" ’ ”W‘ " <r - T i WBATHDt V #- *«*• *- Fmhably local ill—MHj| In te ttatar. volume sat mnoptt its OLD GLORY ENDS FIRST LAP ON FLIGHT TO ROME Think Large Vessel * -.Pertihed In Storm r- PORTLAND, Me , Kept t—id*!- While the saa continued to give ap fragment* of wreckage, eaUora' es tbU port and ether* atrora to raoapatract a tafystary es the At lantic In which thgy baliare n large white plainted raaml tar hshed In n recant gala. f For the third day reporU con tinued to ha raoatred hart of plaoda nf wand hMBg mnahad n tee er polked «p by Ughtianaa man ar flaharman. All thaaa ap pannd to onssa frarn ana reaaai, ajti hough no snag ere ft bad been reparted miaatog la them Water* » WtCHELL IS SENT TO ROADS jt o i Wii fcnr* 16 MmUlm m mrM Smlmch F«r Sun pend'd »tnt»M*n aHoettaff Joe ku Mitchdl. wha lata Friday tw declared not guilty IP the killing ot Mord»oal Smith. WW yesterday «f --iimJ into efft t by dodge H.*r.r/ A Grady Juat before bn adjaaraed Wnyn. County Superior eoart. uN yootnron; afternoon Mltohell dbforad upon tt» tom totaling 1* month* og the eoun ty rood*. Tko ilxtocn months *ro for fonn# violations of tbs Prohlbitioa g law. so nnanult, and for etotatin #f tko lour. “ Jo* Smith, BUI LnegntV m* Bucl Bran*, young whit* »** claimUu N« Tort City aa thalr bom*, wars T** of baring robbed the atom at J W Pat* at Hally and Ooorgr atraat. They entered plaa* of guilty and war* »ael aantanaad ta on* y**» on tba rondr Lucia J*mtgaa. Wttt rtnrg •d with rap* upon allegation* of a afc year old «KT«* waa found guilty o afianlt to commit rap*. Tba »#at«nc was to tarn month* on tb« ssnpir im» ■■ ■ *V» HELP F«B ‘ ‘ BEAT! •» C HILI* UDXIMOTON, *pt. *—Bond In tb* „ ram of fI,OOO wa* Nrnllhad by Irr Tarawa, Chnrlott* TrrrasanUtlr* ° a motion picture proddeldg bompany pending Inraatlgntlno of tba death o‘ 7 yapr Old Bobby H|U. wbo waa killed Inu yeatarday when mrnek by a ca driven by Furman *n Highway 4f« about three mile* uortb of Utlngton *, w. R. Martin, of Wlarton-fafom, wbc atatad ha waa foGowtapU* ear drta , a. by Furman, Informed EWriff . „ r.rtbah laat nlgWt, according to tbm official, that the aocldent waa wholl) unavoidable an the part of the driver Thia corraapond* With tba accoum jriren offers OeorftX DembOW of Washington, D. C.. dlrlalaa m * n * * gar for tb* **m* companr fwplOTlnr Pur man, who wan aocomptnytng th lattpr •* a trip from Charlotte to Wlaatoo Bal*m C . SO CHASOE WIEN IS MILL 6TWH* HEWDERSON. Sept. • “am tad mill owner* ccnttaaed •* ~ *• *£ «ore (ban *OO employees of four Har iAci cotton mill* want Into the cloe. it* fourth w#*k. No word of a probable *e‘ Cement L. came frtm director* of the mill, wb« «... jrrtMMd un.jcmk .De : »M !> I ■ wag* lacr*wm.apd rejeoted a e*mpro mla* plan offered a wa*b ago. . The situation continue. *«lat. wlta me?# ■*" pwru Vt.■ t W ... A ssrhoi of blaatjtegn,, which marlwd tb* strlk* last week. %** HR bnen ropeatad and there bare bean no re cent demon at rationa. l/ical aatboritla* continued at * leg* In their alreetigatloo of the eer lea of blast*. ' 1 » YACHT MISSING BILOXI| Mies., Sap*. I~AM\-Amx iaty le felt by ralauren of the three Biloxi yafhtamen, P. O. Colltaa, Kd die Moore ead Robert Pringle, who let: here In a IT foot caMa yawl. “Tba Corsair" August 14 tor St. Pet ersburg. Fla , to attend «he Upton Cup race*. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY GOLDfiBOMX N. G SUNDAY* MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4. 