WEATHER generally far Thursday aad Friday. VOLUME 8IX; NUMBER lftl OLD GLORY ENTERS THE PORT OF MISSING PLANES PRICES S TRONGER AS 225,000 Shir Harries To Point From Wrick SOS Had Been Sent But Falk Find Trace Os Airplane CtH Nr Atf'CraekM Through gNN al 3:17 YnUriiy MIRSINO AVIATORS NOW . PEACH TOTAL FOURTEEN 011 GJory Fiv# Hunt Rut «f New FewMkid When Tr*f*4y Cntqrht Her NRW TORK, gepl. 7 <4»>-Ths name of the m. no? lane 014 Glory was added tonight* trata id.'ly to that long sad Hot headed ‘position un * know*, I Oft at m." And three more non who only yes terday Jolted and laughed and kissed their lorod. o«(t w*rt generally be lieved to lave Jlnwl that gallant company of their -oomradet of the dr who bring ike present aeaaon dar ed death aad ton to fourteen« For fourteen hour* Llody Bertaud and D. HUI, the. pl'ota, aad l*hUltp Payne, their passenger, are kpow* to have stayed in the air on their Vay from Old Orchard, Me., to Room. It ara« 4* houra at laaat that they needed, however, and It found them hat fire hoar* oat over the It ijyif Hied**Oaf aonta myeterleus tragedy occota#. something eo awlit and terrible that there was no time i v to Inform an anxious world of Its aa (J ’ lure or Its eaadpi. At 11:&7 p. ».en»trn standard time last night the earner Calif or hia sighted the giant Fokker *r.o ral'ea east of Cape "lac* and reported that all was we’l. The heurs pats* I ' end confidence grew Ahat another A merlon n plane was to c-os the ae» In safety. And thhn, at S:l7 o'clock this mdr ding, there cracked through the air a message that for all its brevity spoke volumes of tragody. i *'HRHT-r*oß, Rve hours out of Newfoundland, east.” the message „ read, and .the of leer* of five ship* - which picked up the call knew thnt Old Glory had come to a premature v - end-cp It* T"th to fame. There were no detail*. Was O'd Olory in a tail iMJinT Was she on fin ? Did her crew meet their death la a watery crash Inamediately after that message was sent, or were they float ing in weir rubber raft In-side the wreckage of their plane? * These thing* no mag could tell, hut every effert was mad# at once Til find gtit. The nearest ship of all , those crossing the set was the Transylvania, CaptiUn David W. Bone, commanding. It was .65 miles from the estimated position of Old Olory and turned at once to the res cue under forced drafts. Other ahip* also turned tram their course »d Shay the summon* of the BOg in a--* 9 (srdaaoe . with tile unwritten Ml ——■ -that t»4b» law of taws to men of the • tw. ~T3- Toward hdoa massage* Iram f3m-. tain rfoee to the Canard line oftiejg, rnd they Associate*! Ptc** told of his having r eched his destina'ion „ nl fig* eastern standard tint*- and ->f l uring found no trace of Old Glory, fie was proceeding, he said 'tow* i**l ...... .--the- peslttea wf 4h» GoliAKsdd -a* 4ba time It sighted »b* plane fast nigM. Than’ alienee fe'l over the seg tad tboaLiMihdre, UirMat. th * Mr*., es BcrUud and Payne and th- moth r of HUI. who hi an»*rrted,armM <miy sit and wait and picture f r themr selves what was happenfna on the water, \ FUNERAL HELD ABHEVIMB. Sept. T—f/Pt — Tb fUmeral of Oeo B. Whttaker, ’’•‘t. treasurer of the Wsohovla Bank and Trn-t Cempeuv and prom I neat in • hadktnr cirri'** so North Carolina, wt»o died h»r* last nirht. will hWtgow dneted at hie country home tomorrow aftoruoow^f Jtev. Frank T. Johnson. *ctin« rec to e of Bt; Pauls BnOr-pal church. will conduct the services. 