WEATHER ' Partly cloudy Wednesday Possibly tol loped by thnndersbowsra Wetfne* drt) night O! Tilnrsiar * A- ’ # VOLUME 8IX; NUMBER ISB SOME CONFIRMATION REPORT SEEING REDFERN PLAN BROADENING SCOPE ROTARY WORK Telegraph Operator Wires From Gudad, Bolivar, To ,&n|. ? u Re-Aftirm Orinoco Report Residents Hold They Haw Air plane Flying Boutheant at 1 3 Saturday Afternoon YOUNG WIFE BELIEVES PAUL SAFE SOMEWHERE Brazilian Minister Writes Ef forts Being Made on Behalf of Intrepid Airman * CARACAS. Aug. „30.-(/P)-Som«- ® ' confirmation that an airplane wan vrtghtrd over the Delta of the Ornoicj rfvr Matui day afternoon )haw been given to the sevcriimont by the tele graph operator at > 'iudod. Itoitvnr Ha report* r- the delta declare they «a» an njr ptaue flying to the Southeast about 3 o'clock that day. a A heavy storm broke over the region about one hoar before sighting of the ““"plane. Bine* then no word of 'h* machine ha* reached the Htatlon. The ■ government* however, I* making every effort to follow up hi* trial in the hope of flndlng the airplane aud aid ing the avia BRUNBW'ICK, Oa.. Aug 30.—(4*1 s Thrta day* and night* have |>uhh<;4 wltbour—Blttf M alm-i; •he time for Paul Rodfern’a ached iilml arrive! at Rk> de Janerlo, Braill, brought n > plane down from the sklea but hop* far the aviator'* safety eontinued to night to h« fed on the belief of hi* pretty' youttf. wife that "Paul how landed safely aontewherc" With hope apparently abandon* d for an extended acuich along tb< 4.6 pm mile route »hit hhe attempted in Try ing for » non-atop to Rraall, the chair man of tho flight committee announc ed that "now we can only wait aud ho es' Before leaving on hi* air adven ture, Redfern lold relative* not to be alarmed aliould Ihcy him in ale months Hr pointed nut that he wqa prepared for an indefinite stay In tire Jungl*t or at no a if forced down en route to 111 mil W * -T-r WASHINGTON. Aug, .in,—(4Vt*n- Incident with (he dbipairh of new In (itnietinpe to Auierlran coukiil* in RrM.lah and IHitoll Guillen, and in lirazil to proa* the search for Paul JRedfrnt. a mcH*age from the Brazilian minister ui foreign riTitlima reacted the department .expressing hope fur the a viator.m safety B The message .was. addr«-W tho secretary of stale, dated August 23 and »ald Urn ml I wa* preparing to «ele __ bratc with rtv* greatest ittsptta.v »T it,* love and cntt)uaia*ni Redfern * heru bnn and join* through me n« own fraternal wishes with those of the Culled State* of American In per*n'i t*f yutor excellency for the safely of the tie* * Impure on the alert would b; great aviator. The Miaxiliau author)- happy ts-given the opportunity of do lug «ny servu-e «n Tj|m kha offered-KL — 4R*r for-ths gixnf of mankind ". l*Klso> (MIX IMi ». RALEIGH. Aug. 28,Cborttg MStUtUftl- StgU prtw*W hopyr-owf gpflr ‘Wvliti. Charlotte. champinnKhtp (icft wljp«ra. h*te been matched for ten rottnJs dl tbs ptfuott here Crirtay night *' .STORM MiKIKH SIR JOHN ( AIM.INI. BACK LONDON. Aug ill. 14*) Tin mono pt*no Str JWb rafffbg will. Ii took Ug tarty-thonnomtitg for London Eng; - .tgtrarrpntrtiMTt,. Tilillls wa* slain and whirl) has Keen aa Important link la the evidence by which the state Iva* sought lo corv let the officer* widow ami hi* deputy. Henry Ton.a>beivd V the murder on Jta C GOLUBBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 31. 