to Raleigh lodar hul lui. did not Hi- Ahathim Utrmtah .Mt Jft tend If. Wltnena tin . ne. iitton He hOdr„jj* a rhimß of tunfirk, *od l aid he would be a«< ompanleil to dr-ve Into Karmrille and ao'd the Raleigh by D-. B. Peacock of Kre- tobacco • . men l He Wat Wed that the latter - ttc never ranir -for-Ytar trtaecb*""for I iroald OBire to witness \he *aecu» Ihe tnbsi'c \ sssricioua of the wane 1«w - ' " U'"' home men harstog bean arooa»4 Baaemore wa|a twice con r let ad of The body of youo|g Yelverton wea Wt r,n * murdered the voting Fre-1 not found for many houra after the moot boy The* first llm the Bampeon murder la auppoaed t-» have lieen court granted him a nvm trial ba- commit leU t ntmtr Jirdgt Buck had alßiftddr;.lSit -. Bn lagans*- -aaaa captured *o«*E*t. I clerk of court receive the rerdlel from day* after the Iwwiv found and the jury Judtfc f'ranme.r *lu Girdena waa identified aa the negro seen. •>* » county court several month* 1 ago leave WllMamaton with the boy and > passed aentenced the aecond lime, the teen on the truck with hlni a abort jury baring f ond a flrst degree distance from where the bdy waa I diet Paul Frissell. of Snow Hill, at- located. He haa been in "Death Row" I torney for Rassmor*. gave notice *of for aix moat ha. and bis eierntloa to appeal after Judge Cranmer’a sen- morrow will leave the death houae t trace, but tkbi appeal haa never been with the fewest Inmates It baa had In perfected and ■ commantatlpß fn*W aeveral years. : 1- -■ ...■ .yeja: =l= GOLDSBORO, N. CTUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 2. 1927 o" t , I * .■ JUDGE HAYES HERE SUNDAY \ Recently Appointed Federal Judge Win Fill l»ulpit at, Flint Baptiat Church Th*. sermon by Dr. J. 11. tfbrrell. <«f Wake Foreot. at the First Haptist church Bcnda> inonriag la the find of a series to be preached by pn»m- Inooi layman of the state while Rev A. J. Smith, pastor. Is away on his vacation. Judge Jobaston J. Ilayes of North Wilkesboro will preach next Sunday morning at 12 o'clock and on August 21 Aoaociate Justice 'W. J. Brogdeu of tht North Caielina Supreme Court will ha beard. No evening service* will be held duriqg the BMftb. Judge Mayes was named by Presi dent Coolidge to the Federal b”nch when a a«w Federal court district waa r«eaat ly created In North Caro. Ilna He was the Republican candi date for aeoator against Kcnator Blniiuons. and wntle on hia campaign ddllwred an addiess In Goldsboro. He la a graduate of Wak« fNirest Col lege and ia regarded as one irf the best speakers In the state. Dr. Oorrell'* sermon Sunday was well received by a large congregation Many Wake Forest alumni, who aa students learned lo love Dr UtlCrell. acre; among thoav greeting him aJUir the sorvicn. SAVES MAN FROM DEATH IN WATER GUqrie Parker of Goldsboro Res ’ cues Drowning Fayetteville Man at White Lake An tber death might have been add jtd Sunday to the list of nuntmer ((rowings in Norih Carolina had It not been for the timely sli of George Parker, employee of the Handley Motor C vupr.ny. He to » man at While loike and succeeded In keeping hie "head above •vater until other swimmers and aid in pulling the man to the shore r The Favcttevlllc fmnn. who was re ported to have Wfs playing «lth s ballqunk.s distance from "bore and Itu* yards at least tr*nv cny of the safety lowers, ft® was suddenly overcome, and sinking call for help. The. Goldsboro man wu lhe first tn reach his aide and foupd him In a serious Keeping the Fayetteville man afloat, spent vllh cxgpi sr ;and hcloleaf . Mr. Parker kepi him from drowning until other batherr, could arrive assist tn getting him to shore.. ~„ •Platted ih bis .automhhile. It- was eeveral hour* -before the Fayetteville , n*an entirely recovered EXTRA STAPLE ~ IS CONSUMED —W ■ v‘ l Got Hejler Say* Huge ( rep Cot ton Year Has Been Entirely Abtwrbed HKW UHLFtKH. tug. I,—(A. I*.) The grrategl ruusumplioa us American rutlwa »ter recorded was announced here ludaj la Ike annual ratios cau-uuipllon report »f NecCelsr) Hettri Hester, as the New Orhei* t dttan Exchange.