jji*' .ii 'wiAnm ji Generally -fair Thursday and Friday . except for widely scattered thundershowers la after ' . ' ' " NUMBER lit • >/ Greensboro Selected City For Rotary Convention And J; Inter-City Grogs Arranged Lkstnut Governor For Ettk Groop Picked at President* Breakfast . ML W. H. SMITH IS MADE DISTRICT HEAD Vote Conference One of Moot Sattooofn! Beer Staged as j Adjournment T*kcn Niotif of Greensboro the piece iar the convention and tentative sel ection ot Mar I SS4 « dates for the occasion marked the second and final dtjr of the Flfftr-B*venth Dis rlct Ro tary executive* here yesterday. The mtetlkf ended nt neon with the Oeddaboro club host to the visitors at n delightful berbecu# at the mem orial oemmbnity building. Four lieu tenant governors for the dlatrlct were created hjr action of the governors. ♦Tha moat successful gathering of clek oaecnslms ever staged in the district, 1 * was the remark hffirtT froqueatty, on the visiting presidents and secretaries of the clubs from forty of the tony-on* towns in the ilktrtat prepared to get swny to their hemes. They were continued ln u the’r npUhilm of aroreeiation for the fine epirit of hospiUllty shown by the Goldsboro club and in expression of thanks to the committee of the local club which waa i« charge of - arrangements for the meeting.* < Select 1m p>t Oreensbo'o as the Vre aidant’s breakfast with Governor Hodges Os Spray presiding Greeni •' boro delegates brought work that their club was already anticipating the convention and had begun wide plans for tha moating. To atlmnlalc interest in inter city "tedM-th* AUVrict was divided into four Btroags WHD a leader named tar jt >ch district. These . leaden win serve as IMutenant governors for Diptrfet Governor Hodges. Pr.JW H. Bmtth, proaldont of the Goldsboro Hub,terns named as ttruen»nt sorer nor for the district in which Goldr koro falls. <p; a discussion showed the. gsuern.l opinion to Iq hi favor of larger * groupings thaw heretofore, the inter city moating being *»• much better where, the groups are larger. The following four groure wore read and this plan voted upon: each g.oup af terwards selecting Its own tc-fter Group 1. Her ford, Elisabeth City and ljdanton with .Carroll Kramer of Kdemton as leader, this group bolns left Whether for ft*t this >car> on account of the bad roads which' t" t them off Mom the rest oOhc wUte. Group 1. Morohead City, New Bern. Washtag'bo- Ayden, Green villa, Rocky Mount. Tartan o. Wilson PsrmvtUa. Bnow Hill, with Fletcher of ktgakington as leader. Group 3. Raleigh, Clay km. Goldsboro. Ml. Olive, Warsaw, Clinton. Wilmnlgten, Whiteville, Unrinburg Red Spriugs, - Fnyeterttlc, Dunn, Ban*crd. with Bill Bmilh of Goldsboro as leadec. Group 4. Handeuson. Oxford. Durham. Rox boro, Burlington. Ashboro. Itexlngtou. Thomasvllie, High Point, On-enHlioro, Reldsvillc, bankevllle-Bpray. Madl-ou, Winston-Salem with JJoouy Bryant of Durham as lander. Wgda Marr. retiring Dis rict Oov erner, presided at the secretaries breakfast. Mrr -finer delivered ««* eddre-e showing the reaponsibillty which re-t upon *he dnh secretary He said! "And Mr. KecrcUry. you ar* th bu< kboae of Hhe Club, Governor Luther Is going Ur form his opinion cf our club by what kind of a »cc mmrrm are wttstei tro stfttwj; r bit better club than jrou>e got Bet • retary. And remember what it mean* Tor you to *o»d your report without warthig fßrteWkrt»"Wiii r«n t\ We- 1 tfram.vßAboght to be sent cottar* -te be paid by the Secretary. Boys we’ve get tha bait District Oovernor 1 know scything about. Let's stick up to him like a. man.