WEATHER $ » • ;■*.* V) ; • . «■ « * lA>c*l Sunday Monday general! fair. VOIIUME SIX; NUMBER I*B LEAGUE MEET DISCUSSES STATUES OF CANAL ZONE Safe In (Mice Swift And Company Here Is Robbed Os S3OO Cash And S2OO Cheeks * „ „ O t ;■■ , • » > f * OCCURRED LAST MONDAY BUT WAB NOT REVEALED BY POLICE UNTIL LAST NIGHT; SAFE OPENED DUR ING NIGHT BY WORKING COMBINA TION ANI* JRIMB TAKEN; REPORTS SiOOO MISSING IN ACCURATE —“ Tkw hundred duller* In cn«h and ttQtt hi checks W*f» token fna the wh In •Wlm ks Ike I oral plant •*< Hwift and Company. Vortb Jame* ptnwt, sometime la "I Honda) night, police revealed last eieulng. - Raring the week pa*l (hr p«l- I*» had aimulillr concealed in formation a* tb the rohberj be romimr puhllr, cloimleg ‘hat bj a# don la they n<mW hr better able to follow out Hoc*- la the rane. la*t evening, however, a mem her of the force admitted that they did not have any cine* “which amounted In anything." Igsroiery «f the robbery. nw made %y Bookkeeper Olhn when be opeaod the safe abdnt hi** laat Toe*day morning. the, police J said. The romhiaation on the aafe. a standard one. hud Hera wafha aad Ihe door opened, the brincsSjit AGAINST SHOW - 0 ’V v * ;, . - ■ C. jCltm/tm Declares Sparks Broke ('ontract to Show on Hla Field - Snit for |112.SO.against Spark* Cir cus which showed heir yesterday was filed late yesterday aflrm-Htn bye A. Humphrey. alleging breach of contract to use the Humphrey fiehl for show purposes In the appearance in the city. Attachment papers were ■erred on the (how management and bond vii potted for appearance at flto calling of the case. Mr. Humphrey in his complaint al lege* that he ento-ed into a coarse Vlth the agent of 'fkc Spark* Shown under which was tv have lined the Humphrey property near the Fair grounds. A rental tr! 975 for the property, and reserve scat ticket* vslued a 937.50 were specified n* remunera Hon for the uw Os thy; ltd, the com plaint *ay», at the eame time, th- continue, the contractlns agent* ‘‘eontemp'a'ed* , Mr,. Humph rey having the privilege of drawlnr revenue for parking of car.*. Thli item would have amounted to |l<w>. It is contended. „ . —— 15 BALLOONS OFF FOR R \CF t> Eight Countries Represented in Tfitli International tlas I tug Race • ** ■ * • "DETKOTT, TO Kwrt«T • the coir* of eight nations. >5 huge g aa ban* floated from the Ford air port here today and Wd.-d in the general direction of the Atlantic a’ the beginning competition for the thUrnattnint Hattoon arre .* *j"^ Each of the crews were determined to remain ah ft until the firthereet ,«xMlble dlnia!>(';*• nrom The-mrmrr point had Item reached: Tk«*« may ro atitement* from the balloon pilot § *" before they cg»t off haHaat and took to the skies. The pllota went aloft prepared to liriti rain and wind and t„fr o7 The kilo*. wTXjulppil with rhhhrr b»et* in case they ahosld he forced down orer water Promntlr at 4 o'ctock Malor flint* • nna M'vldanado and hia aide. Major neni'n W<>'a*. threw off the rope* bolding the huge hag tha Hlapaoa and |t roaa into a doodv overhanging rhq. A few minute* later th« balloon waa out o* sivtit In the cloud*. The other 14 entries followed at & mi» «ta interval*. . , THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. .. fi j ' ’ ” * ’ • • FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY money and check* taken and the doer clemd, it waa naid. Ta all appearance from the onUlde, In formal inn wa». the *nfe had not been lunched daring the - night, and It wn* anly apes opening it That the le** was feaad ant. , Heme (pointed ea that the work here the marks of an ex pert at the knaloen*, deelarlag that nethlag bat an experienced In the knalaeaa