* WEATHER IVKOAT CUHtHtYi PROBABLY , LatUß IWVIM * , ' ; rajjtjs J,,., .* VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 1«7 EIGHT PAGES TODAY . GGLDBHOBO. H. C SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER Iff, IM7 EIGHT PAGES TODAY *" »•*» flV* GBfl* REPORT SEEING OLD GLORY OFF COAST ST. JOHNS sj"Kiv'5 j "Kiv' ' '' • - ! **•.. 6 t Eternal Triangle Case Is Heard Oearaw-W. Waddell, about 47, formerly a resident or Great •vamp township but now residing in Wilson, was yesterday bound to Superior court by Bsq. W. G. Bntt on a 'charge of seduction brought by Mrs. j. a, Oerter. MBs. AMrier was tbs principal witaesa in the cast. Bbe testified that Waddell bis way with bar upon promise of marriage as soon as he touM obtalu a diverts from his wife 'The divorce was secured, the wit ness held, but instead of marry ing Mr*. Carter as ahV-w'legod he rromiacd, be married snot her "MUCH STAPLE IS CONSUMED Fndnral Reserve Bank at Rich mood Imues Statistics on Tapic Vk\ RALBIGH, gopt. 9-UP) -Cotton mills In the .Ifth federal reserve dla* trict consumed 179,4(1 bale* of cot ton In July, compared with 272,414 hulas used in June this year and 195, M 4 In July a year ago, W. M. Ho* y»a chairman of tbs Federal Reserve Bank as Richmond ia bia monthly ravisw of condition* shews. The mfjla, he points out, usually consume laps col tea In July than In June, a .'gymher of mills closing a few days ts'giva their employes a summer va ’Yraat-ramrib Nwjfcr*Toftaa milts used ISOAw hnleS. Routh Carolina ■|lUs laMtt belts and Virginia mill* 4,442 Bate* tbd mtew q&tlnaef. Most of ths mils have sufficient orders to run them Well Into the fall month* and goods are being shipped iU- ratmuf cured, fhraetirally no stocks being accumulated In sure ■ j, Reuses . f Btimnttfhd by Steady advances in raw cotton prices, buyers have pine ed forward orders In larger volume than for several years! Much of the business being done at present it'at figures claimed lb he below rep’aoe me«t most of the mills nr* nuking soma profit, since the gcod« sh’pced ware made up from cotton bought at lower prices than tbajro v now prevailing. Home adran%esv la Coth nnd yar-t pflres haye Item made in recent weeks, but the manufacturers can- I (end the did not rover the gain* tends by raw cotton. The labor situation changed vetv little during the past month, yox to* sals out In cltJes there Is h sur plus of labor In most line* of trade, but them la apparently no unusually large number of Idle workers. Th* turp’ui appears larger because of feomparison with -||eekt obnermal labor ■«. wall employed. 'A very l» r rc volum of construction work is still under way Id the. fifth federal reserve dis trict, ia spite of*t decline from Inst year’s records level, and Ihe mnnuf-u tuiring slams of the district as n whole were probably never busier than at present. Miners In West Vir glnis are employed above ibe season al jnrerajfe as tha result of hitiinlu tus miners strikes ia union fields. F rmers in the Carolloss are pro habtg In poef'lon fe tike more Itbor, > it reports. for harvesting their croj**< than they were last.year. The ciir surplus should'**make It c suffer for * TKdHi -uni#*** trie pVe*ja?v iJfrjr * dHUhtflr lane ladarable (from fee polur of vi,w of tHO workers than a raar ago but the consensus of opin km seems to be there Is no serious unemployment problem in the fifth district at the present time. LVYINB DELITED IB TABU-OFF v CKANWCLU Kng.. Bept '»-(*>)— -Last minute bulletins telling of ad verse weather condition over the At lantic ware all that prevented Chos. A, Levine, from getting away on hia trana-At!antic aerial reund trig. Everything was In raadiness for tha start this morning when word was received of contrary winds rang ing frees >8 to 28 miles an hour at vgriotyf spot* floag Uw rout*. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Father And Son Killed When Goldsboro Train Hits Anto - Near Garner Late Yesterday Were Hurrying to Raleigh For Medical Aid For Wife end Mother When Tfcev Drove Directly In Path of Oncoming Num ber 1C; InsUutly Killed and Auto • mobile Demolished Hurrying b Raleigh te obtain Urn services es u physician fur aaeiber member es Ihe family, t X. Altman, ft' .117.000 Gome Filth Dfwlrihutrd in VariousHectionfl last Year Washington, -gept »-xhe unit ed Ht 'tes government is couductlng so extended, campa'gn to restore Amer ica's game pod food fisheries. Despite President Ooolidges’ lean mg toward the old fashioned custom of baiting one's book with a worm, Hie U. 8. Bureau of Fisheries Is stocking the rivers and lakas with educated fish that on occasion will strike to flcs ns wall as lira bait. While the food fisheries are re garded as most Important about 117,- tyUO.OOO str'ctly gams fish were dis tributed during the rant year. Part 6f ihe game variety were raised at the various hatcheries operated by the httrenu, from tbe 'salvage work in ihe overflowed arena of the upper Mississippi during the. recent Poods. In spile of an annual increase in | rod notion of game fish, the demands 'of the anglers cannot be rod fully, and a considerable number of appli cations must be carried over each year to b» filled from ths next sen sonV declared Henry O’- Malley commissioner of flshe^t-s. - "This is largely 4ue to the foot ihat in many sections of the country the provision of an initial s'oek which by pajural reproduction will replenish the waters, does not suffice and {he hatcheries must provide the fish that pTe -to capture ,” * - « the past year the hirregn has distribuied about 6.500.000,000. ‘ fish nnits,” including adult fish, fln gerllngs, fry and eggs, in the gov ernment's flahcultural activity.. Merc limn 6.000,000,000 represented ' the iggs and fry of only four merino species -the cod, haddock, pollock anil winter flounder. About 300,000,000 comprised other impor'imi fommerrial fish such hh> it’s B ifes" whitsflsh and herring, shad and pike pvreh, or wall-eyed ydke. and- lake iWWI .1 Is orde rto deposit these fish In waters where they might grow to maturity, tha bureaus dlitrtbutton eers' traveled 42.640 miles while de terged meeaengpr curving fl«h traveled an additional 241,500 mile*.' according to a report msd* to f*ee«- Ury oF'Pomineree Boovei? Vy"Commit sinner O'Malley. RLAfK HIM.S Bins PREW DEBTS PARTY FAREWELL rapid rmr, 8. n., sepi. 9— opi —With a huge demonstration that brought out seemed to be the {whole town of "Rapid PHy, the Black Hills s«td farewell today to Praeidr.nl and Mrs. Coolldge hut drart their Ifuiltou auieme-' k#e direrlly aa the tracks ia frwut as It. Beth were hilled al maul instautly. their bedies being badly auagled. The aetemehlle was rempietety demolished. , , Trainmeu said that there was a dear view es the track at thro petal wpere the accident evented and that M seemed hard te ex plain why neither yenug Altman aer the elder Altman were failed te nets Its approach in time te prevent ike tragedy. Engineer Piper es Giweasbere, one of the seelien’s veterans, .was at the tbrattle when the ear was hit. aad Information here waa that