* Billy Brunson, lyesidcnt of tho Ardw ctnto ww» «nt»ud-wTcrtetf irtrr Ayden’A attendance la so excellent. Hla invsr «va* extended location of the club, notityta* members of the meetings, giving a program that makes them want to come back, giv ing different number* something to do. and the 190 percent s’tendsnce of the' President of last yacgauftoveraor ' Hodges then asked for the h’ad* .of all who had never nsitsed s meeting. «wuw** iww .inn itmm, i t 'cu « ' • ’ V , ' ‘ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. TWO STRAINS OF SOYBEANS - _____ & \ j United SUtei Department of Agriculture Recommends Breeding Seed RALHOK Aug Hit Boy. bean breeding and selection to pro duce tho distinct strains, one de*ir able for stock feeding sad the o her for bean milling Is recommended by E. Z. Russell, of the IT. 8. depart ment of agriculture, the plan sug gested ss s means of meeting tha objection that soybean feeding tends to produce sort pork and consequent reduction in market prices. ’"'We bellw',” Russell says, “the cause of soft pork is primarily that of fat la the feed Bean varieties vary in oil content all the way from 'ff to 34 percent. We have found that if there Is s total fat -content of tha feed very much In excess of oil percent, soft porfc is likely to result. “The protein feeds the farmer on es for hogs are high priced." he continues. “Most of them must be purchased. Soybeans furnish suffi cient protein to balance the corn ra tion, but (be results of some our tests indicate It would pay batter to feed an animal protein such as linkage cr llnsead ereal in addition to soy. bekbs. In the usual cams we believe it would be better to feed .oyb-nns ■0 as a supplement to lorn or other seeds of like nature, rallier than us a basal or fatt ninr fed If tltr lat ter plan is used soft po k is almost Mire to result i “Now, we have la nilpd e plan ot experimental work to be ur i-rtakcp by soybean grower*, if : urcasafttl we tklnk It would be of decided; liirvflt to the he- producer. It ia briefly this, to reduce the oil content of negne of your variatiea of limt by breeding to a point where they could be fed to box* with safety ftotn the standpoint Os soft pork. Wc wwntd-lnrre-rtrfcefp in min * »*• da- 1 strability of high protein content and pals' ability. Frankly, we do not know whether reducing oil content would a feet palatabllity. We realise the soybean miller wants a bean of high oil content, the at posits of what we (F. If however, a bean of low oil lont. nt can be produced by breeding iky can not on* of the reverse )>e grown? II U a long time |ob, but we are Working for tli- future. If the farmer can grow his own protein feeds • nd avpid soft pork produrtlr t, his profits will increase materially”- * TUNNEY SHOWS FINE FETTLE Eimln Preliminary Training and 'ViU Now Move to Scene > of Battle m iad*»'— in w BFBfTACITIJtRt-N V. August .11 — iJP) —Winding up the preliminary aeuaio i of training for his first title d'-Jenae Gene Tuuuey twlay mK'd through the fastest work ted of his » days bore. It was the fmat nffirisl uppesrance of Ihe champion hers Iki- Tor .' tie ..ou ch with . itemp-cv ta Chicago ti-xt month. Tunney will leave .for the battle ground to mor row to linLh training. Critic* at the camp who hav» watelied Oear„ rlace hi* arrival her* sarerai weeks ago ware ceriain tha *6%"- IVnvine -l»a*- pevef -exeetd.