roald have solved the cemMaatiea aad apeaed the *afe. 1 Manager Wade es the eempeay conld not he commu leafed with laat eveaig far addad detail* of the occurence. Felice are cenUnalag their lu icxtigallon* .'An Officer denied that report* that IIM waa aeeared la the rob herjr were correct. ' ' [»cal Market Sets Record in Ist Week While official tale* report* aad average* Mr the market* ao a whole will not be available before Monday, it w believed that la Ike fir*’, week of the Ootdohoro mar ket ‘which closexh Friday. »*le* pa* ho (I 1.000.000 pound* *ettiag a new record for firm week total* op the market. Estimate* of *ale* range from 1,100.000 to 1,175,000. Sule* average l ? maintained on the market compared favorably with those of any market In the aoc tion, price* advancing consider ably on the last sale* Friday when a better grade of tobacco wa* of fered. WEEKLY WHITMER For tha week beginning Monday: Month Atlantic States: Moatly fair with temperature above normal. MU*. MALLORY WIN* SINGLES TOr«NBT PHILADELPHIA, Sept. Id— UP)— Mra. Molla B. Mallory, of Mew York today wo ntha Woman's Middle state* single tennla championship by defeat ing Kea ‘ Bowman, of Holland, In 'traifht, aetf < 4, (4—4. The match wna plnyed on the Philadelphia Cricks rt club court*. —i" '•»- C AKE M THUS OLB LYNN, Mae*., Sept. Id—A golden wedding annlveraary celebrated re cen'ly by Mr. and Mra. T. Frank Ty ler was featured by the cutting of * cuke baked by Tyler'* mother on W* wedding da. Another, made wt the tame time, waa aerred oh the cou twenty fifth -wanlwary, St. Mary's Parochial School Opens Monday Along with the opening of the CltJ schools Monday Will co»« tit* open •* tl» ait. Many * 41alhotUt I fcufU school for the flrat lime. Watara of lwma<yilatr H-art ot Mary fron. Scranton, Pa., have arrived in tic city and will direct the school. A kin dergaiten. special courses In music and couraee corresponding to the flrat ■wmi fnflWt «r ichotft wm w >d. The parochial school wliljl/e local oil at the old Morgan home at 205 North William atreat, near the church. During the pant summer, th* boJhc huM been completely remod'led and r#-fitted to meet the need* of tha school. The Slater* who Will be la charge of courses will also make their b«ilie at the achool uddreaa. The school will be open to the chil GOLDBBORO, N. C SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER ll f mi GRANTHAM MEN ORGANIZE CLUB AgrirulturaJ Commiasiofi to Aid Instructor in Community Projects Cooperating with Agricultural In Ntiuiior Seymour, Granthani town ship farmer* have organised tin Agrl inlturai Advisory Committee which will act a* a clearing home for ideas leading to the betterment of (Iran* tham tosrashtf. life. - He sunn I t • atingt the cr.m r.iitfee are scheduled and the chair man of the boaid or tbe iastpuicr In he *« bool may call the committee tryibur upon notice. Julius Ivey of Bento< vile, mute 1. *♦ s ' of the hoard, which in* ?l')*lc* fbe following: G: M. War rick. route f; E. A. Sle/ ev.s. H. T. Sasser, and i ewl* Bn*: of Mt. Olive route 7. County superin tendent J. T. Jerome u ex olft-io member of tho commission, fo-'perativ# purchase of material* •ie«<U<: In tbe township, together with oo.ivrstiv* sales occasionally, :-re *» he made through Mr. Warrlc.: if the board. • Its ne which the commission Ims upprme<* for the progrs nos garictj!- nirt* ii *iruction tor the coming year indue: one evening class, demon citation pats in cotton, corn, fob »?