t— * , WKATHBR ■ *_» ~ ; •' ‘ . *• ••.*" Grimly WMHMMUir Tk«ri4t) uftuftntr iiMfin VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 13S • ! JIMILi . 4 ssawpasae aoi i ■■! ,■; ... 1 ■ ■ ~ • ----- . GOOD PRICES PAID AS GA. WEED MARKET OPH6 —<o iQi —O~~ —o— —>o> () —O— —()— —O— o'»’ —O— —O— ; —4At— —O— —4)— —O— —(A— —O— —(j q q . “Do Not Choose Run For President in 1928 ’ ’— Coolidge „ ,S T ■. ,* f Indicates Fme Opening Os fe Goldsboro Market on Sept. 6 According to Local Growers * I ■ ",TT,., i ~T£ ' ■*■ »ST Aveng* Pries hi Georgia 16 Carta, States Teiegrua To The News IN PKW INSTANCES PRICE PAID REACHED tyIGH MARK Local Grose re JubiLnl Over Prospects far Opening in * fcnelefn Carolina ■■■ ■■ ■■ t> Local tobacco grower* ware Jubil •Dt yesterday when they learned that Ihe Oeorgia markets had opened-, MAh high price* prevailing. ’Cii “That certainly look* good for the folk* down this way. (or you can usually tall hew price* are going to run here Iren the way they run there.". aaM a man Who ealtivatefl 104 acres of tobacco. Bale* on the Georgia market were reported aa light In a telegram to The Mow*, from Jose* and Wooten, leeal warehousemen. with the aver age of about sixteen cent*. In some 5 instance*, fewevur, prices reached » •I per pound. Htfclcg were reported 1 0* watt phased with the opening Thai* are alx or eight men on the , Georgia market* now who will he in OHd«bo?o' , K4er fc she senaon. The telegnam to The News read: •alb* light Average Sixteen cents tamers well pleased. - Jones and Wooten ''' ■ The telegraai was tiled late In the afternoon end give* the considered opinion of theee expert tobacconists after witnessing the pngres* of the market during the day p ■ ~ J Twgwty rent* at Nashville nabhvillb. Ga . Aug 3—The Nashville tobacco market opened here 1 today with very light nel*». The of fering* were mostly priming* and of na ordinary grade, price* ranging from twj to forty e*nt*. Nashville sold one hundred end 1 seventy thousand pound* at «n aver- 1 Sffe of twenty cfijta Prices wore con a(der«d very fair and the farmer* wer r 4 well tmtlafled. The fobacco ogrrrd her* today wa* very thia bni high in calor proving U be * very good cig arette type. METTBR. Ga., August 3 UP) - With over l.oee vsiltor* In Metier Aid both warehptfMij overflowing with excellent grade* of tobeco. the tohaceo market opened here to day with prospect* of It being the brightest year la the history of thie 1 industry in Its fourth yssr. At noon today, the highest price paid sos tihacco wa* one dollar per round Seventeen lobaoco companie* ere represented here Including Wd Virginia and North Caroline con cerns. By boon today half a mtlHon p >uad* had been sold. At WsyrrwM t WAYCRORH. Oa.. Augnst 2 (A*)- It I* edMmated that • liuoi|re<t ‘housand* pounds of tobacco will be •old today os the floors of the two warehouses which wore heavy with ( » fair quallty t .qf leaf. Price* open- j ed St tram M TirTON, On., August 2 OP) The , Tirtoh tobacco market opened today , with three Millloaa|»ubd* oa *nle. , Wih the price esttnyWM I- -'-Mg' , uventr , ent- ‘fW* pound. Offerings Included priming*. **n«l lung*, and ( poorer qualities but the color wa* . excellent. , The quality o* the leaf for quality. , price wee about the earn# as last year. , _ ■ ..... .. GREEN YILT.K YOITE BFRT IS GIVE IS NEAR BE ATM OREJSNVILLE, August l-(P) El m*f Hardee, t>, confined in a local hospital for nearly three weeks with t t dislocated vertebral aad seversl spinal cord*, wae reported rapidly •taking today. Physician* hold nut nol hope (or |h recovery, W’, . . h ..... . ..a ’ . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. • -«C. * ' * , -r•« v • % - ■ - - - - . Capt. N. O’Berry In An Auto Accident Captain NuNthan O'Rervy. on* of tloWaboro* most prominent citlsens, suffered min r cut* and severe body bruises when hi* au tomobile turned over near Faison M-nday night, it wa* learned yes terday. but iu no way was seriously injured Tbe highway wa* slick from a recent rain aiul the chaeuffeur ap plied tbe brake* in « traffic emer- Dgnpcy while the machine »** making about li mile* an hour, whereupen tbe .ear left the road and turned ever. Those who lire familiar'with the accident express *urpr/»e W..*i the occupant* of the car were not »ertou*ly Injured t!sptain O’Berry was able to he about hla usual duties yesterday PYTffiANS PUN CLAYTON MEET Will Imparl New Dormitories at Orptianage; 1-ochl I’ythiaos lnterested of North Carolina wHi gutluer at the orphan homo of the Lodge at Clayton on Auguat 16 to inspect the new dormitories end tor engage In « program fpr the occasion Pythian* here will be Idjareeted In the following pr'clhmation which ha* been Istiued by J. Fred Brower, Jr., of Wia«toh-Sulem. By vrdor of the Grand l-odge Kaigh'a of Pythla*. Domain of North CaT tin*, through a resolution pnaaetl a' it* Inst eevtlon In Charlotte, I hereby designate and proclaim Tues day. August 16. 11*27. ** Pythian Home Day. I ask that a* many of tbe men* her* of Our order as'poeslblc. their falnlllc* and fritoda. go to Clayton on that date and visit our Home, and inspect the two handsome dormlfcrie* and other equipment, gnd meet our new 6upert*<rndent and our family •( girla *nd h<>y# Please bring a basket lunch and provision will iri made to spread same at the H>>me « 1 p. m. The office qt the our Grand Keep er of Record* end Seal will after August Ist. he located at .our Home In Clayton Brother George E. l<ov *•11 will also be glad to welcome you I am- sure you will spend a very pleasant and profitable day at the Homs. We expect on August 16th a large attentianee from all section* of Jh# State Please make every effort to he with us on thet date. REORGANIZATION OK DRY BITE RAT KEEN IN ACTION WASHINGTON. Aug 2.—<4*>—Step* toward a final reorganisation of the fivnJflWUpft biirean wm. tgAua hy Assistant' Rectelary l/owmun. J|4 Aiour* after h. foripalty took tin ualh of office, with'abolishment of the five flxed enforcement tone* *m| elevation of hie immediate aaahrtJints u> higher reitke The Ttwadjtmtmrm Is subjert rmty ter changea which may be necessary when the bureau Is put on a civil, service basis as provided hy act of the last congross AUTO VAN* HOI.I* HU W INNTON-KALi ft, II I H WINHTOS-HALEM. August 3 (A'l - Atotal of 32.734 automobile tags for thia year have been disposed of hy tbe Wlaat-w-Balem Automobile'club, say* O. W. Hill, In charge of tbe local ilc •sm bureau. And added to thia num ber have been 2.053 pneumatic tire truck licenses and 130 solid tire I rack tags. ,V_ - ~ - - EXPRESSES FEAR FOR YOUNG GIRL Whereabout* of 1 .VY.curOld Deutfhter of Dock Kelly * IteiNtcled Unknown 1 As M;n Kiesnor Kelly appeared be fore Judge l>'n*cla at a chambers hearing yesterday and asked and gained the right to possess property which she helped her husband. Dock Kelly, accumulate, the whereabouts of two children of Kelly’s hy a former wife was unknown Mrs Kelly eg pttesaed tbe fear that one of them, a girl about 16. might he led aatrs)- ae the mid he*. IZ-yeao-old hrotHri have been abandoned by thslr