-d htSj showing today. After three raWMM of drill «n the light iiunehtOK hair. Tnnney worked three round* with two ljM<)rG*>K ■wrlnec*. 1- He appeared muck faster rfcißt 1n firevious work out* the Mining of hi* punt he* was cleaner and blows he replly sought jj driv? honitg wntr-laed dbarply. Into Fhe target Gene's weight today was about 191 "powndw *■ TO XilK NHCBHHOK * RALEIGH, August it— <A*l —A suc cessor of Judge Raymond Parker of 1 Winston B»>m Will be appolntctl by Gorernor Mcltean soon.. The gQter ror, however, all) await the period Ptcesrary to weigh qualification* of enndHates before making kpown bis BUSINESS IS QUICKENING Federal Reserve Bank Report Skews Conditions • Strengthened • qp RALEIGH, August 31 - (JP) ln aplta of large sales nt good mice on the souili Carolina and North Caro lina tobacco markets which have op ened, the demand for credit at the Fsdaral Raaarv* Bank of Richmond, whose territory Includes tha Caro- Haas, actually declined during the month of August, any* the report of William Wj Hoxton. chalrn.an of th* I bank and Pederal reserve agent. The volume of rediscounts for raenfccr banks held by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond decrees ed from 913.411.fi0C on July ft t 0510,313,000 $10,313,000 on August IS and th* ac tual circuits ion of federal rererve notes dropped between tbe same dates from 960,174.000 to $5*.373,000. Total bill holdings of the Federal Re serve Bank of declined from 913.339.000 at the middle of July in 929.949.000 at tbe middle of August. Ccedrary to the aeuonal trend, the review continues, member bank reserve deposits rose from $69,309,000 on to 970.110.000 on August 15. TheteeTersl .change* enumerated slightly reduced the esah reserve* of the Richmond reserve bank, which dropped from 960,157,000 at th* mid. rf'e cf July to 999,711.000 al the mid dle of August and the ratio of cash reserves to note and deposit liabili ties combine,l, declined from 0Y 7& r*rcent to 97.01 percent iluTlng the same period.. Effective August 19, the bank reduced tbe rediscount rote on all classes of paper from four per cent to three and one halt percent. On August 16. rnditcounU held by the Federal Reserve Bank ot Richmond for member banks to taled 943,910,000 more than double the 130,933.000 held by the bauk on August 15 this year. Notes In actual circulation a year ago totaled 972,936- -04 ft camp*red with $59,379,000 out standing nt the cortesparendlug dal* this pass. On the other hand, the ntMrhcr of checks used this ym|c 1* considerably greater." Total WU wdiog# Hist tear aggre gated 99u,415,000 compared with $29- 549.000 this year. Member bank re serve deposit * totaled 995.733,000 on August 15, 1927. The cash reserves of th* Federal Reserve Hunk »>f Rich-' mond amounted to $14,902,000 a year ngo and $88,713,000 this year while the ratios of cash reserve to note and deposib liabilities combined wore 59 81 nt the middle of August this year and 87.02 on August 19, 1939. ~—a»»..w NEW INDUSTRY GROWING FAST 0 > . .0' \ Native Stone Production Pasned Four Million Mark l-utt Year RALEIGH. August 31 (A*)- -ITo ductlun of native budding Stone In North CaroHna f»»r th* y**.*- 19?6 with a total value cf >1,017.328 reached the highest figure recorded In the a'a c. according to figures released today by the Department of Cucccrvation and Developtnc^;. This figure eclipses the next high est year-.wtikh waa 1031, by m»i»- rtantial margin fc TUc twUI produr tkm-qf the liutßkng' (tone* 'tß TttST year was >.I,UOJ,O'O. These stavtrttce. - act urdmg terttre* dfpartment. Include ell , Insecs - c of atone among which ate grantt*. -r«- gardlcaa of the piirponr for which it is used: sand .''tone, msabl* and < thy»- fprnih oC .Limeeton*. Including tMfcmJe 71JW VMWCW&M&&Z wjpWfajßurpo'-. . wMMtp. c'U"icrant' Iten* in the # I'T 1926 was granite . .t.l-d r\l ; rr,802.01#., over the , •The largtteßrVcii.te.'’ .State ;Geologlst Bryson, "In granite nroduc tion is du* almost entirely to tb n d«v*lop:i*mte wf Ml Airy, In «h* -juai tS* l aroitn* Grgnlte Com pany. The largest contract ever giv en to a North Carolina granite com pany was given this enm+wny to sup pfy materials for the Arlington Me morial bridge at Washington, n C “Along with this contract and dur tag the same year waa another from Philadelphia, The combined con tracts called for >1,625,0R) and is ’to be supplied within the next three tears.” GOUftUfURU, M. C THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1, 1927 PRAISE LOCAL * ROTARY CLUB o , ; Fifty-Sevcnlk Diatricl Kmu tivoft Adopt RcHoiutiont* in (Mil Session Boquetg In vrofustoh arc d'ktiihut ed among the Ooldslwro Rotary c'uh j and a number of local pauple by the ] executives of th* Fifty Seventh B,*j tary district in. reacluMom, adopted at tholr otoftng aeimlon yesterday nlierwujn. " The resolutions are a* follows: Th# 571 h District ('onfcrcucc of j club executives row being brought .o a suece**fiH cluse wl«hea to th«iU tur Go dsb ro club -for this, their gracious ho'plUltty, good fellowvhiip apd Intplriug programs from when every man muat return with renew, od enthuetusm and a orefer low.* • for Rotary, its prinlcplca and p.*o cepts. , To th* wives c-f Goldkboro llnia |r>ns who have uutlring lu their »ffrrts to m*ke every rnomeut of tho etay of the vial ing ladles a plvaaur. able one, ws wish to tiftder our thanks. a To Will Bubcr, Governor of tbs K’Uy-B’xth Virginia District, a ‘w«rt it <-|iprecistion fir hte message ».e b'oilght from our sister stole. To David Clark, governor cf tl»* Fifty Ltfrh: District for his good talk on extension In the ndliridual and the club. To the | as) governor* of <Wrr r.«s Roger Moora, Gene New*o n » nnd Wjtlf Marr wo would express t'.e Invinx c.-teem nq|4 fellowship _lte. tlry arc ever hj ld in the hen't' of the men whom they have, governed. To Luther Hodges and his charm ing personality, many thanks for hts untiring efforts In gettins and -hold ing together such a representative gathering of tha men of hie diatrict. W« especially thank the manage nent nt tho Community Building, the Boy Scout* :“BtU’ tend “Charlie** Frederick for aglctwHH music Respeq'fully alihmltted, Rescue McMillan, E. M. Underwood. t SPECIAL TERM FQRBUPUNCO, % „ O # Select Juron For Special Crim inal Court Convening Sep temlier 26 .VENAMBTILLE, August Sll—Ac cording to information given oat by Sheriff D. 8. Mftlllamson, a sjjeeisl twr weeks term of Superior court, ror the trial of criminal cases, will begin at Kenanavlllo, Monday, Sep tember 29. He also announces the names of the following, who have b**u drawn for jury service at that term of court: ||ir*< Week Phißp lirogden, A. O. Fuqscll, W. B. Curlton, R. I Miller. Mdwurd Smith, T,' C, Oard n*n F. L. Garner. 