- *) and oUwr crops, six,heme sh;p*. oo‘h* stive shipment of hogs and poultry In car lots, Cooperative buy ing of fertiliser, sheds, lime and food duff. YOUNG BLAND IS TO BE HONORED Will Rtctivt Eagle Scout Badge At Baptist Church Service ! Tonight David H. Bland, Jr, will be raised to the rank of Ragle Scout in spec ial services commemorating the event at the First Baptist church this evanlng at t o'clock. Young Bland ie a member of Troop six spon sored by the church, s The Baptist church bulletin for to day will carry . the following rela tive to the service: A special Boy Scout Service baa been arranged for thia evening at I. Troop Six of our church will have charge and an interesting program has been arranged The other troops of the city will attend la uniform and the public Is general is cordialhr invited, of course, all tbe parents will be present and our membership wilt show due aitaN-est in our boy* by tkkir presence. Big Sale Burley Weed Is Reported >IRANKPORD. Ky, Sept. 10—fA*) — More then fislf a million pounds of Hurley tobacco were sold during Au gust. Clell Cgjeman, commissioner ot -agriculture, said today in his August •ale* report. Burley saleg, totaled 547,620 r ounds at so fversje of 16 97 a hundred. Hurley wa* the only kind 1 of the 1921 crop sold during tbe month. The overage for alt tobaeco sold was 9.11 nor hllHflflMl *- —. —r li en of the wSsmber* \f St. Mary’a Congregation and to other* Who may tr«tre »dnl(.al|f|i Ho a private nchonl >ff«rtng the advantagi a of careful su tei vision and Individual attention for fupUi; In mtialr. special courses In piano ind violin will be offered. Tbe Slater* belong to a religious *itWr-ni6f Ifad f» 01. tvortT of education and throughout the north ind west are recognised as experienr -1-d and capable teachers Juat lately the order'haa extended Ha work Into the South. In charge of the new institution ts Mother Kathleen, who state* that th* standard* of studies aa prescribed by the .North Carolina State Department of Kdui-atlon will he maiulaiued la all the grad**. YOUNG PEOPLE i resume work , r o I Baptist Bulletin LlaUi Young People Leaving For Cdlagen BisWn girls who are member* of lhe Flrsi Baptist church will emn resume their college studfus; seven young women who are teachers are new tmglnning) anew their tasks: and thirteen young men who “are number* will soon he off to collfg for the fir f time or Iff again inks up tbrir studies. The current issue of the church « bulletin ha* the following name*: Kdna and Huth W*idi\jan, Mars Hill Virgtnia Crawford. Annie M Kelly. ,Meredilh; Dnrothy tluthreU, dteva Itich, Sadie 1., Southern land, Lillian Stroud, N. C. C. W.; Margaret Mor ris. I-Vederl. kdburg, V*.; Klisabeth Spears. Margaret Kobin*on, t’ynthla IMuglury, Kisie I>»e, Elisabeth New sume, E.\G, T. C., Greenville; An nie Mue Brown, Greensboro College; Mabel Shipp, ffeilford; Ruth l*>n •vlelle, Massey’s Business School, at Riclunond. Vs. Tcschers: M»ry Zealy, Evelyn Wil kins, Lexington, N. C.; Miss Kate Smith, Gastonia. N. C.; Miss Annie D. Denmark, Anderson, 8. C.; Sudte Creech. Cbnrlotte. H. C.; Miss Mil dred Edmund son. Tallahassee, Fla.; Maybella Mitchell, Greenville, N. CT« Albert Cark, Robert Zealy. Edward Barker Robert Yelverton,. Walter Creach, Otis Parsons, Carolina; Ed win Stroud, Davidson; tinsel Zealy. Harvard; Tbeo Montague, Newton Mathews, State College; David Liles Wake Forest; Ben Grady, Richmond. I Charles Bast, Duke. mm ■* - TEACHERS HAVE FIRST MEETING .Ar* Wdcotwl to CBy On Behalf ' es Churches and On Behalf Os BoaN 6 r . Final plana for the opening of th| whi • schools of the city dm Monday were made full meettag of tbs teachers with Superintendent Ray Armstrong at the old high school yes terday afternoon. On behalf of the ehurchcs, a of Goldstar”. Rev. J. M. Daniel Wel comed the teachers to the c{ty