• o ;• WEATHER vV* y % : •'„% T? * » tartly clpady Friday |a'urday prabaoty ahowers. *' J . ‘ V * •w mt. f ns 1 .. 1 . \m.Mm ■■ ■ ■ «■ ■ ■■■■■■■ VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 166 SIR JOHN CARLING ENTERS PORT MISSING PLANES Block Ob Floors Os Houses (Seared With 350,000 Lbs. Yesterday: Total 901,000 BfUar Grata Expected fi Be For PROBABLY PASS 'MILLION IN AUCTIONS OF TODAY AH D»y Yeotcrdoy Given to Sales for Curria House awl Annex Eati«Mita *•>•:< or |SO,<rtHl jnuud* <? of tobacco la the Cun in homeland Waju Bonded warehouse. a fNrrln ’ hhi, «a yesterday krmtght **te-- ca the OuWsboro .naskct to !M>,QOo ' pounds for the Rtst three day* of the market. t Thosc who followed the sales closely stated that price* look an np Ward targf front the opening auction* and that the general average wa* bfg ra. geeterday’s auctions clear (he b*ortt which bad existed on the 'market lino# Monday «dgh«, and place the floors ta preparation for the re cant pt ton of Ike circuit this morning First' fitlo goes hack to the nig Brick house the house which got the. first' ski* on Monday end cstth-., liehed whet Is believed to be a world* reeord tyr sales under one roof by one set es bayers In one day nany above the to tal for the weak beyond the million pound mark, a ncord at Mast ofle third In advansr" of that *e! lor the first weak Inst year. Tberyjni iwm.gwHnios that the ofteridfh vffßTtndny *rt 1 begin to take on abe Bar duality, while there were fH*ona* sales for 5* and ft rent* yesterday, the average qual ity wan as a, losr grade and did not command *ueh*sHc*. Kspert* point had water roped a considerable por •laqtWbm V* pan«||uo.> aqi t*q» too |»- tfen Os the sand lug* disi»osed of thta year aad that much of the weed brought to the ftpora had been cored weeks ago, due id the varycearly sen- Continued check up of the biggar a market* df the Raatem Carolina belt stHl dtsc’ored that Ooldsbo-ct ha* maintained it* awn In prices with the other markets. The market Has drawn tobacco from a number of counties in the sale* this “arhek. BfTrn roaatlca were repre sented In the auctions - maiic hero yeserday. MELVIN BOUND COUNTY COURT :T "j •■'•.y. • Man Who AowMitUd Wife With -FUo At Liberty Under S2OO Bond " Ed Melvin, young white imTiT>ho o late Wednesday aftenmoon struck hi* wife la the bead with a file, inflicting Injuries which necessitated her un derfolng an pperatiaa a local hospi tal. -was yesterday bound to County Coart after a preliminary hearing be fore Mayor Jack HIM fit city court. Bead as I2*ft was allowed aad thia was furalthcd by B. O. Edmundao*. - Melvin bad explained that VtunHig* hi* wife In a hurst of anger when she bad struck him with a cmincclim: rod. The two had been wrangling ov er changing ; lire* on an aul"mobilc, It wan taid si gke. mkrtUs .rejrm r •‘"kid an vtDkdVf) »Wlf«»Vfh|r; "fli Vitfh was the high spot In the in Id week sc■'*l*oll of city court mfflbew Pbftcr war df?