■ • WEATHER I I Gager ally fair Tuesday aad Wednesday I • . tvr * VOLUmt SIX! KUMBBR 1M MILLION POUNDS TOBACCO HERE FOR OPENING SALE TELL STORY SIGHTING REDFERN DETAILS GIVEN BY LOG OF SHIP v. Flier ClrcM Norwegian Ship ami A akai tar Direct ion •f Uad Ham ORLEANS, Sept 6—</P>—De tails of the sighting of Paul Red feme* plea# the Port of Brunswick by the Norwegian vtaamahtp. Cbriato lan Krakg became arallable from the aMp'e tog M it Socketed here late today. The riltr. thg log revealed circled about the ahtp for M midutee. era* directed toward the mainland and aped awap . toward the Vencxualsu Vsaa*. id mile* away after the chip bad pointed him to tint direction. Os leer* eaprenaed the opinion that Redfern hod either reached the main land an hod luided on one of the in land* hetweew the ahlp ad the con tlaeal. ' The chip waa proceed i* from Port of Spain to Jamaica. whe B the ptone waa a lab ted At. the time the »h‘p warn li| lat'tude 11-7 north and loagi ture f> 17 west. . The plane descended to wlihln hail lag diptlncr of ifce deck and circled back over the rkip dropping a note enclosed lo a roend pasteboard box . The nets read: •‘Plead* polht ship toward neareat lead.' Apparent! yhe was not satisfied that ‘the shlpe* officers had under stood the aot«, and he dropped a sec ond note be ore hie Thd“o* 1 could be conrplfrß tad been lose eredf naif the tirpt n*tf was recovered hrfore'hhefcpeooad note landed la the water. The «tooad read “Point ship to ward nearest lead and ware one time for each Iff' - jadee distance." A i bird mat* picked up by the boat Was shaHtor ifl-Thfr other* and wd» signed ‘'Rcdfcrn thunk*’’ The *Wp tamed ,her bow toward the west where 160 mile* away lay the group of island of which the Cayo Qmade are the largest. These to leads are 66 miles west to Venecudfh. In addltfb* to WAVtng a flag to Indl* cate the distance nearest land, fte ship sounded two blasts on Its whis tle. The aviator dueled about the ship several other times before turning to the west, »ffleer* said. The wea'h er was splendid for «ytng. 0 - - MARKETS WEED 1 IN AN AIRPLANE Ena torn Carolina Expectant As Day for Market Opening ? Apprnflflhea \ RALF.IUH. Sept, a— <**>--A gold eg harvest of bright leaf tobseco mov ed on Ranters North Carolina mar bets in alasosl an uajmdlng stream a» warehousmea ad buyer* were set what they predicted would be s re cord breakingiOomorrow morning Wagons, tarucks, and even aa'MM®' p>ane b»Wb* the week to buyers Two hundred poinds of choice growth were seat ‘to the Greenville market by plane by a Northern Bertie cotinlj farmer, a distance of SI milo* Plio' i<fli Bellamy. *tH ~V* made JKtt alt trip In minutes. Wilson buyers estimated that their market wou'd break all prevku* sale Vecord*. Neon today found flow spaee nf tbe seven big warehouse* Rocky Mount tobacco board Jtt trade estimated 566.00* roaads had nn placed for fh# yot V urns being sufficient to eclipse leal «oaMa*x cgimlng. The hard today* e’ected W. R. Bradley as sales auF i rvisor. „ v — —i R.tNUELI. HRTTI-RR „ _ rrNfio* on. i atm* CHICAGO. Sept «.