- T|m tatal caasaatptiaa at Ameri. can <alt«a la the world far the „ year ending jakterday waa eat P at tMSMtm kies. The world coasnaipUaa so* before had reached I'JNWJMR Wale*. NouLheni rdUgapUri, lamad lag Itaters, sl»a brake cxlstmg records being MiIJWI bales, «W,lb-> ware lhaa lasi year i.vd 1 ' IJiUIJt;.! wore than the year be fora tkaC Secretary lie.ter mid that Ike world hod taken ilrtaally all of Ike American cotton it can Id get, Hie cowsumpth**, be ddd. has pratstkaUy ahiitßhfd UHf greal reap of the last year whea Ih,- |IHI IMMI LIGHT SESSION COUNTY COURT Lonnie Bl*ttw Mu»t t)olt Driv ing Car For Ne*t Three Moot Km or Go to Jnil Though the docket waa unusually light, 'aut-’-frrMif'th and liquor still featured In Judge Bland's coun yes terday. tannic Mtpv«iis will quit ffilvtng sli aiuomohile for the next three months or go to the roads for three month*, and in either ov'nt hr will pay a tine of »6o and costs for reckl»s* driving Judge Bland, decided ' o Lloyd Grady of Ml. Olive will ,pay S6O for transporting whiskey and hr will behave himself from now on or go (O the - roads for four months as well aa pay the fine William Grantham. negro, was found guilty of- abandonment and non.support. Whm It had been 1Y ranged that he pay S4O htr tbr oar of the pranrcullng wltums. and make provision for the upkeep of the I the court held in abayanc* a (wrier months sentence on the roads. m ALLEN IS NAMEDON BOARD i i ' Ijmil Attorney Ih Sworn in Ah Member County Hoard of Kducntiom William K. Allrn. hunl allot n*y; lircmoe-.H a member of the Wayne comity board of education and 1 E 1 Kelly of Mt Olive, long a member of the lioard tmisnc* chslrniiiu. it whs ' pgMd plgtwrdar at the regular firai Monday meeting. Prior to Lhorcalljng liqteth*c-wf*the b-wrd. Mr, Alleu had been notified of his selection, accepted, and was sworn In hy Clerk of CpU6 J. It 1 Hooky He was present and took part 1 in the subsequent consideration of the j) AW«* ** best known young liiwycr* of the tl'y. » fntotn (ri the Lratacetaity ot North IWslßii ; aT.'.v.*-' — His dlei iu>n fills (lie vseancy * crested In the reslgnetioiii of A II Cdgerloo IMS the hoard. Mr Kj'U' mum. ialactud as rliairmnpyof - the ”] HJHfirif , i " ..„ tJ . Mrs. J. 1). IsangHton Ih Honored by Mcl^ean i ... ..sdsa-VM^—Be-LdikOimt 'li*a been I nominated aa « director tn the Aftan i tic and Carolina railroad by Governor l W. Mi |y-sn s telegram receivad I -orf.rdar from C-vernor hy i Mrs. Laagaton Mrs. la re ' nueste«L to attend a meeting of dkr • odors <>f the railroad to he iteld In t Murehead t:ity, Thursday August 4. i The upm I nation esine-aa complete , urprlse to Mm. Lena stop. o ".A - d! .A-W— r —.--.ritre—'ft.Xt: r RECOVERING | IN HOSPITAL Three Injured When Cunt Crtuili In PrinreUMt Safurdav Nifkl J. I* Htallidgi. ‘of Kinston, badly injured in an nutomohlla nncidanl u<wr Princeton Hunday night, will be able to leave the Goldsboro 4 Hospital today, k was expected at the howpHal yoaterday .L. K. .Stallings, his eon Kunnon. 11. and daughter. Ruth, 12. of Goldsboro, were slightly Injuied in the ilmt accident, but not, to such an extent «fe IS warrant their confine ment In a hospital. The Kinston Diallings suffered three broken ribs, an Injured arm. nhd ruts and bruise* about the body. " * The Goldsboro Stallings w«rv «n route home and gave a lift to n man on the highway. It turned out that be too was a Stalling*, from Kinatoa. The latter was caught und'r the car wli*u It wne hH hy n vTondnler driveh by Woodard, young man of Kenly. at a ntreet cronnr. la wis Sun incth. Goldahorti rlliken. passed the point of (ha ooeldent abont