1927 Body Man Missing For Year Exhumed Id Cellar Os Home; Daughter Held For Murder (ctdnvilln CHlsm Hnd Bssg. Missing Mysteriously, But Frinntbt Thought Ho Had Goon Away; CoofnmHnn of Girl to Bvan> gniist Ranuhed in Thorough Inraotigation of Caon; *' _, Ua jl rinrnis* mhaJ * * DWwy OuOiy UwCuiiipusewf ■EIDSTILLEt E. C, Kept. A— (AP) day and a half of bach araaklag exraealtoa of parted daws fd Is a dart haeoamat under a raster* today hreagbt t« a head a lan day mar. der mystery «kh tba lading es the bedy al J Smith P*Hy, aaea Wa everaear la a lacal retteu mill, ah* has been mlanlaa far abaat a year. The grur*om« Sad reaftrmed a story told to es fir lei* by tb* Rev. ' Theme* Parda*, aa •raag*U*t that Petty hnd been killed. It hmdsd Mm. Aim* l*«tty tlatUn, bride es twe meotha and daugh ter sf the dead man 'a tba twenty ME ea a chart* of murder. She was arrested *e*n after the bedy was fee ad and this afternoon the —toner sammeaad a Jn'y af ter a brief bearing tba young wo man waa ordered bald for the grand Jury aa a rkarg* es iret degree murder. As a result es the lagaftA ead lading es U* body aa formtlgn- Ilea Is batag eaadact*d la aa ef fort to aseertoln whether * r net mar* than an* person might bar# Man Implicated la tb* killing. Lp Wayne B. Wheeler Is Seriously 111 Os ' J.’ RATTLIS t’REKK. Mtclf. S«pi. K~ d*>—Wayne B. Wheeler, general coun tel for tk* Anti-Bnlooa League of Ut.erics wo* a pntleiA here today, eported to be ssrlously lib from * Idney 'Mi TT' vV " Although the statement front th' loapltal attendants declared that Mr. Vheeler’a condition “cannot be re. tnrded a* Immediately dangerous,” It rn* generally believed that the dry Mder tovod from bis summer home neur * • A ter* Thursdye snd taken to another toepitel. Friday night hi* condition •'ns rush the physicians ordered his emoval to the sanitarium here. Eighty-Eight Have Paid Penalties in Death Chair MALBiaH. Stfjt. t-UP>™Of o>* 77 men and dromen sentenced to die n the electric chair at state prison tiao* TMi, only II knv* paid tk* upreme penalty for the crimes they ommiued, {Rate prison\fccpedb shpw Writer Morrison. Robeson county *egr*. waa the first man to «|fo In the '•half and PV»I tafufheH, Chatham ounty negro, the Inst Ana her negro, George*Trank Base nor*. Oreeae county, la slaved to die n Jhe chair September 30.-- Tk* electric chair waa installed at he prison late la 1909 and Morrison .Weal M 'tttrgfffh YOtyariLlllA. - Urge a Selection Os Seed : To Improve Woym Cotton A new method of mlpr6vin§ Wayne county cotton is being urged upon ke -jffi»im : vFfltr '-'.’uiD Agent A K * ReltoVlsoo . Ito through your field* ahead of the picker* anil pick th# cotton from those 'stalk* %plcb mature earliest *re heaviest (ruited end have beeu most hardy, which nr* th* bat. Have this seed terr, piautfhi iff« year,, w . Ku«m on is urging upon gtewdrs. Tor th* first time in the history of tbe county facilities tor ginning tmnll quantities qf coton for seed purpose* hnv* been provided. A '*ed yinnex h*» been tnslriled hy J T. Bardenconnection with his plant on North Geoi'ge street and U now offered for use of to* public. No charge i* mode for the ginniug, I* tew'ghl. however, aa arrant had teen made. The eaareb wa* andetlahpa two wart* age when the story told by the minister that a yeang weman . bad ream la him after and es bIU ■ revival meeting* and runic**ed ■laying her father and dt*p*«l*g of the bedy. The preaeheK* Mtery djd w*l give any cine ae to white the bedy might bar* been hidden and the search auamod the a*p*r« es a bant for the needle so a kayatart. There were these hi the remmßa ity who *r««ted the miafoleri* »lory, fur days the bant wa* rarridl en, bat with many bet'ev lag that Patty, ka*wa t* bar* dfoapprared at tirna* f*r w*rb* •ad meatb*. bad merely gene away agnla. Kxbnatod the bedy, aitheagb der*mp—id still turn ragsgula able