—WI-rßamirfy Jdsadell. world’s light-weight cham pion- hat tT-yesr-old father on * ' pension Every Saturday Sammy per. sonalty beads bis father his weekly allowance. The, 13->e~sr eld MU® holder has car ed well far bis family. Ha awns three houses ta Rockford. His Mther ItrOk iu oat and his sister aad brother In soother, gammy and hi* bride occupy • A »fr- • THE GOLDSBORO NEWS *: . * o' i READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. TEN PAGES TODAY BIG INCREASE IN ENROLLMENT ; • o- i. ■ Negro Schools Had 1,346 Pres i eat Yesterday, Increase :* of 200 Goldsboro City Reboots for colored children op*a«d yesterday wHh a total eareQmeat of 1346. according to su pervising principal. H. V. Drown. This represent* 206 more than en rolled during the Aral day of last year sad more thus have enrolled during the Arst day for tbs past four yearn. Os the total number. 166 are high school students. There are IS -teachers In the sys tem. The Supervising-Principal, H. V. Brown, succeeded In retaining In the service It of the 43 from tye teaching-• tag of last yey The four new teachers am—C. B. Idndaay. Eng Hah and athletic coach, fron. Talla dega College; L 1. I»vett. domestic arts, Howard University; N. Holt, La tin Livington College; and E. P. Lovett. English and principal of the Dillard High School, from Hampton Institute and Howard University Mrs C. E. Wilkins and Mr Wilitln* spoke at the Initial mretlag of the Parent Teacher Aasociat&n at Dil lard High School last night. f Both urged parents and teachars to co opc ate in looking after the interest of the child. Especially should th«» race be Interested In welfare of our young girls aad young meri. they said Mrs. Wilkin* *|toko on the noces. aity of Better tiewlth and better horn* among negro -people. There were about one hundred sad •fly parents aud teacher* | n at tendance. All Indications itolnt to a vgry successful term, declared Prof. H. V. Brown*, fasebauT * AMERICAN ' Philadelphia 1-3; Washington 1-6. Cleveland 7*2; St. Louis 6-2. Boston t 2-6; New York 11-6' Ist game 11 Innings. Detroit 0-10; Chicago 5-6. .NATIONAL Philadelphia 6-7; Brooklyn 1-1. New York 1-3; Bon ton 6-8. » Cincinnati 8*1: PHtabprg (B-3. Chicago 4-0; St. Ik>ul* id PIEDMONT High Point 3-1; Salisbury 13-4. Durham 1-6; Raleigh 7-2. Winston-Salem 6-1; Rocky Mount 6-2 ÜbgimiV Norfolk Portsmouth 16-f. Petersbnrg g-6; RlNunond 1-3. Kinston 0-4; Wilson 6-2. v . BAI.LT Charlotte 8-I;«Columbia 6-1. Spurtnnburg 1-1; Greenville 6-5. Knoxville 5-3; Asheville 2-g. Ms can 1-1; Auguste 6-6. * & Sacco - Vanzetti Fires Caused Death Tar Heel I 11 ‘ tUIJT-'yj ftympathiser* mhf> Q -«a jrtaagd domtoiiatrapona on Ul; d*T 'bat the funerals were held hr the >wo radical* in Boston indlrerAly -anaed the- death of Mrs. K ( ih*n*-j *n, well known In Goldsboro the pidow of E, Duncan, prowtn-fO hr Republic'll st-ite politic*. friend* ■ f*r «■“»*=** Mr* Duncan with her 12 year old tm-rltcl Writ ndhhy llpcVht, were residing lu Boston, where Mr*. Dun* an wts srutrythg and teaching nlui -11 Ic . In the dead of night on the day that *hc Baev" ¥«ngpf t fhtrmr -trns irrttf; someone Rjioclie«l oif'lhe iloor of the Duncan apartment in Boston rcjiorted jj^ie- building afire, and told Mr*. Dunsan that she had better get her aged mother out a* once The party evidently hurried on to warn other sleepers, and there was no nn<- left with Mr*jf ‘ Dam an to aki Mrs BpelgM to th* eleveator. Together the 68 year old women and the 84 year aid rootbfp groped tijeir srh7 through the .mok* I FLIGHT FLASHES HARBOR GRAPH, Kept. 6- (AF)—The l.eadva to London plane, Mr John Curling, piloted by f aptala Tally aad Llewtea aat Med call, landed hem late to day aftee a flight as nearly I* miles fram Uarfboa, Me. Pro-. oration* were began at once far a taking ass oa the Iraas-Allaalic leg as