a f . . • \'i WEATHKB v A; sV * ” % • Paskty Ctoady Tuesday Wednesday (haadarebowers ' . . VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 1«T DETROIT PLANE IN MUNICH-NO WORD OF REDH ROTARY OFFICERS 57th DISTRICT BEGIN MEETING TODAY Appeal Made To Goveqjment Agencies And Countries Os ~5. America To Start Hunt Imhml’WwU Aaerican Rirdwcn RmM GtfWMy at 4:05 SUGCSBBFULL'Y COMPLETE SECOND LAP OF JOURNEY Aha to Break Existing Records as CircUag Barth in 28.5 * Days *'JTTi 'iffis 'i r" ~ •] MUNICH. Gangs ny, August IP— (AV-tamartca'a totem traos-Atiaatfc fMora, William Kook and Edwa'.l Hvcblee. bar* concluded the second lap of their round-the world rilgh,i. The •‘Pride of Detroit - ’ reached here from Borland at «:0S o’clock this afternoon The flWr» were in fine spirits «nd reported a -a! to factory voyage, par ti c atari r so altar the flight over the Atastk ooeas. Leaving l.ondc i shortly after I •'dock in the mom. in* the ptoae flew before a favored! it wind; hut over Germany a sudden vio lent teat wind nrone which retard sal theta speed and their arrival was do. to/The wslsnass extended’ *> 0r stmnwr ws.Hwateothusiaeth After the usaoaer la which Chamberlain aaf Ia|. * v" «AN ANTONIO, Tex.. Aug '-*> -(*>) - fttrcM dowg hi thsii s|rp|an r some where ia 4hr bart< n stretches of Nor. there Ken too two DtoUad StatesArtgp Were. Captain C. H. Reynolds and his aide, (targesat Oiw NewltnA. JLantoht WSff' FipwHrd to ho ceptivoe ,ol Mcx ieaae. - Diplomatic gad military authot litre were aUrusptAig to determine the *s asi plight of the two men who ar« me where of the 2nd ntvWton Air, Her. vice. The aviators apparently strayed from thfto.rcourse while returning from Phoenix, Arisaoa. where (hey ba time of the exrltem* nt. Just wheth or or wot the* aoMmlly - made the Uiliegatioua 'remiius a moot point In Ike minds of many. . Governor Mcl.cn n^slaled that he would let the mutiny of uppoinUng ndditlonul emergeuer judges go over nutil he had inreetigated Biorp. thoraagh/ the^necessity of their ap pointment. He sla ed that he expected to call a -Dcctiun #f Uic- tUato Printing Commission t n hably Wfdnrsd.«y for the purpose of reopening the ques tion of letting contracts for the State printing for the present biennium. 3li-gßl.lhc workev In gu jfar wHhnnt tn rtiig KotncTiiThg to offer Them The conference at which the pro-, posal of the strikers was considered by the directors of, the mill* lasted Uh'bonr. (tosurtdrratinns <•! it *MH MflCexl to U>» pettMon and quiff de cision was given. The roply contained Just thirteen words: . JtuuJi. -W sdatoe- request lUnum br^rvmpUnd This leaves the stains of the strik e's virtuiklTy ns It was hof'rc ind. with still uo elgn of a break in the position that' has Item assumnd by the mill owners, namely, that they wars wwt -hr sr piraiTMK to grant tfso demuuds of (he workers, 1 ‘osom ■■■»." »■■■. •■.■■mr " r.KMRIG PILLS IP .VEW YORK, August Urn Gehrig ptilled up to within one ran of Babe ftuth today by getting nam her 41 wi h two m• *1 ftorw. 1 Mention of the (aidßus case came ia the reocesa of relating what sn influence Maapnry could have in !>poasortog a Iruer American . culinutng to show the heed for some ibfluencr which can check the modern crime tendercjm. cited atatlatics which i kart of late been going the rounds • ot the press to the cffoct that each year erihna coats in ihe United Btat»t, the sum of ten hfliiun dollar-. lie rccnllcd also tjiui «nc third -d( the men called tot service ia the Uirit*fsi -sM Ashvboro with the aid of llmphilfh' jew in£ is deiouli’o( (l otto bound to -wait trail t«ff re rs m»pi-irate Tu<-»irtay morning on a charge of stn-etn enking .. JUwer is actused uS Uuitia b oken « Sd«'» j 1 Huatcrto r.ar.istr ill ITr* t, if~‘“ lU.. a'lghi of duM “4.1 1!C;5. and g'o'e tiro*, lulw* arid a«Mr j mobile «-| mlati-ly (lib -■ _ v . . ' j Following Hie dim-awery of the robbety, deputy Kreger went to the | h'-me-of Kiser to search for the as-j t-hrle* Aud 'kaKl Tie Tiiknil a auty-aiiloil j coppe>- still and n V ontplrH- outfit i | fifty gu lows of imarpuiifif TSySwaTp" toted n»i five hundred fact from Ui ; hosito. At that Uiv Khurr was ia Wiustoh-Kelvin, according to De