a* that of Petty. ‘There |a net the *nghte*t doubt the body I* that of Petty", sgid She rid Smith.thl* afteruooti. “It ‘ wav easily i*rogul»*d. It «a« nat near, ly ai badly d««ampo*ed a* one would expect." Chicago Movie Strike Has Been Settled CHICAGO. Sept 3—(A*)— Chicago movies vaill move again MomoriVw afte. abdut four hundred motion pic lure shown and vaudeville house* have been closed sine* last Moods; because one tbreatre wanted 1o em ploy two operators and the union In sisted that It employ four Thu strike wa* ended this evening In 'lie offices of Mayor Thompgm whren exhibitor*, machine operator* Mid stop* hand representative* met after the Mayor announced he repre sent'd tb* public which wanted mo vie* (iver Hunday and loibor Ilsy. __________________ v '> macmiiikr AITHOKIXEN DENIAL OF RESIGNATION WASIIINOTON. Sspt.' 3 UP)—De claring that be bad uo Intention of giving up his pbst as Assistant «e<- of War. Haqfocd MacNider has authorjied a Categorical denial of a statement appearing In today s ls*u' 4*l (be Army and Nnvf -fouenst -that •rar he ha* tendered hi* rehignstiou tu take effect IHu ember 1. ~ *■ jji . ■ Sf. v DEAL NAHED RALKIGH. Sept 3. L. DonJ, city attorney of Wln»tSn-Bn|em was today appointed to succeed Judgt Raymond G. Parker, who died In Asheville Inst week. The announce ment was made by Edwin B. Bridge* Commissioner of Pardons, for Oov»r ---ae* ***!-—a. , —;—l^——, except that Mr. Barden retain* the VJfoxa abrnt* M pounds at seed cat •fmi nnd. hive A Ru*h#i at «r enough to plant an acre next spring, directly fr»m what you know to be god cotton plants." says Mr. Hob •rtson “You can profit in oqe year from seed enough lor one sere to seed enough far around twenty acre* the second yrtir. I ndvis# you to try this method of Improving your cotton ns It i* very rapid and W the rl*n by all breeder* of co ton I urge you to do this now or very soon so that you can tell which plants show the earliest maturity. “I consider early maturity the main point to look sos if yon have a well fanned stalk otherwise.'’ NEGRO SCHOOLS \ TO OPEN MONDAY, ■ —i Mrs. C. E. Wilkins Will AtMrttw f , Colored Parents Monday Evening Ool4*boro t'olnrrd School* j will open the > IMf It ii Moo I day morning at » o’clock A large en J rollment i* rxpm ted. Already more ik'in one hundred and fifty hich. i.rliuol student* have registered And have thflr schedule* In hand ready to a tend cla**ei Monday morning. Pkrent* are urged to har* theli children in on time. All beginner* must be In within the first two week* After that time ncae will he • crept ed t.n'll after Christ mat. . The Cleneral Parent Teacher A»*oc iatioa fill meetly to mil>rd High rrbool on Mon</ y night at I oY'ock Mr*. C. E Wilkin*, who ha* al ways shown a. great Interest in the Colored school* will address the meeting. .All pa rents, teacher* and itlnlncni are urged to be present. Files SMitlto - . Damaae te the sum of 1 16.00 I* asked against tba J. W. Stcut t:om paay by A A. Wooten, osrpdnter. In complaint filed yesterday with Clerk of Court J. B. Hooks ' The complaint alleatm that the plaintiff, while deployed on the Gelds boro high school fob. was eel to placing soap*tone blocks in * floor with only- carpenter's tools to work with, that a part of the matal ham mer befog need chipped off, striking his right eye, parmsaently impair lag It end causing the left ey* to be weak. The accident occurred laat Keb ruary, 4t I* held. > * / Negligence es thw rmdreny if placing a man trained as a carpenter to doing work of the„ nature ft was, work which II I* claimed should hare been assigned a skilled stone mania. Is alleged as cause for tb* verJict asked. Further It is claimed that special tools netably a rubber Imm mer. gtxb shoald hare swh pfdvmsg f ■ ,s*to.