the Jagraay early tomor raw. Perfect Dying weather pro vailed hare today aad ladleatlaa* toahrht wan that R would con* Aae far somaUme. OLO OKI HARD. Sept. 6 <, —(API-Twa Iran*-AtUatlc alr plaiae* sqaatted an the Maine sea renal tonight, one ready ta hap ass from Mcarbere al day break tomorrow aad the ether from the beach, here sometime la'er in the day. Phil Wodd, saltpeter of the ( saadlaa an>aaplg|w Payal B Ind oor. aaaeaafe'4 that hr wont I hop ~ ass dram Ncerbere far Wtodsar, Eng., aad at dawn tomorrow. FIRE CONSUMES N. JOHN HOUSE Say Drunk lacked Seif in Kil chcn and Attempted to Cook Self FoOd o.— ■ - 4 ' . 3 A drunk who doalrad bt cook Ma s«lf etrot hinc to eat caused the fire which yesterday «,'trrnoon des troyed the four room frame dwelling on North John street occupied by Moses Price and belonging to Mr*. B. O. Thompson, police said lust night. Bud Andrews, local jeafpenter was taken Inin custody by the police but ihe charge against him was slm p’y that of being drunk.. According to the story told , by rollce, Andrews locked himself in the kitchen of tbs. Price home aad utiftyd to cook himsalf some food. In some rainner he turned Uie Wick In the cil stove too high end flatahs leaped to the celling, setting the woodwork aflame. Andrews ws* removed from the scene, o fleers said'. »■ When the firemen arrived the flames, had gained firm much headway lo be brought under conlrol before they had destroyed the building. Bum Hits Ditch, One Dead and 18 Injured . t .. NORFOLK, Va . Sept 5-<JW—One man was killed and between 16 and U other .-ersoas were injured shortly after 6 o’clock tonight when a Nor folk yo Virginia Beach bus went Into a ditch about five miles east of here on the Vl-ginla Reach Boulevard. II lli-iinctt of -Berkley, Vs., di«jpfflrv •after being taken to a hospital. The Injured were taken to nearby hospl tala. hnllahay to the elevator nhnft and itcKceudcil. I-Ivti truck* were marine past the building with a terrific >hrilk, and the excitement caused a ;'.lOarii atAtasifc' • *♦•*< • 4ww-uw ■ Just a* she reached the_atr».#t. flbe fell, mortally stricken JJwe--ofr+hr- flrev ktnjtcg TP J| 'itfJSC against the ISSSS-Vlllltli eserotton hJWl.'TtOcn storied in a rdbtffgh r,„,ni in the basement of the apartment rwrsc nierv itie rtw|ir« - nvwr, add n was this tire 'tbit had aroused the people and whtrh Indirectly caused ♦hv- death -of Mrw tm«ran.- A'liumr l»er of fire* of tacldeadary origin were kiudled about tlic same time. Mrs Dunruu' was a native vs Greene coun ty '’but for j< number of ywar* made her home in Fremont. She van'the sunt of Borden Hooks and Mias Leurindt Hook* and had visited the letter here this summer, Mrs . A 8 Barnes of Rnlejgh I* ■a elaUurKJ*»d... Speight. the mother la now with MUk Barue* in '.;l r GOLDSBORO, R C TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6TH, 1827 TWENTY-ONE CASES HEARD X / ■' County Court Swamped With Buoineao Following Renump tion After Two Wetka ° V Taking u» the rein* where lie b'*d Laid them down two week* ago in »r der lo give the Superior court fight of way. Judge D. 1C Bland Ih County court yoatvrdav waa swamped with easaa^ Twenty one were dLpow-i of in an all Any ass*lon and a number were continued until next week. In -pvcral in tancan Judge Hlaud impos ed stiff fines end iu at least one case ordered the defstrdsht to keep hi* bands off an autombolle steering wheel for three months. Sam Magill, operating a car while drunk, >56 aad caata and 110 damage, thee months vitspended sentence upon atfbdition that the defendant abstains from driving, an automobile for W* days. Jadlc Runn, prominent ywpag white man or the rural sac lon waa ar rnigned on a charge of a*«anlt with Intent to commit r*pe and bound to Siiprr'or emurt under n bynd of 21.