***. WBATHBB . V T GneraUy fair Saturday Bundfr Fdly ctondly probably local thunder shower* la taterior. » VOLUMB SIX; NUMBER 181 NO WORD OF MISSING-DECRY- AVIATION SUICIDES (■ l „ .■* •• , * » 1 4 • Expect Goldsboro Market Will Sell Twenty Million pounds Weed This Season ' f f Final Preparation*} for Open inf of Market on Tuesday, Sept. 8 ' MAKE RECORD BUILDING timberlake warehouse Fire Meetings to Boost Market Held With Sales Forces of City Stores The new Timberlake warehouse ia ready for buMnesa; warehousemen ' are making final preparations (or the opening of the s»A<tk#t Tuesday; buyer* began arrtviitg yesterday to get ererythtag lined up (or the op ening; Goldsboro booster* continue last minute drives to sell the renew ed Goldeboro tobacco market to the farmers of BUyne and adjoining roun'les, Burn were yesterday's high Itghta conceding the tobacco market here ag the opening day draws near. Boyers, boosters and warehousemen generally predicted that the market would this year *eli 20,000,000 pound* of weed. Having aatabltahod a hew record In rapid construction tor Goldsboro, the ‘timberlake bouse on the old . Bobbitt eight was yeaterday ready , with th# exception of windows. Clearing of the ground (or thin ware house was not started until Angus-' at and on August tZ actual construe t'on work was begun. Gowotnig out Hma-Rgg form weather* *h* house was built In approximately 8 <4B r*. It wax said Tom Tlmbertaka and Sheriff W. D. Grant/ who will operate the hou-ft, are well pleased with pros pec k ». rrenttu Wno'en'end J. E. Jones, who bare tkty eeseon npyri j »«l a l>cusa «t Hlhara, Georgia, have reach- Brick 1-euse Is ready for the begin it log of auctloneei'lax Oan W. Taylor and his agents afti > wll* eperate the Currin house hav» i-nnilutHd thhlr sailing upon farmr-* in this aejQon of the state. Mr Tnylot believes that this yoir wl'l • start Goldsboro on the road to hr coming the biggest tobacco market In North Carotins Heelfojpi In Stores I.sat evening sall-the-iohsrfo msr bet tv the farmer meetings wer* held in ft** stores of the city, fhisi , ness m**n after the close of regular tuelm-nx made five minute tnlbi strerslot farts felatlve to the mark-' her*, t'fore the foies force of fi*" ftro'f, nnd* the members address 1 are expected *0 have fart' at hsn I for n Aiicnsston ts tlu» tobacco mar ket when they' their friend* fsom the iSral districts. Kenietl C. Rovsll talked t® the sales so e* at Bflrdx and at tke Charles Bthre: Tom Norwood and IV.yh»r to the force at Wei •: TWi O'Berry to the force at the XVooworth stoft: W B. Btroud to the force at KretW. Fairmont Sold Eight Million Pounds Weed FAIRMONT, Sept 2 (A*! co on the Fairmont market, in the border tmtt,is,sclUx* - for an average price of 124 the hun dred, % Official rale# for the first four days tfr|s warn totaled t i*WA» _ t**"'*' bringing the total for the season to “ pound*. The *vsrA«s price for the season waa |M.M V. V KNGLIKH AIGWAW \Y ‘PLYMOUTH FOR JI MP ' PLYMOUTH, Eng., Bept 2 -Car* Frink T. Conrtney. arrive*! here from the CaUhot Navy air depot to his Dornter-Napler hydroplane nl 5 o'c’ock this evening Courtney landed in Plymouth Bound and urns tetmg to shore by a Royal Air Pyroe hydroplane. Th» work of taking srldittontl fuel mil ot'l o®> board was begun as toon as t)># plans was moored. ' c rtMMI ,H . , THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. v . ' Advertise For Taxes 3 Days After Opening * ... - -i- r ” Property for an pa Id taxes srHI ndt M advertised '•until three days niter th* opening #1 tke to bacco market", Nforfg W. U Great aanenneed yesterday. *1 want to fit • the felks every chance possible to pay ap," said Mr. Grant. "And of coarse If they don’t net niter this ftaal