father •ail left upon the merry of (he world. She asked that the welfare departmetv of the <-ounly We interested In th*ir " . • case. Mrs Kelly reported that ah* wi* driven from the borne of h*‘r husband, who operated a Ailing station on Hi > Raloigli highway, befmitse of the eon; Untied drunkennes* of th« man anil because of his excessive cruelty. Hhi i-elated being beaten hy him on '*ev oral occasion* *ud on on* occasion was rhoeed from the house, hi the point of a gut), she said Kelly did not appear to. reply to th" hearing before Judge Daniels. He had taken his auton.oblfe and fled the county. jt was report'd _______ Judge Daniels ordered that proper )ly held in„ Kelly’s name he sold and proceeds applied to Uk *upp*»rt of Mr*. Kelly aid children She has four children by Mr Kelly. BILBO LEADS IN Mississippi P a-——-—----- 4—"*■ * Her Two to One Ovof OpponenU for Gover* norehip NKW OHLBANB. August 3- </F) -T. W. Hilbo clung to a two-10-ono. lead over his nearest owment for the governorship. Mike Conner, on the face of scattering returns from the Missiaalpl Demoorwtic primary to night. The- former grtvornor had polled l.ft!M votes In 37 precincts of the I.s<*fl In the state, early roturks showed Conner. opiMinani. sprung into second plaee with 5|3 and tbe Incumbent, governor Dennis. wka third with 536 Anders* >n hsd polled 111. Tythianr GIVE OYER Sliutm TO MDMUHHIFPI FLOOD FI Nil WILMINGTON Aug. 3 C/fN Knights of Pythias, through their sub ordinate lodges have contributed more than $40,000 to. Ih<- Mississippi Aood rrilfe fund. Richard L. Men mu (iter of the auprenft exchequer wtfh head quarters her* irnnoiinced today Mr Meares expressed belief thst several thousand dollars more would be contributed Mi*! of the lodges he said already have sent In thrir con tribution*. 1 "' " ’ ' ’ "" '«* * Say Girl’s Alleged Assailant Died From Exhaustion and Not of Gunshot Wounds 1 -*• * ' . - * »• • , ‘ - , Utility moiat. Uicm i (Att— Two aegro al leged attacker of a Id-year «M girt a ear BaHej Saadny ax>ralaa died tadaj a# axkaantna «t 4 4a«t> ' tae railiar ihaa from gaaiSol - ' weaad« hy po«»e mew kern hy nH% ke had heea trailed far store tkaa M boars . ater sood* and IkrwNirk swamp*. «r --rordiiMr ta laalhw—y ultra ai aa faqneol rMlurW fair today by t _ (eraser ( nlllaa of Saak < nasty at a »pnt wkere Ike argro fell la ToUnat icaay. After hearing evidence at the arena where death occiired. the Inquest was continued pending an autopsy to he performed on Bradshaw's body by the county health officer, who hsd pre rtoualy t«dd the Jury that e* ■.' : ■ . 111 —■' ' -rrr- l n _iy.. : GOLDSBORO, N. CWEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST \ 1927 ■ «' " -- ■ -T '* ..-I - ■■j ■M I ——I— HIT BY CAR BUS IS OVERTURNED . ~.| r , . |rT * Mike ItomunuH, I ,«m*h I Man. HHRhltv Injured in AcrWenl Near Fremont Mike Itoiuauos. of (ioldstsHir. was slightly iujii uul. yeslerda) uiurnlng when th? Wilson-Goldsboro bus ijotlld ed with a Huick driven hy Marvin Bherard. Jr . id t; Idslioor The’ bur was cverturnetLJ ll 'he (olllsloa. Mr -Romauoa was one of two pas aeugers on the bus and he wa* taken to Wlleon for treatment L>ns distance calls to the Wilson hospital* last evening brought the Information that Mr Romanos was not s put inn* ittd it is supposed that be must hiv keen able t> leave the hospital aftei •ecelvlpg firat aid. A shoulder wa* reports art- Acommpanylng Mr Hhcrard In the Huick was Miss Kleanor lle*i of Fremont Neither wqs Injured The Dujck was hadly damaged, reports a-e. hut the