tEATHWt Generally fair Wednesday and Thurs .’ay.Xaoai whuwers in rcuthweiL VOLUME SIX; NUMBER lbl 300,000 POUNDS SOLD IN GREATEST OPENING HERE OLD GLORY WELL ON HER WAY NON-STOP FLIGHT TO ROME Price Somewhat Under That Paid At Opening Last Year But Approximates 20 Qs. Auction—m Do Not Klnluli With * I’ll— In Big Brick on Open* '1 —nf fcnjc Day CIIRKIN OPERATORS GET ADDED HOUSE SPACE Arrange for Space in Wayne BonOed Warehouse to Take Case of Offerings Gel—hero yesterday experien ced the greatest sales of any opening day in the history of the tobacco market here. Auc ' liens had begun in the eiorning la the Big Brick warehouse an') although an estimated sum of 300,000 pounds was sold, a nor tioa of the house remained to be auctioned this morning. The price paid was lightly off as the opening price of last year —« condition also reported as existing on the Wilson market, acesrding to the WUson Times— but the price for fair offerings} averaged about SW cents. There were » number of sales for 40 cents, hot the average was preb* abhr about 20. Alsrat-gh hnmr WUT be needed fndear the Big Brick this morn, hag, It wym thought, and then the aacthMspre wlf proceed to the Tlmberlake House. Fully 600.000 pounds of the r hnh offerings are still in clfye%~:be sold. JMn W. Tsyk>r of the Taylor Brothers estimated last evening that his bouse has 300,000 pounds under obligation already within the dty and In ordar to taH care of groat loads pf the golden weed already here, Mr. Taylor ar ranged to secure any portion of the Wayne Bonded Warehouse which may be needed. Unloading of the weed nnd preparations for sales a l (he Headed warehouse will go for ward this marring. Mr. Taylor said. He estimated that there already was a sufficient amount offered to take up a great purt of 96,000 additional square jeet of floor space arranged for at the Warehouse. The Umberlake house was jammed to utmost capacity and the annex, a huge garage next to the City Hall on North Cen ter street, was also loadrd to the lees for the second sale today. It was doubted whether the auc tioneers would be, able to sell oh—the Tlmberlake house, and entirely dear the Curriiv today. The additional 95,000 square fast of floor space secured by the Taylor Brothers,* operators .of the Currin House, and the addi tional facilities pravidroU*. the annex to the Tlmberlake Houhc. facilities arranged for since the flrst of- the week, bring totnl floor space of * the Goldsboro market (o beyond 265.000 square feet qp against 151,000 square feet when the murket opened. figure* of the opening day of the 1927 .Fn* berth CpnalMa.-'MshL-laoS thaJ-fIT. Most iiutw,'"'" sou: offered on the floors of 6 be a eoneervat ire eetHnate The better |t«dr>> wtlj Im offered later. l.#«t yrt»r the bright belt r«ld 212,- 4100.604) pound* at »" average of T.. 53 Nr the crop. This year’* es timated crop of 421,966,600. all hands predict, will brine at least as abort'u price and better The four lnrgp.it .market* of the •action, WiUqp. Green rill*. Kinston and Rooky Monet, in today’s orwaing bandied offr 10.006,000 pounds. W'll i tCogUguad n Phi Two) 'll 1 *" THE GOLDSBORO NE WS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. • >. , - .- ’’ ,* O ■ ‘ »>.*->.” ~4 •* * * * - -a.