i«Jr _________ Conrpj uy and Andrews Drug (X»- Inay waa la Urn saalp due to smoke, it was said. The Building wAuh.iM f«r«4 nwurt was the property qf Y. H. (KnoPloa. Air the ft raw which Buffered war# under one roof, sad, this made the ta: kof fighting the flames men el ficutt aad at the same .tints per mit ed a den** spreadiag of , the smoke into the a eras oa aaeif aide of the Mpe flr^q Mt. (Diva residents are convinced that the recent jjurcha** of A modem fire truck hy the towa was proved a w(s- move by lb* tire. Had it imt keen tor fgciUtiW i*nwfai ***s& It was said, damagi- maxt as. Miiediy have been < more. State Board Health - Is Freed of Charges 'KALKIGH. August Stt-iA*)- The la-l chapter of tlf.- invi>*tigatjo|, lulu < UUrgt-s if graft ia adminGlralius Os tho stain annitpry l*wg_ju» wriL \ JigjMdgv. ■ ~ . . Gnvi “Tofucy General Itrumuftt’a VSport on the hc.irtng that the taller touiid uo. evidenc*: ili.n tiinfielmd ho-i}, pracs. Ik-ssL “It is very lissrloning to kaow, % !UC chief sex., ul. oey afttir rrhamßtip ffhrvirtlggtt.,H you w. rs able to flgd I no "'RftfßiT miumMM <>s ilm part of iy»y . s 7>. August Dw i liP) Appr; vat or a to i/c laim i s vs»i »m« of terrllory fu the roluoi 14a river bu-tii will b« asked el President t’ootidK* by a* RbtHatMP i beaded by Bcuainr .lone*, of tv ash ia S* t plain ib«- project i wh'ch Senator Jones describes as probably Wf of tits largooa raqla r«- , tinu pojtcts la th; totted Blalaa •• whose dcvci< pmepi is of vßai impotta! a . District Governor Hodges To Preside Over Seams Starting At MOT* A. I. WII.SONLADY BADLY HURT —r "4 Mrs ft. H. Duka, of Wilson, aas brought to Bpicer 4 * Baoltorium Bun day afteruwo. for traatamoj, afe the result of tojuriss susUloed IP M iccldeot oa Ike Wltaoa highway, Run ay aftarsa«D akopt lift. Mrs. Wftson, together, with bar husband, who la a brother to Mr. 0, G. Duka, of Golds hopo, aad aav •erat rhildrso, ways ap thalr way from Wilaoa to ttnidsimro to apcfKl tha *s - with ntativas Itofa. When about sly ad’aa dot frdav this city, the radiator bow aa their -ear, a Hindi,b.kar Itfht 111 aedua. anddstog oar dowa to a M*P. irhita Mrs, Doha who aridaataly thought tha oar waa ca firs oraad tha door, aa aa to to to raadlaaw to get out aa soap at the automobile was a ut to ihe pavapMal oa bar face With great faraa whlla ttot dor waa moving. Mr. Duka juaraod oat quick y sad rap hack ta wbara Mrs. Dttka ’ay uaeoadhlea* «■ the highway, nicked bar op. aad cdM|iaf bar baak to the car. Rba waa n»had to tha ftpiaar SaaitorbHß. wbara aba .still remains Ip a aartopa coadlttoa, sc rordlttg to iafurauttiap raaahwd lift cvealac m,.. , .sAww Levine’s Teke-Off Beta France Talking Paris. Aug. M.-ilfWlraHw LO riae’s bop-off from 0a tyttg WI here to Dondoa la Mb «|rptPto. Ca lunriiia was tin talk of PSHIi loulgbt All the after soon strung great bamlMoae acreaa front pages, ta let tb« public know that tha Colum bia hud flown (ram bar ooop leaving behind Maurice Drodkla. French avia tor who had expected to go with Le vine aad leaving him with no ckaaoel •f achieving hi* amWtiop to fly to Maw York w(0 Levina, Rvan those who have openly oxpraaaad a dislike ot Mr. Levine} method of qpttiag randy tor ih« mum Right home compHmrated hint on -bto eterttgm: JML iUppSt gw»y "uaaamMUtcad aa pilot of tha plane 0 which he Was supposed to ga aa paneeagnr. SAIN SVATR LABOR . taw- *mrt . mmrer” HSMItSW SVRIKI - ■ ukatmAM AutPgit D Tbs N «n-a«uetdiadk yWla*. led go of >k« strike of MM operatives of iho ilarvtot cotton uiilta at lieu demon. uattF aftor M yd hood cal tod. -according iw-Mh 43 r GOWwiOl, preai- emitoal tohoF Ciaidwell make this sQdeowat to. #j* ia qomnwatiag upon dorffaa mpdetkrougbbpt tha «H»to thßATtae for Iba strike. The Henderson operatives, be do ctored were rnambaiP of no ats^to thp afoibo has bean caitad, Caldwdti ' - 1 J'*" . 4 ■ '» -j** rnL. a WlSe ARMRUiIQ Pres. fKIIJI WTi ÜBPilv { ill 1 4lltE -ft * ■* ~ wm with ntH * -M| Uni M ,A- -s- |k. i| -*-■-* - mJT it'OorvnsmwOtp.,*mt *s^ni *, f gnPVNpo I own Ww Om loosl Uom lor * „ ‘j Haftatmtidi bMfipfipitahi tHli b* r V, IMbi.lfl.jL t T/LtIUXLJ*' • . A *-*w ‘*3k~jMf • * w i'iw vwpiwi *RPP nnd or. objoetn Omn - |j|