the-Am part with the automo bile threw him against the side eL j his rah. inflicting Isjeriae shell: the head. . . ~~ REPORT BABY - BITTEN DEATH 1 story Fu Mother IxvekoM Inf mil in Ont House and Rattler ■* ... Bit Her v . >"• • MOUNT AIRY. Bcpl, 9- O no of the BiOst horrible enahe stories of recent years. Which bobbed up here a few days ago, continues to go t,be rounds here. After considerable difficulty in treeing down the story,-4t seems to Imre or|i-inaic ( | at or near Appala -1 hia, Va., and that the names were with held for obvious reasons. According to the etory, a mother was Aiavring considerable difficulty with eh Infant, who was fretful sad continued to cry, despite the best ef rorla of.the mother lo quiet the child/ Finally the mother threatened the .h% wltli a sojourn in a feed room v some other email baildlng bar’ r>s Die house, -if it didn’t atop cry ing. Naturally, the infant continued tr cry. The mother then took the baby nnd locked it up In the outhouse. Fhe then went on about her house work, naturally and as was to be ex pected, wl‘h hie crying. In fact, the child seemed lo raise Its ritch a few notches but tbe numb er paid little attention to It. half an hour or so the child’s cries died ont and the mother then felt that Ihe lesson had been sufficiently im pres-ed c-n the baby. When she went to the outhouse and unlocked the door, she found Initeed of a repen tant child, a dead Infant, bitlen In many places by the deadly rattle rnake, which was slill lying on the •poor near the body. The violent cries she had heard were readily rx i.l lnsd by the woman’s ghastly find end hlfo the dying out of «1«e baby’s crying. Aa the etory. after being first told Imre, wns broadcasted, it han drawn do wit the opinion that It was the mos-t ghastly snake s’ory tq he beard in this section of the slate in years. Sens here blame the person* con cerned with succeeding lu keeping fhdr nme* out of pahtt . " jj mi j> 11 umiiimmur iiimrnnmaPiiiiiiinmainmiiiii'aaß’ —^ Tem/Couhl Maitibt Governor of Indiana ~TmrrANAPOLtB. thd . gcpt ;> -(IP) Governor Ed. Jackson of Indiana w«i indicted this afternoon fur con si iracy to commit a felony and at ‘•mpled bribery. Jg>hn L. Duvall. Negro of' Indianapolis , was famed in anq her indictment charging via laiLv* oaf tKn on v raatkt wwuol Lvam unL •m*ewai ms ■ *«we a aafra - ft* ms s ■ m VIIBT WORKKUB BACK IIKNDKItSON. Bepl. 9-UP> -Wllh Ihe exception of a very few hold-outs and other* who have moved away, ihe 404 striking operative at tbe Harriett cotton mills here wye re ported 140 percent on their jobs today. A number of additional worker* re turned during the day and officials aunoum ed tueir appearance made the regular working intact. WORLD FLIERS IN HONGKONG Take Off For HhAaghai and May Not Stop djitll Tokyo Hoßtißftmi»4p«. •- - The Pride as Detroit] world girding monoplane. koppAd off from here a| 4:88 n'rleeh Ills morning for ShanghaL H oa» nrrompasle* b) three Bejel Air force piano. lu Dying In fhqnghal, plluts Kdnsrd F. Meh*M uwd WiJUem A. Brock planned la drive their ■mmeplane in# adles alo«g the China roast. If tferj deride open arrival a« Sksaghai 1# r«nl'*ne oa la Tokyo, Utoir srbedple previd a, they'■raft make a fbghl of laaa warn, largely over water. The aviators arrived lu Honk * Kong yesterday afternoon after . v i flight of CM ml|ev from Hanoi, Franee Indo fklfi. If Hkpnfßul |i roar bed In ' safety Me aviators will hava coverod virtually |I,IM uIM, more I baa half tketr routed dis tance around the world. STATE’STHOR? : ARE EXCELLENT p » W. H. Hoxton Reviewh Agricul tural CaodUioan in Fifth Fadoral Reserve 1 n A-v • 4BhA^m sm-RALRICH, »o!