1927 AMATEURS WILL. PLAY TOURNEY Southern Will Be Held at Radlunrttp*ipKH» Georgia .S' « .P i * " AI.UANY, (ia . August 3» i4*i Amateur guller* from North Carolina Sou h Ca olinn, Fl orida, Georgia. Ala bama and TcunessM will eligible for p'ay in the annujj Thanksgiving day amateur golf tournament to he held on the Radiuui Spring* course Here licgdnning November 24, the Radium Spring* club g'lf committee ha* announced. Play, beginning on hThanksfrivlng day. will continue through Friday aud Saturday. The tournament will l>e under the direction of the Club committee, as rl* ed by Joe Kirkwood, Australian Hick allot artiHt who accompanied Bobby Jones at St Andrew*, Scot, land, and won third place in that event. Klrkwo -d i* proeaatoual * at the Radium Spring* club and tho nurse was built under hi* •mporyi-- sion. The tournament course i* a 77 hole toutu, with *675 total yardigc. Tricky short hole*, itoglegi and long •Haight railway* alternate to bring flue play Very dub in the bug nod tent ihc golfer* vcr*atllUy. The Thanksgiving season brings the Rad ium Spring* course uiuitlly, to It* UeW .ondi ion of the year. i binuiilU-e membt-r* have asserted tit t "the largest array of trophic* ever offered at a golf tournament in the South' will be hung up for tVtrw year’* tournament. In play with Boliby Jones Ihc «luy before the Atlantan loft for St. An drew* ami the British open this year. Kirkwood shot tlM,AHi4»<> te P't»by*>< 7] l .if AusLraliuu said ibat mmid waa Ipe factor whh'h persuad-' ed him to accompitay Jone* on the trip to Scotland Outdoor divemlcti* and social ndiv. ities in add I ion to the golf tourna ment gr# being planned for eontc’l aul* end acectator*, the committee announced. M’CRAY GIVEN HIS FREEDOM « • - ■ "a Former Governor Indiana. How ever, Will Nol Have Civil Right** Restored . '* WASHINGTON, August 30 t/|*i Parole of Warren Mcf’rav former governor cf ludiaua lnmt the Atlanta IVd' ral prison ha* l*»>en approved by - l.<>rnt*y General Hat gent . McCray, who l- aervtug * 10 year •entente for ti*.ng the mail* tti de t’erd beettn «•* t-llwil>l<- _lnr par«l«* tomorrow The parole will bo dated had bclittf 1 wa« exi>rman *»rrr hrard Ironi Ihr Mfllt. huiur m llhiii t «r min. Hlr« l>f Ihr MMilltl of Ihr la«t *hah —— I onrlnHltiK (hr liflh da) «f IK *Wf, Ihr 'lair mulinnnl Ihr ln‘ lM.' , inin.n »f rthlrurr taVrupixirt •• rr*,, niVa* ihul Ihr relations Hrl*i-r« ,Hr». Willi* and T«»n»- hrud bad hff« Impnitirr, ••nr *Hnr«* *aid hr had »rra than trrijurntl) gq Inin a h»»»r mar bin and Ibal hr had ran* ptalard In nffk-rr*. (minding ->n|l Wtflu. Plan Begrin Atlantic Flight Early Today rPAVO.N, Eng, Augu*t Ui CaptoMi I wain Hi. mi !J on told the Ai’aocisled Prer* touight that tie and Col. F.'F Mit-cbin iufrnl' d to start their projectej trun*-A - laiitlc flight u> American Rwnir row mornuig, InUutling lo hop off bbtyveen f> and (i n’lloi k. VEAZEYTALKS OF FERTILIZER Plot at Rosewood Tests Four Ways of Fertilizing Option The Agricultural Department of lhi.sewood High *ehrtol under the dir ecOon of I’rofuaata' A. H. Veaaey 1* conducting a fi r:ili*er test with cotlon. "Tlic test la arranged to com pare f -ur dis cren‘. v waya to fcrtllixj r-ottmi,” Professor Vea*ey stated. "One plot contain* tOO Iti*,. per ucre of \-0-3 fertllixor. all of which, kin applied at planting time. An other plot get* the same kind and amount at planting time and in addi tion 2 Aug R (An President Coolldge ts holding an o|> ii mL%| in- th<- jmm mug wrr niugrvhi, or at Past thi- Senate Into special ses sion « numth ah>’ud of the regular tnecling (line In lx < '-tuber ■ I‘uuli*; further Conference* wMth l'origreiv*l»n ai tenders oh hi* ielurn to Washing- < ‘ou. hr i* deeper-d A' recent vtnltor* to be ready *“ -rg , in ,,,,,( -i f, -t an early *e**ion . Haiti atQI resriftaliyv wlnp. of the Nenute miltl todiiy after a roof' rent e th it ji- Hit.light the cxociillrt »a* wippathetli to a spiM lnl Hcsslon to the,, Senate. An early mreGuii til. the S*-tiat' » ;o Bmafnr ton - •TIT*-'” ’Vapxr. TZBR f 7th opiiortirntty Tt> (llhci*** Jhe I on(.-I rtg.iiro'l tin -eit* of Senaior Smith of 1111 ipitji. iint- ui- DennayJvania laith Republican* ' J-Wt' 7 ' •'diM. at.