< haVgcit withe the costa for apedlng. Dank Rhodes paid U ami c<*sta for being drank. Isaac Hamilton was fined I, aad costs fpr speeding. _„ . TMOftMRR UiL% V '• ■» . HATAVI/, ft, r., Sept * m Two state trppperi were shot and killed today near <Ru»hford after it is said, they had nrre*tad Roy Wagnor ou a charge df defrouding a gasoils-’ filling station. Police'a* ones b?gan a search of nearby woods in which the allaged siagor took refuge. The meo killed w*r* Robert Ray t and Arnold jumgamte *■'_ _■ ■ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS . BEFORE THEY BUY. BIGHT PAGES TODAY INFECTED FOOT ENDS MARATHON Burlington Youth Who Famed Through Goldsboro Out In Kinston J*Hardrock” fltuliiigton v«ut who cradled considerable e«- cltcment a hell he Raised slir.iugh r.o’d- lmro on hi ■ proposed marstlion race ’o Mor head City and return In conrpetitlon with a Texas pony, devel oped an inserted foot in Kinston and did not continue the race. Rurltngloa ~a4*patehe* stated yesterday that lie had returned to his borne, but planned to try again on the’ marathon in n month. . » Stories nut of KlnMon held that rite pony wn* in much worse condition physically when the Lenoir city was reached. Simpson quit in Kinston when Dr. Ira M. Hardy told him' It Would greatly endanger his life for him |o go on, should the infection already ivident spread through his system.. He showed little the effect of the •ft rifle long di stance) pace tie had ret. The Trans p*ny was stalled S wiles east of Kl**s on waiting f>r n truck to haul him home. Me had dnn more than many expectoct him to da, and ahout all t'nt he could hav > done. He would hayn 4 been entlrelv ont bn nnsther rt*v. the born declared. The country hoy wlic wa< running or nn education, mid who plans to take o's ngoln wl hln a month on the «a&e IH'n cooftth-ot that he will win. tad many thrlMlng, etperlenc.es on the trip. He was nbowsred with ro*e*. Kiven police escort and na<ouiltvd and cha-ie,l as im escaped wild man. App*xaching Raleigh a meddle son grabbing at his trunk Biinfs son grabbing at hi* tr'uni. Simp son brushed his hand - aside, ft In •nlt d him anß *he called tavern I others and gav.e chase. Ihrcatenlir; to heat up the marathoner. "I did not have time to fight, even if I had - **~*’Mng man, and especially aralnst odds. *<> I went into n sprint that eliminated my ailveraHrlc* wl hiw 2Wt yards,” "lto< k’’-»*ld, rc ca’llng the Incident. He was chased out of (Jarncr, n moh evidently believing he wa* nn e caped Inmste from Dix Hill. He «ioe»n’t know what high have hap pened to bint if a traveling man had not Informed the crowd wlm lo; ws*. lh*y then cheered him on bis way, The or Owen F«u cette came in for a* lot of prattle from Blnrson. He said be did not believe eny could have got'on more out of the pony than he did. Until the last mlhute it was a hot rac - * with the jnaa and horse alternating and jockeying fer front position. —2___ -_i HKAKMT ('t’POSKD I'MIIHT • t/08 AVO ELKS, Sept. »-Wlltiam ffgp4o|ph Ifearst Jmul givpa ies of telegrams that passed bctweop Itlm and PhfHip I’nyne. manager «> f the Old fllory flying expedition sad who was one of the three men übonrii the cruft. Commenting upon the felesfrangf. Mr. Hearst raid - or,:;nr. jcwj • rip, <>u account of the recent dl*- aau«s, #«4 *--di4 -■ bp*t •'*«- pperwri-t '.he plane Uum. gftiag. 