‘ v ° -Vo " -Mostly flair Friday aad Batarday. VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 1M NO ' «- V> -. ® WORD FROM PRINCESS’ PLANE, LONG OVERDUE NfW SIOO,OOO INDUSTRY IS SECURED FOR GOLDSBORO Twe Planes Start Flights From Canadian Points With London, England, As AdCoal Gnat Crawd is OUawa Wails la Yaiii far Owing of St. _______ •? SEARCHING PLANE GIVES RISE tO FALSE REI*ORT AH Eagfatwl AaxfaniMly Await** Nun Os Fat* of It* Flnrt > Worn FM*r OTTAWA. Coa.*ept. I—(fl*!—flf*H crowds gather, d at the Capital's Mala airport tonight to welcome the monoplane flt. Raphael but their wel come mot unassisted. No definite ford capo from the eaat of tbr plane end Ita three occupant*, princeaa LoweO-itefa Worth* m. Captain Ham ilton and Col. Hiachia The Canadian governmen t «: aeat out to eeoroh lor the ttfissingj traaa-Atlantic plane circled over Moo-, treat, glrhlg rU* to reports that eae of the three plhaae had passed over the city. It waif not until the plan*' rt tarn ad to the Bald h«rr that It wa • learned that It Uxd.be** a.istakea for" flier* eoanted la traaa-AtUotic cross- HARBOR CRACK. N. F., - OfV-Thi* town, which baa bfcoine u termini! bolte ter trans-Atlantic I flight* tonight kept vigil for thrv* plaaea. two eaat bound, the other weet bound aeroaa the Ai • o'clock local tlMe, which correspohd* to 6:3A aaatora Standard, n<» word had come of any of the airmen. At thflt boar the Rnfllab monoplane Rt. Raphael waa many hour* overdue oa Ita flight from England where It hopped Off yesterday nl-orning for Ottawa, Canada, from the early hoars of the morning lighthouse* and sta tion* oa .the Now Poundltnd coast had watched in vain. To the .weetward were turned la starch of the Canadian Sir John j Carling, expected to land on the Har.j her Grace Held tonight, completing the | flrot leg of a flight from Londou. Ont..j to, London Ragland. LONDON. Eog.. Bept lah hope* and Mar* hover nervously over tha Atlantic tonight. The mono plant St, Raphael now Is many hour* overdue after making great allow dace* for slower speed than it Oat thought she would develop, hopes* that allU h«ld la the afternoon grew fainter flt the flight wore on. . j The presence of a woman in the plane aad that woman a princess, makes pahlie intyest aad anxiety all tha greater. The plane hnt a supply of fn*l sufficient for ouly 44 hours «*f flying and iunleas heard front wl bin a saw beam, the fate of the fliers necessarily must arouse the greatest naxtety. (By Aaoeelstdd IT**-) Three aiaaet. an* POUBd ijoni Eng laid to Canada aad two bound from Cdaada to England. were today rac ing through space flier an sir route between continents more "crowded” than here-to-fore In trans-Atlantic aviation history. The take-off of lh- Royal a few hoars after the Sir John Carling had left made the possibility of u race Imminent -- ~~rz£S* argrunai’ vbf tny heuaff after naa atop «ft AaHow iu a.general direction the route of other eastern fliers, took off rrom the Interior of Canada at 6:34 a. u>.. cast era daylight saving time routed from London. Oat., te 'tendon. England, jfflflfl. aQaa with, ous * ,- *p sfiea tl&u milaa at Harbor Orach, N. F. Th«rc it Is to reftoel Iwlore attempting th# At lantic. The Royal W.ndsor, bearing- Phil Wood and C. A. (Duke) Schllle. hupped off from Windsor. Oat, at ft: IS a. m., eastern standard time, on a nou-stop flight bound (gr Windsor, England, oaf toeerlßg a wresth to b dropped In tbe occsn as s n.eutoilal Id Nuageeeer and Cell. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS . A • . • » ■ . " . READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Reich 2,500 in Meets Behalf Weed Market Twaalj-fii* haadred Wayaa reeaty rural residents were r<ached fa the alt hand concert* staged la as away rsaasallh* for the parpewe es giving eat ln*» fenastiew reaeernlag Caldahsra 3 a* a weed market aad trade e*n> ter. The last es the meeting* wth ' held last night at Eureka with tha . Urgent aamker es peeple at any aesaSag prvwcat. Talks were made by Kenneth lie)all. Frank Jenra. Hr. L. W. t'eshett. aad Tata Ttahertahf. Thad Telver , tea teld the men la charge of the pragma* that Eareka was hack ing tha Getdsharo effarls te t*aU4 't ap the tehoere market here. A I Miert concert waa held at Fra- " > Meat after the Rareka program I km A L --»- MB*llrf«ft GIVECOOLIDGE COUPLE SHEEP " t. .' ** * . vj. * ■ .■ \ I’reuidmnt Pays Visit to Fair in lirtgated Section South Dakota » ~ d N’fALAND. 8. D., Bept.. I—<AP> Coming into this Ir.-iga ed farming 1 country, ITeuident Cw.klge today was oifered U 1(0 acre farm for hi* use when ha leaves the White Mous" cud rpilHugly res) onried that through the g neruaity of the tUauftl Hills people he ha* received enough pre sents to become a-full fledged farm er. After Making an improptn speech at Newell*, 8. D., where he inspected tit* irrigation project, there Mr. Cool | trig* attended the county for here and j accepted a gift of two fine sheep j wi'h a second informal talk. I "I accept this gift with u great deal of pleasure,” the president said as the sheep were presented to him. "This is not the llrsr time I hirve i*een the owner of %*P »ut it doe* I no. happen that I have not owned any in the past jg^yeara, "I am becoiuing very attached to the Black Hills, flfnre I have beeu here f have been pp sen ted with the . fin*>,t saddle horse und all the ac eountrement*. This nftrrnoon i was promised thatT would be made* the posseseor of a ISO acre fram in this fertile valley if 1 wouid return to livkt hero, and now f have been presented , with tyro sheep". HIUHWAYXE* ACTIVE NASHVILLE, Bept. I—<VPl- Two ’ Highwaymen robbed R. L. Luck, district manager for Ihe 11. ft . HU! Company, grocery concern »f whal lie described as a "con*idersbl« Slim' of 1 money” Wednesday. He estimated that they got phont ' 14.000. Will Again Sing Praises Famous Wayne Co. Heroine ■ ome agism wST .lie , Mwfy Wkytw*» ary heroine be sung when on Septem ber 14. Moore’s Creek Bittle Ground will be officially transfer cd-to the Federal Govwmment. The -faasoua Wayne woman rode from her home In OHi Eiui'l Afl uu flHBr •( Mn iwt-' tie to lead aid to Colonial sojdiaW.* Many of her descendants are living in Wayne county today. Ml*s Reb ecca SlociMiib cf 7<H* l'a*t Walnut street ia a great great grand dcugh ter. The remains of the heronine are bTirlerl by the sidu of Highway num be- 10 a few mile* :rom the rl y, and there lu** be»n dlrcussion of remev. ing them to the Moore’s Creek battle 6IVON STARTS FOR STATES FREMONT MAN LEARNS THING Harvey J. Dickinson Flnda That Good Poultry Houag Is Profitable Harvey J. Dicklnton of Fremont, rente No. f. ways he didn't know It «t«a so much easier to rwlae thick tns whan he had good houaa:* und proper eqnhimrnt. Last winter Mr. IMckiasoa built a uew laying house 14* x 4®'. uhd two brooder houees ID' X ll', by the plans famished from the State Exunslou Depart-trwni. Wi'h these new houses and equip ment he has no trouble with bL feed getting wet, the water unpply , becoming contaminated and tuntrinK rut and a do*>n other things that far mers with poor buildings and equir- ( meat J»aVe to conlend with. When | the »t:trms come at night be can I rest assured thut.his flock is well ctrwd for and protected. With such equipment, Mr. Dickinson