*, 00fl. "I’Ve got you Where I went you” he tga* quoted a* having said to n girl of the community, alar being atpnv with her. Jrrne* Perry, aiding and abe't'ng in the mcn.ifacture ct whiskey. IK tpid cod*. * J 'hii Ilen.ry Bryant, assault with a •icadly weapon, >W and coats wnt four moni.b* “U rwalf suspended dar Ing the -leasure of the court. Al 'tt Fuiith larceny, 64 day in Jssfl. Itolwr: larceny, six month on rinds: Willis Merable, stealing chickens. f» days on rosils. John Wheeler. a**atft, >75 fine and costs including >34 doctors’ bill, 6 months suspended sentence. Arthur Harris, assault, costs. Willis Bailey, driving auto while drunk. 36 days on mods; Ihila Me 1 Cutcheon. shop lifting, 1 months on rends. . Lewis Pipkin and Kihel Mny Jones, foraicklloa and iidn!tery, 8 months on roads for man and I nion'hs In Jail tor woman. Appeal. Man’s bond >3OO Women case left open. Bigs Bunn, assault with deadly wea pon, four months on roads. Cora Blevcnr, drunk and disorder ly on highway, >2O fins and contl itnjl fto days suspended aentonge; .Mihnnln Htevcn*. drunk on highway, 6t guilty. Albert, Korn"icsy, drunk and dlwrdcrly tipi»n highway, >l6 fins and costs, ■ - Riley Hodford, h«vlng whiskey In po*s«*ssion for *ale, >6O flue and costs and four mouths suspended sentence Homer selling whiskey, not guilty J. B. Artis, disturbing public woe-' ship, >ls nnd cost* *Mf BOYS DO NEW YORK BROWN * Quartette Ixxral Youth* Take* in Big Town and Make* Trip For 380 __ A quartette —of—Holdalioin tKiyrT* turned y’erterday from New York City with side stop* In Washington. j» <*• unit . The;- had had a smell of "th* ww» stufr hit let it alone, und utl for >B4 'ffcßtMfe- Wesley iMUnnflctd, amiwW'lll hnleel/’ *alii one wf Abe ynnnggtors “der-lded tha' oo a trip to the l*>ach We *»art ad hat laadad Jp DuthgU JUUL UaurgC suggested we go to Washington: Then white we were cn our wiry Paul made a motion that w<l JBL.jfI.3iMLJCadL city The motion csrrlctl. Ws nrrlvw' In New York, gre«n a* grs*s lint we were there. We walked nil of the pjtorc— Battery to Bronx-and had a big time . ‘‘Yes we g*>t a smell of ‘wet stuff although we left It «h>ne. and sft?r we toured the city over, we started' hack home., Herr we arc and r igh* glad to be here. We bed a herd time convincing the old folks we really went to New York and back on >B't tef*v**o V.*’ Floors Filled Early Yesterday Afternoon And Long Lines Loaded Trncb And Wagons Still Wind Away From Local Warehouses SELECT DRAPER . AS SUPERVISOR • v ’ v « Oplombtm Concerning Tobacco Market Kx presided at Moot* ing Reprenentativfln Heralding a new day tor the Gold* boro tobacco market, warebouauien, t uyera and a number of their fr ends were guest, uC Sheriff W. D. Grant at a barbecue staged at the chamber of rtuinmeroe ijcoig* last evening, dam Griper was eleneted supervising buyer of tbe market nnd preliminary -taps token toward the orgaalsatlea •f the Orddsbu'u'tjnhecco board Os trade. Tbe genera! trend of expression at he meeting woe (hat the warehouse field In Qotdsboro has new taken on a permanency, that men who have to oted here have Inca ed for a’l-time ntber