1 had m> Idog that Mr. Payne was going under sny cirriim*tsnees. I earnestly hope th*t all on boaid Old Glory will Ik> saved” n.A*H were maim: to DYNAMITE THE “"H, - • TBAfN -DF kFMAfr ’ W“ Constantinopi.k. Hert. * <A»> —A plot Ui dynamite fresideni Maa tapha Kamal's train when re rrlurned to Angora In October is said hv the authorities to have been confe-sed to l.y a b*nd which Turkev front the Greek Island of Samos and was captured bv the Turkish army on .August H. The accused are now on trig! to vMints*l court *t Blamboul GOLDBBOBO, N. C FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1*27 '' • d BIG RISE IN CO T TON PRICE Postoffice Receipts Gain 114 Per Cent kecripfs at the Goldsboro port office increased 111 prrreat dar ing lagast aver the same month a jraur ago, according la statistics tuned yesterday by Fnatma«ter K. A. Klnikins, who revel wed the rah'Untfail growth at total baal- MK handled by the local office. Daring Aagast IM! receipt* to ta'od M.7W.U*. Far August Ibttf the reevlpts wqre enly Wdt*2J7, U jump es atariinc off well,* said Mr. Mini kins, "and Ike chaares are that wa will do better than last year.” A comparison of the first eight mea h* es IWT with the first eight antti as | U made by Mr. Nlm kln* ladlentes Hint the gain la receipt* baa ret been confined te any ene month, during the first eight meath* Just past, the peat etftj-e look In Mh.IMS.MI. an In creb** of 1M05.17. a* receipts far the first e'ght amath* es IMt Were only B*M*L**« HOLD FUNERAL YOUNG WHITLEY; os . ! I*prge Grewdn I'ay Tribute to 1— Young Boy Who Died in ' Wikvon Monday P’UKMONT. Sept One of the Inrguat fuubra's ever held In P’reuiont was that of H Thomas WtiM«n pan- * fhfjay nftemeoa at five o'clock, con due’ed by Rev, Christopher 1 A quartgUe composed of Mr*. Frank W aUon, Miss ltuj.li Yelverton, Mr. _ 1 Paul Blaloek und Mr. L. J. Benton, 1 rang ‘'Abide With Me ” Pall bearers 1 vert-r JSlnr idid nut Hay.*, wtniain " nod John Overby. Prcd Doe*..Jßurtis ;iud Byard Aycoik and Claren^Cobb. Ths first irvrn named were first 1 -cousin* of Tbcma*. Bight girl fftends wwrc floral, bciu-ers, Ml**cs Gruwe Beeves. Peggy Strickland, Relay Flunor Best, I .outs Hayas, Mildred ‘ ( old,, Martha Mumford and Barab toanlala. Tha floral - wera handsome and numerous. A blanket! 1 of whl e aster* and white roses cov- j. ; . r.sl the ussket. Bcrvleea were short ; M»d simple cn account of his mother. • who boa heim pnistrated since his i dealh. Hi* fa'her Ms. II Thnma* j Whitley, was klllnl in an automobile aecMent in I»2J. Thomas was her i.uty child and Hiirli it KilgM ami pro- j inlssltig young Ik»>'. In the iwsst of j health and high spirits, he went tb j Wl|*"n Tuesday morniug to have his ■oasils nnd a few hottes later the sad new* eame back that U4M .« liui operating <wblo. - Friends were s Wilson, Zebuiou and Raleigh to at tend the funeral. ~ KF.If IKII TO L i . FINDERS OF OI.D fiLORT J Id)R ANGKf.KB, Cal.; BepC. 8 W,i. Randolph fftfftt. aponsor of the at tempted Naw York to Rome flight of ( the mbnoplanr O'd Glory, today of ((■red wre*viml-<d gUdpWXP tain and crew of the steamship ?h»t. r’llMj Lloyd, Ikrtaud, James l> Mill, end HH||' occupants of • li«- jlnor «>n Its apparently 111-*tarred J. " !c1 "- i . 1 "I know .that no rewind necc j ' '■jti'pmm *irM«tv> iritOT&vf ' the sear. h for Old Glory and i'a »h- I “gtljWtTd Ms jt vrllj gladly give <25.