- . _ ' - - . v'.H _ a. . - 4. BIGHT PAGES TODAY Goldsboro Preacher • Robbed in New York , “Witt Is- hamr Saturday, hat ■ay bate l* walk,” was the word which friends here received fes- Uiday Irani Km. K. K. Brawn as the tJoMab-.tr* MethedM circa it, who with Mr*. Brown, has been spending .sometime in hew York (Rj. Mr. Brawn may hata ta walk, he explained. beewate »f the fad that thleres entered hi* hot* I roam, stole all bis manoy. and nil rlnthes as hhnsdf and Mm. Brown that had heaa left in the room. FREMONT YOUTH DIES SUDDENLY Was on Operating Tabic Fori Minor. Operation When Death Came (Special to Tbc News) FREMONT, Scpl. 0- Thomas Whit ley, It. son of ’he late Henry T Whitley and one of the most you ax men rif thin li’are diorf ia-Wll soa this morning while undergoing a minor operat ion Young Whitley was' preparing to pntkr tie ITnhrenily cf North Caro - |!nu this fall and had Ikmoi adyi-H-d i lo have his tona’l* removed. 11l Ike highest of spirits nnd youthful cxn tt-ranre, he had gone early today tp Wilon for tbc operation. A few hours Inter came hack the sad werd that 1 he had died on the rperatlns table. A*., an athlete with the F*ea»ont high arho"! teams, Whitley had dis tinguished himself in basketball and in football. Ijiat year he was a rtitd tn 1 at FVhbure Military Acadum* and here again he brought honor to bin self. He’'la survived by Ills mo'her, Mrs. Lixxic Whitley, and hy hi* grand uiolher, Mrs. Uuirn Ay rock. Funeral srrri«ic will In- conducted at 5 o’rtfH-k Thursday a Her u don. RANmTMpIIIIKIfrRD lit mini;. Kept. 6 ~(/T) Tory Gan non raid to he one cf tbclwo ‘bandits who on Monday held up and r°hbcd the Vatic Cfuci* bank was captur ed late last n|gl\t at the home of hh falhor, Arthur »Catinou Just across the North Cvoliim line •" Teoucssoe i nd was brought tmek to Today. New Hope For Redfern A» Ship’s Story Is Examined flßUNb'* ICK. Gn., Kept, fi . Belief among the backera of the J l’»unswlck to Ilrasll (light that I*wul | -IPdfern the youthful aviator, is safe r« ou the BoutU Amerteuu i onlTnent, hits be«B xtreugthsned V the cleatMirntion of the story that thn i.-lan coast hry the cr'cw of u NorWO- J :-lun learner . • UkMSK im » iliatsHpoowo Wi JUjubel Awa ..Ilia. itf i Christ;nr Klw-hg aairt they wiw (he ; nirplane ai d natives rc|K»rtcd seci'u '% TTyWf ifTUftg OfTrttkvi rWdf deFS friend* “f Redfern b<-licvr the dat'-' Hoinuhow hav6 been confused and .IM Jftft .MritiCll*. .It thia isHrue then Il«slfera, after learn t Ing the direction of lund, from th" j flew straight to Veaexnela as rela'erf and reaching the anast •Inc, continued aonlhward. Ilia tmek era believe he linded somewhere aKuig the ooa*t aud" did not attempt to fy lu and. Meanwhile Dr. Kredricb C. ned lera, Columbia. S. C.. father of Paul, was considering whether to Join an txpctJlUop which ta planned to make - tdOLUHHUKO. N. C. WEDNESDAY HORNING. SEPTEMBER 7, 1927 TRYING OUT RIJN MUSTANG PONY Harflrock Simptton of Burlington Runs Through City Eg Route To Morekead City Gold boro bad a glimpse of a race yesterday novelty of which in thia day of anioinebQua nnd airplanes wa*> v*rj striking. Alkui - si* o'clock u -mall bora* waa seen trotting, thr*H#li the •tree!!' and jual liehlnd waa a runner in shirt and trunks trotting us iho bis life depended on It. Investlkallou ' roved that this «a*. a |«rt as Ipt —r»"«t d»v »nl frnia Mngton of an endurance race hot warn the man and hoursa> w* to which could l avcl groni Burlington >• Morahead aad back