the tim, It occurred and rushed the Injured to the local hospital DEATH CLAIMS PERRY JOHNSON H«nrirc« for Popular Ymbr Ft*- ' utont Man Held Yester day Afternoon IHpecihl to Thd Newel * FREMONT. August l Funeral *nr yire* were held thin afternoon over the remains of Perry Job noon, popu Inr young tpim of thb. aitjr. died In • a hospital In Goldsboro on Sunday afternoon. A great crowd of friends was tn attendance at the luncrnl Service* «W»re held from the Union Vree Will Haptist church near here and tntermont wee in the family huryngi ground u*arbir Mr Johns n. who hifl engaged In the bar I ter business Are. in survived h> hi* widow and ooe child. There are several brothers and slaters living between Goldsboro and Pinknay. Taken 111 with stomach trouble’ about two weeke ago. Mr. was taken tn a Goldsboro hospital Sind a major op«’ratlofl pcrf'fwwl as lasi resort He failed t > rally after ihc slunk and the end came Just after n-on Sunday. L - Many KIINI off Kla«bl Island ■* TOKYO. Aug, I (A*> Twenty of ficers and men wcr« killed or wounded during naval maneuvers off Kinjisbl |sii< nd this morping ia th« > «plosion of three min** i i—*■ *"■ *»—'!!L * ,Bl **"* Eight Thousand Complete Vaccination For Typhoid Wijlt eight I h«uh«ii(l Wayne rnun iy people have r mplcted typhoid vae ilniWirm* In Wayne gouny thla acaaon. the Wayne county l>ourd of haalth ta n<fc with the Vccord hut la reucwlng the campaign to Intercut all tinvacelnated in tjie county t > Hc.t now to protect them intfmm from theidtampu- .*■/.*-* I>r h. W Corbett, health nfftrer, IX3 n HIT Biff Hff* * wl aUodtfea 'to tS* itipidoihTi now raging in wwiU-m county anil made it f iiat that thow driving from poln* to irotut by ant niohile or planutag * vacation should-labe- dnuhle -tw»- caution* lo prolcc i ike mauler* The mtrmrnt by Ur Corbett follow*: The hculth department wii-heaptir laaue a warning to all vacattoolet. uintorlitU and uUur,r futk* mho ride, -trainr W'tW AW«> water he^anti there and yonder. Take yonrv typhoid vaccine now, better t»e ease than aorry TyphoyiJ gerroe lurk hy the billion In thous > end* of upeuapected pool*, spring* -nrl other watering nfrcea He perm ■ei eltred at thla office »how the whole male la having more typhoid thle veer then In the peat aeveral fear* | M'wt of the dlaea*** a.em* to *»* In ' -' r ;r. . ‘ r»=*-.-jvrvi-rl r A e —-rzrt afrTrirfrfci Goldsboro People Here Hbw He Is Overcoming Handicap Existing Since HI fiirtl MANAGER SILK MILL ARRIVES . j I’lnnl Will B* In (ftpntiM by Oci*b*r 1: PtmiwcU 0e Brifht ' The Goldsboro ArUsUc Marrow Web Company, maaafnetufora of ■ nilk uoveytes. braid, brand labola and the like, will hwrdty begin operatl ns be for October I. it waa learned yeater dsy. Machinery In the plant, located near the notion fit or age Warehouse. H now bring InaUlled under the dir ection of r. Reeks. Jr., geneml manager Between now sill bg rag ul red. it tn hnllevnd. to laatnll the forty (out looms, end Tteae” them Into Oral class operating condition. Labor *lll bn employed from CH|j<g lioro sources to operate the pi not. It wan said Mr. Zecha ban far years been dm c«cf«d *Hb hi* tgiber H the affix novelty bueiaoee In New Hampshire end ratsiue an l«t*rest in two pinnu st Keeiie. Nr* Hampshire If the ptnwt here pnyw ns It should. It wan Indicated that thane two plants guy he moved to Qoldeboro The forty four looms which will bn placed la operation hem on about Oct her t, were loom* which the New Hamp shire companies bad tn etoqk, bwt for whieh they war* unable to M* cure employment to operate. Mr. and Mrs Xeeha arrived .1* .