* i new Ow Ovr’Ptpfalw a«» ll>M (if fMfT *hip which find* them merely as an xprrEslQO of my gratitude.’ - ■f 1 i■ , —■■■'■■leiaa IVins Every. Merit Badge Ottered By Boy Scout Organization; Enters Select Class ID aid l.ll*s Goldsboro Boy Kraal who for aomrlliue ha* breu ike bailor Nreut of Aerlb Caro llaa, last evening advanced to a snloef claw, of what Is believed la he mere tha a twelve la the I'nit ad (Males when be eaeeeesfally pa send the lest* which give him every merit badge efferad by the orfagUgtloa. Crop Will Be | Less than 13 | Mi lion Bales Cotton Exchange Advanced $lO Bale But I utter Fell to $6 On Report NEW YCnrtC, Hept * l/F) A gov j ernment crop report IndicaUng n> yield of oafy tI.OTJ.KW hg|rs sent the j * o' price of cotton up tbs |H.’rn#tted lint I it of iio \ bale o« the New York : cotton exchange today. The advance j wa* o-it to approximately « a .ba) i before the. market closed, but even | this, figure, as aptiied to the gov ernmeut repor', an In crease of übcut s76.uuo,u*Ht in the value of tho crop and* if price* ore inanltulned should benefit mater-' laity the •"uttaern planters, many Os whom are believed to have marketed last season's crop si unsatisfactory price* 4 «Jhccmhor coo tree’s which hid sold nt 22.72 cent.* a pound *t tV open ing, rose 21 72 cent* underlie l» (luence of the report, bringing Into play for the second time this season the exchange rule limiting maxi mum tluctnallnns In one day to 20<t po’nts for $lO a bale,. Recent bullish prediction* were ren'tied when Muy coutraet sold U., .ar, , w t Uml ---- ff * - Thg precast ’ was b»»sed on Ise Sept. 1 condition of the crop which was M l rereent of a normal and the prdin Inary es’imate of ah mdon e.l scerage to Wept. 1 which wgf 2.* P87.0M acres or f.X peTeh*. of the 4“«M,td»n nrrrn in mltivgttnii July 1. The acreage remaining for picking i liis vciuon Is placed at 40,426.000, r cres. The ronditlofl Indicates u yield of 1451.3 p«Hnd* per aerp. t A month ago The condition wa* 60.5 percent of normal indicating a yield of T5tS 8 pound* p”r and !jotai production of HiALftno Uaie* based on Bvarage shandenment of . ecreage. The condition last year on Sept 1 was r.»,6 percent of n ntfrmnl. the yield 182 6 pounds p<r acre and to*at prisiucUou 17,977,374 balm. . The area left BoJ 1 for picking I'n thousands of acres) conditio,, of the report on Sept 1 and Indicated production in eouiva'ent 600 -pound bales hv atotea follows; ® Virgin'u acreage 7J, condition . .7n and production 37.000 hale*. North (V-ollne, 1.787; condition 64 and 911,000 Ronlih. r» rallna c^ituUtl-.ttHHF j»nd 784,000 ■ *• >G"°rgla 3,477; condition 65 and J(tis,ooo RI VING LIIBNTOIK C" DftlfHAM— IM’) Durham cmiqj y farmers are hoyt“« more lintesvoae than ever before. County'Ajpefit W._ I Snii'lt :itil Uhl.iv . Two <sr* of limcHton last week went lo th's laiwcs , Grove section and two others to Manchester, Yie’d ' f uo!* oo the farm l'wf“W .