I . y ■£’..’-, . ill r . ..Umm,.y -.*» . VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 1M PAUL REDFERN MAY BE LOST IN TROPICAL STORM . *. j *g_ x* £ ./& .* '. v '■- m. . a - -*-» *■ —•-- 'imAjK' ■ *-. ■ ‘ -tlfw -—‘ *---—-~ - * ‘ Mia - - - . . - .! l_i 4 * ■’.4. te. ,: * *-. TF Complete Arrangements For 57th District Convention Os Rotary Here August 30-31 11 * W**g 9 0nrmr hp Proffram 0 ROME hlmatbs to AMMVB ON MONDAY All plana have bteft completed for the conffvmK# 0< MaUrt Club exera live* of the Fifty-Seventh District k*r* Tuoofkjr Ml WoUHAf, A. A- Jte*ph.. chairman of the committee •T Um Intel club In charge of arrange |nu agamm<n3 yesterday. Tho w guard of th« 30-odd presidents and sptr'Urtib of tho f*rty-*»> club wmpriatag tho district will b*ala to Arrive boro Mooter anotaooo. Registration will bo Wised at tho Hotol Ooldaboroj ggd of tho oooforooco Ifjjl at th* Memorial Catamunityl ton***-. : . I TLuthtr Hadgae. f* L*#k»eiß#-ftprey 1 Mbtnct governor, wtH proaid* at tho pettag.’AM fftetrtet (•*<•-»*« *»>o |PfU a*t«ad tho cwbforonco aad aaolat Ht tho proglam' a*o: 8. Wads Marr. Sualgh; Frhak prana. Norfolk. Va.; firar Moor* Wllmtnr.°B. Paul * v ’ 4 Q * rk ' A (JMriotta. |»ronwr of tho Fifty Might* ilatriet; aad Will Buber of Cfcmlottsevitte, Va., Ctera#o*r of tb* Fifty-Sixth dtatatet wUI load dtaear atoHa oa tho prdgran.. " . g(. Bdtpha Jtewaom, of Ditea. chairman of tho IntatnAtoualOom mttte* oa vocational oorrlco, will talk oa Tooattaa eervte# aad Dr. Chart'*• M Barter Will Otete* the tn lomatioabl tWlte," W. M temud of Goldsboro la la Cbarse of tbo motel lanchora to ho stated hy tho local club at 11:3* Tuesday, aad bast arranged »■ *»tar esttag wwat A rcollpwalflp dtaaor with tbo Qoldahora club will bo bold at tho Hotel at t o'clock Tuooday ar«- nlng. Tho ooafovoaoo will rod at 11:10 Wednesday Haiding of tho ooßferonice with the Goldsboro club )3 fogarded sa a dls tlactioa by inoaibors of tho or gsnlxation. Entertainment of the oar entire* of tbo dlatrtet In nn honor «rhk-h moat of U* larger «*luba aak» for each year. » Committooa ropreaenttag VloltU* bona club ban been buoy for tbo, post tan days under tb* direction es A. A. Joseph tad Dr. W. H Smith, the tatter president Os the club. .1* working eut all dbtailb looking to (ha meeting. FAIRMONT SAlfc .CONTINUE LARGE pS^s^l ' PAIIUfONT. Aug. 17.— Falnnoof. market official tboacoa sale* for the goat wan F.HMM w«»<' u reported tonight «fd the arorago price of 3K.73 a- haadrod wae rocoW-, ad fer the loaf daring the wo*t and •a average of *3.71 for the more than MMAiM Iteiqdi, »old oim» the open ■Bf-ofWomma teandt ’ It waa ostlaMtod that forty ala per cent of tho crop boa beea edd at Fairmont oad the ail other markets bascuary to bmart... rankmYt ' ‘‘ttr ■■■hi imn ts Aug. 17.-(*b-A Tol. DBtary potitlon la baakruptey wa# iwritw Today te lateral ronrt by C It. Bryant, gamer of gtaotooe burg, WUaoii county. lAfKOfl mmi IM ABMT . . T • - * - r" ( 7r v'. pyx BOG. Aug. X.