1: ’ **d; *' * * THE GOLDSBORO NEWS i-'~ r • & " * - ’ READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDg ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. T -T EIGHT PAGES TODAY CARLING PUNE OVER ATLANTIC Pilots Were Not ToM of Accident To OM Glorv Before They . Made Hop Off H/RBOR GRACE. K. P., Bcpt. 7- (>P)~ The Bir John Carling was be lieved tonight to Im* speeding far out over the sea and traversing the arena where Nungesser and Coil's White Bird was lost, where the Bt.. Rap hael with Princes* Lowenateln Wcr theim abroad disappeared, and the rpet where the O'd Olory was last heard from, unaware that the* Old Olory bad sent out an BOg and that her fata was In doubt. The Sir John Carling, piloted by Captain Perry Tally and Lt. Juntos Medralf made a graceful hop off from the air port hare early today on what they hoped would h« the last lap of their previously p'aimed nen-stop High from f/hidou, Ont to Condon, Eng The ' ook the nlr at 7:26 a. m. eastern stamdaM time and last wns seen heading ae-n*s the Atlantic at Capo 81. Francis, SO toil** swav. The nlunc rcrrlen —no ra(1l equipment nnd nu ll it l* sight ed by epme steamer on ihe ocean, i* teen over land or arrive* safely en the other vide, no word can be eg pected Dorn it. Fearing that If Ihe aviutors were informed before of the hod nsw* from the O’d Glory their cor.- 5, Idoat spirit, which was pm-nslf manifest when they entered the plant would be dampened, local, authority* saw fit to withhold (lie neni of the BOg. Tully and Medcalf's flight Is being tlnmced by the Carling brewtry, the placet being named in honor of Blr lohn Carliag, founder of the brewery haTir ct-nlury'sgg and u lending. I—- 1 —- e■ « t HARBOR GRACE, N. F., -r-W*)- Covcring M 8 miles lu seven and 53 minute* Phil Wootl and Lieut enant C. A. '‘Duke” gehtllcr brought Iheir monoplane Iloyal Windsor In from Old Orchad. Maine, on the last land hop of their fog-deleyed flight from Windsor, Ontaria. to Wtifdaor. Ehl • ._ J ; They landed there to lh» greetings ft two bits of news. There were that their rlvgls had hopped off from London. Ont in the Blr John Carling -nine 6 hours ami a half previously and that the America to Rome mono 'lane Old Glory had called for heto and then become silent somewhen in the north Atlantic early today, »-»-—r —— —————— 7-~ —— 17 A \ r rTYIM RmUUW leiriia Om,* ff t^, lintißfi mm*, . ji t (JPh-‘ The pride of Detroit hopped off from Bankok, Slam, at o’r'ock I <hls morning. ,« r— - i ■■■“ ■ ■ Goldsboro High* Will PI V _ , h,- Maw* "' -e-woi.» -I* %*» - by ** r *’ l v Upenmg c bScpt. 23 I, rmoo ■> .. - nil. The (MAAori High School football rquaii went through tu tniim prut tier yaaterday afternoon ut 4 o’clock ou the William stroet ground* About 20 boyji reported for the firm r rac tire and are all primed to work hard Ip aa effort to replace la*l year* re rnt#tti nut were wot to th« teath through graduation. The eqtiad U > spaded to awell lo about 40 by the time ichool open*, many of the hoya are wprWng and *>» not want »♦ Kira up their job until the opening of rrhool. i Coach flu I lock la optimiatic about the pro*pecta for < »eaaan.| although there will only he t of last.' fears regulars hark la school this full. I Pigmy of bard work will h«tp to I . I V 4, k'< %■ * ' ,• . i -. ' .V, GULAJttDOItO. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. BEI*TEMRER R, 1927 EIGHT -PAGES TODAY SERVICE MEN WERE HELPED Report Coot (tiled for Submission To Abbuol Meeting of A»- ' erienn Ufioa PAR 18, Bep*. 7-fAh--A total of $1,C?&,U43 was recovered by the Na tional KehahlStation committee or the American Mg ion for forme; ser vice map of the United Htntee, through presentation of their cacee to the Ual.vd gtatvi vcierena bureau ami in OtheK way*, in the period Imtween Augu«t PL IH2O and last June :!