-nr TwynWT*im*nfFrWHPHrTsr I precent when limestone was used. HACK IVT WORK I ‘HKNItKIISON, S-iU |m Ah , increase. In the otwiibcr of employee , PlltcA gt.Ui,?:lr,.aJd.J.Jjit-J larrictt’. ; w «wmi/rjr*t?o6i’ ’WSF | “truck on August 4, jnsrkcd Hie [irn- Fgifr'jis'"iif <»r the hot, oo ; cram. ; Tfwif lfor. mil Ttslf of flu workers are now :cport<*i ba. k w( Iht*ir J rhu ■' ■ '- The *acce**fal passing of the last |r«l« hy Idles al an boaor roart of Tascurara coamll pal* Ills among Ihr very few Seoul* of the Failed Klsle* lo complete, all the merit badges. At Ibe same kenor ( earl, Edgar llala, son es Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bala, *Ucee««fally romp'eted Ibe work Icitdlnu to the Eagle ftcogt Schlee and Brock May Be Missing LOMKtS. Sept. 8- ((F)—Added to the worry Over the non-arrival of the Canadian plane dir John Carling is soxeyt because of lack of new < of the j rogreae of tha Rrlde of Dotroi.t cartylng B? Broukv and Edward F. Hchlqg, on a round tlu wKrld air flight. yThe p’a»e loft Rangoon for 'Bcngkog, Siam?, early thia irorn iuc and nothing hat beau heard of It since The distance front Ttingi.ui to llangkog is about 360. miles, hut that Ulcer is a possi bility that the §t>men having de cided to oa.tr llangkog might Dp directly to.llaitrff. I’rincc lode China, which would roor* than doitbe tligir intu.ded flight. Am* le y, therefore, does not yet amount to appreheuaion 6 9. ' JUNIORS PI.AN AID HOSPITAJ. * . ■ J-- ■ .* 4p»a! Take SlepK at Meeting Ijwl Night Awaken New Interest In l/odge Here I.inching a campaign to re«awakea Interest in the life of the ardor and I - i to serve Gold) l,»ro bettor, the Jmb; h.r Order at its regular meeting last 'vailing iantUucd proceedingt ioo&- iqg to the rc-equlpping, of two sun ■, nrlors «t tliie huspHvH >■ Committees weir alas named lo 4Mk* ecl the wotk of stimulating a new interest In the organisation v ~ Fifteen yearn ago, the Junior order furhl*h*d certTa quartern at the Go'dsho'o honpltnl. This furniture le t ow in need of being replaced. It tu imMcated and Junior* the meeting laat night approved (he. plan to iprchaac new furniture (or iHdh huu par torn at the hoapital. One cf these wi'f be U'ed as n ward for l-'ble*, a ttiVlee stated, Final vole '-mt thia p opositlon will be taken at aubav^ UVHmU me tt jinge -es The ofdft. All hmfhe-B present for the aea afon in T nlpht were named na a lomntitlee of ope each to gel oat other member* for the next meeting on Tncsdsv evening. The ohjpet la In havo the full 600 membership la the rlly present to consider new- plana for fhc b«Mly. The following were named .as pub licity commlittre. T A. Hen|y.T. J. Ca*ny and W. H. 'Hitw’S. A good of the order c*Tmlltee as follows wg* also named: Jim C. HoiitherlunU, j. C. Kiiwarda,'and ft. M. GilUkla. Novelt«t Goes on Trial For Murder ROCKVILLE Goan, Kept. plvc juror* were today added to the Teur *clecte<l yesterday In Ihr mi4.rd**r 4riaL which a* R* prietrpal chgractwr Cline, a nayeljs* wbpg* work have deaTt\ wit*Vf*iitur. pr mid suicide. Selection of the Jury I* expected 19 be ,<‘)impU:t-gd tumor row Today, tha eccond da) us ihri trial. m(jrh Ilk# -ytresHßorr~ L 7^"-" r '* * ! lit the group were » rrinufacturcr • v farmers, n carpenter, and h Is lorer who answered to tjte saliafac I '!r |H- eoyt, pmsCtiitlßi, and de ti'U«e, the .(lies*lons pub I.S. them, ..Yastardaya «ui.mtAi.*■*>, .