and W. F. Dee# «spressed the wnlcoraa from the city board of education. Mrs. W. D. ('Chech, a past member of th« school board and Mrs. J. N, John son. recently named, together with C. E. Wilkins of the board were intro duced to the group at tbe meeting. “It woulfl b* n great help If child ren would .come to school Monday prepared ta buy their books and got down to work tba next day,*’ said Hay Armstrong Superintendent last evening. "Further it will be mors convenient for all concerned if books nre paid for with checks.” FRANCE WINS DAVIS TROPHY Hi* Rill Tilden Crarks In Final Round and I .aroute Takes Match i _ OERMANTOWN CRICKET CLIHt, Philadelphia, Sept. 10 -UP)-' Tho Davis cup. coat highly trophy', passed today from America •ha .anaoow dee Hte. fleet time tw WoTjJT TnT'dramatic “uplftW Ugh? to victory France's youthful stars Broke through the Heftuiui of Amcr! 'cnV veterans, raptured botii. of the remaining atngtea *UTctl»* tbtji kf l»ui,mg and wud the < lisHrage rrmud by the clout decisive marf*n of 3 to America's hopes had been buoyed k**k la. ifeß.atepftlihiagi, sapiftoiltjff. William Tttden in two previous days of victorious play that' had put the defender* in the lead They faded. VTiiddenly however, jditt Bib Bill torlny cracked under the strain and fell before the machine like onslaught a of Men* Laco*t«v They vanished en tirely when .Little Rill Jolm don, al though making a gallant as well aa unexpected s'nnd. yielded to the sup erior stroking control of llenri Cocli it io the Huai match, Former Eoreigo Minister Panama Wants World Court Os Justice Act As Referee As To Question Ot Sovereignty Ot Zone. HELD FOR MURDER WIFE AND DAUGHTER OF MINISTER SHE ADMITS SHE LOVED R, 111. OkU. H.,1. I, UR)— Mary Atkinson, it year otd mrse wke hi In Ike res ply jail wkfte aulborltie* are investigating the deatk of Ike wife and as W year •Id Onaghter of the Ran. Charles Bailey, paster es It, Matthews I pi scope I rkarek kern, hod pro fesded her lev* hr ton miaisier he re tested today. The gray-hatred minister laid newspaperaian that Mias Atkla *ea Irinili had teid him she loted him, WA* 'snld ha dM not FLIGHTS MAY , BE ABANDONED Brock Hops Oft Prom Ho«ffkaac For Tokyo In World Y'r O' Flight NSW YORK. Sot. 10—<*>— *x pectations that Captain Rwi Fonck end Charles A • Levina would abandon thair proposed Usne-Atlantla flights ■ rawest ronger today and (urthar at tempt* war* mada to dlaeosraga tha projected traaa-Rsolftc bop ot Ed ward F. Schloo and Wn». Brock, a, worWfffnlUug fltort, aa roaulta at the international war* oI protoot that < liaa followed upon the loaa of tho plana* Old alory and tha Mr John Carling. In addilion, tha taarr department, waa urged to taka steps toward pre venting further long distance fligbU ever water la a report by Lt. Boa H. Wyatt, of tha commit'#* that J*- the- B*4<- flight ptaftes. Thera waa dl aont however, frond two quarter* la Dublin, ‘Captain Robert Madntoah la awaiting favor tbla condition* to (tart kta airplaaa Prince** Kenia toward Amarlea, Ruth Rider. 23 year old avaitrts, announced ».t Tampa. Fior'da<<her determination to carry out her intentiou to attempt te fly from New York to Paris. . After tha Nuvy depannaat had forbidden his anafstanta to engage IKI the Pari* flight. Captain Fonek In dicated ha might cancel hit pinna. Levine’B itatemrnt la London that ha would&bandon Ida flight to'VAmerfcg unlaaa conditiona improved by Mon day waa followed by hla aeeerttoa that he and hla pilot, Captain Walter Hlndcltffe, might fly eastward next week In attempts to break the krarlda endurance and long dtatance flying records. o SHANGHAI—IAPITh* Pride of De troit hopped off at 