4*. Hrcm«. L. t S, . T Brinson. John Dowell, L. W- Moore, IJ. K. B*«t, Cyrps Innicr,' X, T. Xavago, R. T. Blnckhufft, Ja« W. Edwards, J . K. Southerland, G. H. Blanton. Jakt# \V. fl. Judge, <J. 1). Waters, F. J llaars, n. 11 Bridge s. A I>. We t. I). L X»4h. L H ifaher, Krlward itrnwn, G. L M’haley. Ernest Dickson, J. N. Ma ready. H 8, ft-uuliin, D W d'ii ’lsbiSj f*lydf Wllliama. R 4 CL Tcacb err TfettW'Tt"Wer<"cT, ’jnrr 'wlKTbyv D J. Kennedy, fl. I* Prtdgi n, Stephen W Gavenauxh. M J. Cavenaugh, Jno. A. Stallings. A. I) Alderman. K. M Uavensurli, Albert Kennedy, Jos' J. Writ-, J A. Wlielesi,' J A. IBSH -m - ■ ':■■■ Seromi w.ck - K < . Carle-. D L. Ron**, Moseley rare-. Bowden, c. I* Walker, F English, N L . Jkloao ■■■'UsUlihe* ** 4S' 7XJUm.~"W '"T""~ T rrrT~ , *“ Best,. B, 11. Williams, K. Dowell. W Randcnriu. J l>. Brown, If'-nry Baker, Lick Williams, J. D Ken »i«dy, Jr., Eddie Goodman, W. ,F. Southerland. Amos Whaley, G. N. ftpvn»*. F. 1L Tatt-Uax.- rell. Wm. R. »hol:ir. Jr., A. T Out law, ti. A. West. Jo*. Bryant. G. W. Boqpy. L. D- Harper, J. 1,. Dates. W. F. liriee. Jas. I>, Teach er, 11. A. Parker, Chae. H Hearne. M. M. Outlaw, M F. Outlaw, (’has. T*. Johnson, R. H Carr. Ihivid Veils, B. T. Ayoock. W D. Cave naueh. O. M'. Albrltron Herbert T. Ktrnegsy, M. M~ Carr. N. F. Outlaw, Chaer L. Johnson, C. B Adams. ’ s 62- Year-Old Princess Is Passenger On English Plane Daring Atlantic h Effort Make First Crossing Westward BROCK AND SCHLEE REACH CONSTANTINOPLE WEDNESDAY > <* roSKTANTnon.K. Angnsl *1 (AD) The Pride us IteteeM with the, Irnas-AllanHc filer*, WUllam Work apd Edward ttekle* aboard Msc'e a hwirty landing nt tbs air d< me nbuel 15 * miles west *f Mambenl at 11:15 tbla morning. Only a handful »f jenrnallsls end n few TnrkUb pennant* were present. The plane soared away from H**grndc sheet 4|M and eorefed the dlstame es 509 mile* some what slowly on aeeeunt es head winds. & - HOPE TO SAVE STATE BEAVERS Furry Animnln Wrr e Once Plen tiful Throughout North Carolina HALMpiIL Augnst (31- (/P) Oen svrratlonisUi of North Carolina to- J day wondered It the closed seal on ] on beavers, preecrihed under the new > laws Is early enough to save the inM ves ig« cf thl* valuable animal In the stale. At one time before the energetic gun of the white men b*gnn the slaughter of the animal, the supply t waa plentiful, ranging from she irountaln ridges of the weet to the uoaat on the cast. In the twavvr (fhtlncd meet the inme fate as th* buffalo, already has, «* la hla status already the 0 earner This, qiiosUon ft perplexing the minds ot conicrvatlontsU hf *h* state. If there are remnants at tha. frequent colonies nt these animals left In the state, the Department of Comaervatlon ami pevotptevut hM not leaned of htelr whereaboute. None or tho these animal* bnve let n reported to have been taken during the last few te >r *> H. H. Primley, curator "of the State Mue ctim ami an authmdty on game and Wild life of North Ci voHnn, reports that the last specimen of the family of which he line n record was taxen neveral years ago from th* Dnn River icctiou in Btokee codhty, where they were onm plentiful. Curator Biliniey belltee that poi eihly ftr lut of the family enleUng .it that sec lon, af*o'thought to hr r 3 be n the lrat retreat of th# animal in North Caiolina, was taken during the period of high price of t«r follow ing the World W-r. ' V WOMAN BAGS BIG BOOZE OUTFIT > . 4 • 0 - J • Stood Guard With HuwlMind’n Pistol While Olfireni Wnr* Summoned aa- lt OKMONIdhORp. Augnat IL-TAT— Ait med wf h k«r husband'# pUftol, Mra. I tee (’hurt*. Wilke* county wo n«n», Mood wuafil over a liquor *tftt on the farm owned by her husband •ad hir aelf uutit rwt*r#l agents auut4 arrive anil dnatrjiy the plant, a'lcbfilnx Id a report retfived hot* by ijic deputy prohibition admlnlstn.