—.... W— T YEW WAEK FORK Hl' f mead tu rmktn RALKIGH. Sept. J. (A*) Dr Fran ctn P. Gaines, newly elected Wake Forent college president, und fotmer. ly of tbe faculty of Furman Univer sity, Greenville. 8 C., will dslivsr tb* Sunday morning sermon at Taber nacle Baptist church. Dr. Gaines having receutly rompl<4- *d a class or lectures at Columbia university summer school completed moving this week. fron. Ore*nvlll# to Wake Forest. Dr. Oelnes, who la 37 yearn old.' Is one of the yonngeat college presidents in the Country to day. MANY VIHITORM AT PRIMWY RALKIGH. Sept I—<A*)—Vlvltors to the North Carolina state prison averaged around &000 a HMSktE or 60, (too a year for the past two years, records at the office qf George Ross rvw, superintendent show The visitor to the stale capital In varisbty wants to visit the *ta*e pri •on, say* Mr. Pau. Thoummds of the visitors are iplloted to the prison A»r Got Pred A r <Wds. smmrr ixnr of the .Nyttk. Camllpa hall nt liuuiuK TAtft ’Vtslter BTstole prTSoTi ls^iiY 7 ed lo sign lug name and hi* ad dresa. BASEBALL iwmn.MMK . . a Asserlrss Cleveland C, Chicago 4. *t. Ural* tt, Detroit to : WimMwKU’CTi iwsvew Y f? Ihgtng* Pittsburg 14, Hi. l/niis 0. Brooklyn 3-6, Boston H. ( inclmtl 2. Chicago I New York 6-7. PhlladelphM 6 4 - ' ITednvoni WalMbnfy M r Malelib 6-1 High Point 1-4. Winston Salem 6 2, Rocky Mount 6 3, Durham 51. Virginia Kinston 6-4 fVtershury 6, Norfolk 6 * Wilton 3 6. Rlehrvond 2-2. , Hally Knovville « I, Macon 5 7- A«hevi( » S 1, Augusta tra crhatlo te 2 2, Charlotte 7 12 Columbia b t», Kpailanburg tl. FAIRMONT SETS WORLD RECORD We«d SoW on Border Martel . I'nnt Week Totaled Over 2.500.000 Found* awsssswmwm* FAIRMONT. B»pt. 3.—<AV Tobt r ’ co nales for the week endlug laat a»aht on the Fnirmont market which totaled over 2.5*v.(NW pounds at an averag*! price of 34 20 a pound ar* belifcrvdj to have equat'd, if not surpanaed. Uu; of any other market la the world. E. W. McFarland. Halts supervisor of the hoard of trade said tonight. * Befog for the week brought the fo* < t*J.-trir - ihe season to S.ltl.m pound'', the sverag* price being 23U2. Salsa laat season for the same pet tod equal, rd 4 488.470 pounds. “The average dally nalea v/ba CM.- —7 po'uudM. or 218,6*S pounds to *ach us the three seta of buyer*.” Mr. h'arlaud said. 'Tb# average quitting time each day waa 3:30 p. m. Markets having flv* seta of buyeiV would there fore have to aell 1.003.445 pounds daily conaecutlvety lu equal Fair, ment's record for the we«|( just cloe- Dramatic Race For (Big League Flag N®W YORK, Sept. 3 -<A*>—What looka like tke most dramatic and m saUooal struggle la y«nra unfolded itaelf tonight la tbe naUoonl l»sgue championship with the New Tort Oiaate climbing Into second place two gwaee from tbs top In tbe biggaat comeback in tbe majors this seanon. Nswv York bridged from fourth. Rteee V the afomad plac* In g single after Its sixth conae cutlv* defeat wta two polnta back of th* Glnula whik Bt, Louie trailed on the ton rib mug. merely weather Wtolher outlook for week begin nine Monday Bottth Atlantic states; mostly fair weather but aeefvtona 1 ihund rshowers aa* Indicated. Temperature neat or slrabtly above normal. ty J ; r^—7m _ • ' ; '• '.V:' .