the quicker n IMO purae to go to tbe winner. The runner', name was Paul "mrdrock” Himpson, a stjidrn at R’on Collcg-. Owcu fksctUe rode the Tegaa mustang. Occupants of Cne of lb* two autp trobllos accontpnnylng tbc racers told Tile Nc-wa reporter that at one place '•Rard nek" had J-up twenty four miles without a rest. In another stretch, coming Into Durham He had traveled 36 miles In 4 hours «nd a quarter. I -The comiuithor* left Burlington Monday mnrnltlg at nine amCarrlved at Raleigh where I bey spent the ulght at eight o'clock, a distance of | Ml mile*. Th-\ whale dn>tanc« to l*e trgvelod i« 175 miles asch way or a total of ahWU. Jj'l ~ ft was s ild that Blutreou would Im Mt onLant la Ihe transcontinental rac* planned for next Jd^rch, DORMITORIES AT HILL FULL More Than 1.400 Sludopls Am* nigned to Fifteen , DormitoricM i -r- - - CIIAPEL HII.U Sept. 6 All rooms in the University Os North Carolina ! 'ornihorlee have been filled, accord ing In announcement today from tbe afflcc of J. A. Warren, treasurer. "Wl h the ai proach of tlw fall, open Ing.” said Mr. Warren, "numbera of sppJiritionx for room* potrrlag in foim men who wait until the Inac lo make reaervalton* are be fog turned down AM rooms on tho campus hava been filled and deposits have beon made by each ,;ipplic*nt to In-ure their reservation.'* Thlu uanotitiremcnl, transla'cd Into flrrtres" mean* that huproxlrngtely I 100 studeuta have !>• en assi;rncd ta Ihe 15 ou tbe carrpus, not Ini'uding Spencer Hail, *he co od buildhig With 2750’students «spac ed when 'he University opens Septem ber 23. thi< leaves 1350 who will have In Ihi accommodate'! in frat-mity and roomily house* In the village .un extended aeurch LIU! jungles for 1 ! the lull sing youth. Dr. Ilrdffrn la ronfidCjiif libi son still is alive, m iking bis way oiit U» civllaatlon ami be ; lev es weak* may be required before tfeftoile word la r«c«ivad. ? - l|ie American legation at Caracas. mdimH'tf A*.iXHt ataikriaiVw" 1 pnr'mcnt today that It had been un : .Me to obtain further Information »nhaul -Mrr-uti plane writ wt the tTr <*- trtr» t il-!nlft- Dt-W at u very high altitude so that none of the Indentifleallon eyin loli or lirlUring on the fuscliigc was visihle. Natives did not nnow whether it wus a monoplane or biplane. The t uaaaaa xastm utstad taw *w j plsnc was ohsrrvrd "H v K*lutdav as- J IcrusMtn, while ihe l«>g of Ike Fhrlst inn Khn»g shows H«*»lfcrn nwt the •hip on Friday .afternmm following l.ia hop fpim H'inn Isle lleai-h here Thursday at nets'. If the dat>* w«re oorrcct that flight l.mhers not undsrstsnd why so long a time wa- sent la traversing the 206 or 360 miles between the spot where Red fern left lbs ship and wbara the craft w»s observed over th* 1 Orinoco ' 1 I MARKET Ml SINiiS ■ %gpL. t, ■ ■ iiipi n Jskn hea', I’ork towaikip far mer, said a H*#d as tebarrs «n the t.old»»mro maahd yesterday morning, la Ihe rit rrnuo " rislled Ihe floors as Ihe largest leaf tnharro marhci l“ the nsrld. Whew he returned*,** Goidsknro. he told his friends. ”UaldsMro averages an a Who*# seemed liel t«.