>t v „ •—-(JP> —North Carolina craps "are generally good hu year, says W. M. Hoxton, chair mob) of tha Federal Reserve Bank of Richreiuiid in hia monthly review of cogfitlous In Ihe fifth federal re serve’district, and ail of them tm- Ttoved during July Raftii were Blv nrable Oor com and tbe outlook for this crap„ Is quite fnvoraMe. Tbe yield this year is ntimoted at 41,411.- 000 bushels. Tbe hay crap is excenaat and pas ture* hdVq beeq„.gpod since June \. The peanut crop got off to a bad atari In the spring, which resulted I* irregular stands, but the crop Im proved considerably in July and a production of 214,313.400 pounds was iiHtiuated by tbe August H «;oudl lon. Applet almoet amogntdd to n fail ure this year, Hoxton continues. Tbe production forecast of 2,141,040 bush els in oqiyo* little dtore than n third of last year's crop and la leai than half tbe fire year average. The peach-, crop of 1,291,000 bu«liels was also ranch below last gear's yield. Thu cotton eror of Nofth Carolina appear ed to promise an excellent yield on August I, bnt th# weevil in a reel menace. The condition of the crop la fairly uniform thr«ugb«yt the state ud cultivation la generally good. toI weevils have Mb*n found in prac tically all counties nnd tliq laten»sv of the rrrtp and recent h-evv reins ere both favorable to weevils develop ment and damage. For the tenth consecutive month. H°xtf>* reveal* Ihe volume of ron% triu tlavi work pisorldmi for In permits issued In 2't fifth district cities was below the work provided for In per mit* Issued during the corresponding month of the preceding year. Per mit* for new construction i><«ued Inst month In the reporting elites num bered 140|. with estimated valuation of 29063,0tf|, corn pared with 1114 VmfSSM sod g valuation rA |12;523.17't 'trr'j\frfW‘ rht*‘-v-wwtin" TW4 ‘ iW-tnUTH *Yu ' juT/ of hist fWf - JNWr^Weraflbji, 22*P -ermila issued loot month sx ceeded 3457 permits for this class of work In July last year, bnt Julv valutlon figure* tota'lng „ 11.41A.-14R were below th- July 192* total of 11-644.597. 644.597. In combined vnlun'rloD for both new nnd repair or slierillon wrrrk rim fw rrrie* “ tfrinted "grir.ttt?- 145 lob'® month and 115,299,301 in .V • n veer sgo. a derre»*e dicing t 927 month of 14.822,144 or 21.6 pvreent. FI even of reporting cities showed higher valuation figures for July 1427 •than a w* rsgo. but 14 cities reported lower flkuTe*. Larger figures F> r Ju'y 1927 were reoortfd by three elt l*s each In Virginia and *W#*t VFr rlnn. two es«-h In North Caroling and Kutl’b Caroluis end one Ip MaY?J*l> Pence as the futuro guiding policy of mankind received a big impotus today in that great World forum Inte which the assembly of th# League of Na li'.uy la developing. GcrmsMiy, first among the great powers to take such h step, asnonne ed through Dr. Ou.stave 8 rcasmann, foreign minister, to the accompani ment of groat appllua es the dele gates and public that the* Reich, would accept the compulsory arbitra tion* 1 clause of the world court of justice and In solemn tones assured the oarombljr that Gormasy not only would travel along tha read to popoa, but would seek lo be a ptoaekr in everything that pertained to peace. •M. Remind, the French foreign min i:ter, with Dr. stronstoann a*d Sir Austin Chamberlin, one of the chief partisans of thq Locarno agreement i" address to the Internstlonal MAKEPUNS FOR SCHOOL OPENING ~~ , .... • , .