<!, the rommlltstAdeclarea In a report com piled for submianlen to the' annual convention of th<- U-gion at Paria cad made public today.» The n'.oeigy was rri-ovcrcd, the eoni mlttae, repprta. «lilcfly in udpuated < ompen eUloii. disability coni|>> ucAti«n, discharge bonuses, lib erty bonds and peualona. in the month before last July 1, the jaat dale tor reinstatement* aad nopvefalon of government Insurance, the commil ee ‘effected relnstatemdhth and conver sions Involving 12,31*3,GU0 ill insur ance. Tba Legion* successful effoit to save Uvea of world war veterans suf fering from tuberculosis by winping them com penult lon of 150 a month hi expected toiirlng to this class of dls' abled a total us |do<i,oo«,oou th* report rays. In presenting the matter bo (oagrsaa It waa estimated that 26,- uto ve erans w<>u <1 lie eligible to such help, but lea* titan a year after t-as*uge of the legislation iM*l went<f« ~ bad been made and thous ands ara exyected to follow-. Four stale* have set up full time tervioe agencies within the year the committee rein es, bringing to 23 the lumber bf state* with official Instru gHpUalltie* for the aaahßaace of fomjFr eervieu men. a Say Wayne Thinkg Joining Movement nULEIOH, Bopt. 7- Btok*s, MUchell, Wayne. Gates, lender and Hampaon counties are seriously coa riderlng cooperating with the slate and federal government by estaliltsh merft o' whrden organiiattona, look lug t*. fores fire prevention. W. C. I McCormick, a-slstaut stale forester, reported today n p reao atntlwa nr The «Tite <tf part meat of conservation and develop ment will meet wltk the br-erda of these counties Monday to go over de tails of tha program for forest fir* prc'ection. Mr. McCormick, and district for evLrs H. M. Bebrlug. Lenoir, F H. Bll#, New Bern; Union K. Carter, of Windsor and C. ft. Mory of Fay rttevtlle, make Ihe representation to meet wllhi the bos nix t, New Hanover, Wilron. /Bertie. Hertford and Jack son fdiiattes harp launched coopera tive organisations. Previous to the beginning of the fiscal year on July T, the Male few est service hnd estimate,l a maximum of 34 counties In the protective area, t>Ut the unexpected interest of the gutdltional bounties requeuing the representatives of the deportment meet with them tp go over the work has caused the «vlg na! figure* to be revived and provisions to he made for additional count lea, make up for the players that wera ton, h* i&yi : Charlie Slmmmoos and Jlu. Bpicer ware the only <>nei of 14* y*ara regulars' that reported for tk* first practice, rtary Meta of list yeata scrub* was prn«cut a* was Kd Howel * “ fbkch Biafhxk reports ihut fh* rchedule has beep completed and Is the hardest ever undertaken by a 'ocal team. The mmpU-lte schedule up to Utg <’han»p-tt»bip Hrrira fol lows i " r IltaUlglj at Ral.lah. Sept. 21. Dunn at Dunn Sept. 30. Wllren at Ooldslmro Oct. 7. .* Durham at Durham Or*. 14. I Rocky Mount at Rocky Mount Oct L®*_l POUNDS SOLD ON SECOND DA Y Z. D. Mitchell Sells First Bale in Wayne f. It. VRrbell. »t ltr«a«lr» A«u skip, yesterday soM the flrsl kale as IHi rdlss ia Wayne coast) to M. J. Hot and Mon- for -<Jfi per poand. The price paH Nr. Nitrhell i> at leas! double Ikal of the price paid for Ihe flr»t bale I us) year. The pot‘rawest eottua cSudit on report lu he lit-acd today aad Ueidhtbono buyer* are es|*rrtiag that the market will mote upward with fhday’s report. " "| ASSAULTS WIFE WITH A FILE i * I Yeung White Man H«M in Jail Handing Outcome Injuries of Yeung Mt4h«r Vs did H la a burst as fwyi ,> I would not have bail ber far nathlag la the world." said K. J. drills, fit-year aid rarpeuler es Bauth Hloeamb street yesterday af'cruaau when lodged la. the eltv jail ta ajwah tbe euteome as * lujnriea wbieh he inflicted apes his U-ytv old wife aad tbe moth er es kb three children, tbe dd e*t four weeks, wbea he hit