** Mr. Aral m aw qaotr I »s hat lag made rarefsl Inresliimtieu as lo urh-es brosrrlM by rertaln qualities. "*»' .'4| Thad Yfiarai prwadaent Kurrkr farmer. tlsHml the Gwlds kara tsbaccu amrtd* yesterday. He also tis Med It market of the hlggesl leaf Iqjarro market la the world. WtlaM aa iaapec tloa fnnr of the imups aa tke lat ter market he eaam away sal In field that fxfdnbaro waa r"°d eaouwh for hlau "Frlopa wore no .better Mina those pqid ia floldsharo,” he aald. He wa« roaylaeod that the. qmalltr of the waed altered on the floors of it he MnOt .leaf tobacco market ‘ 4* Ike wfwld was belter thao that offered here. MAY GIVE MORE MONEY FOR WK Formal Endornemeitl fnrrrassd Federal AM For entry Re search Work a AHHKVILLE, Hept. 6 fdl-WBr o mnl enUoraemcai of iuc4-«as«4 fed eral nppropilatioua for tnvestigatlvo work In forestry and related work whs r. I veil by the national renourc* productl'in dcparUnout of the Un l«d States rhamber of (3jmnM'rre,' Jos eph Hyde Pratt, president of the North Carolina forestry association has revealed, The endorsement was In the form of a resolution n'proving the prln. i ipies laid down In n bill Inifoduend by Rcprt-! cuts'l vc John Mcflweoncy of Dhiq, ij.i the last session of C»n riations'to the department of agjlcpl tura for promoting tb<* full land for t ; inh*-r growing nnd -other purpose*, nuthnrixed a national snr v«y of hires', resource* and timber requirements nnd provided for con tinual ion of°expanslon of research In t ! nibcr growing, wood ulilixstlon and the elimluat'oii of waste. Similar endorsement.'} of this bill -T>y the nntlonsl lumb-r maeufscinr-rs uHnociatl"n; the s ntc of Wisconsin, the eouthem forestry rongTrt»T, ;,nd oilier Inripe nnd Inf'uential organlra -tlons show widespread “ ra ls liejtp- taken In securing adequate fdnd for "f scientific luveHll pn'lqnxl' tlmlwr growing, better nl fTixatfon II fIRACK, N. K. Kept. f. - (4’» The hop off of th-..* • l.ondoo te I < ndon plane Hlr John Carling was i postponed today tin'll Uqno'ruw rnrsrn- Ing. Tin .flir.r, ('attain Terry Tull) and Lt. Met'-cair. derided to devoty today tomr*rhaultng 'heir plane whlck arrived Here Jesterday from Caribou Manic. THREE MEN GOT r FIGHT FOR CHI - * j I'urked AutomobileM Have Killed Space About So Id lent Field CHICAGO. Kept 6-HPlr-Tha three men-largely responsible for giving Clsicngo. l a flrat heavyweight chain plon.ship hexing match can look out the frent wdndnw of their ofTicsa and -cs ncrosa the the immense! siadium where Deiupaay and Tunnay vlll fight B»|.fember 3S. Fr«in Twelfth Street to Tweii'y ~ '• cou*T sfrert the atndium extend* a long the t-entvr of Grant l*nrk, |IU!o more than n block from th* moat fnmons tho-ougb ars in the city, Mich irtkn limiluvard Rdw-nrd J. Kelly, president of th* -KftUh Park, which granted tho a*o irof Soldi W FI rid I" Tex Rickard, has offices i.ardly more In an a siono'j throw from ihe strucure. 'S* Rl wide InmlWarda which hk-n. Ihe iaka tboaa % oaa Tar aaStl) ami one for south houad traffic. BROCK MAKES ~ ANOTHER JUMP b. 1 Round Would Fliers Have Cov ered H.O.'M) Milo* in 83 Hours Flying Tin* CALCUTTA, Septa «. - (AD- The Pride of Detroit with Brock and Bcti le »e abroad, hopped o?f*from Calcutta Uilr morning for Rangoon, 606 tulles distance. CALCUTTA, Jvrtla. K»pt. Tli» Pride of Detroit apant the day on the grouud h*-p- Imvtcud of wiagitig fits way onward In lla globe circling Mrat attempt... M m K. Brock, pilot ghrt\Kdward H. Be hire o< cup led their time resting mid preparing the plsn<* lor Its next hop with Uangoon, 665 miles'away its, destination. Thr journey here from Alahaluid. 