— lf) -Capture of Honking, former seat es the Na tionalist regime aadcr thlaatJCal- Rkek. la diimed far Oenersl chuan- Faag’o fhaatuagbso army. BT 1 ■ -a f Ao THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ABB FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFbRE THEY BUY. 14 PAGES TODAY Expect* Market WUI SeU 20,000,000 Lbs. ul ■ Ik. ikMlk «•■•. Ike». •« tho Taylor Bnthora who are ap- State rs of Mm Cpgria boose, gpoahlag tar tho farrlo boose, a rente sons lor sellers well |news la this eeedtea, Mr. Toy lor. yooteitey wind tvo of tho hfgir umpiales who will ban buyers ter# urging la etnag term that double note of buyers hr do signs tad tor tho tarsi mar ket. ‘ ' > 0 “ tod |t pteM bo ‘saM,* 0001(00*' od Mr. feyWr. “that (arvia Is tb« some wo are roatisata* to strraa la operating berm „ The ( arrta house has taag been I known le (be grower* u f r thig y etiou aad we are r«tef to car-. MISAPPLICATION OF FIJNDS tp C. L.o WiUUma, Receiver ior Wtlmigrton Rank Film Huit ww * ™uwu IF** w ®-*teer Anhit Johß G. Dhwoon WILMINGTON. tApg «*7 -HAb— Suit for about gio.ooo has been la ■thuted In United State* District Court here by C. I a Wtl’lame. ro cetrer for the ronvnjerrisl National Bank against J. G. Dawson, of Kins, ton. raoaixer for (bo the Parmer* Wirohonse Company, of LaGraage, al legtag misappropriation and miaap -oJlrat. -n of funds In the complaint tha* bap been filed. The action is brodebt against tho -tarmor chalrmuo of the BUto Democratic Executive Committee aad his bondsmen. I. E Ma-* and H. F. Hardy and the D. 8. FI .silty gad Guaranty company. The original face value of the note on which the afflt is bo*od was fIS,. 00 Although payments tint bare been mad* in rurtal'lng the paper bsro re* ducad It to 11.W4 7S. the plaintiff Is asking for interest on this amount over a period of six years, which would ran the total bo about 310,000. The complaint is a lengthy affair going Into grant douil. It contends that Asr. Dawson, who stands high In tbo Democratic party councils or tho slate, baa fallotj as receiver for the warehouse company to prform his duties In that he baa not account ed for the moneys thn have come la bia bands an receiver forte ite pany or which by due diligence should have com* into his heads aad that be baa aot disbursed same Tor Itx-nefli of bis creditors, that he has (ailed to disburse funds shown In his I reports to be In band and to ray plaintiff claims as required. CLUES POINT TO WE AND FAL Wii# of Dead Sheriff and Hia Claae Friend Charged With Winter ' up i,—. ■ wtip..., ms CREKNVIUAC. a C„ Aug. 27 -4d*> —Under a rigid cross Are rumina tion, W. W, Rogers, main! lined today ,^ir r ~r~rrd"'r'aaplr fr*d flfim'W'tsk (be’ 'artanignt alaytHg of anwrtw amw -wan • lia pointed only to hla-widow and to Henry Townsend, his d«-puiy and clone friend, who went on irial here Thnreday for murder. During the detective's recital sot- I nisi Lk» 4hx ~rf 1» 4>kA ».. . ■ quent cross examination conducted hy the defense counsel, Mrs. Willis *M more compoied then she has been since the beginning of the trial. Bhe laaghed heartily at an inter, change between atat* aad defense lowyera Just before adjournment Townsend.