exten sion, I shall hate tn sdU." CHIGIVESGENE GREAT WELCOME v ■ n «• Champion Heavyweight Telia Girl Reporters That He's * Not Marrying Kind CHICAGO, Bept 2-tA*)—G#a« Tunnty must be convinced by thin time he Is a popular champion at least In Chicago wh*>re he will fight his first battle In defense of lib title three weeks hence. Not since wsr days has such throngs turned out to greet s popular figure Crowds which swallowed up the reception romratttre. hands, guard and qtl, *imo*t*ov«: whelmed the cbympion from the time he alighted from 'he twentieth century limited, until he disappeared in th- suburbs today ’en route to his ramp. Through the packed streets, Tun ncy was escorted ti lunch with Tex Rickard. Ht' had an opportunity ta give first aid to one of his escorta. A motorcycle o.fleer struck a hole tn the r ad and crashed Into two othef offletrs; Tiinncy wa* the first to reach the injured m.rn and helped him..into « car. Ct.rnered by girt reporters ns ha left the hotel for his camp. the champion said he was never going to marry. “Are you engaged,“ be was asked. .engsg d to fight, that’s ali," Oene said with a grin. “I’m never going to marry. I’m not the tp'*ry’ng kind. My, manager will not let m# " X Thirteen Young- People Defd From Explosion in! JINOB Ar It EB, - Bept. 2 -(A*) Thlrtrim young people were ktlfed and two seriously wounded In an "ex plosion today at a fireworks plant. The bodies are so badly mutilitatsd that It ia almost Impossible to iden tify them. The victims were mostly ycuuff women and children “> 0 ■ Longr Prison Sentence For Burning His Barn MOCKBVILI.E, N. C... B«|>t. 2 - <A*i —Corvicted of hurlnc his barn for the pur;*ose of collecting |Hm£>o In sutjanee: Lake Dcgdmon, Jorti' jwjtfc. ty farmer, today was sentenced In wmperior court here to serve not less than to years nor more than 15 at hard labor In atate prison The Jury reachedJtl MTdkt. gftgfc delivering for (me hour ami the sen tence was impr»scd by Judge McKl nry The wttmawt* for the slats teslic TWif fftxr dn Hfih nfgfit of Aiogiirt “Bf ISO. rx-ioTiimii entertnl i» ksriu ligb ted a candle and placed It tn a hot. filled with shavings after lie had >.aturnl«d thim with oil. One wit ness said he .wa* afraid to t'-ll what hr because he had Itcen threat ■ —i;- NKXH'A!X FKDEBVI. TROOPS 0?( HITT WASHINGTON, Bept. *- Mexican Federal troops have arrived at the > American owned Amparo mines where > -eighteen Americans and elfcven Eng lishmen had been bslrrleaded so s :beir heme*. Joseph Batterwalte, Am -1 eriem cohaul, advised the State De. l artmant today, __ PROBING CASE MISSING MAN » Young Woman Reported to Have Confesned Tfcat She Slew Rcidbvilie Citizen n ’■ »> •. " BEIDBViLLK. N. C-, Bept S —(>P) This city was aroused today when news waa broadcast that a thorough Incsligafion is being made Into the possible murder of R. Smith Pelty, further well known resident who, dropped out of sight about a year »f» The toTTckor of Uie 'county court is making investigation* and ia having assistance of officers raid to have been sent there by Governor McLean. Enquiry Is said to have started when Rev. Thomas Psrdue an evan gelist g ive out tfte Information that a young woman converted in a recent revlai here bad confessed that she struck Petty over the head, bid his body Cora few days and then with assistance «ti*P o, *d of it. The young woman however,' Is said to have bit-" terly denied n iking any such state ment aa that attributed to the evan gelist. There are other report# that •be had told the rame story to girl frieods but this also-is denied. Pe ty, until about four years ago. was an overseer in a locx> cotton mill, tmt lost hie job A howl a year ago he waa seen for the.last ’true here, The