• VOLUMR MS I NUMBER 1 U ONLY ONE REPORT OF SIGHTING PAUL REDFERN CITYS WEED MARKET FACILITIES ARE BEST IN HISTORY Prindt Radio Station Sop It Picked Up Message That Plane Passed Nassau If IMm fliktipli WnU Rnek “avsT 7 ~ - ■■ «i ■—■ *'./'■ BRUNSWICK. On.. An*. 34.—(*>— (h4y m npwt of the moooplaas Port of Bruaayviak W>*» received today else* pool Redtera TuUMd ip • mttty bonlea otter taking og At J|i4* p. m. yoalmday on a 44t0 milt atoot# flight to Broil'. Thlq OUH from Bt. Petersburg. Fla.. when the financial Journal* 40 ■Mtar wireless station uM that >m niUo pieoooß# hod hoop picked op fro* itotloo 4AQF. Nomoo. to the oifeoP that p steamer which Strived theft at 11:<» |S on Thursday night i spgttod Hit plane wo« righted M 0 mite* toot of the British Bahama Hit would indicate that Redfern ot that tine hod cowed between 400 ood *OO aftloo from Rruu.wtek Theft WOO at otoftnnation of thia reptft Rom o«f 48tr itorte. Bh|PA radio om Triroteoa a atlee* and other ftomrihU source* of right tod the'plate hod been oohed to keep o BhHmMKTto'A«ie which Red. ITi hod ■apped tot from Bruus wfek to Brol4t. ts he matotalotd hia •chedolo, >t wwpld hate poaaed Pwrr to Diet toot Ptght. crooeed the Qorl hoon tap daring the remainder of the night And at dopttght ehoald hart paMOd Opar he George. Oeoadn le. land dp Tango leland. It WOp eatimated before Redfera left Bnumwlek that hie would be tier Da tab On lona In Booth America to night. Redfern ntpec ed to moke the' hop lo 46 hour a. which would place him at hll deatlaation . ometiine early tomiVrww night If he were able Br molotalg hio oohodule. (Braggs, Veoeaueiu. (A*) —Not. withstanding* oiooo watch ig the OrtoooA valley, Paul Redfern. on hla wOr to Bio 4e J#n«rlo, wu not a gat ed today. Southampton. Ragland. Aug. 14 OS)— Kxpore who hare been InapecU ing Cart. Frank Courtney * flying boat, the Whale aajtWhey found no thing the matter wl b It. He now talk* of making trial tlghta prapar. story to hfa attempt to crota the A • I ant Vo. He wanta to know exactly how mteh gaetjlne hla machine w’ll lift Tkte may delay the start for a Aag or two. „iwn, i I - - " T Two Local (Youths Pass State Bar JJ * g^irimiitorim RAIJMGR, AW- *.-(*’>-The Su proipe court of Worth Carolina to night oannupotd that 34 of the 147 caadldato# tor Boenoo Arifenettoa low in the rat# •or*' 1 miccesvful. Two camo under the oofrikty eat. the oth er* atandlog tto *Htten examinu tiou* her* lent tooWtey Th# aoccemful applicant"* Includ ed: Frfderick ff. Dsrtor. jy, M r '®*4« boro; fMwm c ipook. of .Gold4l o’cleck that there was little bop« of rfoealag Urn . ally*. I.■ taring farioualy rooeaa work nr* freed Ignaa of dirt frem kli tarns to kU cheat but thesis load tog the ««uad still r*fa*e to hn- Here bo mold ha enthrply egtrl rated bafere tour baun mere of work. STATE FARMERS HLL ORGANIZE Tp Ptrfert BMU Body Thraodi Organising Courty IJhita, H Is Decided “ RALRIOH, Ang. U.—? On Date of Take-Off of Pole Karen Shi© Witt Stop at " Saa For Tribute SAN FWANCIHCO, Am 34.—UP)— Mamort*l service* at sea tor the sis men and one woman missing In ooa laction with the Dole flight today are re planned by Ran FVaaclaco citl aan*. 11m plana ewe te Lave the steahtrr Maui lutly 700 miles west of berp on •ptamber llon her voyage to Haws! while ftoerera ar« cast upon th* wa ter* during offering ot prayer and hinging of anthem* by clergy and passenger* aboard. Letter* today wage sent lo all th* known relative* of the lost filer*, telling ot «he memorial plan*, neek t auffgaatlon* and offering to t*k» to aea any flower* sent here for the eervlceo. The ateamor to to nail from Ban, Franc**co on September 14,' a month after the thrilling atari of the Pacific air derby at Oahiand. Calif, two toy* later should be near the ? otnt where on the night of August 13, explain WM. Erwin, of Dallas Teas*, and A. H Eiphwaldt. of Hayward,, Calif . fln«h*d from t|t*jr plane, 41b* Dalle* Sulrit, th* atartllsig f|*t radio met •age. '*Bo©—tall apin.” It vu becAUse of this laat | that the print 700 mile* out ot*.the ' great circle w*a chosen a*' ttU pW* tor the