(• Idsbom late Saturday afternoon, having made the trip hy automobitg. Mr. Zooks visited la Goldsboro to survey the eltiMfiloe hern several months ago and waa favorably im pressed. Mr. and Mrs. Zeoha barn taken s home tn Rdgewood. On the way r uth, Mr. Zecha waa quoted as saying, opportunity wan had to book enough order* for the product of the mill here to tab# M* entire uotput for several months, bad the mill been in position tn other ita goods Immediately. BRADFORD, FA.. AI It POUT % MbMED ISMr.IT ntus HflAproilD. Pa -Surveying of a •e»e for the newest airport tn Pena xylvania Is under way under the dlr >»cflon of Mnj. John Stewart It will .be known as * "tP***** t 0 fornwilly upm »bortly. the weatern section of the atate, hut new e.aaea are help* reported every day and r.ii id meant of travel noar ateilahle. our pjod r'oeda, our exour rione, etc. may mean that the die* rhae will be still further broadcast. Wayne county up to the preseat 4'iue hue hud 14 cases of typhoid since t«K rtf** tin*, a# 'hmmr fed mr duMng the aamevperiod are had 34 ras w*;- This in icnt' and Ta a rcflceiion from till* vaccine given during the past sever ’ .. . 3 : Thla guuniter atenit twenty-four Ihotwwnd doc* cf rarrtne hare been given ip Wayne couaty. about etght thousand completed the treatment and others ar4 coming in et the present t me " TtuuMC who w*~ -e«4eg -off «n pie ' >Tcn, ’ vaeairnT err'7 wiff Ilij wall "2 they would consult their family phy ricien aa to niewna and methods of making doubtful water ufi, far hu mail consumption Pumps and well* • hat have never before been suspect ed upon examination are so metises 1 ! t mid to In- a little better then ceea | i*x>t* Aguin. Inks year vaccination before the undertaker comes around \ . The Aaaodated I Press 1 ■ ■' rv-ssrrcasl raaiDYioM ' DM i® was born wnXotrr umb AND WrrHMTT LIFT Alii X- --- I.fa i Uk«s Water aad Di viv Prawtea at WMte Uikt; Craw# T tem lagleea aa* wlthete a Ml Mm. Richard Mllbure. mm te Mr. «* *>#. Richard HUtera te Imik, at Mb# yearn or mt« t# tenter adrtaasd rwt diitfiaa aa# )ia#m »eewi pllshmaata white ami* • ter te BMr Sk_ tlm* from • deer Hal pier Ma tt» water *ad reoo##r hottlaa M the l 4 ton. diaptayiag • "Pit ret am M» body which «irn«niW, Melted w M her# wlthoat laga atf. with only i aiMfi l«ft am IP •*w mi *■ p*nootrv wiv*! wmmp deal red OB «b* pl»r k| giaafag m th* plaaklag UA wtth tel* tea yff& miM hi* aan ia *• #4«*j, Abates cortfaliy at a vote! t# the tedar wpbf war# Tin* attar Man. h* repeat#* th* ptrfamaaa# . N. otter child at «• a«# at IP ~ M« *m bora «teA w«*r." #aid Ml tatter la dtewi#ite« th# bay- "P# 4pl f not atari to achate belli M waa **tbh. Mow ha la Mb# ate ti la tea fowflb grate. That la two gladly a y*er. jfhfc *W. I hr* te«Mt #d tea eahate #*£ ao It lapaey to g*t hlai ta Ma Maaate. tteaq mart P Mm Mm «gP jtet wish that yea teaM ate teate* the work h« does. had I aa ate Jap .aria, tfcla teceea* te U tey MjP ’’A* aooa *a ha hte oom#t*tM «M high school. tea state will taka vm aad edaeau hlai te that h* will be tlilrd the atata doctte, ha* atmteyb#. gaa to talk to hi* A#*t tttap WbMA h * ♦ twenty or moth bp la white be aNpt nia ba A 1 Ivtete ** •% l 4 ’ vl^ "'*** * . |r Tteß*_.. , ,jr- — j. —JafL Richard'* dlrlqg taeU. tee tete (niuM* faarlaaanaa. which te abap ed. caused crwwte to githar and con tinually thtea WUP ahaUxnaUoas te surprise ate aawapaat tea* *4K . without I age aadf only aa* am coadd 'haatea* «*##» mp be dbts-- -r : - : '5 • v * When I ate »(■% Mb# that date , , . _ ,44, ,m, * d( unyself at aot Mtfc, aay tetter atel than l sm." said s Bladaa utapW tamer who had saOUh«d. hlgil|a< JP boy disporting himself la. th# water. otter than Mteari. be la a •# " farmed boy wMbout a pkykmi delate. M'dlcei *sar«ta aay that tea of a child wteote br ap .. ooe arm Jb atawiltyly fbf*..M . -records te tea aabaaa Jf ' iRVEMTHun nn»» iiwuoc RAUnOW. Aagaat SS' l oawty tear! of i i.immtestnaara al Morgaatoa or tte msaihf tow number te coate 41 tyfbaM bl«| reported tar teat teftbmwMHa^i I, iirtiidjaHhailai

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