-robust sod red faced, con iinued to exhibit (he utmost nonchal ance. _ 1 HALF OF CUSS ATTEND COLLEGE Members pf High School Cbm of lift Will B* Leaving With hi Few Daya Practically one-half of the 43 mem bers of the graduatlas class of the Goldsboro High School of 1137 wMI wftbla tho neat few day* leave to enter iastltu loan. Most of the boys and glr.n will eater inatituUoua tn thin state, but *om* will enter col legia, un.'versi taa or special Schools in Maryland. Ptnavylvaala. Virginia aad MaanbchuseUa. The following »«a* complete a li«* of boya and (hi# brim will leave and the name of the Institution as could be obtained t Heart Allred. N. C. C. W.; Albert Clark. Carolina; Virginia Crawford. Maradlth; Dorothy Cuthrell. N. C. C W.; George Steel Dfwey. V. M. I.; Panry Htgartca, Guilford; Irtwis Heeden, Carolina; Laalfileilig. Mary- Goa* Hlnee. Carolina; George Hood, Davidson; Theodore Moots-1 rue, Btate; Margaret Morris. State Teeth* r » Orttege. fVw»^ c M»burg. Va.,; Rachel Moye. Sergeant School of Physical Education. Cambridge. Maas.; Margaret Peacock. N. C, C. W.; Allen lb* Pike. Carolina; Mar garet Porch, N..C. C. W.j Revs "Rich, r, c, c, W.; Wm. Smith. State; Wil ma Jpence, Eastern Caro'im Teach er* College; NfH Talbte. N. C. C. W.; Lionel Wall. Haverford. Penn. AROUND WORLD FUERSON WAV ■Amu In | Jinrion h-v I B4hFB^BwBB net; YORK. Aug. IT-^An—The first race against time around the world hy air plan* was. under way to night with, (be monoplane “Pride of DOtrolf over the Atlantic on Its way to .London,' the first stopping place. Edward Srhlee. of Detroit, and Wtl- Ham- Break hopped off fw-mi Haebee Greet. Newfoundland at 3:14 East- 1 era standard time thte morning in their attempt to beat the world record it S 3 dtya. 14 hears end 30 min-* ute* bold by Sdwwrd and Linton Wells who used altytaues. steamboats and trains. Aa the hours wore on the day pann ed without ward from the airmen Little concern waa Salt, however, ike aVtsLoa-Wsta public recalling that on oCer transatlantic fllghta no jwo gresa reports ware received until the j other shore was a most racked. Weather on UTls halt of the ocean waa wot sh Vo rathe Den** clouds and fog were reported but (te winds of gale faroe In the region of New fogndUad were missing farther out. Moderma west and northwest winds were reported through all the course Ota aviator* were expeted over to ,irt N. : , - LONDON, Aug. 37. The Va lentis radio report* the receipt of a message from the steamer CalitarnU that It sighted a monoplane Hying at a height of about lOOA feet. Another radio company rvgorl-d receipt of the same m**»ag* relayed - by two steamer* with the additional ! information “weather conditions 1 “Virite-Ftetejjy. udadi --teas- -wbd c’W-" V AHedged Shoplifter At Ch&rles Stores; Robert Dyer Quickly Arrested For f Hebert Dy**V Ttttttlg, and -Hwhlt • druwk -*wd“tew««- derly. Wae lodged Into the city Jail late Saturday afternoon, after a sharp bu*. exciting chase, at the end of which, he waa captured by Mr. Oh born*. assistant manager of the |o cei Uteri** s-oe*. directly 4* - fvaaf of tb* Newe office. According to Mr. Oahofne. the pe gro, after walking around through tb* store waa aaea to stroll up to the coaster displaying ladle#’ silk ’un dies’’ take several of the article* Protn the counter and walk out jf the front door, with them hid hepeatfrhl* coat, Mr. Osborne, who Immedlate-lf, start