*a».jvw jbnrwm.wAswmM l Atva nmt a i» *H+t y man werf a* <on the Jury.. _• . ; ,'llno’s wife. Mr*t Catherine. Clin*- v.i,d fits rs Gram) Raeids, Mich, were present -*ndsr 4nr the ttrxt tintc. clu**, adding «ne honor record le Ihat of Tit«e»,roni hiiwil, a ro-rn rll so« attruelina national af i. 4 tendon for Die namber of Kngle HeonU turned Twenty-ehrhl merit badge* were.awarded hy the court last evening. I»«y Kcout wan pmmetad to Hie «ycoad cigvs rsakv. EIGHT FAGEB TODAY Canadian Sends Total 01 Ships Missing In Efforts Fly Over Oceans To Eight nRST MEETING SOCIAL BUREAU * C‘ Fifty-Eight Familieei Given Re lief Since ldutt Meeting of / Bureau The Bureau Os Social Service met la Ihe Community Building al II o'clock Tuesday morning, this being tha first meeting since June Mrs J N. Jol.u-00, president being iu charge. Reports from the secretary. Mrs. L. D. (liddens. from the treasurer. Mrs C. K. Miller, and from tha colored am ial worker. Marlon Nlcbold, show ed Dipt the work bad proceeded satis factorily during Ihe sdmmer immths. Blana ware made and di u-usaed for the work of the fall. The priaM* i eat appointed tfern following commit tee for preparing aad running tbo Rest Room at the Wayne County Fair In October; Mrs. Herndon TuUl.i, chairman, with Mrn. W. W. Rivers and Mrs J,, Vanstory assisting. The import ns given by Mr*. L. D Glddeos, Secretary Is aa folloy Elnce oar laat meeting, wa have band led 107 cases -12 of these bare coma up each mon<h. A total of 68 hnvn re ceived relief. Rievea families have received milk. Thaae have beep UR visits made hy the neertsry, 134 dtriee calls, 38 teisplscna rail*, 30 letters hoc been written, S 3 letters have been re.-evled. There have bent no new problenr*. tat there have been interesting and aggravating phases of the old «n«a where the cob'acts wara so alight that we did not efitssify their fe queeta. Thia thought which we try to leave everywhere, that the noblest charily is to prevent mao from ac ccp lag charity, teems to have made an impression -in some coses. We have had a raoily good time working wlthjhe Health DaportOsoat. Fubilf; Weihsre offlee, •duration Army. Goldsboro Hoapital and the churche*. Wp have not alway* done things as some of tham thought we iiotild, but they havte been willing to* ad tu It that there was a method of procedure which had to he followed. Our work with the hospital wider it* ' UCW management, a*hough flight, ■ lt*a been delightful. Marlon Nichols reported certain’ eases receiving, help duttng the sam mcr, and one especially, that now. needs help. Rhe said that hy necei »lty the opening of the day nursery hail beam delayed a week by It* ' -Opening in assured for next week, , alm-e hv a public appeal. $l6O In cash had been contributed. Norwood Brick Co. * Is Now Complete ■* ■ - e RALEIGH Kept 8 (IT) Anollpf dew unit hn* been added to North (.aroltna a rapidly a owing brick lo duatry with completion of the Ged. % rt«* n »s2d'hr!rii.. Selma The new plant, erected me'he alls f the sold Selma llrii'k Co., 1* Cfiujp ped with modern waste hent dryers, down itrnfl hilii■ »iml (HMjsrs sllnllUf ..I equipment gThe meehanlc.il equip 'mn£r.~im 3«W>nsi swwSk--■♦•c-ew**?' lM>en built by J. C Hleefe, and Hon*, SPObMudß*.- »■ - . U V. 