ber la tbp bead wNh a file. t ~ OfDctrs who brought Melvin tb Ihe lock up lndtca‘ed that Mn. Mel vin* "injuries appeared dangero*|< rftid Mrs. .Melvin was undergoing an op eration nt Goldsboro Hospital wb*n they called to ask concerning the aerk>nnne*g of the wound It waa poax'hlc that the-woman'-* nkull may have tieen fractured by the blow. Dr. B ; J. It sc, in charge of the esee. could not be reach'd la*t night for information a* to the woman's actual condition. At the waa said she wan resting “easily." , "I had darted to change tjljres on an automobl'e of «'urs,” Melvin told The News repn sentatlve who railed upon him at city hall" and my wife raid I should not do it. Th'ii 1 decid ed to change them Just to ahow her l would. ”Hlte pickvd up a connecting rod lying near and hit me In the head with it. That Dew ffl over me and in n rag- 1 s'ruck her with the file which I war using as the handle B>r a Jack. I’ve got to get out of here and see about her and tbe chl'dren. I wouldn't herve hint her for nothing In Ute world.” The affair happened about 5 o'clock yoalnnlay afternoon. Earlier in the day police had been i-pmmoned to the Me'viu home hit', were told that the difference between the mas and wife would l»e settled between th-m. Tho‘*t> fleer* left and In a tlmrt time the report t>*t the .woman had h- en badly hurt came in. Melvin said he had had a drin l ear'y yna'erday uoralng but that he was not feelinjc ,-lhe effect* of It when he *trnck hts wife • "I have never t**ep In any klnS of trouble before;'' he aaid.. For a number, of year* be wa* In I' the employ of /. A Hh-favd local, contractor. Lately he had been en gaged with the fore* erecting the Timberlake warehouse. ■ Shiloh Church Hol(|a *♦ K9eNMgrn>uuMwwmusnauanawii«raiMnwiwaMn«imHwNHMmuapaigMNPiuanMmweuN<i,4 , ELIZABETH fJITY, Sept. f-(#l- Addresacs by J. T. Aldormun ol Header on. Dr f'. B. William of t .. f r-r~y- f ?-—*'• -« -- •» - *OP*a.vtup»mr?wgw-a-ri ;■ ryu -i-mrtsem Mt rcer I’niverally faculty .at Macon, Ua.; and t’barles E. Madd-y, general -ecrelary of I ho Htnte R tpiist t'dn. RulciKh. today mar keif ih<- csle f-mtlou of the '^ljlsfl"'"‘aiiffvcrani', v^r riilloli Baptist ehu'ch In t'umden county, 12 mile* from hire. Other* on the program arranged by 'he Rrr. W. I. Ba-rv. church pas tor, includid ,th ' Itev. W M. 011-1 1 ore, Hanford and IMP. Hapiucl H, Temp'euxtn. Elisabeth City, Dinner was nerved on the rhuw-h *1 ■* T?r<)utid* between Ihe morning and sf elm n aensluut to the latge crowd of Vi'-itOt*. SENTENCED FOR * BANK ROBBERY Boone Youth Tell* Court He Got Only sls For i'nrt He Play ed In Hold-Up BOONE. Sept 7 (JPI- Within tl hours after he and another man pro al'ege«| to have held up ihe cashier and robbed Ihe hank of Volley Cruel*, Wutpugu-i county, last Monday. Tray Cannot}, 17. and sentenced to airv* from 6 to 7 year* in the Hint* pri-on Wraigned in Hnpcrior court here today, (kmndn idsude Aillly I* the charge but said hi- waa forced lu aid In tbe robbery by hie accomplice. Dewey llurmon, might by offletF*. C-vunon teatifU-d that he received only >'s of *he |2OO taken from tbe vault of tile bank. M. I . Jierman, cashier of the bank, »aid iKith Can nun and Harmon t flr*w revolve- r. fu .ed loans, Her men alleged tb* mcmey vfaa actually t >k«» by Herman. HOMIQDE IN JOHNSTON GO. 1 * Os in Wall Kills Richard O’Neal In AlUrcation Over Convict Gang IRALEkOT. I Sept. 7-DPI -Otis Walt, ju, farmer of tba Onrhith Mold «r section of Johnston county today tilled Richard O'Neal. 40, OnaaJ township farmer, following aa argu ment ovar a convict r°ad gang near Akln-on * pond this afternoon, nr c nllng to r«|>oris from- J Uiat ntc *lion. i Wall, it waa raid, charged O'Neal with nearly