ed out ia pursuit, upon reaching the GOLUBUO*a, N. CSUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2N, |»27 Alumni Secretary H ' w : <* ■ j. maryon Saunders ;3m ■ u J. Maryon Saunters, of Dir ham, who has been sleeted to the office of . executive secretary of the General ’ Alumni Association of the Univer sity of Nor h Carolina to succeed Dnntei L. Grant, secretary for the last fly* yiar*. who goew to New York to :adrtake a special inveatl fetioa la the Aeld o>: alumni re atloas for the Carnegie Corporation FEDERAL BOARD UNABLE EFFECT RECONCILIATION All Efforta Seen Vain ta Break Deadlock IE Headeraea i Strike HENDERSON. Aug. *7—Otel— De spite reports that efforts were being mad* uad*r the surface to get both side* to agree to mediation la tlw> Harriett Cott«n Mithl strike herw,rther.» was no development visible tonight in that direction. Mediation was discus fed at s meeting in Dufhsm when T. H. Wilson, president of the Mtati F*a*rwsm (tr tatntr, antf-twn rwprv j oeulatlvns of the strlker* w»re doagtadi with ÜbStenanl-Gevrcnor Long, and the wHlingteas of tbs sinkers to tic party to a Joint request for media tion Is understand to have been re poried to Mr. lidAg Dli-«ctor Duunlgap of ihe Federal Hoard of CoocHiatlion of th* Depart ment of Labor at Washington, return ed tosWaabingien ‘today after having bqen In Henderson tor a study of th* situation. It was 'said that Dunqigan had, madq determined hut fruiUees; effort! to‘ bring the two aides together 1 for medlaftoa and had collected con*l siderable data on wages, living i-oadi-j tlons. and the like. * "*1 ' " ■ n " 11 '' ' FREE FOR All. RAC E *BXT YEAR IN SEEN RALEIGH. AMR. K—A free ter «H race for lieutenant governor la 193 H 1 1* mod toted by political obierwr-*. here. Entrants already ihclnde W. H S. Burgyn. of Northamp on, R. T. Fountain, of Edgecombe and Yhile' other* are known to be consider.ng entering th* race None of the prominent .democratic or state officials ip the cliy, yester day would venture a predif-ttej as 1 to who l| likely to win. and at the • f aeaeat -Uase it la-raga riled sa SOL "FStyTT raosT - * ’i trust: ai'iir*t&r nyarn S* Tf'- rrdeiw-Tl hWY"7Wfl , ttm' wrnv' artvnnd' the Vinson's’ drug store. Hy wulkigNi a wlft pare, thn Char lc> HWFf- »ian. managed Mr .*tch ap With Dyer, Just aa he arrived in frtmt -of*-the-Mew« office rttxu- X shsrp struggle ensued when Osborne grakp <d IL# alleyc-J snatch-thief l»jr th* shoulder, to atop him. .Mr. W If, —*•»* *s* In tile Ner* of flee happened to look out the wlndpw und saw the < 'mix-up’V ll# rU’ hed out and grappled with Dyer, quickly j subduing him Wlih the assis ancc of Cal. John D. 1 aygg-<ti'M, the negro was in-id whit* hia clothe* were WATER PUNT BE INCREASED New Pump Houac and Pumpn Should ('are for Cily'u Neodu For 2ft Yearn Improvem-at of water plant (acui ties which should take car* of tb* , i-ccds of the cl.y for the next twenty five years bare been provided ta the lompletion of pleas to* the erection of a new pumping house for tb* city ryatem and the InatalUuiou Os two jlual drive fumpv. ’rhe pump house will he erected by A. 11. Gulon Company, of anstoalo. who were low bidders for the work wi’h a