«V. School Day WIB Begin at Bt4l, * Principals Yolo Al Meotiag During th* year which begins on Monday Goldsboro city schools will begin at 8:48 in tha mornlac Ishioad of • o’clock as last yeas and titara wl.l be no shortening of days wo ac count of rain, It was decided at a -meriing of principale with Burcrln tcri'i nt Ray Armstrong yesterday afternoon. Mr. Acmstrang went over with the prlnidppls plans for 'll* mine )< ar and lharq was rsund L’Nle d.M tnalon of problems «f the sysm. Beginning the school nt |:ft |g Ift* n»*aii:g mill mrau that the children will be dismissed for th* day ll mlq u'<-a enr'le- than on Inst yaar, It tu cxplaiaed. Ths ruling that them shall |>a no advancement of the end of Ihe day hour ot> account of raid} wcatUer is exported to e|iminste some con fusion vnich might have atteadei euq, a - ‘Atlandlng the meeting were: Mies Allis Freeman, prinlcpal of (he Wal nut street .irhool; Miss Mery Moore, principal of tbe Vlrgiala street school Miss Loutxe prinlrpal of the William slrret gramninr schoorivAfnl T. T. HniAllton, palnclpql of jffs high school « *" ’ 'Fbe entire complement of teacher* was expee'ed lo arrire in the city last night and nt in o'clock this morq lug the teachers thair rarions prlnicpanfCqfo milllnn tho year’s program. This afternoon st 4 o'clock at tha Old high school build ing on William street a full meeting of tracher* Uttf -be-ttvtd. ™- The commercial course o'fered al the high school wilt he brusdensd this y< ,ir, according to unnouncemani hy Mr. Armstrong. T. T. Hamilton, principal of the high school, gavq "ririiviwwlxwi • —D- George liavia. aged Goochland county physician, was found not guilty her* tonight by *" Orange county Jury of Ibe murder of Gilbert Tracey on tbe Mgirt of March 2. in the yard of th* physiclaa’ehCnM. The jury received the case at 7 o'- clock and returned tha acqußlAl ver dict alter dqliberatiqu. oge jjouf. newspapermen which electrified all, declared his conviction that peace possessed the mystic force which In* aured tu psruaaency on earth. Tlfe Polish delegation, after nego tiations the statesmen of the great powers which disappointed ear* liar hopes, took the hit In their teeth and tonight Introduced in the asaem bly a resolution branding sit wars of aggression international crimes and committing all the signatory na tions to settla disputes of whalevar nature by pacific means. This resolution will he considered later by the assembly. Declaring that the poet war parted has brought a eph-itual upbsval as wail as eoonmls and social changes. Dr gtressnuan advocated closer economic collabora tion among all nations, with __ Just wages and fair conditions far work* era, and then afTirmed that wlr no longer can he n creative farce that opens rathe to better destines FAIL TO FIX COUNTY RATE Several Members of Cilialml— era Abeeat From Meeting Held Yesterday Members of the county board of .conwaiastaaets nmegiag ia specie* session yiAnfigp did Viet go lata tha business of fixing the county tax ista as bad bean anticipated because several members of the board wars absent. They, however, draw a turn for tho two weeks term of civil ooart beginnig here Ostobar 11. T^agalive valuation reports dis cussed at tha masting showed that values as decide upon by the liat*rs | sad tha commissioners sitting 'on' numerous Occasions as a board of equal Italic® place the wealth of tho county aa about HNMO abort of last year's figures. Coroporatlon excess figures, however, are not yet eveilahle and it wee said they must be