'mm <-i.' * Urn xtUtM U-aapahle stow ' 36 thousand fu< • brick dally Oe^rg. 1 M. Norwood, of Gddslmro I* preal dent an*) general miufttker of the ctiuiiM.nv t I.F.VEI.AAI> FAIR r- hhk. mv. w; i 3pfK‘ c.cve ’and County' Fair will Im held here r pt 27 m th'a year aad snnoance mint* Tom the nfDce of Df. J. R. im, aecretary-treasurrr. today l-idlt nte<t that a most successful *es ilun 1- ex|»cc.ted „ Cot!on, grain, honey, livestock, pool try. kb'»e economic*, household, art, antique, flowers and various other exhibits will be received and p'aecd for comLctitloo for moafy friges. J ■■ 1 ■ ■ Member of r fhe Associated Press rtnea rare licsiSifliiip No Keye Hn Cawht Clippw Sir John Carling Htiieo 81* Uft Wt» NO KURTHBR WORD OP OUI GLORY Royal Wlndpor Now CißPUlfl , *4- » K |l. I rahH-Ocran Hop * <» NICW YORK. • 80pt. »..)PN Th> Ing %M hattevod tonight to hare tnd ud lu night ie taMdoo b that port of raUaiag planet wbbh hag Ms a It 'd "Igbl nllw man* tha iuwr. Thr teat of tWM eight fftt the Ainmcan mwopinne uni which disappeared yeeterdoy N ft •*■*#** Tho Cartiag. OIX V Ponce Tally and U James Medoalf.. tooh off from Warper dbhog. WV P,q yesterday and from the tee* ea t: it laded from tha atghf of Wat Plan a* Pdyne managing editor of the New York Dai*y Mirror. Adj|H|t we>d- Three ehtpo atm tbra Iho aca today for Old Glory, lot paw knew where to look for ift Cirtiff, from iho thheeke pd«*bt atpr'dlrof the aoa. It wan IttyiMlMt ofcep to ee timete the poQhaito pMMI pietßof c f iu diaaator if —aH» thßOf »>oy Ontlmleta aaw toms laid We ak» e»d ■ yjr,-.:----—-z.a- !fg—^ plaaoa ia tha awaapt «• f*MN||V carried. Od fljpry'e foe oagfti Ml* kept her b the a»r~Jf ehe d* ** plunge Into the mo otter hgp SO* '.mu t o’clock untight Tho Cert !»«'» anppfy might hoop (Mr W*tt * o'clock iomorrow mnrotap Tmoa hop* ful peraoeg argued that if eiihar to* wee still in the afr tonight if JpMofy would hovf reachol load. Bd'OW > Glory continued no itg roooO «bor the 808, .it should hero urn aped tht trtih oeaat at I o'clock y retarder iJMr* noon; fha Carling sbOold Mff fti there early thii nwraWg' .* ' < RgyvnON, Bag. Boat - weary watohera oa |fkefbl'TWl were eUll without aewa of dp Cap* Wien plane Mr Jfhi Caritpg at | i dock this mom lag. # Mcarrk i lift I a were klagfcMrlata of ailing the fllare MHaßke a OPdh^. the AUenik without 4e*g alghted by a aiagto ship. 11 m . S." 1 w . —* u. . —: —i-t“. .-L-■ j--r -,gp- - v-igs : ; „ fr-tmywt. K^r.. I'hil Wood aod Duke Schiller hod**' lor and pilot Os the pm noptaPO Reyyl Windsor, whloh now (o at HarlMO '■race awaiting fkworohlc wodther fb a arnd.-Atlantlc flight* an«Ofl*oed here tonight that an Boon ao wwatlbf "*wwr iSjP ocean at the position given hy JRjf -ROB- m»*eag# weal par early f|6|r ■dor *r tb» PH 'Sboyr***— ' The film n pressed dpubt n# to tha rowitehogco gs thrtt flbM frm Tttr' deor. Ont, to Wladeor.xßna, boon**# of the meeaage received tonight frow Ihetf hackera advising an unat pthg the chance Jr : * )Th ' ' cHmr mPkl" MMf Ol.NTOM——Blxtoes copA a day <■> rb wag Ula coat of pp ado rational lour for H Lincoln oanapr club h'ya through tho fbdwoat oO* ton (f the state vortHttlp. OooOp*. Aren' j <•'■ Merrtaoa roporto. Hho trip wa* made Ip two Wheal h«0BW (nrnlahed tree add la ehgflhP «f 1*.., twHiwr nnd Agcgt lbfWM«-

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