find* that he can handle a larger flock with much laas labor. Mr. Dickinson is keeping a laying fork neasod of over 300 pure bred Rhode Island Reds. The Mdck was hlocd-trs ed lsst season for Rac illury White Diarrhea and will bt fotod sgaia this year* Rape has at. ready been planted for green feed this fall. More rape will be planted d few days later and will be followed by rye, clover and barley. He Is plan ateff a*«o to feed Toil Liver fHI this fall and winter te increase the hatch ability aad livability of chicks and make ibe*breeding alswk airoaxtr, in vitality. A Urge part of the poultry feed used on tills farm ia gyown at home. This summer 120 bushels of wheat were harvested for poultry feed and a large quantity of corn Is being grown for the enme ptirpnjb> ff In addition to the pou'try And feed cro;a, there is quite a Hit of cotton and tobacco grown on this farm, ,a-| long with some nice broods of Dutpc Jersey p'g*. ir°ls not strictly a com mercial poultry farm but the poultry with a little care and attention Is be coming one of the best paying branch *s of the farm. Why don’t more of our Wayne County farmers take good Care of their poultry and make it a better paying proposition? REPORT* TELL OF REDIBUM LAXDIXIfi IV tLBfIQITR. BRAZIL PARA, Brtall. tk-p'. An unebßfirawfl report has been receiv ed here that Paul Redfern landed in the vicinity of Alemquer, Brasil. Aiemquer situated between 300 and 400 miles from, the,mouth of th* Amason River, Is- to Ire west ward of the route Rcdfern planned to follow in over the great river. Tha avtaor was to have dropped a flare at Macra. more tha i 200 nrtlcs further to the east, to in. diesis whether be would bnt h Pernaxikticoofproceed to Rio f*e Janeiro. { The unconfirmed report aay* that R»dfem fe’l at Alemiiurr. ground, which has been made a na ttflaxr parkbf ■mm df Oft Fthffiiflfl government. John J. McSwain, Greenville, g. C., congressman fnrm the rourth South d-syiej- w 44 deliver the sUd-ess of the annual Bat IQ -41UUUU a civil! iuJuii wTrim win ttc held at the famous old battleground Seftembe- 11, and all day affair wlilch wl J attract tbouvinds of P'-rsons to the spot that l.t hallowed by the memory of Mary Blocumb Chang* in da * In the celebration from August to the middle of Bep cause of delay la transfer of title to the prop*r<y from the Bt.ve to the f*<tee«l govern nient ts expoe ed (CosUlfluod on Pkgo Two) - —3 . ’ r-r-r" * "" i UULIMUfUKU, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. BBI*TEMBFR 2, 1927 Left Park Al j 6:21 This A. M. One of C&nfldiflp Planes Is Forc ed Down hv Storms and Foj| „ —-X L-K IMHIRGKT. Kflance. Hvptemuer 3- The bit Jan* It:uo Bird com manded by lotoa (Mvon aud Pierre t’arbu took oft and headed for New York this morning. After a thousand yrd run with niotorr straining In a tremsuduou* effort , the big biplane left the ground a* j 6:11 a. m. and soon d sappeared j into tha m(et headed for Lha Ores Atlantic expanse A | ‘Lasn Givon and Piarr Carbou fly I ing th* biplane have had long exper -1 ience ia the air flying not ouly hi the war but roe ing off hundreds of miles In commercial aviation. Oivon Ir »u* o i th* notch pilots of th? Furman Airlines and Is credited wi h nearly 3.&00 hours of flying. He has flown almost dally between Parts and Rotterdam. H« ts 43 yaara old. t'arbu ts another military aviator , who went In for commercial flying. l!a has flown neatly. 