465 mile away bud hern made in I hours nud 40 ininiil'-s Their arrival here put 8.036' mil"* of their tot"l a.ound Ujc world mileage liehlnd them . They still have 13.300'miles to go. They ie.fi Harbor Grace, N. F.. August Their sctunl hying time la >8 hours. Authorize Issuance C*ly V Improvement Bonds $75,000 Meeting lu KdJiiurimd session last ' veiling ihe city aldermen passed or iliie'xci euthorlxing ihe issuance of f75,00(1 p4‘'"'ancn( improvement bond, asngeilrt realty companies sums fm the iiihiallatJou of water and *cw*r r^arwu'cia l »ry»/wn»si.v J.wcu-vtviransjtiwat'Wwevfi-sa.^rowvvawrunwo’.-sLat'v’XjiL'.'f p. ’wnuiii,a dAsHkw' > J'arfc.fiourU and decided upon aide w#lka.aj»d ciuha. with guUor toc. say "rrwt Tnrrte of th ; ‘ r.‘ t«sr»iwu*w»4i. All!, Mfe'j offered for sale on Onlober 17" mid r' the IT'i lmJt tl,» issued *56 (Win EBuawKsmaKia'srK • Alusia—aanauiiiianr«qwwramaagw»a«siaaatigayi»u IlirtlSe l—i| | will tie for the purpose of taking care of tn prov-mentH now IM-Injt made in the water system of the city. Instatin' . law. m 6 • Kwn* -4"*vw pump wnd-IWB"'" Sirail'nu iif. a new tump bou*e. oth •■r lent* -ipvolfieilly provided for In c'nde: 17.1100 f-r s'orm sewera,-47 ( - 000 for sanitary sewers, 12,000 for stri-et and for curbing. Cutters nnd sidewalk*. City ( lark Kn' nee rem'rted that th# total indvbtU'dntpa of the city is n»w *1,715,50*1 fropi, which the e I* an allowable reduction.of *646,490 leav ing II.10$,060„ Thl* represent* 6.*9 percent of the total valuation of city • . r EIGHT PAGEB TODAY Radio Message Received At 8:30 Last Evening Reported . Ship As Over Newfoondbud j OLD GLORY’S LOG| Kept 6 1t«33 r. M. Kavtrru, Standard time, leek of from Old Orrkard. Maao fnr Kerne. —- 12:15 P. M.~ Passed utor rwa«t guard station at Popbam Beach, 16 altn want as starting point. i P. M.- Passed Moaekagw kaa Island, Maine, an entrance ta Praobacwt Bay. 3US P. M.- ( anadtaa frehrkter Empress reparts ta ladepeadeat wireless sighting OM Glery tea m i lev *f Detgkh), Ketla Htmtla. <155 P. M. SI. Jeha, !». H Wire lose Hlillsx ydkrl up mes sage from OM GMry** radio stal ing mak ag 166 miles as hour. All Wril. Slls P. M. OM UMry pasam ever Harbortllle, Havla Moot la, fly lag lira. 4>16 f\ M. Belle t*d sighted over Pam Mrs, ( amberlaad rwsa ty. Serin MrwUh. Plane flying high. 446 P. M. OM Otocy psasml ever Truro, fl. h., flying eawl by 6 P. H, —Nlghlefl ever Nbefh SMeey end Hoatb Marr. Cap* Ore lon. t , ,4».. , ~ ~, -j..u T v.. i ——————— Vl y* 1 * i-i'i I *, No Developments Reidsville Cane lIKIDBVILI.IC, Kept A GIT -There were no new dcvo|<»r««nt* her# today In the R. Smith Petty mwrder caao. The criminal term of ftockinghgni county Superior court ia lu aesilon at Wentworth, the ominty seat and aoli or Owyna nnd Sheriff J. F. Smith who were ac'lve In' uncovering Hit murder, are busy with <*>urt affairs. As a result, further inveetlgation that might lead to other arrest# for tbn murder for which Mrs. Alma May Oatttu, the slain tun's dsagh cr j* now held in jail. Is temporari'y delayed. Official* today did elaborate cu the stale and yoslcrdsy that three men Teruapectcd of heriug a pari I" the crime. The stranger who i* aald to have given Petty a sound beating the lakt limn he waa seen alive hern la *n|d to he known to a number of real dents pnd It la believed he may know something about the care, The frmn- I er local drugglet also under suspic ion, (a *elrt to Havre horn located, ts . is thought that as soon aa the sheriff ' end solicitor get away from thia term -,of criminal court they will resume T'pe stlno* to remove many at the ' elements of mystery. property. It wns said. City A■'<> ii> Mtpa-4*s*a*s» -|p Archje Gulfrr war granted uetmls . Mflh F- rtr, i a titling station n- er the Overhead t>rhige at Grantham and ..