bus was only slightly isniagdd. a fender being bent and it tiro hlPWtt oitf^/* Th* accident aOccurred near Black (keek, hilt Information aa t<> how it Oi rurreil could pot lie obtained. Thia waa Ihe secq.nd near-serioii’- accident of the Fremont aectlon in throe days . lionnie Hlotp- driving s Fonl coupe down one us the principal I reels Rumlay afternoon, collided with a bicycle ruldqn hy two small boys, an* ot them * "» *n of John PeactM-k. One of the boy* saved him *elf by clutching to the radiator of the automobile when the car hit the bicycle and dinging ft) this hold until the car waa stopped. The other boy hud. gone under the automobile and tbe ear‘stopped ovqr him and the bicycle His pants werr caught in the chain of the wheel and practically torn Off as he was pulled from under the car. Hut he escaped injury TWO KILLED IN AN EXPLOSION ItarireH Worth SIKMHMI liurn FoHnwintf Ex plow ion on OH Tinker VICKSBURG. August 2 <NV Two men were killed, two sorioualy injur ed and nil and barge* valued at S6OO. 000 were destroyed neer here when an explosion occurod in one of several liarges loaded with oil en route to Memphis, nest Hnb-in llend. in the Mississippi river The tow was being hauled by a Standard Oil steapier. The mate and a rook hsnd were thrown from the barge when the ex plosion occured andJMrerr killed stanly. TITLED LADY TO BIN LAI'NDRY LONDON, Aug . 2. —Lady (Wulteo. 'wife of the heir to the Earl of ville, ia Britain's first titled woman laundry director bouillon gnd. apt aiwt. gun kuiuuL mused the death of the negio whose »;0 hour, rui/was a dash of two hours after the pursuing posse ml giultttui 1* i jjj ~ Although the negro hail ttcen hit ulMiut the SUMMSti and chest by fine bird shot, the county health officer ffavir Ills opinion that »K>ne of the shots were serious enough to cause death- _ , ' Sunday morning aftei lie had bean, amfwted and partially identified, he' was turned orer to a Halley police man to ardrlt away from the" angry crowd. A abort time later, however. h« dashed to liberty after he had ask id the officer to stop sad permit] .him to pray Again early yesterday he was surrounded In an abandoned shark at a lumber camp near Bailey, but oar* pto're he dashed Ihtough . (j ' N " t w SIE4 . isju , , ;^r ’ V ;V . v. fe.- OPEN STORE IN i WILMINGTON . Way n« Tire C ompany Announced Opening of Second Store; Meadent Manager The Wayne Tlr* for sev rial years siiccsssfully opersting to Goldsboro, today announces the op «niag of a branch store at Wllmtog lon. The Wilmlngtou *U*rc will he located at 211 316 Market street, snd rffictpls of tbe Wayne company fere <.ve for It a development equal to Ant or tbe (loldaboro alore duriug Die (Mist few year*. H T. Menders will be in charge of >ihe Wilmington branch and Bam Mugtll will be his assistant. A unique service which the Wayae company now inauguratee le that of strurnig h <tel reservations for Goldsboro people mo orkpg to lha Seaside Oily (or a vacation or for (he week cniD "Hy couimunicating with : cur .WHmlngt a More from th* Golds boro store.” said D M. Prince, "‘we will he able to secure reservation* Tfr Toes! people at city and beach hotels und this is a service which we shall featurr. "We are opening the new store in Wilmington because we feel that there Is an. ample fleTd fra store offering Ki reel on quality and efficient ser vice The Wilmington branch will lit alt respects operate on (he same Mgh plane and give full valut; for every dollar that the (k.ldshoro Move has followed." GAR GOES OVER AN