then tor a season and that thi* augur* the beginning of its* hirg* or the local barkel. From the warebousmea present, frog) rep lesentatlves of the babka. from local hualnem mon came expreaaiou of determination of air to eoopernta "far -he good, of the market. A. T. Griffin struck the hoy note it the meeting* when he urged uni fied effort* on haliatr V H*v market Thomas H. Norwood end Rf.” ®. Stroud tod the mee’ing that Uie bank* .would continue Uioir gractlrr cf ituyiag open late to nerve the crowers who had t-heclu to ehik. The tamks will close at 3 o'clock Os us ual and remain closed for an hour and then ra-ocen to serev thorn who Ir.ve sold weed herp. It was indlcat ed. Tito- geneeal expressions of op Hit- Inn in the prospect for a market here were continued in talks by Dr C.- >'. Strovnider, W. F-. Taylor, K *. McDowell, Uslle Well, B. G>. Flslds, BUI Taylor and Sheriff. W. D. Oraal, who acted .as toastmaster. SMASHES AT GREENVILLE Young Girl Pamenger and Pllof Injured an Marking Taken Now Dive t GRF.KNVILLK, to pi. .6- Gp)—Two pi-r son* wees Injured hew late tod*y ,wjy;n the airplane in which they were riming crashed to earth as It descend ed after a flight over the city. Miss Alpels Mnl’ison, Greenville vitiing woman, suffered a broken in* bone, while Jgj-k Bellamy, the pilel, 9 sprained ankle aud painful brultea The machine" wn* completely dynto lulled . . • May Provide A Trust Fund For Upkeep Os Wittow Date - -Appointment of ft < 'iiiiwilttce to rwi stder the valuation of 31 achroa of F. K .-Borilcn properly within the city •’gpifrorat'to h ififa-r U-toU* W •Wayne taxiry AS>*o,iaf ion use of the unpaved port Km of Pettier street tinuaiioa of <hc ce|pcl'-ry .committee juu-otpud Xtu> Board at AWcrmen at itielr regular meeting ye*terdny A» H wwa labor dwy . the-Abtovtwton WPOW advice of rity Attorney I). V Hum phra?"decided no*,to proceed with ■torts totMw, baldiao tooVwwy bs*lai as of OMiment might be filed Illegal as transacted on a scheduled holiday Adjournment wsa token until 8 o' clock this evening Thirty-four acres of land belong lAr lo V*. K Borden and lying within thy city limit * were missed by the tax lls'er* In IH2S ‘24. vnlun- Don of >15,504 had been fix'd when Nje error dUcovered. ■ Mr. Bor den objected to this figure aad askad for a committee lo reconsider the vai- Urtlou. P liOU'V, U- y GUilifiU aRd TEN PAGER TODAY - v Rig Brick Wins First Safe la Drawing and ThsWHsk. Hough Taken Second With A action* Scheduled Btu*.*bwut ; 8:30 This Morning 11MIIKR1.AKE HOUSE HAS RENTED ritfSSgMj | OH . CENTER STREET. NEAR CITY U/HZ, M ANN** Positive That Market Will SMI 100 For Cent More 4lHs Son— Than Last; Frantic Eforta Sac ore DwUhMI ■ -. * Buyers on MarkcU Early ThlaWodk \ fl. * TODAYS SALES Firni Sato— Hig Brick Wartko—a. * Racfltti Sale—Timberiake Waraboaac aasi JUHagg. Third H«to—Corrin Warckanaa. Boys, ahe has broke iooee—has this Goldsboro tobeceo ngr* ket. The long looked for has begun to happen, you could tett. lt all day yesterday by the way the trucks. She wagons, sad the carta rumbled through th e streets in tire direction to the wacu- ' houses. •,**. Long before night the floors of the three lyvufuia here Wgr* piled many basket* high. Bill Grant and Tp«| TlfdheHMke rushed out in the middle of th e afternoon and rented the gsfhge build ing nn North -Center street lately occupied by the. NtUse Tint Company a* an annex for their warehouse, but VritMa three ho era, thin wus filled ami the truck* and wagona on HtoTtfhatx their time. AU told, there must have been a million pngiilf oftobaccos* the floor* and on the wagona and trucks about Mmfwer -"arthniiura Irefore the nun went down lant evening. And ußdttffetg tbs and until early this morning the golden weed wsi rolling Hfe Goldsboro. . .... - .