5:4? t. m., today for Tokyo. The globe flltr*. who ar rived at 7:Cd p. n>. yaaterdaj from Hongkong, wane eager f© rVsume'tW Journey at da) break today, nothwith t lending that the of hack* log headendj bad kept them IX MUM dir the air on their lam hop. They ware aided in get ting away by British Air Bor re men. In reaching (Shanghai llrock and Sehtr* travelled H,®7il mUsa. —— ——— ---------—J Farmer s Must Organize , Jeter Tells Rosewood "Cooperative farming" was tba.aub cultural Specialist from* State Col lege, Raleigh, before the meeting of --tho —Rosewood Cunimuiiity Club aw Friday evening. "Farmef need lo be ofganlsed into a aolld grr-up" said Mr. Jeter. They , pt*es, uu-“r*»itu**tion wbt<dtx mtatinK* to which delegates may be sent, and plan* diveunaed, etc., such a* the Ml'rchunta A aoclatlon. " "Thar* is something wrong with, the farmer:- of North Carolina, They am Nitffcriug with some ronditioaa which have rot t» be fought by *oclr Hubs as thir. What is the reaaoa that we sea the farm fences failing flnwtl and paint iteeliug off the bulld tugt 7 it I* because wort gagas qre kg FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY H*r ordeal nntaN ha# prosed a grant emhnrrnsoawnt In him ni limns, he sold. .. Mias Athinsbn feUested the mlaisler sad his famßy hero from GaiaessMle. Tex, fear Meath* age aad Used with the Halleys iMI rorontly whea Mr. BaMay saggroied her dnpartaro. At that time she threatened suicide. Bhe was often weedy and had a ttneoMerlng temper, Mr. NEW PROBE OF' GRAFT CHARGES IMUnn Governor Hold and Grand Jury WiU Examine Mare Wltaeeeee INDIANAPOLIS, lad.. Rapt. 10 - (Pi—Enquiry into chargee or politi cal corruption la Indiana did not and with the return of Indictments against Governor Bd Inekaba and others» William H. Remy. prosecuting attor ney and bis aidee said today that many more wlUaaaaa would tontlfy before the grand Jury. Tha protean .tore did nbt reveal, bowaewr, what particular pklaa of the charges would ha investigated. > 0 Governor Jackson. George Coffin. Repulicaa county chairman and Rob ert I. Marsh former attorney for the Kn Ktux Ktsa on charged of rongptrncy to commit a felony and attempted bribery, will ha • reigned la court Octobers. I. Mayor John L. Duvall of Indlaaat>olia also mas be arraigned at that time oa aa Indict ment charging him »tU» violation, of Iba corrupt practice* set. He goee bo trial Monday oa amllar charg ee continued in an affidavit filed teat bight. . "Jloh es the quartet! under indict ment had made any public statement. GASTON IKAXB WILL MCUTK Cl A RGBS OF . H) SUING MAN'S NAME WASHINGTON, Sept. I#—(AV~ ‘ Gaston B. Means, tamer department of Justin* agent, now serving a two year sentence in Atlanta federal peni tentiary who was a witness before lbs senate committee tnvaatigating attorney general Daugherty wjll not be prosecuted in a charge -of gorging the name of Senafc* Hrofchart of lowa, an Federal Didtrlct Attoraey bare had nolle proaaad Be >e*e. Means was Indicted i nlfttS for the alleged forging of the senators name to a letter directing him to produce various records sad > afore (ha. committee He 4e aerviag in the mall Trend sad the nuthorHtev here derided not Ito arerat him upon its expiration. He ij already had saved a perflons two-. tyearxerro for a liquor conspiracy. weaning. The farmer bo row* money MT which c lt must pay «i* doHar* op eyery hundred, while he make* only three dot lan on each hundred Itt yaatad. i— “One trouble la that the farmer la overtaxed In proportion to men nt work in the dtlea. When the tax at ..bWWC. .soot to a iarm U Jta.aaao a r.ood home) live atock. fields, etc., he tnxe* what ho can nee. In the ctly, the income are large but the a* •** ’ or doesn’t ##* much ao be does not . TM much The farmer asy* If *--0 I.e?