1.3U0 hour* in commercial work. Hr i* 21 years old end woe given a military pilots’ lic ence when 19. He waw cited lor work in the Moroccan campaign. Hie t<juU weight oil She loaded plane It 13 tous including 2,5<*» gal lons of gasoline and 125 gallons of oil. la flHeed to estimate* at about M milts an ho«r with a cruising rad. lus of MOV miles. The words “Pairs, New York’ - arc painted on both sldas of the fuselage in white letters on a blue hiffMVrouud The Blue Bird carries n® radio. triNDBOE, Out Sept. 2—(4») -the monoplehc Royal Windsor was fore ed down at St. John’s Quebec at K I o'clock tonight according to a long distance telephone call to the flight committee. Both the pilot sud hr* navigator is ked on the telephona. Because of a faulty telephone connec t‘on It was at first thought they were forced down when a wing took, fire. The flienv said thst they hid splen did flying weather right up to the time they p-tssed Montreal. Then they ran out into a severe a orm and log ami were forced down It wa* un derstood that they intended to hop off the f st thing tn the morning for Nvw Koiiiidlund. NEW YORK. Sept. 3—<4*>— The Fokker monoplane Old Glory wil' ‘eire Roosevelt ft*l4 tni ry tomor rwo bound or Harlrnr Grate, N. K., to search or th* missing British Filers of the crew of the Bt, Rap hael. Philip* Tayne, lies rat rppre- THREATEN TO I ' ARREST AIMEE Say She Slandered Navy by Copyinß Um Uniform For * -■»- - Ilf m ■ _ .. 1 ’Hfx BTMHHRnt! ANGELES, Sept. 1— - A 'hreat of Federal prosecution toSlght - -fwead 4*r». -flmiwiw -Wsmvpte Mi'Pb* »>■ by (b? MMfl.- and: trier-. foflow-eraof riiifcrm.l: resembling those of U. 8. naval officers. The threat wa* contained in a r*- quest by t-o-nmandmenl of the iTtli naval district to district Attorney HT*EC '**»•''prosecute 1 hi*" woman and her follower* for violations al ready committed.” New habiliments fey the McPher son followers were planned igt part of their equipment In connection w'Qj llie ope-nt'en of tho-e*fongcH«t*a pro posed “religious rMMmyHMja ii nn wide rb-iin of house* “ Mr*. ;^NBpif4dhß , d Ifi*' rho ros«as'»»d net' In. any * way re embed tho*: oryjpvy officer* I SELF DEFENSE IS CLAIM M ADE KAtnily Water Bucket Intro4uc s4 flfl Inauiuiflte Object ('«us iflf Fatal 8 boot ing ' -ede* ! The old oaken bucket, the lre« Itohhd bucket, woe yestsrday . Int.o. duced as the luamlma’e object which ed indirectly to the kllliag of Morde nt Smith, local white men, by J os baa M tchrli at the home of the latter evrral Sunday* ago. At least Mttch »i. In relating his story while last, fylug for himself In Wayae County Sutperiitr Coufl. fleeUntay rung in the bucket. Smith had boen allowed to drive HarTy” a decripit old race km, but in his younger day*, ns good a horse aa ever took kain, Mfldtell Ipsllfied. Smith had also had sev • ril drinks, and the drinks wers pro hab’y what made hint oak for tha 'amlly wnter bucket n* a receptacle from which to give “Harry” a drink. Mrs. Mitchell objected te having tha family water bucket used as a drink-. lug eur> for any horse, even Harry, Mitchell testified and Smith resented 11. * > * ’ In the end, th* eoart wne told, Bmlth grew o fepnive la hla complain rngi ah«ut not having been allowed the backet. Mitckell said he stepped htmi to quiet him down, aad that rffer the b'ow Smith left the houee, that he re urned In a moment crying nud aoiil, bending over, the bed: “You’ve, (Japped me didn’t you.’’ He had » half* in his hand, Mttekeil s*id end *#*rmed tent on ueiag it. Th-n. Mitchell want*fl the PMft to knew, he fired. Smith left the house and got in h'e buggy, hnt fell dead before be had driven many yqrds. Mm. Mitchell was the only eye w Unais of the shooting athde from the parties ,u the ***#, and she was on the-atand. The state introduced a number of wfinoM’e* who to d of having seen the two men eu er Mltchell’e home, of having heard the. shot, end having ecu Smith rush t*> hi* buggy. Both Smith nn«| Mltnhefl have been, proved as o* hod character hy wit* nes'es Introduced. Evidence In the else was coxplet-- c<t yesterday and argument tn gll urohsblllty will get under way early th>s morning. . j Ap i em which th* State ie expect ed to emph wise 4a that RmlvVs clothing cahght fire, ao oloac pax th.