< • BTATB HAD BIG 'PHOHB BILL RALKIGH. Sept 3 (JP|- Tb* ■totems telephone bill during th* fori fiscal year amounted to 133.104 ac cording to figure* obtained today At the state budget bureau. It cost f1u,330 lo tperato the cenr tral exchange In the state houae, while telephone service for the Yap ioua stite institutions aggregated 111-1 W 1W- Henry Bu-ke, assistant director of the budge .tevtlmated long distane* calls of the state departments last year cost »3,5P0 REIT CAUIA JOM MINNKAPOLIB, B,pt 3. —GP>—Ra dio has' created another pew occupa tion. Residents of cuniiaifnlil's re mote from broadcasting stxflons andi troubled by* imperfiM't reception ar*! uniting to emplyo experts to Iwate local causes Os Interference and sfotk- 1 an dto bring ebotrt thrir ritmtnguoa. j Business la rushing at present, for; many communities are “clearing the •Jr’', faf the Dsmpeey-Tvmney flght broadcast, _._* * —l—. ! Elsie Lee Kornegoy With A Schubert Broadway Show Dreams will come Hue for a Golds tterp girl next Baturday when in w&rds of fire her name to emVlaxoncd rJCTjp MU it: (X K.’A* t -- tl to the theatre - gowee-. Os Broudway, the mecra of att Uomm- wto, IftA wltk i longing eyes for a stage career. Fnr on Saturday ' Mary I uni My Mary land." a Hchultert musics) comedy, will m rn in New York City and Miss Klsk' l,c- Kornegay. danghtor of Mr aaiL Mit. .LX.-C- -Korwegsy, wttt- he playing one of the leading roles, “We much likv for her to plrk a atage career,” said Mr l<or ncgjy yesterday in talking .of the r ucresvof his talented d(lighter, “But after it appeared that ahe wasn’t go ing to he happy in anything else, I told her to go ahead. That was shout three year* ago. and ahe hnd a hard time ge'ting slvri-d in New York, Kite got discouraged dome linen, but k'OURTEEN PAGES TODAY Ignoring Increasing Odds And Big Casualties Fliers Continue Their Pioneering Three Die, One la « Hurt in Apto Mishap BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Sept. 8— UPI -Yhres men were killed ead a fourth foully tpjurwd here tonight when Ihrir automobile la which they were riding creaked iato aa empty box car standing on a rail road siding Ifoa Wayne 18, believed to have, been tbe driver o ftk* oar. waa tbe only one of tbe three men dentiled tonight- Tb* Injure* jaaa was taken to a ' hospital where it waa said hia conditio* waa •arioaa. URGES NEED LONG STAPLE Dr. Win Urn Csßs Attention te PrsMiws Brought by Bnttnr Grade Cotton RALBIOH, Ste V »—W)-Vutara cotton gpowera of North Carolina tab* advaataf* of tbe price premium extol lag for eottoe tke tart and tart and out- tig hi h t,tawM fil tiitli tier attend smew wqpwvv, W, wsw^^wy ta low* a gnat deal at many this (all, t Or. R. T. Wlatota, dlraetnaw ad tb* State aapariment rtatlen and term fodir a s national prominence. Dr. Winter* be!fovea that since 1990 there baa been a gradual In cream in premium between tb* abor Tba Mississippi flood*, which damag ed a fort* amount of staple and re duced the acreage planted so tbe longer staple, hn* helped so make a p renter dlf.Mreace la th to.premium. North Carolina farmer*, should h« says, taka advaaiaffa of this situation WILL teiOlGANit* POLICE DEFT HIGH POINT. Sept- 3-Tlfb High Point oiyt council baa decided to>afeo- Hah tb* office of autafent chief of polio* It waa sanouoood today by city Manager P. P. Pilcher L R. French who holds this position wtfl be transferred to other dalle*. Tba police department wilt be dr organised to • limited, egtent for th* purpose of reducing expense* aid ta creealitg tba efficiency of the orgaal xatfofl. It was stated. This dee* mi necessarily rqtan there will be a “shake- or that any pnrticufor of ficers tom be fired”, although the recortt of the various ofTfoera are being laveailgafod. MIRMIONART KILLRRf CLARKSBURG. W. Vfc, Sept. 3 ! (th —Rav. 8. Hall Young, 80, mle alone ry, and author, of B*attle. Wartv | lugton, dl*d In n hospital berg this afternoon ns thd result (of having been atruck by an Ibtorurlmn car