ttory told le that he wax scrolled by a stranger In the bu*inc-«a sec tion of the city and was given a ••ather severe healing. Petty did not Have the man arrested, but jolice took him Into custody and Just before •-arching jail He made hls.eseape. Neither the stranger nor Petty have been seen her* since. TBs'" young wcnwui to whom the tvangellst attributed the confession tn a relative of the missing msn. No arrnts have been made and no war?, mill fotrtCl hilt it it understood ths solicitor will probe thi* affair to the limit SAY MACNIDER WILL RESIGN Army Journal Hints DitiMatiMfac tion With Treatment From • Ub .•*■'’ Budget Bureau WASHINGTON. Bept 2 The army and navy Journal In its issne tomorrow will say that Sanford Mac- Nlder has resigned as xusitant secre tary of war effective December IS. whs has been with the War Department a little more than two y*ar>, could not he reached to day Tor verification of his reported Shiignattnn. The army and navy Journal wt!| any that Ju*'. what Is rd*pon»ibl* for the action bna not been disclosed al though Ms article »xyj )w has been diraatlsflcd with the way the budget iMteau bos been treating war depart ment natijna’r*. ■ There has bCeir persistent reiKo-'s that MgcNlder might seek the He lm bican senatorial nomination 'n lowa, bia home state, hut no confir mation gyf such rumors have com" from the assistant secre'ory. MORE JiliMJ-ttk ( l,t)t TKD —- .. .JiTica!. VGfMvr 'BwH * Ruth snd l>ou Gebrlg ou their tamqus home run act at Philadelphia today, B*b* getting number 44 while Gehrig hung up number 42 and nunv • ’ ■■ ** m —^—nr — ? ■ 5 ; Joshua Mitchell Acquitted By Jury “ Which Had Had Case For Five Hours .limliil.i Mitchell. jtotinif while m»u, was liinl nlclii deilared not guilty In the kllJ'ng of Mortlccsl' Smith her'/ several wcekf inn by h Jury which returned a verdict at 9:6fl after hay; ■ ■find count. It was learned, flee voted for acquittal, tout for manslaughter, and threr for aee.niid. degi<-e murder. Self defense had hern the plea or Mitchell. All evidence in the caae had been completed late Thuraday afternoon, I and moat of y*aterday wan given to the arguments of attorneys. Judge> Henry A. Grady charged the jury shout 5 o'clock in the sfterhoou and It % a, GOLDBBOBO, N. C SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1837 CHOLERA AIDS NATIONALISTS Chinese Reports Kay Dead Piled High in StrcfeU and Hun dredn Float in River V ■ ■■ - —- ( holers is rt ported I# ha«q joined the forres of the aat lute alls ti£ troop* la pnshiag the >orthern army buck from the Vaiigtse, tiLic the x-rncnll of the .North ern r* lost :’O,OOO wen in row Kat dnrtng the henry fighting of Ihe past week. For* Ign dispatches from Naa* king stgte that a rhoera ep de- Mil*' Is taking u treaty tell among; the soldiers in that dblrlet “Hoillcs are piled high on the rhar jnsks,’ It he papers here • oay. “and hundreds are floating *> In the river. It h impossible to bury the dead. The medical aid Is ■ Owl i»n««l*mmntd M v 19V 4twvV|MU vVn General Ban's rapid and specta* c-ilur drlre to the river from Hhxntnag during recent week* ia wbiek be foree.l bark the dntlon aH*ts to tke sotth of that grant waterway wonld agpror front dUpnlrbes t« have rot lapsed en- ” ’ Urol). Daring the paol Nxfc* the heav iest flxhtlng has orcared on both Hanks of the river, from Nanking 5# mHe* downward, lfal tonal lots are raid tn have drfeatod the at* tempt of the Northerner* to* «*• tnblLh strongholds on the ►oath hank of the riv*. the northern ers final) cramliing heeame nf lack of rgseriej and amaranl* Ilea. BACK PROGRAM OF THE LEGION Forty and Eijfht itrader Prn pates Report fyr Suhmisnion At Convention - - t*A3UB. Sept. 2 —<AP) —'Ths Fort) end- Bight, honor sectotyrnwd *Vl»r ground'" of the Amertean l|*gioo'\ Howard P. Savage, national I-cgion commaudtr, say* in X report nmlo i übPVc today, iiiepared for submtwion to the auuusl convention of the for mer service men's organixa-iun In Paris September 19 to 24. - “The Forty and Eight has eooperul cd and f irnlshed leadership.'’ be add ed. “to the extent that thrre has been a notlc able (rend tow ard making " «n r the big serious problems of the le gion the flrw eoneerh, and r. legi*X ing the run itiuking to eration. . “The main program to thn national child welfare committee of Ihe yion would have fallen down coni pteieiy except for Ibc llnunria! help ‘Accorded In Ihe *2,00P a inunth fund furnished by the Forty and Light. This fund made possible ihe carrying cut of the child welfare policy of hdfli • aid. iiixl the financial nsais lance to mothers which enabled the latter to keep their children in their own home* " ’* ■ . Mm sitin HEAR HETTLKMEST rrWD-AGOi -Bept r 3—WPl—nMcwgw. which has beep without rpovlc fat, virMWsfi* fmwwHfr 1 ” rrsy lie side to go to the theatre by*' Funday It was Indicated tonight wl»*rir4 oJTlcia's of the "per a tow union 1 egreed to-re-op*n negotiations with; '-nmnnujDfolt ' ■ ►**»' •*:<*xfmiwuxunimp' * im liiiiiiiifo • — whh ajir rmt tin ri night before a ver. | diet kiih hrouaht in Mitchell *u the ptitii Hwl witnessi for hlmntdf ll' had t'Minted that hej and' Smith hey;_rili*JjLJLtft'JtUl Us .1 -"HarTT * a» rrtft Tkd Tw»>se'driven ’ by Smith, thal they Went to Mitchell's! homo and that Smith iiiHtilted MrnJ Mitchell whm the latter ohjertrd to him oai-g the family water bucket ,n watering Harry. Mitchell Raid that h«\ slapped iguilth. to qul'-t h<m and to re- 1 sent !he Insult to hia wife. Then,; Mitchell contended. Smith left the | borne, but in a moment returned.; blandishing a knife and threatening | Mitchell It was then that the thotj A* PREPARING TO GO TO COLLEGE •» Merchant* of City Ar« Offering Special Discount* to Coßege StudenU ■ C A number of (ioldsbhro merchant* and business houses yestertlay united in n< ranging special discounts tor Iv-s al b«»y«- hud girls who within the next few .days will leave the city tn resume their > tudlea in colldgea and universities' In- the, Stato and at X number of roints ever the country- Store than 100 young people of the coun'y will within the next few days resume their atudiva. Os this num per twenty ire graduates of th* Goldsboro High school in the eta si of last June, Practically one-half of the class has already filed applica tion for admission at a recognised college or university. 'Oo’d-horo snd Wayne county hgv* an enviable repuls ion ia the matter of the number of hoy* and girl* in col cge.V *aid on* of th* merchants cooperating In the discount offer yesterday 'and we are willing to hep the good work on," Ten mercantile stores are offering specta) do-cun s of 10 per eept to co lege boys end girt* preparing to get away Id the next tew daye. Three dry denning establishments are of fering special discounts of twenty five percent. Carolina still attracts the majority of the Go!d*boro young men and North Carolina College Women the majority of the girls .Answerer", Duke, State, Wake Forest, Greene boro, Gmnvtllc, DavMaon, Campbell, Coltegr, Atlantic Christidn and otJtgr 1 Insttunlvm#* —dinn * logrp—XTOXvev from this section. There will b*. Goldsboro students in Msrylsnd, Pen. nrytvanla, and MaaschuseUa insti tutions. ADMIT ROBBING STORE IN CITY New York City Mfoi En ter Flea of Guilty In City p Court Yesterday - Joe Bn.lth, Bill Leggett, and Buck w. Evans, young white men dglming to be from New York City, yesterday en-- tered a plea of guilty to entering the store of J. W. Pate al George and Hoily street*, and