EMBANKMENT ■ -». —4» : ■- No On« in Hurl When C*r* Col- Hd* on Highway Forty South of (Mty A Ford coupe driven by Green Wal ker. negro, empkoyee of th* Borden ' Hrlck and Tile Company, went oyer n t«n-foot embankment on. highway flirty a few mikes south of |town early last evening when It collided with a Huick driven by William !r win Mr Irwtn staled that k« was trar "•■lliug about twenty miles an hour when hil hy the F»rd which wee on the wr-ni able of the road. No n*e waft injured In the accident In tha car with Mr,., Irwin were Mr and Mr* N J F.dwards and son Joseph. ' iiml Beaddy Atkinson, -proprlator of the Hat Shop Walker was taken Into custody bf Deputy Cerl Hmith Ke»ch of the n# rfo dtselosed a .J*’ call hr* revolver os his person Winked decrease hiiown / IN Nl’tntEß FRYER CARER KAI.BJf<H< August 2 - UAO With Dr. Charles Imughlnghmise. »l t'e 1 health officer ih tbe field > spreading . typhoid fewer preven’lon educaliSa, state board of heslth offleiefs hers re i port a marked decrease In new cas es . Uim iui Uou < ( |iuNUi. atand it rain <»f Hhota fired In tilimliiin nt|iir|u' tic .tuflh, ——■*?- 'County guthorltlee '‘»en regret )M», aftiTiMH.ii thaf the had been killed and declared tiiai they hud dwr till-In their power to prevent any outhurat of feeling They were equally vigoiou« in a*.»er|lhj that the negro- hud been |«oMtieely i 'tlfysHMed an 'he black who ahyqtad i into the home of a> farmer near 1 HtHey early Sunday morning, grab j bed bla twelve-year old daughter off { the bed. wrapped her In h aheef and * da*hed Into the wood* with her • Heare on the negro'* head and knee •erred «• a mean* of MenUfleatlqn. while ofMeera alao Mated that hia victim hud poaitirely Identified hint, before the eer;aj»e Sunday tnoralnjg. %. ‘i ', ."./ : v| \ ■ \ ■— ■■_ • , * ■ Simple Statement Issued so Press at Nooi YesterdafAnd Takes Intimates by feprbe r » flayer Fremont Boy Gets 30* Day Reprieve Georgs Frank Busemorv. Urrenr county negro. will act die today aa scheduled (or the murder of (Jordon Yelvettou 15 year old sob Ms iik« Yelvertnu of Fremont sb Ht eight mouths ago. State I‘ardoa Commissioner Ed win Rridgers yesterday gave the a*«ro thirty more days of Ufa. Commissioner Bridget-* will study the easy during the thirty days to determine if there are aay fac’a inerted With il which demand a romnuintatioa of seotence The thirty-day reprieve, alvei Base more until Bteptember f to live. Bssemore shot the Yelvertoa boy through the head, last hit body in a citrine of bushes and etple h b>ad of tobacco which the || bfj waa taklag to market if (iO-ORLEAD RE-SIGN MOVE AM tomSk*"* « Han - - The North Carolina cotton Outw ent Cooperative Association began a ddiet membarshlp drive la Wayas county yesterday .* M. O. Mann, dir ector of field service, with four other of the field men tram adjoin ing diet rids. Is assisting Frank . ones, the local representative in the enyn up drive In this county durlgg il*e nest •■yc.daya. The reelgn-ep for the Cotton Orow *rs Association to date la aald by Jones, to he very encouraging with approximately half of the cat ion that has been being delivered to the assoc is ti« resigned under the new agreement, ttd-that as fast aa the field workera can get In contact with Ike leading member# who have been delivering for the past rive yegra that they are being give* the privilege of signing the new liberal contract The resign up is not only encour aging fr in the stand point of the high type <4 old meipbers who are slgntpg the’ new contract, but It te very en< oigruglng from the stand point of the high type of new m«m tiers who are signing the new oon tract. Mr. Jones waid. Among these tulng some o’ ths leading busiaesv men. merchants and farmers through out the state. pßs of ths local m«-n who .will as sist the association worksre In this drive wtll be the present director of this district. E A. K*evsns others are: ti A. L Ber lon, A. T Orlffln C fV, Blsasll, P C Csldwell. Will Casey. C. «. lis vis, R It *~B Redon. N. A HojUtW T X VeU. « II H la w, Parker. 