price of 127.00*. Construction work will prohatoly start within tbfe next two weeks and the contract will call for completion of the hongs wlth -4n 13* daya after the start. Three companies submitted bids for the work. ~■ » > A raw water pump and high pres, sure pump wUI be rurebnaed from the D# Laval ,J3t«am Tvrbtas Compaq, the rtw water pump for 13.348 and the high presear* pu-rtp for |7.M6. The** pumps will be' Ine allcd for operation by gaa or by motor. At pres ent Mtnip* at the gallon are operated entirely by electricity and It % no. cevaary to keep steam in the auxil iary system (or emergsney operation ta the event the power current goes off. Under the dual ayatem pumps to be lnetalled. they cs« be imam diatrty twitched to the gaa system raw operation when th* current gene off. This will ellm'anta th* naeemlty of keeping steam In th* boilers at all times, H waa agl4. I ■, —, - HOKE NEGRO IS SENTENCED DIE 1 Guilty of Mardor in First Do- Iffte for KUHar of Yotmff Holtc Farmor ta ’’mmmmmrnmm/m “’ T rv "* ARg »7-</F) Hector Graham, negro, waa touad t guilty of oiurderr in tb* ftrat degrsu • l»r twelve Scotland county Jutaors In Superior Court at Raeford today. Lreturn waa setanoed by fudge N. A. Townsend to die la th* electric chair on Friday, September S 3. Graham baa (onvlcied of alnytng Cap’nla Paul Johnson, prominent young planter of Hoke county fifteen daya ago. Uncertainty Still As to Situation of 18 Ameri cans Besieged in Mex WASHINGTON. Aug. J7.—<te—Un certainty continued today at tie State Department as to tb« plight of 13 Americana reported besieged Thnm day in their bon.es at the AdPte* min** In Meaico when the mining prop*rttv* were seised by radbiotv, ' A telegram daud I p. m yesterday from the American consul Infaygud tbv department thqt_l*|pcrnNli« gd iu-*s -from Am para war* that Be Meg ' lean troops, either federal or atata, had appeared on the ecade up ta y*a | terday morning.. The governor' of th* atatertltowever, waa expected to send aid later. This report contrasted with assure ancas given yesterday to Aartriew offi. IsK to ta* effect thwMhr MHRary art Amps.a waa aatlafactory. vmfam mr m • povmnc • WtepOhV Tn SBteT'antar loekert. In the meantime, the police’ I’ad liei-n called. . Olfleers Chink Rhodes end " Grover |jinca*ter<e#oo* arrived um| took the negro In their • -m*tadr- —1., m Mr. Osborne In so Interview with the New* representative later in Ml# evening, slated that he intended sus taining the charges against Dyer, who is an old offender, according t# the offierra, “|t will possibly teach j th# negro w lesson, sod. then too, It will at leaJi let that kind of Ctlke know we are on Uia Job,'’ Mid. De hor uv. 14 PAGKB TODAY Severs Tropical Storms Raging Over Bahaani At Time RedleraWa* Du* Over 70 Caffe* Docketed For Criminal Court fl.rant■ ■■■■■ ndm fa# Dff v trial In Wnywa rennty Hnperiar Court opening M*wdny fer Ike I riel *f evfrntete enoga. 