-U~- t <-1 in h a ' piograui it is hno writ lliat Mi (001 id lie «.jn'. * to confer wilh the Republican leader* betore reaching a deciajon.., Jt im.i; P t RAJUi Dl-.LU —— • MALKItilf. \ng 39. (4*l «»* Me l-exti 1 onilii'iilmg t-.iiigliC. upon the death »ts Superior ("o irt Judge “Ray mond Parker of WiiiKto4c-Sat*ui io ROY PRICE NOT GUILTY Joshua Mitchell Trial Scheduled ’ Ao Gel Started Thursday Under Court Order After tbr jury had beau out for I )■* than half an hour, Roy Pries, of o outlea hud found n five gallon dcnti iohn of whiakey In a chicken houae at thv home of Frio*., The I)ruinm»nd*vil|e man d'd ia Ifoduct i ny rylib iice and dl l not on the stand, throwing tha burdaia of proof upon the Htat« JoohM Mitchell, lata in tha after noon, wa* arraigned for the killing of hi* best friend Morndloa Sm'th. nd Judge Henry A. Grady ordered hat the case be *et for trial oa rhur* lay, remarking that tha law vllr ected (hat jail caac* should taka pre cedence over ail other* on tlw doc)t el. The grand jury contlntrtd its Invog tigations yesterday aft- I noon and waa cxpec e<| today make tho round* ! of the rouuty Inatltiitions and poiilhly return a report late In the aft ; noon Other case* which have been ad mitted to record since the begmulng of the criminal term: Eraea; Jone*, reckless operation of an automobile and assault*, coat*. Jim Mo*tago and * Atlaa Moibtgo were aliowvd to pay the c n tW jb AU aanault charge and ordered nlap to pay a hill of Dr. Dale. Willie Davis waa yranted a divorce fnrai Bet tie Green Da via on the grounds: of adultery. Joseph Bhu kman . , drew II mouths on u charge of ho'icebreak- Ihg Thad Newivome enterdv n pica of guilty on a beating hi* wlff, and >H»dgc Grady passed over a **jifcrn'di »f two year* on the road*, th-r mu t to l>e paroled at the expiratin.t of four months hut teijutrvd to give an uik couut of bin conduct and trealmaut of his w.fe over a long period of yoaia, KNOWS NOTHING OF WAR DEBTS Governor Mrljean Hatv No Rtc* ord so Stale Owirg Federal Government Moniea RALEIGH. Aug. 3n th« stale of North Parollna hu* any oh lieatbm to the Fvdt'fal (overautent ou-accnuuL ><( ImUsii War* fr*c, |K »:i Il> IXba. Govi-ruui Mi laavu not know It. he said tontglll In ieapouao to any enquiry, »* to What ’f any .action. .1K... wtut* wwtW take in coiinci Uinr. wilh the hstocil ruliaiK that fund* approved by the Federal government for highwuyn and ..thi-r pur i*.sc* would l*e witlilield un til amount*- nlb-gr-d *tr hr dur th* fbr m< r uipaid, the governor wild: “The Htalc of -North Carolina i* rnufy— *lde and ' writing to pay any Other L'li'.lt 1 lL.titCZ-aza.any dill, in (he tKed*t:if"g(VVW'TfPTcHrTtrifie*’same i'm ii should not 1(C forgotten ihaf North Cimlina ‘axpiy-r» heap laid over ♦20!).000.000 in Kelvnil koverninciit taxes Adopt School And General Fund Budget For Wayne Co K _ T| -ir • it> dfrttal »f T T Itrown a* pi ultry agent lor Wayne county for another year, adoption of * school budget, nt ilir Kiiieral f 14411: budget, arid TotrJ r Wo T iittoh~ iif etinty Inishi *4 nr tnwrtt - rtrrnT 1 4 Mrs AJvbott hod been aaperotad from her husband about a mon h. Abbott ri fused to gin up soma hou*e hold property which hi* wife declared belonged to her and a; court order W> force him to- surreadtr i the articles. She and her father so- I companied the aheriff lo thv hoqpe. While theihjverlff was In the yard Abbott shot hi* wife in the nbdomeu The sheriff ran *to the door and Ab-- bolt fired at him. woundlug him In the hand Abbott then committed sui cide, after shooting a passerby who , had stopped near a window of the house. v Unfavorable Winds Halt Jtome Flight , .• "he "V. ' .