s'Hklng aom* of tba working coavide when he drove posited them in his automobile. An argument ensued which rlipraxed iw Wall striking oV-leal on the bend with an automobi'e Jack. Dealt waa almost In-tuntaneoue. Wall had not been arrested nt a 'ate hour tonight. O'Neal le survived ty Ida widow aad several small chil dren, WILLIS CASE TO JURY SOON ft Final Stages of GrecnviUa, 8. C.. Murder Mystery Rsnched 11 Yesterday GItENNVHJ.E, g C., Bept. 7 —UP) The case of Mrs Ethel Willis, wld -w of Sheriff Willi* of county, and Henry Townskesd, charg ed with the murder of the Bheriff, will go to the Jufy about noon tomor row. - The fifteenth day of the trial today was taken up with abou an hoar of • rebu'dst testimony bv the *tete, the defen*e havlun (dosed vosterday aad t hearing of one *nr rebutta' witness for the defense and si* hour* of *r j gumtmt by attdrneyi. Tomorrow morning two .more air j torney* wttl speak, each having one hour and then Ihe charge of Judsc Bonham. Tl>e Jury will then get the i Two Local hoy* M Battle 1 Bentonville Day Program Mmtawas-u.. , menu ram: ue - Two local fr y* are tohava Import ■nt part* In the unveiling of the n»rher is on Bent an Till* ha Unround, which is Juat over the JnhnVon county line. These buys nrei Al xmkUt Udesn, son of Mrs. P,, ft ' McLean. »"d lMi*r H.. Bain. St.. -on of \fr. and Mrs Kdg'.r 11/ Ha'n. Incrtiatl-ns to them thro tilth Mr . X»hn 11. Anderson of Fayetteville, ih.iiimun of the com mittee for tHb N. C. Id vision of the Daughters of the Ponfederacy to ar* range 'he prosram, and through Mr*. Huger Smith, president of the local chapter; Aleaaijdf'r la the great frandeon “t 'lr. and Mr*. John Her per. whose home was used at a bos* Total For Two Payslalcs Here Reaches 54022 Lbs. WILLARD MEET •BE HELD TODAY Many Wayne County Farmers Plan to Attend Annual Drmonatratien Commlaaioner Gilbert of Masasa chusetls depmiment of aericalturi; and a national authority on farm sub jects will b- The prialclpal speaker nl tbe annual picnic and demoaetra i‘on at Willard Teat Farm today. Many Wayne couaty farmers will at* lead, leaving about 7 thl*'morning. Other speaker** will Include Frank Pag*, chairman of the slat* highway coatmlaaion and others. John fl. Pawaoa of Kinataa, late chairman of the Democrat state executive rfom mittae, will pr**)d« as muter es leremonlea. * Dr. Charlaa H. fleering director of the form, who waa a Wllmlagten vis itor recently, silf plana had boon completed to brlag about oa* of tha 1 biggest demonstration t la tha his tory of tb* teat farm. STRIKERS ARE GOING TO WORK MIU Ooomlieaa DofanUd hi Ef forfH Sorurr Kaisr In $9.90 B«l«rieH HENDERSON, Sept 7-OF) Har riett Cotton Mill* bora, which have been practically at a stand MUI more thin a month Mace MM) employees walked out la demand for wags la cream were operating again today on half tha usual working tore* as rr caMtaagt eperaUv*a>ra urged ia greater numbers to their Job* follow lug a break la the ranks today whan 20 percent took up work where they left off Auguat 4. The heavy intlnx worker* fol lowed a meeting Tuesday afternoon when after discussion of that* fgf- Mems more than 1-4 of thorn gather ed voted to retara to their Juba. They an raturaing beaten In their bitter fight for t 11.» lnor*n*c. a return to the IM4 working seal*, which they feel buoiaee* condition* . now Justify. * Laht night heavy patrol* of armed men guardod the mill village fol lowing \h* theft of 40 etlck* of dy uamltr from n cbnatrac-loa firm. A resumption of Unatlag which have marked the pregrms of tbe strike* oc casionally during the last three weeks «•** anticipated and Sheriff I). L. Kearney placed the patrol as a pre can'.l.