- tor When th* U-hurchir* discovered Unit UKonsltlncrs" wer* Sfrtcmplitig t® "|> foteijift M LVI-h-Hirii. 4-eW nsMl+- ri'ndbbiinp until it v ascnts emt'd ar rive froyii-WtTkftbor", a distance of \t«-v#ral inllcs 7 mi. wiilift ftte WW* W wunhbev .WtK mr ki-fpo-e *-« cJt--.Vbf' < - , «-. .ntgß-eaunP' up sod I teg* n preparing to inpke Itqu -1 r .Mrs. Fhiirrlt tojmuandcd them tc ha't and ref need to let them op erate the pint# Bit" declined to shoot however, nnd tbe nun left the scette _lu.l-Uud.L iv .giVihJjt Jl’hdtfc a I agi n « end warrants have been Is sued fitr their arreM^ KI TH ( im MRII * 11,, ——— NEW YORK, August 31—<4VHsb? Ruth produced homer number 43 In the eighth Inning of tbe Yankee* imu* with the Red Box today, giving him of two n Lou Gehrig, No onw was on base. Knifing was pitch ing v . " ■ . rs • Thej ImH to eonllaae tktir Journey at dawu tomorrow. I’AIIA, Augost 91—(AP)— Tin l.tirnier of the «UU Mi; urderrJ a *klp to haul lor Paul , Kedfsra Ui iMriow atiater who llnpptirtl while fly lag . alone from lira«»wick, Ca., to Brahit/* At Ha Bqanl of Ike American consul, • steamer will caaik tha whole aortkora oooat far troco of thp utistdOg War. NUMBER CASES ARE SETTLED Leator Whitloy Guilty B>—i Degree Murder, Jury Finds Lnif Yesterday c High spot* In yeslsrday's »eaaloo of Warns county superior potirk for tho trial of criminal oaaea. Judge llanry A. Qrady, of Clinton. S ,presid-- ing. included: Lcater Whit'ey, MWO, found guilty of aecqnd degree mur der la the killing of Elmer Will lame; *ettkm»nt of the five caaea of uoory against James Oulley: nrraigamhat of LuilatjLjgrnlgan Nagro, on • charge of rape , Whitley wan found guilty by a Jury which, was out about htif UU ; hour, having bad Uncase about 9:90 yartarday aftMtomh. - UlUtley P#*gw nnn but killed Elmer WUHama Ig n gun. battle at ' a Negro homo negt lka As/lnm on Xovembec H t faol. Wa olotm yagtar. •• a aalf defeaae. If* said that ha had already been shot by WHllotue when ha sataefl A gub and fired & reply. Williams and Whitley had hotly been paying attention' to ttr aande Nagro girl, Ida Williams «n,l it was at her home that tha ahootlng nocar* red Jeme Galley entered n plea of nOlo cotebdere no to the five charges of usury again*! him and Judgment was suspondsd upon payment of the eoata and restitutions of money la rdtted JU, {he negroes who had brought the/ charges. Judge Qrady found occasion to say In open court ’hit a charge of usury should not hairs been settled la such fashion, bolding that only * road sentenoa was sufficient punishment. Lonnie Peter, on. Negro, was found guilty of tha larfceay of the automo bile of K. A. Zee Its, local manufac turer, and sentenced to serve throe years on the county roads. A charge of larceny *gw%**t Annie Pate, Negress, was not pro wad . Lucia« Jen»ig*«, Negro y.»nth; : was arraigned in court late in the after noon t.\yM charge of rape of a elx yeur cjd negeo girl. He wH4 be p4ue id on trial as suqn as thOsjtHjlrnry named by the court can perfect the case, trobably late today or early j ttiorrow. Joshua MRefceß win this morning go on trial for Hie killing of Mordecni Hmtth. —; ;• & The grand Jury yesterday afternoon an - 10-pri t imi f'nßtW cniups <f lhe county and Is expected to make Its report this morning, Lionel Weil Named • Defegiite to Meeting TCALEtOH, Auggist If id*) Our, • _ I IIIHIiIIIIMII tHftTgTBP taauw Mv ti^mh-wnrmsl -meeting ■ the North CsrottuS Forestry Associa tion, at High Point, Heptember 21 and 2d J. 0. McClure. Asheville; W. O. Rcktub, -ttaß-lfh; R T. Stud man, . atnaon-miUn».,a.