were* bourfd to Su perior Court by Mayo* Hill. V Efforts were being rnsde to have' HUpcrtur court dispose of their case* at this term, but the grand Jury hav ing adjourned a tru<- bill cenld not be There was talk of asking -fudge tllund of the'county court tn tend the case direct hi the Superior court, but when this vis Written Judge Bland had not acted tn ths mat ter. |f the .case is not disposed qf today, the young men must nevfe* sSrlly spend three months in Jgll awaiting the next term of court. The stole about tint) worth of goodis from tti, Pate store, most of were recovered, and" articles which th* young m*n wofe-ayvay were paid for In court yestrrdsy morning. '• _ BAY ANNP.VHWtf NENATfo ’ ““TIAI'ID UITV. 8. U , Du*t»«Xlia|Jl~ a apccis session of the senate this 4 fit'll In order to give It an opportunity I to consider contested section cgpei j will be ceaxldxrai hr President Cool “.jitgrfffrarßtk'TeTßttf'fo 1 ‘ j which '(‘.ntittPil death' wi»»t fired. hilt Hrril only m 'll defence, it w«« co?i tendcd. • Attorneys for thr .Stale made nturh rarx«Si , %.i two .OtSWiRh It war. prov^ > a *-d -that tin- platut which rnused <l«at|i | I win tired »t mill close range that It, net Smith a ahirt afke. Mit« hell at- 1 i firmed tint, he had ahol while dniitn ; van allil at arm'e length. *- Representing Mitchell in the <a an were: N, -W. Outlaw, Hugh Dortch, and Jamea J. Hatch. Judge D. H. Blaud ' and Langston, Allan and Tailor aided Solicitor Clawaon Williams in prose | ruling the c»M. 0 * * ; • u x ‘< >*.,*• Air Law Committee Os Bar .t * Association Hopes For Laws To Halt Mounting Logs Lite Dail Case Nol Prossed By Solicitor Williams By aetien es aotkler < law sen William*, the ease eluurglng man* slaeghter against Normaa Dali, yeuag white maa la the kHHag of 4 barley Maaaeagtll ben ea Jaa- - naty 1, wa* ael pressed la Wayae reaaty aaperler eoart yesterday. . DUI had been arraigaed oa the • barge at a paxvteaa baartwg sad a I sag Jary reaUaatag far nsaay hours had resatted la a mistrial. Ball had claimed self defease ta the knife J NIGHT COURSES TO BEOFFERED v. Vocational Agriculture Teachtrx Front Several Count lea Maut Here • ■■ At least IS evening eonraos for adult farmer* of Wayne, Sampson, Green* and Unoir counties wilt he held during the coming school year, it wax indicated at th* eontvrenc* of vaoaUeaai aartcnMur# I seeker* of | these eouatiaa meeting at th* Cam* 1 Unlay- •" f J. 8 Howard, of Raleigh, dtetfiet aupervtnor of vocatfhaal egrk-ultura. was, in charge ot tb* meeting and called upon each Instructor present to ou line the course# he has mapped out for th* school term beginning varly In October. Im tractors planning night coanaa xre 4r. *O, for as Is puesibl# oorrelaL Ing the .courses with community pro jects which will be sponsored by the acjNel ” " £ P. T, Brown. Wayne foungr poul trf agent, outTned a proposed plan for marketing eggs In th* county;. R. W Mtba of the bureau of mar ket nr, showed the lmportas<w of grading and packaging eggs. Ihe following were In attendance gk the meeting: J, P. Bhaw, G. F. Bi-ymour, C. W. Warrick, A. H.< ?ea>vy. R. P . Harris, H F. Dnugh cly, H. A. Kldridge, Q. C. Bnck, and E J. Morgan, _ Q PRIDE DETROIT LEAVES TURKEY x. —. — ; — 1 —““ t * ' Thia Up of World Flight Dfo 1 ... layed by tbg Turkbh Rtfd / Tape j I > "4 y 111 At HMD. Hept J. (Ah The I'rid* #f IMrottj rmind-the-world plane, ar rived at Bagdad at 0:30 p. id. Arrrcrro. Syria, a<pt 2. t*v The Anicrleatt Vmmd - the-- srorW- plan*. o*t reported hy the H ivaa Agency to have flown oyer Motilrmiyen, a few miles north of Alcpim at 2: IS o'clock today traded southwcaL % , -—-4 mm*. *Mfwwi»tT>**fcmww«w» ( ONSTANTINopfcwv Sept. 1—Of) The American 'round /the world