-oary measure. There were no dem«r ~t rations. I- * SI K4IM. t tintllJlMhF BHO4 K FRI.T IN JAPAN i TOKYO, Sept. ■ roag i caxlhquak.* waa fait over a wide area r, Wak- (!• Id. of the mm .veiling It lasted several mlttul-a. | No rvr'nU of casual ties 99 damage have bean received. .. Jrtl *i PiteL thiihutUc. nCjßMiiiMnUhtr. A plctura of this house amt the story at the * rvlre of Mr. and Mrs. Harp er to the Confederacy is In the Hall of History In Raleigh. Kdgar Rain. Jr.. |s the urandseg of Captain T. H Rain, commanding officer of the* Goldsboro ft if Ira, who In Wit 'plac id a Hentonville bat tle ground to the soldlere who fall there, M s. Walter T. Woodard, of Wil son, prerident nt the North Carolina l)ivl«ion of the 17. D. C. will preside i ver the .which will com mence a* 11*30 a. m., Mrs. Anderson wilt make the formal p*eeenlatloa. The unveiling will he «h im by It anUnued as Pag* Two) < - / b --1? 1 v ; rV. • .. • -A. a,,. A -St-, - Member of \ The Aeaodated r> "o prics fvric mm New Record for Ml Made l« Shfofl «| lUk flrtrk OftOpaa- ' ‘■lp* MOST OF YESTERDAY GIVEN TO TIMIfIUILAIB C'urrln Hmho Mi 'lt.lM Y«s* MM BUll to Ga u With price* amnewhot higher Uai« >•« »*• for, upproßtaatelr m.OM pouaao of tohoeoo von aold b»r« ycaierdoy or the «»mRj dey es tax Market, puahln* tout *R)» for tha two 4ara to awpr»tl*Mt*|/ Hi.* s*l round*, greatly In eioooa of th* recorded or tho It rot tw* Ojfi of the a*naoß loot poor. ¥«fOMIt BtitABLIMBD ■» Utl* IT MIIMB | M *W ■•••• , roof, by «r# MR of hbfWl h ••• tho M* Bojh WorohUao, o>oroH ihw ift a*W In Ut* a»ealß> tea*. tNflcM ifleoa lamed loot alfht ***** G "tpha' ) A abort llrm wop raaWred yooUr* «Uy morning in eloorto* ml Um 18,000 to pound* as tohoooo r*w*inln* In tho Blr Brick war****** Offer tho on* of TuaaOay'a aotoo, obi frith thlo qulokty diapoaed of tho buy** pa* *••8*0 to tho TlnUMHabt hOOOi OR* «»»I|M> TtMherlako attendant* oall*, motaU laot evening that tho tfMi aoloo on iho warahottaa proffer «b| or tho anon wooM rebeh 180,M* fOfafo. Soloo hi the Timbortaka haM» TOff (, o(. plctael about 0 iTßtooh NT ttd if " tarßoon anO tho auction b*«UR at tho Currin. aparataO by (ho Tsy|*,« Booth* •ro. Hare to on# hour end (or mlm uUa of balling, 47,000 r~nf|j —1 bonffbt. Nine rowa of hoMfW VON ■mid durian thi* port** I»a4 aho# B*o,ooo pound* art »Mtl or tho Boor to go the flrat thin* tbla miirfrtt A Rraat quantity of tohooc* tßjlft ORM by thr*. Taylor Brother* at th* WhpßO Bonded Warahottaa, part ml wM* *B* taken no an annas far lha Cnrrhl honaa to aatlafy Immediate OpMH. will ao Immedl.Mty o« tliafet Um floor* of tho Cnrria, Thant aalea will in nil imbabgltT uke moat as t*oay sad I U doabt fßi It n aeeoad *#l* Rt tke Mr BrtaU be reached today. * Authentic report* from moat of tho K »Mh lb tho KaOtero port of Mo •(ati MalAfoif tuillaalail that th* prfcoa beina paid on tho Oold iboro market compare favorably wttk i boa* aloowboro. It «u potated out that tho duality la the uaaol * rot ate ring low grode and that buyer* of Thar* wah torn* ocre*kH»*{ ctproa* lon of dlaeatr xlmtibmm with the prim paid, hot on a whole grower* Maatad wbti With the roaul), otflii- " ering that many million mat* ponaili will be offered tbla yfeik.thaa waro offered Inat. * 4#. BAI JIOH. Sept, 7—■Boord of , troa* *ccrof*H«n o> ma.kta la ■naiern North CotoUan loaf tokßofo belt worked orertlaM tealght pit ah In* up tho flrat two day** aglao of tobacco indie*tint row rpaordo hah bean net in celling s buna per koffoat Tbe entire bolt talked tohaeoajahU nior<> tojmcc* baa avaNMfßOd th* Mb' wairhouaea In both th* aOMII 08R Inrne cantem, Off total* Beared aol*o by Ibe 100,000 poondn Rolßg at (t'oullaued or H 0 Twf|

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