memorial adgvlce. No Ford was received from, efrter two plane*, the Mia* Doran and GoitUtu Ragle, after they left sight of the mrialaad on Anguat 17 and their fate and whereabout* have rince been a ; ajmßtoHMtototfb "> It was known today what clergy man would be aboard the Maul to cOAfnet the memorial but the mlato ter, priest or rabbL the service* will b* held, regardless of creed, a noa-d* nominations! tribute tp those who dared challenge the fates. Naval vessels continued their look today for th# ©ter*. They were pro reeding over areas not heretofore covered seeking a trace of the planes ■y ■■ ■ - Wtyne Boys Place In Judging Contest •• • i § " ”, ■ Three Wayne county boy* placed f.t the district cattle Judging conteat ueld at Kinston yesterday in yhlcli winner* were named to take part In tba atat* contest in Raleigh.on Sep tember 10. Winner* at the aUta con teat wl't be entitled to represent North Carolina at th# Natkmal Dairy ghow to be hold te Memphis. Tsnn. Kussaß. Hollo wet I, trailed la the OitnthtMß achool. placed first In the contest at Kinston yenterday. G. F. Seymour la Insirucor of Mriculture at Oraatham. A youth trained at Pikerilla by W- C. Warrick placed seventh sad boy* trained at Rose-! wood by A. H. V*aa«y, look eighth and nln k ylac* , Opening. Wiliam Reyall' wn* named tm riteftam es fM* r«m mhtea and other, es the *»*- Iyer iartodei k. A. Joseph, James Kansan, Leslie Well and R. J. 'H r. »:i. ,'it. * Prcaidant Jenkins I* optimistic coacertltbg Ike poasMUtie* of Ike Fall Opcalag. "There to a* reason why wo rant make H a »uece«« similar to that stowed aan nail; by The a*ev rhaat* *f Ratolgh." he said l*«t rreilg. “All that to necessary to far every merchant In the city to ret solidly behind th* move moat'’with all of th csrrgy and eadhnriaam that ho to capable of generating. It eeald be made IN' Mnr*«t event of the,tall tor Cnhtobero If ongtr’eal Hate and effort to given to It.* GOLDSBORO. M. C. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1*27 SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY Teaches Life Saving JOHN l , H ' ,L Hi Captaiu John Learie flaese, Ameri can Hk»d Onus Life Baring Meld Re presentative. arrived in «old*h**n> yesterday to induct a tour days' school In life saving, beginning to day sad ex ending through Tuesday I of next week He lut* been brought bar# by the Wayne County chapter of the American Red Cross. Tbi* to Captrin M«ingf# second visit, to the city. Many will recall him from list year when he conduc ted a moot successful achool la first aid sad life saving. H* baa been connect«d with the American Re# Crons for a number of yeas* and to both aa experienced and capable Uf* taring Instructor All eaaminationa will b# given entirely free of charge and the purlin of Wayne county la Invited te take advantage of thia op portunity to I earn to save Uvea. AR examination* will b* given at Crescent Lake. Through U># dburia ■y us K. W. Rutledge, adm’ealwa te the lake will be troo tor those taking the examinations. To further aid the life saving course, Mr. Rutledge ha* made the offer of a free admletiow to all these who wish to learn how to awlm pud to »av* Itvae for today. Baiurday.-eaty.Otetpetont assistants have been secured to aid Captain Reese ao that all who present them-. Kdvea may be given individual at tention. t i - * Bunday's New* will give a comr lct« schadt.la of class** for Monday and Tuesday. Further information can be •eenred by t,i«phfc«wng the Memorial Community Building. * CHINKS FIRE ON U. S. SHIP / w ■ V- * Cruiser Reaches Shanghai With Report* Her Armor Plate AlmoHt Pierced ” —i . ■ (HANDHAI, Aug. 34 UP) -Bo heavy was lha fire again*! the U. H. destroyer No* by Nanking nation. allaU from (he S-uth bank of ihe Yaagtsc river yesterday syn tejr ehV* armament waa nearly plflriMU pt va* riou* points whera hit* were scored. Officer* of the No* reported that > the destroyer encounterrd the flcrceat firing 40 mile* below Nanking when heavy ammunition was umul again*' her. The No* reached Htmighil to night and hore evidence of the at tack. The American* were unable to a»-! certain if thrir had been casual He*. | among their afackera. ,Tt»e patrol flagship Isabel, carry ing commander Admiral Hough ar rived Jual ahead ot the Noa. Thia v.