0 if. THhwi l "*; Anierry. ». T itsvta. *»d a number of Otter trading formers: -. » ’ » Ilf II" j iw. I.s —ll is isiiiisweijlssiiiaMnnisimiihtiiWehtt*-’-**—*-** i.ad ana to hcark or i.irr. F|jORBNf*K. 8. a. Aug. 2,-_t4V-W Wr. Register. B f<w old norrtce youth, today started hie fourth wvek In a hospital where he suffered a brok en neck In a dlvp in shallow water. hr; xt hhvhw f.rrttfHi - Hf HKitri.Ro AiGifrr » KAI.EItIH. Aug I. (Ah —The next Itlxbway leUliig will lie on August 23. Frank Page, stale highway com mis stem dtaltman, said today. The proj. ecta to be ady'rtlsed f* r let!log have not been fully decided upon. The letlng Inaugurates the fall pro gran. On the aawt* day the supreme court meets In opening of the fall ees- Ulnti, <» ' fi . ■ i:, ... .. .. . , 1 ts , n l , M Mwijpitwr oi Th® Asaociat®4 Tfrwwia ITBBo .v - ' : ° *• , v ; ■ ■ ■■ ,',’T-s-=g~ '=«.±afsgu ’ PKics mn chnt%; fiinr Nai Cuuvhieui Hi Would Nu( Itt ITS NMhuTM GOEji FISHING AFTER UK HANDS OUT CKTPTIC NOT! Statement Immi Upuu ApaNvr* -try of Hacupng Pfaty “ 4rat us CMutry RAPID CITY. Aug. I (f) frrq* dent oooiidgg today kttaad tbs ata*U statement that “I do gfl nl®in te rug for president In Itai." taking hi* clone ajMMdnten bp oOmpistn Mb Prte*. | < oolMge In Me executive v aff|e* at noon today aad * faint smile IttAt kls face aa bn reeling |* Urn ittttlj>i •d group that tbnre «*e«e nnfjwttti f• vwlUj _ ypr. Ug,itfrl# specsl®lag ton*** «Uther Vfr.. Cool ids® vMid k® broufkt M® Hi the prs convention mSggt<u a# Ust He declared: ”T am net ooerlnopd ba .«MII ruu I i re-nominated. N My BugUnr aa «®> ma« of tbs RapnMtnah Ibthnl w mites baa retained 4® cI«M pttgdUdt contact wMb the preaMaut. > Mr. Cooiidps will |g»« nerved ttm| vsars and seven uwUllw A the Mean of the tour year taett te srtteh .he waa eleetad la IM4. inblip aotared death of President H«rdtU«. That the anaonnoewee* *m te he ts prims ImpnrlkAt Wtt fpattp agreed since Mr. MM ueeer recalled the Whtta ImM lWWt>>M eece to btm.’ The i niao win an nut mue timed. K waa dlarlatti. ap that ® could reach the ceuutrf dgter (Mu cloning of the New Tut dUt Utt bet. ctncAQO, Aegu® f IMTJNufA he wilt not nett the pfMMttM year will be received uMM ugWt by minions of bis country tabu Hue prnel dent Dawns said tafi MllHwiM hart tonight. “President Cooiidge eajeya Ml ««Uh fldffiot ttfti fnpi|| ®f peoeie.** Mr. Da wee stli by millions. *' r «• • . , NEW YORK. Angnat 4-MPpOttr ®rnor Alfred «. gmltt kMtt IWIMH Mr°°CoelMua tttt he. mTBU* ”lr^. BOSTON. Angnat Ki— bf* vsaxeettt. awaiting vxacatku tt fiw stats rrtona lor murder, will ttiew •heir (ht# between • aad I o'aKtt to morrow night. Governor PUIMr. »he l.as been road acting g perntU 'j®V*U ; iastion of thair cate, MttiliifW night that his 4eebfc» wauMl ha reedy at that tiUM Tie #»MUH completed the MirrlitlM V wftt- Pdaam AMur and devUted Ifttllll to preparations of bis OagluML '^4 LONDON. luT| JI »Wt KyR that of tb« Vailed Matte, ttttMu • SWPWW. r ■ . x v .1- 'W.-;-

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