> -C-. mwesaefn W*k minglon: Jh O. Cttkey. Marlon; 11. R Marshall, Wilson: C. P. fbylow, (Aiarlotte; Lionel Weil, Goldsboro; A. J nutter, Hoffman; O. A. Nk oli. New Bern: J. Teles Miller, Hick cry; Mrs. Wm. N. Iteyno'ds; Whl ston Salem; J. Liwrencr Sprout, WH ‘iilngloti; A. H. Andrews, Ralatgh; Mrs. B. L. McKee, Sylva; Col. C. J. Harris, Hillsboro; Kenneth Tan ner. Sp'n'jlc; H. Arkthur Osoome. C»u:;n, James T, Btowe, Qtei'Mf. Member of The Associated Press PRICE FIVE din Plane Averaged Only 70 Mta Hour During First Honrs Sjm SPEED MUST BE MORE . TO REACH THIS SIDE Aged Woman Got Aboard With out Any Prgvjoon Announce men I of IntcntkHia LONCON. August 31-fJPI—The Im perial Airways comps ay has lufbrm rd the Westminister Gaautta. of tha receipt of a message timed 9«99 p,- m stating that the * Raphael was still flying. Whereabouts of tha plane were got mentioned nor wog the sou roe of the message Indicated. The plane was tint reported ovar the- coast of Wales, 16* miles assay, ft 1:20. Various other points sigh tad h«r, for tha plana was flying tow and finally sha passed over Inverln, IT* n lea from the start, a law yntantai after noon. ItPAVON, Mag., August If— while others waitad tor tha favor or vhc elements two British aviators nod * 62 yaw otd Princess want up hp« •h# nlr from this dying tjnid toigy to schisve that fur whjch many months has baaa the dream of mad, iha wlnalng of tin lAIUhUa from Europe to Amartcn. At T:I2 o’clock this morning Ro monoplane Bt. Raphael spod dawn •he runway wHh Goi Krydrtck Mln rhla a the cootrots nod Captain Italia HamilMm andPrUcass Iwy rt ***• early hour and IrWnt Whh« ado ft* clarod her intention ad going nlttf^ Bhortly aftormmo today tha dWIa guards of tha li tin lrkh town of Inverln <m -tha North tipffc Os pft way Bag Stood la aitenca watching tha hugs shrplaaa out over |j|- Atiantk toward America. The araod during the first flto bout* flight from I **f l *-- 1 to tha < point where it atraak n»t acrosa tha ocaaa waa not mart than ft mUaa an hoar and it is. tlgukid that this spoil will hive to ho gragtiy lacraaaad, M tka destination, ottowo. Canada, > to be reached on time. Bat woothgr road! ions wsvo naan too good over ho British Mas tflth a koao an* -omatimea a log hinduriag tka flight of tha haavlljr loaded moooptaaa. The darlag trio of Uorg barely ao* coped death hi the kap-aff as lha p ang loft the ground Joel ia ttmu W avart disaster. It to believed that they are determined to mot their Canadian goal sad tbehf get o bag. of ( snadlsn gold, ttl.too dgftha png* or die la the attempt. They ora „ bound for Ottawa. 2910 mils* distant and thence to LMMUp. Otiaih. • - : PLANE IS FX)BCED , DOWN IN MEXICO Army Aviilogi Won Not Hold Wm Fmurpd -Captain C. H . Reynolds and Mas ter Bergs* nt Gas Nowlaad who mado n forced landing fa Masico gaturday, .iIHJUI 39 miles up tha border oppos ite this towa were Iwiw tw i army off leery. The fliers reported they lost their way, Saturday and landed to get their hot it' rtll cult to take off because of rowgh ground and sags bush. At no time wars arlsOors restrain* ed as prhmnars, allhougi Mexican officers Hold they would bold the plane uutti T»MK~TBRtiBr XM* '' autboritiee. ~ 1 r- + * BOBBED nr 94JNP (A , ” ' " A ■ NASH EVIL! JC, Teao.. August 31— on-Two hiahwoymea rohhtd to. h. latck, district moasgar of a grocery .irm today, of what, ] dmeNhsi «• a “ocasidarabie som of money. *• Jg| vstlmated they |t»t «pf«i

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