^ r '[ U(W»HKVBLT FIKli), N r„ August :o (4*t For the ttilwf nine ihous nmlh gut he red al ithU flying field liMlay to whnews the take off" for Ibr ie of tile monoplane Old Glory and for (h * %*?L. time ih«y wern dia l qppotqt i*d. ' •] I 'util nlmoat 7 oVwk tills evening liopg waa i ntcrtalned by l4oyd B**r t»nd and James Hit), the pttol* tha> Ibr wMjC.jHIISi: ocer U» Ilia wash ■ Th< n the lirneae holding ll* south we t direction, a ct*.** wind that jy.rccloded a bop, the great single mo or and (he flight of * licyslly culled off for ihe night W" . i 1 I I|ila| i/.atinn fund of the stale, from' ' tines In the rounly eotirla, and fnnn 1 poll (axes The general fund budget was also ad'«i<‘ed )« aterd*ji; 'jaUUtms-Mt flii— Hi in 11 nit.tioo will lie appropriat •h), II was raid This ir the naiye as 1 was prorivrd a year ago- I Adoption of the hclujol budget and of the general fund budget Is prell.- n’liary to' 1 onsiderslloii vs budgets WV the other depart merits and pur pose* of lhe county. The road fund 1 budge' will he taken up at a special meeting Friday, It ia eapected. The 1 ommissfoner* were raid s'so ■ to hast* given further eons Hie ration tbOjUUiM 09 fa,* fW) ' ' “t. - y.? Member of The Aseoeiated PMaifmiGnf* i («overnor H>4|»» Ijdtoa RipMt I On Oatd** at Morning ponton '**■ll • HtmUm* W» Q*m U MU )»:<» Plui Mr kwMhi 4t idM at activities at AM *eMry Oil* at (M Fifty Seventh DUtrldt mat* art* • Ur* yesterday sh the ipeaby mM of tbe two-agy tartan an at dab ti'rc+tn ». lfcatipna ra*crday. '.rragnm we— imwMi by Dlatttct Uovymor, Luther IMn> at Laake- WU * and 'brTUid 01*1%, at &3t*£ goveraar of <«bf VfttfMMgbtb #Wlkt •ad WIH —%r*K V... aornaor ts (too .4* tTiot ' the Ooldahoro ja^ airful 1 4 *-Oaa • a * —Vff„ jy* Me Model Iwitched* abaaag pad. fha deiegafa* aai W wHttUrirti I*l' rt> rtott* f *"**o d.aaer la Ua*T ** jl Tba ooafereaeee tH’l-df —dUartM this moraine and at IffH tpe MU i lull Will be boat* loth* *dhors at o hirboMc (Matriot Ctre.auiUtaHy ar.naitl' at the fellowship biagiaH la the. Mar tel Goldsboro last i*wtl|, Made sail merrtaiMt rhsrsetgrt—d tbs evehlait wWb CkarMy NbtcMwt, aaavfary at the Or ecu* boro dab. Ofttif tk# ffta* wltli hie funny pbltss •*# The call to order bpjtntraor IM* ther Hodges of U—> trills .*p my a* 9:30 Tuesday naodlat. MdFbed t|— I opening of the Tfotary %an>tlM ba* | h>g bold la OolMldSb *b Tanddfr and Wednesday The invormfkn Mr Jha Daniels- fNMaUMI||! 111 l|J soar, Md by -BUI - mUrtll*. aft* whl<* the large m|B»bef «f rte Wag Rofartpas etood and 9N*d Mirada—l individually / In tbe adtftes* by (leearadr Madge* «i io o'clock on ‘The I*l—aalleaal program and the wort Jt <|p Seventh nfetrfet be MMUttrd tbe ilogan of the Inta matte*ll PreaW r’ent. ‘Take HUMvit Hertodaig,** to ebaw Jn*t trow verlouafy TWBjfk take* by the Itotarisns of AM—Mated 1&- i opr, Goveraer ItedgM tdtd at tba Internatoaal confer—oe bold at CW •’latrlrt in the woeM, aa*r »• d* which are la NortK aad beath Amert <-», «ort there, umay atVjRRh b—ia* tehee trtp» r from other* d—SlaeaU Ip tra‘L tiu>. r nV4rrn 4ouf (faift. ‘For tear d*» sarf night*;’ aai* Governor Hogget, they airhead woek£ cl and oot uatll Friday lath* week did they lake time jU'ad**®* «• It*. They were bp—/—H—' fbUßL-Mi -T-Sk... 'tstr. v#r* qmurtMM «** Me atm* add object*, whet I— your ilal|rf>*l fa whit are pr«»idea's and ssci—Sites daMa aa*. wlua aee-.—ew >.«waaai —HMwd «•* • —**— ealal Men r»ve 'of (Mr than, thetr talenta day >nb night to make Motary beoh and their money, eo yoa and I at home oen ge* the Mry back Tear rekponMbilhy la to pat aerobe ta yotiir ■ -t tirtr-et beam «♦ bdir'OfTb. aanf back to roar drtt> a vtclea 01 Mataty intemaUoaal, Jart u the fMoradHtm. nt Pr—Meat pat acme Ida vfcitod at 'be Tatematlonal Confereace. To do tbl* aarreeefettp' tldM iHf thing* »re aecceeary: i 1. SertoaeaeM of parpeoe ,* 2. HapMaeee of etpreraie# 3. window at Mdaataat 4. Effeetiveaaac of adMa*. To do tbeae faar tblbfr pOh bard tte bavw— lUMM4 .