awaited for final valne figures. It is under stood the tax rata will not be chang ed , tP Tha jury list drawn was aa follows First week—Luby W. Stevens, ft. P. Johnston, W. H. Jones, N. M. Sanderson, Uw, J, Simmons, B. K. Sanderncn, Loyd Yeivorlou, Geos Mmundaon, J. J? SuntmcftTSTHK, *) Bent. L. O. Allen.'J. L. Hare, T. / Laws. C. L. Best, H. L. Hooks, S. O. . Montague, J. M. Ertgtr.ob, J. R Herring N. M. Pill man, Joel Denning. C. H. Tyndall, t. A. Hol lingsworth, Hlmpaon Hinea, Saund ers Wilson, 0. V. Hamrick, W. B. W»s«H, John Cotton. Hanes C “Hooks, D. J. Sasser( F. 3. Peel. D. C. iiherard. Jamen Holland, Billy R. Dee*, Clarence Gwairaey, J.aW. Tel rsftea. JJ 4 ..d. fburls. -J Beneed week -J*erey L. Johnson, O. A. Thornton, F. P Parker. Prank Hick*, K. T. Hose. W. C. Orire, W. 11. Griffin, Jr., Denlel Joiios, Charles A. Jtrltt, B. D. Her# inx. C. R. Yrtverton, R E towards. Peacock, O E Dawson, G TE Yel i erton. John W T Hoses, Forest Mitch - IBSSL 6- JbunmxgltlUi^JL. Andrew Smith, 0. H. Knwoles, A, R. Reliance, John T. Deee, Jr., Enom rox. W Marvin Thompson, L. Hollingsworth. Ben W. Daniels, Jul ia* K Sasser, W. J. MrTUeny, W. fc. Yclvorton, J. E. C. Hooks, June B. Dari*. J..W. Edwards, Jr. and Char twtc . ~rjcrvnrr~ MKXICt* "HOT uttkbpt TO ROB MAIL Time CHICAGO, Sept. O—W)—An uald uitlfled Mexican was shot and killed and three bystanders wounded by »>• Pee bnllela this afternoon after the Mvx'raa had brandished a Mg knife In no apparent effort to rob a mall track standing In front of the federal bulging. 1 t i j '- ' • i,#* 1 - 11 »H| I' „ Member of The A—ociated J p»m 1 Source «l Report CobM Not 41 A nee riained, Bat Agoat P Take* Act* GENERAL TURN>UBUC jf AGAINST /OCEAN ROM Fraat Throe Coathmatg All Gathorad Details Tottaf Stopping Flights - j HALIFAX. N. •„ Sept, Hui C. H. Harvey. loenlAfgaot Nr tig Marine end YVhertee deparftneat tw* raisrad m mseaaOe taaiuhl /M|J wa autlag th. been sighted snarer twenty m mOm northeast of ft. Johas. ' The origin Os the mabsegs «M M» atated b*t Matvey «t »*eehed B a Li— J J.—a JLW aa. . » WWdMM fur wifi MR fVTfCnPM radio at at Iqm, requesting gtl (hip )• Aftßi wakßo |A ka^#| to render every.otg, The tpxt as tha nuiit'iiiioftA tmiKtiflifri iioflMfid tkil kli |4i the flight warren as tuSbuoa lap pert, left LMdoo MP^BfAulmSli . aayiag that ha hag Itßuil M g*R* Charles A* Uvlna g djrtllNwK «f m flight at Uls eeaaoa rurOulg ge ogh ride to attempt.** f ~ Levine sad hie pilot, hoqrwsr, th* elated they would mat# tho sttaagN If they get J of ffie JunkevV plana JpflßSC#s? lighting what reeaug hf be « lew battle with the s‘roag'tide ilf pabtld opinion against intlrfOg • tteae-h* laotle attempt. - v JT, ' * London nswapapgii tsnMl —aHM com meat oo "f«»ot fHhhta" Bid Of* position to farihir AtfNKif SUM wgi XX pressed In aa latorvUn ta lop (-on Evening Nvwa nod Mag TjemoX, ,orm " Brlu * .y---.. T ; ' Three Types Firs * ttirlment of corn mid North ,Caratlaa Btote OutiegA hos proof t shame bars far use at tm : engineering and meat station at Oxford fir gincasft br the heads of theae depeftNiafh ' * Three type* will be k»ah]*4- < mto. brick, and hollow tthk tgfaah^ • ? ne ***lH* «T SSiUHRfLe wort®. , The atm is to eUmlaaiatlrq ItMhgd Between 70 end ltd karu alt barwed anaueßy, sacfifWng opl off th* tab* the ago oM lag barn VIM. ,i... A M cent* tobacco hllldi oTT**; caata eonght through tMh tha o*l research work N the eurtdg it tab# nco© sines the uatioo% ghg' > IM| was harvested, ha says. J ;•“ ftomc hollow tils ham hava head bt»Ut near Gulgahoro,