* pistol whtn fired. Mitchell testified, hc-weverj flfeat ftsMth wa* about gnu's length okay b* shot. - „ LAC'MOHHE WOMANf 111 KM IN W4MDBNT CKARUITTE, flspt. I—(A*)-Mp*. Bessie Tiptcn, of lacrosse, ls_ daad al x. ’oca’ hospital * of 'nforie* rcc-ivcd iu a\i sutvmoblls sc '!dent The body will be taken to f^rhnrtifi.'<.la. 1 for trartal. Mr* l> T. Boyles, of Laeroese, who was Injured In lb* same acci dent,' a at a blind c*o*t roads Is still In a critical condition. Jury Wants Blue Sundays New Jail And New Mirror ’ The vanity or women, (he nead for Ai» «-W »"«- • -**• -4k -'W'oc.fi at Bftw Jail.ior Wijfw county* roufermiou of a hankering *ft*r Blup Sundays are-made item* in the r;-porl <-t th grand jury report aa befitted esitid y morning t« Judge Henry A. Cindy presldin|t over Wayne Sup erior court. In tticir rounds of ln»r«ctlon of th* cour house and county insirituttoas some member* must have te-n Im pressed w ih the fact that thsre was no mirror in the ladies' rest r°om of the court house. Arc- rdingty the court i* told that th > Jury thinks it n good Idea to buy one of the vanity nsnes.for the mom. The furniture oT the rest rc?m should ate>~bu re. | paired, the report Ay*. Navis Bottling Company Will Serve Halt 01 State From Plant LocatmUkre Ground Is Broken For New 178,000 Budding Break lag of ground for a new building at Mi* HoaplUl for tk*> colored |flssat kere, a kaildlag which will house enaaumptlves among Ike inmate*, turn kegua. The * tract nee will emit about Hi,, •flfl apd wilt U erected by Urn Hudson laastrnstlou Company, of Tarborw, ft was anlfl. W. A. XMe bam, local plamblsg rrsatrar tor, was awarded th* plamklaff MllFlfi far iko MUiiff The a*w AaUdlag win b* of brick tad fire proof. It will of fer gaarter* ter AM pat teat* a*d will take th* p’ae* *f tw* old nod wood*a Mrwetarm* which or* bow us*| ter tbq taWrealkr paUegta st th* Asylum. CHARGEDWITH STORE ROBBERY Changfaf of Bhoaa Givaa Glut Under Wkldi Tbrwa Art , Arreutad The o’aipl* teak of chsngtbg *a*W sh«#*, late ysslsnUy 1M Tfl HTIF rest of three young ansi claiming t# be from New York City on a chart* ot having lobbed th# Star* of Jv IT l’utc George pad Holly street mer chant, of goods worth |lflo. The young men ate Joe Sm4tk, Bill teg . gett, and Burk Evans. ThSy are about tweuty-two years otd. nrttea aome lme Wednesday night robUPd the st*r* of Mr. Fate of a sisabte quantity of good*. , Among other "objects taken were a psir of shoos and other Items of wearing apparel. Th* stotte uhoa* mere slipped on before th* More was left and the old one* discarded. When Mr. Pate, opened hi* store, be found the robbery committed and with the aid of th* local police begun to follow out certain clu*a. At Prin ceton yesterday afternoon th* three young men yrsre arrested, and one es them had on a pair of shoes Identified s* having b**n talma from the store. D* active (Rhodes end Officer Baas (pent to Princeton after, noon and actempanted the men hark *,x iiaxlil. iujro Thav u i*<*w Ih rtp Vsr’U U v rW f nwj ptr TTVTW rwjRTTT ID jail await'ng a preliminary hearing. Mo-t of th* goods stain* pruo-J**- cover**!, It wo* said at police head quarters. Several watches, however, report*** to_ have been taken art