[ Caaalbis slmel i Imt wiyeicent of the'"ld car b 1 rn so as lo provide adcqueU- stable ♦pace for stork of the city street «fe pUirtiiPfit wss authorised, frills wotjk | will cost shoot |7no, it was said. -Of the t<-lat of 15,00 expended In ! lfrlallttig sewer nnd water lines tn Onk against /the Oak Ifelgh's rca'ty om paiiy f»r 'ewer construction. Thw i j company will nay 6 percent lnt<**eat ’ on that sum less Ihe sewer line cosfa i I*l*lll such time aa the water - line - teceipts In tbe aectloa begin to pap l ' 6 percept ou tbe Investment. I (Continued o« Page Two) Member of The Associated * Press ... . ? f \ ' * . s PRICE FIVE CBHtP Hill Wmi (Mist's Ptultis* Tsss ss Ship Lift «t liar P. M. NEWSI'AHMt EDITOR (.OEM AS I’AKhKNUKH «Ik (Mans Mskts lM Milss H*ir (s Rosts Which Has Ussa Chocked NEW YORK, Sot. I.HfMti iS> dependent wlrSiii oempajm l«i«M announced receipt «f e mip fron. ttir United BUtee liner perfo W**k> injrton which enid thet the mcoo»le»e Old Olery *n heMi«t%ver Nov Knuudlead M «;!• r a. Rnetyra SUn third lime. The meaf.jgi frirwi tb# frtamai v#* lojnd by the (Horse WuUagius asp •a fail*wot New Keundland all O. K„ Making good time ” ' -i ' 4. «' -jr •" * ♦ OLD cmcf**t4- fr-H*) aeOfHjr and SHWafUtty today ** n 4~ nikped ’She^hNSr4ewaied > i< win HUI the meat. ti'Ht at tha Mart Midi hia » the po«'ht»lt wee Ueyd Bdrhtod.whs will elt*ud la the aarlgatigo aafi Indio operation la additlaSta Mthniog lflit at the nwtrohi at IstaffiM Hill h» *< «t wae Philos >Mrs4 j „ editor oT the New Yerh Mins# aad «'jrh» director, who rtfrapdfcted Wh> Tivne end BerUad had WMas their a tree a cheerful ferewtll. Mr eromea relative wae pr«»cat te egeed Rill cr hi. viy but Mre. Para* (tad fives him a hwrtf ttH. A Chthaltc prteet had eprtnhltd Mol; Water ea tha Plena aad Imparted We Hanging os plane and freer. Natioaal suardeaipa MW bsof the crowd which had gather* to Watch the etrat. Rlpwlr at fIMK but with oek-klr gathering •#•£& tlSTplase rolled down the heath, • Ml ssi • I" ir heforc taking the ||f. RR the runway of 7-1 of a mile at BSgf*T«lt field. N. T., whence It |B< host i lanned Orel to make the gttrt. la •htttty to get off the ground ooooer would here meant dMMdr. Horn there wae a larger margin if saiotp nd Old Olory ewoag out panned the end of the long pieaedre jpgr as) wee ward. The mere hoped to tsA Roane without a atop. Prom tjpo ribioHy of New PoaudUuM. Bartend pleased hi navigate the fiase etreglht Is Bare r dean. Prance. ■ - --■■*■ ' ijar • . ’’f TOMB SRST MSCffIBM NRW YORK, Soft. t—Do*Octl»ce who uncovered In Broofclya S "bemh • V'woWh ui aueahun eut mail cd of horn bias the court bsUflag »S “ ftronktyn yesterday ltg-*~i~ "*'«ed Hi a tenement feom aMUrchtv tlc Hteratare, maps at |Rnf -Ituik •'>enon, eaid to he one es thd two , bandit, who on Monday half up and • rubbed the Valla CrSahi MM, wsa , mptnred late laa>. nlfht at tho home . o t hi. father Arthur Oeafcpu |uat i arroaa the North Caroling W» hi Tenneeeae, and wae hreaylß hank ts