j'MST Sfoalng between Fairmont and f Mu rfo mil si - n~ at. length ahe landed • place that gave her i’toe hold on tba ladder." Fur M*. Kontagsy wa mtu -nap that Mfoa ETlts b«n been climbing rover atnc*. “Miryland my Mary land" built around a Civil War ro mance, ran for eight months in Phila delphia, tb* Quaker town where plays quake foa fear they break the first three night*, ' t»W iito »Ifo Tiny waa' closed in Philadelphia la order to giv* the nOßipany a abort rest before opening in New York City. Another cart which has bee* apparatag la Atlantic City will move to Philadel phia-in ih# pice* shortly. Mla* Koynegay yesterday ended her vacation with her parents her* and left for New York lo He present for rehenfy I* rtrc-c. dmg the oEsniaff neat Hatu)day. Momber of Tho Aasociatei Press - ♦ 5 puca rmi cmm Flyfaig Bml Wlte k HnM Down m Spuriall OmmH M A4v«rw WM FONCK PLANS FLIGHTS SHATTER ALL RECORDS Ltvtiw’g CPhrartki Awaka FbT orabla fatherJW FMgkf ■ ■ i ■ 1 ■■ ■ HMW YORK. a*»t. *-(#»- Tko monoplane Old Glory tort of at 1:47 ußsttrn sundnrnl iHmh fNMi Rooeevelt Field for Old Or*bOld, M« , where pilot" I. D. HQI and Lloyd Bertaud hope to start their praject vd asa-stor flight la Htoto afogbaa at w*nth*r coadiUowa psriaß, , CORUNNA., rtpala, Rapt. 3~<gV lTbn firing boat ‘White* gU«ted bp Cagteia Frank Ommaap. art «rt tt ota Plymouth. gfgA aariy today landed this efteraaaa tb g «M> rerea* place on the ocMi Hgarkere. 'bey were brought,to a pfoagpd aUfriy "rr^ rt. i# —~v Trt' (•! (Hy Aaaoclated Prfobl igaeriag rioaaftp igrragHaa ad vsrse odd* u| heavy cMMJUaa ta their rank* avfoMoa ptouasr* aootiaa. ed to drive farwrttl dr the wart Old Glory, tba EWttar maagfl*a*. wa* at Old Orated, Mate krt nr*paring for fb* Wwg trail t* Memo. The tw* Wfo atora ghrtoi baart ta • xpMtod to give a toag enough Part way to avert furilter weight ter ttfo c roper wind to re tea tba gnat »ktp 'tad fond „ > I.la new biplaua. as ana*uua«6 , a II previous record*. H* ptugfort A dght to Paris, “within the aMfeth.” Th. R.y.l Wlndaar pUat to take off far Portland, Ma, uSBSf la art ‘nusilon of the flight to Tigllllt Copula Couriaap 1a hi* Wbdi* la at Corunna, Spate srharr ka waa tMrt d to lead baeaaaa of advene gtalA harrtag his passage ta the batata, hat tb*r* wav a* hind that the grt* J*ct bad b**s dksadoand. The ( olnmMa la at Oaaawg, Rag land waiting only favorable Wtatber for the haaardou* weeiwrdv jßrttagi 10 America Tk* Sir Joka Oarttag M wta4 kaaud it Cirlboe, Main*, but oaly titajparar ily, Bchles and H**b, world Bhrigb* tors, nrs In Psraii, tuning up f*rwh Vtrly start today far tb* east bag ca their loaf tour. BRUNSWICK, On.. S*pt. b-RV- Despite the fact that Paul Kofifcn, Rrui) flier has b*n oa tba Mat of Rhw lag for more than a waek, kbtfof la travttt «.*<.Ue State tea-rtai lie will oca* eat *f aaaa Uafoied ac tion of South Amerian with * “cork lag yarn This belief I* protected m gmral ikings, foetadtat • tedadtarte report* AhMc*todfo*g(Htetaw>kta» WMt «*•« ed both off tba court ad Ve*#auela and flying qerba tb* Orfo*o* river delta ta that country CosHdge Pmpsrw to Get Back Waskington RAPID CITY. a. a. Bust. J—(M)- I‘resident and MVU. Uunldtgi today •rid good Ml ta rtau Mart RUL friend* at a taws party at tk* game lodge. Several hundred guest* called at tba snaueer white bauaa during the afternoon ta iwapawa* t* a gauaral tovitattea. Preparing to break camp kora next Friday, tbe President *p-nt the dip at the lodge giving atteatloa so the address h* has i repared tea ggflvarp at Brooking* g, D , next Saturday m anting, bin only atop an •tertrt tack te Washing en.

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