no* ye* I.A-ated. - 'f 1 ~ - ' BRAZILIAN SHIP IN MEAlfff 810 DE JANEIRO. Sept. I Hi# liras ten steamship Nosaa Senhort Do. Boccotto salted from Par* Wfiy to search the Hrasiltah 'coast at far r.'rth as Guinea for missing Ameri can nv’stor Paul Rcdfern. said a dto pa ch from Para. ' ' We wl«h <o go on record against operation of (fifing station*, stores, and uwimnilng R6ots on /Bunttey,” refills the concluding paragraph of the report, signed by' J. H. Mc<‘l*b ny, foreman. - -ffgirtw. iltr-wownl «ns» “Hr xaccte-’ skin, doe i the Jury recommend that tho county bui'd a hew 1111.“ declar es the finds „of the body concerning the in mrceratlon lion'*.. Tin- coun y home, tha road rampa, the heal h department and all offte-w of the court house are endorsed with warm praise by the report and words of commendation ter the yartoua pep. pier r<*«i onslbtr for the county’s ad mitihtrathn are spoken. Member of I'he Associated Press nucs nvf emm PurduuM Brick Stractin m Wc«t Walnut Street far , New Bm*mm . MANAGER OF COMPANY i ARRIVES NEXT WW Will Eotptey FWbt of Twraty Tracks la OporgUsaa hi Fifty CmmUm t J TW ( Mittal lee at loa el MS* bote , pIM the inns C JM 4* Patter aai f, JHaty, jarttettf'.; «a hr tk« 4r mt «MMM battling httMHRi Tlnpl a rMlrtct Hm4 with Da Karla HaMlac c—Mat «f* Uadttwo «he wane OMialiaa a M* 3^ faTtSlUfl a' ,P |£ t'tac steal aad HtepM.it #4*. w»«i lev v« am wpim ; .* a* Itefte. * *?* *** ***** * I. a. Rownj, at preaoat knal#d la Wallace, «IH arrive la Oo tea Hera ih( . omjMuu' Til* Vxtltag plant «M v - of* rating plant* tn IP mini pointe la the United tutee id In twkaty f re riant, paithaaod tar iiaiieitete inetallattaa Hi an after to fCrotoM tl)«ir product throoghont tbs ooaa- Twenty or mate tradu will be ptae •4 la ogorotloa oot' of the Ooldaboro plant, it wo* eald Tbe territory (a ba •erred beta will carer akdht M of tha 1M mmDn of worth Caroline, Agent a of tbe roorpoaf err bed la the city Wednesday morning. bald a abort toe ter earn wltb P. Bcaay, weep imroducad to ioe A. father a*d witbla a few keen eeavaaaed (hi facta which ted them to decide ea Goldaboro ea their die tribe tieg point rather then one of two otter . fit lee which had been ftvaa coaatt. • ration. The aiz bard carteea tthtti aw tending into ilz different dh-eotloaa. together with (he adrab'agooaa HD way feel) I ties decided the —igfT In cbooelng OolitectW. " _JThe building mqjhMOd by thd ■tnpany wag the property of Mrs. 1 D. niesolt bf WlUateftoe aad it a brick atractavo TC bp lit fedl at' well fifed for tbe dooiasda as a but 1 1inn pleat. The lately Traasftt Company bad a leaaa eg (fee baildtag Tick expiree oh lnhall I. Hr the part few neatti It had heea lb-lei to the Wapap ttttte# ooboate. PLANECRASHES . . ONE IS DEAD -oW'itfea^aeMaeNagMtr.-Mr* • >**■*!<+* «»•Wiaoeanrerr.- • i.x’-rvoi- nm • *> —wu»»m*ie»MHaloei>^ea|>itaaraiap»r">w>nearWeaw’-"r Navy Raaorvaa Wag Practidßf of Machfaw Whoa T ;t **** w -or Tmntrrtxraumwmar*** * —~: «r" > NOHJTOLK, Sept. l-Ott-W-lg* Ward Pierce, naral reserve officer of Portland, Oregon, waa killed aad bio companion, Harvey Filial, gtW men. U ». «... 1 Utellllo, Ky* .JIM. icrioiialt. hi hired teteeteag a. practice landing at tke east ttep el Hampton Hoads &«vai babe this as. trrnoon. Pierce the pilot, wee la the freat •eat. He waa rfgpc'ioag laadteg aad ' waa atv ut to descend for the eneoad time when hie plane aide elippad M u turned over witbla 1M (tg Os the - ground*. Hie neck wae broken. ...a .1 Kikin. austained a fractaeo at the bare of hi. ■.hull end H wag eald ta> night hi* oouditloe wap wdH), Me /V*3? + •

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