plane, Pride of f»e*r«H hopped riff Inn 'AT o’cltKlTfiis moruiug ior p« Bagdad The airmen. WttHxin 8. lino>k, and Kdwnrd D Schleo. hO|M<d to Poach Bagdad about 1,07$ miles from Constantinople liy 4:3tf in th* after noon/ Brock and Hr hire reached Constan fW>pf« tmm »*t<rede, Togo-mart*, tahorily before noun Wednesday and j l(i>mediaie|y became involved In Turk. I lali rod tape, which would not permit | them to take-off on the next lap of their flight until authorisation waa given by the Turkish military au thorities at Angora. Aa patiently an they coaid. they waited all Wednesday afternoon and throughout Thursday for tlu permit tef fly over Anatolia, but It did not reach th*in until lat* last nifht. / V p Member of * The Associated Press PMC* FITS c utm * ' /!■•■■ e -*». Seaplane Falla ti Find Tract «f Pan! Rtdfftfc, Soul hern Aviator FOGGY WEATHER FORCED FRENCHMEN TURN BACK German Ngwapapera Brand Trana-Octaaic Flights an o “GamMer’e Haaard” NBW YORK. seat. *-(** Strop* rcvuliloa against ih« MU* Import ance being given dietanoe fUgMg especially tranvonsnalc fttgkti «H mealfaered in three leading avtaßip. countries totay u fear for the lives c.f the it. Raphael'* crew became let certainty. At Buffalo, N. Y.. the commute ea elr lave es the American Bur Ae t!on might he eaaeted to halt tip mounting late of lift. Me BtigSi* A rernft Corporation of Oetroh ta claret no erdern will he accepted hereafter for pleat* intended for Rip oceanic hope. From Washington «nvy espeftl , called attent|en to the etrtktggly ad verse <on dltkias faced by the rharacteridtagthe eewii fllghto ea fa gamhler’e henard”, iaflaeatiat German dalltee decried Ota imm«t eaoe being a Wrecked te them sad urged thut the wee, aiehinep and money he hengr ipm«4p other Him ot dovelorment. la Lon**'the gee eminent weather bateau arrived at the eame conclusion that «dd* Be heavily * gal net mieeheful ocean flight et thte mage of Artotjfn.-" 1 - OEOROKTOWN, Brltteb Galena (A'l—Further eeateh tegny hy e em plane for the mleeiag American avh»- tor. Pent Restore, uileutag Brnsewtala Bra all. Friends who have a#t dir paired of hie safety, repo anted again the emergency equipment hy meant of which the young flier hoped te end eafely and enetela Hfe indefin itely. Friends believe that Redfura wIW ccme out of tome isolated eection of ’tenth America with an aarivalled •tory to tell* they pefat eat that the Pert of ft rune wick nl egulgjll wMh a parachute *<<e»»lUle to Redfena end provided with eh attgdbmeat to ahinb It ed fern <*>«* haehle Me entire etore of emergency needs If the plena fell into theeea. Mi fern planned to epkpty Me gasoline t tank and render the ehfp buoyant. (Then hr would iuftat* Me rubber I oat and uhe to tfctf It the plead 3'enk. MS HOI'HOET, Bapt. » Ofl KVenrh Irans Mtaattc film *rs taking a day off tomorrow. Ths Blue Bird aftor a flight that faHad truhy. w*i usad TOtgachlgilgnKtt* • h!T3aa?S theta experts had a laag cooler* aos wth pitots Jaap Oivoa aid Piorrs rorbu, who ware loroad hack after JrtMttaf for Atporica Saturday aad U was sipactcd that die plane would ho ready to try again Sunday, - ~ii— m \K IL sthawi *W I'gKMiußtrr or gfei amo. HurrAio, n. r., sopt. »—iov-i Hiarl U. Stmwa of Chicago, scan sl eeted puskient of ths Americas Bar A ■ roe 1 (Hm.' Warn, II II -T-dr- uzsssz ... ,-um r~ : -• JoSa H Vonrheoa, Slow* FWtla,* 8. D, treasurer aad William P, Mr* Crueken. Jr, Oi cago aaeratafy wo*a rolscatadr HV I Ml IKB is KXPIIM SUNI TOl’K, rrauoo, SfepJ. §—(g»>—& ,i>aria-Ber*aiai' jsxprons trahg wag Derailed and wruekad Mar fcor* at midnight Wrs psrsoai worth killed < aad It was faamd fai Ikai rfaUgg wort beuaatb tho parrlafaa, £1 fCTT# ££#

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