-TS. ■— —iua:;i i ""Tr fiiw reimelT 1(611^1%^ Demonstratton Place —* t Mina Raky Felkerf, tor the pawl year k»w demonstration agent for Wayne eawwty yesterday lea ds red her reslgaatton to the cennty evmmkiitoaers al their r-gnlar Drat Maaday nwatoa, af feetiye Drtphar L Ike tssmh ' with regret aad ssasd Rise' Baby RHey es Mam flj.lkf la sae aeel Mias Fcikert. It to* Peßiert rrolgas la order te aeeepf a tore aa hem* ageat at Wanrea, I Oh to, at an larreaaed salary. * Aside from thin Kea as ka«l arse Ih* caaltohejeaera attended - la roe liar meUent. It to pewikto that Ike fall eaaaly budget may ka adopted aad tha lai rale *et ni a msetiag rattod far Friday. Crazed Shoots Four Ind. Policemen KVANMVILUfc. Ind.. Kept 5- G*V w« slcy Gook*ey, rased negro wjia shot four polleemen here this after noon from his home wn* house tonight aftar officer* 'had syt fire to It and Bourad volley after volley of rifle burets into the building The wounded Incuded. the cbtof of police und the rhbsf of detccliyci. One of <bn patrolmen Wna probably faulty hurt. * ’ ' M<m Bridgrra wrre named op. the Itroup. *' Ar'lon wan not taken on a report rffTTiricim. -a u.*. < iiini»ifilpd tut a or# tint of the Sate bring, lalwr Day, but the committee wan <<>iplmhv| n|nd ggp. jawwwrwe-fntietrrtMi * «*H»ed npdft by UIS. *t»tnniltt« etere haaxd. Tha«l ttnißtniMiialieii Tntfadedt tnjimr mrnt of an undeveloped aectlon of Wtmiw rate and ttHk-ftßUnuamV «»f rernin narrow rtreeta so aa to add an in< rraeiil number of cemetery -brnt,- n'Wtrtt.rait ttlh hWiia jg« n re-t bourn; eonatrut'tlon of a atoraee h<uae for toola, (minting o* tbo feare; creation «f a rte»t fund for the permanent up of ceme tery lota - , f>-. A K. Kerr, or the Health Department told, the Aldermen that •oTetlme ip iv-tober 'he sAyee Dairy m-n’» A«a<u-latlon wi«bad to atxge a county dairy *how for one day at a point on Tenter «treet near Wa’nut. He Dated that the rurpoae waa to (CooUptMd Os Pag* Two) • .. MombUr of The Associated Pi*ess Intaki. . : . ■ ’’Uflfv MIIR ’fin v vS Jjif tnTtie 'nZJrZ ? n«x wpM h» miWpjHriMißeeli »«m to WU at a Wat «eS with the Mas of (mJMTW te.jlhs next pile a* rapidly as limine* were little cMfea wltkta tgltt* «eivr- Hoi <*■ end fcarheene *taad» which yesterday ap»S*| f«ll »>S were doing a Isa* ofhaa haaiasaa. had bees os ths J*>b afcf# pfrly *#•- day morn lag coathng te fUfee wdstf In the hMketn. mi pnrtttqy lev Kprawled on ths yaftaw weed they hed hroaght. *m* P»We4 goer thal* fare, la Deep FYo* «* ST (he eggw •noret. o A liver Her «tb#C al&sni ta«a ilaeTt with b»rroowte»M taut >< two be a Jew atriastaf a hmfc O»wU W*r«housm*a who exempted the •ohsem a* It era* placed as the autr ward t„ high aveeacae ISSay. that the aaJee os the Osidahoro tag* by lee perceat the esfee mage last X t ■ “It is the turning of the tiSe,” safe ®«e who fellows esuaaa- and itfirti in tobm-co markets la'the'spaMha. an era which will ase oshfetaPilbM the a»cend#ecy.- { _ ... k. * f Itßlllg or PSTUSH . |;s A „ ‘ *S* , • • plea*. -The peiretf^hirivl *d her* at 3:M o'clock AttilHnit timh

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