*a *e] also wu attockud by national* :nd retuyned lire. Jhe ut(a< k oc- 1 p*afea'fl.i thnt aglNi©4>iv **** rbippiM in the Nanking iccGoA to •gain aubject to attack by Ixtth north erner* and Southerner* who face each other acroa* the river. NltiNß AFFIWAFITB r UEMJUmXL l UUte COLUMBUS, O. Attg. 26. > - Thn nut* today called upon fallow afficeya of Bharlff Bam Willis to IU effort to convict the stein otftoor’a frail young widow and Haary Town send, hia deputy and bosom friend, of nto midnight n.urdar. » ©♦'< tb* defense by unrelenting croaa examine Gun aucceeded te drawing from ona of thorn. Bon Pnrriah, who waa Wlllto', chief deputy thiyl ha sad Towaabeud were nut friendly and that "euldasoa" vxlsted between him and Mrs Willis. Fart lab waa not permitted lo ex plain the teaaoa for thia coldnas*. TV former chief deputy, (mentioned by detonaa ceuna*l. admitted teat ha bad at on* time triad to have gheriff Will to ill "charge Townahcnd, but v irgdritoa "tto very faramhto ,■ Walter (’. Denmark, secretary es Ike local ergual*aiioa, toft to«t ntekt tor Richmond tor rut. ferewto, wt.h anpmtoing hater* there aad a delegatien es Na«l •, man mtorfr unmMwrwrprlßg|ir l«- Durham for Intertlrwa with kaperttoieg buyer* there. II rests la hand, of -aperrlstog buy ' rra a* to whe her er net detAle trto of buyer* shall be located on it was explained. Appointaicrt. In Riehmond and Derhnm werg made tollewlng n mmement tounchel veterni days Three Wankmts VI Be Operated By Mat Wb* live Interest fli Mart At Heart Sunday School Meeting Starts at Eureka Today with .wparti from township A sane ini ton* potaUag I* a record nUeadaaee, the aaanal riffaynr t*nnty Baaday Ncheel t'aaven tton will start at I o'clock at th* Baraka arbori hamri, Ori * landing an t*dayN program wM he an address an "The Monday Behoof nod Iff* Home and Bow They can Work Together" by M. ■. Barker, Itoldohora *«Umoy, thia afternoon. Th# aooatoa* will bo coat ton ed Bandar morning. #Htedtoy. aetegwtton* * tot hr* prepared to shew that there L every' proapoct that th* ( eid-baro (ohaceo market will this year sell doable tb* amonnt «eld lari year. to W. V> Iht», who'knows moat ,*f the leading farmers of the Hcctioo personally, has been call ing upon th* grwwers la thin and t sires ad lag eoantlee In too tot*, rest *f th* rkamber of Com. BMive advertising eommUto* aad b* report - that In atoM*C each In,'save there la a general tarn lag to th* market her*, ANNUAL TOBACCO EDITION J * PRICR PIYR CM Ncw Prlggfc—g RRd Ra-Dryiaf FarlMttos Havg Boon fl -IJ 8 ,;T i r BwTiWMi HIGH GRAM WEED TO BH IN DEMAND LOCALLY With toe opaatoff of IV marM oa ©eptemhar 4, tm days away, Qfp ‘Undated, markm fad I Hie* are tori tm toon at any prevtoua Uate to tkg hltiory of to* uate of the wood ton. Thru* waratoUM will to o«MWL ad by man who havu Ito good of tjR at tonrt, who havu^h* (ooni corporauun naa neon ovgonr Tiylor ft© mmir Im m Umm ||fn - le.au on too Cnerto’ Ihtoi tai tS hlfflkL© and fhagdf W M f|A|to| gH : : W n OR# - ■tnMtor* taut totag ntohad »j otote ptette*. «. ■‘ «te «•£■» ■al# of weud. glvw a note of atoUiltf 1 *o the local mount tint R Has not tod.to noontime. All to too men who nr* In tola yaor opftod* tot tfto tort *r* ptei into to* Udfim k* SOO and not far a aoaaaa ami A imcreated to maktof Ik* toonl *mw bet ito tost market to Riatora Rortlb omoDp* W /JH John at root. Is the torgeat vartowaa* in Eastern NMto OtoMtoa tom and mooten, wte operated tktokHM UM year will agate opornta B tote aoa* •00. aad they have had to* #a*a Placed la final trim to* Ito drtrimg iu or th* htg toad* *• ioftrtnfff •to.- Than* two wot] hnOAff-kAto** an MGM will pMflMf wH Ml • iWlfli vetahHshud than, tol'uvtog tori lha B*naß> ber of the Bit Brito partntototo, to o native of thin section gad I* tot* alty concerned to haring (MHRM4 develop into * g**ol wood smtor. 1 Running a warcho«M la aathKff now; (CoaUauad On Fag* F*vq|