(ent whlle other* pay 11 9-lh per i cent Jo*cphu* Daniels haa said that r 'he farmer* should have representa tion on the tax commission, . “Everjlthlng the fatrmer buys It made by «rs saltation*. They set their (Continued on |*t|« TwoJ ‘ Member of The Associated t, . - 5 Press . -.-- ." ■ t-j- ‘ .i IpfUCE FITE CENTS Opposed to Craallnß Special Lea gue Nations For American • Coni inapt EXPRESSES VIEW THAT NO COMPOMISE LIKELY Question Deemed of Vital Im portance for United States’ Future GENEVA, Sept !0 UP) -The sta tus of ihe Panama canal sons, a quae-; tioa deemed here to be vita) fog tbs United State* because it la connected with problem* of American a»ttoaal security, was raised auddealy at tbt aeasion of the assembly of the League of Nations tonight. Dr. Enas bio Mea sles, former foreign minister *of Pgnama, brought the subject np apd sugg-pted that anlaaa tha jupiiwt States accepted Faum’i claim to rovarelgnAy over the Canal hm. this controversy and any other dis pute should ha submitted for settle ment to aa importUd court of Jostles. . . It wav inferred that Dr. Merale* ad \orated referring the Panama coafkrw versy to the World Court of Jastlaa at te Hague, heeause la vigorously or posing the creation of a speak* League of Natkms for tho American rontnlent, he advuaced Ja one of hie reasons that such Tbtep in court which, ha held, would after no greater guaFaMMha pf Impartiality than the Hague court es Juitlc* eraaj ed under the auepieea of the Laauge of Natrona. Dr. oralas declared thdt PaaApa of tha remarkable passage linking the Atlantic and Pacific ooaaae had grant ed to tho 17. B. la perpeutity Aha use, occupation and controls of a seas , 10 miles wide aoroes her territory for the construction, administration, maintenance, saalta'tdn and footqc* ° lion of the Canal §pd the eaerclee of , aU rights, powers and authority avag the none bp th* United Btafcaa “aa it the United States pow»M*d sovoga eignty over the territory.'* But, he explained, a aerioaa quae- iKm rift* ftrtftftti m rtftra w whwb no compromise was poaalbla heupge It could net be settled unless oa* at the parties completely adopted t)M views of tjM other. ' a , - OUT rXDIR BOYD OS MTKItRR COCKT e BMITHFIELD, dept. Id—Otis won charged with killing Richard O'Neal a farmer with an Automobile Jack, w*J freed unde—tfd>od bond hare to* Rond was fixed at a preliminary _ hearing aftd Immediately afterward the bond wm furnished by hia nalgh* bora. Wall, who surrendered te M* thorlties after the killing win pioaß .self defense. - > — : ■ —— —*TT» ’•» "’ T r r ' T1 "" "" <* '♦' »» o* I '■ ‘ ' Ms aa ' UK WM ft TBYWfI # ** Axlaff IB LOAmfttf CHICAG4L B*W M -giV-Walter ftffhuljg ki mol**. , t iilnlng a good lead UP to the final round of tho Western open golf championship today We ha broke per by one stroke on the f®urtl coarse Icf Olymrla Notda aa* added a «*t «f to hla 137 for the flret'two rounds frtf WL ttm am' DR. WRAYBR TO RBBpsN BIRMINGHAM, Sept. R. W. Weaver will reelga hla post a* o? Worcer Tf Mac op, Oa.. to become corresponding t secertury of the educational board el tha Southern Baptist convaatioa .Oc i, lahat i» it vw axmaasMi «f> I flee* of the board here today. IXJrMCTIOM GIIUrRB 1 _ r ,r —— ~ r ■ --*aBFT I STEUBENVILLE, Ohio, Sgpt I*—' UP)—A preliminary Injunction setttag t Jbe limit* of Union pkketJag at seel ■ mine* In the Eastern Ohio field wen ' . granted today by Jadge Beneea W. « Hough In Federal court be*» the lb* r juriion will be effective at • a. DU

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