13 of Ik* rhnrgee nr* an onfgrewth of nHsged vtalaliens of Ike llqner low aad ftv« tefcndnnt* will he triad an mnrtlar eonnf*. Verwna Hall wW' be given n second hearing far Ik* kiting of Charles MnaeteffMl aa taa night as Jan nary t, IStl. A ftrat tear lag reanlted la » mistrial J. ft. •lOfkMl Edwards, Ms Little, aad Farey Loan, m *• go ea trial for ta* alleged mgr dev •< Tam Tftompeaa, Detda kers snrpnnli who was mysto rtansly kilted aa he walked Ml Molly street ah eat ft atoterk M Leslie Whitley b U tee* trial far n muter anmmltted te (ML FIFTH PICNIC 4S SCHEDULED w »r!i» r-vUffrt* One hood red Wayne oounty people should attead the fifth aaaual ban bet picnic on tad Edgecombe teat term, near on Thura 4tey. ftntemku 3, SteUlng to Ooun ty Agent A K. MWtartaon Th* foliowing program hat boon atvnagod: Morning Program lo: oO—lnvocation. Cass to alter, ft. E. Currtn, Jr.. AmlHnat Dtreotor in Charge. 10: ot—Welcome and Introdacttaa of Chairman, f? X Milter. Director of Teat farm. in:io- Response from Chairman of the Day. Hon. Richard T. Fountain, gpeeker of Hena* of Reprsssa.stives. 10:25—Sheep oa Mutun N. ft Forma. K. ft. Curtis, StaU CM lege, Mnteigh. 13:40—Addreee, Tbo Health of our Family. Mias Bertha Lea Ferguson, Homs Agent,* Flu county? 11:00—Address by Hen Eugene Tsimodg*. Commissioner of Agteal* tore. Atlanta, On. Introduced by Hon WlMlam A. Graham. Commissioner e' Agriculture, Raleigh. 13:13—dleoess for Dlnnor" Picnic: Everyone Is reqneoted ta bring wetl fttlad hoatmt.- 3:30 Ladies Program—ln charge, ML. VWglwtn VftldMl 1 ftgsnwa ■ t ~wf Eltßp vr> ftmi|t W(l.ai/11, g 1 vfflF Edgecombe county I:33—Mm's Program—lnspect!#* to Experimental Fields, coatee, ted by X E Currln, Jr., R ft. Mono. P H Klme. W. F. Pete, Bari H. Hos tetler, Robert Schmidt. I. 0. Page, ft. G. Lehman, e* All Day Bxblblts Division of Agrenomr—H B. ‘Mann. ■wptr wm..: Division of Enatomotngy—W. w. welby, and M. H. Daria. Raleigh. Division of Want Pathology, S. 0., Letfltea and R. F. Poql*. Raleigh Dtvwpii rA flgrUijultßre Bohatt WetrtMac ■ Rnlrigh. ( enfesta at ft F. M. Hog Calling Contest—.Sapenteed ,*}' Eerie 11. Hostetler, Raleigh, to ' l ikml * jwk. jtetUM hy Fred. Wiggaaa, Jr. fanner. mffXt Mount, route number 3, TYli\Upper (toaetnl Plain StaUoa tenre* the agrirurtural latfrasli of the upper Costal Plain region of N. Carol l aw Visit your sgricu Rural station. PtEALTMfI SPREADS BUCHAREET. Aag 37.—Infantile paralysis la apraadlng in this city. Thirty vlctlma are dead. Tb* Cabi net Council has ordered- serum from Paris. It will be transported by air plane. ; ,r» ~ ■ Member of The Aseoeiatel men «vn cmra Awmy rSL CqpSP PLANK W mU mf mum warn '-“■SfeSr"*”" Rio MS Mt ntif (Mr kMS Mm rtf* aiaarf Pml RMters %* m (rtm 9r«M» »U*. Q*.. *r <N« 4# feoatta. m 4 m mi «( Um tvMar Ulftm ro- AtUUmM*arta km baUaan ~l>#^W *■* •** »• OTM4 IM. B*- or drivao MMN^r MMi. •* .» ZTt ff* . tffl* fc4 ft at *b«it I:4# »M<««*^Ci**4*Ua*i cnm HaA^u"»ar!!t? t »jL id* Oraat SAODO-ViUmtl FIiNERAL^TODAY N *w«3E!iJi*2Ufc£r" OrtNMSSS^P *»w*. on duty (iWIWf WM« Os Rm M* VMMttl •*tjfft MM - '>»< HihuUi tint u Ibardw • w Ti?^*^a w f ~ fw« tw mSTpiirv ** vss Q**rur to tto ctt**torr to ***** «JLTMr || t —ry kMMuTrtwnffw- liMnry (or a U*ar ttarltlM KifiliM tUt ft MM* lot* low U»« moat dlroot rout* un «m IR 11 WW tOJML bar 41 at 8L LmM# M 10*8 **■ pro** oa bta «ta##l»g » NMMK *4 oatrhin* up *|l| ljs lltl hHHM*

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